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Introduction and importanceCecal bascule is a rare form of a cecal volvulus characterized by an anterior and superiorly displaced cecum in turn causing compression of the ascending colon that can result in a large bowel obstruction. We report a case of cecal bascule in a newly postpartum patient, with emphasis on clinical presentation, radiologic findings and treatment.Case presentationA 37-year-old female who underwent an uncomplicated c-section and bilateral salpingectomy developed severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and peritonitis 12 h after surgery. A computerized tomography of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a dilated and superiorly displaced cecum. The diagnosis of cecal bascule was confirmed intraoperatively and a right hemicolectomy was performed. The patient recovered appropriately and was discharged on postoperative day six.DiscussionCecal bascule is the rarest form of cecal volvulus. In the context of obstetrics and gynecology, it has mostly been mentioned perioperatively after cesarean, but was also reported in an antepartum patient. It usually occurs in patients with redundant or mobile cecum, which is a result of incomplete fixation of the cecum to the retroperitoneum during embryogenesis. Other risk factors include recent surgery, previous abdominal surgery, ileus, chronic constipation, and distal colonic obstruction. An association has also been shown with pregnancy or the postpartum abdomen and is hypothesized to be due to mass effect.ConclusionCecal bascule is a serious entity requiring a high index of suspicion and warranting greater awareness in the post-natal patient. Clinical diagnosis, prompt imaging, and surgery are important to avoid bowel ischemia and perforation.  相似文献   

IntroductionDelirium is a potentially modifiable, acutely altered mental state, commonly characterised as a hospital-acquired complication. Studies of adult inpatients with acute burns with and without delirium identify causative risks related to the injury or treatment and outcomes related to the patient and healthcare system. We compare patients with and without delirium, providing a high-level quantitative synthesis of delirium risks and outcomes to inform guidelines and future research.MethodsA systematic review, meta-analysis and GRADE evaluation of risks and outcomes associated with delirium in adults with acute burns was conducted using PRISMA guidelines and PROSPERO protocol CRD42021283055. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to assess quality.ResultsInvestigators reviewed ten studies. ASA score ≥ 3, Total Body Surface Area Percentage (TBSA)> 10%, surgery done, ICU admission, hospital and also Intensive Care Unit (ICU) lengths of stay all had statistically significant associations with delirium, with low-very low certainty on GRADE evaluation. Limitations were heterogeneous studies, review methodology and study bias.ConclusionDelirium represents a significant risk to comorbid patients with burns that are hospitalised, receive ICU care, and surgery. Further research is indicated to precisely categorise delirium along the clinical journey to identify modifiable factors, prevention, and proactive therapy.  相似文献   



Chilaiditi''s syndrome (symptomatic hepatodiaphragmatic interposition of the colon) is an exceptionally rare cause of bowel obstruction and may present difficulty in diagnosis and management. This is the first reported case of colonic volvulus occurring in Chilaiditi''s syndrome in association with intestinal malrotation and this case study describes its successful management.


An 18 year old male presented as an emergency with vague abdominal pain and a past history of gastroschisis repair with intestinal malrotation. CT scanning showed a closed loop obstruction due to a volvulus of the colon herniating under the falciform ligament. The patient was successfully treated by surgical reduction of the hernia, anatomical correction of the malrotation and caecopexy with a tube caecostomy. At six month follow up the patient was well and asymptomatic.


In nine of the previously reported cases of Chilaiditi''s syndrome with colonic volvulus, treatment was by partial colonic resection of which a third underwent stoma formation. One patient died as a consequence of anastomotic leak following primary anastomosis. We therefore suggest an alternative approach to management.


Chilaiditi''s syndrome with colonic volvulus in association with intestinal malrotation has not previously been described. As there is no consensus in the literature as to how to manage such a case we suggest that reduction of the volvulus, anatomical correction of the malrotation and fixation of the caecum by tube caecostomy results in a successful outcome. This approach avoids the need for colonic resection and possible stoma formation.  相似文献   



We are presenting a case of schistosomiasis in a 41 year old lady who presented with right iliac fossa pain for 3 years. The pain worsened and the frequency increased in the last 3 months prior to referral. The ultrasound was unremarkable. Her bowel habits were normal and there was no vomiting. There was no blood in the stool or in the urine.


The abdomen was soft except on deep palpation. There was slight tenderness in the right lower quadrant. A repeat ultrasound was unremarkable. The full blood count was within the normal range. A diagnosis of recurrent acute appendicitis was made and an interval appendicectomy was performed.


Histopathology results revealed schistosomiasis of the appendix. There was no acute inflammation but there was fibrous obliteration of the distal lumen of the appendix and reactive lymphoid hyperplasia.


