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充血性心力衰竭与心率变异性张杰苏玉文张金萍解直彬(解放军88医院心内科泰安271000)关键词心力衰竭,充血性心率变异性自主神经调节近来国外文献报道,充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者的心率变异性(HRV)降低,HRV是预测CHF预后的因素[1]。HRV与...  相似文献   

应用动态心电图检测充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者26例,正常对照组50例。24小时平均R—R间隔(MRR)CHF组681.2±96ms,正常对照组826.65±127ms,P<0.01。24小时R—R间隔均数标准差(SD)CHF组76.8±54ms,正常对照组154.9±65ms,P<0.01。CHF死亡患者SD51.6±18ms,未死亡患者86.5±20ms,P<0.01。提示心率变异性对充血性心力衰竭严重程度、病情演变及预后有一定临床意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨慢性充血性心力衰竭(CHF)者的心率变异性(HRV)特点及心功能程度与HRV之间的关系。方法回顾性分析199例不同程度的CHF者(A组)和197例健康对照者(B组)的HRV指标(SDANN、RMSSD、PNN50、LF、MF、HF、TP、LF/HF),并进行对比分析。结果A组的SDANN、RMSSD、MF、HF、LF/HF显著低于健康人(P〈0.05或P〈0.01),并与心功能分级呈明显相关,随心衰严重程度的增加HRV递减。结论HRV可作为了解心力衰竭者病情和预后分析的指标之一。  相似文献   

1 对象与方法1.1 对象 1993-03~1997-03住院的慢性充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者,完成动态心电图记录,资料齐全者36例,男25例,女11例,年龄16岁~75岁,病程0.5年~5年,均有反复发作心力衰竭病史,具有CHF症状和体征,其中冠心病19例,扩张型心肌病7例,风心病4例,肺心病3例,高心病3例,全部病例均经超声心动图检查测定心功能,按NYHA分级标准,心功能Ⅱ级19例,Ⅲ级11例,Ⅳ级6例。正常对照组30例,系本院职工,经询问,体检,超声心动图和胸部X线检查,心电图及实验室检…  相似文献   

心率变异性的临床应用评价   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:43  
心率变异性(HRV)是检查心脏心搏间期变异的方法。近年来,认为HRV能定量地反映心脏自主神经的活性及其调节功能。1987年,Kleiger首先提出心肌梗塞后其HRV下降是预测心脏性猝死和室性心律失常的有用指标,其后10年来,有关HRV的研究如雨后春笋...  相似文献   

目的探讨老年充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者自主神经功能活动与心功能受损的严重程度及与临床的相关性。方法分析61例老年CHF患者和30例对照者的心率变异性时域指标及临床相关指标。结果(1)CHF组与对照组比较,HRV各测值均显著降低(P<0.01)。(2)HRV各测值均随心功能的下降而呈递减性下降,在心功能各级别间具有显著差异(P<0.05~0.01)。(3)除RV及E/A比值无显著差异(P>0.05)外,LVd、LVs、LVPWI、VS、LVEF均随心功能下降而呈显著改变(P<0.05~0.01)。(4)SDNN和TI下降与心功能NYHA分级、LVd和LVs、LVPW及IVS呈负相关(P<0.05~0.01),而与LVEF、E/A比值呈正相关(P<0.05~0.01)。结论老年CHF患者存在着严重的自主神经功能受损和失衡,且与心功能损害、左心室肥大以及左心室收缩与舒张功能减退的程度密切相关,HRV检测有助于老年CHF的早期诊断、心力衰竭的严重程度与预后的评估以及指导治疗。  相似文献   

冠心病和充血性心力衰竭患者的心率变异性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文采用标准差法及心率变指数法分析了冠心病、充血性心力衰竭及正常人各50例的心率变异性,结果发现冠心病及充血性心力衰竭者的心率变异值显著低于正常人。心衰组中,心衰程度越重者,心率弈异赵低。且心率变异与心胸比值及PEP/LVET呈负相关,与心脏指数呈正相关。急性心肌梗死者的心率变趔氏于陈旧性心肌梗死和心绞痛者。24例心肌梗死者查心室晚电位,晚电位阳性者的心率变异值显著低于晚电位阴性者,提示两者结合可  相似文献   

