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Egyptian adolescents are hired as seasonal workers to apply pesticides to the cotton crop and may perform this occupation for several years. However, few studies examined the effects of repeated pesticide exposure on health outcomes The goal of this study was to determine the impact of repeated pesticide exposure on neurobehavioral (NB) performance and biomarkers of exposure (urinary metabolite) and effect (cholinesterase activity). Eighty-four adolescents from two field stations in Menoufia, Egypt, were examined four times: before and during pesticide application season in 2010 and again before and during application season in 2011. At each of the four time points, participants completed a questionnaire, performed an NB test battery, and were assessed for urinary levels of the chlorpyrifos metabolite TCPy (3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol) and blood cholinesterase activity. Following the study cohort over two consecutive pesticide application seasons revealed that TCPy levels significantly increased following exposure, and returned to baseline levels following the end of the application season. Blood butyryl cholinesterase activity exhibited a similar pattern. Although NB outcomes displayed learning and practice effects over time, deficits in performance were significantly associated with increased TCPy levels with reduction in the number of NB measures showing improvement over time. Biomarkers of exposure and effect demonstrated changes associated with pesticide application and recovery after application ended. Deficits in NB performance were correlated with elevated pesticide exposure. Data demonstrated that repeated pesticide exposure may exert a long-term adverse impact on human health.  相似文献   

Appraisal of risks from nonoccupational exposure to chlorpyrifos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The toxicological database for chlorpyrifos indicates that humans are not more sensitive than laboratory animals to the toxic effects. Although an oral dose of 1 mg/kg-day resulted in measurable levels of chlorpyrifos in the blood, daily dosing at this level from 9 days to 2 years did not affect brain acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) in laboratory animals. Developmental toxicity did not occur at doses below maternal toxicity. Most nonoccupational illnesses resulting from entry into areas treated with chlorpyrifos likely stem from odor, rather than the ability of the organophosphate to inhibit AChE. Based on biological monitoring studies, chronic aggregate nonoccupational exposures to chlorpyrifos ranged from 0.0002 mg/kg-day (adults) to 0.0005 mg/kg-day (infants and small children)-1 order of magnitude less than exposures estimated by standard procedures. Other biological monitoring data indicated that cumulative exposure to all organophosphate pesticides ranged from 0.0003 mg/kg-day (adults) to 0.003 mg/kg-day (children). Considering all these factors, the risks of aggregate, nonoccupational exposure to chlorpyrifos have been overstated by more than a 1000-fold.  相似文献   

The paper presents a case study of the application of a “source-to-outcome” model for the evaluation of the health outcomes from dietary exposures to an insecticide, chlorpyrifos, in populations of adults (age 30) and children (age 3). The model is based on publically-available software programs that characterize the longitudinal dietary exposure and anthropometry of exposed individuals. These predictions are applied to a validated PBPK/PD model to estimate interindividual and longitudinal variation in brain and RBC AChE inhibition (key events) and chlorpyrifos concentrations in blood and TCPy in urine (biomarkers of exposure). The predicted levels of chlorpyrifos and TCPy are compared to published measurements of the biomarkers. Predictions of RBC AChE are compared to levels of inhibition associated with reported exposure-related effects in humans to determine the potential for the occurrence of adverse cholinergic effects. The predicted distributions of chlorpyrifos in blood and TCPy in urine were found to be reasonably consistent with published values, supporting the predictive value of the exposure and PBPK portions of the source-to-outcome model. Key sources of uncertainty in predictions of dietary exposures were investigated and found to have a modest impact on the model predictions. Future versions of this source-to-outcome model can be developed that consider advances in our understanding of metabolism, to extend the approach to other age groups (infants), and address intakes from other routes of exposure.  相似文献   

