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The central melanocortin receptors, melanocortin-4 (MC4R) and melanocortin-3 (MC3R), are involved in the regulation of satiety and energy homeostasis. The MC4R in particular has become a pharmaceutical industry drug target due to its direct involvement in the regulation of food intake and its potential therapeutic application for the treatment of obesity-related diseases. The melanocortin receptors are stimulated by the native ligand, alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH). The potent and enzymatically stable analogue NDP-MSH (Ac-Ser-Tyr-Ser-Nle-Glu-His-DPhe-Arg-Trp-Gly-Lys-Pro-Val-NH(2)) is a lead peptide for the identification of melanocortin amino acids important for receptor molecular recognition and stimulation. We have synthesized nine peptide fragments of NDP-MSH, deleting N- and C-terminal amino acids to determine the "minimally active" sequence of NDP-MSH. Additionally, five peptides were synthesized to study stereochemical inversion at the Phe 7 and Trp 9 positions in attempts to increase tetra- and tripeptide potencies. These peptide analogues were pharmacologically characterized at the mouse melanocortin MC1, MC3, MC4, and MC5 receptors. This study has identified the Ac-His-DPhe-Arg-Trp-NH(2) tetrapeptide as possessing 10 nM agonist activity at the brain MC4R. The tripeptide Ac-DPhe-Arg-Trp-NH(2) possessed micromolar agonist activities at the MC1R, MC4R, and MC5R but only slight stimulatory activity was observed at the MC3R (at up to 100 microM concentration). This study has also examined to importance of both N- and C-terminal NDP-MSH amino acids at the different melanocortin receptors, providing information for drug design and identification of putative ligand-receptor interactions.  相似文献   

Since the melanocortin MC3 and melanocortin MC4 receptors are the main melanocortin receptor subtypes expressed in rat brain, we characterized the activity and affinity of nine melanocortin receptor ligands using these receptors in vitro, as well as their activity in a well-defined melanocortin-induced behavior in the rat: grooming behavior. We report here that [D-Tyr4]melanotan-II and RMI-2001 (Ac-cyclo-[Cys4, Gly5, D-Phe7, Cys10]alpha-MSH-NH2) have significantly higher affinity and potency on the rat melanocortin MC4 receptor as compared to the rat melanocortin MC3 receptor. Nle-gamma-MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone) was the only ligand with higher affinity and potency on the rat melanocortin MC3 receptor. The potency order of melanocortin MC4 receptor agonists, but not that of melanocortin MC3 receptor agonists, fitted with the potency of these ligands to stimulate grooming behavior, when administered intracerebroventricularly. SHU9119 (Ac-cyclo-[Nle4, Asp5, D-Nal(2)7, Lys10]alpha-MSH-(4-10)-NH2) and RMI-2005 (Ac-cyclo-[Cys4, Gly5, D-Na](2)7, Nal(2)9, Cys10]alpha-MSH-(4-10)-NH2) were able to inhibit alpha-MSH-induced melanocortin receptor activity in vitro, as well as alpha-MSH-induced grooming behavior. Melanotan-II, [Nle4-D-Phe7]alpha-MSH and RMI-2001 were also effective in inducing grooming behavior when administered intravenously. In the absence of purely selective melanocortin MC(3/4) receptor ligands, we demonstrated that careful comparison of ligand potencies in vitro with ligand potencies in vivo, could identify which melanocortin receptor subtype mediated alpha-MSH-induced grooming behavior. Furthermore, blockade of novelty-induced grooming behavior by SHU9119 demonstrated that this physiological stress response is mediated via activation of the melanocortin system.  相似文献   

