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目的评价在经胸超声心动图(TTE)监测下用Amplatzer封堵器介入治疗房间隔缺损(ASD)的可行性及实用价值. 方法全组共18例继发孔型ASD患者,均在常规C型臂X线机透视和TTE指导下经导管置入Amplatzer封堵器. 结果18例患者中有2例未放置成功而改为开胸手术;16例均成功置入Amplatzer封堵器,即刻完全堵闭,术后随访3个月至2年,TTE示ASD仍被完全封闭,未见残余分流.随访期间无任何并发症. 结论在TTE和X线透视指导下用Amplatzer封堵器治疗继发孔型ASD安全可行,具有一定实用价值.  相似文献   

<正> 本文报道经食管超声心动图(TEE)在Amplatzer封堵器修补房间隔缺损(ASD)术中的应用价值。1资料与方法 6例继发孔型ASD,男2例,女4例,平均年龄32.8岁(16岁-56岁)。采用连续波多普勒(CW)测肺动脉收缩压(PASP),平均为36.2mmHg(15.8-44mmHg)。明确ASD位置、大小及残端长度后于右侧股静脉内穿刺插入导管,在TEE引导和监测下将球囊送至ASD处,经球囊注入造影剂,测ASD最大伸展径,选择相应型号的Amplatzer封堵器,送  相似文献   

目的 评价经胸超声心动图监测 (TTE)Amplatzer封堵器介入治疗巨大房间隔缺损(ASD)的安全性和可行性。方法  2 1例住院患者 ,男 12例 ,女 9例 ;年龄 17~ 4 5岁 ;均经临床及超声心动图证实的继发孔型ASD ,以充盈球囊最大伸展直径加 2~ 4mm为原则选择封堵器型号 ,TTE监测下放置Amplatzer封堵器。随访有无残余分流及是否影响周围瓣膜和静脉功能 ,记录临床事件 (血栓栓塞、心功能不全、心律失常等 )。结果  2 1例全部封堵成功 ,TTE监测放置Amplatzer封堵成功 ,手术成功率 10 0 % ;术后即刻及 1天、3天、3个月、6个月、1年复查TTE观察无明显残余分流及影响周围瓣膜功能 ,也无腔、肺静脉狭窄 ,无血栓栓塞事件发生 ,无封堵器移位和脱落 ,心功能有不同程度的好转。1例发生频发房性心律失常 ,经心律平 4 5 0mg d治疗 1个月后消失 ,无其他并发症发生。结论 Amp latzer封堵器介入治疗成人巨大ASD是一种安全、有效的治疗方法 ,TTE监测ASD介入封堵治疗整个过程 ,可以提高一次释放成功率  相似文献   

目的探讨经胸多普勒超声心动图(TTE)在引导Amplatzer封堵器介入封堵房间隔缺损(ASD)治疗中的应用价值。方法对106例先天性心脏病Ⅱ孔中央型ASD患者,经右心导管在TTE和X线实时引导下置入Amplat—zer封堵器,观察封堵器腰部卡于房缺处、左右心房面的两伞平行、稳定地夹于房间隔两侧,同时TTE检测无残余分流和周围结构的功能障碍。结果106例Ⅱ孔中央型ASD患者,4例封堵失败,101例一次性封堵成功。术后24h、1、5、6个月随访复查TTE,均无残余分流和其他并发症。结论TTE在Amplatzer封堵器介入治疗ASD中作用显著,具有十分重要的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的应用国产Amplatzer封堵器治疗先天性房间隔缺损(ASD)并评价其疗效。方法12例ASD患者行Amplatzer封堵术,均在经胸超声心动图(UCG)及透视监测下用Amplatzer封堵器介入治疗。结果12例均获成功,技术成功率100%。术后即刻UCG显示2例存在少量残余分流,分别于1个月后、3个月后UCG显示残余分流消失,即刻完全封堵率达83.3%。随访2个月至1年,无残余分流及封堵器脱落,肺多血及右心房室增大较术前有不同程度的改善。结论在UCG指导下应用Amplatzer封堵器治疗ASD是一种有效的介入治疗方法。  相似文献   

