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Despite the growing evidence of poor psychosocial adjustment, at present there is no formal method of assessment of social adjustment in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). First, we assessed social adjustment in patients with TLE using a self-report questionnaire and compared the results with those from quality-of-life (QOL) scales. Second, we verified the influence of cognitive performance and clinical variables of epilepsy on social adjustment and QOL. We evaluated 35 people with TLE and 38 healthy controls. Patients had worse social adjustment, and it was correlated with worse perception of cognitive function. Attention and verbal memory dysfunctions were negatively correlated with social adjustment. However, there was no significant correlation between cognitive performance and QOL. Regarding clinical variables, persons with left TLE showed worse social adjustment and patients with frequent seizures showed worse QOL. These findings indicate the relevance of evaluating social adjustment and emphasize the importance of cognitive rehabilitation to improved social adjustment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A person's health locus of control orientation is one of several factors that determine which health-related behaviors a person will perform. The aim of this study was to determine the health locus of control in patients with epilepsy and its relationship to anxiety, depression, and seizure control. METHODS: Adults aged 18 and older who had had epilepsy for at least 1 year were recruited in either the inpatient epilepsy monitoring unit or the outpatient epilepsy clinic at Thomas Jefferson University in 2006. Patients anonymously filled out a questionnaire, which elicited data on age, sex, education, and seizure control. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale was used to evaluate anxiety level and depression, and Form C of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) scales was used to evaluate the health locus of control. Statistical analyses were performed using regression analyses to determine potentially significant associations. RESULTS: Two hundred patients with a mean age of 40.3 +/- 16 participated. Patients had low mean scores on the Internal, medium mean scores on the Chance, and high mean scores on the Powerful Others MHLC subscales. Patients with epilepsy with higher Internal MHLC scores more frequently had controlled seizures. Patients with higher Powerful Others MHLC scores had higher scores on the Anxiety subscale of the HAD scale. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with epilepsy in our study had weak perceptions of internal and strong perceptions of external health locus of control. This probably means patients with epilepsy might adapt less effectively to their illness and have lower levels of engagement in beneficial health behaviors and active coping strategies.  相似文献   

Research has presented the benefits of and barriers to exercise for people with epilepsy through quantitative means. However, individual experiences through qualitative investigations have been absent. This research will present the narratives of people with epilepsy exercising over time and, as a result, develop further understanding of the psychosocial impact of exercising with epilepsy. Four interviews were conducted over the course of one year (one every three to four months) with four participants (aged 23–38 years) who varied in seizure type and control (16 interviews in total). A narrative analysis was used to analyze their exercise experiences. Results showed that exercise creates a positive effect on psychological and physical well-being. However, prevention from exercise as a result of medical advice or recurrent seizures can create negative effects such as social isolation, anxiety, lack of confidence, frustration, and anger. Adaptations of decreasing exercise intensity level and partaking in different physical activities are techniques used to lessen the negative impact and maintain an exercise routine. Time was shown to be an important factor in this adaptation as well as portrayed the cyclical responses of negative and positive emotions in regard to their exercise life. These findings provide valuable insight into the psychosocial benefits of and barriers to exercising with epilepsy and draw attention to the individual differences in how a person with epilepsy copes with uncontrolled seizures and their impact on his/her exercise routine. This knowledge can lead to future research in exploring how a person with epilepsy can overcome these barriers to exercise and encourage more people with epilepsy to enjoy the benefits of exercise.  相似文献   

The multiaetiological determinants and correlates of interictal hypergraphia in patients with epilepsy were studied. A variety of neurological, psychosocial and demographic variables were examined in order to determine their relationship to experimental and clinically derived measures of hypergraphia in a sample of 50 patients with epilepsy. The results indicate that hypergraphia is of multifactorial origin in general, with especially strong relationships with measures of psychopathology. These results are related to the larger literature concerned with interictal behavioural change in patients with epilepsy.  相似文献   

