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四川省马边县农村家庭卫生现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解四川省马边县农村环境卫生和村民行为习惯 ,在联合国儿基会的资助下 ,我们于 2 0 0 1年 8~ 9月组织有关人员按统一的调查表对马边县农村家庭环境卫生现状进行了调查。1 对象和方法1 1 对象 农村 15~ 44岁妇女、 18~ 44岁男性和 8~ 14岁儿童 ;同时调查农户的家庭卫生设施及其卫生状况。1 2 方法 采用询问和观察方法 ,在全县抽取 5个乡镇 ,每个乡镇抽取 2个村 ,对合格对象进行问卷调查 ,并进行 4组合格村民参加的小组讨论。1 3 内容 主要包括家庭卫生及其相关知识、行为情况。2 调查结果2 1 基本情况 马边县地处边远山…  相似文献   

儿童体格发育状况是反映一个地区社会和经济发展水平的一个综合指标。 1997年中国预防医学科学院在全国确定 4 1个儿童食物与营养监测点 ,其中城市14个 ,一般农村 18个 ,较贫困农村 9个。蓬莱市是 18个一般农村监测点之一 ,1998年对潮水镇 0~ 6岁儿童进行生长发育状况调查。1 对象与方法1.1 对象 蓬莱市有 3个乡镇为国家疾病监测点 ,从中随机抽取了潮水镇进行调查。该镇共 31个自然村 ,根据各村 0~ 6岁儿童数 ,随机抽取 11个村中的 4 2 7名儿童为调查对象。于 1998年 5~ 6月逐户调查儿童家庭情况 ,测定儿童的身高、体重 ,检测血红蛋白…  相似文献   

社区1200人口腔卫生保健知识知晓行为问卷调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们对口腔卫生知识的知晓率与行为的形成,直接影响口腔卫生状况和疾病的流行,了解社区人群对口腔卫生认知与行为,针对不同群体,加强宣传教育,控制、预防口腔常见病,提高健康水平,为牙防三级网社区服务提供依据十分重要。1 对象与方法1.1 调查对象 随机抽取沈阳市和平区内6个社区,包括社区居民、中小学生共1 200人,按年龄分为12岁、15岁、18岁、65岁~74岁4个组。1.2 调查方法 调查问卷设计8个问题,作知识与行为调查  相似文献   

寿光市自 1988年开始开展乙型肝炎 (乙肝 )疫苗的预防接种 ,并于 1992年将其纳入计划免疫管理 ,在做好新生儿及时接种的同时 ,逐步开展了对青少年和重点人群的接种工作。为了解自然人群乙肝疫苗免疫接种状况 ,观察预防效果 ,2 0 0 0年 8月对寿光市 1~ 5 9岁自然人群进行了抽样调查。1 对象与方法1 1 对象 采用整群随机抽样方法 ,在寿光市全市范围内抽取 3个乡镇 (乡镇驻地与 3个村 )和城区的数个居住小区 ,从中随机抽取居民户进行调查。合计调查农村 2 4 3户、城镇 10 2户 ,以 1~ 5 9岁的人群为调查对象。合计调查 10 33人 ,农村 782人…  相似文献   

目的 了解湖北省城乡青壮年亚健康状况,探索个人性格与睡眠质量对亚健康的影响程度.方法 采用中国医学科学院开发的<个人健康状况调查表>对湖北省18~55岁3187名青壮年的健康状况进行问卷调查.结果 性别、文化程度、婚姻状况、年龄和职业为亚健康的影响因素.在城市和乡镇人群中,女性比男性亚健康程度严重(均P<0.0001).分居、离婚和丧偶人群的亚健康状况比已婚和未婚人群严重(P=0.0006,P=0.0102).在城市人群中,30~55岁是亚健康高发年龄(P=0.0197);在乡镇,小学文化程度以下者亚健康最严重(P=0.0003);农民工和专业技术人员的亚健康状况比其他职业人群严重(P=0.0043).结构方程模型显示,睡眠质量和性格对亚健康的影响有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 在湖北省不同人口学特征的青壮年人群中存在一定程度的亚健康问题,与睡眠质量和个人性格关系较大,可通过改善睡眠质量和完善个人性格等途径预防亚健康.  相似文献   