Amplatzer封堵器经导管治疗多孔房间隔缺损   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
目的 :探讨 Amplatzer封堵器经导管治疗多孔房间隔缺损的临床应用价值。方法 :全组患者 6(男 2 ,女 4)例 ,年龄 4~ 5 0岁 ,经 TTE或 TEE检查诊断为多孔房间隔缺损。均在 X线和 TTE或 TEE监测下经导管行 Amplatzer封堵器治疗。术后重复 TTE或 TEE、ECG及 X线平片检查以评价疗效。结果 :全组 6例患者 Amplatzer封堵器置入均获成功 ,术中无重要并发症发生。其中置入 1个封堵器的患者 5例 ,置入 2个封堵器的患者 1例。术后即刻TTE或 TEE检查 5例无残余分流 ,1例小缺损孔有少量残余分流 ,随访 1年中少量残余分流仍存在。1例肺动脉压中度增高患者 ,术后 3 0 min测量肺动脉压下降 >2 0 mm Hg。随访期间所有患者封堵器位置形态良好 ,未发现封堵器的变形 ,移位以及金属结构断裂等改变 ;右房 ,右室有不同程度的缩小 ,X线平片显示肺血有不同程度减少 ;术后ECG检查均未见心律失常发生。结论 :Amplatzer封堵器经导管治疗多孔房间隔缺损是安全有效的。对于相隔距离较近的多孔房间隔缺损 ,可采用单个封堵器封堵 ;而相隔距离较远的缺损 ,可采用同时置入两个封堵器  相似文献   

经胸B超指导Amplatzer封堵器在治疗成人房间隔缺损中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 评价经胸B超 (TTE)指导Amplatzer封堵器治疗成人继发孔型房间隔缺损 (ASD)的价值。方法  30例ASD行Amplatzer封堵术的患者 ,年龄 13~ 6 5岁 ,平均 (32± 15 )岁 ,术前及术中采用TTE指导封堵 ,术后即刻及术后 1个月 ,3个月分别行TTE检查评价治疗效果。结果  2 4例 (80 % )患者术前和术中直接采用TTE指导封堵成功 ,总有效率为 80 % ;5例 (16 7% )患者术前加做食管B超(TEE)选择适应证 ;1例 (3 3% )患者术中加做TEE指导封堵成功。术中未发生任何重要并发症 ,无急症手术病例。术后即刻TTE彩色多普勒显示 2例 (6 7% )存在微 /少量残余分流 ,术后 1月TTE显示30例患者的ASD完全闭合 ,封堵器形态、位置良好 ,未对毗邻结构产生影响 ,且未见封堵器移位及ASD再通。结论 TTE可用于指导大多数ASD患者行经导管Amplatzer封堵器治疗。  相似文献   

2001年9月至2004年8月,我们在经胸超声心动图(TTE)引导与X线透视下采用国产封堵器治疗继发孔型房间隔缺损(ASD)49例,取得了良好效果。现报告如下。,  相似文献   

房间隔缺损 ( ASD)是常见的先天性心脏病 ,既往手术为其唯一的治疗方法。随着介入医学的发展 ,目前已有若干种器械应用于 ASD的介入治疗 〔1,2〕,Amplatzer封堵器是其中有代表性的一种。我院从 1 999年 8月开始应用该封堵器治疗 4例ASD患者 ,现报告如下。1   对象与方法1 .1   对象4例患者临床资料见表 1。表 1  4例患者临床资料、ASD及封堵器直径病例性别年龄 /岁 ASD直径 /mmTTE TEE Balloon封堵器直径/m m1男 44 15 2 0 16 172女 2 2 18.41717 193△女 36 2 2 2 42 42 44女 40 6 6 .5  12 12   TTE:经胸超声心动图 ;TE…  相似文献   

