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糖皮质激素(GC)治疗急性肺损伤(ALI)/急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)争论已久。GC对严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)显示出治疗效果。但更多的研究对GC治疗ALI/ARDS提出异议。  相似文献   

胸外伤合并急性呼吸窘迫综合征的诊治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨严重胸外伤致急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的诊断和治疗。方法对52例严重胸外伤并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征患者的诊断、治疗进行分析与总结。结果全组52例,死亡6例,死亡率为13%,主要死亡原因是多器官功能衰竭(MSOF)。结论通过早期诊断,积极有效的机械通气以及全身治疗可明显提高严重胸外伤和呼吸窘迫综合征的抢救成功率。  相似文献   

急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS)在1967年首次被报道以来,人们对该综合征的认识逐渐深入。急性肺损伤(acute lung injury,Au)是ARDS的早期阶段,Au阶段未给予有效地治疗干预则进展为ARDS,以及并发严重呼吸衰竭其病死率高达70%。  相似文献   

先天性巨细胞病毒/围产期HIV暴露的诊断和治疗:目前关于新生儿先天性巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染和围产期HIV暴露的治疗意见是否一致?;引起急性肺损伤或急性呼吸窘迫综合征的肺炎病原体:什么是伴有急性肺损伤(ALl)或急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的急性严重肺炎最常见的致病。  相似文献   

付菲  蒋佩茹 《肝脏》2009,14(3):264-265
妊娠急性脂肪肝(AFLP)是一发病急,进展极快的妊娠特有疾病。其病理改变是以肝细胞脂肪变性为特征的多种重要器官的脂肪变性。起病急骤,病死率高,常并发弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)、肾功能衰竭、肝性脑病等严重并发症,但目前尚未见国内外有AFLP合并急性肺损伤(ALI)/急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的报道,我院近2年内发生2例妊娠期急性脂肪肝并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征,均死亡,现报道并分析如下。  相似文献   

蔡旭东  林善昌  刘玳 《山东医药》2010,50(13):95-96
2000年1月~2008年12月,我科收治严重胸部外伤合并急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)患者28例取得良好疗效。现总结如下。 临床资料:本文28例,男22例、女6例,年龄9.0~72.5岁,均为严重胸部外伤合并ARDS。ARDS符合中华医学会重症医学分会“急性肺损伤/急性呼吸窘迫综合征诊断和治疗指南(2006)”中的诊断标准。  相似文献   

过敏性心肌缺血综合征(AMIS)系指由严重过敏反应诱发的心绞痛、急性心肌梗死或急性冠状动脉综合征,亦称Kounis综合征,因近年来屡有报道而备受关注[1~3]。  相似文献   

冠心病(CHD)是危害人类生命健康的严重疾病之一,而急性冠脉综合征(ACS)是急性心肌缺血的一组临床综合征,是CHD最严重的临床类型和致死、致残的主要原因。非ST段抬高型心肌梗死(NSTEMI)是ACS的一个亚组,其临床表现、危险层次及临床预后极不均一,对其进行危险因素分析及进行早期的危险分层有助于指导治疗和判断预后。  相似文献   

急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)是冠状动脉病变处于严重且不稳定状态的标志,临床分为不稳定型心绞痛(UAP)和急性心肌梗死(AMI).冠状动脉内急性血栓的形成对ACS的发生发展起着关键作用,因此及早发现血栓形成对ACS的预防及诊治有着重要意义.  相似文献   

急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS)是由多种原发性疾病过程中发生的急性进行性缺氧性呼吸衰竭(respiratory failure) ,是急性肺损伤(acute lung injury,ALI)的严重阶段,其特征性的病理生理表现为肺实质炎症反应而导致的弥漫性肺泡上皮和肺微血管内皮的严重损伤.在美国每年估计约有190 000 ~200 000例ALI/ARDS成年患者,以及还有大量的ALI/ARDS儿童患者.  相似文献   

0引言吞咽是维持人体生存的重要功能活动.每人每天均必须进行无数次吞咽.对吞咽障碍(deglutitiondisoders,DD)进行有效的预防、诊断和治疗必须了解咽部有关的解剖和功能.1吞咽的生理解剖学“吞咽”不仅指口腔内食团(包括液、固体食物、药物和唾液等)在咽部的通过,而应将之定义为是在构成吞咽通道的唇、舌、腭、咽、喉、食管等各器官肌肉、神经的密切协同下,将吞咽物顺利、安全地运送至胃的全过程[1].食物在口腔内经过咀嚼、搅拌,由唾液润湿,变成食团,然后被吞咽经咽和食管入胃.咀嚼的作用是把大块食物分成小块,并经舌肌、颊肌、颌肌等的搅…  相似文献   

