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The coagulation disturbance observed during severe acute pancreatitis before and after the infusion of a new synthetic low molecular weight protease inhibitor (Fut-175) was compared. The coagulofibrinolytic changes after acute pancreatitis was induced by the intraductal injection of an autologous bile and trypsin mixture showed decreased platelet counts, decreased plasma fibrinogen levels, prolonged partial prothrombin time and increased fibrinogen degradation products. In addition, markers of hypercoagulation showed increased fibrin-opeptide A and decreased antithrombin III. The two markers of fibrinolysis showed increased Bβ15–42 immunoreactive peptide and decreased α2 antiplasmin. After the infusisn of Fut-175, the coagulo-fibrinolytic abnormalities, which were bserved during severe acute pancreatitis without infusion of Fut-175, were improved. Furthermore, Fut-175 could suppress the rise in fibrino-peptide A and Bβ15–42 immunoreactive peptide and decrease in antithrombin III and α2 antiplasmin. Thus, Fut-175 seems to be an effective inhitor of protease-mediated hypercoagulation and fibrinolysis in severe acute pancreatitis. This work is supported by a part of grant-in aid of pancreatic disease of Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare.  相似文献   

The coagulation disturbance observed during severe acute pancreatitis before and after the infusion of a new synthetic low molecular weight protease inhibitor (Fut-175) was compared. The coagulo-fibrinolytic changes after acute pancreatitis was induced by the intraductal injection of an autologous bile and trypsin mixture showed decreased platelet counts, decreased plasma fibrinogen levels, prolonged partial prothrombin time and increased fibrinogen degradation products. In addition, markers of hypercoagulation showed increased fibrin-peptide A and decreased antithrombin III. The two markers of fibrinolysis showed increased B beta 15-42 immunoreactive peptide and decreased alpha 2 antiplasmin. After the infusion of Fut-175, the coagulo-fibrinolytic abnormalities, which were observed during severe acute pancreatitis without infusion of Fut-175, were improved. Furthermore, Fut-175 could suppress the rise in fibrino-peptide A and B beta 15-42 immunoreactive peptide and decrease in antithrombin III and alpha 2 antiplasmin. Thus, Fut-175 seems to be an effective inhibitor of protease-mediated hypercoagulation and fibrinolysis in severe acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

The effect on endogenous beta-endorphins of a new synthetic protease inhibitor was studied in acute pancreatitis. Pancreatitis was induced by the injection of autologous bile mixed with trypsin into the main pancreatic duct after ligation of the accessory duct. Plasma beta-endorphin concentrations and cardiovascular function were measured. Ten dogs (control group) were given 10 ml/kg/h of lactate Ringer's solution intravenously beginning 1 h before the induction of pancreatitis and continuing throughout the experiments. Six dogs received an intravenous infusion of 3 mg/kg/h of a new synthetic protease inhibitor, E-3123 (4-(2-succinimidoethylthio)4-geranidinobenzoate methanesuLfonate), in lactate Ringer's solution soon after the induction of pancreatitis. Plasma beta-endorphin concentrations in the control group increased significantly. However, plasma beta-endorphin levels in the protease inhibitor group did not increase as in the control group. The protease inhibitor infusion improved hypotension, myocardial depression, and plasma lactate, suggesting that the inhibitory effect of the protease inhibitor on beta-endorphin release contributed to the improvement.  相似文献   

