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There are conflicting data about chemoresistance and prognosis in ovarian clear cell carcinoma (CCC). This could be due to significant interobserver variation in the diagnosis of CCC and other ovarian surface epithelial tumors containing clear cells. Thirty-two cases previously diagnosed as CCC, high-grade ovarian serous carcinoma (SC), and mixed surface epithelial carcinoma (SEC) with clear cell and serous components were reviewed by 4 gynecologic pathologists blinded to the original diagnoses. Interobserver reproducibility was evaluated. Each case was also assessed using immunohistochemical markers Wilm tumor 1, estrogen receptor, and p53. The interobserver reproducibility was greatest for pure CCC (kappa of 0.82), and lowest for the mixed SEC (kappa of 0.32). Moderate agreement was seen in the pure SC category (kappa of 0.59). All pure SC and most mixed SEC presented as stage III or IV diseases. Most pure CCC presented as stage I or II diseases. Immunoreactivities of the mixed SECs were similar to those of pure SC, but significantly different from those of pure CCC for Wilm tumor 1 (P=0.0011 for both components), estrogen receptor (P=0.0003 for clear cell component, P=0.0001 for serous component), and p53 (P=0.0062 for both components). The serous and clear cell components of mixed SEC showed higher mitotic rates than pure CCC (P=0.004 and P=0.023, respectively), but the mitotic rate of pure SC was similar to the mixed SEC. We conclude that (1) pure CCC is reproducibly diagnosed. (2) The diagnosis of mixed ovarian SEC with clear cell component is not reproducible. (3) Mixed SEC with clear cell and serous components show similar stage, mitotic activities, and immunoreactivities to those of pure SC, and likely represent SC with clear cell changes.  相似文献   

Nine clear cell carcinomas (CCC) of the ovary with a prominent component of cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm are reported. The majority of these tumors--which we have designated "oxyphilic clear cell carcinomas"--were misinterpreted by the referring pathologists as tumors of other types. Each specimen, however, had one or more features establishing it as a clear cell carcinoma, including tubules and cysts lined by cuboidal, hobnail, or flattened cells; nests and sheets of cells with abundant clear cytoplasm containing glycogen; and an adjacent adenofibromatous component. Two tumors were bilateral. The ages of the patients (average, 55 years), their clinical presentation, and the gross appearance of the neoplasms were similar to those of clear cell carcinomas in general. The diagnosis of clear cell carcinoma should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of an ovarian tumor with oxyphil cells, particularly if the patient is postmenopausal. Thorough sampling should be undertaken in such cases to identify other, more typical foci of clear cell carcinoma in order to avoid misdiagnosis.  相似文献   

All cancer patients, particularly those treated for colorectal cancer, should be monitored for the presence of liver metastases, but liver metastases from ovarian clear cell carcinoma are quite rare. We report a patient subjected to extended left hepatectomy due to a giant metastasis 5 years after surgical treatment for an ovarian neoplasm that was histopathologically diagnosed as clear cell carcinoma. A 58-year-old woman had undergone hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy due to ovarian cancer (stage Ic). Four years and 8 months after the operation, a computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrated a giant tumor in the left lobe of the liver. The tumor compressed the inferior vena cava (IVC), but it was not clear whether it invaded the vessel. She received chemotherapy for 4 months; however, the tumor did not decrease in size. She was subsequently referred to our institution and was submitted to operation after it was confirmed that there were no distant metastases. After being subjected to an extended left hepatectomy and cholecystectomy, the patient recovered from the surgery without any complications. She has been carefully followed for 17 months and has presented no evidence of recurrence.  相似文献   



Sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma (sRCC) is a rare histological subtype that is associated with unfavorable prognosis. We sought to examine the effect of sRCC on cancer-specific mortality (CSM) relative to clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), after adjusting for other variables, as well as other-cause mortality (OCM).


We relied on the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results–Medicare database from 2000 to 2009 to identify a cohort of 7916 patients with either sRCC (n = 234) or ccRCC (n = 7682) who received surgery as primary treatment. Patient, tumor, and treatment characteristics were evaluated. Then, 5-year smoothed Poisson regression CSM and OCM estimates were generated for stage-by-stage comparisons between sRCC and ccRCC. A multivariable competing-risks regression model predicting CSM and adjusting for several patient and tumor characteristics, as well as OCM, was finally fitted.


