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目的 观察发育期幼鼠癫痫持续状态(SE)后海马内神经干细胞(NSCs)的增殖、迁移与分化特点.方法 日龄7d、14 d、21 d、28 d(P7、P14、P21、P28)健康SD大鼠共320只,完全随机法分为SE组和正常对照组,戊四氮造模后各个日龄组大鼠再随机分为1、7、14、21、28 d5个时间点,每个时间点8只,通过免疫组织化学法观察发作后不同时间点的齿状回区细胞增殖、迁移情况.再选P14日龄大鼠64只随机分为SE组和正常对照组,通过荧光免疫双标记5-溴脱氧尿嘧啶核苷(Brdu)和神经元特异性核蛋白(NeuN)、Brdu和胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)观察NSCs分化情况.结果 (1)P7、P14、P21、P28幼鼠SE后1d齿状回出现nestin阳性细胞,7 d nestin阳性细胞逐渐增多,14 d达到峰值,21 d逐渐减少,28 d下降至最低.其中P7幼鼠SE后7 d nestin阳性细胞数为177.00±3.22(t=16.033)、14 d幼鼠nestin阳性细胞数为195.00±3.41(t =28.840)明显高于各自正常对照组(147.50±2.08,136.50±2.65,均P<0.05),总体表现出先上升后下降的趋势.同时SE发作日龄越小,nestin表达强度越大,而在生理状态下幼鼠齿状回中nestin表达随着日龄的增加而逐渐减少;(2)SE后1d及7d时大部分nestin阳性细胞分布于颗粒细胞下层,14 d nestin阳性细胞逐渐向颗粒细胞层迁移,迁移时细胞形态发生改变.在P14、P21、P28 3个日龄组有少部分异位迁移入海马的门区,同时在海马CA1、CA3及顶皮质区也见到形态不同的nestin阳性细胞;(3)Brdu阳性细胞大多同时表达NeuN,有4% ~5%共表达GFAP.结论 SE可诱导发育幼鼠海马齿状回区的神经发生,并且具有年 龄相关性特点.新生细胞大部分从齿状回颗粒细胞下层迁移到颗粒细胞层,少部分异位迁移到海马门区,多数分化为神经元,少部分分化为胶质神经细胞.  相似文献   

神经干细胞的定向分化调控及移植治疗颞叶癫痫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、神经干细胞的来源和分裂 神经干细胞是指具有分化为神经元、星形胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞的能力,能自我更新并足以提供大量脑组织细胞的细胞。  相似文献   

目的 观察心肌营养素1(CT1)修饰的神经干细胞(NSCs)移植到癫(癎)持续状态(SE)大鼠海马后的存活、迁移和分化情况,探讨CT1-NSCs移植对海马神经元损伤及苔状纤维发芽(MFS)的影响.方法 建立氯化锂-匹罗卡品致SE大鼠模型,随机分为CTI-NSCs移植组、单纯NSCs移植组、模型组和正常对照组,每组18只.各组再分为移植后1、4、8周3个时间点,每个时间点6只.共聚焦免疫荧光显微镜下观察移植的NSCs在脑内存活、分化及迁移情况;Nissl染色观察海马神经元形态并计数CA1区神经细胞数;Timm染色检测海马齿状回MFS形成.结果 (1)移植后4周及8周,CT1-NSCs移植组双标阳性细胞数量明显多于单纯NSCs移植组,前者可见神经细胞向周围迁移,后者未见明显迁移现象.(2)SE后大鼠CA1区神经细胞数随时间推移进行性减少,CTI-NSCs移植组细胞数(移植后1、4,8周分别为68.85±11.49、60.89±12.17和51.51±13.34)多于单纯NSCs移植组(67.92±10.78、42.56±11.47和30.49±10.12),4、8周时差异有统计学意义(t=4.650、5.334,P<0.05).(3)SE后大鼠齿状回内分子层可见MFS形成,且MP3评分随时间推移进行性增高;移植后1、4,8周时CT1-NSCs移植组MFS分值(0.77±0.04、2.48±0.89和2.39±0.82)明显低于单纯NSCs移植组(1.12±0.62、3.17±0.64和3.88±0.51,t=6.059、9.511、9.728,P<0.05).结论 CT1能够促进NSCs在SE大鼠脑内存活、迁移和分化,CTI-NSCs移植对SE大鼠海马损伤有修复作用,并可抑制海马MFS形成.  相似文献   

目的 研究神经干细胞(neural stem cells,NSCs)移植到慢性海人酸(kainic acid,KA)癫痫鼠海马CA3区后对大鼠癫痫发作的影响.方法 用KA脑审注射制作慢性癫痫模型.将原代培养的、EGFP标记的NSCs移植到慢件癫痫鼠的海马CA3区.分别在移植后第2周、第4周、第8周和第12周连续进行7天观察大鼠癫痫发作频率和程度,在移植后第10周进行发作间期右侧海屿深部脑电监测.然后取脑冰冻切片,在倒置荧光显微镜下直接观察移植细胞的存活和迁移,用免疫荧光染色观察移植细胞分化情况,Timm's染色观察海马齿状回异常苔状纤维发芽.结果 移植后12周仍有大量移植细胞存活(65,045.00±881.72).NSCs在移植区以胶质细胞分化为主,在齿状回和海马各区以神经元分化为主,γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)能神经元在齿状回门区和海马CA3区分化比率较高.NSCs移植后第4周移植组癫痫鼠的发作次数与对照组相比开始减少,Timm's染色计分和发作程度也有明显改善,两组发作问期脑电图尖、棘波在每个观察期的发放次数分别是3.83±4.96和27.16±21.08,,结论 将NSCs移植到慢性KA癫痫鼠的海马CA3区,移植细胞不仪能够长期存活、迁移到海马齿状回的各区,而且能够分化为神经元和神经胶质细胞,特别是GABA能神经元,同时还能够抑制齿状回颗粒细胞的苔状纤维发芽,从而减少癫痫发作次数,减轻癫痫发作程度.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the survival,migration and differentiation of grafted neural stem cells(NSCs)transfected with cardiotrophin-1(CT1)in hippocampus in status epilepticus(SE)rats,and investigate its effect on neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting(MFS)in hippocampus of SE rats.Methods (1)Lithium-pilocarpine induced SE model rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:CT1-NSCs transplantation group(n=18);NScs transplantation group(n=18)and SE model group(n=18).Another 18 rats served as normal control group.Each group was further divided into 3 time points testing groups(n=6 at each point)corresponding to 1,4 and 8 weeks after transplantation respectively.(2)Under the confocal microscopy,the survival,migration and differentiation of the grafted cells were observed by immunofluorescenee.(3)Morphological changes and neuron loss in the hippocampal CA1 region were examined by Nissl staining.(4)MFS in hippocampal dentate gyrus in rats was obserred by Timm histochemistry.Results(1)At 4 and 8 weeks post-tmusplantation,the numbers of double-labeled NF-200 and EGFP pesitive cells in the CT1-NSCs group were significantly hisher than those in NSCs group.In the former group most of the grafted NSCs migrated away from the needle tract,but in the latter group,grafted ceHs remained at the transplantation site.