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Summary The phenotypical characteristics of human epithelial and lymphoid cells have been studied with immunohistochemical methods on frozen sections of 12 thymomas. On the basis of the cytohistological characteristics of thymoma epithelial cells (EC) the thymomas were divided in cortical, medullary and mixed types, according to recently developed light microscopical criteria. When tested with a series of monoclonal antibodies, thymoma EC were all stained by the antibody Ki-M3 (as in the thymus), but reacted with anti-HLA-DR, anti-HLA-A,B,C and with a new monoclonal antibody to cortical EC,21A6, to a lesser extent and with weaker, variable intensity in comparison with the normal thymus. Cortical type thymomas were most reactive and the medullary type almost negative. Thymomas, like normal thymus showed different immunoreactivity patterns with antibodies to prekeratins of different specificities. Cortical type thymomas and areas in mixed thymoma showed an EC staining with the antibody to non-squamous type keratin (35H11) whereas medullary type thymomas and areas showed staining with antibodies to squamous-type keratin (34E12-IV/82) in addition. Lymphoidcellswithcortical(OKT6+,Leu 1 weakly+,Leu2a+,Leu3a+) or mature medullary (OKT6-, Leu 1 strongly+, Leu 2a or Leu 3a+) phenotype were found to colonize tumours with diferent EC types. These immunohistochemical findings largely confirm our earlier cytological distinction of thymoma EC. In addition important differences have been observed in neoplastic cortical EC concerning the HLA-DR and 21A6 immunoreactivity that may be intimately related to the neoplastic process and paraneoplastic immune phenomena.This work has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 111, project CN5  相似文献   

CT三维重建胫骨下段外侧面扭转形态的研究及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为研制国人胫骨下段解剖型钢板提供解剖学依据.方法:将80例成人活体胫骨进行螺旋CT扫描并重建三维图像,测量胫骨外侧面解剖学指标,并与整体信息作相关分析.结果:胫骨外侧面扭转段长度男性为(12.95±0.41)cm,女性为(12.34±0.31)cm;胫骨外侧面第1个1/4分段扭转角男性为13.98°±2.72°,女性为13.38°±3.11°,第2个分段扭转角男性为32.49°±3.66°,女性为31.85°±3.86°,第3个分段扭转角男性为55.18°±3.53°,女性为50.95°±6.24°,第4个分段扭转角男性为82.13°±2.89°,女性为72.45°±4.81°.胫骨下段外侧面前倾角男性为7.34°±0.91°,女性为6.20°±0.4l°.结论:胫骨下段外侧面的扭转和前倾是一个动态变化过程;在设计国人胫骨解剖型钢板的扭转和前倾形状时要考虑性别和身高的差异.  相似文献   

Three medullary, eight atypical medullary and four non-medullary carcinomas of the breast were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Detailed comparison of a number of structural, cytoplasmic and nuclear features failed to confirm previous suggestions that medullary carcinoma cells have a distinctive ultrastructure. Electron microscopy is thus unlikely to be useful in the differential diagnosis of the tumours, nor does it suggest a basis for the good prognosis of medullary carcinoma.  相似文献   

背景:随着中国航天事业的发展,飞行员面临承受高G力学环境,这种环境会对飞行员骨骼造成严重影响。而胫骨作为最容易发生骨折的骨骼之一,目前对极端力学环境下胫骨生物力学研究较少。目的:通过高G离心加载装置制作动物模型,探究不同高G力学环境对大鼠生长发育和胫骨力学性能的影响。方法:取解放军军事医学科学院实验动物中心提供的雄性Wistar大鼠,通过高G离心加载装置设置悬臂以不同的转速和加速度运行模拟高G环境,并制作动物模型。每周称量大鼠体质量。取大鼠左侧胫骨进行三点弯曲实验,计算胫骨挠度、弹性模量、极限载荷;右侧胫骨进行蠕变实验,在胫骨中段皮质骨表面施加恒定应力并保持3600 s,观察其蠕变应变变化。实验已由天津理工大学动物伦理委员会批准。结果与结论:高G环境会影响大鼠正常生长发育,抑制体质量增长并降低了大鼠胫骨的力学性能,使胫骨的极限挠度分别下降了8.1%,12.2%,37.8%,51.4%;极限载荷分别下降了16%,9%,25.2%,29%。说明极端高G环境会对大鼠产生严重的负面作用。  相似文献   

