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新的弓形虫感染途径观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弓形虫病是一种人畜共患病,传统认为以食源性和接触感染动物方式传播[1].但有无新的传播途径?我们进行了唾液传播途径的探索性研究,报告如下. 1 动物实验 30只小鼠感染致死性弓形虫KS株,于感染后3 d处死,用咽拭子收集其唾液作厚涂片,甲醇固定,姬姆氏染色后油镜检查.结果30只急性感染的小白鼠唾液中有1只查见弓形虫滋养体.  相似文献   

弓形虫是一种呈世界性分布的机会性致病原虫,能感染包括人体在内的190多种哺乳动物和鸟类。据估计,全世界成年人中,弓形虫感染者约占33%。尽管绝大多数弓形虫感染者为隐性,不表现临床症状,但往往是免疫功能低下人群的重要并发症,有时甚至是致死病因。而受弓形虫感染的孕妇可将其垂直传播给胎儿,造成流产、早产、死胎、畸胎等,存活的胎儿也往往伴随弓形虫性脑、眼疾病等严重的后遗症,严重妨碍优生优育。弓形虫感染因此被列为致畸宫内感染综合症的首要病因。  相似文献   

肿瘤患者弓形虫感染调查   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

弓形虫(Toxoplasma gondii,TOX)是一种呈世界性分布的寄生在宿主有核细胞内的机会性致病原虫(Opportunistic protozoan),其感染率的高低及感染后是否发病与机体的免疫状况密切相关,免疫功能低下的恶性肿瘤患者易感。现对延安地区恶性肿瘤患者弓形虫感染检测结果报告如下。  相似文献   

乙酰螺旋霉素治疗弓形虫感染的效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弓形虫病是一种人畜共患寄生虫病。孕妇感染弓形虫可致流产,经胎盘垂直传播给胎儿,导致胎儿畸形及神经系统损害。为探讨弓形虫病新的治疗药物,保障母婴的身心健康,作者对筛查出的弓形虫感染的育龄妇女,采用乙酰螺旋霉素进行了治疗,取得了较好的疗效,现报告如下。  相似文献   

弓形虫是一种危害人类健康的人畜共患病,是已知的最主要的先天微生物致畸因素之一,对优生优育的影响非常重大。孕妇感染多为无症状感染,但却可导致流产、早产、死胎及畸形等严重后果。为了了解弓形虫感染与季节和不良孕产史的相关性,我们对859例孕妇进行了Tox—IgM检测,现报道如下。  相似文献   

反复呼吸道感染患儿T细胞亚群及免疫球蛋白变化的意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2004~2006年,我们对65例反复呼吸道感染(RRTI)患儿外周血T细胞亚群及血清免疫球蛋白IgG、IgA、IgM水平进行检测。现报告如下。  相似文献   

Immune responses to recombinant fragments of the Toxoplasma gondii antigens ROP2 and GRA2 were investigated in sheep naturally and experimentally infected with T. gondii oocysts. Specific serum antibodies to C-terminal fragments were detected by ELISA. Cell-mediated responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells were demonstrated by proliferation and interferon-gamma production following in vitro stimulation with the ROP2 fragment. This data indicates the presence of epitopes for sheep B cells in the recombinant GRA2 fragment and for both B and T cells in the ROP2 fragment.  相似文献   

Brain concentrations of dopamine, homovanillic acid, norepinephrine, serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid were measured in mice with acute and chronic, adult-acquired toxoplasmosis. Mice with acute infections showed a 40% rise in homovanillic acid levels as compared with controls; dopamine levels, however, remained unchanged. Norepinephrine levels in this group were 28% lower than in controls. Dopamine levels were 14% higher in the mice with chronic infections than controls. Serotonin and 5-HIAA levels were not altered in infected mice. These neurochemical changes may be factors contributing to mental and motor abnormalities that accompany or follow toxoplasmosis in rodents and possibly in man.  相似文献   

Despite extensive worldwide surveillance in populations of both people and wildlife, relatively little is known about Toxoplasma gondii ecology in the circumpolar north. Many northern animals and people demonstrate exposure to T. gondii, but the apparent low densities of domestic or wild felids suggest that additional transmission mechanisms are responsible for T. gondii persistence in high latitudes, whether remote source (from another region), vertical, or dietary. People in these northern communities who practice subsistence hunting might have an increased infection risk due to traditional food preparation techniques and frequent handling of wild game. Recent advances in T. gondii genotyping, understanding of host-parasite relationships, and increased human and wildlife surveillance will help to address knowledge gaps about parasite evolution, distribution, and abundance throughout the Arctic and Subarctic.  相似文献   