目的:探讨酒石酸美托洛尔对慢性充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患心功能及心率变异性(HRV)的影响。方法:60例患,随机分为两组,在强心,利尿,扩血管治疗的同时,治疗组从小剂量开始加服美托洛尔,缓慢增加剂量。结果:治疗3周后E/A值明显增加(P<0.05),治疗6周后E/A值及LVEF值均增加(P<0.05),治疗前,后两组的HRV时域值差异显(P<0.05),且随访20周内,治疗组的死亡率,再住院率均少于对照组(P<0.05),结论:在常规治疗的基础上,联合应用小剂美托洛尔治疗CHF,可增强疗效,提高HRV,改善预后。  相似文献   

慢性充血性心力衰竭患者心率变异性与甲状腺激素的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨心力衰竭(心衰)患者心率变异性与甲状腺激素的关系.方法 采用时域和频域2种分析方法,对46例心衰患者及30例非心衰患者进行分析,同时测定甲状腺激素水平.结果 心衰患者24 h正常RR间期标准差(SDNN)、相邻正常RR间期差值的均方根值(rMSSD)、频域分析高频部分(HF)及低频部分(LF)均降低(P<0.05),而低频部分与高频部分之比值(LF/HF)升高(P<0.001).结论 心衰患者交感神经及迷走神经的调节功能明显受损,交感神经张力相对升高.伴有甲状腺激素紊乱的心衰患者有更严重的交感、迷走神经双重损害.提示纠正甲状腺激素紊乱,可能会使心衰患者心率变异性有一定程度的改善.  相似文献   

慢性充血性心力衰竭患者心率变异性分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为探讨心力衰竭(CHF)患者心率变异性(HRV)的变化规律及其病理生理机制,本文采用时域及频域两种分析方法,对92例CHF患者51例健康人进行了HRV对比分析,并对部分患者进行血浆儿茶酚胺(NE、E)浓度测定及HRV随访。发现:健康人及CHF患者的HRV有明显的昼夜变化规律,夜间HRV〉白天:CHF患者的HRV明显低于健康组,且与病情及心功能明显相关,近期死亡者HRV降低更加明显;血浆NE及N浓度  相似文献   



Heart rate turbulence (HRT) is associated with risk in chronic heart failure (CHF). The objective of this study was to assess the short-term variability of HRT and to compare the diagnostic yield of 7-day (7DH) versus 24-hour (1DH) Holter monitoring for calculating HRT in a CHF population.

Methods and Results

Forty-nine consecutive patients with CHF were studied. At inclusion, 7DH was performed to evaluate the variability of HRT parameters. For categorized analyses, turbulence onset (TO) ≥0% and turbulence slope (TS) ≤2.5 ms/RR were defined as abnormal, and patients were classified into subgroups based on the number of abnormal HRT parameters.The cumulative percentage of patients with calculable HRT increased from 69.4% with 1DH to 93.9% with 7DH. The intraclass correlation coefficients across the 7-day monitoring were 0.81 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.70–0.89) for TO and 0.90 (95% CI 0.84–0.95) for TS. When comparing 2 randomly selected days, TO and TS values were similar (P > .1) and showed a strong correlation (TO: r = 0.79; TS: r = 0.84: P < .001). Bland-Altman plots showed a mean difference of 0.31% (95% CI −0.07 to 0.70) for TO and 0.44 ms/RR (95% CI −1.37 to 0.48) for TS. In contrast, categorized analyses showed that up to 16% of patients changed their HRT subgroup score from day 1 to day 2 of comparison.


