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目的 探讨扁桃体切除术后有效的止血方法.方法 总结我院2006年5月-2010年9月286例全麻下行扁桃体切除术患者的临床资料,所有患者均行扁桃体剥离术,其中男性182例,女性104例,年龄6-55岁,扁桃体切除后全层间断缝合法封闭扁桃体窝146例,棉球压迫止血45例,电凝止血95例.结果 全层间断缝合法封闭扁桃体窝术后24小时无一例出血,棉球压迫止血术后24小时出血6例,电凝止血术后24小时出血2例.结论 以全层间断缝合法封闭扁桃体窝对预防扁桃体切除术后出血效果较好,术后恢复更快,并对防止术腔感染、保持扁桃体窝的形态有积极意义.  相似文献   

双极电凝止血在全麻扁桃体手术中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
双极电凝止血在全麻扁桃体手术中的应用孙士铭,邵湘云扁桃体切除术中扁桃体床的有效止血,是预防术后出血的关键。结扎和电凝止血是两种常用的处理方法。我们於1990~1993年间应用双极电凝处理25例扁桃体手术出血患儿,止血效果可靠,明显缩短手术和麻醉时间,...  相似文献   

患儿,男,ll岁,因睡眠时打鼾伴憋气2年,加重3个月入院。临床诊断为腺样体肥大及慢性扁桃体炎。全身麻醉鼻内镜下行腺样体动力刀切除术及双侧扁桃体挤切术。术中经过顺利,出血约80ml,棉球压迫后再以双极电凝行扁桃体窝电凝止血,鼻内镜下检查术区无出血。  相似文献   

次没食子酸科肾上腺素糊膏制备方法:次没食子酸秘粉26克,生理盐水ZO二、1。1000肾上腺素0.7ml混合调成牙膏状。随机选择小儿患者IO0例,均行扁桃体剥离术、结扎止血。不用透热法。50例用拭子蘸上述糊膏涂于扁桃体窝辅助术后止血,对照组50例术中不用任何止血剂。记录从第一侧扁桃体切口开始至对侧扁桃体窝放置压迫棉球的间隔时间为手术时间。从第二个扁桃体窝放置压迫棉球至取出开口器的间隔时间为止血时间。记录结扎止血的数目。发给患儿家长问题卡,内容包括:术后前5天疼痛缓解情况,术后恶心、情绪、耳痛及恢复正常饮食情况。两组…  相似文献   

术后出血是扁桃体手术常见并发症,该作者对1 049例扁桃体手术中4~11岁的841例进行分析,其中339例行挤切术,235例行剥离术。术前口服安替比林和阿托品,术后一般不用抗生素。术后出血情况:挤切组只有3例(4%)需结扎止血;全麻剥离组69例(19%)结扎止血,14例(5%)电凝止血;局麻剥离组26例(23%)结扎止血。挤切组较剥离组出血量明显少。两组病人术后出血时间多在术后2~4小时。7例严重出血病人中6例属全麻剥离组,其中3例需输血。挤切组无严重出血者。606例挤切术患者中576例于手术当天离院,而剥离  相似文献   

气管切开术后并发出血14例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨行气管切开术后并发出血的原因及处置方法。方法 14例发现气管切开术切口出血后患者,部分经确保无血液进入气管内情况下,局部给予凡士林纱条压迫,2d后撤出纱条;其余经凡士林纱条压迫无效,打开伤口探查,对出血点结扎、缝扎出血点,双极电凝止血,缝合套管上方皮肤,观察出血情况。结果 气管切开术后出血发生的时间范围较大,且出血原因较多,以肥胖、颈部短粗患者位多;且原因以甲状腺包膜损伤为多。 结论 气管切开术并发出血原因较多,且出血时间不定,后果严重,应积极须防,及时诊断,及时处理。  相似文献   

目的 探讨茎突截短术对茎突综合征患者咽痛症状的改善情况。 方法 对8例9侧茎突综合征患者进行茎突截短术,对比分析患者手术前后临床资料。 结果 所有患者术后咽痛症状完全消失,随访7~30个月,平均20个月。1例术中切开咽上缩肌损伤小动脉致术中出血30 mL,经结扎止血;1例术后第7天发生扁桃体窝迟发性出血,经局部过氧化氢棉球压迫止血。 结论 茎突截短术可以有效改善茎突综合征患者的咽痛症状。  相似文献   

在扁桃体切除术使用透热和结扎止血是当前英国应用的二种主要技术,为明确何种方法更为可取,作者向473名在英国工作的顾问医师发出问卷,要求回答在扁桃体切除术时使用透热法止血的频率和情况及有关术后疼痛与出血的经验。收回问卷383份(81%),167份(44%)回答在半数以上扁桃体切除术使用透热法止血,94份回答目前不使用,但有使用透热法的  相似文献   