Compared to ccRCC patients, sRCC patients had more advanced and more aggressive disease at diagnosis. Specifically, 48 and 7 % of sRCC and ccRCC patients presented with stage IV disease, respectively (p < 0.001). Overall, 5-year CSM and OCM estimates were 67 and 17 % for sRCC patients and 14 and 19 % for ccRCC patients. In stage-by-stage analyses, sRCC was invariably associated with worse CSM. After adjusting for several characteristics as well as OCM, sRCC was associated with a 3.2 higher risk of CSM compared with ccRCC.


Patients with sRCC are present with more advanced disease. Moreover, sRCC is associated with a higher rate of CSM, even after adjusting for several characteristics and OCM.

Clear cell adenocarcinoma of salivary glands (CCASG) is a relatively rare tumor, composed entirely of clear cells of putative ductal origin. It bears striking morphologic similarities to renal cell carcinoma (RCC) of clear cell type on hematoxylin and eosin stains. Differentiation between CCASG and metastatic RCC to the salivary glands has been considered problematic or even impossible on morphologic grounds. We examined three cases of CCASG and 12 cases of RCC (6 primary and 6 metastatic) by hematoxylin and eosin staining, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy. Two distinctive immunohistochemical and ultrastructural patterns emerged from this analysis. CCASG showed positivity for high molecular weight cytokeratin and carcinoembryonic antigen and ultrastructurally showed prominent squamoid differentiation, glycogen pools, and absence of lipid. In contrast, RCC was characterized by positivity for vimentin and complete absence of staining for high molecular weight cytokeratin and carcinoembryonic antigen. On ultrastructural studies, RCC lacked any squamoid differentiation, and the tumor cells contained abundant cytoplasmic lipid in addition to glycogen. Thus, based on the consistent differences on the immunohistochemical staining patterns and their characteristic subcellular morphology, CCASG and RCC can be distinguished on pathologic evaluation. The different direction of differentiation of the cells in CCASG and RCC (i.e., ductal in the former and renal tubular and mesodermal in the latter) results in their distinctive immunophenotypical and ultrastructural features.  相似文献   

Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) of the ovary is the surface epithelial neoplasm most often confused with primitive germ cell tumors, particularly yolk sac tumor (YST) and dysgerminoma. OCT3/4 has proven to be a sensitive and relatively specific marker for the latter entity, but existing markers for YST are limited. Recent studies suggest that glypican-3 (GPC3), an oncofetal protein expressed in fetal liver and malignant tumors of hepatocytic lineage, is also expressed in germ cell tumors, particularly YST. To investigate whether GPC3 is useful in distinguishing YST from ovarian CCC, we studied the expression of GPC3 in a large series of ovarian neoplasms and compared it to the expression profiles of CK7 and alpha-fetoprotein. Tissue microarrays containing over 400 benign and malignant ovarian neoplasms, including 34 CCCs were stained with monoclonal GPC3 (clone 1G12, Biomosaics, Burlington, VT). These arrays contained a wide assortment of ovarian surface epithelial neoplasms and sex cord stromal neoplasms, as well as germ cell tumors. Full paraffin tissue sections from 32 YSTs and 10 CCCs were also assessed. All but one YST (97%), including those associated with mixed germ cell tumor were positive for GPC3, whereas all teratomas and embryonal carcinomas were negative. Both cytoplasmic and membrane staining were present in the positive cases, with no background staining. The syncytiotrophoblastic cells in the germ cell tumors and placental villi included in the arrays were also positive for GPC3. Most CCCs (83%) were completely negative for GPC3, as were 99% serous, 94% endometrioid, and 100% mucinous tumors. Five CCCs exhibited focal, moderate to strong GPC3 expression and in 2 the expression was focal and weak. All other tissues, including normal ovary were negative for GPC3. GPC3 seems to be a promising diagnostic marker for differentiating YST from ovarian CCC (P < 0.0001). Because GPC3 may be associated with alpha-fetoprotein expression, further studies are required to determine the utility of GPC3 in differentiating YST from CCC with hepatoid differentiation.  相似文献   

