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目的探讨对青光眼患者进行有效健康教育的方法内容。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷,对74例青光眼患者进行疾病防护知识和健康教育方式、需求等现况调查。结果54.0%的患者不知本病临床表现,只有10.8%的患者了解青光眼易发生的并发症:患者自护能力处于低水平;90.5%患者希望通过医护人员的指导学习相关知识和举办疾病专题护理讲座(87.8%),以及进行个案指导(83.8%)等方式,从医护人员处获得知识和护理技能。结论青光眼患者有多方面的知识需求,医护人员应重视青光眼患者的健康教育.有针对性地进行宣教和指导,有利于降低术后复发率,提高手术的成功率。  相似文献   

孙琳  周洁  范苏芸 《现代预防医学》2006,33(7):1208-1210
目的:了解深圳市外来工对健康教育内容和方式的需求,为有针对性地开展外来工健康教育及干预措施提供依据。方法:采用问卷调查方式对我市食品及服务行业部分外来工进行健康教育需求调查。结果:外来工卫生知识的来源主要是电视、报纸等媒体;被调查者希望通过电视(79.22%)、书刊(56.95%)、报纸(54.71%)获取相关卫生知识。对健康教育内容需求前3位的是食品卫生(72.65%)、日常生活卫生(63.53%)、传染病防治(42.60%)。结论:对外来工开展健康教育应结合外来工的实际需要,根据不同职业、性别、年龄、文化程度,选择不同健康教育内容和方法,并通过最佳传播方式,以达到最佳健康教育效果。  相似文献   

外来务工人员健康知识、行为及需求调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解外来务工人员的健康现状,评价其知信行水平及健康需求,找出该人群的健康隐患及探索有针对性的健康促进策略。方法采用二阶段随机抽样的方法,抽取150名18岁以上的外来务工人员进行问卷调查,问卷由慈溪市健康教育所自行设计。结果外来务工人员以青壮年为主,文化程度低,经济收入低,基本生活条件差。艾滋病3个主要的传播途径的知晓率为54.2%,吸烟率为24.8%,不知道国家对结核病减免政策者占62.8%。90.5%的外来务工人员迫切需要疾病防治和卫生保健知识。目前外来务工人员得到疾病防治和卫生保健知识的主要渠道是大众媒体占65.0%,同乡间人际传播占42.3%。结论外来务工人员预防和保健知识掌握情况较差,整体卫生意识淡薄,对健康知识的需求量大,需要有针对性地开展健康教育,并制定有利于健康的相关公共政策。  相似文献   

目的:了解COPD患者健康知识认知与健康教育需求情况,以便为患者提供适宜的健康教育服务。方法:采用自行设计的问卷调查表,对2011年3-11月在本院呼吸科住院的90例COPD患者进行健康知识认知与健康教育需求调查。结果:COPD患者对健康知识的认知总得分为(67.40±24.65)分;很想了解健康知识的患者有42.22%,比较想了解的患者有44.44%;55.56%的患者最想了解的内容为病情控制,43.33%为复发预防,35.56%为肺康复锻炼,33.33%为发病原因;58.89%的患者选择一对一健康教育方式;51.11%的患者希望每月举办讲座1次;30%的患者与65.56%的患者出院后非常需要和比较需医护人员进行健康指导;64.44%的患者出院后仍希望医护人员定期进行电话随访指导。结论:COPD患者对健康知识的认知水平低,对健康教育的需求迫切,想了解的内容和选择的教育方式多。因此,医护人员应根据患者需要开展多形式、系统化与个性化健康教育,定期进行出院后的随访指导,满足患者的健康需求。  相似文献   

目的:对强化健康教育在艾滋病高危人群疾病防治知识和自我保护意识中的影响作用进行分析。方法:选取本地区2013年6月-2014年1月的100例艾滋病高危人群,对其实施强化健康教育,对比健康教育前后患者疾病防治知识和自我保护意识。结果:健康教育后,患者的疾病防治知识评分明显高于教育前,差异显著(P〈0.05);健康教育后,患者的自我保护意识也得到明显提高,明显优于教育前,效果显著(p〈0.05)。结论:强化健康教育能够对艾滋病高位人群疾病防治知识和自我保护意识进行明显提高,值得推广。  相似文献   

