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High-resolution CT in the diagnosis of diseases of the ear   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

目的:分析33例外伤性听小骨异常的CT表现以探讨CT在外伤后听小骨异常诊断中的重要意义,资料与方法:对33例耳外伤听小骨异常均行横,冠状面高分辨率CT扫描并分析其CT表现,结果:听骨链完全断裂10例(30.3%),锤砧关节脱位或伴有锤,砧骨移位16例(48.5%),锤钻骨移位4例(12.1%),砧镫关节脱位2例(6.1%),镫骨脚骨折1例(3.0%),结论:高分辨率CT对诊断外伤性听骨链异常有重要意义。  相似文献   

听骨链螺旋CT三维表面遮盖显示技术的临床应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的 探讨听小骨螺旋CT三维表面遮盖显示技术(SSD)的临床应用价值及相关的技术要点。资料与方法 对43例患者进行螺旋高分辨率CT扫描,利用密集放大的重建图像,采用手动编辑,先移去听小骨周围的骨质,仅保留听小骨,用经编辑的轴位图像进行SSD三维成像。结果 40侧正常耳的听小骨三维SSD显示了听小骨的细微结构,还反映了听小骨之间的关系。病变听小骨的三维SSD重建图像与轴位图像的表现基本相符;慢性中耳炎25耳中,22耳进行了听小骨SSD成像,10耳见有骨质破坏;先天性外、中耳畸形16耳均见有听小骨发育不良;外伤后听力下降5耳中,1耳锤砧关节脱位和1耳并有移位的锤骨骨折在听小骨三维SSD成像直观地显示。结论 螺旋CT扫描和三维SSD有利于听小骨的显示和病变的诊断。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高分辨率CT(high resolution CT,HRCT)对外耳及中耳先天性畸形的诊断价值.方法 收集经HRCT检查诊断为外耳及中耳先天性畸形病人34例,评价中耳及外耳畸形的类别.结果 34例先天性耳畸形病人中,单纯外耳畸形11例,单纯中耳畸形7例,外耳畸形合并中耳畸形16例.外耳、中耳畸形的发病率并无明显差异;外耳、中耳畸形单侧、同时发生常见;外耳畸形中先天性外耳道闭锁常见;中耳畸形中听骨链异常常见,单纯中耳畸形中常见镫骨畸形.结论 HRCT可清晰显示外耳及中耳畸形.  相似文献   

A soft tissue mass was found by CT in the mesotympanum of the left middle ear of a 4-year-old boy. This lesion was without radiologic or surgical evidence of associated bony defect or communication with the intracranial cavity. Pathological examination revealed heterotopic brain tissue. Although heterotopic brain tissue in the middle ear is rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of soft tissue middle ear masses.  相似文献   

CT仿真内镜对先天性听骨链畸形的诊断价值   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨螺旋CT仿真内镜 (CTVE)对先天性听骨链畸形的诊断价值。材料与方法 使用CTVE技术观察了 11例先天性听骨链畸形患者的听骨链形态 ,并与手术病理结果进行对照。结果 CTVE在术前观察到锤骨柄与砧骨长脚不同程度的融合、砧骨长脚与镫骨头完全分离、砧骨长脚末端以细条状纤维组织与镫骨头相连、镫骨与前庭窗不相连、砧骨和 /或镫骨缺如等几种形式的听骨链畸形 ,并与手术所见相符。但CTVE对评价听骨链运动功能和细微结构的改变价值有限。结论 CTVE是一种多角度立体地观察听骨链结构的非侵入性影像手段  相似文献   

High-resolution CT has proved to be a reliable and accurate method for evaluating the postsurgical ear. The presence or absence of cholesteatoma can usually be determined. Because of this, CT is a viable alternative to the "second look" or staging surgical procedure. Methods, techniques, and case examples are discussed.  相似文献   

CT of the ear in Pendred syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE: To prospectively determine the structural anomalies of the inner ear by using thin-section computed tomography (CT) in an extended family with Pendred syndrome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ethics committee approved the study, and informed consent was obtained from every patient or from parents of patients under legal age. Twelve patients (three females and nine males aged 7-47 years) with Pendred syndrome (all from the same ethnic isolate and with the same mutation in the PDS gene) were evaluated for inner-ear malformation at thin-section CT. Both ears were evaluated. Presence or absence of interscalar septum between upper and middle turns of the cochlea was evaluated, and vestibule and vestibular aqueduct were examined for enlargement. Modiolus was determined to be present or absent (modiolar deficiency). CT scans were evaluated in consensus by two radiologists (M.G., J.M.G.). RESULTS: All patients had inner ear malformation on both sides. Modiolus was absent and vestibule was enlarged on both sides in all 12 patients. Interscalar septum was absent in 18 (75%) of 24 ears. In eight patients, interscalar septum was absent in both ears, whereas in two patients, it was absent on only one side. Aqueduct was enlarged in 20 (80%) of 24 ears. In nine patients, both ears had enlarged aqueducts, while in two patients, only one side was abnormal. CONCLUSION: Inner ear malformation is an invariable finding in Pendred syndrome. Modiolus deficiency and vestibular enlargement were the most consistent anomalies in this population with Pendred syndrome.  相似文献   