M T Hays  L Hsu 《Endocrine research》1987,13(3):215-228
An enzymatic method for synthesis of labelled thyroxine glucuronide (T4G) and triiodothyronine glucuronide (T3G) from labelled thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) is presented. The synthetic glucuronides are completely digested by beta-glucuronidase, with recovery of the parent T4 or T3. They have distinctive elution patterns on HPLC and on Sephadex G25 chromatography, and can be clearly separated from T4 and T3 as well as from synthetic T4 sulfate (T4S) and T3 sulfate (T3S). On LH 20 chromatography, elution of T4G and T3G is intermediate between that of T4 and T3 and that of T4S and T3S. T3G can be well separated from other thyronines by HPLC alone, but T4G coelutes with rT3 on HPLC; these are then separated by adding a Sephadex G25 chromatography step. Biosynthetic 131I-T3G and 125I-T4G from the bile of a cat given 131I-T3 and 125I-T4 had similar HPLC chromatographic patterns to those of synthetic T3G and T4G. That the identified peaks from analysis of the bile were indeed T3G and T4G was confirmed by recovery of the parent T3 and T4 after beta-glucuronidase digestion.  相似文献   

骨关节结核是危害人们健康的严重感染性疾病,近95%由他处结核病继发而来.罹患骨关节结核疾病后几乎均将致残,严重影响人们的健康、工作和生活.建国以来在党和国家的关心和支持下,骨关节结核的诊治水平取得了长足进步.时至今日,由于多种原因,学科发展和被重视程度受到一定的制约,同整个医疗行业的发展不相适应.回顾过去,展望未来,我们需要重新审视骨关节结核的诊治方法,努力推进骨关节结核诊疗技术的科学发展.  相似文献   

目的 分析肺结核史患者妊娠时间和肺结核复发间相关性.方法 选取我院收治的有肺结核史的妊娠妇女576例作为研究对象,对其妊娠前肺结核治疗、治愈后妊娠时间、妊娠后复发肺结核等进行分析,总结有肺结核史育龄女性的妊娠时间和肺结核复发之间的关系.结果 肺结核治愈后不同时间段妊娠者的结核复发率比较,差异具有显著性(P<0.05),停药后间隔时间越久妊娠,肺结核复发的几率越小.结论 加强孕期痰菌检查,及早发现复发肺结核,提高母婴安全.  相似文献   

血管通路的评价、选择及并发症防治   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
随着终末期肾衰竭患者的逐年增多,用于维持性血液透析患者的费用支出也逐年增加,其中相当比例的资金用于血管通路的建立及相关并发症的处理。据Lysaght估计,2001年全球维持性透析患者超过110万人,并以每年7%的速度增长,到2010年将达到200万人,今后10年医疗费用将超过1万亿美元。美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)估计,每年因血管通路建立和相  相似文献   

Stress triggers crucial responses, including elevated blood pressure and heart rate (HR), to handle the emergency and restore homeostasis. However, continuation of these effects following cessation of the stress is implicated with many stress-related disorders. Here, we examine the kinetics and persistence of cardiovascular and locomotor responses to single and repeated immobilization stress (IMO), with and without prior treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Radiotelemetry probes were implanted into male Sprague-Dawley rats to continually monitor mean arterial pressure (MAP), HR and locomotor activity. Rats were subjected to IMO for 2 h daily (10 a.m. to noon, 6 consecutive days). The first IMO induced the greatest change in MAP (about 30 mm Hg) and HR (about 200 bpm). Following each IMO, MAP and HR were elevated during the remaining light phase and in the subsequent dark phase, HR was lower than prior to IMO. We further examined whether elevation of ACTH to a level similar to IMO will elicit similar effects, and if it will alter subsequent responses to IMO. Injection of ACTH (13 IU/kg, s.c.) triggered a short-lived rise in MAP, and decreased HR. After six daily injections of ACTH and recovery time (8 days), rats were immobilized as above. The cardiovascular responses were similar during the IMO, but the ACTH-pretreated group displayed differences following cessation of the IMO. In addition, IMO led to a large reduction of locomotor activity during the dark (normally active) phase to levels similar to the light phase. Following the IMOs, locomotor activity recovered more slowly in the ACTH-pretreated group. The study revealed that IMO-triggered cardiovascular and locomotor responses are evident after termination of the stress. In addition, prior exposure to ACTH delayed recovery in cardiovascular and locomotor functions following cessation of stress.  相似文献   

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