目的:分析胫骨中段骨折不愈合及延迟愈合的原因,并评价交锁髓内钉治疗胫骨中段骨折不愈合及延迟愈合的效果。方法:1998年6月~2002年11月对17例胫骨中段骨折非感染性不愈合及延迟愈合患者(骨折不愈合9例,延迟愈合8例),采用交锁髓内钉静力型固定治疗,10例行自体髂骨植骨,7例行单纯闭合扩髓,未植骨。结果:所有患者均于术后3~10个月获得骨性愈合,平均5.8个月。结论:(1)胫骨中段骨折不愈合及延迟愈合的主要原因为原始创伤严重,初期处理不当;(2)使用交锁髓内钉治疗胫骨中段骨折不愈合及延迟愈合具有固定可靠,符合解剖生物力学的原理,术后可早期功能锻炼等优点,是一种较好的治疗方法。  相似文献   

This study analyses the evaluation of tomographic indicators of tibia structure, assuming that the usual loading pattern shifts from uniaxial compression close to the heel to a combined compression, torsion and bending scheme towards the knee. To this end, pQCT scans were obtained at 5% intervals of the tibia length (S5–S95 sites from heel to knee) in healthy men and women (10/10) aged 20–40 years. Indicators of bone mass [cortical area, cortical/total bone mineral content (BMC)], diaphyseal design (peri/endosteal perimeters, cortical thickness, circularity, bending/torsion moments of inertia – CSMIs), and material quality [(cortical vBMD (bone mineral density)] were determined. The longitudinal patterns of variation of these measures were similar between genders, but male values were always higher except for cortical vBMD. Expression of BMC data as percentages of the minimal values obtained along the bone eliminated those differences. The correlative variations in cortical area, BMC and thickness, periosteal perimeter and CSMIs along the bone showed that cortical bone mass was predominantly associated with cortical thickness toward the mid‐diaphysis, and with bone diameter and CSMIs moving more proximally. Positive relationships between CSMIs (y) and total BMC (x) showed men’s values shifting to the upper‐right region of the graph and women’s values shifting to the lower‐left region. Total BMC decayed about 33% from S5 to S15 (where minimum total BMC and CSMI values and variances and maximum circularity were observed) and increased until S45, reaching the original S5 value at S40. The observed gender‐related differences reflected the natural allometric relationships. However, the data also suggested that men distribute their available cortical mass more efficiently than women. The minimum amount and variance of mass indicators and CSMIs, and the largest circularity observed at S15 reflected the assumed adaptation to compression pattern at that level. The increase in CSMIs (successively for torsion, A–P bending, and lateral bending), the decrease in circularity values and the changes in cortical thickness and periosteal perimeter toward the knee described the progressive adaptation to increasing torsion and bending stresses. In agreement with the biomechanical background, the described relationships: (i) identify the sites at which some changes in tibial stresses and diaphyseal structure take place, possibly associated with fracture incidence; (ii) allow prediction of mass indicators at any site from single determinations; (iii) establish the proportionality between the total bone mass at regions with highly predominant trabecular and cortical bone of the same individual, suitable for a specific evaluation of changes in trabecular mass; and (iv) evaluate the ability of bone tissue to self‐distribute the available cortical bone according to specific stress patterns, avoiding many anthropometric and gender‐derived influences.  相似文献   

Two cases of medullary microcarcinoma of the thyroid are reported. The tumours were identified incidentally in a 60- and a 66-year-old woman each with a thyroid adenoma. These tumours were 0.8 cm and 0.5 cm in size, respectively, and located in the central portion of the right lateral lobe. In neither patient was there a family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma. Although medullary microcarcinoma with associated C-cell hyperplasia in familial form has been reported, sporadic medullary microcarcinoma is rare.  相似文献   

