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Zusammenfassung: In Fortführung unserer Untersuchungen über den Stoffwechsel von Dermatophyten wurden hier, nach Wachstum von Mycrosporum gypseum in synthetischer Nährlösung mit Cystin und/oder Glutamat als Stickstoffquellen, zusätzlich zum Ausbau dieser Aminosäuren auch der Einbau des Aminosäurestickstoffes ins Myzel sowie der Glukoseabbau in der Nährlösung und deren Beziehungen zueinander verfolgt. Während der gesamten Versuchsdauer korrelierten die Myzeltrockengewichte eng mit dem Gesamtprotein-N des Myzels. Im Vergleich zu dem sehr raschen Abbau der Aminosäuren als solche, insbesondere des Cystins, erfolgte der Stickstoffeinbau in das Myzel venögert. Außerdem wurde nurein Teil des verfügbaren Stickstoffes wirklich assimiliert: rund 20% bei Wachstum mit Cystin, 55% bei Wachstum mit Glutamat und 75% bei kombiniertem Angebot von Cystin und Glutamat. Die unterschiedliche Verwertbarkeit des Stickstoffes der beiden Aminosäuren bestimmt offensichtlich die Intensität des Pilzwachstums und damit auch des Glukoseabbaues. Die pro Einheit Myzeltrockenmasse assimilierte Stickstoff-und abgebaute Glukosemenge waren von den verfügbaren Aminosäuren abhägig. Es wurde bei Angebot von —Glutamat wenig Glukose abgebaut und auch wenig Stickstoff aufgenommen —Cystin viel Glukose abgebaut und mäßig Stickstoff aufgenommen —Cystin + Glutamat sehr wenig Glukose abgebaut und sehr viel Stickstoff aufgenommen. Unsere Befunde wurden im Hinblick auf die Rolle des Cystins beim Keratinabbau diskutiert. Summary: In continuation of our studies of the metabolism of dermatophytes present investigation deals with Microsporum gypseum grown in a synthetic nutrient solution using cystine and/or glutamate as nitrogen sources. In addition to the breakdown of these amino acids we also studied the incorporation of amino acid nitrogen into the mycelium and the breakdown of glucose in the nutrient solution, as well as the relations between the two. Throughout the duration of the experiment, the dry weight of the mycelium and the total protein N content were closely correlated. Compared with the extremely rapid breakdown of the amino acids as such, and especially of cystine, nitrogen incorporation into the mycelium was delayed. In addition, only part of the available nitrogen was actually assimilated. Tnis part amounted to about 20% when the dermatophytes were grown with cystine, to 55% when they were grown with glutamate and 75 % in the presence of both cystine and glutamate. The intensity of growth of the fungi and therefore the intensity of glucose breakdown, obviously depends on the different conversion of the nitrogen from the two amino acids. The amount of nitrogen assimilated and of glucose released per unit of dry mycelium substance depended on the available amino acids. When glutamate was supplied, glucose breakdown was low, and so was nitrogen intake. When cystine was supplied, glucose breakdown was high and nitrogen intake moderate. When cystine and glutamate were supplied, glucose brakdown was minimal and nitrogen intake excessive. Our findings are discussed with regard to the role of cystine in the breakdown of keratin.  相似文献   

Dr.  N. Hayashi M.D.  S. Toshitani 《Mycoses》1983,26(7):337-345
Summary: Two hundred and seventy one cases of Microsporum gypseum infection including 8 cases we found in Japan during the period 1931–1980 are discussed in this paper. The overall incidence was relatively high in the districts of Kanto, Kyushu and Kinki. The victims consisted of 47 males, 53 females and 171 other persons. The greatest number of these people, 61.4%, were afflicted in the first decade of this period. The youngest was a 40-day-old girl, apparently the youngest recorded anywhere in the world. Tinea capitis and tinea corporis show a predilection toward this affliction among Japanese people. Incidences involving the head, face and neck account for as many as 75.4% of the cases of this disease.
Zusammenfassung: In dieser Abhandlung werden 271 Fälle von Microsporum gypseum-Infektion, einschließlich acht eigener Fälle, in Japan während des Zeitraums von 1931 bis 1980 diskutiert. Die Gesamthäufigkeit war in den Bezirken Kanto, Kyushu und Kinki relativ hoch. Die infizierten Personen waren 47 Männer, 53 Frauen und 171 sonstige Personen. Die größte Anzahl dieser Personen, 61.4%, erkrankten im ersten Jahrzehnt dieses Zeitraums. Die jüngste Person war ein 40 Tage altes Mädchen, anscheinend der jüngste Patient der weltweit erfaßten Fälle. Bei Japanern sind die Kopftrichophytie und die Körpertrichophytie bevorzugte Lokalisationen der M. gypseum-Infektion. Fälle, die den Kopf, das Gesicht und den Nacken betreffen, machen 75.4% der Fälle dieser Krankheit aus.  相似文献   