脂肪肝患者健康教育需求调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的了解脂肪肝患者对健康教育内容和方式的需求。方法采用问卷调查的方式对493例患者进行了健康知识、信念、行为、教育内容、教育方式需求的调查。结果对疾病知识9个项目的肯定回答率为18.9%~66.7%,对疾病知识的了解不同文化程度患者之间存在显著性差异。98.6%患者希望接受健康教育。健康教育内容需求依次是饮食指导占85.8%,良好生活方式指导占85.6%,治疗方法和效果占83.4%,疾病原因和影响因素占83.2%。最受欢迎的教育方式依次是推荐宣传教育的书面材料占76.1%,医护人员讲解疾病知识占73.3%。结论加大健康教育的力度,促进脂肪肝人群“知、信、行”的统一。  相似文献   

目的探讨健康教育对青少年变应性鼻炎患者相关知识的掌握情况。方法对200名初诊为变应性鼻炎的青少年患者实施健康教育及行为干预,内容包括变应性鼻炎的相关知识、合理用药、日常预防、健康心理、治疗依从性等,比较健康教育前后青少年患者相关知识的掌握情况。结果健康教育后,青少年患者变应性鼻炎相关知识掌握情况、合理用药情况、日常预防情况、健康心理情况、治疗依从性情况应答率分别为96.0%、92.0%、94.5%、96.0%和96.5%,均比健康教育前有了较大程度提高,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论健康教育有利于青少年变应性鼻炎患者相关知识的提高,减少变应性鼻炎的复发率和并发症,可作为变应性鼻炎的治疗体系之一。  相似文献   

幼儿园儿童健康知识与健康行为干预实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基线测查发现幼儿园儿童在健康知识与健康行为方面存在许多问题。为了探讨有效的干预方法、途径和内容,作者对干预组的幼儿进行了为期1学年的健康教育干预。干预后复测结果表明:干预组中、大班幼儿的健康知识和健康行为得分均显著高于对照组(P<0.05和P<0.01)。研究结果提示:本次健康干预实验方法可行,内容适当。  相似文献   

浙江省部分社区居民健康教育资料需求情况调查   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的了解浙江省社区居民健康观念及健康教育资料需求情况,为健康教育资料制作提供基础信息。方法采用分层后系统抽样的方法,在浙江省所辖的11个市各抽取1个社区,采用问卷调查的方式,对抽取的社区分别调查100名居民,其中男女各半。结果70.5%的居民认为自己的预防保健知识已经比较多,并肯定疾病的发生与预防保健知识了解程度有相关性,有85.7%的居民对健康知识有需求。电视和报纸仍然是居民获得疾病防治和卫生保健知识最主要的渠道,也是居民最喜欢的获取知识途径,而常用的小册子形式并不太受欢迎。结论居民对预防保健知识有明显的需求,但信息传播的方式与居民需求方式还有一定差距。  相似文献   

从不良血糖控制史看糖尿病健康教育的重要性   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的:调查不良血糖控制史患的糖尿病知识现状, 为更有效地进行糖尿病健康教育奠定基础。方法:采用自制的问卷调查表,根据糖尿病治疗的“五驾车”(饮食、运动、药物、监测、教育)设计调查内容,按被 选择的有效项目计算健康教育有效实施率。结果:所有被调查均存在不良的血糖控制史,76.0%的患出现各种并发症,83.6%的患健康教育知识薄弱。结论:对糖尿病患的健康教育应侧重于未出现并发症的患和高危人群,建立全程糖尿病健康教育模式;降低血糖控制不良的危害。  相似文献   

Approximately 20 million people in the United States have genital human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection linked to cancer. We examined the news information presented about the HPV vaccine in major U.S. newspapers over the 19 months following its Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. To answer the question of how news information is presented in ways that might influence public health, we explored the frequency of cancer prevention and sexually transmitted infection prevention message frames used to describe the HPV vaccine, the extent to which journalists relied on official sources, and the presence of personal examples. A content analysis of 547 newspaper articles revealed that less than half of the articles provided detailed health information. Of the articles that contained a message frame, cancer prevention was most frequently employed. Government/political sources, medical doctors, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were the most commonly cited sources. Finally, we found that only 16% of all the articles we sampled featured personal accounts. Together, our findings suggest that U.S. newspaper coverage lacked detailed information about both HPV and the HPV vaccine in spite of federal approval of the vaccine, legal mandates for the vaccine, and a widespread information campaign. Implications for public health are discussed.  相似文献   