Patients with facial palsy and middle ear disease, which may be chronic but clinically occult, may have a cholesteatoma with extension medially along the facial canal. In two patients, axial computed tomographic (CT) scans demonstrated involvement of the medial petrous bone. Patients with vertigo and chronic middle ear disease may have a cholesteatoma with a "fistula" between the middle and inner ears. Although the fistula usually involves the lateral semicircular canal, the cholesteatoma may pass through the oval window. In two patients, coronal CT scans showed extension to the oval window in one and through it in the other.  相似文献   

目的 探讨侵及颈静脉孔区的原发性中耳癌的CT、MRI特点.方法 回顾性分析7例经手术病理证实的侵及颈静脉孔区原发性中耳癌患者的CT、MRI资料,其中6例行高分辨率CT(HRCT)扫描,1例行常规CT增强扫描,7例均行MR平扫+增强.结果 HRCT显示鼓室、鼓窦、外耳道深部及颈静脉孔区软组织病灶伴不规则虫蚀样骨质破坏,涉及颈静脉孔(7例)、咽鼓管骨性段(7例)、面神经管(4例)、颈动脉管(4例)、外耳道前后壁(3例)、听小骨(2例)及前庭窗、水平半规管(1例)等结构的破坏.4例病变密度较均匀,CT值约30~55 HU,2例肿块内见少许小片状高密度影.1例CT增强显示中度较均匀强化.MR平扫示边界不清软组织肿块,与脑灰质相比,T1WI呈等、略低信号,T2WI呈等、略高信号,其中5例信号较均匀,2例肿块内见少许小片状T1WI、T2WI低信号灶,增强扫描5例呈中度较均匀强化,2例不均匀强化,内见小片状无强化区.MRI显示4例侵及颈内动脉,1例侵及乙状窦.结论 原发性中耳癌可广泛侵及颈静脉孔区,易造成误诊.HRCT可准确显示中耳癌骨质破坏特点及范围,咽鼓管骨性段破坏可帮助减少误诊;MRI能更清楚显示病变范围,肿瘤信号及强化方式有一定特点.  相似文献   

听骨链多层螺旋CT曲面重建及临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究听骨链的CT曲面重建(CPR)方法,评估其临床应用价值。方法165耳(122例)行颞骨轴位高分辨率CT检查,对听骨链行CPR。50例(80耳)为正常听骨链,72例(85耳)为病变组。主要扫描参数:准直0.5mm,螺距0.875,重建间隔0.2~0.3mm,重建矩阵1024×1024。结果(1)正常听骨链组:1幅图像上清晰显示3个听骨及其关节。(2)临床应用:39例颞骨外伤中,听骨链异常的18例;锤砧关节半脱位及脱位各5例,砧镫关节半脱位及脱位分别为5例及6例,锤骨柄骨折1例。16例外耳发育不良中,骨性外耳道闭锁13例,膜性3例。骨性外耳道闭锁最常见的伴随听骨畸形是锤骨柄发育不全(10例),中耳腔变窄、听骨缺如3例,锤砧融合伴砧骨长突缺如1例。不伴随先天性外耳发育不良的听骨畸形2例,1例为双耳砧骨长突缺如,另1例为砧骨长突发育不全伴砧镫关节不连。慢性中耳乳突炎15例,6例合并胆脂瘤者听骨均有不同程度的破坏,鼓室硬化症1例。结论听骨链的多层螺旋CT曲面重建是诊断传导性耳聋的有效方法。  相似文献   

听骨链螺旋CT三维重建技术及初步临床应用   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
目的探讨听骨链螺旋CT三维重建技术的临床应用及局限性.方法采用螺旋CT薄层扫描(层厚1.0mm),Pitch1.5,小视野(FOV=9.0cm),密集重建(间隔0.5mm).观察22例,其中10例正常,12例耳部病变患者,所有病例均采用表面遮盖法(SSD)行听骨链三维重建成像.正常及异常耳的观察阈值分别为-200~-500HU和100~300HU.结果10例正常耳听骨链重建能直观显示锤、砧骨的大小、形态及相互关系,砧镫关节呈"L”形,镫骨前后脚及底板显示欠佳.12例患者中,3例胆脂瘤型及1例肉芽肿型中耳炎患者,3D图像显示有不同程度听小骨破坏,与手术所见基本相符.1例肉芽肿型、2例单纯型中耳炎及2例颞骨骨折患者听骨链3D图像均显示正常.2例中耳畸形显示听骨链发育异常.1例神经鞘瘤病显示听小骨被肿瘤组织破坏.结论螺旋CT三维重建技术能很好显示正常及异常听骨链的立体影像,有利于中耳炎、中耳畸形及其它耳部病变的诊断.  相似文献   

