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无偿献血是保证血液质量和安全的根本途径。我国无偿献血全民教育存在献血常识认知缺失,献血相关政策法规普及缺失,献血信念及责任意识缺失等问题,提出将无偿献血纳入健康教育计划,全民普法、以法促德,注重公民意识和社会公德培养等应对策略来改进。  相似文献   

血荒,这个词已经不是第一次出现。卫生部长陈竺也公开献血了。目前维持无偿献血制度运行的主力是学生和农民工,学生、农民工献血者占所有献血者的90%以上。在血库告急的昆明,公务员献血者仅占所有献血者的0.92%。  相似文献   

通过我国发生“血荒”事件的现象,分析了产生这一现象的原因;并针对影响无偿献血的主要因素,从三个方面进行了说明;认为应加大科普及公益性宣传,消除公众的疑虑,才能使更多的公众加入到无偿献血的队伍中来。  相似文献   

近几年食品安全危机事件频发,不仅影响到人民身体健康和生命安全,而且对经济发展和社会稳定造成了严重的冲击,食品安全问题越来越受到社会各界的关注。化解食品安全危机需要依靠多元主体协同治理,但是在现有体制框架内实现各主体协同与合作过程中却存在诸多困难,为此,需要完善食品安全法律体系,明确界定各主体的权力与责任,完善激励和监督机制,促使食品安全多元主体实现功能耦合。  相似文献   

2010年,全国主要省会陆续出现了采血困难、用血紧张的情况。 虽然对于新鲜出炉、热气腾腾的“血荒”一词,卫生部迅速给予了纠正,但人心惶惶的残局,似成板上钉钉,一时半会儿也改不了。“  相似文献   

前一阵子,“血荒”席卷全国,北京、南京、昆明、青岛、威海等地的医院因为没有血源,或暂停、减少手术,或让手术家属自筹血液,方能手术。 看到这些新闻,我不禁想起我在德国学习期间参加的一台手术。  相似文献   

目的从多元主体治理视角分析影响公立医院医务人员工作积极性的因素,为激发和调动医务人员工作主观能动性及潜能提供依据。方法采用定额抽样方法选取浙江省19家市、县级公立医院的1855名医务人员进行问卷调查,运用多重线性回归分析医务人员工作积极性的治理影响因素。结果政府对公立医院公益性的维护、对三医联动改革的领导协调、对综合改革措施的宣传解读、对培训方案的完善和对分级诊疗的引导政策影响医务人员工作积极性(P<0.05),医院内部收入分配制度、分工协作机制、战略目标、民主管理影响医务人员工作积极性(P<0.05),社会专业组织提供的高质量业务培训、对医疗事故鉴定的公平性、公共媒体及时报导医疗相关事件影响医务人员工作积极性(P<0.05),医务人员对所在医院形象及医疗行业环境的自我认知与态度影响其工作积极性(P<0.05)。结论政府治理职责履行、医院管理水平、社会治理职责履行和医务人员自身认知态度影响医务人员工作积极性,可从强化政府治理职责、加强医院科学管理、激活社会主体协同发力和重视医务人员思想工作建设4个方面调动医务人员工作积极性。  相似文献   

目的:了解医院志愿者服务积极性现状及其影响因素,为全面激发医院志愿者的服务潜能提供依据。方法:采用定额抽样方法选取浙江省17家公立医院的1 044名医院志愿者进行问卷调查,运用多重线性回归分析医院志愿者服务积极性的治理影响因素。结果:医院内部对医院志愿者的岗位安排、服务内容、考核方法、激励力度;就医人员、微博微信等新媒体对医院志愿者服务的总体评价;医院志愿者的认知与态度;政府相关政策的宣传解读和对志愿者的鼓励力度影响其服务积极性(P < 0.05)。结论:提高医院志愿者服务积极性,需要从多元主体治理视角下全面激发医院志愿者的服务潜能。  相似文献   