目的了解山东省成人睡眠状况。方法于2010—2012年采用多阶段分层与人口成比例整群抽样的方法,在山东省抽取7个县市区10 201名≥6岁居民,采用"中国居民营养与健康状况监测"统一制定的问卷进行入户面对面访问,对18岁及以上居民的睡眠状况进行调查和分析。结果共调查18岁及以上人群6626名,每天睡眠时间为(7. 84±1. 29) h,其中男性(7. 80±1. 07) h,女性(7. 86±1. 18) h,差异无统计学意义,但在农村监测点男性[(7. 87±1. 17) h]与女性[(8. 01±1. 27) h]差异有统计学意义(t=3. 08,P<0. 01);大城市(7. 62±1. 17) h,中小城市(7. 85±0. 89) h,农村(7. 95±1. 23) h,不同地区差异有统计学意义(F=39. 733,P<0. 01); 18~44岁组(7. 97±0. 98) h,45~59岁组(7. 80±1. 07) h,≥60岁组(7. 74±1. 33) h,不同年龄组差异有统计学意义(F=21. 642,P<0. 01)。睡眠不足率9. 8%,其中男性9. 5%,女性10. 1%,差异无统计学意义;不同地区(大城市15. 3%、中小城市5. 2%、农村9. 7%,χ~2=105. 870,P<0. 01)和不同年龄(18~44岁组5. 1%、45~59岁组9. 7%、≥60岁组15. 3%,χ~2=114. 308,P <0. 01)差异有统计学意义。睡眠过多的比例为9. 3%,男(8. 4%)女(10. 0%)差异有统计学意义(t=2. 11,P<0. 05);不同地区(大城市7. 0%、中小城市6. 0%、农村12. 8%,χ~2=77. 156,P <0. 01)和不同年龄组(18~44岁组6. 7%、45~59岁组6. 1%、≥60岁组16. 8%,χ~2=175. 556,P <0. 01)差异有统计学意义。结论 2010—2012年山东省成人睡眠不足情况普通存在,特别是老年人群和大城市居民的睡眠不足问题更为突出。睡眠过多问题也同时存在。  相似文献   

对苏州市吴中区进行临床适宜技术需求状况调查,对苏州市附属第一医院、苏州市吴中区人民医院、苏州市长桥人民医院进行临床适宜技术供给状况调查.运用SPSS15.0作基本的数据处理,考察调查对象的态度.共收集296份问卷,临床适宜技术的现实需求性和可供给性都得到了初步验证.需进一步推进相关问题的深入研究.  相似文献   

本文将支付意愿 (willingnesstopay)引入肾综合征出血热 (HFRS)疫苗预防接种价格探讨 ,这对有关部门更好地利用价格规律推广其应用具有指导意义。一、对象与方法1.调查对象 :在山东省HFRS高发区泗水县的 15个乡镇中随机抽取 5个乡镇 ,每个乡镇随机抽取 4个行政村 ,每个行政村随机抽取一个生产队 (组 ) ,每个生产队 (组 )随机调查 2 0~ 5 9岁人群 4 0人左右 ,共调查了 82 1人。于 2 0 0 0年4~ 5月 ,培训调查员 ,用统一的方案进行直接询问调查。2 .调查内容 :人群一般特征、人群HFRS防制知识。告知调查对象有关…  相似文献   

目的 了解晴隆县健康人群麻疹IgG抗体的水平,及时发现工作薄弱地区和免疫空白人群,为控制和消除麻疹工作提供依据.方法 按照《贵州省麻疹等针对疾病人群抗体水平监测实施方案》要求,以乡镇为单位,全县按地理位置将乡镇划分为东、西、南、北、中5个片,每个片随机抽取一个乡镇,每个乡镇随机抽取1个行政村为监测点,每个监测点调查<1岁、1~2岁、3~4岁、5~6岁、7~9岁、10~14岁、15~19岁、≥20岁共8个年龄组人群,每组抽取30人静脉血分离血清,采用美联免疫吸附法(ELISA),对晴隆县健康人群进行麻疹抗体滴度定量检测麻疹IgG抗体.并采用描述性流行病学方法进行分析.结果 2015年晴隆县人群中麻疹IgG抗体总体阳性率为96.08%,麻疹免疫史率为65.17%.结论 晴隆县调查乡镇从总体上形成了麻疹的免疫屏障,但人群麻疹免疫史率低,应将此作为下一步的工作重点,并采取相应的有效措施,确保适龄儿童麻疹疫苗免疫2剂次率≥95%.  相似文献   

