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开展清洁针具交换 预防静脉吸毒感染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索针具交换对干预预防艾滋病在吸毒人群中传播的可行性,为全面开展针具交换干预工作提供经验和科学依据。方法在社区开展针具交换和健康教育活动;比较干预前后艾滋病知晓率、艾滋病传播危险行为学指标和HIV抗体阳性率,以评价干预效果。结果干预后吸毒人群的艾滋病知识知晓率比干预前低。结论在吸毒人群中开展针具交换有助于改变吸毒人群共用针具的危险行为,控制艾滋病传播。  相似文献   

目的:了解长沙市芙蓉区社区普通居民和吸毒解教人员对吸毒和艾滋病的认知和态度,评估“无毒社区”创建工作成效。方法:自拟调查问卷,调查470例芙蓉区登记在册吸毒人员和1185例社区普通居民对吸毒和艾滋病的认知和态度。结果:92.7%的普通居民知道“毒品对个人和家庭危害很大”,4.0%认为“毒品虽可成瘾,但使用一两次没有问题”,3.3%的从未听说过毒品;吸毒解教人员首次吸毒前对毒品的认知分别为“毒品对个人和家庭危害很大”者18.7%、“毒品虽可成瘾,但使用一两次没有问题”者34.5%和从未听说过毒品者46.8%;普通居民艾滋病知晓率为98.8%,正确知晓率为94.4%;吸毒人员艾滋病知晓率为86.5%,正确知晓率为75.5%;电视、广播或报纸是毒品和艾滋病知识的第一来源,其它来源有学校或社区、书本等。结论:芙蓉区社区普通居民对毒品和艾滋病相关知识认识基本清楚,抵制毒品意识较强,好于吸毒解教人员。  相似文献   

目的:通过同伴宣传和针具交换项目提高干预对象关于艾滋病知识的知晓率,减少吸毒者传播和感染艾滋病病毒的高危行为,降低吸毒人群中艾滋病病毒的传播流行。方法:通过卫生工作人员和同伴宣传员向吸毒者提供并回收清洁针具、发放宣传折页、张贴宣传画以及对吸毒者进行面对面的宣传等措施在广西壮族自治区百色地区的注射吸毒者中开展了为期1 a的针具交换和同伴宣传项目。在干预前后分别进行基线和终期横断面调查,通过对比两次调查中吸毒者的艾滋病知识和自我报告的高危性行为等变化情况对干预效果进行评估。结果:终期调查时,吸毒者所有艾滋病知识的知晓率均显著高于基线调查时;在终期调查时吸毒者的单一性伴比例为50.5%,显著高于基线调查(27.6%)时,但是他们在婚外性行为中的安全套使用率却显著低于基线调查。结论:同伴宣传结合针具交换干预措施能显著提高吸毒者关于艾滋病方面的知识,显著降低吸毒者多性伴的比例,但是对于提高他们的安全套使用率方面却没有效果。  相似文献   

目的:了解乌鲁木齐市劳教场所中吸毒人员艾滋病知识知晓情况及行为特征。方法:在乌鲁木齐市劳教场所吸毒人员中抽查249名戒毒人员,调查其艾滋病知识知晓情况,人口学特征、吸毒方式和频率、口吸和静脉吸毒时间、共用注射器情况、性行为特征和安全套的使用情况等。结果:249名被调查者初次口吸吸毒年龄12-32(21.51±s4.18)a,初次静脉注射毒品的年龄为15-36(23.16±s4.25)a,口吸时间5.49a±s3.69a,从口吸到静脉注射的时间为1.57a±s2.79a;静脉注射毒品的时间为5.26a±s3.58a;分别有44.2%和59.8%的人在最初静脉注射毒品和调查前一个月未共用注射器注射毒品;性生活中全程使用安全套的仅占14.4%,从未使用安全套者多达62.4%。对艾滋病的知晓情况:88.0%认为艾滋病是一种严重致命的传染病;对艾滋病的血液及血液制品传播、共用注射器和针具、性传播及母婴传播这些基本传播途径正确认知率较高。结论:通过宣传教育活动共用注射器注射毒品情况减少;但注射毒品者中的安全套使用率很低,今后应加强这方面的宣传活动。  相似文献   

