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Feldman R 《Public health》2006,120(9):809-816
OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to provide a framework for primary health care services to meet the recognized health needs of refugees and asylum seekers that can be used in planning and evaluating services for this group. REVIEW: Primary care services for refugees and asylum seekers are reviewed and presented in terms of a tripartite framework of gateway, core and ancillary services. Gateway services facilitate entry into primary care by identifying unregistered patients and carrying out health assessments. They are typically undertaken by nurse-led outreach services and specialist health visitors. Core services provide full registration and may be provided by dedicated practices or by mainstream practices, with or without additional support. Ancillary services are those that supplement and support core services' ability to meet the additional health needs of this group. They include language and information services, close links with community-based organizations, specialist mental health services and services for survivors of torture and organized violence, as well as targeted health promotion and training of health workers. CONCLUSIONS: The framework can be used for education and training, planning and commissioning, and to provide criteria for comparison and evaluation. The paper suggests that a lack of published evaluations and reports about interventions for refugees and asylum seekers constrains further policy development that could build on the strengths of such interventions. It also stresses the importance of ancillary services to successful mainstream provision.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to examine the experience of extended periods of immigration detention from the perspective of previously detained asylum seekers and to identify the consequences of these experiences for life after release. The study sample comprised seventeen adult refugees (sixteen male and one female; average age 42 years), who had been held in immigration detention funded by the Australian government for on average three years and two months. They were interviewed on average three years and eight months following their release and had been granted permanent visa status or such status was imminent. The study employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to explore detention and post-detention experiences, and mental health some years after release. The qualitative component consisted of semi-structured interviews exploring psychological well-being, daily life, significant events, relationships, and ways of coping throughout these periods. This was supplemented with standardised quantitative measures of current mental health and quality of life. All participants were struggling to rebuild their lives in the years following release from immigration detention, and for the majority the difficulties experienced were pervasive. Participants suffered an ongoing sense of insecurity and injustice, difficulties with relationships, profound changes to view of self and poor mental health. Depression and demoralisation, concentration and memory disturbances, and persistent anxiety were very commonly reported. Standardised measures found high rates of depression, anxiety, PTSD and low quality of life scores. The results strongly suggest that the psychological and interpersonal difficulties participants were suffering at the time of interview were the legacy of their adverse experiences while detained. The current study assists in identifying the characteristics of prolonged immigration detention producing long-term psychological harm.  相似文献   

BackgroundSystematic information on infectious disease services provided to refugees and asylum seekers in the European Union (EU) is sparse. We conducted a scoping study of experts in six EU countries in order to map health system responses related to infectious disease prevention and control among refugees and asylum seekers.MethodsWe conducted 27 semi-structured in-depth interviews with first-line staff and health officials to collect information about existing guidelines and practices at each stage of reception in first-entry (Greece/Italy), transit (Croatia/Slovenia), and destination countries (Austria/Sweden). Thematic coding was used to perform a content analysis of interview material.ResultsGuidance on infectious disease screening and health assessments lack standardisation across and—partly—within countries. Data collection on notifiable infectious diseases is mainly reported to be performed by national public health institutions, but is not stratified by migrant status. Health-related information is not transferred in a standardized way between facilities within a single country. International exchange of medical information between countries along the migration route is irregular. Services were reported to be fragmented, and respondents mentioned no specific coordination bodies beyond health authorities at different levels.ConclusionInfectious disease health services provided to refugees and asylum seekers lack standardisation in health assessments, data collection, transfer of health-related information and (partly) coordination. This may negatively affect health system performance including public health emergency preparedness.  相似文献   

A health needs assessment questionnaire was developed and administered to 397 asylum seekers, 291 males and 106 females, in Sunderland and North Tyneside in the North East of England. The data from the questionnaires were analysed using SPSS Version 10. Individuals retained a copy of their own questionnaire to be used as a hand held record. There was much heterogeneity of country of origin, culture, religion and previous employment and language backgrounds within the sample. A range of health needs was identified which has implications for healthcare provision. Vaccination rates were low as was screening for tuberculosis and cervical cancer. Many asylum seekers identified symptoms related to mental health and requested help in this area. Access to dental treatment was an area of high priority for many respondents.  相似文献   