Approximately 20 million people in the United States have genital human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection linked to cancer. We examined the news information presented about the HPV vaccine in major U.S. newspapers over the 19 months following its Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. To answer the question of how news information is presented in ways that might influence public health, we explored the frequency of cancer prevention and sexually transmitted infection prevention message frames used to describe the HPV vaccine, the extent to which journalists relied on official sources, and the presence of personal examples. A content analysis of 547 newspaper articles revealed that less than half of the articles provided detailed health information. Of the articles that contained a message frame, cancer prevention was most frequently employed. Government/political sources, medical doctors, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were the most commonly cited sources. Finally, we found that only 16% of all the articles we sampled featured personal accounts. Together, our findings suggest that U.S. newspaper coverage lacked detailed information about both HPV and the HPV vaccine in spite of federal approval of the vaccine, legal mandates for the vaccine, and a widespread information campaign. Implications for public health are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess information on cyclist crashes reported in Australian newspapers. Methods: The Factiva news archive was searched for articles on cyclist crashes published in major Australian newspapers between 2010 and 2013. Information on the circumstances of cyclist crashes were extracted and coded. Results: A total of 160 cyclist crashes were covered by 198 newspaper articles, with 44% of crashes resulting in cyclist fatalities. Crashes reported by more than one newspaper were more likely to involve public figures or protracted court cases. Individual characteristics of cyclists as well as the location of the crash were reported for more than 80% of crashes. The road user at fault was reported for more than half of crashes. In contrast, information on helmet use, alcohol and cycling lanes was mentioned for only about 10% of crashes. Fewer than one in five articles mentioned prevention strategies including education campaigns, legislative and infrastructure changes. Conclusion: Australian newspapers tend to focus on the most dramatic and more ‘newsworthy’ aspects of cyclist crashes. Cycling advocates need to work with journalists to improve the quality of this coverage. Implications: Better communication between cycling advocates and journalists is likely to have a positive impact on the safety and the uptake of cycling in the community.  相似文献   

Cyberbullying has provoked public concern after well-publicized suicides of adolescents. This mixed-methods study investigates the social representation of these suicides. A content analysis of 184 U.S. newspaper articles on death by suicide associated with cyberbullying or aggression found that few articles adhered to guidelines suggested by the World Health Organization and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to protect against suicidal behavioral contagion. Few articles made reference to suicide or bullying prevention resources, and most suggested that the suicide had a single cause. Thematic analysis of a subset of articles found that individual deaths by suicide were used as cautionary tales to prompt attention to cyberbullying. This research suggests that newspaper coverage of these events veers from evidence-based guidelines and that more work is needed to determine how best to engage with journalists about the potential consequences of cyberbullying and suicide coverage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in knowledge and attitudes as intermediate measures of community impact of a health education campaign using newspaper articles. The intervention involved prominently placed, illustrated newspaper articles by Heartfile (heartfile.org) with nationwide urban outreach, posted regularly in the largest English newspaper in Pakistan using newspaper donated space for a period of 130 consecutive weeks. The post intervention evaluation involved a cross sectional telephone survey in a major city. In the total sample, 26.5% were readers of the newspaper and majority of them (72%) stated that they were regular readers. These 500 persons were eligible for the interview; of these, 93% remembered having seen the Heartfile articles. In this group, 87% of the respondents stated that the articles significantly supplemented their knowledge about diet, and in 5% they were the sole source of information. With respect to exercise, these articles supplemented the knowledge of 77% of the respondents and were the sole source of information for 9% whereas in the case of smoking, knowledge was supplemented in 85% and the articles were the sole source of information in 4% of the cases. Of those interviewed, 40% reported that they had made some dietary changes, 39% made some changes in their exercise habits and 8% reduced the amount of tobacco consumption as a result of reading these articles. In relation to newspaper articles, the per article production cost was US$ 169 and the articles were read regularly by an estimated 0.66 million and occasionally by 0.79 million individuals all over the country. Newspaper articles are a useful supplement to other health education activities as part of cardiovascular disease prevention programs. Lessons from the Heartfile experience in Pakistan could be useful for other similar initiatives in low resource settings.  相似文献   

目的对某海洋石油企业员工进行健康调查,以了解企业员工的健康相关知识、态度、行为及健康需求,为探索适合企业的健康教育方法和传播策略提供依据。方法在海上平台作业人员、陆地作业人员、机关工作人员、医务人员和社区居民5个人群中随机抽取调查对象进行问卷调查。用Epi Info软件建立数据库录入数据,用SPSS 11.5软件进行统计分析。结果92.4%的人有规律地进行体检,26.8%的人认为自己患有某些疾病。75.5%的人大多数早晨或每天早晨吃早餐,25.0%的人经常或每天进行体育锻炼。经常或每天吸烟、饮酒的人分别占24.9%和11.9%。对艾滋病传播途径和预防措施的知晓率分别为54.5%和58.1%。企业职工获取健康知识的途径仍主要是电视、广播、报纸等大众媒体。最希望了解的健康信息是营养保健、运动养生和心理健康。与其他作业人员比较,海上平台作业人员工作时间长、心理压力大,吸烟比例高,差异具有显著性,且这三者之间具有一定相关关系。结论企业应加强对职工的健康教育,包括合理饮食、戒烟限酒、艾滋病相关知识等,同时适当调整职工的作息规律,关注其心理健康。  相似文献   

