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Visual saliency based on orientation contrast is a perceptual product attributed to the functional organization of the mammalian brain. We examined this visual phenomenon in barn owls by mounting a wireless video microcamera on the owls' heads and confronting them with visual scenes that contained one differently oriented target among similarly oriented distracters. Without being confined by any particular task, the owls looked significantly longer, more often, and earlier at the target, thus exhibiting visual search strategies so far demonstrated in similar conditions only in primates. Given the considerable differences in phylogeny and the structure of visual pathways between owls and humans, these findings suggest that orientation saliency has computational optimality in a wide variety of ecological contexts, and thus constitutes a universal building block for efficient visual information processing in general.  相似文献   

The ability to choose rapidly among multiple targets embedded in a complex perceptual environment is key to survival. Targets may differ in their reward value as well as in their low-level perceptual properties (e.g., visual saliency). Previous studies investigated separately the impact of either value or saliency on choice; thus, it is not known how the brain combines these two variables during decision making. We addressed this question with three experiments in which human subjects attempted to maximize their monetary earnings by rapidly choosing items from a brief display. Each display contained several worthless items (distractors) as well as two targets, whose value and saliency were varied systematically. We compared the behavioral data with the predictions of three computational models assuming that (i) subjects seek the most valuable item in the display, (ii) subjects seek the most easily detectable item, and (iii) subjects behave as an ideal Bayesian observer who combines both factors to maximize the expected reward within each trial. Regardless of the type of motor response used to express the choices, we find that decisions are influenced by both value and feature-contrast in a way that is consistent with the ideal Bayesian observer, even when the targets’ feature-contrast is varied unpredictably between trials. This suggests that individuals are able to harvest rewards optimally and dynamically under time pressure while seeking multiple targets embedded in perceptual clutter.  相似文献   

Visual processing is fraught with uncertainty: The visual system must attempt to estimate physical properties despite missing information and noisy mechanisms. Sometimes high visual uncertainty translates into lack of confidence in our visual perception: We are aware of not seeing well. The mechanism by which we achieve this awareness--how we assess our own visual uncertainty--is unknown, but its investigation is critical to our understanding of visual decision mechanisms. The simplest possibility is that the visual system relies on cues to uncertainty, stimulus features usually associated with visual uncertainty, like blurriness. Probabilistic models of the brain suggest a more sophisticated mechanism, in which visual uncertainty is explicitly represented as probability distributions. In two separate experiments, observers performed a visual discrimination task in which confidence could be determined by the cues available (contrast and crowding or eccentricity and masking) or by their actual performance, the latter requiring a more sophisticated mechanism than cue monitoring. Results show that observers' confidence followed performance rather than cues, indicating that the mechanisms underlying the evaluation of visual confidence are relatively complex. This result supports probabilistic models, which imply the existence of sophisticated mechanisms for evaluating uncertainty.  相似文献   

Crows pay close attention to people and can remember specific faces for several years after a single encounter. In mammals, including humans, faces are evaluated by an integrated neural system involving the sensory cortex, limbic system, and striatum. Here we test the hypothesis that birds use a similar system by providing an imaging analysis of an awake, wild animal’s brain as it performs an adaptive, complex cognitive task. We show that in vivo imaging of crow brain activity during exposure to familiar human faces previously associated with either capture (threatening) or caretaking (caring) activated several brain regions that allow birds to discriminate, associate, and remember visual stimuli, including the rostral hyperpallium, nidopallium, mesopallium, and lateral striatum. Perception of threatening faces activated circuitry including amygdalar, thalamic, and brainstem regions, known in humans and other vertebrates to be related to emotion, motivation, and conditioned fear learning. In contrast, perception of caring faces activated motivation and striatal regions. In our experiments and in nature, when perceiving a threatening face, crows froze and fixed their gaze (decreased blink rate), which was associated with activation of brain regions known in birds to regulate perception, attention, fear, and escape behavior. These findings indicate that, similar to humans, crows use sophisticated visual sensory systems to recognize faces and modulate behavioral responses by integrating visual information with expectation and emotion. Our approach has wide applicability and potential to improve our understanding of the neural basis for animal behavior.  相似文献   