There have been many studies exploring quality of life as well as the impact of epilepsy on the affected individual. However, epilepsy affects more than the patients themselves, and there seems to be a paucity of data regarding the impact of epilepsy beyond the person with epilepsy (PWE). In particular, it is uncertain what the impact of epilepsy on marriage may be. We therefore performed a narrative review to evaluate work measuring the psychosocial effect of epilepsy on marriage.We reviewed the literature on epilepsy and marriage by searching PubMed (Medline) and EMBASE and thoroughly examining relevant bibliographies. Forty-two papers were identified that addressed the issue of the psychosocial effect of epilepsy on marriage.The different approaches used to assess the impact of epilepsy on marriage can be broadly grouped into three categories: assessment of the social effect of living with epilepsy, which includes the marital prospects of PWEs and how changes in martial status associate with seizure frequency; assessment of quality of life (QOL) of PWEs; assessment of the association of social support with the disease burden of epilepsy. Within each of these approaches, different research methods have been employed including questionnaires, qualitative methods, and scales.The studies reviewed indicate that epilepsy has a severe impact on individuals and their families. While many quality-of-life surveys do comment on the marital status of the patient, there is little expansion beyond this. The impact that seizures may have on the partner of a patient with epilepsy is barely addressed. With increasing incidence of epilepsy in older populations, potential changes in the dynamic of a long-term marriage with the development of epilepsy in older age are not known. Similarly, the impact of marriage on concordance with medication or proceeding to, for example, surgical treatment for pharmacoresistant epilepsy has not been studied in detail. We suggest ways in which to address these aspects in order to better deliver holistic care to patients with epilepsy and their partners.  相似文献   

Little is known about social anxiety among people with epilepsy (PWE), although PWE are more likely to be diagnosed with social anxiety disorder than the general population. The purpose of this study was to determine which psychosocial and seizure-related variables are associated with social anxiety. It was hypothesized that social anxiety would be positively correlated with perceived seizure severity, stigma, impact of epilepsy, fear of negative evaluation, and experiential avoidance. Further, social anxiety would be negatively correlated with epilepsy knowledge and disclosure of epilepsy. Finally, if a seizure occurred in public and others were unaware of the epilepsy, participants would report greater judgment, anxiety, and rumination compared with those in a situation where others were aware of the epilepsy. A total of 101 individuals with epilepsy participated in this online study. Social anxiety was found to correlate with both psychosocial and seizure-related variables in the expected directions. Further, social anxiety predicted significant variance in stigma and disclosure beyond known predictors of stigma. Participants in both conditions (disclosed diagnosis of epilepsy versus undisclosed diagnosis of epilepsy) were equally distressed by having a seizure in public. These findings provide an initial basis for discerning how to best assess and support PWE with social anxiety.  相似文献   

Binge Eating (BE) is a common eating pattern in patients with Bipolar Disorder (BD). BE may confer an increased risk for obesity, morbidity, mortality and poorer quality of life. We assessed the presence of BE and its impact on body weight, body image and self-esteem in 50 patients with BD and 50 age- and gender-matched controls. The presence and severity of BE was assessed with the Binge Eating Scale (BES). The Body Image and Self-Esteem Evaluation Scale (B-WISE) was used to assess the psychosocial impact of weight gain. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated. Nine (18%) patients had a score > 27, indicating a likely diagnosis of BE. None of the control subjects had a BES score > 17. No association between BES score and the medications was found. Patients had a significantly higher BES score, significantly higher BMI, waist circumference and fasting blood glucose. Although the B-Wise score was higher in the controls, the difference was not statistically significant. This study suggests that BE is prevalent in patients with BD. The presence of BE eating is a predictor of higher BMI, indicating that the disruption of eating behavior may be a pathway to weight gain.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to examine the illness beliefs and locus of control of patients with recent onset pseudoseizures and to compare these with patients with recent onset epilepsy. METHODS: Twenty consecutive patients with pseudoseizures of recent onset (mean duration 5.4 months) were compared with 20 consecutive patients with recent onset epilepsy on their responses to (a) the Illness Behaviour Questionnaire (IBQ) and (b) a measure of locus of control, a dimension of the tendency to attribute events to internal or external factors. RESULTS: In comparison with patients with epilepsy, patients with recent onset pseudoseizures believed that psychological factors were less important than somatic ones were (P < .005) and had a greater tendency to deny nonhealth life stresses (P < .0001). No significant differences were detected in disease conviction or illness worry. Patients with pseudoseizures had a more external locus of control (P < .001), CONCLUSIONS: Patients with pseudoseizures are less likely than those with epilepsy to see psychological factors as relevant to their symptoms, more likely to deny that they have suffered from life stress and also to have a more external locus of control. The implications for treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Risk of depression, anxiety, and reduced quality of life is elevated in epilepsy patients, due to a range of factors including aetiology, structural brain lesions, seizure worry, epilepsy surgery, hereditary factors, psychosocial factors, and possible adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Studies on the relationships between epilepsy-related variables and behavioural adjustment have been mainly conducted on patients with persisting seizures, whereas the present study investigated behavioural function in epilepsy patients seizure-free for more than 2 years on monotherapy. METHODS: Adults with epilepsy on AED monotherapy and without epileptic seizures for at least 2 years (n=126) were assessed with the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), in addition to MRI and EEG. RESULTS: Group analysis found mean MMPI-2 scores on all the clinical and content scales to be within the normal range. Abnormally elevated scores on scales measuring aspects of depression, health-related concerns, low self-esteem, negative treatment indicators, and physical complaints were recorded in a higher proportion of patients than would normally be expected. Multiple regression analysis showed that MRI pathology was a significant predictor for an abnormally poor score on the low self-esteem scale, and that epilepsy onset 相似文献   