白喉在我县已有近 2 0年未发生。对此 ,为制定白喉防治措施 ,采用锡克氏试验方法对本县人群白喉免疫状况进行了调查 ,结果报告如下 :1 对象及方法1.1 对象选择 根据我县地域及计划免疫状况 ,沂河南、北各选择 3个乡镇 ,每个乡镇均调查 30岁以下健康人群。1.2 试剂 为上海生物制品研究所生产 ,批号 0 0 0 30 1- 1,有效期 2 0 0 1年 3月 ,均在 2℃~ 8℃条件下运输保存。1.3 方法 在受试者前臂掌侧下 1/ 3处皮内注射锡克氏试液0 .1ml,于 72小时后观察结果。1.4 判断标准 注射后局部无红肿反应或虽有反应但直径 <10 mm者为阴性 ;≥ 10…  相似文献   

Children account for a large component of the Southeast Asian refugee population, and their growth characteristics are an important part of their nutritional and health supervision. Four hundred seventy-nine children (249 males and 230 females) from 2 to 18 years old were measured for height and weight and the data were plotted by percentiles. When the growth curves for height of the refugee children were compared with those of children in the United States, the 75th, 50th, and 25th percentiles of the refugee children corresponded approximately to the 50th, 10th, and 5th percentiles of native-born American children, respectively. Males older than 15 years deviated even more, so that by age 18, the 75th percentile corresponded to the 10th percentile of US-born persons. This difference was not so pronounced in females older than 15 years. To what extent these differenced reflect genetic or environmental factors (nutrition, infection, parasitism) is not known. Comparable studies need to be conducted 10 to 20 years from now to evaluate how the new environment has affected the growth pattern in the descendents of the current Southeast Asian group.  相似文献   

Forty adult subjects (14 male, 14 female omnivores; five male, seven female vegetarians) were given a daily fibre supplement of cereals, fruits and nuts ('fibre-filler', F-plan diet, Eyton, 1982) incorporated into their normal diet for twelve weeks. Various haematological parameters were monitored from fasting blood samples taken at regular intervals throughout the study.
Two-way analysis of variance of the data from the initial blood samples showed that habitual diet had no effect on any of the measured variables, but that there was a significant difference between men and women for all but % transferrin saturation. Mean Hb levels gradually increased during the course of the study, and there were fluctuations in plasma zinc. No other parameters changed with time.
It was concluded that the fibre supplement under investigation, which contributed an additional 12 mg iron and 2.6 mg zinc to the daily intake, had no adverse effect on iron or zinc status when consumed by subjects as part of their normal diet.  相似文献   

We examined racial and ethnic disparities in global health assessment and functional limitations of daily activities among whites, blacks and Hispanics, and within the Hispanic origin among Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and ‘Others’. Logistic regressions were employed to estimate the log odds of reporting ‘poor health’ and ‘having functional limitations’ among 12 814 respondents from the 1987—1988 National Survey of Families and Households. Compared with whites, blacks had an increased risk of reporting poor health and functional limitations. Hispanics had even a higher risk of reporting poor health, but did not have an increased risk of reporting functional limitations. Among Hispanics, Mexicans were more likely than whites to report poor health, whereas Puerto Ricans were more likely than whites to experience functional limitations. Both race and ethnicity remain important factors in explaining the disparities in self‐assessed health status independent of socioeconomic status (SES). Meanwhile, the way self‐assessed health status varies with ethnicity is importantly stratified by SES as measured by income and education. These results suggest that future research should analyze the interplay between ethnicity and SES rather than assuming measuring either captures all the important variation.  相似文献   

目的掌握上海市宝山区儿童贫血现况,探讨儿童贫血患病的影响因素,为开展儿童贫血防治工作提供理论依据。方法采用整群抽样方法对1所公办小学和1所随迁子女小学共计2225名儿童开展血红蛋白检测、体格检查和问卷调查,采用Logistic回归分析父母受教育程度、贫血家族史、家庭社会经济地位等因素对贫血发生的影响。结果上海市宝山区7~11岁男生、女生贫血率分别为18.6%、18.5%;公办学校儿童贫血率20.6%高于随迁子女学校14.9%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),随年龄增长儿童贫血率呈下降趋势(趋势卡方检验P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,贫血家族史、母亲文化程度为高中/中专/技校、吃甜食和食欲差(P<0.05)是儿童发生贫血的影响因素。结论上海市宝山区儿童贫血率较高需加强监测,建议低年龄段儿童常规体检工作中增加贫血筛查项目。学校、家庭和社会需通力合作,加强健康宣教,倡导均衡饮食,实施儿童贫血防治工作。  相似文献   