(2)The numbers of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region reduced gradually after SE.The numbers of neuron in the CA1 region in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats (68.85±11.49,60.89±12.17 and 51.51±13.34 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectivelv)were greater than that in NSCs transplantation rats(67.92±10.78,42.56±11.47 and 30.49±10.12).tvalue were 4.650 and 5.334 in 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation(P<0.05).(3)Aberrant MFS in the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus was observed,and the scores of MFS gradually increased with timelapse.The scores of MFS in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats(0.77±0.04,2.48±0.89 and 2.39±0.82 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectively)were significant lower than that in NSCs transplantation rats (1.12±0.62,3.17±0.64 and 3.88±0.51,t=6.059,9.511 and 9.728,P<0.05).Conclusions CT1 could promote the survival,migration and differentiation of engrafted NSCs in hippocampud in SE rats.Engrafted NSCs transfected with CT1 have effect on repair of the injured hippocampus,and could inhibit hippocampus MFS in SE rats.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the survival,migration and differentiation of grafted neural stem cells(NSCs)transfected with cardiotrophin-1(CT1)in hippocampus in status epilepticus(SE)rats,and investigate its effect on neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting(MFS)in hippocampus of SE rats.Methods (1)Lithium-pilocarpine induced SE model rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:CT1-NSCs transplantation group(n=18);NScs transplantation group(n=18)and SE model group(n=18).Another 18 rats served as normal control group.Each group was further divided into 3 time points testing groups(n=6 at each point)corresponding to 1,4 and 8 weeks after transplantation respectively.(2)Under the confocal microscopy,the survival,migration and differentiation of the grafted cells were observed by immunofluorescenee.(3)Morphological changes and neuron loss in the hippocampal CA1 region were examined by Nissl staining.(4)MFS in hippocampal dentate gyrus in rats was obserred by Timm histochemistry.Results(1)At 4 and 8 weeks post-tmusplantation,the numbers of double-labeled NF-200 and EGFP pesitive cells in the CT1-NSCs group were significantly hisher than those in NSCs group.In the former group most of the grafted NSCs migrated away from the needle tract,but in the latter group,grafted ceHs remained at the transplantation site.(2)The numbers of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region reduced gradually after SE.The numbers of neuron in the CA1 region in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats (68.85±11.49,60.89±12.17 and 51.51±13.34 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectivelv)were greater than that in NSCs transplantation rats(67.92±10.78,42.56±11.47 and 30.49±10.12).tvalue were 4.650 and 5.334 in 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation(P<0.05).(3)Aberrant MFS in the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus was observed,and the scores of MFS gradually increased with timelapse.The scores of MFS in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats(0.77±0.04,2.48±0.89 and 2.39±0.82 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectively)were significant lower than that in NSCs transplantation rats (1.12±0.62,3.17±0.64 and 3.88±0.51,t=6.059,9.511 and 9.728,P<0.05).Conclusions CT1 could promote the survival,migration and differentiation of engrafted NSCs in hippocampud in SE rats.Engrafted NSCs transfected with CT1 have effect on repair of the injured hippocampus,and could inhibit hippocampus MFS in SE rats.