Chlorpyrifos is a common agricultural insecticide and has been used residentially in the United States until the year 2000 when this use was restricted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). A chlorpyrifos metabolite, 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCPy) has been found in urine samples collected during exposure field studies. In this work, we use urinary biomarker data and the inverse solution of a simple pharmacokinetic (PK) model for chlorpyrifos to estimate the magnitude and timing of doses. Three urine samples were collected on separate days from each of 15 children (ages 3-12) who were participants in the Minnesota Children's Pesticide Exposure Study (MNCPES). The total volume of urine was noted and samples analyzed for TCPY: The urinary data was used along with constraints imposed on dose timing, based on responses of the individuals to pesticide-use surveys. We predicted the time and magnitude of multiple "event" exposures characterized by short-term, relatively high doses superimposed over a continuous background exposure. The average dose of chlorpyrifos predicted by the model was 1.61 microg/kg per reported event. Average background dose rate for these children that reported exposure events was 0.0062 microg/kg/h, or 0.15 microg/kg/day. In addition to predicting the total dose of chlorpyrifos received by an individual from urinary biomarker measurements, the model can then be run in a forward manner once the exposure regime is determined. This will allow the prediction of the total amount of TCPy eliminated in the urine over any time period of interest.  相似文献   

The Libby, MT, cohort includes current and former residents with potential historical exposure to asbestos-contaminated vermiculite. This cohort includes individuals with a broad range of exposure experiences and work histories. While both occupational and nonoccupational exposure pathways were found to be relevant in recent investigations of health effects among this cohort, there has not been a comprehensive approach to characterizing these varied exposure pathways. Any approach toward assessing historical exposures among this population must account for three general categories: (1) occupational exposures, (2) residential exposures, and (3) exposures related to a variety of nonoccupational activities thought to be associated with vermiculite/asbestos exposure in this community. First, a job exposure matrix is commonly used in occupational epidemiology to assess historical worker exposures, allowing for the incorporation of numerous occupational categories and weighting factors applied to specific jobs for different time periods. Second, residential exposures can best be quantified by integrating individuals' residential histories with data on environmental asbestos contamination in the community. Previous soil or sediment sampling as well as air modeling could inform estimates of time- and spatial-dependent exposure concentrations for a residential exposure matrix. Finally, exposure opportunities due to nonoccupational activities could be weighted by factors such as time, geography, environmental sampling, and an assessment of the relative importance for each pathway. These three matrices for occupational, residential, and activity exposure pathways could be combined or used separately to provide a more comprehensive and quantitative, or semiquantitative, assessment of individual exposure in future epidemiological studies of this cohort.  相似文献   

The Libby, MT, cohort includes current and former residents with potential historical exposure to asbestos-contaminated vermiculite. This cohort includes individuals with a broad range of exposure experiences and work histories. While both occupational and nonoccupational exposure pathways were found to be relevant in recent investigations of health effects among this cohort, there has not been a comprehensive approach to characterizing these varied exposure pathways. Any approach toward assessing historical exposures among this population must account for three general categories: (1) occupational exposures, (2) residential exposures, and (3) exposures related to a variety of nonoccupational activities thought to be associated with vermiculite/asbestos exposure in this community. First, a job exposure matrix is commonly used in occupational epidemiology to assess historical worker exposures, allowing for the incorporation of numerous occupational categories and weighting factors applied to specific jobs for different time periods. Second, residential exposures can best be quantified by integrating individuals' residential histories with data on environmental asbestos contamination in the community. Previous soil or sediment sampling as well as air modeling could inform estimates of time- and spatial-dependent exposure concentrations for a residential exposure matrix. Finally, exposure opportunities due to nonoccupational activities could be weighted by factors such as time, geography, environmental sampling, and an assessment of the relative importance for each pathway. These three matrices for occupational, residential, and activity exposure pathways could be combined or used separately to provide a more comprehensive and quantitative, or semiquantitative, assessment of individual exposure in future epidemiological studies of this cohort.  相似文献   