安徽省艾滋病防治知识传播现况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解安徽省艾滋病防治知识传播现况和需求,为制订适合当地的最佳的传播策略提供依据。方法采用方便抽样,对流动人口、媒体记者、既往有偿献血人群、艾滋病病毒感染者与病人、商业性行为人群、吸毒人群、性病门诊就诊者和中学生,使用统一的结构式问卷进行面对面访谈。结果总的艾滋病防治知识知晓率为81.2%。日常生活中,有59.7%的人看报纸,33.4%的人收听广播,83.6%的人看电视,69.6%成人看电视时间平均为2h及以上。电视、传单小册子、宣传画挂图是调查对象目前获得艾滋病防治知识的主要途径,也是希望获得艾滋病防治知识的主要途径。结论充分利用电视媒介作用,在黄金时段播放艾滋病防治相关知识,同时结合卫生专业人员面对面讲解和发放适宜的宣传材料,是有效的艾滋病防治知识传播策略。  相似文献   

Tobacco control advocates expend considerable effort in generating news stories on tobacco issues to assist progress in tobacco control, and the news coverage itself may have important policy and behavioral influences. Yet, studies of trends in such news coverage are uncommon. Between 2001 and 2006, we conducted a content analysis of tobacco-related newspaper articles in the 12 major daily Australian newspapers and coded them for type of article, topic, and tone. Overall, 6483 tobacco-focused articles were published, representing an average of one article every 4 days for each newspaper. There was variability in volume between years but no decline over time. Overall, 67% of articles reported on events that represented progress for tobacco control, 21% on setbacks, and 7% on events that were of mixed impact. Newspaper coverage of tobacco issues was dominated by articles on smoke-free issues (32% of articles), health effects of smoking (12%), education, prevention and cessation programs and services (12%), and the tobacco industry (9%). During the 6-year period, on average, Australian adults were potentially exposed to around one article on tobacco issues every week, or using a more stringent prominence-adjusted measure, one article every 2 to 3 weeks, a level comparable to paid media campaigns in some jurisdictions. Temporal variation in population exposure to news coverage about tobacco issues may reflect variability in newsworthiness of tobacco control issues, media advocacy resources and success, and/or preparedness of editors and journalists to entertain news stories on tobacco.  相似文献   

目的通过对福建省17种报纸的内容分析,了解福建省主要报纸对健康信息以及医疗、医药、保健食品广告信息的报道情况。方法选择福建省出版及发行量较大的17种报纸,采用整群抽样的方法抽取2011年1月1—28日连续4周的报纸,对刊载的健康信息等进行编码分析。结果非党报的医药保健广告篇数与健康信息篇数的比例是党报的10.3倍(χ2=454.40,P〈0.01),医药保健广告信息面积占报纸面积的比例是党报的6.54倍。平均每篇广告信息有2.4个误导类型,在保证治愈或隐含保证治愈、利用国内外先进的技术、研究、设备等证明的误导大众类型上,非党报明显多于党报,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。全部健康信息中引用卫生研究结果的只占9.1%。结论党报与非党报在广告信息报道上区别较大,非党报的医疗、医药、保健食品的广告信息误导大众现象严重,健康信息对卫生研究结果的引用率较低。  相似文献   

目的通过深入广泛的鼠疫防治知识的宣传,从而最大限度地防止人群感染鼠疫事件的发生。方法采用宣传挂图、宣传册、宣传单等形式在人群中广泛进行鼠疫防治知识和"三不"、"三报"制度宣传,采用现场问答的方式进行知晓率调查。结果对不同人群鼠疫防治知识知晓率调查结果分别为:医务人员达到100%、机关工作人员为98%、中小学生为97.5%、农牧民为96%、野外工作人员为94%、市场从业人员为91%、普通居民为90.5%。人群的总体知晓率为94.75%。结论二连口岸从1949年至今未发生人间鼠疫,很大程度上得益于鼠疫防治知识的宣传普及,人群知晓率达到较高程度时,可最大限度地减少鼠疫传入人间。  相似文献   

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