目的研究远外侧入路的解剖标志和解剖参数,为术中保护重要结构提供解剖学依据。方法采用远外侧入路解剖成人头颅标本10具,在显微镜下对该入路涉及的肌肉、骨性结构、血管、神经进行解剖学观察和测量。结果前星点到星点的距离:左侧(21.68±1.88)mm,右侧(22.34±2.62)mm;前星点至乳突尖的距离:左侧(38.56±3.48)mm,右侧(39.14±2.24)mm;星点至颧弓根的距离:左侧(55.72±3.64)mm,右侧(56.16±2.72)mm。结论枕下三角和第2颈神经是寻找椎动脉的重要标志,前星点、星点、乳突尖和颧弓根可作为远外侧入路的骨性标志。  相似文献   

Abnormalities in the morphology of the corpus callosum have been found to be involved in cognitive impairments or abnormal behaviour in patients with mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The present study investigated morphological shape differences of the corpus callosum in a large cohort of 223 participants between normal, schizophrenic and bipolar patients on MRI scans, CT scans and cadaver samples. Healthy samples were compared to a mental disorder population sample to determine morphological shapes variations associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Landmark‐based methodology was used to contour the corpus callosum shape that served as standard positions to allow for radial and thickness partitioning in order to determine shape variations within the specific localised anatomical sections of the corpus callosum. Shape analysis was performed using Ordinary Procrustes averaging and superimposing landmarks to define an average landmark position for the specific regions of the corpus callosum. No significant global shape differences were found between the different mental disorders. Schizophrenia and bipolar shapes differed mostly in the genu‐rostrum, posterior body, isthmus and splenium. Sample group comparisons yielded significant differences between all groups and global measurement parameters and in various sub‐regions. The findings of the present study suggest that the corpus callosum in schizophrenia and bipolar differs significantly compared to healthy controls, specifically in the anterior body and isthmus for schizophrenia and only in the isthmus for bipolar disorder. Shape changes in these regions may possibly, in part, be responsible for the symptoms and cognitive impairments observed in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to make prognostic comparisons between the modified scheme of Pedersen et al. the definitions of Tavassoli and the Ridolfi criteria for medullary carcinomas. Sixty breast carcinomas primarly diagnosed as medullary carcinomas were reclassified into typical medullary carcinoma (TMC), atypical medullary carcinoma (AMC) and non-medullary carcinoma (NMC) according to the three classifications. The Ridolfi classification proved to be superior to the two other schemes in discriminating survival differences between the three groups TMC, AMC and NMC. All 13 patients with TMC are still alive indicating an excellent prognosis, while 29% and 39% of the 47 patients in the AMC and NMC category, respectively, have died of their disease. In the simplified system of Pedersen et al. the survival at 10 years for TMC patients decreased to 75% and no significant survival difference between the three groups could be demonstrated. As the prognosis for AMC proved to be worse compared to TMC and in fact was similar to NMC with values of 43% at 10 years in the Ridolfi classification, we find no reasons to maintain this category. We conclude that as long as no alternative and more easily applicable diagnostic method exists, pathologists should still apply the Ridolfi criteria on these tumours with medullary features leaving two diagnostic possibilities: TMC or NMC (i.e. poorly differentiated ductal carcinoma). Only lesions that fulfil all six criteria without any doubt should be diagnosed as TMC, thus avoiding overdiagnosis and a resulting risk of undertreatment.  相似文献   