Visual texture discrimination has been shown to induce long-lasting behavioral improvement restricted to the trained eye and trained location in visual field [Karni, A. & Sagi, D. (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88, 4966-4970]. We tested the hypothesis that such learning involves durable neural modifications at the earliest cortical stages of the visual system, where eye specificity, orientation, and location information are mapped with highest resolution. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging in humans, we measured neural activity 24 h after a single session of intensive monocular training on visual texture discrimination, performed in one visual quadrant. Within-subject comparisons between trained and untrained eye for targets presented within the same quadrant revealed higher activity in a corresponding retinotopic area of visual cortex. Functional connectivity analysis showed that these learning-dependent changes were not associated with an increased engagement of other brain areas remote from early visual cortex. We suggest that these new data are consistent with recent proposals that the cellular mechanisms underlying this type of perceptual learning may involve changes in local connections within primary visual cortex. Our findings provide a direct demonstration of learning-dependent reorganization at early processing stages in the visual cortex of adult humans.  相似文献   

Camouflage is a widespread phenomenon throughout nature and an important antipredator tactic in natural selection. Many visual predators have keen color perception, and thus camouflage patterns should provide some degree of color matching in addition to other visual factors such as pattern, contrast, and texture. Quantifying camouflage effectiveness in the eyes of the predator is a challenge from the perspectives of both biology and optical imaging technology. Here we take advantage of hyperspectral imaging (HSI), which records full-spectrum light data, to simultaneously visualize color match and pattern match in the spectral and the spatial domains, respectively. Cuttlefish can dynamically camouflage themselves on any natural substrate and, despite their colorblindness, produce body patterns that appear to have high-fidelity color matches to the substrate when viewed directly by humans or with RGB images. Live camouflaged cuttlefish on natural backgrounds were imaged using HSI, and subsequent spectral analysis revealed that most reflectance spectra of individual cuttlefish and substrates were similar, rendering the color match possible. Modeling color vision of potential di- and trichromatic fish predators of cuttlefish corroborated the spectral match analysis and demonstrated that camouflaged cuttlefish show good color match as well as pattern match in the eyes of fish predators. These findings (i) indicate the strong potential of HSI technology to enhance studies of biological coloration and (ii) provide supporting evidence that cuttlefish can produce color-coordinated camouflage on natural substrates despite lacking color vision.  相似文献   

Global topological dominance in the left hemisphere   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A series of experiments with right-handers demonstrated that the left hemisphere (LH) is reliably and consistently superior to the right hemisphere (RH) for global topological perception. These experiments generalized the topological account of lateralization to different kinds of topological properties (including holes, inside/outside relation, and “presence vs. absence”) in comparison with a broad spectrum of geometric properties, including orientation, distance, size, mirror-symmetry, parallelism, collinearity, etc. The stimuli and paradigms used were also designed to prevent subjects from using various nontopological properties in performing the tasks of topological discrimination. Furthermore, task factors commonly considered in the study of hemispheric asymmetry, such as response latency vs. accuracy, vertical vs. horizontal presentation, detection vs. recognition, and simultaneous vs. sequential judgment, were manipulated to not be confounding factors. Moreover, left-handed subjects were tested and showed the right lateralization of topological perception, in the opposite direction of lateralization compared with right-handers. In addition, the functional magnetic resonance imaging measure revealed that only a region in the left temporal gyrus was consistently more activated across subjects in the task of topological discrimination, consistent with the behavioral results. In summary, the global topological dominance in the LH is well supported by the converging evidence from the variety of paradigms and techniques, and it suggests a unified solution to the current major controversies on visual lateralization.  相似文献   

In perceiving 3D shape from ambiguous shading patterns, humans use the prior knowledge that the light is located above their head and slightly to the left. Although this observation has fascinated scientists and artists for a long time, the neural basis of this “light from above left” preference for the interpretation of 3D shape remains largely unexplored. Combining behavioral and functional MRI measurements coupled with multivoxel pattern analysis, we show that activations in early visual areas predict best the light source direction irrespective of the perceived shape, but activations in higher occipitotemporal and parietal areas predict better the perceived 3D shape irrespective of the light direction. These findings demonstrate that illumination is processed earlier than the representation of 3D shape in the visual system. In contrast to previous suggestions, we propose that prior knowledge about illumination is processed in a bottom-up manner and influences the interpretation of 3D structure at higher stages of processing.  相似文献   