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the survival,migration and differentiation of grafted neural stem cells(NSCs)transfected with cardiotrophin-1(CT1)in hippocampus in status epilepticus(SE)rats,and investigate its effect on neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting(MFS)in hippocampus of SE rats.Methods (1)Lithium-pilocarpine induced SE model rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:CT1-NSCs transplantation group(n=18);NScs transplantation group(n=18)and SE model group(n=18).Another 18 rats served as normal control group.Each group was further divided into 3 time points testing groups(n=6 at each point)corresponding to 1,4 and 8 weeks after transplantation respectively.(2)Under the confocal microscopy,the survival,migration and differentiation of the grafted cells were observed by immunofluorescenee.(3)Morphological changes and neuron loss in the hippocampal CA1 region were examined by Nissl staining.(4)MFS in hippocampal dentate gyrus in rats was obserred by Timm histochemistry.Results(1)At 4 and 8 weeks post-tmusplantation,the numbers of double-labeled NF-200 and EGFP pesitive cells in the CT1-NSCs group were significantly hisher than those in NSCs group.In the former group most of the grafted NSCs migrated away from the needle tract,but in the latter group,grafted ceHs remained at the transplantation site.(2)The numbers of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region reduced gradually after SE.The numbers of neuron in the CA1 region in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats (68.85±11.49,60.89±12.17 and 51.51±13.34 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectivelv)were greater than that in NSCs transplantation rats(67.92±10.78,42.56±11.47 and 30.49±10.12).tvalue were 4.650 and 5.334 in 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation(P<0.05).(3)Aberrant MFS in the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus was observed,and the scores of MFS gradually increased with timelapse.The scores of MFS in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats(0.77±0.04,2.48±0.89 and 2.39±0.82 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectively)were significant lower than that in NSCs transplantation rats (1.12±0.62,3.17±0.64 and 3.88±0.51,t=6.059,9.511 and 9.728,P<0.05).Conclusions CT1 could promote the survival,migration and differentiation of engrafted NSCs in hippocampud in SE rats.Engrafted NSCs transfected with CT1 have effect on repair of the injured hippocampus,and could inhibit hippocampus MFS in SE rats.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the survival,migration and differentiation of grafted neural stem cells(NSCs)transfected with cardiotrophin-1(CT1)in hippocampus in status epilepticus(SE)rats,and investigate its effect on neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting(MFS)in hippocampus of SE rats.Methods (1)Lithium-pilocarpine induced SE model rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:CT1-NSCs transplantation group(n=18);NScs transplantation group(n=18)and SE model group(n=18).Another 18 rats served as normal control group.Each group was further divided into 3 time points testing groups(n=6 at each point)corresponding to 1,4 and 8 weeks after transplantation respectively.(2)Under the confocal microscopy,the survival,migration and differentiation of the grafted cells were observed by immunofluorescenee.(3)Morphological changes and neuron loss in the hippocampal CA1 region were examined by Nissl staining.(4)MFS in hippocampal dentate gyrus in rats was obserred by Timm histochemistry.Results(1)At 4 and 8 weeks post-tmusplantation,the numbers of double-labeled NF-200 and EGFP pesitive cells in the CT1-NSCs group were significantly hisher than those in NSCs group.In the former group most of the grafted NSCs migrated away from the needle tract,but in the latter group,grafted ceHs remained at the transplantation site.(2)The numbers of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region reduced gradually after SE.The numbers of neuron in the CA1 region in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats (68.85±11.49,60.89±12.17 and 51.51±13.34 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectivelv)were greater than that in NSCs transplantation rats(67.92±10.78,42.56±11.47 and 30.49±10.12).tvalue were 4.650 and 5.334 in 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation(P<0.05).