高校离退休老人躯体健康与心理状况的相关性研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
目的:了解离退休老人躯体健康和心理状况的关系。方法:采用CMI和SCL-90对225名高校离退休老人进行调查,分析两者的关系。结果:既往健康状况、神经系统疾病和躯体化成正相关;强迫与呼吸系统疾病成正相关,与心血管系统疾病成负相关;疲劳感和敌对成负相关,和睡眠饮食障碍成负相关。结论:维持老人心身健康,主要在于防治慢性疾病和神经系统疾病,以及对躯体化障碍和强迫症状的干预  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解社区老人 homebound(居家不出)状态的发生情况及其发生特征。方法 采用随机整群抽样调查的方法,在蚌埠市龙子湖区所辖的社区中随机抽取1个社区,对社区内符合条件的60岁及以上的老年人,采用统一的调查量表进行面对面调查收集资料。结果 社区老年人群居家不出阳性率为14.8%。多因素Logistic回归分析显示走路不平稳(OR=4.066)、脑卒中(OR=3.369)、抑郁(OR=2.244)、关节炎(OR=1.971)、邻居交往(OR=1.710)、年龄(OR=1.060)、BMI≤18.5(OR=0.278)是居家不出发生的危险因素。结论 居家不出在社区老年人群中阳性率较高,建议采取相关针对性措施预防和控制居家不出的发生。  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: This study describes educational differences in decreases in leisure time physical activity among an adult, physically active population and additionally attempts to identify predictors of these differences from information on health status and individual and environmental factors. DESIGN: Prospective population based study. Baseline measurement were carried out in 1991 and follow up in 1997. SETTING: South eastern part of the Netherlands. PARTICIPANTS: The study included 3793 subjects who were physically active in 1991 and who participated in the follow up. METHODS: Potential predictors of decreasing physical activity were measured in 1991. Logistic regression analyses were carried out for two age groups (< 45 years; > or = 45 years) separately. MAIN RESULTS: Lower educated respondents experienced statistically significant higher odds to decrease physical activity during follow up, compared with respondents with higher vocational schooling or a university degree. Perceived control was the main predictor of educational differences in decreasing physical activity in both age groups. In the older group, material problems and a poor perceived health experienced by lower educated people additionally predicted educational differences in decreases in physical activity during leisure time. CONCLUSIONS: These findings have important implications for health promotion practice and policy to prevent socioeconomic differences in physical inactivity and health. There is a need for evidence-based interventions that improve perceived control and reduce material problems in lower educated groups.  相似文献   

目的:探讨孕产妇心理、社会状况对新生儿血压的影响。方法:整群抽取2010年7~12月在安庆某三甲医院产科住院分娩的单胎孕产妇和新生儿,由专人调查产妇的一般人口学特征及相关信息,并由孕产妇自行填写《症状自评量表(SCL-90)》;新生儿出生后及时测量血压。结果:新生儿收缩压与母亲收缩压之间、新生儿舒张压与母亲舒张压之间均无统计学关联。母亲的受教育程度、抑郁因子对新生儿的收缩压有影响;母亲的人际因子、抑郁因子、敌对因子、恐怖因子等对新生儿的舒张压有影响(均P<0.05)。在控制了混杂因素后,抑郁因子是新生儿收缩压的危险因素(OR=4.884,95%CI=1.632~14.629),恐怖因子是新生儿舒张压的危险因素(OR=3.127,95%CI=1.070~9.143)。结论:孕产妇的抑郁、恐怖等心理状况可以影响新生儿的血压水平。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore possible associations between social and socioeconomic status and ongoing treatment among patients with head and neck cancer.Material and methodsData from 159 examined patients treated with head and neck cancer during the period from 2011 to 2012 were explored. A logistic regression analysis was used to assess association of social status (living with somebody vs. living alone), socioeconomic status (employed vs. unemployed) and education (primary/secondary/university) with treatment.ResultsThe results from logistic regression showed significant association of employment status and education with both interruption in radiochemotherapy and searching for additional help after surgery. Interruption of radiochemotherapy was almost 3 times more likely in a group of unemployed compared to the employed patients. Lack of searching for help after surgery was almost 4 times more likely in a group of unemployed compared to the employed and 5 times more likely in the group with the lowest education compared with the group with the highest education.ConclusionsThe study suggests that special attention needs to be paid, not only during but also after treatment, to the patients from low socioeconomic groups.  相似文献   

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