Theory of orientation tuning in visual cortex.   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
The role of intrinsic cortical connections in processing sensory input and in generating behavioral output is poorly understood. We have examined this issue in the context of the tuning of neuronal responses in cortex to the orientation of a visual stimulus. We analytically study a simple network model that incorporates both orientation-selective input from the lateral geniculate nucleus and orientation-specific cortical interactions. Depending on the model parameters, the network exhibits orientation selectivity that originates from within the cortex, by a symmetry-breaking mechanism. In this case, the width of the orientation tuning can be sharp even if the lateral geniculate nucleus inputs are only weakly anisotropic. By using our model, several experimental consequences of this cortical mechanism of orientation tuning are derived. The tuning width is relatively independent of the contrast and angular anisotropy of the visual stimulus. The transient population response to changing of the stimulus orientation exhibits a slow "virtual rotation." Neuronal cross-correlations exhibit long time tails, the sign of which depends on the preferred orientations of the cells and the stimulus orientation.  相似文献   

Contextual effects abound in the real world; how we perceive an object depends on what surrounds it. A classic example of this is the tilt illusion (TI) whereby the presence of a surround shifts the perceived orientation of a target. Surprisingly, the magnitude and direction of this shift depend on the orientation difference between the target and surround: when their orientations are similar, the perceived difference is amplified and the target appears repelled in orientation from the surround (i.e., the TI). However, when their orientations are close to perpendicular, the difference is decreased and the target appears attracted in orientation toward the surround (i.e., the indirect TI). These misperceptions of orientation have revealed much about the underlying detectors involved in visual processing and how they interact with each other. What remains at stake are the levels of processing involved. To examine this, we designed a reverse-correlation technique whereby observers are blind to the orientation of the surround. We find that the TI and indirect TI occur reliably and over a similar time course, supporting the role of a single mechanism underlying orientation biases that operates in the early stages of visual processing before the conscious extraction of the surround orientation.  相似文献   

Conceptual abilities in animals have been shown at several levels of abstraction, but it is unclear whether the analogy with humans results from convergent evolution or from shared brain mechanisms inherited from a common origin. Macaque monkeys can access "non-similarity-based concepts," such as when sorting pictures containing a superordinate target category (animal, tree, etc.) among other scenes. However, such performances could result from low-level visual processing based on learned regularities of the photographs, such as for scene categorization by artificial systems. By using pictures of man-made objects or animals embedded in man-made or natural contexts, the present study clearly establishes that macaque monkeys based their categorical decision on the presence of the animal targets regardless of the scene backgrounds. However, as is found with humans, monkeys performed better with categorically congruent object/context associations, especially when small object sizes favored background information. The accuracy improvements and the response-speed gains attributable to superordinate category congruency in monkeys were strikingly similar to those of human subjects tested with the same task and stimuli. These results suggest analogous processing of visual information during the activation of abstract representations in both humans and monkeys; they imply a large overlap between superordinate visual representations in humans and macaques as well as the implicit use of experienced associations between object and context.  相似文献   

Tunas are migratory fishes in offshore habitats and top predators with unique features. Despite their ecological importance and high market values, the open-ocean lifestyle of tuna, in which effective sensing systems such as color vision are required for capture of prey, has been poorly understood. To elucidate the genetic and evolutionary basis of optic adaptation of tuna, we determined the genome sequence of the Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis), using next-generation sequencing technology. A total of 26,433 protein-coding genes were predicted from 16,802 assembled scaffolds. From these, we identified five common fish visual pigment genes: red-sensitive (middle/long-wavelength sensitive; M/LWS), UV-sensitive (short-wavelength sensitive 1; SWS1), blue-sensitive (SWS2), rhodopsin (RH1), and green-sensitive (RH2) opsin genes. Sequence comparison revealed that tuna''s RH1 gene has an amino acid substitution that causes a short-wave shift in the absorption spectrum (i.e., blue shift). Pacific bluefin tuna has at least five RH2 paralogs, the most among studied fishes; four of the proteins encoded may be tuned to blue light at the amino acid level. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis suggested that gene conversions have occurred in each of the SWS2 and RH2 loci in a short period. Thus, Pacific bluefin tuna has undergone evolutionary changes in three genes (RH1, RH2, and SWS2), which may have contributed to detecting blue-green contrast and measuring the distance to prey in the blue-pelagic ocean. These findings provide basic information on behavioral traits of predatory fish and, thereby, could help to improve the technology to culture such fish in captivity for resource management.  相似文献   