A fundamental prerequisite of population health research is the ability to establish an accurate denominator. This in turn requires that every individual in the study population is counted. However, this seemingly simple principle has become a point of conflict between researchers whose aim is to produce evidence of disparities in population health outcomes and governments whose policies promote (intentionally or not) inequalities that are the underlying causes of health disparities. Research into the health of asylum seekers is a case in point. There is a growing body of evidence documenting the adverse affects of recent changes in asylum-seeking legislation, including mandatory detention. However, much of this evidence has been dismissed by some governments as being unsound, biased and unscientific because, it is argued, evidence is derived from small samples or from case studies. Yet, it is the policies of governments that are the key barrier to the conduct of rigorous population health research on asylum seekers. In this paper, the authors discuss the challenges of counting asylum seekers and the limitations of data reported in some industrialized countries. They argue that the lack of accurate statistical data on asylum seekers has been an effective neo-conservative strategy for erasing the health inequalities in this vulnerable population, indeed a strategy that renders invisible this population. They describe some alternative strategies that may be used by researchers to obtain denominator data on hard-to-reach populations such as asylum seekers.  相似文献   

Objective : To analyse the way in which a public health metaphor has been incorporated into Australian political practice to justify the exclusion or mistreatment of unwelcome non-citizens, giving particular attention to recent asylum seekers.
Approach : Starting with a personal experience of working in an immigration detention centre and then drawing on media reports and published scholarship, I critique political rhetoric and policy on asylum seekers, arguing that the significance of a public health metaphor lies in its effectiveness in persuading the public that refugees and asylum seekers are a moral contaminant that threatens the nation and has to be contained.
Conclusion : Acceptance of the metaphor sanctions humanly degrading inferences, policies and actions. Public health professionals therefore have a responsibility to challenge the political use of public health and associated metaphors.
Implications : Substituting the existing metaphor for one that is more morally acceptable could help to redefine refugees and asylum seekers more positively and promote compassion in political leaders and the community.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the work involved for service users in arranging and negotiating the use of informal interpreters from their social networks for general practice consultations. The data are drawn from a participatory learning and action research study, carried out in the west of Ireland. Qualitative data were gathered using a peer researcher model from a ‘hard to reach’ community of Serbo-Croat and Russian refugees and asylum seekers (n = 26). The findings elucidate that there is a tension for service users between the experienced benefits of having a trusted friend/family member present to act as their interpreter and the burden of work and responsibility to manage the language barrier. Participants emphasize that, for them, the use of informal interpreters can be inadequate and problematic and can leave them worried, frustrated and with experiences of error and misdiagnosis. Overall, they state a clear preference for the use of professional, trained interpreters in general practice consultations which is currently unavailable to them in routine Irish general practice consultations.  相似文献   

Asylum seekers are a vulnerable population for contracting infectious diseases. Outbreaks occur among children and adults. In the Netherlands, asylum seeker children are offered vaccination according to the National Immunization Program. Little is known about protection against vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD) in adult asylum seekers. In this 2016 study, we assessed the immunity of adult asylum seekers against nine VPD to identify groups that might benefit from additional vaccinations. We invited asylum seekers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Ethiopia to participate in a serosurvey. Participants provided informed consent and a blood sample, and completed a questionnaire. We measured prevalence of protective antibodies to measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, diphtheria, tetanus, polio type 1–3 and hepatitis A and B, stratified them by country of origin and age groups. The median age of the 622 participants was 28 years (interquartile range: 23–35), 81% were male and 48% originated from Syria. Overall, seroprotection was 88% for measles (range between countries: 83–93%), 91% for mumps (81–95%), 94% for rubella (84–98%), 96% for varicella (92–98%), 82% for diphtheria (65–88%), 98% for tetanus (86–100%), 91% (88–94%) for polio type 1, 95% (90–98%) for polio type 2, 82% (76–86%) for polio type 3, 84% (54–100%) for hepatitis A and 27% for hepatitis B (anti-HBs; 8–42%). Our results indicate insufficient protection against certain VPD in some subgroups. For all countries except Eritrea, measles seroprotection was below the 95% threshold required for elimination. Measles seroprevalence was lowest among adults younger than 25 years. In comparison, seroprevalence in the Dutch general population was 96% in 2006/07. The results of this study can help prioritizing vaccination of susceptible subgroups of adult asylum seekers, in general and in outbreak situations.  相似文献   

People seeking asylum in high‐income countries are vulnerable to food insecurity due to limited opportunities for social and economic participation. Given this vulnerability, nongovernment organisations are attempting to improve food security outcomes through targeted programmes. This study explored the role of a subsidised mobile fresh fruit and vegetable market (the Food Justice Truck—FJT) on the experience of food insecurity for people seeking asylum living in Melbourne, Australia. This research uses a mixed methods approach, employing surveys and semistructured interviews to explore the lived experiences of asylum seekers using the FJT, including their experiences of food insecurity. Half of the asylum seekers interviewed in this study were found to be experiencing food insecurity. Participants in this study sourced food from multiple locations, with the FJT providing a supplemental, but highly valued source of fresh produce. The FJT was identified as positive social setting for some participants included in this research. This research has identified the ability of programmes such as the FJT to act as positive social settings.  相似文献   