乳腺典型髓样癌与不典型髓样癌临床病理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨乳腺典型与不典型髓样癌的临床病理特征和生物学行为差异。方法对乳腺典型髓样癌及不典型髓样癌各20例临床病理资料进行分析,并采用S-P法检测nm23、E-cad、p53、ER、PR、c—erbB—2、CD45RO和CD20的表达。结果典型髓样癌组,癌细胞合体性结构〉75%,无腺管结构,间质见弥漫性淋巴细胞浸润;不典型髓样癌组,可见腺管结构,间质无或少量淋巴细胞浸润。免疫组化检测典型髓样癌nm23、E—cad阳性表达均高于不典型髓样癌。典型组随访12~84月(平均37个月),均无腋下淋巴结转移,均健在;不典型组随访9~84月(平均29.5个月),腋下淋巴结转移4/20例,其中4例分别于术后1—3年内死亡。结论①要严格掌握乳腺典型髓样癌与不典型髓样癌的病理诊断标准。②不典型髓样癌不完全等同“乳腺浸润性导管癌伴髓样特点。”③乳腺典型与不典型髓样癌的预后不同,前者明显优于后者。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to make prognostic comparisons between the modified scheme of Pedersen et al. the definitions of Tavassoli and the Ridolfi criteria for medullary carcinomas. Sixty breast carcinomas primarly diagnosed as medullary carcinomas were reclassified into typical medullary carcinoma (TMC), atypical medullary carcinoma (AMC) and non-medullary carcinoma (NMC) according to the three classifications. The Ridolfi classification proved to be superior to the two other schemes in discriminating survival differences between the three groups TMC, AMC and NMC. All 13 patients with TMC are still alive indicating an excellent prognosis, while 29% and 39% of the 47 patients in the AMC and NMC category, respectively, have died of their disease. In the simplified system of Pedersen et al. the survival at 10 years for TMC patients decreased to 75% and no significant survival difference between the three groups could be demonstrated. As the prognosis for AMC proved to be worse compared to TMC and in fact was similar to NMC with values of 43% at 10 years in the Ridolfi classification, we find no reasons to maintain this category. We conclude that as long as no alternative and more easily applicable diagnostic method exists, pathologists should still apply the Ridolfi criteria on these tumours with medullary features leaving two diagnostic possibilities: TMC or NMC (i.e. poorly differentiated ductal carcinoma). Only lesions that fulfil all six criteria without any doubt should be diagnosed as TMC, thus avoiding overdiagnosis and a resulting risk of undertreatment.  相似文献   

Summary We report a case of medullary carcinoma of the thyroid which on light microscopy showed not only the well known arrangement of cells in sheets and nests but also unequivocal follicular structures. These follicular structures are present both in the primary tumor and in lymph node metastases. Immunohistochemical investigations revealed that the cells lining the follicles produce thyroglobulin, whereas the remaining tumor tissue is positive for calcitonin and carcinoembrionic antigen. This case represents a medullary carcinoma of the thyroid with an atypical pattern consisting of both thyroglobulin and calcitonin producing cells.Dedicated to Prof. K. Akazaki, Nagoya/Japan, on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

目的观测成人小腿胫、腓骨的相关形态学指标,为小腿骨折固定、自体骨移植提供解剖学依据,同时积累人体解剖学资料。方法利用游标卡尺、角规、求积仪,对52具成人出土骨骼(100侧)完整的小腿胫腓骨(左52侧、右48侧)进行形态学测量。结果成人胫骨长(35.7±1.77)cm、滋养孑L距内踝尖距离(23.8±1.46)cm、滋养孔时钟位左侧11时(5±0.25)分、右侧12时(1±0.22)分,腓切迹长(2.6±0.59)cm、宽(2.7±0.63)cm、深(0.6±0.22)cm,胫骨内踝关节面面积(2.5±1.56)cm2、下关节面面积(8.6±1.02)cm2;腓骨长(35.2±1.72)cm、滋养孔距外踝尖距离(19.3±2.04)cm、滋养孔时钟位左侧12时(2±0.21)分,右侧11时(58±0.17)分,腓骨头关节面面积(1.4±0.51)cm2,踝关节面面积(3.7±0.41)cm2,外踝沟长(2.6±0.59)cm、宽(2.7±0.63)cm、深(0.6±0.22)cm;内、外踝尖高度差(1.88±0.42)cm。结论胫腓骨骨折的固定方式、固定装置的选择,自体骨移植以及骨、关节的重建均应以两骨的形态学为依据方能达到良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的比较解剖定位颈内静脉和锁骨下静脉两种路径行中心静脉穿刺置管的成功率和并发症,为临床选择安全有效的穿刺路径提供参考。方法限期肝移植手术患者随机交叉研究,随机确定颈内静脉和锁骨下静脉穿刺的先后顺序。全身麻醉诱导后,由同一组麻醉医师依据解剖定位标志按确定的穿刺顺序完成颈内静脉穿刺置管、锁骨下静脉穿刺置管。记录成功置管前静脉穿刺次数、引导钢丝置入次数,置管时间;同时记录误入动脉、血肿形成、气胸等并发症的发生率。结果 42例限期肝移植手术患者入选该研究。颈内静脉和锁骨下静脉穿刺置管的次数分别为(2.3±0.7)次,(2.9±1.4)次(n=42,P0.05),置管时间分别是(1.58±0.49)min,(2.24±1.01)min(n=42,P0.05)。1例患者行颈内静脉穿刺时误入颈动脉,并发血肿;1例患者行锁骨下静脉穿刺后出现血肿。结论解剖定位穿刺颈内静脉比锁骨下静脉更容易更快捷。  相似文献   