Several chimeric peptides were synthesized and found to be high-affinity ligands for both galanin and substance P receptors in membranes from the rat hypothalamus. The peptide galantide, composed of the N-terminal part of galanin and C-terminal part of substance P (SP), galanin-(1-12)-Pro-SP-(5-11) amide, which is the first galanin antagonist to be reported, recognizes two classes of galanin binding sites (KD(1)<0.1 nM and KD(2)∼ 6 nM) in the rat hypothalamus, while it appears to bind to a single population of SP receptors (KD∼ 40 nM). The chimeric peptide has higher affinity towards galanin receptors than the endogenous peptide galanin-(1-29) (KD ∼ 1 nm ) or its N-terminal fragment galanin-(1-13) (KD∼ 1,nm ), which constitutes the A′-terminus of the chimeric peptide. Galantide has also higher affinity for the SP receptors than the C-terminal SP fragment-(4-11) amide (KD= 0.4μm ), which constitutes its C-terminal portion. Substitution of amino acid residues, which is of importance for recognition of galanin by galanin receptors, such as [Trp2], in the galanin portion of the chimeric peptide or substitution of ([Phe7] or [Met11]-amide) in the SP portion of chimeric peptide both cause significant loss in affinity of the analogs of galantide for both the galanin- and the SP-receptors. These results suggest that the high affinity of the chimeric peptide, galantide, may in part be accounted for by simultaneous recognition/binding to both receptors. In line with this suggestion is the finding that the binding of the chimeric ligands to the galanin receptor is strongly influenced by the presence of SP (1 μm ) or spantide (1 μm ). We have performed the synthesis and binding studies with 11 chimeric peptides, all composed of the N-terminal galanin-(1-13) fragment or of its analogs, linked to the C-terminal portion of SP or its peptide antagonist, spantide. Our results, similar to earlier reports on chimeric peptides, suggest that high-affinity ligands to peptide receptors can be produced by linking biologically active N-terminal and C-terminal portions of peptides via linkers, enabling a) independent recognition of the chimeric peptide by the relevant receptors and b) intramolecular interactions between the joined N- and C-terminal peptide fragments. These two phenomena may also explain why some of the chimeric peptides have higher affinity than the endogenous peptide(s) and why galantide, and some of its analogs presented here, behave(s) as a galanin receptor antagonist(s).  相似文献   

The major pharmacophore for the melanocortin 1, 3, 4 and 5 receptors is the sequence -His-Phe-Arg-Trp-. There is a need for potent, biologically stable, receptor selective ligands, both agonists and antagonists, for these receptors. In this report we briefly examine the structural and biophysical approaches we have taken to develop selective agonist and antagonist ligands that can cross (or not) the blood brain barrier. Remaining questions and unmet needs are also discussed.  相似文献   

A series of piperazine analogues of the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) specific small-molecule agonist "THIQ" was synthesized and characterized structurally and pharmacologically. First, several THIQ imitations lacking the triazole moiety were prepared. Syntheses included acylation of 4-phenylpiperazine or 4-cyclohexylpiperazine. In two cases the tertiary amine function was replaced by the corresponding N-oxide. To obtain more complex structures, a 4-substituted piperazine ring was formed by alkylation of the primary amino group of cyclohexane-derived amino alcohols with N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)benzylamine. The hydroxylic group of the intermediate was first activated with methanesulfonyl chloride, and the sulfonic ester formed in situ was introduced into the reaction with the sodium salt of 1,2,4-triazole. In one case (i.e., preparation of 23c) introduction of the 1,2,4-triazole moiety was performed at a carbon of the cyclohexane ring. In addition, this intermediate contained a piperazine moiety connected via its nitrogen atom to a cyclohexane ring carbon neighboring the reaction center. As established in NMR and X-ray investigations herein, this substitution proceeded with retention of the initial trans configuration of 1,2-disubstituted cyclohexane. To obtain pure enantiomers of 23c, its precursor 21c was subjected to chiral chromatography on a Chirobiotic V column. The derivatives (R,R)-21cand (S,S)-21c obtained were introduced into further syntheses steps, giving (R,R)-23c and (S,S)-23c, respectively. Melanocortin MC(1,3-5) receptor binding studies showed that all tested piperazine derivatives were active. Several compounds showed clear selectivity for MC4R, with submicromolar affinities being obtained. Among them, one substance, (R,R)-23c, displayed a biphasic curve in displacement of [125I]NDP-MSH on MC4R [K(i)high = 1 nM and K(i)low = 260 nM]. This biphasic competition curve was similarly biphasic to the competition curve obtained herein using THIQ. An X-ray study performed on crystals of the THIQ sulfate salt revealed two closely related conformations, which resemble the shape of the letter "Y", where piperidine and 4-chlorophenyl groups are situated close to each other, but the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline residue is remote, the triazole function being highly exposed to the environment. The crystals of the dinitrate salt of (R,R)-23c showed a different conformation, where parts of the molecule are spread out almost symmetrically around the central section. Molecular modeling, based on the THIQ crystal structure and the functional similarity of THIQ and (R,R)-23c, allowed us to suggest a possible "bioactive" conformation of (R,R)-23c that is similar to the crystal conformation of THIQ.  相似文献   