目的探索在静脉吸毒者中开展以针具交换和同伴教育为主的降低危害干预项目的有效模式。方法在宁明县边境乡镇社区寻找并通过"滚雪球"的方式发展静脉吸毒者,在进行需求调查的基础上,对其开展针具交换、同伴教育、自愿咨询检测、安全套发放等降低危害的活动。并通过横断面调查了解静脉吸毒者行为的改变情况及干预的效果。结果项目当地的静脉吸毒者HIV感染率有下降趋势,由基线调查的17.32%下降到13.1%;共针吸毒行为从47.0%下降到3.4%;最近一次性行为不使用安全套从71.4%下降到31.3%;静脉吸毒者艾滋病知识知晓率明显提高。结论在静脉吸毒者中开展以针具交换和同伴教育为主的干预模式降低危害是可行的,效果是显著的。  相似文献   

第十六届国际降低毒品危害大会于 2 0 0 5年 3月 2 0日 - 2 4日在北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特召开。这次会议由国际降低毒品危害协会主办 ,北爱尔兰卫生、社会服务和公共安全部承办。来自于全球六大洲 5 0个国家和地区的近千名代表参加了会议 ,世界卫生组织 (WHO)、联合国艾滋病署 (UNAIDS)等相关国际组织也派代表或观察员参加了会议。大会对 70多个不同主题进行了口头和墙报交流 ,涉及范围从降低危害的相关理论、政策的探讨到“最佳”实践和方法的交流 ,从海洛因、大麻等违禁毒品滥用问题到烟草、酒精对健康的损害 ,从流行病学、预防措施到临…  相似文献   

1国际戒毒战略目标的重新定位 海洛因自19世纪末开始使用,1914年被禁用.一旦使用海洛因成瘾,就终身难以摆脱.国际上一直把戒毒目标定位在"怎样让病人离开海洛因",但用尽一切办法,花了大量的精力和财力,仍不能从根本上解决问题,而吸毒者共用针具,用静脉注射的方式吸食毒品海洛因又可导致互相感染艾滋病.为此,鉴于艾滋病对人类的威胁,鉴于吸毒人群与艾滋病的密切联系,是继续坚持"让吸毒者永远离开毒品"的戒毒战略目标,还是考虑把"控制艾滋病,保护正常人群"作为第一目标?国际上从80年代末期就一直在进行讨论.若没有艾滋病,全世界很多科学家仍会从基础理论到临床实践,继续探讨如何让吸毒者永远离开毒品,但是,艾滋病的严重程度和危害已经远远超过了海洛因,而且即便你洁身自好也可能被感染上艾滋病,比如做手术、输血、打针等.因此,国际戒毒战略目标针对目前的严重形势也进行了根本性转变--从让吸毒者永远离开毒品转移到治疗药物与方法的多元化,其目标是控制艾滋病,保护正常人群.  相似文献   

120例药物依赖者对毒品和艾滋病的认知调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的··:了解药物依赖者对毒品和艾滋病的认知情况。方法··:对郴州市公安局强制戒毒所收治的120例戒毒者进行了问卷调查。结果··:(1)大多数人对毒品概念、吸毒行为及危害均有正确认识 ;(2)57.5 %的人对毒品的易成瘾性缺乏深刻认识 ;(3)药物依赖者对艾滋病的危害普遍认识不足。结论·· :药物依赖者大多数对毒品有正确认识 ,而对艾滋病认识不足。应大力加强有关艾滋病的危害、毒品具有成瘾性的宣传教育  相似文献   

目的:了解滥用阿片类物质成瘾者艾滋病相关知识、行为及生物学现状,为开展健康教育和行为干预提供依据。方法:在绵阳市涪城区、游仙区社区内采用滚雪球等方法招募滥用阿片类物质成瘾者319名,在绵阳市强制隔离戒毒中心随机抽取新入所的滥用阿片类物质成瘾者82名,由经过培训的专业人员逐一进行问卷调查,并采血作HIV抗体、HCV抗体和梅毒抗体检测。结果:调查滥用阿片类物质成瘾者401名,艾滋病相关知识总知晓率为92.61%;当前使用的主要毒品为海洛因者占96.01%,静脉注射吸毒占69.33%,最近1个月(或入所前1个月)未与他人共用过针具;最近1次性行为时安全套使用率为62.82%;最近1次与商业性伴发生性行为时安全套使用率为75%;最近1年接受艾滋病预防服务措施覆盖率为97.26%;HIV抗体阳性率为1%,HCV抗体阳性率为66.83%,梅毒抗体阳性率为1.51%。结论:绵阳市滥用阿片类物质成瘾者艾滋病相关知识知晓率较高,HIV抗体阳性率和注射毒品共用针具的比例明显下降,但安全套使用率较低,高危行为依然存在,需要继续加强各项干预措施的落实。  相似文献   