The anterior ethmoidal foramen (AEF) and posterior ethmoidal foramina (AEF and PEF, respectively) on the medial wall and the cranio‐orbital foramen (COF) on the lateral wall are used as landmarks in orbital surgeries. In surgery these foramina, the neurovascular structures they transmit and other orbital structures in close proximity need to be identified to minimise their risk of damage. Despite the clinical importance, the current understandings lack consistency in the precise location, microanatomy and morphology of the foramina. This study therefore aimed to document and analyze the microanatomy, location, and morphometric relations of the EF and COF to determine a standardized guideline to accessing the foramina. One hundred dry orbits were morphometrically analyzed, and a further six orbits were micro‐dissected to determine the locations of the EF and COF. The orbital size dimensions were measured for each dry orbit and correlated with the morphometric distances. A complete morphometric and quantitative analysis showed the distances of the EF and COF to be variable, with greater variations observed in the incidence of the accessory EF and PEF distances in the medial wall, and in the presence of the COF and the accessory COF in the lateral orbital wall. Significant correlations were observed between the length of the medial orbital wall and some EF distances. This study is the first to suggest a standardized method of locating these foramina in the orbit irrespective of population and sex differences, in order to help improve clinical applications in crucial orbital surgeries. Clin. Anat. 29:998–1010, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mucosubstances in medullary carcinoma of the thyroid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have studied mucosubstances in 12 cases of medullary carcinoma of the thyroid using histochemical techniques and a number of different lectins. Immunohistochemical staining for calcitonin and carcinoembryonic antigen was also performed. We have found that the presence of mucosubstances is a constant finding in medullary carcinomas; they were present extracellularly in 100% of cases and intracellularly in 53.3%. In both these compartments there was a predominance of neutral over acid mucosubstances. Receptors for UEA-I, Con A, RCA-I, Succ-WGA and SBA were found in many cells in the majority of cases, but there were differences in the affinity from one case to another. Because of this lack of specificity lectin histochemistry is not of diagnostic value in medullary carcinomas of the thyroid. The possible relationships of the lectin-binding results to glycosylated hormone precursors and carcinoembryonic antigen are discussed.  相似文献   

Mixed medullary and follicular carcinoma of the thyroid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

目的评价带锁髓内钉在下肢股骨、胫骨骨折的临床疗效及讨论治疗体会。方法选用带有远近瞄准器的股骨、胫骨钉,治疗不同类型股骨、胫骨骨折28例,股骨横形骨折、胫骨骨折使用闭合复位穿钉;股骨骨折采用开放复位穿钉;粉碎性骨折或多段骨折采用静力固定并同时一期植骨;术后患肢抬高,第2天开始患肢功能锻炼,对股骨远端及胫骨近端骨折主动锻炼有困难者,术后第2天结合CPM机被动锻炼膝、踝关节。结果随访11个月至2年3个月,28例均骨性愈合,未出现骨折、断钉、感染及膝、踝关节僵硬等并发症;1例胫骨远1/3骨折出现骨折远端5°向后成角畸形,未出现膝关节、踝关节功能障碍。结论带锁髓内钉治疗下肢骨折治愈率高,并发症少。  相似文献   

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