目的 经胸超声心动图(TFE)监测下经导管置入Amplatzer封堵器治疗二孔型房间隔缺损(ASD),并对其近期疗效进行初步评价。方法33例患者,男性15例,女性18例,年龄3~17(8.7±4.0)岁,体重12.5~53(28.2±12.1)kg,单发ASD 32例,多发1例。所有病例均于X线透视和TTE监测下置入Amplatzer封堵器闭合ASD。术后重复TTE、ECG及X线平片检查。结果 术中TTE所测缺损大小为6~23(13.7±4.2)mm,采用封堵器直径为10~26(17.2±4.4)mm。33例封堵器置入均获成功,技术成功率为100%,术中2例发生一过性ST段抬高,并自行恢复,无急诊手术和死亡病例。术后即刻TTE显示3例(9.1%)存在残余分流,2例微量残余分流于术后24h消失,另1例为多发ASD患者,术后24h及5周随访提示残余分流仍存。结论 在合适患者中,TTE监测下经导管置入Amplatzer封堵器治疗二孔型ASD是一种安全有效的方法,在该部分患者中可以代替经食管超声心动图(TEE),但在应用过程中必须严格强调适应证的筛选。  相似文献   

We reviewed our experience using the Amplatzer septal occluder (AGA Medical, Golden Valley, MN, USA) to close large, secundum-type atrial septal defects (ASDs) in children. Between June 2002 and December 2005, 52 patients (mean age 13.5 +/- 8.7 years) underwent transcatheter closure of large (>/=25 mm), secundum ASDs with the use of the Amplatzer septal occluder (ASO). Groups 1 and 2 included patients with a retroaortic rim of <5 mm (n = 39) or >/=5 mm (n = 13), respectively. All procedures were performed with general anesthesia and transesophageal echocardiographic guidance except for 10 patients, which involved local anesthesia and three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography. Successful device implantations, device sizes, approaches, complications, and closure rates were assessed. Device implantation was successful in 50 patients (96.1%), with no difference between groups (95% vs 100%, P>0.05). In 2 patients, implantation failed because of embolism or deployment failure. Device were larger in group 1 than in group 2 (29.7 +/- 4.2 vs 26.7 +/- 3.8 mm, P = 0.04). The right upper pulmonary-vein approach was more common in group 1 than in group 2 (P = 0.0001). Complications and closure rates did not differ between the groups (P > 0.05). Transcatheter closure of large, secundum ASD by using the ASO device was feasible, and complication rates were low. A deficient retroaortic rim did not preclude successful device implantation; however, a large device may be needed to close large ASD. Close long-term follow-up is necessary to determine the safety of transcatheter closure of large ASDs in children.  相似文献   

To simplify the conventional procedure, we developed a technique for transcatheter closure of atrial septal defects (ASDs) under transthoracic echocardiographic (TTE) sizing without balloon sizing. At present, device closure of interatrial communication has become a well-established technique to adequately treat severe left-to-right shunt associated with ASDs. During the traditional procedure, fluoroscopy with the waist of a compliant balloon is used to determine the appropriate size of the closure device and defect sizing. Choice of adequate closure device using transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) has been hitherto unreported. Between December 2002 and August 2004, 40 patients (15 males, 25 females, mean age 11.7 ± 7.8 years) with secundum ASDs underwent transcatheter closure at our institution. In group 1, 30 patients had the procedure by balloon sizing and TTE sizing. In 10 patients (group 2), TTE sizing was used as the sole tool for selecting device size and the device size was chosen to be based on the Amplatzer septal occluder (ASO) size and TTE size ratio in group 1. The procedure was performed under continuous transesophageal echocardiographic monitoring with general anesthesia. A correlation was found between TTE and stretched balloon sizing diameter SBD (y = 1.2645x − 1.4465; R 2 = 0.9861), and between TTE size and ASO size (y = 1.3412x − 1.2864; R 2 = 0.9929) in group 1. In group 2, a statistical correlation between TTE and ASO (y = 1.3419x − 0.1172; R 2 = 0.9934) was also found. Good linear regression between TTE size and ASO chosen size was noted in group 1 and group 2 (R 2 = 0.99). In group 2, successful device implantation was accomplished in all patients whose device size was chosen to be based on the ASO and TTE ratio in group 1. Transthoracic echocardiographic sizing is a safe and ideal method to measure interatrial defect and choose the occluding device, respectively. With our experience, the sizing based on TTE is generally easier than measurement from the balloon sizing.  相似文献   