The therapeutic effect of a new synthetic protease inhibitor on hemodynamic changes was studied in experimental acute pancreatitis. Pancreatitis was induced by the injection of autologous bile mixed with trypsin into the main pancreatic duct after ligating the accessory duct. Plasma beta-endorphin concentrations and cardiovascular function were measured. Seventeen dogs (control group) were given 10 ml/kg/hr of lactate Ringer’s solution intravenously 1 hr before the induction of pancreatitis and throughout the experiment. Seven dogs (the low protease inhibitor group) were given an intravenous bolus injection of 0.4mg/kg of a new synthetic protease inhibitor, E-3123 (4-(2-succiminido-ethylthio)4-geranidinobenzoate methanesulfate) 30 min after the induction of pancreatitis and then a continuous intravenous infusion at 3 Μg/kg/min throughout the experiment. Seven dogs (the high protease inhibitor group) received an intravenous bolus injection of 3 mg/kg and a continuous intravenous infusion at 50 Μg/kg/min of E-3123 according to the same method as in the low protease inhibitor group. The mortality rate during the experiment was 41% (7/17) in the control group, 28.5% (2/7) in the high protease inhibitor group and 0% in the low protease inhibitor group. The increase in the plasma beta-endorphin levels in the control group was statistically significant. When E-3123 was given 30 min after the induction of pancreatitis, the increase in the plasma beta-endorphin levels in the high protease inhibitor group was also found to be increased statistically significant, compared with preinduction levels, but the increase was statistically significantly lower than that in the control group. Plasma beta-endorphin levels in the low protease inhibitor group, however, did not increase. The protease inhibitor infusion as used in this experiment can bring about improvement in hypotension and myocardial depression to an extent by inhibiting the release of betaendorphin, suggesting that the inhibitory effect of the protease inhibitor on beta-endorphin release contributes to the improvement in hemodynamic changes during pancreatitis. There may also be an optimal therapeutic dose of this drug for the treatment of hypotension and myocardial depression secondary to betaendorphin release. This work was supported in part by a grant-in-aid from the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare (Pancreatic Disease) and Grant 03670638 from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.  相似文献   

To confirm that trypsin activity is a most important initiating factor in closed duodenal loop pancreatitis in rats, we observed the course of acute pancreatitis when trypsinogen activation was inhibited by intraduodenal infusion of a potent synthetic trypsin inhibitor (TI, nafamostat mesilate) but the other conditions were left unchanged. Intraduodenal and intrapancreatic trypsinogen activation was inhibited for 16 hr after the intraduodenal infusion of the inhibitor, although elevation of serum amylase and immunoreactive trypsin and pancreatic trypsinogen remained similar both in the TI and control groups. The mortality decreased from 44% (control) to 4% (TI) at 48 hr after establishing the model. Active trypsin in duodenal reflux is an initiating factor for further development of acute pancreatitis in the closed loop model, and inhibition of the initial activation of trypsinogen has a favorable effect on acute pancreatitis even if other deleterious factors remain unchanged.Supported by a grant from the Intractable Pancreatic Disease Research Committee from the Health and Welfare Ministry of Japan.  相似文献   

Summary In two patients receivingl-asparaginase therapy, severe acute pancreatitis complicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) developed. In both cases it was successfully treated with continuous infusion of a synthetic protease inhibitor, nafamostat mesilate. In this report, we briefly discuss the clinical efficacy of the synthetic protease inhibitor in treating such cases.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to test the capacity of recombinant human pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (rhPSTI) to provide prophylaxis against experimental pancreatitis. Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis was induced by intraductal injection of sodium taurocholate in rats and by intraductal injection of bile in dogs. In one treatment group of rats the injection of taurocholate was preceded by injection of rhPSTI. In a second group of rats the rhPSTI was given intraperitoneally starting 15 min after the induction of acute pancreatitis. The survival rate in a control group of rats was 13%. In contrast, the survival rate in groups receiving rhPSTI intraductally or intraperitoneally was 80% and 63%, respectively. The survival rate in a control group of dogs was 40% at 24 h and 0% at 48 h. In contrast, all the dogs receiving a single intraductal dose of rhPSTI, either immediately before the bile injection or mixed with the bile, survived for up to 6 weeks. Detailed biochemical and immunohistologic studies in the dog indicate that, whereas rhPSTI cannot prevent the initial bile-induced injury, it does prevent the subsequent development of that injury to the point where there is massive damage to the pancreas and the surrounding tissues, and changes in blood chemistry. The development of the initial injury is, therefore, presumed to involve activation of trypsinogen. Since rhPSTI prevents the serious consequences of experimental pancreatic injury by blocking the action of trypsin, and since the pathobiochemistry of human acute pancreatitis also implies an important role for trypsin, it is possible that rhPSTI could protect humans from the pancreatitis that complicates endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic papillotomy.  相似文献   