In virtually every real-life situation humans are confronted with complex and cluttered visual environments that contain a multitude of objects. Because of the limited capacity of the visual system, objects compete for neural representation and cognitive processing resources. Previous work has shown that such attentional competition is partly object based, such that competition among elements is reduced when these elements perceptually group into an object based on low-level cues. Here, using functional MRI (fMRI) and behavioral measures, we show that the attentional benefit of grouping extends to higher-level grouping based on the relative position of objects as experienced in the real world. An fMRI study designed to measure competitive interactions among objects in human visual cortex revealed reduced neural competition between objects when these were presented in commonly experienced configurations, such as a lamp above a table, relative to the same objects presented in other configurations. In behavioral visual search studies, we then related this reduced neural competition to improved target detection when distracter objects were shown in regular configurations. Control studies showed that low-level grouping could not account for these results. We interpret these findings as reflecting the grouping of objects based on higher-level spatial-relational knowledge acquired through a lifetime of seeing objects in specific configurations. This interobject grouping effectively reduces the number of objects that compete for representation and thereby contributes to the efficiency of real-world perception.In daily life, humans are confronted with complex and cluttered visual environments that contain a large amount of visual information. Because of the limited capacity of the visual system, not all of this information can be processed concurrently. Consequently, elements within a visual scene are competing for neural representation and cognitive processing resources (1, 2). Such competitive interactions can be observed in neural responses when multiple stimuli are presented at the same time. Single-cell recordings in monkey visual cortex revealed that activity evoked by a neuron''s preferred stimulus is suppressed when a nonpreferred stimulus is simultaneously present in the neuron''s receptive field (35). Corresponding evidence for mutually suppressive interactions among competing stimuli has been obtained from human visual cortex using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (6).According to biased competition theory, these competitive interactions occur between objects rather than between the parts of a single object (1). This idea of object-based competition is supported by behavioral studies showing that judgments on two properties of one object are more accurate than judgments on the same properties distributed over two objects (7). However, the degree of competition among objects is strongly influenced by contextual factors, such as stimulus similarity (810), geometric relationships between stimuli (11), and perceptual grouping (12, 13). For example, competitive interactions in human visual cortex are greatly reduced when multiple single stimuli form an illusory contour and hence can be perceptually grouped into a single gestalt (12).Whereas the attentional benefit of grouping based on low-level cues is well established, much less is known about object grouping at more conceptual levels. Many objects in real-world scenes occupy regular and predictable locations relative to other objects. For example, a bathroom sink is typically seen together with a mirror in a highly regular spatial arrangement. When considering highly regular object pairs like these it becomes clear that the world can be carved up at different levels: based on low-level cues such as those specified by gestalt laws, but also based on conceptual knowledge and long-term visual experience; a plate flanked by a fork and a knife is both a dinner plate set and three separate objects.In the present fMRI and behavioral studies, we asked whether grouping based on real-world regularities modulates attentional competition. We hypothesized that objects that appear in frequently experienced configurations are, to some extent, grouped, resulting in reduced competition between these objects. To test this prediction, we presented pairs of common everyday objects either in their typical, regular configuration (e.g., a lamp above a table) or in an irregular configuration (e.g., a lamp below a table). Our findings indicate that grouping of objects based on real-world regularities effectively reduces the number of competing objects, leading to reduced neural competition and more efficient visual perception.  相似文献   

Older persons represent the fastest growing segment of individuals with visual impairments in industrialized countries. This population is expected to grow dramatically in the coming years. This article discusses the common age-related changes in vision and the most prevalent visual impairments associated with aging, and the resulting functional implications. It includes information for health care professionals about preparing an older person to benefit from low-vision rehabilitation services, environmental evaluations and modifications, and orientation to the environment. The importance of functional assessment and instruction in the use of visual skills and vision devices is stressed. The article also emphasizes the need for teamwork to provide a full scope of rehabilitation services to older adults with low vision, and the importance of support by family members and caregivers to maximize coping, adjustment, independence and quality of life.  相似文献   

A central notion in the study of texture segregation is that of feature gradient (or feature contrast). In orientation-based texture segregation, orientation gradients have indeed played a fundamental role in explaining behavioral results. Here, however, we show that general, smoothly varying, orientation-defined textures (ODTs) exhibit striking perceptual singularities that are completely unpredictable from orientation gradients. These singularities defy not only popular texture segregation theories but also virtually all computational segmentation methods, and they confound previous behavioral studies with smoothly varying ODTs. We provide psychophysical evidence that perceptual singularities in smooth ODTs are salient visual features consistent across observers and with significant effect on the perception and segregation of oriented textures. We further show that, although orientation gradients cannot predict them, perceptual singularities in smooth ODTs emerge directly from, and can be spatially localized by, two ODT curvatures. Given the traditional role of feature gradients in early vision, the significance of these findings extends well beyond orientation-based texture segregation to issues ranging from curve integration and fragment grouping, through the perception of 3D shape, to the functional organization of the primary visual cortex.  相似文献   