在机体抵抗弓形虫感染过程中 ,血液细胞因子的作用日益受到人们的重视。为探讨白介素 12 (IL 12 )和白介素 18(IL 18)在孕妇弓形虫感染孕妇血清中的表达水平及相互关系 ,了解患者免疫功能状态 ,以便为弓形虫感染孕妇的诊断和临床治疗提供参考 ,作者对弓形虫感染孕妇血清中IL 12和IL 18的含量变化进行了检测。1 对象和方法1.1 检测对象 孕妇弓形虫感染组 :3 6例 ,年龄 2 0~ 3 3岁 ,为在我院就诊及进行孕期检查和住院分娩的妇女 ,经血清学试验(弓形虫IgM抗体 )证实为弓形虫感染 ,同时排除其它疾病 ;正常对照组 :3 0例 ,均为来院进行健…  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle can be the site of inflammatory diseases that lead to muscle weakness, pain, and increased myogenic serum enzymes. Most of these inflammatory myopathies are idiopathic. In some cases inflammatory myopathies are due to infectious agents. We describe the pathological aspects of muscle biopsies of 2 Brazilian siblings who acquired toxoplasmosis at the same time and in similar conditions. One developed a tetraplegia that was confirmed to be due to inflammatory myositis due to toxoplasma. The other developed myocarditis, with heart failure, without skeletal muscle weakness. In both cases many toxoplasma organisms were observed in the muscle biopsies, but in case 1 only was there an inflammatory myopathy with myofiber necrosis; the inflammatory cells were predominantly macrophages with some CD4+ cells and rare CD20+ cells. In case 1, expression of CD54 was observed in many inflammatory cells as well in endothelial cells, but only in endothelial cells in case 2. After treatment with clindamycin and corticosteroids both cases had only partial improvement, case 1 with a residual muscle weakness and case 2 with residual cardiac insufficiency (requiring digoxin). These cases show that the presence of the parasite in myofibers is not enough to induce an inflammatory myositis with muscle cell necrosis. This suggests that immunological disturbances may contribute to the development of inflammatory myositis due to toxoplasma.  相似文献   

目的观察重组人IFN-γ对感染弓形虫孕鼠细胞免疫状态及垂直传播的影响。方法取BALB/c孕鼠60只随机分为阳性感染对照组、治疗组及空白对照组。感染对照组与治疗组在孕鼠妊娠第8天用弓形虫速殖子攻击。治疗组于妊娠第7、8、9天用1000UIFN-γ治疗。所有各组孕鼠在妊娠第10、12天尾静脉采抗凝血,流式细胞仪检测CD4^+、CD8^+T细胞水平。并在妊娠第12天解剖孕鼠,观察活胎率及胎仔脑组织弓形虫感染情况。结果感染对照组及IFN-γ治疗组与空白对照组比,在孕后第10、12天CD4^+T细胞水平显著降低,而CD8^+T细胞水平显著升高,CD4^+/CD8^+T细胞比值倒置明显;但治疗组与感染对照组比较,治疗组在妊娠第10、12天CD4^+T细胞显著升高,CD8^+T细胞显著降低,CD4^+/CD8^+T细胞比值明显升高,活胎率也明显升高,宫内胚胎弓形虫感染率明显降低。结论IFN-γ治疗可以改善感染弓形虫孕鼠的细胞免疫功能,提高孕鼠免疫力,减少垂直传播概率。  相似文献   

目的了解无锡地区散养鸡的弓形虫感染状况。方法应用ELISA方法调查无锡地区309例散养鸡的弓形虫抗原、抗体阳性率,并与150例集约化养殖鸡的弓形虫感染率进行比较,其中一项阳性即视为弓形虫感染阳性。结果 309例散养鸡中,抗原阳性29例,阳性率为9.39%;抗体阳性53例,阳性率为17.15%;双阳性13例,双阳性率为4.21%;散养鸡总体阳性率为22.33%。集约化养殖鸡总体弓形虫感染率为2.67%。散养鸡感染率显著高于集约化养殖鸡感染率(χ2=29.19,P<0.01)。结论无锡地区散养鸡群弓形虫感染率较高,应引起重视。  相似文献   

目的了解弓形虫PRU株感染小鼠后脑内局部细胞因子对脑组织的免疫病理作用。方法 51只ICR小鼠分为感染组(33只)和对照组(18只),感染组经腹腔注射弓形虫PRU株10个包囊/鼠,对照组腹腔注射同等量的PBS。于感染后第5d、10d、15d、20d、30d和90d,剖杀感染组小鼠5只和对照组小鼠3只,取脑组织,部分作病理切片;部分提取其RNA,检测IFN-γ、IL-4、IL-6和TNF-αmRNA;部分获取脑组织上清液,用ELISA法测定上述细胞因子。结果相对于正常对照组,感染小鼠脑组织中IFN-γ于感染后第5d开始升高,第10d时下降达到最低,之后开始上升;TNF-α在感染第10d或15d时明显降低,接着上升并于第30d时达到高峰;IL-6在感染第5d时开始升高,感染第10d时降至最低,之后缓慢上升,并于第30d后达到高峰;IL-4未见明显变化。结论弓形虫PRU感染ICR小鼠的过程中,脑组织中IFN-γ、IL-6和TNF-α细胞因子在感染第10d或15d的低表达有利于弓形虫逃避宿主的免疫杀伤作用,导致速殖子在脑组织中存活;同时细胞因子的分泌不平衡,导致小鼠脑组织中出现弓形虫包囊与病理变化共存的隐性感染状态。  相似文献   

云南省动物弓形虫感染调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
198 6年以来 ,对云南省 14地 (州 )和 1市人群及 7种动物进行弓形虫感染调查 ,对部分地区的猪和鼠进行弓形虫病原体分离 ,结果报告如下。1 方法1.1 调查对象 自云南省 14地 (州 )、 1市的 7种动物采集血清 115 3份 ,- 2 0℃冰箱保存 ,检测前于 5 6℃水浴箱 30 min灭活。1.2 分离标本 鼠、猪标本采自大理市、永平、洱源、祥云及鹤庆等县共 2 78份标本。1.3 动物 小鼠 (昆明品系 )、家兔及豚鼠由本所动物室提供。1.4 试剂 弓形虫致敏红细胞抗原、阳性和阴性对照血清均由兰州兽医研究所提供。1.5 实验方法 采用弓形虫间接血凝试验方…  相似文献   

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