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BACKGROUND: In 2000, the Dutch Association of Occupational Physicians published a national guideline for the management of employees with mental health problems. OBJECTIVES: To examine predictors of adherence to this guideline by Dutch occupational physicians (OPs). METHODS: Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour, a questionnaire was developed about self-reported guideline adherence of OPs and possible predictors of this behaviour. A total of 165 OPs were approached to complete the questionnaire and registration forms of first consultations of workers with mental health problems. Performance indicators based on the guideline were developed to calculate performance rates of guideline adherence by OPs. RESULTS: Eighty of 165 (48%) OPs approached completed the questionnaire. Fifty-six OPs returned one or more registration forms, totalling 344 consultations. On a five-point Likert scale, ranging from never (1) to always (5), the mean score on self-reported guideline adherence was 2.35, compared to a mean score of 4.06 on the intention to comply with the guideline. The mean performance rate of OPs ranging from 0 to 2 was 1.27 on diagnosis and 0.60 on guidance. No relation was found between self-reported guideline adherence and performance rates. Self-reported guideline adherence correlated significantly with perceived behaviour control (r = 0.48, P < 0.05), subjective norms (r = 0.33, P < 0.05) and positive job stress (r = 0.35, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Guideline adherence by Dutch OPs lags behind its acceptance. Further implementation efforts need to focus on diminishing barriers and enhancing social norms of OPs to work according to the guideline.  相似文献   

AIM: This study investigated the association of working conditions and lifestyle with mental health in Japanese workers. METHODS: A follow-up study was carried out in the Kanto district of Japan of workers in a telecommunications enterprise who received their first annual health check-up between 1992 and 1996 and were between 20 and 54 years old. Workers who reported mental symptoms, had a past history of disease, or current illness at their first check-up were excluded from the analysis. In total, the study included 23 837 workers. The association between working conditions and lifestyle and the development of mental symptoms was investigated by pooled logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: Working long hours and part-time work, as opposed to normal daytime hours of work, were factors associated with the development of mental symptoms in males, as were smoking, short sleeping hours, little physical exercise, rarely taking three meals a day, frequently eating within 1 h before sleep, much preference for salty meals and little preference for vegetables. Consumption of alcohol was negatively associated with the development of mental symptoms in males. Overall, the results suggested that the lower the Healthy Work and Lifestyle Score, the higher the risk of developing mental symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Working conditions and lifestyle, especially food preferences, have an apparent influence on the mental health of Japanese workers. Moreover, the Healthy Work and Lifestyle Score indicates that working conditions and lifestyle appear to have a cumulative influence upon the mental health of Japanese workers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is difficulty in defining occupational health services among stakeholders of the service. Concurrently, there are concerns about the state of occupational health provision in the UK. AIMS: To determine stakeholders' perception of the services that occupational health encompasses and the level as well as the rationale behind the provision of these services. METHODS: The research was undertaken as a postal questionnaire survey of the FTSE 350 companies and selected public sector organizations in the UK. This was followed up by telephone calls to a random selection of non-respondents to obtain non-respondent data. RESULTS: There is a difference in opinion among managers and occupational health professionals about the services provided by occupational health. Taking into account non-respondent data to partially adjust for overestimation biases, the level of provision of occupational health services among the FTSE 350 companies is 69% and in public sector organizations is 95%, giving an average provision of 72%. Sixteen per cent of respondents thought there was a trend towards outsourcing of services. The most frequently cited reason for provision of an occupational health service was that it was for the benefit of employees. CONCLUSIONS: There remains room for improvement in the level of occupational health services provision in large UK private sector organizations. By bridging the gap between the different stakeholders' perceptions of the remit and benefits of the service, a higher level of provision in the private sector similar to that of public sector organizations can be achieved.  相似文献   