In Madras, India, 312 soil samples were collected from different habitats and screened for the presence of keratinophilic fungi especially those belonging to the Microsporum gypseum complex.  相似文献   

Ranganathan S  Balajee SA 《Mycoses》2000,43(5):177-180
In Madras, India, 312 soil samples were collected from different habitats and screened for the presence of keratinophilic fungi especially those belonging to the Microsporum gypseum complex.  相似文献   

Summary: 36 isolates of Microsporum gypseum recovered from Egyptian soil were found to be capable of agglutinating red blood cells of cow, buffalo, camel, sheep, chicken, duck, pigeon, Guinea pig and mouse. Also microconidial variants obtained dnring repeated subculturing had the same property. Haemagglutinins of both the wild and microconidial forms were partly thermolabile and partly thermostable. They resisted the effect of trypsin, concentrated hydrochloric acid and 4N sodium hydroxide, but they were markedly inactivated by potassium periodate (wild form) and chloroform (microconidial form). The specificity of the reaction was confirmed by the haemagglutination inhibition test.
Zusammenfassung: 36 Stämme von Microsporum gypseum, die aus ägyptischem Erdboden isoliert wurden, zeigten die Fähigkeit, Erythrozyten von Rind, Büffel, Kamel, Schaf, Huhn, Ente, Taube, Meerschweinchen und Mans zu agglutinieren. Auch die Milrokonidien-Variante, die während wiederholter Überimpfungen erhalten wurde, zeigte eine ähnliche Fähigkeit, Hämagglutinine beider Formen waren zum Teil thermolabil und zum anderen thermostabil. Sie widerstanden der Wirkung von Trypsin, konzentrierter SalzSäare und 4N Kalilauge. Sie wurden aber durch Kaliumperjodat (Wildstamm) und Chloroform (Mikrokonidien-Variante) zum größten Teil inakliviert. Der Hämagglutinationshemmungstest bestätigte, daß die Reaktion spezifisch war.  相似文献   

Romano C  Ghilardi A  Fimiani M 《Mycoses》2006,49(4):335-337
A case of onychomycosis with nail dystrophy due to Microsporum gypseum in a healthy 35-year-old woman is described. The infection had a 2-year history, occurring in the site of a nail trauma sustained in a fall from a horse. Diagnosis was based on mycological examination (direct microscope observation and culture). Clinical and mycological recovery was achieved after local treatment with ciclopiroxolamine nail solution and pulsed systemic terbinafine therapy.  相似文献   

Summary: In Hungary, Microsporum canis infections spreading from animal to man were only sporadically diagnosed between 1961–1975. Since 1976, tinea capitis and corporis caused by Microsporum canis has been increasing from year to year especially in Budapest and its surroundings. The patients were mostly children. Infections of the scalp were rather resistant to treatment, and were controlled only by prolonged griseofulvin and local therapy. Zusammenfassung: In Ungarn wurden vom Tier auf den Menschen übertragbaren Microsporum canis Infektionen zwischen 1961–1975 nur selten diagnostiziert. Seit 1976 wurden Tinea capitis und corporis Infektionen durch Microsporum canis von Jahr zu Jahr - besonders in Budapest und in der Umgebung - immer häufiger festgestellt. Die Kranken sind überwiegend Kinder. Die Tinea capitis Fälle reagieren schwer zur Griseofulvintherapie. Die Kranken sind überwiegend Kinder. Die Tinea capitis Fänger mit Griseofulvin und auch lokal behandelt werden.  相似文献   

E. Weigl  M. Hejtmnek 《Mycoses》1979,22(12):448-453
Summary: The technique of cell wall enzymatic lysis was used to prepare protoplasts from the microconidia of Microsporum gypseum. Cell wall elimination was immunologically verified. Protoplasts isolated from microconidia were found to be of the following two types: large with a vacuole and small without one. The small protoplasts regenerated on plates of osmotically stabilized complete medium with reduced agar content (0.5%) and in stabilized liquid medium as well. The regeneration was discovered from the production of hyphae. Zusammenfassung: Mittels der enzymatischen Zellwandlyse-Technik wurden die Protoplasten der Mikrokonidien von Microsporum gypseum hergestellt. Die Eliminie-rung der Zellwände wurde immunologisch bestätigt. Aus Mikrokonidien isolierte Protoplasten waren von zweierlei Typen: die größeren mit einer größen Vakuole und die kleineren ohne Vakuole. Kleine Protoplasten regenerierten sowie auf Agarplatten des osmotisch stabilisierten Mediums mit erniedrigtem Agarinhalt (0,5 %) als audi im stabilisierten flüssigen Medium. Die Regeneration wurde nach der Hyphenbildung festgestellt.  相似文献   