(3)Aberrant MFS in the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus was observed,and the scores of MFS gradually increased with timelapse.The scores of MFS in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats(0.77±0.04,2.48±0.89 and 2.39±0.82 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectively)were significant lower than that in NSCs transplantation rats (1.12±0.62,3.17±0.64 and 3.88±0.51,t=6.059,9.511 and 9.728,P<0.05).Conclusions CT1 could promote the survival,migration and differentiation of engrafted NSCs in hippocampud in SE rats.Engrafted NSCs transfected with CT1 have effect on repair of the injured hippocampus,and could inhibit hippocampus MFS in SE rats.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the survival,migration and differentiation of grafted neural stem cells(NSCs)transfected with cardiotrophin-1(CT1)in hippocampus in status epilepticus(SE)rats,and investigate its effect on neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting(MFS)in hippocampus of SE rats.Methods (1)Lithium-pilocarpine induced SE model rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:CT1-NSCs transplantation group(n=18);NScs transplantation group(n=18)and SE model group(n=18).Another 18 rats served as normal control group.Each group was further divided into 3 time points testing groups(n=6 at each point)corresponding to 1,4 and 8 weeks after transplantation respectively.(2)Under the confocal microscopy,the survival,migration and differentiation of the grafted cells were observed by immunofluorescenee.(3)Morphological changes and neuron loss in the hippocampal CA1 region were examined by Nissl staining.(4)MFS in hippocampal dentate gyrus in rats was obserred by Timm histochemistry.Results(1)At 4 and 8 weeks post-tmusplantation,the numbers of double-labeled NF-200 and EGFP pesitive cells in the CT1-NSCs group were significantly hisher than those in NSCs group.In the former group most of the grafted NSCs migrated away from the needle tract,but in the latter group,grafted ceHs remained at the transplantation site.(2)The numbers of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region reduced gradually after SE.The numbers of neuron in the CA1 region in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats (68.85±11.49,60.89±12.17 and 51.51±13.34 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectivelv)were greater than that in NSCs transplantation rats(67.92±10.78,42.56±11.47 and 30.49±10.12).tvalue were 4.650 and 5.334 in 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation(P<0.05).(3)Aberrant MFS in the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus was observed,and the scores of MFS gradually increased with timelapse.The scores of MFS in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats(0.77±0.04,2.48±0.89 and 2.39±0.82 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectively)were significant lower than that in NSCs transplantation rats (1.12±0.62,3.17±0.64 and 3.88±0.51,t=6.059,9.511 and 9.728,P<0.05).Conclusions CT1 could promote the survival,migration and differentiation of engrafted NSCs in hippocampud in SE rats.Engrafted NSCs transfected with CT1 have effect on repair of the injured hippocampus,and could inhibit hippocampus MFS in SE rats.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the survival,migration and differentiation of grafted neural stem cells(NSCs)transfected with cardiotrophin-1(CT1)in hippocampus in status epilepticus(SE)rats,and investigate its effect on neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting(MFS)in hippocampus of SE rats.Methods (1)Lithium-pilocarpine induced SE model rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:CT1-NSCs transplantation group(n=18);NScs transplantation group(n=18)and SE model group(n=18).Another 18 rats served as normal control group.Each group was further divided into 3 time points testing groups(n=6 at each point)corresponding to 1,4 and 8 weeks after transplantation respectively.