Chlorpyrifos is an irreversible inhibitor of cholinesterase (ChE), and inhibition of ChE is believed to be the most sensitive effect in all animal species evaluated and in humans. Recent epidemiology studies reported associations between umbilical cord plasma chlorpyrifos levels and fetal birth weight decreases among minority women living in New York City during pregnancy. These associations raise questions whether impaired fetal development is the critical effect rather than the inhibition of ChE as is currently believed so. We analyze the available information from epidemiology studies and animal studies in order to identify the relative sensitivity of decreased birth weight and inhibition of ChE from exposure to chlorpyrifos. We find that the positive associations from some epidemiology studies are different from other epidemiology investigations. Moreover, a direct comparison of experimental animal neonatal information shows that cholinesterase inhibition is a more sensitive indicator of adverse effect than reduced body weight, and that neonates are equally, or perhaps less sensitive to cholinesterase inhibition than their maternal parent. Based on a review of human studies and comparison of human cord blood chlorpyrifos concentrations with blood chlorpyrifos concentrations that in animals caused effects with good dose-response, it appears unlikely that the exposure level encountered by the population reported in [Whyatt, R.M., Rauh, V., Barr, D.B., Camann, D.E., Andrews, H.F., Garfinkel, R., Hoepner, L.A., Diaz, D., Dietrich, J., Reyes, A., Tang, D., Kinney, P.L., Perera, F.P., 2004. Prenatal insecticide exposures and birth weight and length among an urban minority cohort. Environ. Health Perspect. 112, 1125-1132.] study would cause any fetal developmental effect. Moreover, the critical effect for chlorpyrifos still appears to be cholinesterase inhibition.  相似文献   

Chlorpyrifos was selected for EPA’s Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) based on widespread use and potential for human and environmental exposures. The purpose of the program is to screen chemicals for their potential to interact with the estrogen, androgen, or thyroid pathways. A battery of 11 assays was completed for chlorpyrifos in accordance with test guidelines developed for EDSP Tier 1 screening. To determine potential endocrine activity, a weight-of-evidence (WoE) evaluation was completed for chlorpyrifos, which included the integration of EDSP assay results with data from regulatory guideline studies and the published literature. This WoE approach was based on the OECD conceptual framework for testing and assessment of potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals and consisted of a systematic evaluation of data, progressing from simple to complex across multiple levels of biological organization. The conclusion of the WoE evaluation is that chlorpyrifos demonstrates no potential to interact with the estrogen, androgen, or thyroid pathways at doses below the dose levels that inhibit cholinesterase. Therefore, regulatory exposure limits for chlorpyrifos, which are based on cholinesterase inhibition, are sufficient to protect against potential endocrine alterations. Based on the results of this WoE evaluation, there is no scientific justification for pursuing additional endocrine testing for chlorpyrifos.  相似文献   

Chlorpyrifos is an extensively used organophosphate insecticide with numerous agricultural crop and urban pest control uses. Dow AgroSciences, one of the manufacturers of chlorpyrifos, convened a panel of toxicology and medical experts to consider the available scientific literature (both published papers and unpublished reports from Dow AgroSciences) on chlorpyrifos with respect to determining the acute and chronic toxicological reference doses (RfD) for chlorpyrifos. The most sensitive effect observed in the body of animal and human studies on chlorpyrifos is the inhibition of the various cholinesterases. In animal studies chlorpyrifos is not carcinogenic, teratogenic, or mutagenic. Reproductive toxicity studies indicate some effects on postnatal survival, but these effects were seen at doses higher than maternal toxic dose levels. There are no clinical signs of cholinergic toxicity below 70% inhibition of brain cholinesterase. Cognitive or behavioral defects are not observed until substantial brain cholinesterase inhibition occurs. There are no indications that chlorpyrifos caused delayed neurotoxicity at dose levels below twice the oral LD50. The panel members stated that plasma cholinesterase was an inappropriate endpoint for the RfD. They recommended that brain, erythrocyte cholinesterase depression and clinical signs were appropriate as endpoints for the RfD. Plasma cholinesterase should be used only as an indicator of exposure. After a thorough review of the experimental animal literature, it was determined that the chlorpyrifos repeated-exposure RfD based on application of a 100-fold uncertainty factor on the no observed adverse effects level (NOAEL) for brain cholinesterase inhibition or on a 10-fold uncertainty factor on the NOAEL for erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibition is 0.01 mg/kg/d. Based on the human volunteer studies, which indicate a repeated-dose NOAEL of 0.1 mg/kg/d for erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibition, and then using a 10-fold uncertainty factor, the RfD is again 0.01 mg/kg/d. In this human volunteer study on d 9 (last day) of administration, 1 individual in the 0.1 mg/kg/day dose group was removed from the study due to a "cold" (runny nose, blurred vision, and a feeling of faintness). He was asymptomatic 12 h later. To some degree this diagnosis is supported by the hematology, since lymphocyte counts were reduced and neutrophil counts were increased markedly, indicating a possible inflammatory reaction on d 8 of dosing, clearing by post-treatment d 5. In the absence of any indication of erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibition and with plasma cholinesterase inhibition being greater in two of the four other individuals treated at the same dose level, these signs and symptoms are unlikely to have been induced by cholinesterase inhibition. The panel concluded that the symptoms this individual displayed were not an appropriate endpoint for the RfD. The single exposure reference dose can be based on the human data. No erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibition or clinical signs of toxicity were observed after a single oral dose of 0.5 mg/kg. Utilizing a 10-fold uncertainty factor, the single-dose RfD is 0.05 mg/kg.  相似文献   