We report a case of tinea on the eyelid in a woman with psoriasis. Due to the history of psoriasis and clinical aspect of the lesion the diagnosis of psoriasis was suggested in the first place; however, laboratory examination revealed Microsporum gypseum. The patient was treated with oral itraconazole resulting in clinical and mycological cure. We emphasize the uncommon location of tinea caused by M. gypseum and the importance of searching for fungal infection on scaly lesions.  相似文献   

Gabriele Ginter 《Mycoses》1989,32(10):531-535
Microsporum gypseum is a geophilic fungus with a world-wide distribution, which is considered to be involved in keratin degradation in the soil. Since 1977, mycotic skin infections due to M. gypseum have been repeatedly observed in the Department of Dermatology in Graz, Austria. A predominance of females was evident. As a rare event, M. gypseum has also been cultivated from onychomycotic lesions.  相似文献   

A case of mycotic infection by M. gypseum in a parrot (Melopsittacus undulatus) is reported here. Alopecic, scaly lesions were found around the beak and eyes, the feathers being poorly involved. The disease had been transmitted into a female, who developed inflammatory herpes circinatus on her hand. The organism isolated, the same in both cases, manifested a high virulence in experimental inoculations in animals and humans. The occurrence of common dermatophytes and other keratinophilic fungi in birds is discussed.


Bericht über einen Fall von Pilzinfektion durch Microsporum gypseum bei einem Wellensittich (Melopsittacus undulatus). Rund um den Schnabel und um die Augen herum fanden sich schuppende Alopecieherde; die Federn waren nur wenig befallen. Die Krankheit wurde auf eine 52 jährige Frau übertragen, bei der sich an der Kleinfingerseite des linken Handrückens ein entzündlicher Herpes circinatus entwickelte. In beiden Fällen wurde der gleiche Organismus isoliert; er erwies sich als hochvirulent nach experimentellen Inokulationen bei Meerschweinchen und bei freiwilligen Versuchspersonen. In der Diskussion wird auf das Vorkommen von Dermatophyten und anderen keratinophilen Pilzen bei Vögeln hingewiesen. Bei Wellensittichen ist dies der erste Bericht über eine Erkrankung durch Dermatophyten.  相似文献   

Romano C  Massai L  Gallo A  Fimiani M 《Mycoses》2009,52(1):67-71
Fourteen cases of dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum gypseum , representing 6.8% of all dermatophytic infections reported, were diagnosed in Siena, Italy, between 2005 and 2006. There were as follows: six cases of tinea corporis, one case of tinea corporis associated with tinea capitis, one case of tinea corporis associated with tinea barbae, one kerion on the head, one tinea cruris, one tinea faciei, one tinea barbae, two onychomycosis. In the three subjects with tinea corporis, the clinical appearance was impetigo-like, psoriasis-like and pityriasis rosea-like respectively. In another case, the lesion was indicative of tinea imbricata. The diagnosis was based on mycological examination. In six cases, the source of infection was a cat, whereas in the others it was contact with soil.  相似文献   

R Kano  K Yasuda  Y Nakamura  A Hasegawa 《Mycoses》2001,44(7-8):338-341
The 1- to 2-month-old female cross-breed cat presented with alopecia, erythema and many crusts were present on the tail. Microscopic examination of crusts from the tail disclosed epithelial debris, exudate, mycelium, and arthrospores. Microsporum gypseum which is rarely isolated from cats as a causative agent of dermatophytsis was cultured from the crusts on a 1/10 Sabouraud glucose agar at 27 degrees C for 1 week. The isolate of M. gypseum from the cat was examined by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), chitin synthase 1 gene (CHS1) sequence and mating experiments. The RAPD band patterns of the clinical isolate of M. gypseum was identical to those of tester strains of Arthroderma gypseum. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the CHS1 gene fragments from the isolate and a tester strain of A. gypseum showed 100% similarity. The mating experiments on the clinical isolate of M. gypseum completely agreed with the results from RAPD and CHS1 gene sequence. The isolate from the cat was confirmed to be A. gypseum (-) mating type, which was consistent with the result of mycological examination by molecular analyses.  相似文献   

Summary: A case of dermatophytosis in a two months old pet rabbit due to Microsporum gypseum has been reported. This is the first report from Bihar and the second from India. Zusammenfassung: Bericht über eine Microsponun gypseum-Infektion bei einem zwei Monate alten Kaninchen. Es handelt sich um den ersten derartigen Bericht aus Bihar und um die zweite Mitteilung aus Indien.  相似文献   