近年来,食品安全问题日益突出,造成很恶劣的社会影响,危害到广大社会公众的生命健康,导致政府公信力下降,甚至影响到社会经济的有序发展。本课题在公共管理视域下,分析了食品安全监管存在的问题,探讨政府、市场和社会公众三者参与食品安全监管的体系构建与监管机制的运行,提出新的监管路径。  相似文献   

目的分析政府、公立医院、社会多元主体对患者就医获得感的治理作用及影响,为增强患者就医获得感乃至进一步协同提升患者满意度提供借鉴及思考。方法采用定额抽样的方法对浙江省15家城市和县级公立医院的住院患者进行问卷调查,通过多重线性回归分析患者就医获得感的治理影响因素。结果政府对医疗服务公平性问题改善情况、居住地医疗机构整体规划和布局合理性、分级诊疗政策引导效果等因素影响患者就医获得感(P<0.05),医院公平公正处理医疗纠纷、对基层医疗卫生机构转诊提供便利以及为患者提供便利畅通的投诉渠道影响患者就医获得感(P<0.05),社会公众积极主动向政府反映医患双方意见及诉求、社会专业组织发挥医疗行业行为自律和内部监督职责、患者对当前医生群体所处社会医疗环境看法等因素影响其就医获得感(P<0.05)。结论可以通过推动政府切实履行职责、提升医院管理水平和调动社会公众参与治理积极性以协同增强患者就医获得感。  相似文献   

20 0 3年 4月 17日 ,美FDA就保护供血安全、防范“严重的急性呼吸道综合症”(即非典型肺炎 ,简称SARS)向全美血库 (站 )、研究所发出报告。尽管人们越来越了解该疾病 ,FDA仍在采取临时性措施以保证供血安全 ,目前 ,尚不清楚SARS能否通过血液传播。目前 ,FDA法规规定供血者在供血时须身体健康 ,FDA采取恰当的程序作为有效手段防范具有该病征状的供血人供血。新SARS报告提出了有关措施以暂时推迟SARS感染者或患者供血 ,对最近去过被CDC(美疾病控制中心 )确定为高风险地区旅游或与SARS病患、被怀疑可能感染SARS的人接触的人士 …  相似文献   

An analysis of the pediatric vaccine supply shortage problem   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In 2002, several factors resulted in pediatric vaccine manufacturers not being able to produce a sufficient number of vaccines to vaccinate all the children in the United States according to the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule. The resulting vaccine supply shortage resulted in thousands of children not being fully immunized according to this schedule, and hence, created an unnecessary risk for epidemic outbreaks of several childhood diseases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention responded to this crisis by using pediatric vaccine stockpiles to mitigate the impact of future shortages. This paper presents a stochastic model that captures the vaccine supply during production interruptions. This model is used to assess the impact of pediatric vaccine stockpile levels on vaccination coverage rates, by considering the probability that all children can be immunized according to the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule over a given time period and the expected minimum vaccine supply. The model is also used to assess the proposed pediatric vaccine stockpile levels recommended by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The results of this analysis suggest that the proposed vaccine stockpile levels are adequate to meet future vaccine production interruptions, provided that such production interruptions do not last more than six months (which is not surprising, given that is the time period for which they were designed). However, given that recent vaccine production interruptions have lasted (on average) for over one year, the proposed vaccine stockpile levels are insufficient to meet the nation’s pediatric immunization needs during such time periods, which in turn could lead to localized and/or widespread disease outbreaks. Moreover, a moderate investment in higher vaccine stockpile levels would lead to a significantly reduced risk of such events.  相似文献   

患者满意度是评价医疗系统综合改革及治理成效和衡量医疗服务质量的重要指标。针对当前患者对医疗服务普遍不满意评价现状及其背后成因的深层次分析,本文在借鉴国内外研究成果和剖析患者满意度形成机理及其背后隐含多元主体监管治理特征的基础上,厘清患者满意度的概念及内涵;从医疗服务结构—过程—结果要素层面梳理与归纳出患者满意度内在维度;从政府—社会—医患层面挖掘社会医疗体制与政策、医院组织管理、社会医疗舆情、公众参与、患者认知等因素对患者满意度的潜在作用及影响;根据患者满意度内在维度—影响因素—职责分析—治理主体的双向作用逻辑思路,结合利益相关主体影响—参与—协同治理前沿理论,构建患者满意度测评与治理路径框架,并提出模型实证的研究展望。  相似文献   