This study investigated aspects of psychosocial adjustment in epilepsy patients in Cyprus. Sixty-three patients under 55years of age with idiopathic or symptomatic epilepsy and 89 neurologically matched healthy volunteers participated. Subjects completed the State and Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Beck Depression Inventory; patients with epilepsy also completed the Epilepsy Foundation Concerns Index. Results showed that patients with symptomatic epilepsy had significantly higher scores on state and trait anxiety and depressive symptoms. Sociodemographic characteristics including gender, marital status, and education levels contributed to differences in trait and state anxiety, depressive symptom scales, autonomy concerns, and fear for seizure recurrence. Variables such as poor seizure control and use of polytherapy were associated with lower adjustment scores and reduced psychosocial outcome. Finally, patients with epilepsy scored significantly higher on depression and anxiety symptoms. The results provide further evidence on challenges patients with epilepsy face and on the need for implementing psychosocial prevention programs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine the relationships between insight and psychosocial adjustment in outpatients with bipolar I disorder in clinical remission. METHODS: Using the Schedule of Assessment of Insight (SAI) and its expanded version (SAI-E), we evaluated 50 consecutive patients with bipolar I disorder in remission to determine their level of insight. We also evaluated their psychosocial adjustment using the Community Life Scale. Relationships among psychosocial adjustment, insight, residual affective symptoms, and demographic and clinical characteristics were examined. RESULTS: The results of the multiple regression analysis indicated that having a higher total SAI or SAI-E insight score and having no residual affective symptoms were significantly associated with better psychosocial adjustment in patients with bipolar I disorder. CONCLUSIONS: In this cross-sectional study, better insight and less residual affective symptoms were correlated with good psychosocial adjustment. To address the causality issue, a longitudinal study is needed.  相似文献   

BackgroundSome patients with epilepsy develop intermittent and pleomorphic affective–somatoform symptoms, termed interictal dysphoric disorder (IDD). Other psychiatric disorders have been extensively investigated in patients with epilepsy, but there are few clinical studies investigating the comorbidity patterns of IDD and common psychiatric disorders (PDs). In particular, the impact of IDD on the psychosocial burden of patients remains unclear.MethodsThe participants were 128 adult Japanese outpatients with localization-related epilepsy (LRE). In order to determine the comorbidity patterns for IDD and PDs, we conducted a comprehensive diagnostic investigation for IDD and DSM-IV psychiatric disorders. Based on these analyses, participants were divided into groups according to the comorbidity patterns for IDD and PDs in order to compare both suicide risk and quality of life (QOL).ResultsThe findings indicated that 19.5% of participants had IDD, and 55.5% had PDs. Younger age at epilepsy onset and refractory complex partial seizures were associated with IDD, but the duration and type of epilepsy were not. Patients with IDD were more likely to have comorbid PDs as follows: mood disorders (odds ratio, OR: 8.30; 95% confidence interval, CI: 3.15–21.83), anxiety disorders (OR: 8.81; 95% CI: 3.30–23.49), and psychotic disorders (OR: 7.72; 95% CI: 2.83–21.06). Group comparisons demonstrated that there were no patients with IDD but without PD. Furthermore, patients with IDD and with PDs had a significantly higher suicide risk and lower QOL compared to the other groups, even after adjusting for the influences of confounding factors.ConclusionInterictal dysphoric disorder adds extreme psychosocial burden and is associated with multiple PDs in patients with LRE. The present study suggests that IDD has a specific prognostic significance. However, whether IDD is nosologically independent from conditions diagnosed using standardized psychiatric diagnostic systems such as DSM-IV must be further assessed by future research.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the quality of life (QOL) in patients with epilepsy and its correlation with psychosocial impact, depression, seizure-related items, and living circumstances. One hundred two patients who visited the epilepsy clinic at Nagoya City University Hospital participated in this study. We used the Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-31-P (QOLIE-31-P) as a measure of QOL, the Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy (NDDI-E) as the screening instrument for rapid detection of major depression, and the Side Effects and Life Satisfaction Inventory (SEALS) to evaluate psychosocial functioning, seizure-related items, and living circumstances. Significant correlations of the QOLIE-31-P overall score with these questionnaires and seizure-related or demographic variables were identified and analyzed by stepwise linear regression. The QOLIE-31-P overall score correlated significantly with the NDDI-E, SEALS overall score, number of anticonvulsants, frequency of focal seizure with impairment of consciousness or awareness (focal seizure), sheltered work, and employment. The stepwise linear regression showed that the QOLIE-31-P overall score was explained by the effects of psychosocial functioning, depression, frequency of focal seizure, and employment, in that order, with these factors explaining 74% of the variance. Thus, using both the SEALS and NDDI-E may be useful to detect some aspects of QOL in clinical settings.  相似文献   