Pancreatic inschemia, especially due to pancreatic microcirculation disturbance, has been considered to trigger and aggravate acute pancreatitis. In this work experimental acute pancreatitis was produced by autologous bile and trypsin in mongrel dogs to study the time-course changes in systemic and local hemodynamics in association with disease progress. In addition, the effects of a new synthetic pancreatic protease inhibitor (PATM, 3 mg/kg/hr, i.v.) on systemic and local circulation were examined. In animals with untreated pancreatitis the mean baseline pancreatic microflow was 55.6 ± 17.0 ml/min/ 100g before the onset of pancreatitis and this decreased by 22% and 52% at 1 hr and 5 hr, respectively. The femoral arterial pressure and cardiac index also decreased during the 5 hr experiment at period in comparison with the respective preoperative levels. The portal venous flow showed a sharp reduction immediately after the onset of pancreatitis, staying at a low level thereafter. The pancreatic microflow was significantly improved by PATM treatment for the first 60 min and the portal venous flow for the first 120 min. PATM treatment prevented the decrease in femoral arterial pressure, although it failed to exert any appreciable effect upon the cardiac index. These findings suggest that intravenous administration of PATM might be of value for improving the pancreatic microflow and portal venous flow, at least in the early stage of experimental acute pancreatitis in dogs.  相似文献   

Pancreatic inschemia, especially due to pancreatic microcirculation disturbance, has been considered to trigger and aggravate acute pancreatitis. In this work experimental acute pancreatitis was produced by autologous bile and trypsin in mongrel dogs to study the time-course changes in systemic and local hemodynamics in association with disease progress. In addition, the effects of a new synthetic pancreatic protease inhibitor (PATM, 3 mg/kg/hr, i.v.) on systemic and local circulation were examined. In animals with untreated pancreatitis the mean baseline pancreatic microflow was 55.6 +/- 17.0 ml/min/100g before the onset of pancreatitis and this decreased by 22% and 52% at 1 hr and 5 hr, respectively. The femoral arterial pressure and cardiac index also decreased during the 5 hr experiment at period in comparison with the respective preoperative levels. The portal venous flow showed a sharp reduction immediately after the onset of pancreatitis, staying at a low level thereafter. The pancreatic microflow was significantly improved by PATM treatment for the first 60 min and the portal venous flow for the first 120 min. PATM treatment prevented the decrease in femoral arterial pressure, although it failed to exert any appreciable effect upon the cardiac index. These findings suggest that intravenous administration of PATM might be of value for improving the pancreatic microflow and portal venous flow, at least in the early stage of experimental acute pancreatitis in dogs.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of continuous arterial infusion of protease inhibitor on acute experimental pancreatitis was investigated. Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis was induced by closed duodenal loop obstruction using mongrel dogs. The obstruction was released at 16 hr, and dogs were divided into three groups; Group I: non-treated control, Group II: nafamostat mesilate (FUT-175) was admitted intravenously (5 micrograms/kg/min), Group III: FUT-175 was admitted via celiac artery. At 24 hr, the concentration of FUT-175 in the pancreatic tissues in group II and III were 905 and 4453 ng/g, respectively. The trypsin like activities in the pancreatic tissues in group I, II and III were 2.1, 1.4 and 0.7 nmol/min/mg protein, and the extent of necrosis of pancreatic parenchyma in each group were 49.5, 25.6 and 12.4%, respectively. Serum calcium, amylase and lipase levels were significantly improved in group III. These results suggest that continuous arterial infusion of protease inhibitor markedly decreases the extent of pancreatic necrosis in severe acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Fundamental study in dogs have shown that the synthetic protease inhibitor has pharmaceutical properties characterized by effect on motility of the sphincter of Oddi. Synthetic protease inhibitors, gabexate mesilate and nafamostat mesilate have effects on motility of the sphincter of Oddi in dogs. The motor effect of synthetic protease inhibitor on the sphincter of Oddi has been investigated by manometric evaluation. Immediately after intravenous administration of gabexate mesilate (5, 10, 50, and 100 mg/kg/h) the motility of the sphincter of Oddi was inhibited dose-dependently, on the other hand after intravenous administration of nafamostat mesilate (0.5, 1, and 5 mg/kg/h) motility of the sphincter of Oddi was accelerated. Therefore it was suggested that these results shown some considerable problems in clinical use.  相似文献   