(2)Under the confocal microscopy,the survival,migration and differentiation of the grafted cells were observed by immunofluorescenee.(3)Morphological changes and neuron loss in the hippocampal CA1 region were examined by Nissl staining.(4)MFS in hippocampal dentate gyrus in rats was obserred by Timm histochemistry.Results(1)At 4 and 8 weeks post-tmusplantation,the numbers of double-labeled NF-200 and EGFP pesitive cells in the CT1-NSCs group were significantly hisher than those in NSCs group.In the former group most of the grafted NSCs migrated away from the needle tract,but in the latter group,grafted ceHs remained at the transplantation site.(2)The numbers of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region reduced gradually after SE.The numbers of neuron in the CA1 region in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats (68.85±11.49,60.89±12.17 and 51.51±13.34 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectivelv)were greater than that in NSCs transplantation rats(67.92±10.78,42.56±11.47 and 30.49±10.12).tvalue were 4.650 and 5.334 in 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation(P<0.05).(3)Aberrant MFS in the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus was observed,and the scores of MFS gradually increased with timelapse.The scores of MFS in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats(0.77±0.04,2.48±0.89 and 2.39±0.82 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectively)were significant lower than that in NSCs transplantation rats (1.12±0.62,3.17±0.64 and 3.88±0.51,t=6.059,9.511 and 9.728,P<0.05).Conclusions CT1 could promote the survival,migration and differentiation of engrafted NSCs in hippocampud in SE rats.Engrafted NSCs transfected with CT1 have effect on repair of the injured hippocampus,and could inhibit hippocampus MFS in SE rats.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the survival,migration and differentiation of grafted neural stem cells(NSCs)transfected with cardiotrophin-1(CT1)in hippocampus in status epilepticus(SE)rats,and investigate its effect on neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting(MFS)in hippocampus of SE rats.Methods (1)Lithium-pilocarpine induced SE model rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:CT1-NSCs transplantation group(n=18);NScs transplantation group(n=18)and SE model group(n=18).Another 18 rats served as normal control group.Each group was further divided into 3 time points testing groups(n=6 at each point)corresponding to 1,4 and 8 weeks after transplantation respectively.(2)Under the confocal microscopy,the survival,migration and differentiation of the grafted cells were observed by immunofluorescenee.(3)Morphological changes and neuron loss in the hippocampal CA1 region were examined by Nissl staining.(4)MFS in hippocampal dentate gyrus in rats was obserred by Timm histochemistry.Results(1)At 4 and 8 weeks post-tmusplantation,the numbers of double-labeled NF-200 and EGFP pesitive cells in the CT1-NSCs group were significantly hisher than those in NSCs group.In the former group most of the grafted NSCs migrated away from the needle tract,but in the latter group,grafted ceHs remained at the transplantation site.(2)The numbers of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region reduced gradually after SE.The numbers of neuron in the CA1 region in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats (68.85±11.49,60.89±12.17 and 51.51±13.34 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectivelv)were greater than that in NSCs transplantation rats(67.92±10.78,42.56±11.47 and 30.49±10.12).tvalue were 4.650 and 5.334 in 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation(P<0.05).