M. Chadeganipour  A. Haims 《Mycoses》2001,44(3-4):109-112
The inhibitory effects of pelargonic and capric acid on Microsporum gypseum were examined. Solid and liquid Sabouraud glucose media containing different concentrations of pelargonic and capric acid were separately prepared and inoculated with the suspension of mycelium and spores of M. gypseum and incubated at 25 degrees C for 1 month. The culture media were examined periodically for fungal growth and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of each fatty acid was determined. The MIC for capric acid was 0.02 mg ml-1 and for pelargonic acid 0.04 mg ml-1 on solid media and 0.075 mg ml-1 for capric acid and 0.05 mg ml-1 for pelargonic acid in the liquid media.  相似文献   

In humans worldwide, Microsporum sp. is a frequent agent of dermatophytsosis. When considering the emergence of resistant fungi and the clinical relevance of dermatophytosis, terpene antifungal activity is of great interest. Linalool is a monoterpene alcohol with pharmacological properties. In this study, antifungal in vitro activity of linalool and ketoconazole (as a positive control) were evaluated against clinical isolates of M. canis and M. gypseum. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of each drug were determined by broth microdilution. The effects of the drugs (1/2MIC, MIC, 2xMIC) on radial mycelial growth, conidial production and germination were analysed. The effect on the fungal cell membrane (release of intracellular material) was also investigated. Linalool (MIC: 128 μg/mL) and ketoconazole (MIC: 64 μg/mL) were effective in inhibiting all dermatophytes studied. The MFC values of linalool ranged between 128 and 256 μg/mL, whereas ketoconazole showed MFC values of from 64 to 256 μg/mL. Linalool (at MIC and 2xMIC) and ketoconazole (at 1/2MIC, MIC, 2xMIC) inhibited mycelial growth (P < 0.05). The drugs (1/2MIC, MIC, 2xMIC) were also active on conidiogenesis and conidia germination, causing complete inhibition (P < 0.05). Linalool caused leakage of intracellular material. Our study supports the use of linalool as a potential antifungal agent against M. canis and M. gypseum.  相似文献   

Summary: Tinea facei caused by Microsporum gypseum in an infant at the age of two days is reported. This culturally proved infection is the first of its kind in an infant and is the youngest case recorded in the world literature. The source has been the soil surrounding the house from where the same species has been isolated. This case also records the shortest incubation period in dermatophytosis.
Zusammenfassung: Es wird über eine Tinea faciei, hervorgerufen durch Microsporum gypseum, bei einem 2 Tage alten Säugling berichtet. Diese kulturell nachgewiesene Infektion ist die erste ihrer Art bei einem Säugling und stellt gleichzeitig den jüngsten berichteten Fall der Weltliteratur dar. Die Infektionsquelle war der Erdboden, der das Haus umgab. Aus ihm konnte dieselbe Spezies isoliert werden. Dieses ist gleichzeitig ein Bericht über die kürzeste beobachtete Inkubationszeit einer Dermatophytose.  相似文献   

J. Kunert  M. Hejtmánek 《Mycoses》1976,19(9):329-336
Im Raster-Elektronenmikroskop wurde der Verlauf des Abbaues der menschlichen Haare durch den Dermatophyten Microsporum gypseum in vitro beobachtet. Diese Methode ermöglicht eine eingehende Beobachtung besonders des Verlaufs des Cuticula-abbaues sowie der Morphologie der spezialisierten Abbauorgane in der Haaroberfläche. Es wurde auch die Entstehung der Perforationsorgane sowie der lytischen Höhlen in der Myzelumgebung beobachtet. Der Pilz vermag alle histologischen Bestandteile des Haares allmählich abzubauen und zu verdauen.


The scanning electron microscopy was used to follow the course of the destruction of human hairs by the dermatophyte Microsporum gypseum in vitro. The method enabled a detailed investigation especially of the course of destruction of the cuticula and of the morphology of specialized erosive organs on the hair surface. The origination of perforating organs and of lytic cavities surrounding the mycelium was also examined. The fungus is able to destroy and digest successively all histological components of the hair.  相似文献   

A case of kerion celsi caused by Microsporum gypseum is documented. The patient was a 6-year-old girl with a 2-cm purulent lesion on the scalp. Direct mycological examination of the hair showed hyphae with extremely numerous spindle-shaped macrospores. The species identification was confirmed by 28S ribosomal DNA sequencing. The presence of numerous macrospores is unusual in direct mycological examination, but could be an indication for M. gypseum.  相似文献   

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