Recent literature has suggested a dual pathway of ovarian serous carcinogenesis, with most serous carcinomas falling into 1 of 2 categories, low grade and high grade. These are considered to represent 2 distinct tumor types with a different underlying pathogenesis and associated with different molecular events, clinical behavior, and prognosis. Low-grade serous carcinoma is thought to evolve in many instances from a preexisting serous borderline tumor and cystadenoma. Given the distinct pathogenesis and different molecular events, it is expected that the coexistence of low-grade and high-grade serous carcinoma would be rare or may even be mutually exclusive; moreover, there are very few reported examples in the literature. We report a series of 7 cases in patients aged 34 to 78 years in whom ovarian low-grade serous carcinoma (4 cases, including 3 with associated serous borderline tumor), serous borderline tumor (2 cases), or seromucinous borderline tumor (1 case) was associated with a high-grade carcinoma, either high-grade serous (5 cases) or undifferentiated carcinoma (2 cases). The low-grade and high-grade components coexisted in the original neoplasm in 4 cases, and the high-grade component was present only in recurrence in 3 cases. In both instances, the undifferentiated carcinoma had a focal rhabdoid morphology, and alternative primary sites of tumor were excluded by a combination of clinical, radiologic, and pathologic parameters. We illustrate that low-grade serous carcinoma or serous borderline tumor ("low-grade" serous neoplasms) may rarely be associated with, and probably give rise to, a high-grade carcinoma, either high-grade serous or undifferentiated carcinoma. The coexistence of a low-grade serous neoplasm and undifferentiated carcinoma can be regarded as a form of dedifferentiation. p53 was diffusely positive in 4 of 6 high-grade carcinomas, which raises the possibility that secondary Tp53 mutation is important in high-grade transformation in some of these cases. WT1 was negative in the 2 undifferentiated carcinomas, and PAX8 was positive in 1, suggesting that the latter marker is more useful in helping to confirm a Mullerian origin in dedifferentiated low-grade serous neoplasms.  相似文献   

Recently, we have proposed a model for the development of ovarian surface epithelial tumors. In this model, all histologic types of surface epithelial tumors are divided into 2 categories designated type I and type II which correspond to 2 pathways of tumorigenesis. Type I tumors include low-grade serous carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, endometrioid carcinoma, malignant Brenner tumor, and clear cell carcinoma which develop slowly in a stepwise fashion from well-recognized precursors, namely atypical proliferative (borderline) tumors. Type II tumors are high-grade, rapidly growing tumors that typically have spread beyond the ovaries at presentation. They include high-grade serous carcinoma ("moderately" and "poorly" differentiated), malignant mixed mesodermal tumors (carcinosarcomas), and undifferentiated carcinoma. These tumors are rarely associated with morphologically recognizable precursor lesions and it has been proposed that they develop "de novo" from ovarian inclusion cysts. This model implies that the pathogenesis of type I and type II tumors are separate and independent but it is not clear whether some type II tumors develop from type I tumors. In this study, we attempted to address this issue by determining the clonality of 6 cases of high-grade serous carcinomas that were closely associated with atypical proliferative serous (borderline) tumors and invasive low-grade micropapillary serous carcinomas. We reviewed 210 ovarian serous tumors from the surgical pathology files of the Johns Hopkins Hospital and identified 3 high-grade serous carcinoma that were directly associated with atypical proliferative serous (borderline) tumors and 3 that were associated with invasive low-grade micropapillary serous carcinomas. A morphologic continuum between the high-grade carcinoma and the low-grade tumors was observed in 4 cases whereas in the remaining 2 cases the high-grade and low-grade components were separate. Mutational analyses for KRAS, BRAF, and p53 genes were performed on microdissected samples from the high-grade and low-grade tumor areas for each case. All 6 tumors demonstrated wild-type BRAF and p53 genes. Only 2 of the 6 cases were informative from a molecular genetic standpoint. In those 2 cases we found the same mutations of KRAS in both the atypical proliferative serous (borderline) tumor and the high-grade serous carcinoma component of the tumor, indicating a clonal relationship. The above results suggest that the majority of high-grade and low-grade carcinomas develop independently but in rare cases, a high-grade serous carcinoma may arise from an atypical proliferative serous (borderline) tumor.  相似文献   