The intracellular distribution and action of a new synthetic protease inhibitor, E3123, were studied in cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in rats. Acute pancreatitis was induced by a 4-h iv infusion of a supramaximal dose of cerulein, and was treated by prophylactic (pretreatment) or therapeutic (posttreatment) continuous administration of E3123. Pancreatic edema and hyperamylasemia were ameriolated only by prophylactic treatment. A subcellular fractionation study showed that the activities of cathepsin-B and trypsin in the zymogen granule-enriched fraction of the cerulein-pancreatitis group were remarkably increased. Both prophylactic and therapeutic treatment significantly prevented the elevation of these enzyme activities. These effects were accompanied by amelioration of pancreatic histopathological features, including intracellular vacuolization and fat necrosis. A microscopic autoradiographic study using2H-labeled E3123 showed diffuse intracellular distribution of E3123, and the radioactivity of2H-E3123 in the posttreatment group was three times greater than that in the pretreatment group. This study provides the first experimental evidence that, even when administered therapeutically, exogenous protease inhibitors are transported into pancreatic acinar cells, thereby reducing the seventy of early intracellular alterations in cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

In acute pancreatitis, particularly in severe cases, polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) elastase induces tissue damage in remote organs such as the lung, as well in the pancreas itself. Therefore, we examined the therapeutic effect of a specific synthetic inhibitor of PMN elastase (ONO-5046: Ono Pharmaceuticals, Osaka, Japan) on the lung, liver, and kidney, as well as pancreas, in severe hemorrhagic pancreatitis in dogs. Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis was induced by the injection of a mixture of autologous bile and porcine trypsin into the main pancreatic duct. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was administered intravenously as a septic challenge. Two animal groups were used. In one group, continuous infusion of ONO-5046 was started prior to the injection of LPS (ONO group). In the other group (control), saline was infused instead. At the end of the experiment (330 min after the injection of bile and trypsin), the pancreas revealed severe hemorrhagic pancreatitis, and a large amount of bloody ascites had accumulated in the peritoneal cavity. The white blood cell count was markedly reduced in response to the induction of pancreatitis, and was decreased further by the septic attack, irrespective of the administration of ONO-5046, although the count increased again in the ONO group. Serum levels of amylase and α2-macroglobulin-trypsin complex increased similarly in both groups following administration of bile and trypsin. Serum Ca levels decreased in both groups. At the end of the experiment, the wet weight of the lung was slightly higher in the control group (without ONO-5046). Microscopically, the pancreas showed severe hemorrhage accompanied by extensive interstitial edema in both groups. The lung and liver demonstrated mild infiltration of inflammatory cells in the interstitium in both groups, although the inflammatory change in the liver was slightly milder in the ONO group. These findings indicate that severe hemorrhagic pancreatitis cannot be alleviated by the administration of a specific inhibitor of PMN elastase alone, although this may lessen damage to remote organs such as the liver and lung. The white blood cell count decreased markedly after the induction of acute pancreatitis, and much more after a septic challenge. This seems to be closely related to the accumulation of bloody ascites in the peritoneal cavity.  相似文献   

The redistribution of cathepsin B, a lysosomal enzyme, from the lysosomal pellet to the zymogen pellet in the subcellular fractionation, the colocalization of cathepsin B with digestive enzyme, and increased cellular, lysosomal, and mitochondrial fragility within acinar cells have been found during the early stages of caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in rats. In the present study, the authors investigated the protective effects of prostaglandin E1 and E2, a combined therapy of these prostaglandins, and a new, synthetic, low molecular weight protease inhibitor, ONO3307, on the exocrine pancreas in this noninvasive model of experimental pancreatitis in vivo and in vitro. Prostaglandin E2, but not E1, prevented hyperamylasemia, congestion of amylase and trypsinogen in the acinar cells, redistribution of cathepsin B, and amylase and lactate dehydrogenase discharge from the dispersed acini. It also prevented cathepsin B leakage from the lysosomes and malate dehydrogenase leakage from the mitochondria in an almost dose-dependent manner, particularly at the dose of 100 micrograms/kg/hr continuous infusion. Furthermore, the combined therapy of prostaglandin E2 with ONO3307 strongly inhibited all the parameters tested in this study. This combination therapy seems to be the most effective against secretagogue-induced pancreatic injuries. These results indicate that cellular and subcellular organellar fragility seem to be closely involved in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis. Prostaglandin E2 seems to have important cytoprotective effects on the biologic membranes, such as a stabilizer of lysosomal or mitochondrial membranes. In addition, these findings also suggest the crucial roles of some unknown proteases in the etiology of acute pancreatitis, and indicate the clinical effectiveness of prostaglandins and this type of low molecular weight protease inhibitor for acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

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