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In 1995 the Community Nutrition Group (CNG) of the British Dietetic Association (BDA) celebrated its 21st birthday. Enormous development in community nutrition and dietetics has taken place in these 21 years. Membership of the CNG now stands at 493, representing 12% of the membership of the BDA. In December 1995 a questionnaire was sent to all members of the CNG, of whom 73% completed the questionnaire. Information collected included work structures; aspects of work which had increased or decreased during the past 5 years and the proportion of time allocated to specific community nutrition activities. The results show that there has been an increase in the number of dietitians working in the community (average reported increase of 1.78 whole time equivalents). The main area of growth has been in all aspects of primary care (clinical, health promotion and training). Other areas of growth include community clinical work, training, health promotion and community development. The concern that the nutrition facilitation role of the dietitian in the community is being dominated by clinical work is not supported; 51% of CNG members>> time is spent in nutrition facilitation, 37% in clinical work. Dietitians working in the community must continue to work to demonstrate the effectiveness of their nutrition facilitation role to secure continued funding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of intercorrelation among dietitian, physician, and team nutrition support functions. Eight hundred and eighty dietitians and physicians were asked to respond to a questionnaire describing nutrition support functions as reported in the literature and validated by a panel of nutrition support physicians and dietitians. Two hundred and fifty-four completed questionnaires were included in the study, 84 from physicians and 170 from dietitians. Intercorrelations among function statements were subjected to factor analysis. The magnitude and consistency of factor loadings suggest that nutrition support is not perceived as independent components, but as a comprehensive pattern or structure. However, there was one important difference in perception. The sample tended to have an "enteral" orientation to the dietitian role and a "parenteral" orientation to the physician and team roles. The data support the contention that all members of nutrition support teams need a common core of knowledge and a set of highly developed process skills which can best be attained through an integrated, rather than segmented, approach to team training.  相似文献   

Estimation of resting energy expenditure (REE) involves predicting basal metabolic rate (BMR) plus adjustment for metabolic stress. The aim of this study was to investigate the methods used to estimate REE and to identify the impact of the patient's clinical condition and the dietitians' work profile on the stress factor assigned. A random sample of 115 dietitians from the United Kingdom with an interest in nutritional support completed a postal questionnaire regarding the estimation of REE for 37 clinical conditions. The Schofield equation was used by the majority (99%) of dietitians to calculate BMR; however, the stress factors assigned varied considerably with coefficients of variation ranging from 18.5 (cancer with cachexia) to 133.9 (HIV). Dietitians specializing in gastroenterology assigned a higher stress factor to decompensated liver disease than those not specializing in gastroenterology (19.3 vs 10.7, P=0.004). The results of this investigation strongly suggest that there is wide inconsistency in the assignment of stress factors within specific conditions and gives rise to concern over the potential consequences in terms of under- or overfeeding that may ensue.  相似文献   

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is a chronic disease in which insulin production from the pancreas is diminished or absent. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is most often diagnosed in childhood, but it also occurs in adults. Treatment requires the use of exogenous insulin coordinated with food intake and physical activity. Management goals for IDDM are to attain metabolic control of glucose and lipid levels and to prevent or delay the onset of medical complications associated with diabetes. Because the type and amount of food consumed directly affect blood glucose levels, meal and snack planning, along with an appropriate insulin regimen and physical activity program, is necessary to achieve management goals. Nutrition assessment, initial education, implementation of a meal plan, and ongoing nutrition education and counseling are part of the process of nutrition management of diabetes. The registered dietitian who has a working knowledge of nutrition and diabetes management serves as an integral part of the diabetes health care team.  相似文献   

应用NRS2002标准对手术病人营养状况和营养支持的调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:应用NRS2002标准对手术病人开展术前营养筛查,以了解该组病人的营养状况,同时进行围手术期营养支持和临床结局调查.方法:收治入院择期手术的127例普通外科、胸外科、妇科和骨科病人参与调查,采用2006年中国肠外肠内营养分会颁布的NRS2002评判标准;同时对病人围手术期营养支持方式、能量、营养素供给和术后并发症、住院时间和药物费用进行调查.结果:需要营养支持的病人占总调查人数的30.7%,其中普通外科占28.3%,高于胸外科(2.4%)、妇科(0%)和骨科(0%).老年人、恶性肿瘤、腹部大手术病人比例较高,分别为18.1%、19.7%和18.1%,与其他病人比较有显著性差异.7.6%的超重病人术前需制订营养支持计划.围手术期实际开展营养支持者与NRS2002评判结果有较大的差异(P<0.05).正确实施营养支持者占19.7%,误用营养支持者占11.8%,未用营养支持者占11.0%.营养支持方式单一,以PN支持为主,实施营养支持病人的药物治疗费用、住院时间和术后感染并发症高于未实施的病人.结论:手术病人具有较高的营养不良风险,适宜采用NRS2002这样一个简便、易操作的工具对所有的病人进行营养筛查,并制订出合理的营养支持计划,以减少医疗资源的浪费和感染并发症的发生率.  相似文献   