(3)Aberrant MFS in the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus was observed,and the scores of MFS gradually increased with timelapse.The scores of MFS in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats(0.77±0.04,2.48±0.89 and 2.39±0.82 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectively)were significant lower than that in NSCs transplantation rats (1.12±0.62,3.17±0.64 and 3.88±0.51,t=6.059,9.511 and 9.728,P<0.05).Conclusions CT1 could promote the survival,migration and differentiation of engrafted NSCs in hippocampud in SE rats.Engrafted NSCs transfected with CT1 have effect on repair of the injured hippocampus,and could inhibit hippocampus MFS in SE rats.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the survival,migration and differentiation of grafted neural stem cells(NSCs)transfected with cardiotrophin-1(CT1)in hippocampus in status epilepticus(SE)rats,and investigate its effect on neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting(MFS)in hippocampus of SE rats.Methods (1)Lithium-pilocarpine induced SE model rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:CT1-NSCs transplantation group(n=18);NScs transplantation group(n=18)and SE model group(n=18).Another 18 rats served as normal control group.Each group was further divided into 3 time points testing groups(n=6 at each point)corresponding to 1,4 and 8 weeks after transplantation respectively.(2)Under the confocal microscopy,the survival,migration and differentiation of the grafted cells were observed by immunofluorescenee.(3)Morphological changes and neuron loss in the hippocampal CA1 region were examined by Nissl staining.(4)MFS in hippocampal dentate gyrus in rats was obserred by Timm histochemistry.Results(1)At 4 and 8 weeks post-tmusplantation,the numbers of double-labeled NF-200 and EGFP pesitive cells in the CT1-NSCs group were significantly hisher than those in NSCs group.In the former group most of the grafted NSCs migrated away from the needle tract,but in the latter group,grafted ceHs remained at the transplantation site.(2)The numbers of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region reduced gradually after SE.The numbers of neuron in the CA1 region in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats (68.85±11.49,60.89±12.17 and 51.51±13.34 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectivelv)were greater than that in NSCs transplantation rats(67.92±10.78,42.56±11.47 and 30.49±10.12).tvalue were 4.650 and 5.334 in 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation(P<0.05).(3)Aberrant MFS in the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus was observed,and the scores of MFS gradually increased with timelapse.The scores of MFS in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats(0.77±0.04,2.48±0.89 and 2.39±0.82 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectively)were significant lower than that in NSCs transplantation rats (1.12±0.62,3.17±0.64 and 3.88±0.51,t=6.059,9.511 and 9.728,P<0.05).Conclusions CT1 could promote the survival,migration and differentiation of engrafted NSCs in hippocampud in SE rats.Engrafted NSCs transfected with CT1 have effect on repair of the injured hippocampus,and could inhibit hippocampus MFS in SE rats.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the survival,migration and differentiation of grafted neural stem cells(NSCs)transfected with cardiotrophin-1(CT1)in hippocampus in status epilepticus(SE)rats,and investigate its effect on neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting(MFS)in hippocampus of SE rats.Methods (1)Lithium-pilocarpine induced SE model rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:CT1-NSCs transplantation group(n=18);NScs transplantation group(n=18)and SE model group(n=18).Another 18 rats served as normal control group.Each group was further divided into 3 time points testing groups(n=6 at each point)corresponding to 1,4 and 8 weeks after transplantation respectively.(2)Under the confocal microscopy,the survival,migration and differentiation of the grafted cells were observed by immunofluorescenee.(3)Morphological changes and neuron loss in the hippocampal CA1 region were examined by Nissl staining.