In this population, 7DH significantly increased the percentage of patients with calculable HRT parameters. The short-term variability of the quantitative HRT values was good, but when patients were categorized into the established HRT subgroups, the concordance was suboptimal.  相似文献   

目的 观察心力衰竭患儿心力衰竭程度与心率变异性(HRV)的关系,探讨HRV对心力衰竭患儿预后的意义.方法 对46例心力衰竭患儿[心功能Ⅰ~Ⅱ级(NYHA分级)21例,Ⅲ~Ⅳ级25例]和30例健康儿童进行24 h动态心电图HRV测定.结果 (1)心力衰竭组HRV各参数均较对照组明显降低,心功能Ⅲ~Ⅳ级HRV各参数较Ⅰ~Ⅱ级明显降低(P<0.05).(2)所有心力衰竭患儿随访(5.0±2.5)年,随访过程中死亡15例,病死率32.6%,死亡患儿HRV各参数明显降低,与存活患儿比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 HRV可反映心力衰竭的严重程度,对心力衰竭患儿预后具有参考价值.  相似文献   

Aims: We aimed to assess the mutual interrelationships and to compare the prognostic value of a comprehensive set of nonlinear indices of heart rate variability (HRV) in a population of chronic heart failure (CHF) patients.
Methods and Results: Twenty nonlinear HRV indices, representative of symbolic dynamics, entropy, fractality-multifractality, predictability, empirical mode decomposition, and Poincaré plot families, were computed from 24-hour Holter recordings in 200 stable CHF patients in sinus rhythm (median age [interquartile range]: 54 [47–58] years, LVEF: 23 [19–28]%, NYHA class II–III: 88%). End point for survival analysis (Cox model) was cardiac death or urgent transplantation. Homogeneous variables were grouped by cluster analysis, and in each cluster redundant variables were discarded. A prognostic model including only known clinical and functional risk factors was built and the ability of each selected HRV variable to add prognostic information to this model assessed. Bootstrap resampling was used to test the models stability. Four nonlinear variables showed a correlation >0.90 with classical linear ones and were discarded. Correlations >0.80 were found between several nonlinear variables. Twelve clusters were obtained and from each cluster a candidate predictor was selected. Only two variables (from empirical mode decomposition and symbolic dynamics families) added prognostic information to the clinical model.
Conclusion: This exploratory study provides evidence that, despite some redundancies in the informative content of nonlinear indices and strong differences in their prognostic power, quantification of nonlinear properties of HRV provides independent information in risk stratification of CHF patients.  相似文献   

慢性心力衰竭患者的心率变异性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈琛  何梦  陈劢 《心电学杂志》2007,26(2):79-81
目的 探讨慢性心力衰竭患者心率变异性的变化。方法 观察76例心力衰竭患者(观察组)和24例健康人(对照组)的心率变异性时域指标,比较两组各指标及与心功能程度NYHA分级、原发病和心力衰竭类型的关系。结果 观察组较对照组SDNN、SDANN显著降低(P均〈0.05、〈0.01)。心功能Ⅳ级者较Ⅱ、Ⅲ级SDNN、SDANN显著降低(P〈0.05、〈0.01)。右侧心力衰竭者较对照组SDNN、SDANN显著降低(P均〈0.01);全心心力衰竭者较对照组和单侧心力衰竭SDNN、SDANN均显著降低(P〈0.01、〈0.05)。各种病因者较对照组SDANN均显著降低(P〈0.05、0.01),但各种病因者差异无显著性意义(P〉0.05)结论 慢性心力衰竭患者HRV部分指标变化可作为判定慢性心力衰竭严重程度的参考指标;各项指标变化可能与原发病无关,但部分似与心力衰竭类型有关。  相似文献   

