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正一芦苇的爱情,都已献给了湿地。芦苇穗子乳白,毛茸茸的,柔情似水,是写给湿地的情诗。一片片的芦苇,就是一片片情诗的世界。这种爱情浩大,洁白,不计代价,不可阻挡。湿地最终接纳了这种真诚的追逐。芦苇荡,原本没有不可告人的秘密。这位母亲,她是在自己的地域招摇呐喊,其实,是为了从容地深居。在翠绿葱郁里,在野阔星稀中,芦苇营造飞禽爱的蜗居。白云绿水蓝天,是给飞禽儿子的房产。她和儿子就住在一起,从  相似文献   

姚影 《心理与健康》2012,(11):75-75
立秋了。一滴秋雨,一地薄凉。秋天的早市,淡淡的薄雾中,人影绰绰,都是卖菜买菜的人们。一大早,从四面八方来的菜农,自动在街道的两边,有秩序地排开。他们露水沾衣,有的身上还粘着青草叶。刚摘下的菜,带着露珠,水汽饱满,颜色鲜亮。人们络绎不绝,我也穿梭其中。转了一圈,我发现卖菜的人群里,总是夹杂着几个上了年纪的老人,  相似文献   

很多很多年前的那个下午。古朴的江南小镇,他们萍水相逢。那时她一个人,第一次来到这个陌生的小镇旅行。不料,在途中钱包丢失。一个女孩子,身处异乡,连往远方的家中打个求援电话的钱都没有。那种窘境,是不言而喻的。她已经顾不上少女的矜持了,向路人求救。可是,路人无不躲闪而过。茫茫人海,有谁会相信一个素不相识的路人?这时候,他出现了。她清楚地记得,那天他穿着一身  相似文献   

正阳春三月,我踏上了回乡之路。三月,蓝天白云,青山绿水。山乡的春光乍现。柔软的风儿像天上的云彩轻飘飘,碧绿的溪水像明媚的阳光亮晃晃,青青的麦苗像庄稼人的儿女扬眉吐气。山,黛青;水,淡绿;人,欢笑。春景和明,山映在水中,水照出山的轮廓。那些棱角分明的树丫,在山风的轻抚下,微微颤颤,摇摇晃晃。溪水闹腾腾的奔涌向前,小鸟在树梢叽叽喳喳吵着闹  相似文献   

正物候转换到冬天,季节宛若脱胎换骨一般,变得寂静安恬。像熟睡的孩子,心思洁白,纯净安然。只是玩累了,收起活力和光芒,歇一歇,养养精神。静静的,寂寂的,一点儿也不寂寞。郊外的旷野上,也是一片寂静。说旷野而不说原野,是有缘由的。冬天的景致称得上一个"旷"字,又悠远又开阔。一向默默不语,扎根旷野的树更加岑寂了,擎着或粗壮或纤细的枝桠,朴拙地望着四围。叶子落光了,远远地却看到有鸟巢稳稳当当地屹立于枝杈间,小小的灰色的房子,寂静无声。  相似文献   

初恋是宝贵的,令人难忘的,遗憾的是,不少的初恋,都不能成为婚姻。李坤是一位成功的医生,在一家私人医院工作。和妻子结婚15年儿子已上中学。在一次大学同学聚会时,他重遇初恋情人阿丽。阿丽当年是众男生的梦中情人,公认的美人儿。就是现在,仍比同龄人漂亮、年轻。当初,为了一个误会,两人分开了。后来,阿丽去了国外,李坤留下了。初恋的夭折,一度令李坤痛苦不已,几乎垮了,幸亏得到一位护士的关心和鼓励,令他走出感情低谷重拾信心,这位女士后来成了他的太太。20年后的重逢,他们谈了很多消除了误会。次日,阿丽打电话邀李坤去酒店共进晚餐。李坤…  相似文献   

正去另一个城市办事。空气里处处飘荡着生动的气息,一缕一缕,仿若春天萌动的绿,心也被浸濡得润酥酥的。犹豫了一整天,到底想不出要不要拨通那个号码。晚饭后,出去散步。不知不觉,来到那条鹅卵石铺就的小路。路很长,很窄。两个人在上面走,会有点儿拥挤。如果是恋人,恰恰好。路两旁栽满树木,远远看着,一棵挨一棵,密密匝匝。走近了才知,树上的叶子已开始凋落,地上疏疏落落的,墨青,浅黄,红棕,铺  相似文献   

男女本属世间矛盾二物。一属阳,一属阴。刚柔并进,相互平衡。男女各有各的风貌,各有各的秉性。为男,应刚毅坚强,为女,则是温柔妩媚有加。 来来往往便熟识了同事的儿子——帆帆。察看其嬉笑怒骂,言行举止,帆帆根本不是那回事儿。十三四岁的男孩,说话娘娘腔,嗲声嗲气,走路扭着臀部,一步三摇。高兴时,喜欢勾着小手指,时不时还喜欢抱着妈妈,甚至来几下亲吻的动作。可  相似文献   

1995年,黑色的7月,让我榜上无名,名落孙山。那年我18岁,尚带着几份幼稚和天真,带着些憧憬与幻想,纵身闯入外面的世界。 外面的世界是那么的精彩,又是那么的无奈,令我向往也令我惆怅。 流浪的日子,只身异乡,举目无亲。长沙、武汉、佛山……最后落脚于繁华似锦的广州。光阴荏苒,日月如梭,一年半载转眼即逝。蓦然回首,一切如梦。一年半的岁月,短暂而又漫长,打工生活,一路坎坷。所以我想,不如归去。对于广州这片沃土,我也许  相似文献   

