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人工全髋关节翻修术治疗假体置换术后感染   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:探讨全髋关节置换术后假体周围感染的治疗方法。方法:1998年1月~2002年6月共收治7例全髋关节置换术后感染患者。采用一期全髋关节翻修术3例,二期全髋关节翻修术4例,术后平均随访14个月。结果:患者髋关节评分平均提高37.6分(Harris评分),经随访无一例感染患者复发。结论:人工全髋关节置换术后感染患者经过彻底清创和使用有效抗生素治疗后,可一期或二期进行全髋关节翻修术,治疗假体周围感染,改善患肢关节功能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨全髋关节置换术后假体周围感染的治疗方法.方法:1998年1月~2002年6月共收治7例全髋关节置换术后感染患者.采用一期全髋关节翻修术3例,二期全髋关节翻修术4例,术后平均随访14个月.结果:患者髋关节评分平均提高37.6分(Harris评分),经随访无一例感染患者复发.结论:人工全髋关节置换术后感染患者经过彻底清创和使用有效抗生素治疗后,可一期或二期进行全髋关节翻修术,治疗假体周围感染,改善患肢关节功能.  相似文献   

全髋关节置换术后假体周围感染仍是术后最严重的并发症甚至可以说是一个灾难性的并发症,虽然目前采用很多预防措施,但目前初次手术感染发生率仍在0.5%~1%,翻修手术甚至可以达到16%.术后假体周围感染不仅给患者带来多重的手术打击,而且耗费了巨大的医疗资源,而随着我国社会人口逐渐老龄化,其绝对数字正逐年增高,因此如何更加合理有效的治疗全髋关节置换术后感染是骨科医师亟待解决的一个难题.  相似文献   

目的探讨部分旷置二期翻修术在治疗人工髋关节假体周围感染中的治疗效果。方法回顾性分析自2012-01—2018-12收治的11例人工全髋关节置换术后晚期慢性感染患者进行部分旷置二期翻修手术治疗的病例,其中髋臼侧旷置4例,股骨柄侧旷置7例。结果 11例中1例失败,10例治愈,随访34.2个月。术前Harris评分(44.76±18.12)分,末次随访时(82.63±14.43)分,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。结论在严格把握适应证的情况下,采用部分旷置二期翻修术治疗人工髋关节假体周围感染可以有效控制感染和功能恢复。  相似文献   

随着老龄化社会的来临,伴随着人工全髋关节置换手术量的增加,翻修手术也将会每年以惊人的速度增长[1].由于在翻修手术中,存在假体周围软组织瘢痕化、骨缺损、骨质硬化等诸多问题,尤其是国人对疾病耐受性和认识不足,往往在治疗上有所拖延,使得髋臼侧和(或)股骨侧骨缺损变得更加严重和复杂,导致人工全髋关节置换术后翻修是目前临床上常见且难度较大的手术,效果也比初次人工全髋关节置换手术差.对医生而言则手术难度大,要求的手术技术高,是对关节外科医生的一大挑战,本文对国内外这方面的研究进展综述如下.  相似文献   

目的探讨全髋关节置换(THA)术后深部感染一期翻修的临床适应证及操作要点。方法对26例THA术后感染的患者行一期翻修手术,术前及术后使用抗生素,术中彻底清创并一期更换假体,术后持续关节腔灌注冲洗。结果术后平均随访时间23.4个月,Harris评分术前平均(41.3±13.1)分,术后平均(75.5±9.4)分。结论对于THA术后深部感染的治疗,只要严格掌握适应证,彻底清创,合理使用抗生素,及时重建骨缺损,一期翻修可以获得非常满意的治疗效果。  相似文献   

