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深圳市暗娼安全套使用行为定性研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:了解暗娼安全套使用行为和动机,为实施有效的性病/艾滋病干预措施提供依据。方法:采取个人深入访谈的定性研究方法,在深圳收容教育所抽取43名暗娼进行个人深入访谈。结果:暗娼人群中多数人已经了解性病的一般知识,但对于艾滋病及其预防的知识还缺乏深入了解。她们中发生无安全套保护性行为的情况仍比较严重,尤其是在与熟悉的商业性性伴和非商业性性伴之间。暗娼人群中存在着商业性关系与非商业性关系并存的现象,暗娼与不同属性性伴之间安全套使用频率不同,性伴间越熟悉、感情越密切,则越有可能不使用安全套。结论:在性病、艾滋病的健康教育工作中,应加强艾滋病知识普及,提高目标人群的危险性意识,同时应增加对危险行为发生情境因素干预的内容。  相似文献   

目的了解男性发生商业性行为、多属性性伴关系、不坚持使用安全套等HIV/AIDS危险行为的人格特征,探讨人格因素与HIV/AIDS危险行为之间的关系。方法对深圳市教育所收容的165名参与商业性行为的男性进行问卷调查和卡氏16种人格因素量表测试。结果调查对象的16种人格因素与常模比较无差别。发生商业性行为的已婚男性的敢为性人格因素得分高于常模。同时具有非商业性临时性伴的男性的敢为性得分高于常模。世故性、忧虑性人格因素与男性在商业性行为中安全套使用频率有关,有时使用组的世故性得分高于从未使用组,每次使用组的忧虑性得分与其他2组均有差别,且得分最低。结论加强对男性人群关于HIV/AIDS预防的健康教育,以提高那些在人格方面有危险行为倾向的男性的行为理智性。  相似文献   

608名女性性工作者性传播疾病感染情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
性罪错妇女是性传播性疾病(STD)、AIDS的高危人群,其性病患病率高于一般人群。为了解近年来桐乡市性罪错妇女性病感染情况,我们对2003~2006年公安局收容的608名性罪错妇女进行性病检测,现将其结果报告如下。  相似文献   

大理州自 1990年发现吸毒人群首例感染HIV以来 ,近年又在性乱人群和孕产妇人群中发现HIV感染者。为探讨哨点各人群监测及HIV感染状况 ,提供科学的健教手段和防制依据 ,我们将 1996~ 1999年 5月全州相关哨点数据分析如下。对象和方法  (1)对象 :吸毒者 ,包括口吸和针具注射吸毒者 ;性病病人 ,包括性病伴性乱史、性病伴吸毒史者 ;孕产妇 ,包括妊娠、分娩、流产、引产妇女。 (2 )方法 :初筛法 ,包括ELISA、PA法 ;确证法 ,即WB法。结果  (1)年度别监测情况及危险人群分类 :在各哨点人群累计监测 2 0 36份血清中共检出HI…  相似文献   

李洋  傅华 《上海预防医学》1999,11(5):201-201
·梅毒的筛查:建议在所有孕期妇女和有感染危险性增高趋势的人群中通过常规血清学检查来筛查梅毒。·淋病的筛查(包括新生儿的眼预防):建议在所有具有感染高危因素的无症状妇女中常规筛查淋病奈瑟菌。建议对所有新生婴儿使用抗生素眼药水以预防新生儿淋球菌性眼炎。·人类免疫缺陷性病毒感染的筛查:临床医师应通过询问详细性关系史和调查注射用毒品使用情况以评价所有病人感染人类免疫缺陷性病毒(HIV)的危险因素。建议在所有有渐增感染危险的人群中定期筛查HIV的感染情况。建议筛查所有有HIV感染危险的妊娠妇女,包括所有生…  相似文献   

