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刘萍 《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》2009,25(3)
子宫动脉栓塞术(UAE)是在子宫动脉血管内的手术.基于血管铸型技术构建的子宫动脉血管网模型成为我们研究子宫动脉血管网形态学的首个途径:它真实地显示了三维的子宫动脉及其血管网的解剖学特点,为UAE中如何正确操作避免部分并发症的发生并提高疗效提供了解剖学依据,也为进一步进行子宫动脉血管网的数字化研究奠定了基础. 相似文献
人正常离体子宫动脉血管网三维模型的构建及意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 研究人子宫动脉血管网表达的特点及意义.方法 2008年9月南方医科大学南方医院妇产科获取正常成年新鲜离体子宫、双附件及阴道一套,应用血管铸型技术构建人正常离体子宫动脉血管网模型,观察子宫动脉血管网的形态及血供分布情况.结果 (1)构建的人子宫动脉血管网模型可清楚显示子宫动脉及其各级分支的走行,表现在:①子宫动脉自主干依次分出膀胱支、输尿管支、上行支和下行支等分支动脉.②子宫动脉上行支沿途向宫体分出数条弓状动脉,在宫底部分出卵巢支、输卵菅支和宫底支,弓状动脉再发出若干螺旋动脉.(2)观察子宫动脉血管网模型发现:①子宫动脉存在明显的同侧供血倾向,双侧子宫动脉在子宫的中轴线处存在交通支,但较为细小.②子宫动脉上行支主要向宫体及双附件供血,而下行支主要向宫颈供血,较少向阴道供血.结论 采用血管铸型技术可构建理想的离体人子宫动脉血管网模型,为系统研究人子宫动脉血管网的解剖形态及血供分布提供了血管解剖学基础. 相似文献
目的研究构建猪泌尿生殖系统动脉血管网模型,为人子宫动脉血管网模型的构建提供技术基础。方法2008年3月至8月于南方医科大学南方医院妇产科获取雌猪离体泌尿生殖系统标本(子宫、附件、阴道、膀胱及尿道)3套,配置20%、15%、10%的过氯乙烯作为填充剂,分别经子宫动脉、卵巢动脉及尿生殖动脉灌注,采用酸腐蚀法,观察不同浓度填充剂构建的猪泌尿生殖系统动脉血管网显示的效果。结果(1)用20%过氯乙烯作填充剂构建的模型可清楚显示子宫动脉、卵巢动脉及尿生殖动脉主干的走行、分布及各动脉之间的吻合支,但细小动脉分支难以显示。(2)用15%过氯乙烯作填充剂构建的模型可进一步显示细小动脉的分支血管网。(3)用10%过氯乙烯作填充剂构建的模型可更清楚显示局部组织致密的血管网结构及交通支吻合情况。结论20%过氯乙烯作填充剂显示的血管网适合对模型进行计算机图像重建,采用15%过氯乙烯填充剂适于制作动脉血管网铸型标本,10%过氯乙烯作填充剂适于构建局部动脉血管网模型并进行特异性研究。 相似文献
目的探讨利用CT血管成像(CTA)原始数据集构建在体宫颈癌动脉血管网数字化三维模型的方法及意义。方法 2010年5月在南方医科大学南方医院基于双源CTA技术,获取1例宫颈癌患者的CT-Dicom 3.0原始二维断层图像数据集。利用Mimics软件分别构建其骨盆、宫颈癌动脉血管网数字化三维模型并配准融合。结果构建的宫颈癌动脉血管网数字化三维模型不仅可以清楚地显示盆腔动脉血管网的各级分支,而且可多方位、多角度地观察各级动脉的管径、长度及分叉角度。此外,其还可进一步了解癌灶供血动脉及计算癌灶血容量。结论基于CTA数据集,应用计算机三维重建技术可构建出理想的宫颈癌动脉血管网数字化三维模型,为临床实现宫颈癌患者的个性化评估及治疗提供了平台。 相似文献
目的:探讨剖宫产瘢痕妊娠(CSP)数字化三维模型的构建方法及其在患者行子宫动脉栓塞术(UAE)中的应用和意义。方法:将10例CSP患者随机分为实验组和对照组,各5例。实验组:UAE术前行双源CTA扫描,获取CTA原始图像后利用Mimics10.01软件对盆腔动脉系统进行三维重建,将构建的CSP数字化三维模型用于指导UAE手术操作;对照组:常规行UAE手术。比较两组的手术时间、辐射时间、术后止血时间和副反应发生率。结果:5例CSP数字化三维模型重建特点:2例患者的病灶由双侧子宫动脉和卵巢动脉共同供血,3例仅由双侧子宫动脉供血;患者均双侧血供不均衡,其中3例以左侧为主,2例右侧为主。三维模型与DSA图形结果对比:DSA可显示病灶的血供来源,但1例有卵巢动脉供血的患者DSA图像未见卵巢动脉显影。三维重建可清晰显示动脉的开口角度和走行特点。10例患者UAE术后均无明显并发症发生。实验组的平均手术时间、辐射时间为(39.54±3.12)min和(9.41±0.83)min,显著小于对照组的(46.01±3.65)min和(11.75±1.63)min,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。两组的术后止血时间无统计学差异。结论:CSP的数字化三维模型可用于UAE的术前和术中指导,缩短CSP-UAE的手术时间和辐射剂量,并为模拟手术平台的建立提供基础。 相似文献
选择性子宫动脉栓塞治疗宫颈癌大出血23例 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
经导管栓塞治疗盆腔大出血是经保守治疗无效时的紧急有效方法。我院自1997年以来行选择性子宫动脉栓塞治疗宫颈癌大出血23例,获得了满意的临床效果。回顾总结,旨在评价选择性子宫动脉栓塞在治疗宫颈癌大出血的应用价值。 相似文献
目的 利用基于CT血管成像(CTA)三维重建技术构建的子宫肌瘤动脉血管网数字化三维模型,探讨子宫与子宫肌瘤的血管网特点。方法 连续采集2012年1月至9月于南方医科大学南方医院接受CTA检查的72例子宫肌瘤患者的原始数据集,构建子宫肌瘤动脉血管网数字化三维模型,通过逐步调整阈值以改变模型的血管显示密度,并予透明化处理后作分析。结果 成功构建了72例患者的子宫肌瘤动脉血管网数字化三维模型,该模型可清晰的显示子宫动脉及子宫肌层、子宫肌瘤的血管网,可见肌壁间、浆膜下、黏膜下子宫肌瘤的血管网轮廓与子宫血管网的相对位置不同,其中浆膜下肌瘤轮廓显示最为清晰。重建模型中存在特殊类型的肌瘤血管网。结论 利用CTA和重建软件构建出的子宫肌瘤动脉血管网数字化三维模型形态逼真,可准确识别子宫肌层与子宫肌瘤的血管网,为术前评估和临床教学提供参考。 相似文献