全髋关节置换术后感染的诊断和二期翻修   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全髋关节置换术(THA)后感染一旦发生,通常意味着手术失败,处理相当棘手。明确THA后感染的诊断,寻求有效的治疗方法尤为重要。至今尚未建立THA后感染的统一诊断标准,目前的诊断需结合临床表现、血清学检查、影像学资料、术中所见、组织学和细菌学检查结果并作综合分析。THA后感染治疗方法包括单独应用抗生素、关节清理、一期翻修、二期翻修、关节切除成形、关节融合,甚至截肢,但以二期翻修较为常用且有效。该文就THA后感染的诊断、二期翻修治疗效果作一综述。  相似文献   

目的探讨人工全髋关节置换(THA)术后假体松动的原因,以提高全髋关节翻修术的治疗效果。方法回顾性分析自2000-06—2010-06诊治由于THA术后假体松动而行人工全髋关节翻修术31例,探讨THA术后假体松动的诊断、原因和翻修注意事项。结果假体取出后31例中27例关节内出现灰黑色颗粒样物质,27例髋臼假体与31例股骨假体中骨水泥或假体与骨质间形成界膜。31例经全髋关节翻修术后30例疼痛消失,髋关节功能恢复满意;1例翻修术后1周出现脱位,经制动6周后髋关节功能恢复满意。结论 THA术后假体松动与患者自身原因、假体的选择和手术技术操作有密切关系,早期翻修手术要有针对性。  相似文献   

髋关节人工假体置换术后感染与对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的: 为了寻找髋关节人工假体置换术后感染最佳对策。方法: 对1976 年10 月~1998 年2 月治疗的髋关节人工假体置换术后感染10 例进行回顾性分析。结果: 10 例中7 例属于早期感染, 其中1 例死于糖尿病、2 例经闭合冲洗感染得以控制、3 例翻修、1 例融合。10 例中3 例晚期感染闭合冲洗无效。感染假体是否取出要看有无松动。最好对策还是加强预防。  相似文献   

目的探讨二期翻修术治疗人工髋关节置换术后感染的中期疗效。方法 2002年4月-2006年11月,收治12例人工髋关节置换术后感染患者。男5例,女7例;年龄47~72岁,平均59.8岁。人工股骨头置换2例,人工全髋关节置换10例。置换术后1~67个月发生感染。感染根据Segawa分型标准:2型1例,3型2例,4型9例。Harris评分为(36.7±6.1)分。9例C反应蛋白增高,10例红细胞沉降率增高。细菌培养提示阳性8例,阴性4例。一期清创术取出假体、彻底清创,采用抗生素骨水泥自制占位器或感染治疗型临时假体占位,术后抗感染治疗;3~10个月后行二期翻修术。结果 1例一期清创术后感染未控制,再次清创并采用抗生素骨水泥自制占位器治疗后,感染控制。其余患者术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无下肢深静脉血栓形成和神经损伤等并发症发生。患者术后均获随访,随访时间3~8年,平均5.4年。随访期间患者无感染复发及关节脱位。末次随访时,2例髋关节活动时有隐痛,3例有轻度跛行;Harris评分为(81.6±4.5)分,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(t=52.696,P=0.000);X线片示假体无松动及明显下沉,植骨处愈合。结论 二期翻修术治疗人工髋关节置换术后感染控制率高,可获较好中期疗效。  相似文献   

人工髋关节假体周围感染的处理   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨人工髋关节置换术后发生假体周围感染的处理方法。方法自1996年1月~2004年8月,笔者共收治16例髋关节假体周围感染的患者。采用单纯关节清创术4例,髋关节翻修手术12例。术后平均随访21个月。结果进行髋关节翻修的患者术后髋关节评分平均提高36·5分(Harris评分),有1例感染复发。结论根据感染的类型、患者一般状况及假体有无松动现象,通过清创术或行人工全髋关节翻修手术,可以清除感染病灶、最大限度地挽救患者的关节功能。  相似文献   