Chlorpyrifos is an extensively used organophosphate insecticide with numerous agricultural crop and urban pest control uses. Dow AgroSciences, one of the manufacturers of chlorpyrifos, convened a panel of toxicology and medical experts to consider the available scientific literature (both published papers and unpublished reports from Dow AgroSciences) on chlorpyrifos with respect to determining the acute and chronic toxicological reference doses (RfD) for chlorpyrifos. The most sensitive effect observed in the body of animal and human studies on chlorpyrifos is the inhibition of the various cholinesterases. In animal studies chlorpyrifos is not carcinogenic, teratogenic, or mutagenic. Reproductive toxicity studies indicate some effects on postnatal survival, but these effects were seen at doses higher than maternal toxic dose levels. There are no clinical signs of cholinergic toxicity below 70% inhibition of brain cholinesterase. Cognitive or behavioral defects are not observed until substantial brain cholinesterase inhibition occurs. There are no indications that chlorpyrifos caused delayed neurotoxicity at dose levels below twice the oral LD50. The panel members stated that plasma cholinesterase was an inappropriate endpoint for the RfD. They recommended that brain, erythrocyte cholinesterase depression and clinical signs were appropriate as endpoints for the RfD. Plasma cholinesterase should be used only as an indicator of exposure. After a thorough review of the experimental animal literature, it was determined that the chlorpyrifos repeated-exposure RfD based on application of a 100-fold uncertainty factor on the no observed adverse effects level (NOAEL) for brain cholinesterase inhibition or on a 10-fold uncertainty factor on the NOAEL for erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibition is 0.01 mg/kg/d. Based on the human volunteer studies, which indicate a repeated-dose NOAEL of 0.1 mg/kg/d for erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibition, and then using a 10-fold uncertainty factor, the RfD is again 0.01 mg/kg/d. In this human volunteer study on d 9 (last day) of administration, 1 individual in the 0.1 mg/kg/day dose group was removed from the study due to a "cold" (runny nose, blurred vision, and a feeling of faintness). He was asymptomatic 12 h later. To some degree this diagnosis is supported by the hematology, since lymphocyte counts were reduced and neutrophil counts were increased markedly, indicating a possible inflammatory reaction on d 8 of dosing, clearing by posttreatment d 5. In the absence of any indication of erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibition and with plasma cholinesterase inhibition being greater in two of the four other individuals treated at the same dose level, these signs and symptoms are unlikely to have been induced by cholinesterase inhibition. The panel concluded that the symptoms this individual displayed were not an appropriate endpoint for the RfD. The single-exposure reference dose can be based on the human data. No erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibition or clinical signs of toxicity were observed after a single oral dose of 0.5 mg/kg. Utilizing a 10-fold uncertainty factor, the single-dose RfD is 0.05 mg/kg.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides are used in some countries for malaria control and organophosphate pesticides are widely used in agriculture and in homes. Previous literature documents children's exposure to these chemicals both in utero and during development. Animal studies suggest that many of these chemicals are neurodevelopmental toxicants even in moderate doses, but there are few studies in human beings. Associations of children's pesticide exposure with neurodevelopment from studies being conducted worldwide are summarized. In addition, we present the work of the CHAMACOS study, a longitudinal birth cohort study of Mexican-American children living in the Salinas Valley of California. In this study, we investigated the relationship of children's neurodevelopment with maternal dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene serum levels, as well as prenatal and child organophosphate urinary metabolite levels. We have examined the association with children's performance on the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Scales and at 6, 12 and 24 months on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (mental development and psychomotor development) and mothers report on the Child Behaviour Checklist. We observed a negative association of prenatal dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane exposure and child mental development. We also observed adverse associations of prenatal but not postnatal organophosphate pesticide exposure with mental development and pervasive developmental disorder at 24 months.  相似文献   