This study investigates the differences between adults with visual impairments and sighted adults with regard to locus of control (LOC) and self-esteem. One hundred and eight adults with visual impairments (blindness or low vision) and fifty-five sighted adults took part in this study. Sighted adults showed a higher score on the self-esteem scale than either the individuals with low vision or with blindness. Moreover, analysis indicated no significant differences amongst the three groups of participants regarding LOC. Significant predictors of self-esteem were vision status and age at loss of sight. Significant predictors of LOC were vision status and independent movement. Findings are discussed with regard to their implications for parents, social workers, teachers, and rehabilitation specialists.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe purposes of the current study were to test the feasibility of exercise therapy for children with benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS) and to collect pilot data about the impact of exercise therapy on neurocognitive, emotional, and behavioral outcomes.MethodsTen children with BECTS (9.7 ± 1.42 years) participated in a therapeutic exercise program consisting of ten supervised exercise sessions and home-based exercises for five weeks. Electroencephalography (EEG), seizure frequency, and neurocognitive and psychological factors, including attention, executive function, depression, anxiety, behavioral problems, and quality of life, were assessed before and after the exercise program.ResultsNo clinical symptoms were observed to worsen during the study, demonstrating that the exercise therapy was safe and also feasible. After five weeks of exercise therapy, significant improvements in neurocognitive domains such as simple visual and auditory attention, sustained attention, divided attention, psychomotor speed, and inhibition–disinhibition were observed. Furthermore, parent ratings of internalizing behavioral problems and social problems and mood-related well-being from quality of life improved after exercise therapy. Although not statistically significant, trends were noted toward improvement in children's self-reports of negative mood/somatization, parent reports of somatic complaints, and general health on a quality-of-life measure.ConclusionsA five-week structured exercise program was successfully implemented, with preliminary data suggesting beneficial impact on neurocognitive and psychobehavioral function. Exercise therapy should be further evaluated as a part of a comprehensive treatment program for children with benign epilepsy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical features and seizure control of epilepsy related to neurocysticercosis. METHOD: 18 patients with partial epilepsy and neurocysticercosis were treated with albendazol or praziquantel and followed from 3 months to 12 years. We analyzed results from the CSF exam, interictal electroencephalogram (EEG), head computerized tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging. RESULTS: The patients' mean age was 36.4 years. The mean duration of epilepsy was 16 years. 83% patients had simple partial seizures; 17% had complex partial seizures. All patients underwent routine EEGs: 62% had abnormalities and 38% were normal. A relationship was observed between focal EEG abnormality and the location of cyst in 28% of the patients. The CSF exams showed pleocytosis in 33% of the patients, and 28% had elevated protein levels. Only 22% of patients had positive titer for cysticercosis in the CSF. In all patients who had somatosensory and special sensory seizures there was a relationship between location of the cysts and seizure semiology (n=11). After cysticidal therapy, 83% patients had a significant improvement in controlling seizures. CONCLUSION: In this group, we found a predominance of simple partial seizures and a relationship between somatosensory and special sensory seizures and the location of the cysts. Cysticidal therapy was effective in controlling seizures in these patients and should be considered for patients with partial seizures and semiology related to cyst location.  相似文献   

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