A serine proteinase inhibitor was purified from Bauhinia bauhinioides seeds after extraction with 0.15M NaCl by ion-exchange column chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, gel filtration on Superose 12 column, Mono Q chromatography or alternatively by affinity chromatography on trypsin- Sepharose. The inhibitor is a single polypeptide chain with molecular mass 20 kDa by gel filtration on Superose 12, but was resolved into two peaks by ion - exchange chromatography on Mono Q (FPLC system). The main eluted peak inhibits trypsin (Ki = 0.6 nM), plasma kallikrein (Ki = 0.35 nM), plasmin (Ki = 33.1 nM), and weakly chymotrypsin (Ki = 2,700 nM), being the most effective plasma kallikrein inhibitor isolated from Bauhinia seeds. Therefore, it was denominated Bauhinia bauhinioides kallikrein inhibitor (BbKI). Activity is thermolabile and on trypsin inhibition optimum pH is 8.0. BbKI displays high homology to other plant Kunitz inhibitors, except for the absence of disulfide bridges, and the only cysteine residue is at the C-terminal position (residue 154) characterizes a distinct member of the Kunitz family. The affinity of the inhibitor to trypsin was confirmed by adsorption to trypsin-Sepharose resin and by isolation of the trypsin-inhibitor complex by gel filtration. Peptides with variations around the reactive site of BbKI (GLPVRFESPLRINIIKESY) were synthesized containing a quenched fluorogenic group. Trypsin but not plasma kallikrein substrates, these peptides strongly inhibited plasma kallikrein.  相似文献   

Agouti-related protein (AGRP) is an endogenous antagonist of the melanocortin action.(1) In the hypothalamus, melanocortin peptide agonists act as satiety-inducing factors that mediate their action through the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) whereas AGRP is an opposing orexigenic agent. Novel inhibitors of the AGRP/MC4 binding based on (piperazinylethyl)piperazines were prepared, and their structure-activity relationship was established.  相似文献   

There are conflicting theories about the evolution of melanocortin MC receptors while only few studies have addressed the evolution of agouti-related peptide (AgRP) and agouti signalling peptide (ASIP), which are antagonists at the melanocortin receptors (MCRs), or the melanocortin MC2 receptor accessory proteins (MRAP1 and MRAP2). Previously we have cloned melanocortin MC receptors (MCa and MCb) genes in river lamprey and here we identify orthologues to these melanocortin MC receptor sequences in the sea lamprey. We investigate the putative presence of the melanocortin MC receptor genes in lancelet (amphioxus; Branchiostoma floridae) but we find it unlikely that such gene exists, due to a sharp drop in sequence similarity beyond sequence clusters of known receptors. We show the presence of AgRP and ASIP in elephant shark, a cartilaginous fish belonging to the subclass of Elasmobranchii. However, we do not find any of these genes in lamprey or lancelet after detailed analysis of both targeted and whole proteome regular expression scans. We found MRAP2, but not MRAP1, to be present in elephant shark and sea lamprey while Fugu (T. rubripes) has both genes. This study shows that the most ancient presence of these melanocortin-related sequences is found in elephant shark and lampreys considering the current available sequence data.  相似文献   

  1. Imidazoquinoxaline PNU-97775 and imidazoquinoline PNU-101017 are benzodiazepine site ligands with a second low affinity binding site on GABAA receptors, the occupancy of which at high drug concentrations reverses their positive allosteric activity via the benzodiazepine site, and may potentially minimize abuse liability and physical dependence.
  2. In this study we discovered, with two imidazoquinoxaline analogues, that the functionality of the second site was altered by the nitrogen substituent on the piperazine ring moiety: PNU-100076 with a hydrogen substituent on the position produced a negative allosteric effect via the second low affinity site, like the parent compounds, while PNU-100079 with a trifluoroethyl substituent produced a positive allosteric response.
  3. These functional characteristics were monitored with Cl currents measurements in cloned rat αxβ2γ2 subtypes of GABAA receptors expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, and further confirmed in rat cerebrocortical membranes containing complex subtypes of GABAA receptors with binding of [35S]-TBPS, which is a high affinity ligand specific for GABAA receptors with exquisite sensitivity to allosteric modulations.
  4. This structure-functional relationship could be exploited to further our understanding of the second allosteric site of imidazoquinoxaline analogues, and to develop more effective benzodiazepine site ligands without typical side effects associated with those currently available on the market.