Human exposures to organophosphate insecticides are ubiquitous. Although regarded as neurotoxicants, increasing evidence points toward lasting metabolic disruption from early-life organophosphate exposures. We gave neonatal rats chlorpyrifos, diazinon or parathion in doses devoid of any acute signs of toxicity, straddling the threshold for barely-detectable cholinesterase inhibition. Organophosphate exposure during a critical developmental window altered the trajectory of hepatic adenylyl cyclase/cyclic AMP signaling, culminating in hyperresponsiveness to gluconeogenic stimuli. Consequently, the animals developed metabolic dysfunction resembling prediabetes. When the organophosphate-exposed animals consumed a high fat diet in adulthood, metabolic defects were exacerbated and animals gained excess weight compared to unexposed rats on the same diet. At the same time, the high fat diet ameliorated many of the central synaptic defects caused by organophosphate exposure, pointing to nonpharmacologic therapeutic interventions to offset neurodevelopmental abnormalities, as well as toward fostering dietary choices favoring high fat intake. These studies show how common insecticides may contribute to the increased worldwide incidence of obesity and diabetes.  相似文献   

USEPA assessed whether epidemiology data suggest that fetal or early-life chlorpyrifos exposure causes neurodevelopmental effects and, if so, whether they occur at exposures below those causing the current most sensitive endpoint, 10% inhibition of blood acetylcholinesterase (AChE). We previously conducted a hypothesis-based weight-of-evidence analysis and found that a proposed causal association between chlorpyrifos exposure and neurodevelopmental effects in the absence of AChE inhibition does not have a substantial basis in existing animal or in vitro studies, and there is no plausible basis for invoking such effects in humans at their far lower exposure levels. The epidemiology studies fail to show consistent patterns; the few associations are likely attributable to alternative explanations. Human data are inappropriate for a dose-response assessment because biomarkers were only measured at one time point, may reflect exposure to other pesticides, and many values are at or below limits of quantification. When considered with pharmacokinetic data, however, these biomarkers provide information on exposure levels relative to those in experimental studies and indicate a margin of exposure of at least 1,000. Because animal data take into account the most sensitive lifestages, the use of AChE inhibition as a regulatory endpoint is protective of adverse effects in sensitive populations.  相似文献   