This is the first case in a country with relatively clean drinking water. There are no irrigation schemes but there are seasonal rivers and streams. The patient admits to swimming in these streams during childhood. Clinical features of schistosomiasis were not elicited.  相似文献   

IntroductionSigns in radiology are usually based on many common objects or patterns that are easily recognizable in everyday life. The objective behind this association is to aid in the understanding and diagnosis of the disease process. These signs can be seen in different imaging modalities such as plain radiograph and computed tomography.Presentation of case4 consecutive cases of sigmoid volvulus presented at our tertiary hospital between January 2016 and June 2017. 2 of these cases were managed surgically and others were managed conservatively. The CT scan and abdominal radiographs in these patients were reviewed with consultant radiologist, which bear resemblance to the percussion instrument known as the steel pan.DiscussionThe literature has described few radiological signs of sigmoid volvulus in the past. In the following case series, we would like to introduce the “Steel pan Sign”, a novel radiological pattern which bears a close resemblance to the percussion instrument known as the steel pan. The Steel pan sign is easier to recognize on CT scan of the abdomen. However, in some cases it can be seen on plain X-Rays.ConclusionThe appearance of sigmoid volvulus on CT scans as well as on plain abdominal X-rays bears a significant resemblance to the pattern observed on the face of the Trinidadian steel pan, the recognition of which can aid in the diagnosis of this disease.  相似文献   

IntroductionEosinophilic and lymphoeosinophilic cholecystitis are uncommonly encountered causes of acalculous cholecystitis characterised by a clinical presentation of acute cholecystitis with eosinophilic infiltration of the gallbladder. Acalculous cholecystitis is a disease that is traditionally associated with patients who are critically unwell and immunosuppressed.Presentation of caseA fit and well 37-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 12 -h history of constant upper abdominal pain radiating through to his back. Abdominal examination revealed tenderness in the right upper quadrant with a positive Murphy’s sign. An abdominal ultrasound was performed, revealing a thickened gallbladder wall with probe tenderness, but no gallstones. He proceeded to an uneventful emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Histological examination of the gallbladder revealed mucosal and transmural inflammation comprising of lymphocytes and more than 50 % eosinophils. No gallstones were found. A diagnosis of lymphoeosinophilic cholecystitis was made. The patient had improvement in his symptoms and was discharged home. He was well at follow-up.DiscussionThere is a small subset of immunocompetent patients who are not critically unwell who present with acalculous cholecystitis. There is significant hesitancy in offering a cholecystectomy to these patients without radiological evidence of gallstones or sludge preoperatively. Cholecystectomy should be offered to these patients if the clinical picture fits acute cholecystitis.ConclusionEosinophilic and lymphoeosinophilic cholecystitis are important causes of acalculous cholecystitis that can occur in immunocompetent patients. The decision to offer the patient a cholecystectomy should be based on clinical presentation and examination, rather than the absence or presence of gallstones.  相似文献   

Background Patients undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for the resolution of morbid obesity have significant medical sequelae related to their weight. One of the most common comorbid conditions is joint pain requiring the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). In addition to NSAIDs, patients may engage in behaviors such as smoking and alcohol misuse that increase the risk of long-term postoperative complications to include gastric perforation. Methods Data on 1,690 patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery were collected prospectively and reviewed retrospectively. Results We identified seven patients who presented to an emergency room and subsequently required emergent surgical intervention for repair of gastric perforation. Six of the seven cases involved use or abuse of NSAIDs. Conclusion Important characteristics were identified including the use of NSAIDs, alcohol use, and non-compliance with routine long-term postoperative follow-up. Identifying those patients at high risk may decrease the incidence of this potentially life-threatening complication.  相似文献   

《The surgeon》2022,20(5):e262-e265
Caecal volvulus is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction, of which the caecal bascule is the most uncommonly encountered subtype. Definitive radiological diagnosis of a caecal bascule can be challenging. Lack of familiarity with this rare condition can contribute to delayed diagnosis and treatment, which may result in unnecessary morbidity. This article highlights the case of a patient who presented with a diagnostic challenge, and also discusses the pathogenesis and diagnostic features of caecal bascules. Various options in the surgical management of caecal bascules are reviewed, including the feasibility of laparoscopic-assisted approaches in the emergency setting.  相似文献   