2001年3月至2003年3月我们在133例扁桃体切除术后应用微波治疗仪止血,男68例,女65例,4~40岁,病程1~20年,局麻108例,全麻25例.以1998年7月至2002年10月148例扁桃体切除术后用常规方法止血为对照组,男77例,女71例,3~45岁,病程6个月~32年,局麻111例,全麻37例.两组术前均常规检查血常规、肝肾功能及血凝常规,均无肝肾及血液系统疾病.常规手术组于切除扁桃体后,用纱球压迫扁桃体窝10~15min,观察有无出血点,如有出血点缝扎扁桃体窝.微波组切除扁桃体后,用纱球压迫5min,观察有出血点后,用微波探头,于出血点处凝固2~4s,见局部发白,无出血后停止,再观察10min无再出血手术结束.术后2组患者均应用抗生素3~5d.术中单侧出血量微波组为23±11ml,常规组为25±10ml;术中单侧止血时间微波组为3±2min,常规组为10±6min(P<0.05);术后再出血率微波组为0.75%,常规组为3.5%(P<0.05),术后白膜形成时间2组均为1~3d.  相似文献   

扁桃体术后原发性出血是扁桃体摘除术后较常见的并发症。由于其术后出血的不确定性使术前准备、术中操作、术后止血均相当重要。作者回顾了20年间(1984~2003年)行扁桃体剥离术或扁桃体挤切术者2740例,探讨其中出血者的自身条件、环境条件、年龄、性别等因素与扁桃体术后出血的关系,现报告如下。1资料与方法1.1临床资料。自1984~2003年间行扁桃体或扁桃体/增值体手术患者2740例,其中术后出血者28例(其中不包括术后少量出血,经简单压迫后可止血者)。1.1.12740例手术患者中,男性1520例,女1220例,年龄最大者62岁,最小者3.5岁。1.1.2原发性出血…  相似文献   

We performed a prospective randomized study in 179 patients to examine the second-generation surgical fibrin sealant Quixil as an effective substitute for different types of electrocautery in tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. We compared the rates of hemorrhagic complications in a group with bipolar or needle point electrocautery and in a group in whom fibrin glue was used to stop intraoperative bleeding and to prevent postoperative bleeding. The operations were performed under general anesthesia in typical fashion with sharp dissection. For the control group, hemostasis was achieved by bipolar or needle point electrocautery. For the fibrin glue group, hemostasis was achieved by spraying Quixil fibrin glue approximately 0.5 mL to each tonsillar fossa and 0.5 mL to the nasopharynx (in adenoidectomy). The results were excellent in all the patients of the fibrin glue group, with complete hemostasis and resolution of the major symptoms. In this group, the intraoperative blood loss averaged 15 mL in tonsillectomy and 9 mL in adenoidectomy. There were no cases of postoperative hemorrhage or any other complications. The electrocautery group required a longer time for healing, and its intraoperative blood loss (tonsillectomy) averaged 29 to 33 mL. The incidence of posttonsillectomy bleeding in this group was 4.35% (4 patients). Three patients (3.26%) had primary hemorrhage (bleeding that occurs within the first 24 hours of surgery), and 1 patient (1.09%) had secondary hemorrhage (bleeding that occurs after the first 24 hours). We conclude that Quixil fibrin glue application to the operative sites in tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy provides effective hemostasis and sealing with good systemic and local compatibility. With the help of Quixil, we minimized surgical trauma and achievedabsolute hemostasis at the same time. We found this fibrin glue to be a more convenient and effective hemostatic sealant than bipolar or needle point coagulation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨扁桃体术后出血的常见原因,并提出相应的预防措施。方法:选取扁桃体切除术患者1192例,根据其是否发生术后出血分为两组,对两组患者的基本资料和治疗情况进行统计学分析。结果:扁桃体术后出血者中成年、男性患者,合并高血压、肝脏疾病,术前长期服用阿司匹林,术前长期使用肾上腺皮质激素,局部麻醉,术中采取纱球压迫止血,术后剧烈咳嗽,不合理进食,以及围手术期存在焦虑情绪的患者所占比例明显高于未发生出血者,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。而患者是否合并糖尿病对其术后出血影响不大(P〉0.05)。