目的 总结采用可旋转绞链膝假体二期翻修方法 治疗人工膝关节置换(TKA)术后感染的体会.方法 对1999年10月~2003年10月收治的12例(14膝)TKA术后感染患者,采用一期清创加自制含抗生索骨水泥植入,可旋转绞链膝假体二期翻修方法 治疗.结果 全部病例获6~36个月随访,平均随访时间24个月.其中10例12膝治愈,1例再次行二期置换后治愈,1例因软组织条件太差致感染无法控制截肢.结论 对膝关节置换术后感染采用二期翻修方法 治疗,效果确切,采用可旋转绞链膝假体翻修术后膝关节功能恢复满意.  相似文献   

全髋关节置换治疗髋关节发育不全   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的:研究全髋关节置换治疗髋关节发育不全(DDH)的外科技术。方法:47例(54髋)因髋关节发育不全引起严重骨性关节炎的患者行全髋关节置换治疗,其中男8例,女39例。随访12个月~14年,平均53个月。结果:根据MerleD'Aubigne评分方法,优8例(17~18分)、良30例(13~16分)、中8例(9~12分)、差1例(<8分)。结论:根据髋关节脱位的程度可将髋关节发育不全分成四度,其中Ⅰ度、Ⅱ度为半脱位型;Ⅲ度、Ⅳ度为全脱位型。DDHⅠ度,即低位半脱位,髋臼加深为其手术要点;DDHⅡ度,即高位半脱位,通过上移髋臼假体可以避免植骨;对于DDHⅢ度、Ⅳ度则使用小型髋臼假体并且植骨。我们提出的分类方法较Crowe方法简便且实用,特别是对髋臼的处理有指导意义。对髋关节发育不全进行全髋关节置换应严格掌握适应证,只有当疼痛和功能障碍非常明显而保守治疗无明确效果时采用  相似文献   

BackgroundWear cannot be completely prevented after total hip arthroplasty. If severe polyethylene (PE) liner wear develops, the so-called catastrophic failure occurs and metallosis develops. We postulated that longevity of the new implant may be affected after revision surgery for metallosis following a catastrophic failure of a PE liner due to the substantial amount of PE wear particles and infiltration of the metal particles in this catastrophic condition.MethodsTwenty-three hips of 23 patients were identified because they showed metallosis during revision total hip arthroplasties performed in Seoul National University Hospital between January 1996 and August 2004. They were followed for at least 6.5 years after the index revision total hip arthroplasty. The clinical and radiological results of revision total hip arthroplasties in these patients were evaluated.ResultsThe median Harris hip score increased from 60 points before revision total hip arthroplasties to 90 points at the final follow-up. Osteolysis was detected at an average of 9.3 years after revision total hip arthroplasties in 13 hips and acetabular cup loosening at average 9.8 years after revision total hip arthroplasties in 9 hips. With radiographic evidence of osteolysis and loosening as the end points, the 15-year survival rates were 28.2% and 56.0%, respectively.ConclusionsThe survival rate of revision total hip arthroplasty in patients with metallosis following a catastrophic failure of a PE liner was low.  相似文献   

BackgroundDelta ceramic-on-ceramic (CoC) articulation affords excellent outcomes in primary total hip arthroplasty (THA). However, the safety and reliability of this bearing in revision THA need more evidence. This study aimed to report complications, radiological changes, clinical results, and survivorship of revision THA using Delta CoC articulation at minimum 5-year follow-up.MethodsWe reviewed 118 revision THAs (113 patients: 68 men and 45 women) performed with use of Delta CoC bearing. Their mean age was 58.7 years (range, 30–90 years) and their mean body mass index was 24.6 kg/m2 (range, 15.2–32.5 kg/m2). These patients were followed up for 5–12 years (mean, 7.2 years). We evaluated squeak, grinding sensation, ceramic fracture, dislocation, periprosthetic joint infection (PJI), periprosthetic fracture, prosthetic loosening, ceramic wear, osteolysis, modified Harris hip score (mHHS), and survivorship with any reoperation after the revision as the endpoint.ResultsTwo patients (1.7%) had grinding sensation, but no patient had ceramic fracture. Reoperations were necessary in 9 hips (7.6%) due to PJIs in 2, stem loosening in 2, cup loosening in 2, recurrent dislocation in 2, and periprosthetic fracture in 1. No hip had measurable wear or osteolysis. The average mHHS improved from 53.3 points before the revision to 82.3 points at the final follow-up. Survivorship was 91.6% (95% confidence interval, 86.3%–96.9%) at 12 years.ConclusionsThe Delta ceramic bearing appeared a reliable option for revision THA, showing encouraging mid-term results with acceptable survivorship and a low complication rate.  相似文献   