A 30 year old young male was admitted to our department after experiencing clinical symptoms of a subarachnoid haemorrhage. Imaging studies revealed large cerebral AVMs. Fundus examination of the left eye demonstrated a retinal racemose AVM almost completely covering the posterior pole of the eye. Wyburn-Mason syndrome is a very rare congenital neurocutaneous disorder comprising of vascular malformations of the retina, ipsilateral cerebral AVMs and occasionally lesions in the oronasopharyngeal area. Subarachnoid haemorrhage associated with Wyburn-Mason syndrome has been described in only 5 patients in the literature since 1973. The finding of retinal AVMs should warrant cerebral imaging studies including CT- or MR-angiography.  相似文献   

IntroductionLaparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy (LSC) is a widely used technique for managing cholelithiasis with severe cholecystitis. The increasing popularity its utilization is due to the good safety profile and acceptable results. This case series evaluates the short- and long-term results of Indonesian patients who underwent LSC with an objective to determine whether the procedure can be a standard approach for difficult cholecystectomy in our institution.Presentation of caseThirty-four Indonesian patients (26 men, 8 women) with the mean age of 54.6 years (median 54 years, range 30–84 years) who underwent LSC were retrospectively analyzed. Nineteen patients are suffering from type II diabetes mellitus and fourteen patients with suspected choledocoholithiasis underwent ERCP prior to LSC. The major postoperative diagnosis was acute cholecystitis (16 patients), followed by gallbladder empyema (10 patients), chronic cholecystitis (5 patients), history of cholangitis (1 patient), Mirizzi’s syndrome (1 patient) and stone retention post-ERCP (1 patient).DiscussionThe mean operating time was 158 minutes (median 150 minutes, range 60–240 minutes), mean length of hospital stay of 4.6 days (median 3 days, range 2–33 days) and drain usage for 3.6 days (median 3.0 days, range 1–19 days). Postoperatively there was one case of bilioenteric fistula, one case of stone retention and two cases of prolonged upper gastrointestinal symptoms. There is no case of biliary leakage, peritonitis or wound infection.ConclusionThe outcome of LSC in this case series is comparable with other publications showing a general favorability of LSC. Further studies are needed to elucidate the clinical benefits of several LSC technical points such as stump closure, posterior wall diathermy and drain usage. Based on this preliminary finding, LSC can be applied as a standard procedure for difficult cases in our institution.  相似文献   



Obstruction of the third part of the duodenum (D3) is a very rare cause of gastric outflow obstruction. Rapid weight loss is the biggest risk factor. Patients seen in acute rehabilitation settings, not uncommonly, have a period of rapid weight loss. We report two cases of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome and review the literature.

Clinical details

The patients presented differently, one with repeated, refractory autonomic dysreflexia and severe spasticity and one with nausea, abdominal discomfort, and vomiting. CT abdomen with contrast identified dynamic duodenal (D3) obstruction against the posterior structures by narrow angled SMA, gastric distension and, in one case, dilation of the left renal vein. Both patients responded well to optimizing nutrition in different ways. Surgery was successfully avoided.


SMA syndrome is an atypical cause of high intestinal obstruction, frequently occurring in patients who have had rapid weight loss during spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation. It may co-exist with left renal vein dilation “nutcracker phenomena”. The associated neurogenic bowel dysfunction due to the nature of SCI could possibly contribute to delay in diagnosis.


Clinicians should consider the risk of SMA syndrome in patients with SCI with rapid weight loss. Early diagnosis is possible by doing a CT abdomen with contrast and angiography if there is a high index of suspicion. SMA syndrome can be successfully treated by aggressive nutritional management. This may include total parenteral nutrition or feeding by a nasojejunal tube. Duodenojejunostomy could be required in refractory cases.  相似文献   



Obstruction of the third part of the duodenum (D3) is a very rare cause of gastric outflow obstruction. Rapid weight loss is the biggest risk factor. Patients seen in acute rehabilitation settings, not uncommonly, have a period of rapid weight loss. We report two cases of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome and review the literature.

Clinical details

The patients presented differently, one with repeated, refractory autonomic dysreflexia and severe spasticity and one with nausea, abdominal discomfort, and vomiting. CT abdomen with contrast identified dynamic duodenal (D3) obstruction against the posterior structures by narrow angled SMA, gastric distension and, in one case, dilation of the left renal vein. Both patients responded well to optimizing nutrition in different ways. Surgery was successfully avoided.


SMA syndrome is an atypical cause of high intestinal obstruction, frequently occurring in patients who have had rapid weight loss during spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation. It may co-exist with left renal vein dilation “nutcracker phenomena”. The associated neurogenic bowel dysfunction due to the nature of SCI could possibly contribute to delay in diagnosis.