男性HIV/AIDS危险性行为发生频率研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 研究中国男性人群安全套使用频率的数字模型及其影响因素。方法 对深圳市收容教育所收容的192名男性商业性服务受供进行了匿名的结构式问卷调查。结果 男性人群使用安全套的频率与性伴关系的特征之间存在显相关关系,商业性伴、非商业性临时性伴和固定性伴间坚持使用安全套的发生概率分别为0.4946,0.33 26和0.1600;从不使用安全套的发生概率分别为0.1661,0.2812和0.5258。结论 性伴关系特征是影响人们在性行为中是否使用安全套的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解北京市男男性行为人群(menwhohavesexwithmen,MSM)HIV 感染情况及其相关因素。方法 2013年4月至12月在北京通过多重干预方式招募调查对象,对调查对象进行面对面问卷调查和血清学抗体检测。问卷内容包括一般人口学特征、最近3个月酒精和毒品使用、性行为和安全套使用情况和既往HIV 检测;血清学检测包括HIV 和梅毒。采用logistic 回归分析HIV 感染的相关因素。结果 最终符合纳入标准的研究对象为1206人,HIV 和梅毒感染率分别为13.35% (161/1206)和7.21% (87/1206)。多因素分析结果显示是否北京市户口、无保护性被动肛交、未曾检测过HIV、自我感觉通过男男性行为感染HIV 的风险高和感染梅毒与HIV 感染存在统计学关联。结论 北京市MSM 人群HIV 感染率目前仍处于较高水平,针对MSM 人群扩大检测的多重干预措施有效促进了该人群中HIV 的检出率,应继续加强针对该人群的预防干预和检测服务。  相似文献   

1998年凭祥市淋病、梅毒发病率分别为 149.5 3/10万、15 .0 5 /10万。当地吸毒严重 ,在吸毒人群中艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染率达到 2 0 .2 7%,吸毒人员与服务业性服务妇女有不安全的性行为 ,成为当地性病艾滋病流行的一个危险因素。 1998年 12月至 2 0 0 0年 12月在凭祥市对性服务妇女开展预防性病 /艾滋病干预活动 ,现将项目结果报告如下。一、对象与方法1.研究对象 :市区内的宾馆、发廊和旅店提供性服务的妇女及业主等。2 .干预方法 :①建立服务妇女健康中心 (WHC) ,中心由4名女性工作者组成。干预方法为出访到服务场所开展不同形式的性…  相似文献   

上海是一个国际化大都市,改革开放给上海带来了无限生机。随着国际、国内交往的日益频繁和人员的不断流动,也带来了一些负面影响。公共娱乐场所中卖淫、嫖娼的事件时有发生,使性病、艾滋病的传播速度呈逐年上升趋势。男性性罪错人员作为性病、艾滋病传播的高危人群,在传播疾病中扮演了极其重要的角色。为此,我们对上海市某收容所收容的男性性罪错人员的基本情况进行了调查,以进一步探索适合这类高危人群的健康教育和行为干预措施,为上级部门提供决策依据。  相似文献   

近几年来 ,盐城市的性病疫情呈明显上升趋势 ,随着监测力度的加大 ,艾滋病病毒感染者也不断被发现。为了解和分析性罪错人群中性病艾滋病流行的危险因素 ,2 0 0 2年我们对 16 4名性罪错人员进行了性病艾滋病危险因素调查。现将调查结果分析如下。1 对象与方法1.1 对象  2 0 0 2年盐城市收容教育所的性罪错人员。1.2 方法1.2 .1 让性罪错人员按要求如实填写《收教人员性病相关情况调查表》 ,其内容包括一般情况、性病艾滋病防治知识和态度、性行为、性交易、安全套相关知识和安全套的使用情况等 5个部分。1.2 .2 对性罪错人员进行性病…  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that sexually aggressive behavior and sexual HIV risk behavior are associated. Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is a well-established risk factor for both types of problematic sexual behavior. Negative affect (i.e., anxiety, depression, and anger) is a less well-studied risk factor, but it has been theorized to relate to both sexual aggression and HIV risk behavior. Thus, this study sought to (1) confirm the relationship between sexual aggression and HIV risk behavior, (2) establish CSA and negative affect as shared risk factors for sexual aggression and HIV risk behavior, and (3) evaluate whether negative affect mediates the relationship between CSA and sexual aggression and between CSA and HIV sexual risk in a sample of heterosexual men. We recruited 18- to 30-year-old heterosexual men (N = 377) from urban sexually transmitted infection clinics. Men completed measures of sexual HIV risk history (number of partners and condom use), sexual aggression history, CSA history, and trait negative affect (anger, anxiety, and depression). Structural equation modeling was used to examine hypothesized direct and indirect relationships. In the final SEM model, sexual aggression history and sexual HIV risk behavior were correlated. CSA was associated with both types of problematic sexual behavior. Anxiety significantly mediated the relationship between CSA and sexual aggression and between CSA and sexual HIV risk behavior (χ 2[1300] = 2121.79, p < .001; CFI = 0.905; RMSEA [90% CI] = .044 [.041–.047]). Sexual aggression appears to be part of a constellation of sexual risk behaviors; thus, it may be possible to develop prevention programs that target both sexual HIV risk and sexual aggression. CSA is a shared risk factor for sexual aggression and HIV risk behavior through the pathway of anxiety. Thus, anxiety might be one promising target for intervention.  相似文献   