目的:了解遂宁市船山区吸毒人群HIV感染率和艾滋病相关行为特征,为制定遂宁市船山区艾滋病防治措施提供科学依据。方法:2006~2008年在船山区吸毒人群进行行为监测和HIV血清学监测。结果:HIV抗体阳性率0.5%,均有注射吸毒史,吸毒人员存在与别人共用注射器,吸毒者安全套使用率不高,吸毒人员接受过针具交换、美沙酮治疗、艾滋病咨询等相关干预服务的比例较低。结论:吸毒人群存在HIV感染流行加快的潜在因素,应加强健康教育和实施行为干预。  相似文献   

汉防己甲素及乙素降压的机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.甲素及乙素預先作靜脉注射,能使乙醯胆硷的降压作用加强及作用时間延長,同时阿託品可部分取消甲素及乙素的降压作用,可以認为其有拟似胆硷反应系統(M-系統)的作用。2.甲素及乙素对腎上腺素之升压作用並無影响。3.甲素及乙素对交感神經节並無阻断作用,相反,当甲素及乙素产生显著血压下降时,往往引起交感神經节的短暫兴奋現象。4.甲素及乙素可取消或減弱因压迫頸动脉所引起的升压反射,二者的降压作用並不受切断二侧竇神經所影响,可以推想其对血管运动中樞或交感神經中樞有抑制作用。5.甲素及乙素对血管的直接及反射性舒張作用,对血管运动中樞或交感中樞之抑制及对胆硷反应系統的拟似作用等,应可視为它們降压作用之主要机制。6.甲素及乙素之药理性質相似,但乙素之降压作用較甲素为弱且易产生急速耐受現象。  相似文献   

1. Four peptide hormones consisting of amino acids 1–30 (Long Acting Sodium Stimulator), 31–67 (Vessel Dilator), 79–98 (Kaliuretic Stimulator) and 99–126 (Atrial Natriuretic Factor [ANF]) originate from the same 126 amino acid ANF prohormone. 2. Each of these four peptide hormones circulates as a distinct peptide with vessel dilator and long acting sodium stimulator circulating at 10- to 24-fold higher concentrations than ANF while kaliuretic stimulator circulates at a three-fold higher concentration than ANF. 3. Each of these peptide hormones is released with an increase in central volume causing stretch of the atrium of the heart and with rapid heart beats greater than 125 beats/min. 4. Each of these peptide hormones lowers blood pressure, causes a diuresis and enhances sodium and/or potassium excretion. 5. In disease states which retain sodium and water such as congestive heart failure (CHF), each of these atrial peptides increases in the circulation proportionately to the severity of sodium retention, but of the radioimmunoassays to each of these hormones only the vessel dilator radioimmunoassay differentiates between mild (class I) CHF and healthy individuals.  相似文献   

Tryptic peptides and chymotryptic peptides from a polypeptide chain in All component of adult chicken hemoglobin were isolated and purified by using column chromatography and paper chromatography. Furthermore amino acid sequence analyses of these peptides were performed mainly by redigestion with enzyme, the PTC method and the DNP method. From the result of these experiments, the primary structure of this a polypeptide chain was determined. That is, a polypeptide chain in All component from adult chicken hemoglobin consisted of 141 amino acids. In comparison with the primary structure of a polypeptide chain from adult human hemoglobin, amino acid sequence exchanges were found at 35 positions, and with a polypeptide chain from horse hemoglobin, amino acid sequence exchanges were found at 40 positions.  相似文献   

1. We have examined the question asked in the title by studying: the carotid baroreceptor reflex in man with a variable-pressure neck chamber; the carotid baroreceptor reflex in conscious rabbits with a variable-pressure capsule around the carotid bifurcation; and the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex. 2. At rest, the association between the sensitivities of the carotid barorecep-tor-blood pressure and -heart rate reflexes, and of these with the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex, is weak. Exercise causes dissociation between control of blood pressure and heart rate. In hypertension, depression of the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex does not reflect the altered characteristics of the carotid sinus-blood pressure reflex.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The actions have been compared of the acetylcholine antagonists, hexamethonium, tuborcurarine, pancuronium and gallamine on the effects of neostigmine at the neuromuscular junction of the soleus muscle in cats under chloralose anaesthesia.
2. Neostigmine produced augmentation of twitch tension, muscle fasciculations, repetitive firing in the muscle and antidromic repetitive firing in the ventral roots: all these effects were blocked by the acetylcholine antagonists. The effective doses of hexamethonium were similar to its ganglion blocking doses, being much smaller than those necessary to block the normal soleus twitch, and it is concluded that the effects of neostigmine arise mainly from the action of preserved transmitter (acetylcholine) on the motor nerve endings.
3. In the smallest effective doses, hexamethonium preferentially blocked muscle fasciculations and the associated electrical activity in nerve. Tubocurarine, which has considerable ganglion blocking activity (reflecting its affinity for neuronal cholinoceptors) resembled hexamethonium. In contrast, pancuronium and gallamine, which are considered to have a higher affinity for post-junctional muscle cholinoceptors, depressed muscle fasciculations only in doses that also depressed twitch augmentation and repetitive firing in muscle.
4. In slightly larger doses, pancuronium and gallamine also blocked antidromic repetitive firing in nerve indicating that these drugs also combine with prejunctional neuronal cholinoceptors, and suggesting that these cholinoceptors are intermediate in character between ganglionic and muscle cholinoceptors.  相似文献   