她嫁他,是奉父母之命,媒妁之言。也不是没有心爱之人,5年的相知相惜,之间却横亘着千山万壑。是门不当户不对的,父母死活不同意。她爱的那人家里,也是千阻万挡的。于是分了手,灰了心。不再做梦。父母让她嫁他,她点头。那年,她已年过三十。青春的心,早已成为一只昨日枝头的小鸟,啁啾在往昔里。往昔是什么?  相似文献   

There are three principal pressures driving the development of in vitro toxicology: (1) the need for more efficient testing systems to cope with the large number of xenobiotics currently being developed; (2) public pressure to reduce animal experimentation; and (3) a need for a better understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity. Within this, in vitro toxicology is focused on local, systemic, and target-organ toxicity. It is becoming increasingly apparent that a step or decision-tree approach using input of a variety of experimental data (physicochemical properties, biokinetics, cytotoxicity) provides the most efficient system for predicting toxicity. Examples of the use of in vitro toxicity systems for prediction of systemic toxicity and target-organ (liver) toxicity are presented.Originally presented at ECCP 93.  相似文献   

Between December 1999 and December 2004, 40 081 pregnant women were examined for toxoplasmosis with Toxo-IgG, Toxo-IgM enzyme immunoassay. Women with positive results were then retested with the Toxo-IgG avidity assay for recent toxoplasmosis. Recent acute toxoplasmosis in pregnant women was found to be significantly more frequent (p < 0.01) during winter than summer. The incidence of acute toxoplasmosis during winter-spring was also significantly more frequent (p < 0.025) than summer-autumn. This phenomenon should be taken into account when formulating preventive measures for toxoplasmosis, especially for pregnant women.  相似文献   

Liu P  Gupta N  Jing Y  Zhang H 《Neuroscience》2008,155(3):789-796
Polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine are positively charged aliphatic amines and have important roles in maintaining normal cellular function, regulating neurotransmitter receptors and modulating learning and memory. Recent evidence suggests a role of putrescine in hippocampal neurogenesis, that is significantly impaired during aging. The present study measured the polyamine levels in memory-related brain structures in 24- (aged), 12- (middle-aged) and 4- (young) month-old rats using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography. In the hippocampus, the putrescine levels were significantly decreased in the CA1 and dentate gyrus, and increased in the CA2/3 with age. Significant age-related increases in the spermidine levels were found in the CA1 and CA2/3. There was no difference between groups in spermine in any sub-regions examined. In the parahippocampal region, increased putrescine level with age was observed in the entorhinal cortex, and age did not alter the spermidine levels. The spermine level was significantly decreased in the perirhinal cortex and increased in the postrhinal cortex with age. In the prefrontal cortex, there was age-related decrease in putrescine, and the spermidine and spermine levels were significantly increased with age. This study, for the first time, demonstrates age-related region-specific changes in polyamines in memory-associated structures, suggesting that polyamine system dysfunction may potentially contribute to aged-related impairments in hippocampal neurogenesis and learning and memory.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin (AM) is a new peptidergic regulator of vascular function. AM serves as a hormone, which has many biological properties, plays an important role in the many pathophysiological processes, especially shock. This review will highlight the structure, biological properties of AM and the relationship between AM and shock.  相似文献   

The age at menarche was estimated by recollection in 1617 women between the ages of 18 and 60 in Madrid and a nearby suburb, Pinto. The population of Pinto is working-class and the Madrid group, taken from residential neighbourhoods , belongs to the upper middle class. In both groups we found a diminution in average age at menarche, from 14.04 to 13.02 years in Madrid and from 14.55 to 13.16 years from about 1935 to about 1965 in Pinto. These changes have been more intense in the group which is less well-off economically, where living conditions have varied much more drastically.  相似文献   

Pitfalls in TRAP assay in routine detection of malignancy in effusions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Telomerase has been found to be reactivated in a majority of cancers but is inactive in most somatic cells. Our principal goal was to determine the potential use of the telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay as marker for malignancy in cytological effusions. The simple selection criterion was the cytological diagnosis, and routine samples were classified into malignant (58 samples) and nonmalignant (233 samples). Of the malignant samples, 44/58 (76%) were positive by TRAP assay. Of the 14 telomerase-negative cytology-positive samples, RNA integrity was poor in 9, indicating suboptimal sample conservation for molecular analysis. In 3 of the remaining 5 samples with a negative TRAP assay, a high number of malignant cells was observed, and these cells might have been telomerase-negative. Thus, the sensitivity of TRAP assay for the presence of malignant cells was about 76%. In the cytologically nonmalignant effusions, the presence of telomerase activity was observed in 24% (55/233). Of these, 6% were highly suspicious for malignancy, 9% were doubtful, and 9% were cytologically nonmalignant effusions confirmed by a follow-up of 12 mo or more. According to these data, the specificity of the TRAP assay to detect tumor cells in effusions ranged only between 82-91%. Our results indicate that, although the TRAP assay is positive in 6-15% of putative malignant effusions, the relatively high number of TRAP false-negative and false-positive cases renders this test unsuitable for routine diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

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