目的探讨构建在体女性盆腔动脉血管网数字化三维模型的方法及意义。方法基于双源CT血管成像(CTA)技术,获取1例子宫腺肌病患者的D icom 3.0原始二维断层图像数据集。利用M im ics10.01软件分别对骨盆、盆腔动脉血管网进行三维重建并配准融合。结果构建的在体女性盆腔动脉血管网数字化三维模型可以清楚地显示髂总动脉、髂外动脉、髂内动脉及其多级分支,甚至子宫动脉上行支等。与重建的骨盆配准融合后,各支动脉血管的解剖走行及供血范围变得更加清晰明确。结论基于CTA数据集,应用适当的计算机软件可构建出理想的在体女性盆腔动脉血管网数字化三维模型,为术前手术模拟真人化以及数字模型物理化提供了平台。 相似文献
刘萍 《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》2018,34(11):1207-1211
宫颈癌的诊断是基于妇科各种检查,在诊断上存在主观性强,难以精确诊断宫旁组织受侵程度以及膀胱直肠浸润程度等问题,尤其是局部晚期宫颈癌(locally advanced cervical cancer,LACC)。LACC还有较多的高危因素,预后不良,对治疗方式的选择一直以来争议较大。通过对LACC数字化三维动脉血管网的定性定量分析,可以判断宫颈癌灶的局部大小、浸润深度,通过供血动脉来源及血流特点来精确诊断癌灶侵犯阴道、宫体、宫旁及邻近器官的情况及范围。通过LACC数字化三维动脉血管网的分析,为选择合适的手术方式并评估手术难度及预后提供依据。 相似文献
Zhong-ze Tian Sha Li Yue Wang Yang-jun Yue Xiang-hui Zhu Rui Zhao Chun-lin Zhang Shi-hua Wei 《Archives of gynecology and obstetrics》2014,289(1):155-162
To evaluate the immunotherapeutic potentials for human dendritic cells (DCs) loaded with different HPV16-associated antigens, including HPV16E7 (E) protein, HPV16E7 polypeptide (P), as well as CpG-oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) 2006 as a promising immune adjuvant for vaccination against cervical carcinoma.Methods
DCs derived from human peripheral blood and cord blood were isolated and loaded with HPV-derived protein or peptides, in combination with CpG-ODN2006 as a potential adjuvant. The IL-12 level, the allogeneic T cell-stimulatory capacity and the cytotoxicity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) were evaluated in vitro. Furthermore, an immune reconstitution model of human cervical carcinoma in SCID mice was used to assess the anti-tumor effects in vivo. The tumor sizes, the expression of IgG and IFN-γ, and the presence of the human CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were measured in the mice inoculated with different DCs.Results
The antigen-loaded DCs displayed obvious anti-tumor activities in vitro and in vivo, and showed no toxicity to normal cells. The level of IL-12, an important cytokine for immune response, was up-regulated in all mice inoculated with antigen-loaded DCs. Stimulation and activity of CTLs were increased after treatment with antigen-loaded DCs. Significantly, DCs loaded with HPV16E7 polypeptide (P) showed the most distinguished immunotherapeutic activities, and such effect was further enhanced when HPV16E7 polypeptide (P) was used in combination with CpG-ODN2006. Interestingly, the same results were obtained in vivo: the tumor size was decreased, and IgG and IFN-γ levels were increased after the SCID mice were inoculated with the loaded DCs.Conclusions
HPV16E7 polypeptide combined with the immune adjuvant CpG-ODN2006 could be a suitable HPV16-associated tumor antigen. The research provides a new strategy for generating DCs vaccines for immunotherapy of cervical cancer. 相似文献13.