Clinicians should consider the risk of SMA syndrome in patients with SCI with rapid weight loss. Early diagnosis is possible by doing a CT abdomen with contrast and angiography if there is a high index of suspicion. SMA syndrome can be successfully treated by aggressive nutritional management. This may include total parenteral nutrition or feeding by a nasojejunal tube. Duodenojejunostomy could be required in refractory cases.  相似文献   

BackgroundRestoration of spinopelvic balance during spinal surgery is very important to ensure a good outcome. Many studies have been conducted to define the normal ranges, examining the correlation between these individual parameters and their relation with spinal parameters of thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis. The ranges, specific to individual ethnicities, is very essential to restore the sagittal balance in patients suffering from spinal degenerative conditions. Hence this study aims to define the average ranges of relevant spinopelvic parameters in the adult population of Indian origin.MethodsA observational cross sectional study was conducted in 130 healthy volunteers in Mumbai without having any spine, hip or pelvis pathology. Spinopelvic parameters like Pelvic Incidence(PI), Sacral Slope(SS) and Pelvic Tilt(PT) were studied and compared between various other similar studies with patients of different ethnicities. The correlation of those parameters with each other was also evaluated.ResultsThe mean value of PI was 51.50(±6.85°), that of SS was 39.17° (±6.26°) and for PT it was 12.32°(±5.41°). These values were statistically significant between both sexes for PI and PT. The strongest positive correlation among the parameters was between pelvic incidence and sacral slope, with a r-value of 0.668. Comparison of our study with similar studies within the country (Chennai, Delhi and Surat) showed statistically significant differences in PT and SS of all three studies while PI was not significant when compared with the Surat study.ConclusionThere appears to be considerable variation of the values of the spinopelvic parameters as determined by various studies due to ethnic variations. Further studies should be done with larger samples and directed towards early detection of individuals at risk of developing degenerative spinal disorders with sagittal imbalance, so that interventions can be made at an earlier stage.  相似文献   



Dermal regeneration template (DRT) has been well implicated in the reconstruction of full-thickness burn injury. This case series specifically presents our experience and our clinical application of Pelnac® to achieve wound closure with complex acute full-thickness defect.


A retrospective review of patients treated with Pelnac for complex wound defects from 2008 to 2014 at Concord Burns Unit was carried out. Variables such as wound aetiology, wound size and complications were considered.


Five patients (four females and one male with a mean age 54?±?20) all had full-thickness defects (mean defect size 4.3?±?2.0 % TBSA), some with exposed tendon and bone. The wounds were treated with Pelnac®; the silicone layer was removed at postoperative day 14 and a split-thickness skin graft (0.2 to 0.3 mm) was applied. Clinically, the reconstructed areas demonstrated good granulation tissue at 14 days with good take of the skin graft. There were no major acute graft loss, rejection or associated infection. However, there were small areas of graft loss which did not require re-grafting.


DRT provides a safe and efficacious alternative when dealing with acute contaminated full-thickness wounds. Pelnac® seems versatile in obtaining wound coverage in difficult complex wounds, especially in critically ill patients where free or pedicle flap reconstruction would be problematic.Level of Evidence: Level V, therapeutic study.



Adequate preoperative evaluation for gastric cancer staging is essential to develop an individualized treatment strategy involving surgery with reduced lymphadenectomy and laparoscopic gastrectomy.  相似文献   



Osteo-articular tuberculosis accounts for 1–3% of which 5–8% involves sacro-illiac joint. Isolated sacroiliac involvement is very rare. It usually presents as vague back pain. Plain radiographs are often inconclusive. Due to rarity of lesion, vague symptoms and non-conclusive X-rays the diagnosis is further delayed. We present a series of 35 patients presented with sacroiliac tuberculosis.


35 patients were diagnosed of sacroiliac tuberculosis from January 2008 to December 2011. After a thorough history and clinical examination, patients were taken up for X-rays and MRI scans. Ultrasound guided needle aspiration was done from suspected area. After histological confirmation of the diagnosis, patients were treated with anti tubercular therapy.


Persistent low back pain and difficulty with walking were noted in all patients. There were 21 males (60%) and 14 females and the age ranged from 22 to 55 years (mean: 27 years). Most of the patients (91.4%) had unilateral disease (32 patients). Results of conservative management were good. 21 (60%) of our patients achieved bony ankylosis at the end of study. 9 patients did not respond to conservative management where surgical debridement was done. 4 of these cases had MDR tuberculosis.


Sacroiliac tuberculosis must be kept as a differential in all refractory low back pain particularly in endemic areas. MRI is very helpful in early diagnosis of disease. In the early stages of the infection aspiration using a closed needle biopsy is recommended. An open biopsy is essential when the aspirate yields no growth. Open debridement should be done in those not responding to conservative management.  相似文献   

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