The disproportionate impact of HIV/AIDS on Hispanic women in the United States has been variously attributed to a failure to utilize protective measures due to low levels of HIV knowledge, a denial or minimization of risk, and conflicts with cultural norms. It has been hypothesized that women's relative lack of power in relationships may be associated with higher risk sexual behavior. We examined the relationship between higher risk sexual behavior and perceived locus of control in sexual relationships among a sample of Puerto Rican and Mexican women. We interviewed 71 women of self-reported Mexican ethnicity in San Diego, California, and 79 women of self-reported Puerto Rican ethnicity in Cleveland, Ohio, to examine the relationship between HIV risk, HIV knowledge, and locus of control. Univariate logistic regression indicates that among Puerto Rican women, the perception that locus of control in a sexual relationship resides in the male partner was significantly associated with increased HIV risk, while younger age was significantly associated with increased risk among Mexican women only. In a combined sample of both Puerto Rican and Mexican women, multiple logistic regression analysis indicates that younger age, increased length of residence in the United States, and an other-focused locus of control are significantly associated with increased HIV risk. Women who have been in the United States for relatively longer periods of time may be more likely to integrate U.S. sexual norms into their own behavior and may, as a consequence, be at higher risk of HIV infection. Increased HIV prevention efforts must be made available to Mexican and Puerto Rican women born outside of the United States. These prevention efforts must necessarily focus not only on HIV prevention strategies, but also on the dynamics within male-female intimate relations. Increased attention to younger Puerto Rican and Mexican women is also needed.  相似文献   