Plasma concentrations of retinol-binding protein (RBP) were measured in a cross-sectional study of asymptomatic normal menstruating women (n = 94) who obtained Pap smears and participated in a double-blinded nutritional survey. Controls (n = 45) were women with negative cervical cytology, normal colposcopy and no known gynecologic pathology or dysfunction. Cases (n = 49) were subjects with abnormal cytology and colposcopically directed biopsy that established cervical epithelial dysplasias histopathologically in the previous 12-month period. In addition, 8 women with cancer of the cervix were also investigated. The mean plasma concentration of RBP was significantly lower in cases than in controls (p less than 0.001). In normal females, the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle was increased. This increase was absent in the plasma of patients with cervical dysplasias (p less than 0.05). The data direct attention to a possible etiologic association between RBP in human cervical epithelial abnormalities and cancer. 相似文献
Microscopic ovarian metastasis of the uterine cervical cancer 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
N Toki N Tsukamoto T Kaku N Toh T Saito T Kamura K Matsukuma H Nakano 《Gynecologic oncology》1991,41(1):46-51
Six hundred forty-seven cases of carcinoma of the uterine cervix with FIGO stages Ib or more were initially treated with hysterectomy at Kyushu University Hospital from 1973 to 1987. In these, 597 cases could be pathologically reviewed for ovarian metastasis. In these 597 cases, 335 were stage Ib, 71 IIa, 185 IIb, and 6 IIIb. Only 3 (0.5%) of 597 showed ovarian metastasis. All 3 cases were stage IIb. None of stage Ib cancer cases had ovarian metastasis. One (0.19%) of 524 squamous cell carcinomas metastasized to the ovary, whereas 2 (5.5%) of 36 pure adenocarcinomas revealed ovarian metastasis. Interestingly, all ovarian metastatic lesions were microscopic in size and found in the ovarian hilus. As for the primary lesion, all cases with ovarian metastasis showed deep myometrial invasion, corpus invasion, and lymphatic permeation. Two cases showed pelvic lymph node metastases and positive peritoneal washing cytology. From the results of our study, it can be said that it is fairly safe to preserve the ovary at the time of radical operation in squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix, but it may not be safe to preserve the ovary in pure adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix. 相似文献
Ueda M Hung YC Chen JT Chiou SH Huang HH Lin TY Terai Y Chow KC 《Gynecologic oncology》2006,102(2):173-181
OBJECTIVE: To determine the association of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection with the expression of dihydrodiol dehydrogenase (DDH) in uterine cervical cancer (UCC). METHODS: In situ hybridization (ISH) and immunohistochemistry were applied to examine pathological specimens of 145 patients with UCC. RESULTS: By ISH, HPV16/18 DNA was detected in 108 (74.5%) UCC cases. DDH expression determined by immunohistochemistry was detected in 81 (75%) lesions among 108 HPV-positive cases. In contrast, of 37 HPV-negative cases, DDH was only detected in 16 (43.2%) of the lesions. A significant correlation was found between DDH expression and the presence of HPV (P < 0.001), FIGO stage (P = 0.004), lymph node involvement (P < 0.001), as well as patients' survival (P = 0.002). In vitro, DDH expression was also found closely associated with HPV infection, and DDH content was proportional to cell sensitivity for cisplatin and doxorubicin. CONCLUSIONS: HPV infection provokes local inflammation, which can then induce DDH expression and drug resistance in UCC. The detailed biological relationship among HPV infection, expression of DDH and drug resistance, however, remains to be clarified. 相似文献