目的探讨肾透明细胞癌淋巴管新生与临床病理因素的关系。方法通过免疫组织化学染色方法利用D2-40来标记60例肾透明细胞癌患者标本中的淋巴管,利用光学显微镜测定癌周淋巴管密度(PLVD)并观察癌内淋巴管(ILVs)是否出现,评价PLVD及ILVs与临床病理因素的关系。结果平均PLVD为16.89,按平均值分为两组进行相关性分析表明PLVD与远处转移(P=0.073)、淋巴结转移(P=0.758)、Fuhrman细胞核分级(P=0.866)和肿瘤T分期(P=0.653)无相关性,结果无统计学意义。ILVs的出现与远处转移(P=0.001)、淋巴结转移(P=0.017)及Fuhrman细胞核分级(P=0.002)有相关性,与肿瘤T分期(P=0.570)无相关性。结论 PLVD与临床病理因素包括远处转移、淋巴结转移、Fuhrman细胞核分级及肿瘤T分期无相关性;ILVs的出现与远处转移、淋巴结转移及Fuhrman细胞核分级有显著的相关性。  相似文献   

原发性膀胱透明细胞癌(附二例报告并文献复习)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨原发性膀胱透明细胞癌的临床、病理、组织化学特性和诊治方法。方法:回顾分析2例患者临床资料,结合文献复习讨论。结果:2例肿瘤发生于膀胱右侧壁近膀胱颈处,以血尿就诊。组织学以大片透明样癌细胞、腺管样结构为特征。电镜下癌细胞核大而畸形,细胞器较少,部分癌细胞内有细胞内微小腺腔。免疫组化示PAS(+)、AB(+)。1例行膀胱部分切除术,30个月后出现淋巴结转移;1例行肿瘤电切术,15个月后未见复发。结论:此病以血尿为主要症状,病理检查才能确诊,应与转移性癌及肾源型腺瘤相鉴别,治疗以根治性手术为主,预后较其他非尿路上皮癌好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨透明细胞型肝癌(primary clear cell carcinoma of the liver,PCCCL)的临床病理特点及预后影响因素.方法 回顾性分析1996年1月至2006年3月手术治疗的214例PCCCL患者的临床病理特点及预后因素.结果 PCCCL患者的1,3,5年的总生存率分别为90.2%、70.6%和55.9%,显著优于非透明细胞型肝癌(non-clear cell hepatocellular carcinoma,NHCC)患者(82.8%、62.7%和47.7%,P=0.001).本组患者PCCCL肿瘤显著小于NHCC(x2=4.37,P=0.04),血管侵犯显著少于NHCC(x2=9.42,P=0.002),而高分化肿瘤所占的比例则显著高于NHCC(x2 =4.30,P=0.04).甲胎蛋白水平,肿瘤大小,肝硬化及血管侵犯是影响PCCCL患者总生存率和无瘤生存率的独立预后因素.结论 PCCCL为肝细胞肝癌的一种少见的病理类型,具有与NHCC不同的临床病理特点.手术切除是PCCCL最佳治疗手段,预后显著好于NHCC.  相似文献   

Establishing a diagnosis of ovarian clear cell carcinoma (O-CCC) can be subject to significant interobserver variation. Accurately diagnosing this tumor is important because of its chemoresistance and reported association with Lynch syndrome. The spectrum of the morphologic features of O-CCC has not been well described in a series composed of immunohistochemically characterized cases. A total of 155 cases diagnosed as O-CCC were retrieved from the files of 3 institutions to analyze architectural and cytologic features. The immunohistochemical features of these cases have been reported earlier. A comprehensive list of features was recorded, including, but not limited to, architectural patterns, nuclear appearance, cytoplasmic characteristics, and mitotic index. Between 1 and 13 slides were available for review for each case. The cases were divided into 2 groups based on morphologic characteristics, those with features shared by the large majority (the first group, n=138) and those that showed unusual characteristics (second group, n=17). Tumors in the first group typically showed a mixture of architectural patterns, the most frequent being papillary and tubulocystic. Papillae, usually small and round and lacking hierarchical branching and tufting or stratification of more than 3 cells, were present at least focally in almost 3 of 4 cases. The cell shape was predominantly cuboidal, not columnar. Nuclear pleomorphism and prominent nucleoli were frequently present, but never diffusely. Clear cytoplasm was found in nearly every case and hobnail cells were common. Mitoses exhibited a range from 0 to 13 with an average of 3 to 4 per 10 high power fields. The second group of tumors showed numerous unusual morphologic characteristics, despite the presence of clear cytoplasm, including those typically seen in other ovarian epithelial tumors, such as serous and endometrioid carcinoma. Eighty-nine percent of tumors from the first group showed the expected "O-CCC immunophenotype" [hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF) positive, and estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), Wilms tumor 1 (WT1) and p53 negative], whereas 4% of tumors showed HNF positivity along with focal ER or PR expression. Seven percent of tumors were not immunoreactive with these markers. Twenty-nine percent of tumors in the second group showed the O-CCC immunophenotype, whereas 24% of tumors were p53 positive, 5% of tumors were WT1 positive, and the remaining cases were negative for all markers. Ninety-seven percent (112 of 117) of HNF-positive tumors in this series were classical O-CCC. Therefore, O-CCC has characteristic morphologic features and a specific, if not unique, immunophenotype in the vast majority of the cases. Clear cell-rich tumors with features that depart from the classical morphologic appearances described herein should suggest the possibility of an alternative diagnosis.  相似文献   