To determine the benefit of an extensively porous coated femoral stem in patients receiving revision total hip arthroplasty.


This study reviewed the results of 35 patients who received a revision total hip arthroplasty with extensively porous coated femoral stem between August, 1996, and December, 2002. The mean follow-up period was 77.5 months. The clinical and radiological results were evaluated by the Harris hip score and serial roentgenographic findings.


The preoperative and postoperative Harris hip score was 68.3 and 92.5, respectively. Radiographically, none of the acetabular components showed any evidence of migration, tilt, rotation, or shedding of metal particles. In addition, none of the femoral components showed evidence of subsidence, pedestal, or shedding of metal particles. Twenty-two hips had a mild stress shield and 2 hips had a moderate stress shield. The perioperative complications encountered were deep vein thrombosis (1 case), mild heterotopic ossification (4 cases), intraoperative periprosthetic fractures (1 case), and nonunion of the trochanteric osteotomy site (2 cases).


Extensively porous coated femoral stems and acetabular components produce excellent clinical and radiological results in revision total hip arthroplasty.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate mid‐ to long‐term results of revision total hip arthroplasty for massive femoral bone loss using a cementless modular, fluted, tapered stem.MethodsThis is a retrospective study performed at a single hospital. During the period of January 2007 to January 2015, 33 patients (34 hips) underwent primary revision surgery with cementless modular, fluted, tapered stems due to femoral bone loss. Sixteen men and 17 women were included in the study, with an average age of 63.9 ± 11.7 years (range, 27 to 88 years). Operative data including operative duration, length of incision, drainage volume and duration, blood loss and transfusion, cases of bone graft and extended trochanteric osteotomy were recorded. Clinical evaluation was performed using Harris hip score (HHS), visual analogue scale (VAS), and patients'' satisfaction. Radiographic data including femoral stem fixation, subsidence, integrin of allograft bone, and leg length discrepancy were assessed. Complications and survivorship were evaluated using Kaplan–Meier survival rate.ResultsThe mean follow‐up was 9.1 ± 2.5 years (range, 5–13 years). The Harris hip score was 43.6 ± 11.5 preoperatively and maintained at 86.5 ± 6.6 at the time of latest follow‐up (P < 0. 05). The X‐ray showed bone ingrowth fixation in 30 hips (88%), fibrous stable fixation in three hips (9%), and instability in one hip (3%). The average stem subsidence was 3.9 ± 2.2 mm (range, 1 to 10 mm). The mean difference in leg length in our study was 3.3 ± 2.7 mm (range, 0 to 10 mm), and the leg length discrepancy in 28 (82%) patients was within 5 mm. No case of junction fracture was observed. Seven (21%) intraoperative fractures occurred in our study. Three (9%) cases with infection were observed after revision. Six (18%) patients had lower limb vein thrombosis. The survivorship of prostheses with re‐revision for any reason was 95% (95% CI, 12.0 to 13.0) at the 10‐year follow‐up. Three (9%) re‐revisions were needed, including one for aseptic loosening, one for dislocation, and one for infection.ConclusionThe mid‐ to long‐term results of revision total hip arthroplasty with the cementless modular, fluted, tapered stems are encouraging for massive femoral bone loss.  相似文献   

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