The neural representation of postural control in humans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Lesion of the "vestibular cortex" in the human posterior insula leads to a tilted perception of visual vertical but not to tilted body posture and loss of lateral balance. However, some stroke patients show the reverse pattern. Although their processing of visual and vestibular inputs for orientation perception of the visual world is undisturbed, they push away actively from the ipsilesional side (the side of lesion location), leading to a contraversive tilt of the body (tilt toward the side opposite to the lesion) and falling to that side. Recently, the origin of contraversive pushing was identified as an altered perception of the body's orientation in relation to gravity. These patients experience their body as oriented "upright" when actually tilted enormously to the ipsilesional side (18 degrees on average). The findings argued for a separate pathway in humans for sensing body orientation in relation to gravity apart from the one projecting to the vestibular cortex. The present study aimed at identifying this brain area. The infarcted brain regions of 23 consecutively admitted patients with severe contraversive pushing were projected onto a template MRI scan, which had been normalized to Talairach space. The overlapping area of these infarctions centered on the posterolateral thalamus. Our finding necessitates reinterpretation of this area as being only a "relay structure" of the vestibular pathway on its way from the brainstem to the vestibular cortex. The ventral posterior and lateral posterior nuclei of the posterolateral thalamus (and probably its cortical projections) rather seem to be fundamentally involved in the neural representation of a second graviceptive system in humans decisive for our control of upright body posture.  相似文献   

Visual motion perception.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The primate visual motion system performs numerous functions essential for survival in a dynamic visual world. Prominent among these functions is the ability to recover and represent the trajectories of objects in a form that facilitates behavioral responses to those movements. The first step toward this goal, which consists of detecting the displacement of retinal image features, has been studied for many years in both psychophysical and neurobiological experiments. Evidence indicates that achievement of this step is computationally straightforward and occurs at the earliest cortical stage. The second step involves the selective integration of retinal motion signals according to the object of origin. Realization of this step is computationally demanding, as the solution is formally underconstrained. It must rely--by definition--upon utilization of retinal cues that are indicative of the spatial relationships within and between objects in the visual scene. Psychophysical experiments have documented this dependence and suggested mechanisms by which it may be achieved. Neurophysiological experiments have provided evidence for a neural substrate that may underlie this selective motion signal integration. Together they paint a coherent portrait of the means by which retinal image motion gives rise to our perceptual experience of moving objects.  相似文献   

Snakes and their relationships with humans and other primates have attracted broad attention from multiple fields of study, but not, surprisingly, from neuroscience, despite the involvement of the visual system and strong behavioral and physiological evidence that humans and other primates can detect snakes faster than innocuous objects. Here, we report the existence of neurons in the primate medial and dorsolateral pulvinar that respond selectively to visual images of snakes. Compared with three other categories of stimuli (monkey faces, monkey hands, and geometrical shapes), snakes elicited the strongest, fastest responses, and the responses were not reduced by low spatial filtering. These findings integrate neuroscience with evolutionary biology, anthropology, psychology, herpetology, and primatology by identifying a neurobiological basis for primates’ heightened visual sensitivity to snakes, and adding a crucial component to the growing evolutionary perspective that snakes have long shaped our primate lineage.Snakes have long been of interest to us above and beyond the attention we give to other wild animals. The attributes of snakes and our relationships with them have been topics of discussion in fields as disparate as religion, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, primatology, and herpetology (1, 2). Ochre and eggshells dated to as early as 75,000 y ago and found with cross-hatched and ladder-shaped lines (3, 4) resemble the dorsal and ventral scale patterns of snakes. As the only natural objects with those characteristics, snakes may have been among the first models used in representational imagery created by modern humans. Our interest in snakes may have originated much further back in time; our primate lineage has had a long and complex evolutionary history with snakes as competitors, predators, and prey (1). The position of primates as prey of snakes has, in fact, been argued to have constituted strong selection favoring the evolution of the ability to detect snakes quickly as a means of avoiding them, beginning with the earliest primates (2, 5). Across primate species, ages, and (human) cultures, snakes are indeed detected visually more quickly than innocuous stimuli, even in cluttered scenes (611). Physiological responses reveal that humans are also able to detect snakes visually even before becoming consciously aware of them (12). Although the visual system must be involved in the preferential ability to detect snakes rapidly and preconsciously or automatically, the neurological basis for this ability has not yet been elucidated, perhaps because an evolutionary perspective is rarely incorporated in neuroscientific studies. Our study helps to fill this interdisciplinary gap by investigating the responses of neurons to snakes and other natural stimuli that may have acted as selective pressures on primates in the past.Here, we identify a mechanism for the visual system’s involvement in rapid snake detection by measuring neuronal responses in the medial and dorsolateral pulvinar to images of snakes, faces of monkeys, hands of monkeys, and geometric shapes in a catarrhine primate, Macaca fuscata. The medial and the dorsal part of the traditionally delimited lateral pulvinar are distinctive in primates, with no homologous structures found in the visual systems of nonprimate mammals (13), and the medial pulvinar appears to be involved in visual attention and fast processing of threatening images (14). Based on this and other indirect evidence, the Snake Detection Theory (2) hypothesized that these primate-specific regions of the pulvinar evolved in part to assist primates in detecting and thus avoiding snakes. If true, then we would expect snake-sensitive neurons to be found in those regions. Here we present unique neuroscientific evidence in support of the snake detection theory (2).  相似文献   