Invasive micropapillary serous carcinoma (MPSC) also designated "low-grade serous carcinoma" (LGSC) of the ovary is characterized by small micropapillae that infiltrate underlying tissue (ovarian stroma). On occasion these tumors in addition to the micropapillae contain large macropapillae lined by bland epithelium. In rare cases, the entire tumor is composed of macropapillae. In these cases, the question of whether this is an invasive carcinoma or an unusual type of adenofibroma has been raised. The goal of this study was to describe this unusual macropapillary pattern of invasion in LGSC. Cases of LGSC containing macropapillae were retrieved from the files of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. In addition to a detailed morphologic analysis, the mutational status of KRAS and BRAF in the macropapillary, noninvasive, and invasive MPSC components was analyzed by nucleotide sequencing. There were 14 cases containing macropapillae (11 cases of LGSC, 2 cases of atypical proliferative serous tumor (APST) with microinvasion, and 1 case of APST with a focus of LGSC with macropapillae in perivaginal soft tissue). In 3 cases, extraovarian metastases contained macropapillae. Molecular analysis of the primary tumor components (macropapillary, noninvasive, and invasive MPSC and/or APST) was performed in 7 cases and of a lymph node metastasis with macropapillae in 1 case. The identical KRAS mutation was detected in all of the analyzed components of the primary ovarian tumors in 4 cases. In one of these cases, macropapillae in the lymph node metastasis contained a KRAS mutation identical to the primary tumor. The BRAF mutation identified in 1 case was identical in all components of the ovarian tumor. The identical mutations in the macropapillae and the other tumor components in each case indicate that they are clonally related. The finding of macropapillae within lymph nodes supports the interpretation that the macropapillary component is another manifestation of invasion in LGSC. The recognition of this pattern is important, especially in cases when a tumor is composed entirely of macropapillae.  相似文献   

The differential diagnostic problems usually associated with clear cell carcinoma (CCC) of the ovary have been well characterized and include primitive germ cell tumor, sex cord stromal tumor, and metastasis. Distinction from other types of surface epithelial carcinoma may also pose a diagnostic challenge, but the potential for misdiagnosis of serous tumor of low malignant potential (S-LMP) is not well recognized. We report 13 cases of ovarian CCC with prominent papillary architecture that were initially misdiagnosed as S-LMP or low-grade serous carcinoma either on frozen section or at final diagnosis. The ages of the patients ranged from 39 to 65 years (mean, 52.2 y). All patients presented with a pelvic mass; 1 was undergoing evaluation for infertility. Macroscopically, most were described as unilateral, multilocular cysts with internal papillary structures. On microscopic examination, each tumor had a papillary architecture that accounted for 30% to 95% of the tumor; in 6 cases, the cores of the papillae were hyalinized. The neoplastic cells covering the papillae had clear to granular and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Hobnail cells were focal and often subtle. Most had a low mitotic index (9/13) and/or deceptively bland cytology (8/13); only careful attention to the cytologic features and/or mitotic index allowed correct identification of the tumor type in 5 cases. Six were associated with pelvic/ovarian endometriosis. Ten were Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage I (8 IA, 2 IC), 2 were stage II (1 IIB, 1 IIC), and 1 stage IIIC. CCC with prominent papillary architecture is uncommon, but may pose a challenging differential diagnosis with S-LMP, resulting in inadequate staging and delayed treatment. Features most helpful in distinguishing papillary CCC are unilaterality, nonhierarchical branching, monomorphous cell population, and the presence of more typical CCC patterns elsewhere in the tumor. The presence of endometriosis, although not specific, should also prompt consideration for papillary CCC. Increased numbers of mitotic figures may not be present and high-grade cytologic atypia may be focal, requiring careful examination of multiple tumor sections for detection. As CCC and S-LMP exhibit significantly different immunoreactivity for Wilms' Tumor 1 and estrogen receptor, these markers may also be useful adjunctive tests in problematic cases.  相似文献   