Comparable to the confusion encountered in the birth of the machine age is the perplexing reconfiguration of the United States' health care system. Paralleling the advances in medicine have been the divesting mergers and downsizing of industry, coupled with globalization, which have released millions of long-time workers. The labour contingent is changing, with the addition of great numbers of women and immigrant workers, and the manufacturing economy has become one of service and information. Serving the occupational health (OH) needs of such a force have been the professional societies of physicians, nurses, and industrial hygienists, with their members providing care in a broad variety of facilities. It is possible that a national organization, including all these disciplines, would have a greater voice in the protection of workers' health. Immediate leadership of an occupational health service (OHS) can be rotated among the disciplines, so that competition for primacy among the professionals would end. The new workforce demands culture sensitivity among OH personnel and polylingual capabilities may be demanded in the future. Management skills will be required of all in OH, and greater participation of employees in OH policy will characterize the decades ahead. Nearly neglected up to now, occupational mental health programming will be required to meet the real needs of workers, and to counter the move to outsource OH services, where little patient contact results. Behavioural safety, total quality management, and application of the rapidly developing technologies in health care will define the 21st century efforts in OH. Remaining issues, such as violence, telecommuting injuries, the inclusion of alternative medicine, and women's health, among others, will see carry-over for resolution into the year 2000.  相似文献   

The role of the occupational physician in the private sectoris changing. Fewer large corporations maintain medical departmentsfollowing the ‘downsizing’ trend of the late 1980'sand early 1990's and those that do have extensively redefinedthe duties of the corporate medical director, often extendingthese duties to include responsibility for environmental health.Occupational medical services for employees previously coveredby in-house services are now often provided by outsourcing.The private practice of occupational medicine has become themajor growth area of the speciality in both the US and Canada.These trends have been driven primarily by economic imperativesand new management philosophies; the trend may have gone toofar and a ‘rightsizing’ correction may be in progress.However, it is not clear that corporations in general are derivingthe greatest value they can from their physicians or that thecurrent generation of senior managers is utilizing its healthprofessionals as effectively as they might. This is in partbecause the training, qualifications and capabilities of occupationalphysicians are not well understood. At least as important, however,is persistent confusion over desirable and appropriate rolesthat obscures the potential contribution of the medical professionalwithin a management structure. We suggest that the greatestvalue in occupational medical services may be in the anticipationof risk related to health issues and the flexibility this givesthe organization to manage the problem.  相似文献   

A retrospective cohort mortality study was carried Out in 20industrial factories in the Local Health Unit Bologna Sud (EmiliaRomagna, Italy), where different rubber and plastics productswere manufactured. The cohort consisted of 925 subjects (578males and 347 females) employed for at least six months continuously;follow-up was between the beginning of operation of each factory,ranging between mid fifties and mid seventies, and 31 December1989. For those exposed more than one year cause specific StandardizedMortality Ratios (SMRs) were computed using regional rates forcomparison, 90% confidence intervals (Cl) were calculated assumingthe Poisson distribution. Among the 748 subjects employed formore than one year (457 males and 291 females) there were nolost to follow-up, 54 individuals were dead (41 males and 13females) and for three subjects the cause of death was unknown.The results showed that all causes mortality was above expectancyin the total cohort (SMR=123; 54 Obs; 90% Cl=97–154),among males (SMR=117; 41 Obs; 90% Cl=89–152) and females(SMR=143; 13 Obs; 90% Cl=85–228). Increased mortalityfor all malignant tumours was observed in the total cohort (SMR=150;25 Obs; 90% Cl=104–209) and for both genders. All ninelung cancer cases were observed among males, the SMR was equalto 218 and was statistically significant; seven cases occurredat duration of exposure less than 10 years and six at latencyup to 20 years. The interpretation in terms of causality ofthe present investigation is limited by the small number ofobservations and by exposure definition solely in terms of employmentin the study factories; nonetheless the results are indicatingthe existence, in this group of rubber and plastics productmakers, of an adverse health effect which deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