Melanocortin receptors belong to the seven-transmembrane (TM) domain proteins that are coupled to G-proteins and signaled through intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Many structural features conserved in other G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are found in the melanocortin receptors. There are five melanocortin receptor subtypes and each of the melanocortin receptor subtypes has a different pattern of tissue expression and has its own profile regarding the relative potency of different melanocortin peptides. α-, β-, and γ-MSH and ACTH are known endogenous agonist ligands for the melanocortin receptors. Agouti and AgRP are the only known naturally occurring antagonists of the melanocortin receptors. We have examined the molecular basis of all five human melanocortin receptors for different ligand binding affinities and potencies using chimeric and mutated receptors. Our studies indicate that human melanocortin MC1 receptor, human melanocortin MC3 receptor, human melanocortin MC4 receptor and human melanocortin MC5 receptor utilize orthosteric sites for non selective agonists, α-MSH and NDP-?α-MSH, high affinity binding and utilize allosteric sites for selective agonist or antagonist binding. Furthermore, our results indicate that molecular determinants of human melanocortin MC2 receptor for ACTH binding and signaling are different from that of other melanocortin receptors. Many studies also indicate that agonists can induce different conformation changes of melanocortin receptors, which then lead to the activation of different signaling pathways, even when the expression level of receptor and the strength of stimulus–response coupling are the same. This finding may provide new information for the design of drugs for targeting melanocortin receptors.  相似文献   

1. The effects of ethanol, chloral hydrate and trichloroethanol upon the 5-HT3 receptor have been investigated by use of electrophysiological techniques applied to recombinant 5-HT3 receptor subunits (5-HT3R-A or 5-HT3R-As) expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Additionally, the influence of trichloroethanol upon the specific binding of [3H]-granisetron to membrane preparations of HEK 293 cells stably transfected with the murine 5-HT3R-As subunit and 5-HT3 receptors endogenous to NG 108-15 cell membranes was assessed. 2. Ethanol (30-300 mM), chloral hydrate (1-30 mM) and trichloroethanol (0.3-10 mM), produced a reversible, concentration-dependent, enhancement of 5-HT-mediated currents recorded from oocytes expressing either the 5-HT3R-A, or the 5-HT3R-As subunit. 3. Trichloroethanol (5 mM) produced a parallel leftward shift of the 5-HT concentration-response curve, reducing the EC50 for 5-HT from 1 +/- 0.04 microM (n = 4) to 0.5 +/- 0.01 microM (n = 4) for oocytes expressing the 5-HT3R-A. A similar shift, from 2.1 +/- 0.05 microM (n = 11) to 1.3 +/- 0.1 microM (n = 4), was observed in oocytes expressing the 5-HT3R-As subunit. Trichloroethanol (5 mM) had little or no effect upon the maximum current produced by 5-HT for either recombinant receptor. 4. Trichloroethanol (5 mM) similarly reduced the EC50 for 2-methyl-5-HT from 13 +/- 0.4 microM (n = 4) to 4.6 +/- 0.2 microM (n = 4) and from 15 +/- 2 microM (n = 4) to 5 +/- 0.4 microM (n = 4) for oocytes expressing the 5-HT3R-A and 5-HT3R-As subunit respectively. Additionally, trichloroethanol (5 mM) produced a clear enhancement of the maximal current to 2-methyl-5-HT (expressed as a percentage of the maximal current to 5-HT) from 63 +/- 0.7% (n = 4) to 101 +/- 1.6% (n = 4) and from 9 +/- 0.2% (n = 4) to 74 +/- 2% (n = 4) for oocytes expressing the 5-HT3R-A and 5-HT3R-As subunit respectively. 5. Trichloroethanol (2.5 mM) had no effect upon the Kd, or Bmax, of specific [3H]-granisetron binding to membrane homogenates of NG 108-15 cells or HEK 293 cells. Similarly, competition for [3H]-granisetron binding by the 5-HT3 receptor antagonists ondansetron and tropisetron was unaffected. However, competition for [3H]-granisetron binding by the 5-HT3 receptor agonists, 5-HT, 2-methyl-5-HT and phenylbiguanide was enhanced by trichloroethanol (2.5 mM).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The 3-ethoxycarbonyl-4-quinolone compound 1 has previously been identified via a database search as an interesting lead compound for ligand binding at the benzodiazepine site of GABA(A) receptors (Kahnberg et al. J. Mol. Graphics Modelling 2004, 23, 253-261). Pharmacophore-guided optimization of this lead compound yielded a number of high-affinity ligands for the benzodiazepine site including compounds 20 and 23-25 displaying sub-nanomolar affinities. A few of the compounds have been tested on the alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2S) and alpha(3)beta(2)gamma(2S) GABA(A) receptor subtypes, and two of the compounds (5 and 19) display selectivity for alpha(1)- versus alpha(3)-containing receptors by a factor of 22 and 27, respectively. This selectivity for alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2S) is in the same range as that for the well-known alpha(1) subunit selective compound zolpidem.  相似文献   