经Logistic回归分析,焦虑,合并高血压、肝脏疾病,使用纱球压迫止血,术后剧烈咳嗽以及不合理饮食都是患者发生扁桃体出血的原因(P〈0.05)。结论:扁桃体术后出血与多方面的因素密切相关,在临床工作中应给予针对性的预防。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tonsillectomy requires an efficient intra- and postoperative hemostasis. The ultrasonically activated scalpel (UAS) uses high-frequency ultrasonic energy to perform tissue dissection and coagulation simultaneously. The present prospective study represents the first published results of UAS in tonsillectomy. METHOD: 60 patients with tonsillectomy were examined in regard of intra- and postoperative hemostasis, wound healing and postoperative pain. Also, the quality of the histopathological specimen was evaluated. RESULTS: In 90% of tonsillectomies by UAS efficient intraoperative hemostasis did not require suture ligature. In 10% additional ligation was required for reason of arterial bleeding. Postoperative bleeding did not occur at all, wound healing was uneventful. Surgery related postoperative pain was not intensified. The histopathological evaluation of specimen was not impaired. CONCLUSION: The UAS offers a tissue dissection with efficacious intra- and postoperative hemostasis. Compared to the conventional tonsillectomy the ultrasonical technique of tonsillectomy has especially in children, in anaemic patients and in the surgery of tonsillar malignomas significant advantages.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to describe an extended microscopic hemostasis technique involving cauterization of exposed blood vessels that were not actively bleeding in tonsillar fossa after bipolar tonsillectomy and to assess the rate of post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage with this technique in children who had bipolar tonsillectomy. The medical records of children who underwent microscopic bipolar tonsillectomy with extended hemostasis between June 2008 and January 2011 were reviewed. Relevant history and physical examination, diagnosis, and characteristics of postoperative hemorrhage were recorded; 994 children (531 males, 463 females), aged between 1 and 18 years (6 ± 3 years), underwent tonsillectomy; of the 994 patients, 11 (1.1%) developed post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage. No primary post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage occurred. The hemorrhage was seen 6–13 days after the surgery. One patient had bleeding after having trauma to the neck on postoperative day 13. Of the 11 patients with post-tonsillectomy bleeding, 3 had blood clot with no active bleeding and 8 exhibited active bleeding after removal of blood clot. Of the 994 patients, 8 (0.8%) needed intervention to control active bleeding. Compared to previous studies of bipolar tonsillectomy, extended microscopic hemostasis achieved by cauterization of tonsil fossa non-bleeding blood vessels appeared to reduce bleeding rate after bipolar cautery tonsillectomy. The present study did not include a control arm; further randomized controlled studies are needed to establish the definite effect of extended microscopic hemostasis technique on the rate of hemorrhage rates after tonsillectomy techniques.  相似文献   