We used a hypothesis-based weight-of-evidence (HBWoE) approach to analyze the evidence regarding the hypothesis that chlorpyrifos can cause neurodevelopmental effects below the threshold for inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity in the nervous system, which is an established mode of action for chlorpyrifos neurotoxicity. The epidemiology data do not consistently demonstrate associations between chlorpyrifos exposure and neurodevelopmental toxicity, and the animal toxicity data do not provide clear evidence that neurodevelopmental effects occur at doses below the threshold for acetylcholinesterase inhibition. The alternative mechanisms proposed to underlie potential neurodevelopmental effects in humans have been observed in the absence of acetylcholinesterase inhibition in a few in vitro studies but not in the developing brain in vivo. We provide perspective on the HBWoE approach compared with frameworks developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the European Center for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals. We suggest that our HBWoE approach offers advantages over these frameworks in providing a better perspective on how to integrate all of the relevant data and how to use each line of evidence to inform the integration of other kinds of data or compare alternative hypotheses. Based on an HBWoE analysis, we conclude that a causal association between chlorpyrifos exposure and neurodevelopmental effects in the absence of acetylcholinesterase inhibition in the brain is not plausible in humans, and the few positive associations observed in epidemiology studies are most likely attributable to alternative explanations.  相似文献   

We used a hypothesis-based weight-of-evidence (HBWoE) approach to analyze the evidence regarding the hypothesis that chlorpyrifos can cause neurodevelopmental effects below the threshold for inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity in the nervous system, which is an established mode of action for chlorpyrifos neurotoxicity. The epidemiology data do not consistently demonstrate associations between chlorpyrifos exposure and neurodevelopmental toxicity, and the animal toxicity data do not provide clear evidence that neurodevelopmental effects occur at doses below the threshold for acetylcholinesterase inhibition. The alternative mechanisms proposed to underlie potential neurodevelopmental effects in humans have been observed in the absence of acetylcholinesterase inhibition in a few in vitro studies but not in the developing brain in vivo. We provide perspective on the HBWoE approach compared with frameworks developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the European Center for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals. We suggest that our HBWoE approach offers advantages over these frameworks in providing a better perspective on how to integrate all of the relevant data and how to use each line of evidence to inform the integration of other kinds of data or compare alternative hypotheses. Based on an HBWoE analysis, we conclude that a causal association between chlorpyrifos exposure and neurodevelopmental effects in the absence of acetylcholinesterase inhibition in the brain is not plausible in humans, and the few positive associations observed in epidemiology studies are most likely attributable to alternative explanations.  相似文献   

A panel of toxicology and medical experts was convened on 7-9 April 1997 to consider the available scientific literature on chlorpyrifos, both published and unpublished, to determine the acute and chronic toxicology reference dose (RfD). In the course of reviewing this literature it became apparent that there was a large body of literature on human exposures to chlorpyrifos, as well as chlorpyrifos and/or other organophosphates. This literature, although not useful for determining the RfD for chlorpyrifos, needed to be analyzed for potential critical human effects resulting from either acute or prolonged chlorpyrifos exposures, or inferred from exposures to other organophosphates. The expert panel proceeded to review these data also, and the evaluations and discussions of these studies are contained in this report of the proceedings. The expert panel concluded that for acute poisonings there was no clear evidence for long-term effects from organophosphates, other than finding cases of organophosphorus-induced delayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN) from suicidal ingestion. In animal experimental data (mainly from studies on nerve gases), seizures during acute poisoning by organophosphates occur, resulting in morphological damage. Neurobehavioral effects observed are the result of the seizures. The panel agreed that long-term exposure to organophosphate compounds does not cause problems in the peripheral or central nervous system, unless poisoning is acute and severe. With respect to neurobehavioral effects, manifestations of clinical neurobehavioral effects are unlikely. All of the available evidence shows that disturbances do not occur unless cholinesterase inhibition has been clearly exhibited. The review of these papers was considered to be of interest in allaying some of the potential concerns regarding long-term effects of organophosphate pesticides, including chlorpyrifos.  相似文献   

Organophosphates (OPs) are readily absorbed through the skin and biological monitoring is an essential component of any comprehensive assessment of exposure. This paper presents a summary of our experience in a wide range of occupational studies. Additionally, we have conducted studies of non-occupational exposure and human volunteer studies looking at the kinetics of chlorpyrifos, propetamphos, diazinon and malathion. In non-occupationally exposed people, 95% of urinary alkyl phosphates do not exceed 72 micromol/mol creatinine. In occupationally exposed people, the corresponding 95th percentile of total urinary alkyl phosphates is 122 micromol/mol creatinine. In volunteer studies with 1 mg oral doses of chlorpyifos, diazinon and propetamphos the mean peak values were 160, 750 and 404 micromol/mol creatinine, respectively, and were not associated with any reduction in blood cholinesterase activity. The levels of OP metabolites seen in urine from workers potentially exposed to OPs are generally low and unlikely to cause significant reduction in blood cholinesterase activity.  相似文献   