HIV serodiscordance is a sexual partnership in which one partner is infected with HIV while the other is not. Managing emotional and sexual intimacy in HIV serodiscordant unions can be difficult due to concerns about HIV transmission and the challenge of initiating and maintaining safe sex. In situations where couples are jointly aware of their HIV status, women in serodiscordant unions may face increased risk of partner violence. We conducted an investigation to assess risk factors for HIV serodiscordance and determine if HIV serodiscordance is associated with incident sexual violence among a cohort of women attending HIV post-test club services at three AIDS Information Centers (AICs) in Uganda. Using a prospective study of 250 women, we elicited information about sexual violence using structured face-to-face interviews. Sexual violence and risk factors were assessed and compared among HIV positive women in HIV discordant unions, HIV negative women in discordant unions, and HIV negative women in negative concordant unions. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess the association between participants' serostatus and sexual violence. HIV negative women in serodiscordant relationships (36.1±11.1 years, range: 19-65 years) were significantly older than either HIV positive women in serodiscordant relationships (32.2±9.0 years, range: 18-56 years), or HIV negative women in concordant relationships (32.3±11.0 years, range: 18-62), (p=0.033). Early age at sexual debut was associated with a 2.4-fold increased risk of experiencing sexual violence (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.27-4.65). Based on unadjusted analysis, HIV positive women in discordant relationship were at highest risk for sexual violence compared to HIV negative women in discordant unions, and HIV negative women in negative concordant unions. HIV negative women in discordant relationships and those in concordant negative relationships showed no increased risk for sexual violence. However, couples' HIV serostatus was not significant related to incident sexual violence after controlling for potential confounding covariates. Nevertheless, the results were able to elucidate the sexual violence risk factor profile of participants based on couples' HIV serostatus. Couple counseling protocols at HIV voluntary counseling and testing centers in Uganda should identify those at risk for sexual violence and develop interventions to reduce its incidence.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This article analyzes sexual relations and condom use among young male factory workers at an industrial estate in Northern Thailand, so as to clarify their HIV risk situation. METHODS: The analysis is based on data obtained from a total of 13 months of ethnographic field research at an industrial estate between June 1997 and March 2000. During this period, I interviewed 27 male factory workers, gathering information on their knowledge and awareness of AIDS, HIV preventive behavior, lifestyles, relations with friends, sexual relations, health, and contraception. RESULTS: This study identified the emergence of positive self-images among participants as diligent and respectable factory workers, as a result of life changes, such as having a stable job at the estate and improvement of their social status. Having a wife/lover also stabilized the sexual life, as they tried to avoid sexual relationships with commercial sex workers. All participants had accurate knowledge about HIV/AIDS. They had negative images of HIV risk groups such as "poor," "uneductated," and "sexually promiscuous," which stood in opposition to their positive self-images such as "financially stable," "educated," and "self-controlled," Such formation of self-images resulted in the denial of their risk potential. Believing that their sexual partners posed no risk of infection, they hardly ever took HIV preventive measures. In marriage and loving relationships, oral pills were mostly used for contraception, and condom use was seen as unnatural and unnecessary. CONCLUSIONS: It was inferred from the present study that formation of new sexual norms in opposition to traditional sexual norms of Thai men that value sexual philandering would possibly control their risk-taking behavior. New sexual norms emerged as a result of their life and status change from sons of peasants' families to factory workers, and also their conscious effort to differentiate themselves from HIV risk groups. Insofar as their life remains stable and their mutually exclusive relations with their wife/lover are maintained, they should have no risk of infection. However, some of the participants in this study were in multiple sexual relationships and almost all of the participants did not take any preventive measures, suggesting a potential hazard. Effective HIV prevention campaigns for factory workers that clearly state that every sexual activity involves a potential risk of infection are required.  相似文献   

Young men who have sex with men (YMSM) in the United States are experiencing an alarming increase in HIV incidence. Recent evidence suggests that the majority of new HIV infections in YMSM occur in the context of serious relationships, which underscores the importance of examining predictors of sexual risk behavior in the context of sexual partnerships, including relationship type, sexual partner characteristics, and relationship dynamics. The current study aimed to evaluate relationship and sexual partnership influences on sexual risk behavior in YMSM, including differentiating between multiple sexual risk variables (i.e., any unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse, unprotected insertive anal or vaginal intercourse, and unprotected receptive anal intercourse). More serious/familiar partnerships were associated with more sexual risk across all three risk variables, while wanting a relationship to last was protective against risk across all three risk variables. Some variables were differentially linked to unprotected insertive sex (partner gender) or unprotected receptive sex (partner age, partner race, believing a partner was having sex with others, and partners repeated across waves). Sexual risk behavior in YMSM is inconsistent across sexual partnerships and appears to be determined in no small part by sexual partner characteristics, relationship dynamics, and sexual role (i.e., insertive or receptive partner). These influences are critical in understanding sexual risk in YMSM and provide important targets for intervention.  相似文献   

The psychological processes associated with HIV infection in long-term relationships differ from those operative in casual sexual encounters, and relatively little research has considered the aspects of personality applicable in the ongoing heterosexual relationships in which women are at greatest risk. Sensitivity to rejection has been linked with efforts to prevent rejection at a cost to the self and, therefore, may be relevant to the health risks that many women incur in relationships. We examined the association of rejection sensitivity with women’s sexual risk behavior in a sample of women at heightened risk for HIV exposure. Women in long-term heterosexual relationships (N = 159) were recruited for study participation in the hospital emergency room serving a low-income neighborhood in New York City, in 2001–2003. Rejection sensitivity and known HIV risk factors were assessed using verbally administered questionnaires. Rejection sensitivity was associated with lower perceived relationship power and, in turn, more frequent unprotected sex with a partner perceived to be at risk for HIV. These results held when controlling for other HIV risk factors including partner violence, economic dependence, and substance use. Understanding the association of rejection concerns with lower perceived personal power in relationships may be important for HIV prevention.  相似文献   