目的分析变应性鼻炎(AR)患者接受鼻腔冲洗治疗的临床疗效。方法将2019年6月~2020年8月作为研究时间段,选取期间我院接诊的78例AR患者,另将随机数字表法作为分组依据,将全部病例分为对照组(行常规治疗,纳入39例)、研究组(加用鼻腔冲洗治疗,纳入39例),对组间气道反应性、症状消失时间展开分析。结果(1)组间气道反应性指标在治疗前无明显差异,P>0.05;研究组共振频率(Fres)、中心气道阻力(R20)、气道总阻力(R5)在治疗后低于对照组,P<0.05;(2)研究组鼻塞、流涕、喷嚏、鼻痒消失时间均少于对照组,P<0.05。结论鼻腔冲洗对改善AR患者气道反应、临床症状均有明显效果,值得推广。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Investigation of the occurrence of postoperative hemorrhage after tonsillectomy and risk factors for these complications. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective National Audit with electronic web-based data collection from the National Health Service and independent hospitals in England and Northern Ireland. METHODS: Consenting patients undergoing tonsillectomy between July 2003 and September 2004 were included. A central database of patient and surgical variables was developed for analysis of primary and secondary postoperative hemorrhage and development of risk models for tonsillectomy complications. RESULTS: The Audit received data from 277 hospitals in England and Northern Ireland on 40,514 patients. Analysis was conducted on 33,921 (84%) who gave consent. Over the whole Audit 1,197 (3.5%) postoperative hemorrhages were recorded. One hundred eighty-eight (0.6%) patients sustained a primary hemorrhage and 1,033 (3%) a secondary hemorrhage (24 had both). Elevated hemorrhage rates were observed in tonsillectomies performed using diathermy for dissection and hemostasis compared with cold steel dissection and ties for hemostasis. National guidance issued midway through the Audit influenced practice and reduced hemorrhage rates. Risk models for postoperative hemorrhage were developed incorporating the effect of the guidance. For hemorrhage, compared with the cold steel group, bipolar diathermy tonsillectomy had an odds ratio of 2.47 (1.81-3.36), P < .0001, and bipolar diathermy scissors tonsillectomy an odds ratio of 3.20 (2.09-4.90), P < .0001. Use of bipolar diathermy for hemostasis only after cold steel dissection carried an intermediate risk, odds ratio 1.57 (1.16-2.13), P = .004. CONCLUSIONS: The results confirm that "hot" tonsillectomy techniques carry a substantially elevated risk of postoperative hemorrhage when diathermy is used as a dissection tool in tonsillectomy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Argon plasma coagulation (APC) is a new surgical procedure based on a conductive plasma of ionized argon between an activating electrode and a tissue surface. It is a good alternative for tonsillectomy because of its effective hemostasis and limited penetration depth of the coagulation beam. The aim of this prospective, randomized trial was to evaluate operative time, intraoperative bleeding, and postoperative morbidity of the "hot" APC tonsillectomy as with regard to with a traditional "cold" dissection tonsillectomy in adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two hundred twenty six adult patients (age, >18 years) were randomized into 2 groups: TA (tonsillectomy with APC, n = 113) and TB (conventional tonsillectomy, n = 113). The outcome measures were (1) operative time; (2) intraoperative blood loss; (3) postoperative pain (evaluated using a Visual Analogue Scale with a range score 0-10 on postoperative days 1, 3, 5, 8, and 15); and (4) postoperative primary and secondary hemorrhage. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Student t test. RESULTS: In the TA group, the mean duration of operative time and the intraoperative blood loss were significantly reduced (P < .001). There was no statistically significant difference between 2 groups in the intensity of postoperative pain and the incidence of postoperative hemorrhage (P > .05). CONCLUSIONS: Tonsillectomy with APC is a safe technique and offers an innovative procedure as with regard to the conventional cold dissection. It significantly reduces the operative time and the intraoperative blood loss without increasing the postoperative morbidity.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that tonsillectomy techniques are not standardized throughout the world although certain techniques were identified as risk factors for post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage (PTH). This survey was undertaken to evaluate whether surgical techniques are uniformly performed in a nation of 82 million people and if they are related to the incidence of PTH or lethal outcome. A questionnaire was sent personally to the chairmen of 156 departments of otorhinolaryngolog, yincluding 37 University Hospitals to assess the surgical training techniques of tonsil dissection and hemostasis, incidence of primary (<24 h) and secondary (>24 h) PTH, number of tonsillectomies performed in 2006 and the number of cases with lethal outcome. The responses were made anonymous for further analysis. The response rate was 88.5% (138/156). A total of 54,572 procedures were performed (mean 395.4, median 361.5, SD 199.5, range 100–975 annually per clinic). Cold dissection was the teaching method of choice (117). Hemostasis was either achieved by suture ligation or bipolar cautery in 91 departments. Secondary bleeding clearly prevailed in the responses (97). One patient experienced a fatal bleeding after tonsillectomy indicated for tumour removal. Two other cases with lethal outcome had undergone surgery elsewhere including one patient who had undergone tonsillotomy. Lethal outcome occurred with an estimated incidence of 1/75,000. The term “conventional tonsillectomy” is loosely defined and includes various surgical techniques for tonsil dissection and methods to achieve hemostasis. The incidence of secondary PTH is related to electrosurgery with statistical significance. Lethal outcome may occur, if ever, rarely but even after intracapsular tonsillectomy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Coblation tonsillectomy is a recently introduced surgical technique. To measure its benefits against traditional tonsillectomy techniques, it is necessary to compare their complication rates. The study aims to identify differences in reactionary and secondary hemorrhage proportions, comparing coblation with dissection tonsillectomy. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective observational cohort study. METHODS: Rates of reactionary and delayed postoperative hemorrhage were measured, comparing 844 coblation tonsillectomies with a control group of 743 tonsillectomies performed by blunt dissection with bipolar diathermy hemostasis. RESULTS: The secondary hemorrhage rate with coblation-assisted tonsillectomy was 2.25% compared with 6.19% in the control group (P <.05). The rate of secondary hemorrhage in children following coblation tonsillectomy was 0.95% compared with 4.77% in the control group (P <.05). The difference was also significant (P <.05) in the adult population (4.40% vs. 8.81%, respectively). No difference was found in the reactionary hemorrhage proportions. CONCLUSION: In the study, coblation tonsillectomy was associated with a lesser incidence of delayed hemorrhage, more significantly in the pediatric population. The new technique using tissue coblation for tonsil dissection offers significant advantages in the postoperative period compared with dissection tonsillectomy with bipolar diathermy hemostasis. Coblation is associated with less postoperative pain and early return to daily activities. Also, there are fewer secondary infections of the tonsil bed and significantly lower rates of secondary hemorrhage with coblation. These results and the disposable nature of the coblation equipment promote coblation tonsillectomy as the authors' preferred dissection method.  相似文献   

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