CT of ear structures: a tailored approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A major advance in imaging of the ear structures has occurred with the development of high-resolution, thin-section computed tomography. The purpose of this article is to explain a technique tailored to the CT evaluation of specific anatomic structures. The normal CT anatomy of the ear is demonstrated.  相似文献   

正常听骨链的CT仿真内镜和三维重建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨正常听骨链CT仿真内镜(CTVE)和三维(3D)重建方法及其应用价值。材料和方法:20例无中耳疾病者采用层厚1.0mm、螺距1.0轴位薄层扫描,骨算法、0.1mm~0.2mm间隔重建,分别做CTVE成像、表面(SSD)和骨最大密度投影(MIP)3D重建,观察和比较CTVE和3D显示正常听骨链的能力。结果:CTVE上,锤、砧骨及锤砧关节显示率都是100%,镫骨底板显示率为35%,仅25%能分辨镫  相似文献   

Summary High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) provides excellent contrast between osseous structures, air and soft tissue in conjunction with high spatial resolution. Therefore, thin-section HRCT with bone window setting is the method of choice for the examination of the middle ear structures. The indications are acute and chronic inflammatory changes, cholesteatoma and tumor, the “postoperative middle ear”, and malformations. In most cases, HRCT enables differentiation between inflammatory changes, cholesteatoma, and tumor. The excellent depiction of subtle osseous details enables the identification of erosions of the ossicles or of the bony walls of the mastoid cells, of osseous defects of the tegmen, of the bony labyrinth, and of the tympanic course of the facial canal. In addition, HRCT enables excellent depiction of reconstructions of the ossicles or prosthesis of the ossicles. Although HRCT is the first method of choice, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may provide additional information and lead to a more accurate diagnosis in some cases. This is explained by the excellent soft tissue contrast provided by MRI. In addition, MRI offers the possibility of using various pulse sequences and the administration of IV contrast material. Therefore, MRI may allow the differentiation between inflammatory changes, cholesteatoma, and tumor in those cases in which accurate diagnosis cannot be made by HRCT. The differentiation between a meningocele or meningoencephalocele and other entities such as tumors or cholesteatoma can be established by MRI. Furthermore, MRI can accurately depict cases of labyrinthitis or of neuritis of the facial nerve or of intracranial disease caused by middle ear processes, while this is not always possible by HRCT. In summary, HRCT of the middle ear is the method of choice, but MRI may provide supplementary information in those cases in which accurate diagnosis cannot be established by HRCT.   相似文献   

视网膜母细胞瘤是婴幼儿最常见的跟内恶性肿瘤。CT检查是诊断该病的重要方法,本文收集了6例经手术病理证实的视网膜母细胞瘤进行回顾性分析,以提高对该病的认识。  相似文献   

Chyloperitoneum: CT diagnosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a patient with ovarian cancer in whom computed tomography revealed a fat-fluid level within ascites, indicating chyloperitoneum. The significance of this finding is discussed, and a mechanism underlying the unusual radiological appearance is suggested.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old child was examined because of conductive hearing loss with a retrotympanic mass on otoscopy. CT and MR angiography showed a large inferior tympanic artery traversing the hypotympanum and joining a thin, irregular internal carotid artery with a normal middle meningeal artery. These investigations, coupled with knowledge of the embryological development allowed a diagnosis of a complex vascular anomaly in the middle ear and avoided potential surgical complications. Received: 23 February 1998 Accepted: 7 March 1998  相似文献   

听骨链的螺旋CT三维重建技术及其临床初步应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨正常和异常听骨链三维(3D)重建的成像方法及其临床初步应用。材料与方法采用1.0mm、螺距1.0轴位薄层扫描,骨算法,FOV9.6cm、间隔0.1mm重建。对10例正常中耳和19例中耳病变(14例手术)的患者进行骨最大密度投影(MIP)和表面遮盖法(SSD)3D重建。正常及异常中耳的观察阈值分别为-500~-200Hu和100~300Hu。结果MIP和SSD3D重建都能直观地观察锤、砧骨的形态、大小及相互关系,砧镫关节呈"L"形,镫骨前后脚及底板显示欠佳。18例中耳炎患者中12例胆脂瘤形成,3D重建显示有不同程度的听小骨破坏,SSD3D的显示效果略好于MIP3D。结论螺旋CT3D成像能很好地显示正常和异常听骨链的立体影像,有利于听骨链病变的诊断。  相似文献   

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