BackgroundTransactional sexual behavior has been demonstrated as an important factor underlying the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between having a history of transactional sexual relationships with condom use and STI risk.MethodsParticipants completed a behavioral questionnaire in isiXhosa and provided self-collected vaginal swabs which were tested for Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhea, and Trichomonas vaginalis. Multinomial logistic regression was used to compare condom use rates and sexually transmitted infection (STI) risk among women with a history of transactional sexual relationships to women with a history of casual sexual relationships and those with no history of casual sexual relationships.ResultsOf the 446 respondents, 223 (50%) reported no history of casual sexual relationships, 94 (23.32%) indicated a history of casual sexual relationships, and among these 119 (26.68%) reported a history of transactional sexual relationships with casual partners. Participants with a history of transactional sexual relationships had a higher rate of condom use with a main partner and a lower prevalence of Chlamydia infection than participants with a history of casual relationships. Participants with a history of transactional sexual relationships were also less likely to have had a STI in the past compared with those who indicated no history of casual relationships.ConclusionThese results highlight attempts by women who report participation in transactional sex to use condoms. The results also point to possibly concealed risk to STI and HIV among women who indicate no history of transactional sex.  相似文献   

In the present study data on the incidence of HBV and HCV were used to indicate the prevalence of and trends in risk behavior, assuming that drug users (DUs) who become infected with HBV or HCV are also at risk for infection with HIV. In addition, we determined to that extent the transmission patterns of HIV, HBV and HCV differed. DUs were selected from a cohort study in Amsterdam, had at least one follow-up visit between December 1985 and September 1989 and reported never to have had homosexual contacts. Among 305 DUs, of whom 70% injected recently, the prevalence of HIV, HBV and HCV were 31%, 68% and 65% respectively. These prevalences were strongly interrelated and the same risk factors were found. The cumulative incidence of either HIV or HBV or HCV was 30% among prevalent HIV-negatives. Despite a previously reported reduction in risk behavior, only the HIV incidence tended to decrease initially, and after 1986 the incidences of HIV, HBV and HCV remained disturbingly high and stable (mean: 4, 9 and 10 per 100 person-years, respectively). As at present HBV appears to be transmitted more heterosexually than HIV in our study group and the HIV-epidemic may follow the HBV-epidemic in its transmission patterns, preventive activities targeted at both injecting and sexual behavior should be expanded.  相似文献   

Marriage presents the single greatest risk for HIV infection among women in rural Mexico. We drew on 6 months of participant observation, 20 marital case studies, 37 key informant interviews, and archival research to explore the factors that shape HIV risk among married women in one of the country's rural communities. We found that culturally constructed notions of reputation in this community lead to sexual behavior designed to minimize men's social risk (threats to one's social status or relationships), rather than viral risk and that men's desire for companionate intimacy may actually increase women's risk for HIV infection. We also describe the intertwining of reputation-based sexual identities with structurally patterned sexual geographies (i.e. the social spaces that shape sexual behavior). We propose that, because of the structural nature of men's extramarital sexual behavior, intervention development should concentrate on sexual geographies and risky spaces rather than risky behaviors or identities.  相似文献   


This paper presents findings on how sexual safety is sustained in relationships. A qualitative study was undertaken to gather data on the social relations of sexual negotiation and safety among HIV positive people and their sexual partners. HIV positive people were found to avoid close relationships because of the difficulties of sustaining safer sex with regular partners. In response, many sought HIV positive concordant partners, and unprotected sex in these relationships was considered 'acceptable'. Action that suspended protected sex helped define relationships as intimate and important. As the emotional content of relationships developed, the acceptability of risk increased. Relationship risk management in the time of AIDS is as much an effort to protect relationships as intimate, loving and secure, as it is an effort to ensure viral safety. This was particularly the case in antibody discordant relationships. Here, 'love relationships' were presented as important as life itself. It was HIV negative partners in discordant relationships who most often negotiated for unprotected sex. Gay men were better able than heterosexuals to sustain safer sex in long term, love relationships. These differences in capacity to sustain safer sex between gay and straight people and between HIV positive and negative people may reflect differences in exposure to sexual safety and relationship norms. We discuss HIV prevention initiatives in light of these findings.  相似文献   

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