A panel of toxicology and medical experts was convened on 7-9 April 1997 to consider the available scientific literature on chlorpyrifos, both published and unpublished, to determine the acute and chronic toxicology reference dose (RfD). In the course of reviewing this literature it became apparent that there was a large body of literature on human exposures to chlorpyrifos, as well as chlorpyrifos and/or other organophosphates. This literature, although not useful for determining the RfD for chlorpyrifos, needed to be analyzed for potential critical human effects resulting from either acute or prolonged chlorpyrifos exposures, or inferred from exposures to other organophosphates. The expert panel proceeded to review these data also, and the evaluations and discussions of these studies are contained in this report of the proceedings. The expert panel concluded that for acute poisonings there was no clear evidence for long-term effects from organophosphates, other than finding cases of organophosphorus-induced delayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN) from suicidal ingestion. In animal experimental data (mainly from studies on nerve gases), seizures during acute poisoning by organophosphates occur, resulting in morphological damage. Neurobehavioral effects observed are the result of the seizures. The panel agreed that long-term exposure to organophosphate compounds does not cause problems in the peripheral or central nervous system, unless poisoning is acute and severe. With respect to neurobehavioral effects, manifestations of clinical neurobehavioral effects are unlikely. All of the available evidence shows that disturbances do not occur unless cholinesterase inhibition has been clearly exhibited. The review of these papers was considered to be of interest in allaying some of the potential concerns regarding long-term effects of organophosphate pesticides, including chlorpyrifos.  相似文献   

One of the major limitations of current methods of biological detection of exposure to hazardous environmental agents is their inability to detect long-term exposures. In the current study we examined the potential of a new bioassay based on the hypothesis that serum of exposed individuals contains a toxic factor(s) produced by an affected cell/tissue. The procedure included exposure of neuronal PC12 cell cultures to sera of rats treated once with the organophosphate chlorpyrifos. Samples taken 4 weeks after chlorpyrifos exposure reduced nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced neurite outgrowth by 40%. This effect lasted 6 weeks after treatment, whereas motor activity and cholinesterase activity returned to normal levels within 1 week. These results demonstrate the potential of the proposed method to detect environmental exposures long after they have occurred.  相似文献   


This paper systematically reviews epidemiologic studies related to low-level non-occupational exposures to organophosphorus (OP) insecticides. Many of the studies evaluate levels of maternal OP metabolites and subsequent health outcomes in offspring. The studies focused primarily on birth outcomes (e.g., infant body weight or head circumference) and neurodevelopmental (e.g., mental and psychomotor) testing results. The evidence from these studies was reviewed under the Bradford Hill guidelines. Most of the studies assessing exposure based on urinary levels of OP insecticide metabolites used only one or two measurements during pregnancy. The potential for exposure misclassification with this method is largely due to (1) preformed metabolites that are ingested with food, (2) the short elimination half-life of OP insecticides, and (3) lack of specificity to particular OP insecticides for many of the metabolites. For birth outcomes, the majority of reported results are not statistically significant, and the associations are inconsistent within and across studies. There is more within-study consistency for some of the neurodevelopmental testing results, although few associations were examined across several studies. These associations are generally weak, have been replicated only to a limited extent, and require further confirmation before they can be considered established. The OP insecticide levels measured in the epidemiologic studies are too low to cause biologically meaningful acetylcholinesterase inhibition, the most widely used metric for OP insecticide toxicity. Overall, the available evidence does not establish that low-level exposures to OP insecticides cause adverse birth outcomes or neurodevelopmental problems in humans.  相似文献   

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