The main aim of this three-year follow-up study was to evaluatethe long-term effects of a workplace health promotion interventionprogramme offered by the Neste Oyj corporation's occupationalhealth service. Another aim was to study factors associatedwith changes in health promotion needs. These were assessedusing information obtained by means of questionnaires and laboratorymeasurements. The target areas assessed were physical activity,musculoskeletal problems, dietary habits, obesity, blood pressure,serum lipids, smoking, quality of sleep and mental well-being.Participants from one oil refinery were offered special healthpromotion counselling, while those from the other oil refinerystudied received only their personal results, written informationand instructions. Evaluation of the changes in needs was mainlybased on comparison of the results of two examinations performedwith an interval of three years. Effects of special health promotioncounselling were observed in the target area of physical activity.Elimination of certain health promotion needs was seen in bothgroups in all of the target areas. The most extensive changeswere seen in the target areas of musculoskeletal symptoms, dietaryhabits, blood pressure and mental well-being. Basic education,occupational status and age-group, as well as the value of tendinghealth were frequent variables explaining the reduction in theneed for health promotion activities. Worker participation inhealth promotion counselling activities provided by occupationalhealth services can be high, as in this study in which the participationrate was 90% and the drop-out rate during the three years only10%.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The conditions of work in the fisheries sector are arduous with high rates of occupational accidents. Numerous factors are known that can directly influence the health of the sailor or fisherman both in fishing and merchant fleets. AIM: To evaluate the health status, safety and working conditions in the Andalusian fishing sector. METHODS: Cross-sectional questionnaire study with proportional sampling of the health and lifestyles of fishery workers in 19 of the 23 Andalusian ports. RESULTS: A total of 247 workers employed on 202 craft fishing boats responded. In all 87% of workers reported a current medical condition. The main problems reported were musculoskeletal disorders, respiratory diseases, diseases of the digestive system, eye problems and skin problems. A total of 72% reported taking some self-prescribed medication, and 60% of fishery workers smoked. Nine per cent of fishery workers admitted taking illicit drugs and 3% reported using illicit drugs on board. Diets on board were poorly balanced. While on board, 62% of crews reported a subjective significant worsening of previous health. The lifetime prevalence of accidents was 76%. CONCLUSIONS: Fishery workers had a high prevalence of self-reported medical problems, a high prevalence of self-medication, poor diets and frequently smoked. Self-medication and some medical conditions (diabetes, angina and depression) may reflect a potential failing of health checks and pre-employment checks. National health services and insurance companies dealing with occupational health should focus more on appropriate health checks, illness prevention and health promotion activities for this population.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to find effective methods to persuadehigher management to invest in workplace health promotion (WHP)programmes. The study included 639 occupational health professionalsselected from the directory of the Japan Society for OccupationalHealth. A questionnaire survey was mailed to health professionalsthroughout Japan in 1992, and all respondents were asked toidentify themselves. We received 242 replies, which constituteda response rate of 38%. Eighty-one per cent of the respondentshad attempted to persuade higher management to implement a WHPprogramme. Health professionals frequently presented their caseto higher management through a safety and health committee (SHC),and advice provided at the SHC was perceived to be the mosteffective method by occupational nurses (ONs) and safety andhealth supervisors (SHSs). This method was rated second by occupationalphysicians (OPs), who thought recommendations from OPs stipulatedby the Industrial Safety and Health Law to be most effective.Statistics on medical examinations constituted the data mostfrequently used to persuade higher management, followed by reportson worksite inspections and health care plans. Nearly 90% ofOPs and 80% of ONs and SHSs felt that the above methods werefairly successful.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of occupational mental health in the United Kingdom. It looks at the increasing involvement of occupational health staff in this aspect of the workplace and the role played by organizational psychologists in exploring the relationship between work and mental well-being. It provides a background for the reviews of current knowledge described in the other papers in this issue of Occupational Medicine.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of occupational hygiene in the overall framework of occupational health. It draws attention to the unique combination of required individual science subjects, and to the way in which occupational hygiene science contributes to the practice of occupational hygiene in the real world. It focuses in particular on occupational exposure standards. The paper provides, as an example, the specific case of occupational aerosol exposures. It is here that scientific research has made a notable impact on standards and led to a considerable degree of international harmonization. Finally, some broader insights into occupational exposure standards are given, based on experience gained during visits to a number of contrasting countries. The similarities and differences between the various national approaches help indicate what is generic in how standards are set. Such insights provide a basis for further international harmonization in the future. It is concluded that occupational exposure standards appear to be most effectively applied in countries where there are strong occupational hygiene cultures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Very few studies have been done of occupational health provision across an entire employment sector and universities are particularly understudied. The British government published updated guidance on university occupational health in 2006. AIM: To describe the occupational health services to all the universities in the UK. METHODS: All 117 universities in the UK were included. Detailed surveys were carried out in 2002, 2003 and 2004 requesting self-completed information from each university occupational health service. This paper presents information on general characteristics of the service, staffing, services provided and outcome reporting. RESULTS: There was variation in the type of occupational health provision; half the universities had an in-house occupational health service, 32% used a contractor, 9% relied on the campus primary care or student health service and 9% had ad hoc or no arrangements. In all, 93 of the 117 (79%) universities responded to the detailed questionnaire, the response rate being higher from in-house services and from larger universities. There was a wide variation in staffing levels but the average service was small, staffed by one full-time nurse with one half-day of doctor time per week and a part-time clerical or administrative member of staff. A range of services was provided but, again, there was wide variation between universities. CONCLUSIONS: It is unclear if the occupational health provision to universities is proportional to their needs. The wide variation suggests that some universities may have less adequate services than others.  相似文献   