A national survey of all Plan IV representatives and dietetic internship directors in programs with a general or clinical emphasis was conducted to determine the level of competence in clinical dietetics expected of Plan IV graduates. Dietetic interns were asked to rate themselves on competency attainment at the beginning and near the end of the internship. The ADA's Role Delineation Study for Entry-level Personnel in Clinical Dietetics was used as the basis for the survey questionnaire. Completed questionnaires were returned by 137 Plan IV representatives (54%), 71 dietetic internship directors (75%), and 530 dietetic interns (62%). Highly significant differences were found among the three groups. Plan IV representatives had higher expectations of students than internship directors. Interns consistently rated their competency levels for all responsibilities below those indicated by either group of directors. All three groups indicated that students were better prepared for client-focus responsibilities than for professional or organizational-level responsibilities. Interns' self-ratings suggested that similar amounts of learning occurred in each of the three areas during the internship. Nutrition-related work experience immediately prior to the internship influenced students' perceived competency level at the beginning of the internship, but differences between those students and the ones with other or no work experience were overcome as students neared the end of their internships. For most major responsibilities, the students' perceived levels of competence did not change after the first few months of the internship.  相似文献   

Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), or Type II diabetes, is characterized by two primary defects: insulin resistance and insulin secretion. The two major goals of management of NIDDM are to achieve near normal metabolic control and to prevent/delay the microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes. Nutrition, exercise, and, if necessary, medication are the three primary treatment modalities used in NIDDM. Treatment regimens need to be individualized and developed with consideration for diabetes management goals and quality-of-life issues. Lean individuals with NIDDM should be encouraged to maintain their body weight and modify food composition and eating pattern to minimize glucose excursions. The primary treatment goal for an obese individual with NIDDM is weight loss. The process of teaching nutrition and meal planning involves developing a cooperative alliance, gathering information, setting realistic goals, intervention, and maintaining change. Nutrition intervention involves providing information in stages, beginning with "survival skill" information and progressing to in-depth information. The dietitian's responsibility is to promote continuity of learning by introducing new ideas and concepts and altering the learning environment. Dietitians can expand their role in the 1990s to that of a diabetes educator taking a leadership role to ensure that the individual with NIDDM receives comprehensive and individualized care.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the nutritional status of preschool children in the rural areas in order to establish a baseline for the measurement of the impact of a Government Nutrition Education Project (NUTED) in forthcoming years. The household cross-sectional survey was carried out on a representative sample of the rural population. The sample was stratified in order to portray the nutritional status of the children in the northern regions (more thinly populated) and in the southern regions: one stratum for small towns (between 2000 and 30,000 inhabitants) and 4 strata for rural localities. The sampling method used was by clusters of 30 children, distributed randomly in 20 zones per stratum. The nutritional indices of 2429 children were calculated and analysed according to WHO recommendations. The prevalence of the different types of malnutrition was 27.5% (95% confidence interval (CI), 24.2-30.8) for stunting (height-for-age retardation) and 5.5% (CI = 4.2-6.8) for wasting (weight-for-height retardation). Both types coexisted among 1.9% of the children; 23% of children were underweight for their age (CI = 21.6-26.2), and 15.8% (CI = 14.7-16.9) aged greater than 12 months had a mid-arm circumference below 135 mm. No sex difference was observed in the results. Stunting seems to appear in the second trimester of life (3-5 months), and wasting appeared between 9 and 23 months (highest rate between 12 and 17 months: 14.0% (CI = 9.3-18.8], which presents a real public health problem. The stratification did not show any significant differences in nutritional status among the children living in rural zones and those living in the small towns. However, the prevalence of malnutrition in the rural zones was 2 or 3 times higher than that observed in 1986 in Brazzaville. The division of the country into five main ecological zones allows some useful comparisons, e.g., the prevalence of stunting ranges from 15.5% (CI = 12.8-18.2) in the northern inundated forest zone to 38.8% (CI = 32.9-44.7) in the southern forests of Mayombe and Chaillu. The diet also varied, the frequency of animal protein consumption on the preceding day ranging from 76.3% to 59.1% in the different zones. The Republic of the Congo differs from other African countries in having relatively lower rates of stunting but an astonishingly high prevalence of wasting.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Background: Current clinical practice guidelines delineate optimal nutrition management in the intensive care unit (ICU) patient. In light of these existing data, the authors identify current physician perceptions of nutrition in critical illness, preferences relating to initiation of feeding, and management practices specific to nutrition after initiation of feeding in the ICU patient. Methods: The authors electronically distributed a 12‐question survey to attending physicians, fellows, and residents who routinely admit patients to medical and surgical ICUs. Results: On a scale ranging from 1 to 5 (1 = low, 5 = high), the attending physician's mean rating for importance of nutrition in the ICU was 4.60, the rating for comfort level with the nutrition support at the authors' institution was 3.70, and the rating for the physician's own understanding of nutrition support in critically ill patients was 3.33. Attending physicians, fellows, and residents reported waiting an average of 2.43, 1.79, and 2.63 days, respectively, before addressing nutrition status in an ICU patient. Fifty‐two percent of attending physicians chose parenteral nutrition as the preferred route of nutrition support in a patient with necrotizing pancreatitis. If a patient experiences enteral feeding intolerance, physicians most commonly would stop tube feeds. There was no significant difference in responses to any of the survey questions between attending physicians, fellows, and residents. Conclusions: This study demonstrates a substantial discordance in physician perceptions and practice patterns regarding initiation and management of nutrition in ICU patients, indicating an urgent need for nutrition‐related education at all levels of training.  相似文献   

Hyperglycemia has long been known to portend a worse short-term prognosis than euglycemia in hospitalized patients. Hyperglycemia reflects illness severity and results in deleterious consequences for certain patient groups. In a surgical intensive care unit population, normalization of morning glucose values using insulin infusions improved mortality vs controls. Until additional studies in other patient groups are reported, practitioners of nutrition support must prevent excessive iatrogenic hyperglycemia, in particular when using parenteral feeding, and should choose aggressive glycemic goals that also avoid hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

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