Histological surveys of the brains of guppies throughout their lifespan showed no overall loss of tissue with advancing age. Brain and body increased in size at a similar rate throughout adult life in male fish. In old females after the age of two years, brain growth apparently ceased, although body growth continued at a low rate. In both sexes there was a loss of neurones from the stratum griseum periventriculare in the midbrain roof in old age; the decrease in size was significant. The midbrain is a major correlative center concerned with spatial orientation. How far neuronal loss may contribute to functional behavioral disorder in old age is unknown, but a loss of orientation could render the older fish more susceptible to predation.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about how sensory information is used for controlling flight in birds. A powerful method is to immerse an animal in a dynamic virtual reality environment to examine behavioral responses. Here, we investigated the role of vision during free-flight hovering in hummingbirds to determine how optic flow—image movement across the retina—is used to control body position. We filmed hummingbirds hovering in front of a projection screen with the prediction that projecting moving patterns would disrupt hovering stability but stationary patterns would allow the hummingbird to stabilize position. When hovering in the presence of moving gratings and spirals, hummingbirds lost positional stability and responded to the specific orientation of the moving visual stimulus. There was no loss of stability with stationary versions of the same stimulus patterns. When exposed to a single stimulus many times or to a weakened stimulus that combined a moving spiral with a stationary checkerboard, the response to looming motion declined. However, even minimal visual motion was sufficient to cause a loss of positional stability despite prominent stationary features. Collectively, these experiments demonstrate that hummingbirds control hovering position by stabilizing motions in their visual field. The high sensitivity and persistence of this disruptive response is surprising, given that the hummingbird brain is highly specialized for sensory processing and spatial mapping, providing other potential mechanisms for controlling position.To precisely control their motion through the air, flying animals have evolved specialized sensory structures and associated neural architecture. Neural specializations provide hypotheses for what senses are most important to a given taxon, and although flight control has been studied extensively in insects (1), birds have until recently received limited attention. Birds have large regions of the brain dedicated to visual processing, suggesting parallels with insects, such as a leading role for optic flow in controlling flight paths (2, 3). It has recently been demonstrated that birds exhibit visually mediated position control much like bees (4, 5), even though they have complex spatial mapping in the hippocampal formation (6), and a much larger brain for interpreting visual input and dynamically integrating vision with proprioceptive and vestibular feedback (79).In birds and mammals, the visual information from the eyes is divided into three separate pathways that each process a subset of motions or visual features (10). Two of these pathways, named the accessory optic system and tectofugal pathways in birds, each process a single type of motion: (i) self- or ego-motion, which is the motion produced when an observer moves relative to their environment; and (ii) object motion, when visual features move relative to the observer (2). Using the same retinal information, the visual system of a flying hummingbird must separate motions arising from the bird moving through foliage toward a flower from the motion caused by an approaching competitor or predator. During hovering, the hummingbird similarly must determine if visual motion is caused by positional instability, causing the observer to move relative to a stationary background feature, or by background motion independent of hovering stability. In natural settings, hummingbirds are able to precisely hover in place, even though natural settings are rarely devoid of visual motion in the background. Hummingbirds could hold a stable position using a variety of sensory information, including referencing stationary visual features in their environment. Here, we examine the role of vision in avian flight control by testing two predictions: hovering hummingbirds will (A) be destabilized by a moving visual background if the stimulus is sufficiently large, and (B) maintain stability with a disruptive visual background if stationary visual landmarks are present.  相似文献   

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