Limited information exists regarding the association between psychopathology and specific substance use in young people both globally and locally. We examined the association between psychopathology and substance use in high school students to determine the nature of the associations and the role of demographic factors in these associations. Grade 8 (N = 480) and Grade II (N = 459) students from 39 high schools in Cape Town, South Africa, completed a self-administered questionnaire. Psychopathology information was obtained from total scores on the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory and the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale. Lifetime prevalence rates were calculated for tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and inhalant use. Associations between psychopathology and substance use were determined using regression analyses and structural equation modeling. On adjusting for demographic characteristics, significant associations were found between PTSD and all substance use, between depression, alcohol, cannabis and inhalant use, and between anxiety and cannabis use. The associations of PTSD and depression with alcohol and cannabis use, and between anxiety and cannabis use, were moderated by grade. Although psychopathology and substance use were associated with each other, these associations occurred in accordance with substance and grade. Roles for gender, age and ethnicity emerged in the associations, but further investigation is recommended to examine these.  相似文献   

本文用 CNDO 分子轨道法计算了靛玉红及其异构体、衍生物和核酸中嘌呤碱的分子轨道能级和系数。在此基础上,提出了计算靛玉红类药物与受体鸟嘌呤之间络合价的新研究方法。用该法算得的药物与受体之间的络合价与这些药物的抗肿瘤活性成很好的并行关系。这就为探明靛玉红类药物的抗肿瘤机理和构效关系提供了明确而具体的信息。最后还讨论了该类药物选择性地与 RNA 肿瘤病毒的单链 RNA 中的鸟嘌呤发生π—电荷转移络合作用的抗肿瘤机理和计算络合价法在以核酸为作用目标的新药分子设计中的意义。  相似文献   

Studies are reported on the denaturation of freshly prepared, intact swine pepsin, which was inactivated by reaction with diazoacetylglycine ethyl ester, to prevent autolysis. Denaturation about pH 6 was found to involve a small expansion of the molecular domain with some loss of organized secondary structure. On the other hand, increasing concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride induced cooperative transitions in both the native and alkali denatured forms to give a cross-linked random coil. No conditions could be found in which these reactions were reversible. Removal of denaturing conditions usually resulted in aggregation and precipitation of protein. From these studies, it would seem that the active conformation is largely predetermined in the zymogen.  相似文献   

芍药甙在芍药属植物中的存在   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文报道了赤芍的有效成分芍药甙在芍药属植物中的存在情况。从植物亲缘角度来看,高含量芍药甙的种类主要分布在本属的芍药组(sect.Paeonia)植物中,含量以目前商品赤芍的主要来源:芍药(Paeonia lactiflora)和川赤芍(P.veitchii)为高。从生长动态来看,在北京地区栽培的芍药根中芍药甙的含量以显蕾期为高。从药材角度来看,来源于芍药属的三种中药:赤芍、白芍及牡丹皮,含量以赤芍为高。对本属药用植物的资源利用提出了几点意见。  相似文献   

1. The uterus is supplied by numerous noradrenergic sympathetic nerve fibres, which supply the intramural vasculature and also, in some species at least, the myometrium. 2. Pregnancy is associated with progressive loss of catecholamine from these nerves. Although some direct mechanical damage due to stretching of the uterine wall contributes to this effect, it is primarily due to hormonal influences. 3. In animal experiments, the changes in uterine catecholamine occurring during pregnancy are mimicked by intra-uterine administration of progesterone. 4. The action of progesterone appears not to be selective for pelvic sympathetic neurons, or those in which transmitter turnover rate is particularly slow. The mechanism of depletion is probably through inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase activity. 5. The functional role of this phenomenon during pregnancy, if one exists, seems likely to be related to protection of the fetoplacental blood supply against sympathetically mediated vasospasm. It is also possible that circulating progesterone may have a general inhibitory action on the female sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

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