Native adrenocorticotropin [ACTH-(1-39)] and ACTH-(1-24) stimulate both lipolysis and magnesium accumulation in rat adipocyte plasma membrane vesicles. ACTH-(1-20) retains full lipolytic activity but has a minimal effect on magnesium accumulation. In contrast ACTH-(11-24) stimulates magnesium accumulation but not lipolysis. These findings indicate that within the ACTH molecule the peptide sequence responsible for stimulation of magnesium accumulation is distinctly separate from the core sequence (residues 4-10) essential for stimulation of adenylyl cyclase activity and cAMP mediated lipolysis. Phentolamine, an alpha-adrenergic antagonist, blocks the bulk of magnesium accumulation stimulated by native ACTH and norepinephrine; propranolol, a beta-adrenergic antagonist, blocks the earliest phase of Mg2+ uptake by these hormones but has little effect on net uptake. Isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic agonist, stimulates magnesium uptake only minimally. The pattern of uptake stimulated by methoxamine, an alpha-adrenergic agonist, or ACTH-(11-24) is quite similar to that produced by native ACTH in the presence of propranolol. The receptor through which ACTH mediates stimulation of the bulk of magnesium appears to be analogous to the alpha-adrenergic receptor through which norepinephrine stimulates this same process.  相似文献   

目的:筛选具有中枢黑素皮质素受体3和4(melanocortin 3 and 4 receptors,MC3R,MC4R)高亲和活性和选择性的新化合物(α-促黑激素类似物)。方法:从大鼠下丘脑及周围组织中提取富含MC3R和MC4R的膜蛋白,进行放射标记的α-促黑激素([125I]-NDP-α-MSH)配体与MC3R,MC4R的结合实验,求出受体最大结合容量(Bmax)和平衡解离常数(Kd)。用10 nmol.L-1浓度的与MC3R和MC4R高亲和活性的已知激动剂(PT141)和已知阻滞剂(SHU9119)及各受筛化合物进行竞争结合或抑制实验,比较并找出与MC3R和MC4R具有高亲和活性的新化合物。结果:饱和实验求出Bmax=64.81 pmol.g-1蛋白,Kd=0.768 2 nmol.L-1。受筛化合物中LK-FS024与MC3R和MC4R的亲和活性最高,与PT141几乎相同(相对结合率为97%)。结论:LK-FS024与MC3R和MC4R有较高亲和活性,可能是一个具有较好药理研究价值的α-MSH类似药。  相似文献   

Nature provides science and society with a virtually unlimited supply of structurally diverse and biologically active molecules; the natural products. While some are directly useful in commercial applications, others are valuable for studying and understanding biological phenomena at the molecular level. An example is the signaling of nerve cells, which has been explored in considerable detail using a number of bioactive natural products. This review concerns primarily a part of the GABA inhibitory system of the central nervous system, the GABA(A) receptors, and natural products that have been reported to affect GABA(A) receptors in various ways. As the major inhibitory neurotransmittor, GABA plays a central role in the function of the central nervous system and modulates the activities of all neurons. Malfunctions in the GABA-operated systems cause a number of severe mental disorders, which consequently, at least in theory, can be treated with drugs. The natural products discussed in this review, acting on the GABA(A) receptors, are divided into the three main classes; terpenoids, polyacetylenic alcohols, and flavonoids. In addition, in a second part of the review, it is exemplified how knowledge about quantitative structure-activity relationships for a molecular target can be used to design novel, potent and selective compounds targeting the benzodiazepine binding site of the GABA(A) receptors.  相似文献   

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