经导管应用Amplatzer封堵器关闭膜周部室间隔缺损   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :经导管应用Amplatzer封堵器关闭膜周部室间隔缺损 (perimembranousventricularseptaldefect,PMVSD) ,并对其疗效进行初步分析。方法 :18例室间隔缺损 (VSD)中男性 8例 ,女性 10例 ,平均年龄 7 6岁 ,平均体重 2 6 9kg。局麻下行右心导管检查 ,左室造影测量室缺大小 ,经VSD建立股动脉 股静脉轨道 ,封堵器沿传送装置送至左室 ,打开左侧伞并确认铂金标记 (MARK)位于 6点位 ,指向心尖 ,在室间隔右室侧打开右侧伞 ,经超声心动图和左室造影确认封堵器位置良好 ,无残余分流 ,无三尖瓣及主动脉瓣关闭不全后释放封堵器。结果 :18例VSD患者封堵手术均获成功。VSD平均大小 3 9mm ,所选封堵器平均大小 7 1mm ,放射线观察MARK均在 6点位置。封堵效果良好 ,术后 2 4h左室舒张末径明显缩小 ;术后 2 4h仅 2例有微量残余分流 ,无 1例出现主动脉瓣关闭不全 ,无其它严重并发症 ,平均住院3 5d。结论 :经导管应用Amplatzer封堵器关闭膜周部VSD封堵效果好 ,恢复快 ,免除开胸创伤及体外循环等高风险 ,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

经胸超声心动图下心导管法修补心房间隔缺损   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 :评价经胸超声心动图 ( TTE)是否可替代食管超声心动图 ( TEE)在经导管修补心房间隔缺损( ASD)术中指导封堵伞的定位。方法 :3 9例适合经导管法修补 ASD的患者入选 ,选用 Amplatzer封堵装置 ,局麻(小儿静脉麻醉 )下 ,在 X线透视和 TTE下进行手术。术后 2 4 h复查 TTE,2 2例术后 3~ 12个月进行了再次随访。结果 :4例未成功包括 2例 ASD实际直径过大 ,1例封堵伞不能到位 ,1例急性心包压塞 ;3 5例封堵成功 ,成功率为 89.7% ;无死亡及栓塞事件发生。3 3例 ( 91.7% )在 TTE指导下完成 ,仅 3例需要 TEE指导 (包括 1例未成功者 )。术后即刻 TTE见 3例存在少许残余分流 ,2 4 h后复查残余分流消失。 2 2例在术后 3~ 12 (平均 5 .5 )个月内复查 TTE,结果示右心房和右心室均有不同程度的缩小 ,平均肺动脉收缩压由术前的〔( 3 8.1± 6.0 ) mm Hg,1m m Hg=0 .13 3 k Pa)〕下降至术后的 ( 2 7.3± 4 .0 ) m m Hg,术前后差异有非常显著性意义 ( P <0 .0 1) ,未见封堵伞移位及新的房水平左向右分流 ,房室瓣功能正常。结论 :90 %以上的 ASD病例可在 TTE指导下完成。 ASD缺损边缘残留组织少 ( 5 m m左右 )或组织菲薄及 ASD直径 >3 4 mm者还应采用 TEE指导手术 ,以免封堵伞位置不良 ,造成术后的移位甚至脱落  相似文献   



Closure of atrial septal defect (ASD) among adults under transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) guidance using devices other than the Amplatzer Septal Occluder has not been extensively tested.