努力开创我国初级卫生保健工作的新局面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代,在WHO的指导下,我国开展了波澜壮阔的初级卫生保健工作,对强化我国政府的卫生工作职责,提高卫生组织服务能力,促进卫生服务的公平性,提高群众的健康水平发挥了重要作用。随着我国社会经济的发展和群众对健康需求的不断增加,我国初级卫生保健既要传承,又要面对新形势,解决新问题。我们已经有了很好的进一步开展初级卫生保健的政治基础和政策基础,我们也必须要有新的工作思路,做到与时俱进,掀起新一轮我国初级卫生保健工作的高潮。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the variation in occupational health immunization policies and practice within NHS Trusts throughout England and Wales. Questionnaires were sent to 440 NHS Trusts and 279 were returned (a response rate of 63%). The results were compared with current Department of Health Guidelines. They highlighted the fact that NHS Trusts do not adopt a consistent approach to immunization practice and that these policies often do not reflect Department of Health Guidance. Of those responding, 249 (89%) stated that they would like additional guidance on immunization practice within the NHS workplace. The production of updated, evidence-based guidelines for immunization practice, may help to ensure that a more consistent approach is taken throughout the NHS. This would benefit both the Trusts and their employees who at present may be confused by being given different advice when moving between Trusts.  相似文献   

Occupational dermatitis is a considerable burden but little is documented concerning industry response to this. A postal questionnaire survey of 1,100 UK companies was conducted to investigate skin care provision. The response rate was 51%. The person primarily responsible for health and safety had a professional qualification in only 34% of responding companies. In all, 75% of companies responded that they were required to conduct COSHH risk assessments and, of these, 71% mentioned skin hazards. Only 27% of companies had a skin care policy but 71% had procedures requiring glove use. Seventy-seven per cent of companies did not conduct regular skin checks. Twenty-six per cent had either been aware of a skin problem in the workforce in the last 12 months or had had to modify work practices. Improvement of skin care in UK industry could be facilitated by the establishment of a minimum recommended training qualification; assistance with compliance with COSHH legislation; and guidelines to design and implement a skin policy, provide worker protection and detect skin problems.  相似文献   

Construction workers are exposed to considerable hazards carryinga health risk, e.g., dusts, fumes, noise and manual handling,yet there is often poor occupational health service provisionparticularly for subcontracted labourers. This paper presentsseven case studies from large. engineering construction organizations.concerning current practice in occupational health management.The results supported the fact that data and records regardinghealth-related absence were limited and inconsistent, and thatlittle existed in terms of medicals and health surveillance,particularly in the case of subcontracted workers. The maindifficulties envisaged were reported to be the sizeable costsinvolved; the temporary and mobile work force; demonstratingcost-benefits to top management and a lack of interest amongstworkers, perhaps exacerbated by the threat of lost livelihood.Managers also admitted limited health expertise and knowledgeof the wider role health professionals could play in healthmanagement. Training and further research in this area are indicated.  相似文献   

The management of the European division of a multinational company was aware of possible differences in the occupational health services (OHS) at their different locations. The objective of this study was to carry out a baseline assessment of these OHS. Structured interviews with representatives of the OHS were conducted at 20 locations in 11 countries. The OHS Recommendation from the International Labour Organization (ILO) was used as a standard for the organization and functions of the OHS. Considerable differences in the activity profiles of the OHS were detected. The inter-enterprise, multidisciplinary OHS spent most of their time on surveillance of workers' health in relation to work and on preventive activities in the working environment. Little time was spent on curative services for individual workers. OHS made up of individual physicians and nurses generally spent much of their time on treatment of occupational and non-occupational diseases. This study has clarified the status of the OHS providers and the potential for improvements in order to meet the needs of the company's locations and to comply more closely with the ILO recommendation.  相似文献   

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