(4)MFS in hippocampal dentate gyrus in rats was obserred by Timm histochemistry.Results(1)At 4 and 8 weeks post-tmusplantation,the numbers of double-labeled NF-200 and EGFP pesitive cells in the CT1-NSCs group were significantly hisher than those in NSCs group.In the former group most of the grafted NSCs migrated away from the needle tract,but in the latter group,grafted ceHs remained at the transplantation site.(2)The numbers of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region reduced gradually after SE.The numbers of neuron in the CA1 region in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats (68.85±11.49,60.89±12.17 and 51.51±13.34 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectivelv)were greater than that in NSCs transplantation rats(67.92±10.78,42.56±11.47 and 30.49±10.12).tvalue were 4.650 and 5.334 in 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation(P<0.05).(3)Aberrant MFS in the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus was observed,and the scores of MFS gradually increased with timelapse.The scores of MFS in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats(0.77±0.04,2.48±0.89 and 2.39±0.82 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectively)were significant lower than that in NSCs transplantation rats (1.12±0.62,3.17±0.64 and 3.88±0.51,t=6.059,9.511 and 9.728,P<0.05).Conclusions CT1 could promote the survival,migration and differentiation of engrafted NSCs in hippocampud in SE rats.Engrafted NSCs transfected with CT1 have effect on repair of the injured hippocampus,and could inhibit hippocampus MFS in SE rats.  相似文献   

Objective To observe the survival,migration and differentiation of grafted neural stem cells(NSCs)transfected with cardiotrophin-1(CT1)in hippocampus in status epilepticus(SE)rats,and investigate its effect on neuron loss and mossy fiber sprouting(MFS)in hippocampus of SE rats.Methods (1)Lithium-pilocarpine induced SE model rats were divided into 3 groups randomly:CT1-NSCs transplantation group(n=18);NScs transplantation group(n=18)and SE model group(n=18).Another 18 rats served as normal control group.Each group was further divided into 3 time points testing groups(n=6 at each point)corresponding to 1,4 and 8 weeks after transplantation respectively.(2)Under the confocal microscopy,the survival,migration and differentiation of the grafted cells were observed by immunofluorescenee.(3)Morphological changes and neuron loss in the hippocampal CA1 region were examined by Nissl staining.(4)MFS in hippocampal dentate gyrus in rats was obserred by Timm histochemistry.Results(1)At 4 and 8 weeks post-tmusplantation,the numbers of double-labeled NF-200 and EGFP pesitive cells in the CT1-NSCs group were significantly hisher than those in NSCs group.In the former group most of the grafted NSCs migrated away from the needle tract,but in the latter group,grafted ceHs remained at the transplantation site.(2)The numbers of neuron in the hippocampal CA1 region reduced gradually after SE.The numbers of neuron in the CA1 region in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats (68.85±11.49,60.89±12.17 and 51.51±13.34 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectivelv)were greater than that in NSCs transplantation rats(67.92±10.78,42.56±11.47 and 30.49±10.12).tvalue were 4.650 and 5.334 in 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation(P<0.05).(3)Aberrant MFS in the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus was observed,and the scores of MFS gradually increased with timelapse.The scores of MFS in CT1-NSCs transplantation rats(0.77±0.04,2.48±0.89 and 2.39±0.82 in 1,4,8 weeks after transplantation respectively)were significant lower than that in NSCs transplantation rats (1.12±0.62,3.17±0.64 and 3.88±0.51,t=6.059,9.511 and 9.728,P<0.05).Conclusions CT1 could promote the survival,migration and differentiation of engrafted NSCs in hippocampud in SE rats.Engrafted NSCs transfected with CT1 have effect on repair of the injured hippocampus,and could inhibit hippocampus MFS in SE rats.  相似文献   

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