Aim of work

Assessment of the safety and efficiency of secundum ASD closure using the Occlutech Figulla ASD Occluder under TTE guidance in adult patients with hemodynamically significant secundum ASD.


Twenty patients (mean age, 32.9 ± 9.7, 75% of them females) were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent TTE and transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) to assess the characteristics of the ASD prior to percutaneous closure. Procedures were performed using the Figulla Occluder device under both fluoroscopic and TTE guidance. Follow-up clinical and TTE examinations were done at 1, 3, and 6 months following the procedure.


TTE estimated mean ASD size was 21.7 ± 7.3 mm with adequate rims except for the aortic rim (deficient in one third of cases). Mean device size was 28.1 ± 8.6 mm with mean procedure and fluoroscopic times of 46.2 ± 16.4 and 15.7 ± 5.4 minutes respectively. ASD was successfully closed in all patients. Two patients showed a small residual shunt immediately after the device placement that disappeared by the end of the 2nd followup TTE examination. Transient complications were detected in 2 patients. All patients were asymptomatic during the follow-up period.


Transcatheter closure of secundum ASD in adults under TTE guidance using the Occlutech Figulla ASD occluder device is safe and effective when performed in a tertiary center and by expert echocardiographers and interventional cardiologists.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用Amplatzer封堵器治疗先天性心脏病心房间隔缺损 (atrialseptaldefect,ASD)及动脉导管未闭 (patentductusarteriosus ,PDA)的方法并评价其疗效。方法  2 3例患者 (ASD 19例 ,PDA 4例 )。所有病例均在X线透视、造影及食道超声心动图监视下经导管置入Amplatzer封堵器治疗ASD及PDA。结果 全组技术成功率 10 0 %。 2 3例患者术后 2 4h、1周行经胸超声心动图 (TTE)检查 ,有 2例存在残余分流 ,术后即刻完全封堵率 91 2 %。术后 6个月随访TTE检查示所有病例均封堵完全 ,无残余分流 ;X线检查全部显示肺血减少 ,心胸比例不同程度缩小。结论 经导管置入Amp latzer封堵器是治疗ASD和PDA的一种操作简便、技术成功率高、疗效可靠的介入方法。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Transcatheter Amplatzer septal occluder (ASO) device closure of atrial septal defects (ASDs) has traditionally been guided by two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (2D-TEE) and intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) modalities. Real time three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography (RT3D-TTE) provides rotating images to define ASD and adjacent structures with potential as an alternative to 2D-TEE or ICE for guiding the device closure of ASD. Our aim was to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of RT3D-TTE in parasternal four-chamber views to guide ASO device closure of ASD. METHODS AND RESULTS: From July 2004 to August 2005, 59 patients underwent transcatheter ASO device closure of ASD. The first 30 patients underwent 2D-TEE guidance under general anesthesia and the remaining 29 patients underwent RT3D-TTE guidance with local anesthesia. All interventions were successfully completed without complications. The clinical characteristics and transcatheter closure variables of RT3D-TTE and 2D-TEE were compared. Echocardiographic visualization of ASD and ASO deployment was found to be adequate when using either methods. Catheterization laboratory time (39.1 +/- 5.4 vs 78.8 +/- 14.1 minutes, P < 0.001) and interventional procedure length (7.6 +/- 4.2 vs 15.3 +/- 2.9 minutes, P < 0.001) were shortened by using RT3D-TTE as compared with 2DE-TEE. There was no difference in the rate of closure following either method, assessed after a 6-month follow-up. The maximal diameter measured by RT3D-TTE and 2D-TEE was correlated well with a balloon-stretched ASD size (y = 0.985x + 0.628, r = 0.924 vs y = 0.93x + 2.08, r = 0.885, respectively). CONCLUSION: RT3D-TTE may be a feasible, safe, and effective alternative to the standard practice of using 2D-TEE to guide ASO deployment.  相似文献   

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