A case of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the ovary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 52-year-old woman had a pathological fracture of the right femur. On histopathological examination bone metastasis from renal cell carcinoma was suspected. Abdominal computed tomography showed a heterogeneous mass (9.1 x 7.8 x 6.5 cm) in the left kidney and a cystic multilocular mass (12 x 10 cm) in the pelvis. Bone scintigraphy revealed an abnormal uptake in the left coracoid process, right third rib, and right distal femur and proximal tibia. Clinical diagnosis was left renal cancer with multiple bone metastases (cT2NOM1, stage IV) and a right ovarian tumor. We performed left radical nephrectomy and resection of right ovarian tumor by bilateral adnexectomy. On histopathological examination, the left kidney tumor was diagnosed as renal cell carcinoma (clear cell carcinoma with chromophobe component, G2 > G1). The ovarian tumor consisted of carcinoma of clear cell type (G2) that resembled components of left renal cell carcinoma, confirming the diagnosis of metastatic renal clear cell carcinoma to the ovary. Although she underwent immunotherapy with interferon, she died 10 months after nephrectomy. Metastasis to the ovary from renal clear cell carcinoma is very rare and only 18 cases have been reported in the literature. This rarity may be related to the difficulty of differential diagnosis between metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the ovary and primary ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Elaborate analysis of microscopic features and immunohistochemical profiles may help in the distinction of this metastatic lesion.  相似文献   

A case of adenocarcinoma with clear cell carcinoma of the bladder in a 65-year-old male is reported. Our patient had a walnut-sized nodular tumor located on the anterior wall of the bladder. The patient underwent radical cystoprostatectomy with urethral hemi-Koch pouch. Histopathological examination revealed a lesion composed of poorly-differentiated adenocarcinoma and clear cell carcinoma with diffuse sheet patterns of cells with abundant, clear cytoplasm. The patient died of general metastasis 18 months after operation. To our knowledge this is the first case of adenocarcinoma with clear cell carcinoma arising from the anterior wall of the bladder in a male.  相似文献   

目的 探讨2型糖尿病与肾透明细胞癌的相关性.方法 收集2008年1月至2012年12月264例肾透明细胞癌患者的临床资料,以同期非肿瘤、非泌尿系统及非激素代谢异常类疾病患者400例为对照组,比较2组患者糖尿病的发生率、糖尿病病程与肾透明细胞癌的关系;分析264例肾透明细胞癌患者中伴糖尿病者与不伴糖尿病者的临床、实验室及病理学指标的差异.结果 肾透明细胞癌患者和对照组患者糖尿病发生率分别为19.7%和12.8%,两组差异有统计学意义(x2=5.86,P <0.05,OR=1.68);糖尿病病程2~4年的比例分别为4.9%和1.7%,差异有统计学意义(x2=5.49,P<0.05,OR =2.91),男性糖尿病者与非糖尿病者相比,发生肾癌的风险增高(OR=1.86,95% CI:1.09 ~3.15).264例肾透明细胞癌患者根据是否伴有糖尿病分为糖尿病组(52例)和非糖尿病组(212例),2组肿瘤最大径分别为(4.9 ±2.3)cm和(4.2 ±2.1)cm,差异有统计学意义(t=1.96,P<0.05);而年龄、性别、肿瘤部位比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).糖尿病组血肌酐[(72±20) μmol/L]、尿素氮[(7.1 ±2.1)mmol/L]高于非糖尿病组,差异有统计学意义(=2.34、1.47,P<0.05).2组患者中高分化透明细胞癌所占比例分别为80.8%和81.1%,差异有统计学意义(x2=4.23,P<0.05);Ⅱ期肾癌所占比例分别为25.0%和27.8%,差异有统计学意义(x2=4.08,P <0.05).结论 2型糖尿病与肾透明细胞癌关系密切,可能是肾癌的危险因素之一;中老年糖尿病患者出现腰部不适或血尿时,应行肾脏B超检查以免延误诊治,改善患者预后.  相似文献   

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