治理机制是构建区域整合型医疗健康服务体系的核心机制之一,从单中心治理向多中心治理转变,是推动卫生健康领域治理体系与治理能力现代化的重要途径.本文基于多中心治理理论,探索构建区域整合型医疗健康服务体系多中心协同治理框架,提出多元主体协同治理结构以及实现制度有效嵌入的核心机制;针对实践中的现实困境,提出在构建区域整合型医疗...  相似文献   

Becker C 《Modern healthcare》2002,32(27):6-7, 16, 1
Mixed and murky messages have bombarded the popular consciousness recently when it comes to the nation's blood supply. Blood banks are still wrangling with how to find ways to appeal to blood donors as they also try to understand why they couldn't harness the outpouring of people responding to the terrorist attack of Sept. 11.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of coalition leadership and governance on member participation in voluntary community health coalitions. Path modeling was used to explore how leadership and governance processes in coalitions affect existing member costs, benefits, and levels of participation. It was hypothesized that the effects of coalition decision making and leadership variables would be indirect by working through their effects on participants' perceived influence over coalition decision making and on overall consensus around the coalition vision. Results of the analysis indicate that open and collaborative decision making and empowering leadership do have indirect, positive effects on the level of participation by way of vision consensus and participation benefits. Participation costs, however, show no significant direct effect on the level of participation. Perceived personal influence appears to be primarily an outcome of participation rather than an antecedent.  相似文献   

In recent years a succession of health emergencies connected with the threat of new, possibly global, infectious diseases has stimulated the attention of the mass media, the scientific community, and international public opinion, setting a tough test for the institutions whose job is to manage the risks. On the basis of experience in the fields of AIDS, BSE, SARS and bird flu, this study discusses the strong and weak points of governance procedures for health risks. In particular, the paper illustrates how risk management can be improved by adopting practices and procedures which actively involve the public in dealing with the emergency, by taking a transparent and accessible approach to communication with the public (including the provision of information about the risks) and by fostering the unrestricted exchange of scientific knowledge among researchers. Lastly, the text shows how the analysis of these themes provides starting points for understanding the crisis in the current relationship between science and society.  相似文献   

目的:为满足居民对健康服务需求的多元化趋势,基于优先序视角探寻健康服务产业供给选择路径,为政府优化健康产业结构提供思路借鉴。方法:采用自行设计的调查问卷,对全国34个城市的1 187名居民进行调查,通过卡方检验、Pearson和Spearman相关分析法进行统计分析,建立需求度与满意度二维耦合模型对供给优先顺序进行类别划分。结果:居民对健康服务产业的需求度与满意度均较高,其中居民需求度和满意度耦合值最高的是健康保障服务产业,其次是基层医疗卫生服务产业、专业公共卫生服务产业等9项产业,健康教育服务产业得分最低。结论:基于模型将11项健康服务产业亚类划分为三类供给路径。I类为最急需供给产业类型,应最优先供给;Ⅱ类为需求型供给产业类型,在条件具备的基础上应大力发展;Ⅲ类为培育型供给产业类型,需要培育市场需求后合理发展。  相似文献   

目的:对短缺药供应保障机制的相关政策文本进行分析,探究政府在推进短缺药供应保障机制过程中的侧重点与存在问题,提出优化短缺药供应保障机制的建议.方法:对83份与短缺药供应保障机制相关的政策文件进行整理,对政策文本内容进行词频分析,并运用政策工具进行文本量化分析.结果:在短缺药供应保障机制5类政策工具中,命令与规制型政策工...  相似文献   

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