目的探讨心率减速力对老年慢性心功能不全(CHF)患者预后的预测价值。方法入选安徽省立医院2008年10月至2011年10月住院的老年CHF患者124例,同期选择82例健康患者为对照组,记录其相关临床资料,并进行超声心动图、动态心电图检查。应用相应的分析软件对动态心电图检查结果进行分析,比较不同心功能分级患者DC指标变化的差异;随访12~24个月,终点事件为患者心源性死亡,采用Logisitc回归法分析DC、年龄、高血压、糖尿病、心肌梗死、左室射血分数(LVEF)、血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)对CHF患者死亡的预测能力。结果对照组与心功能不全组比较,DC差别显著,同时DC在心功能Ⅱ级组和Ⅲ级组有明显差异,但在心功能Ⅲ级与心功能Ⅳ级组无差别(p〉0.05)。平均随访(15士8.5)个月,124例患者中,心源性死亡24例,分析显示CHF患者死亡与DC、低LVEF(≤45%)、年龄(≥65岁)、糖尿病、心肌梗死及心功能分级相关。结论DC指标对老年人CHF预后有良好的预测能力。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Heart rate turbulence (HRT) is a powerful novel predictor for cardiovascular mortality. Chronic congestive heart failure is associated with abnormal HRT. Whether antiadrenergic beta-blocker therapy can restore control of HRT in patients with chronic congestive heart failure is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 24-hour Holter ECG recording was obtained before and 1 and 3 months after titrated addition of atenolol therapy in 10 consecutive patients with advanced congestive heart failure. Two parameters derived from HRT, turbulence slope (TS) and turbulence onset (TO), and time- and frequency-domain heart rate variability (HRV) parameters (SDNN, RMSSD, VLF, LF, HF) from 24-hour ECG were compared before and after beta-blocker therapy, together with the same parameters in age-matched normal control. Results showed that TS (3.1 +/- 2.2 vs 6.2 +/- 3.0; P = 0.001) and all HRV parameters were increased after 3 months of atenolol treatment. No changes in TO were evident (0.6 +/- 0.5 vs -0.2 +/- 1.3; P = 0.13). The improvement of TS and the vagally mediated parameters of mean R-R interval, RMSSD, and the HF component of HRV were positively correlated. CONCLUSION: Abnormal HRT caused by chronic congestive heart failure can be restored by beta-blocker therapy. The evolution of TS was positively correlated with measures of vagal modulation of heart rate.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Biventricular pacing is emerging as a long-term therapy for symptomatic heart failure. Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) has become an important predictive tool in this syndrome. AIM OF THE STUDY: To assess whether chronic resynchronization therapy can affect HRV in patients with heart failure. METHODS AND RESULTS: Thirteen patients with heart failure were studied (mean age+/-1 S.E. 65+/-2.2 years, QRS 195+/-5.3 ms, NYHA class 3.2+/-0.1, LVEF 21+/-1.7%). The protocol included a preliminary no pacing period for 1 month following device implantation. Twenty-four hour Holter ECG recordings were performed at the end of this period (baseline) and after 3 months of biventricular stimulation (VDD mode). Prior to and following pacing patients underwent NYHA class evaluation, 6-min walk test, Quality of Life Assessment and a cardiopulmonary exercise test. Biventricular pacing improved functional class (P<0.0001) and Quality of life (P<0.0001), increased 6-min walk distance, (P=0.008) and exercise duration (P<0.0001) but had no significant effect on peak exercise VO(2). Resynchronization therapy increased mean 24-h RR (922+/-58 vs. 809+/-41 ms at baseline, P=0.006), SDNN (111+/-11 vs. 83+/-8 ms, P=0.003), SDNN-I (56+/-10 vs. 40+/-5 ms, P=0.02), rMSSD (66+/-14 vs. 41+/-8 ms, P=0.003), Total Power (5724+/-1875 vs. 2074+/-553 ms(2), P=0.03), Ultra Low Frequency Power (1969+/-789 vs. 653+/-405 ms(2), P=0.03) and Very Low Frequency Power (2407+/-561 vs. 902+/-155 ms(2), P=0.004). CONCLUSION: Biventricular pacing in heart failure improves autonomic function by increasing HRV. This may have important prognostic implications.  相似文献   

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