BackgroundAsylum seekers have a high burden of mental illness owing to traumatic experiences before, during and after flight. Screening has been suggested to identify asylum seekers with psychosocial needs. However, little is known about the costs of screening relative to expected gains. We assessed the cost-utility of population-based screening for depression in German asylum reception centres compared to case-finding by self-referral.MethodsExplorative modelling study using a decision tree over 15 months to estimate the incremental cost per quality-adjusted life-year gained. Data points were taken from the published literature. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were used to address uncertainty around parameter estimates. Value of information analyses were performed to indicate the value of future research.ResultsThe model demonstrates a high probability (p = 83%) of the screening intervention being cost-effective at a ? 50,000/QALY threshold. Cost-utility depends on the process of care following screening: when acceptability and adherence parameters were decreased by 40%, the resulting ICER increased by 27–131%. Eliminating uncertainty was most valuable for the screening process and cost parameters, at ? 3·0 and ? 4·4 million respectively.ConclusionsScreening asylum seekers for depression may be a cost-effective strategy to identify those in need of care. However, there is considerable value in conducting further research in this area, especially regarding resource requirements and the process of care following screening.  相似文献   

The article explores some of the issues surrounding access to mental health care for asylum seekers, using Belgium as a case in point. Asylum and immigration issues have become increasingly pressing in Europe, with member states seeking a common European Asylum System and establishing minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers. The EU measures have fallen short of providing and implementing clear guidelines. Significant discrepancies continue to exist between member states, notably policies on health care for refugees, and in particular mental healthcare. Access to mental health care is identified as crucial, yet for many the right to access is theoretical only, and in reality care is often inaccessible. Access should refer not only to the availability, but also the quality and efficacy of care. Refugees are a particularly vulnerable population, and access in the fullest sense of the term should be an essential element in the reception of asylum seekers.  相似文献   

Can photographs of scars serve as evidence of torture? Amnesty International’s Medical Examination Group in the Netherlands (AI-MEG) has, for more than a decade, been photographing torture scars to supplement the testimonies of asylum seekers who have been denied refuge. AI-MEG only intervenes at this point, when asylum seekers face extradition. Proving allegations of torture is of vital importance, as asylum seekers face rising anti-immigrant sentiment in European countries. All victims examined by AI-MEG present a combination of mental, physical and emotional scars. We summarize five cases where AI-MEG used photography in their medical examinations, and consider the ethical role physicians play in helping asylum seekers obtain refuge. Though photographs cannot capture all forms of trauma, as visual documents, they are a compelling form of concrete evidence of torture. In this way, photographs complement verbal testimonies and help doctors and immigration authorities to see and understand physical scars left by various forms of torture. AI-MEG explains in medical terms the connections between the visible late sequelae of torture and victims’ testimonies. They then assess whether or not the physical scars are consistent with the forms of torture recounted by victims, using the terminology of the Istanbul Protocol (1999), the United Nations–adopted manual of guidelines that explains how to document torture. This paper outlines the medical examination process and argues for the use of photography as medical evidence on behalf of asylum seekers.  相似文献   

目的 探讨睡眠类型、睡眠时间对医学生自评健康状况较差的独立及联合效应。方法 本研究为横断面调查。采用按比例分层整群随机抽样的方法在浙江省某医科大学选取1 526名在校医学生作为研究对象。调查内容主要包括基本人口学特征、睡眠类型、睡眠时间、夜宵、久坐时间和体力活动时间等生活方式信息以及自评健康状况。采用logistic回归模型控制可疑混杂变量后评价睡眠类型、睡眠时间与自评健康的关联性。结果 医学生睡眠类型为晚睡晚起型者最多(664人,43.5%),其次为中间型(442人,29.0%)、早睡早起型(420人,27.5%)。自评健康状况较差的报告人数占42.8%(653人)。不同睡眠类型医学生自评健康状况较差报告率不等:与早睡早起型相比,中间型、晚睡晚起型者自评健康状况较差比例更高,调整OR值(95%CI)分别为1.69(1.23~2.31)、2.43(1.81~3.26),趋势检验P<0.001。与每晚睡眠时间≥8 h者相比,睡眠时间为7、≤6 h者自评健康状况较差的OR值(95%CI)分别为1.40(1.07~1.84)、2.38(1.69~3.37),趋势检验P<0.001。睡眠类型与睡眠时间存在联合效应,调整各种混杂因素后,与早睡早起型且每晚睡眠时间≥8 h的医学生相比,晚睡晚起型且睡眠时间≤6 h者自评健康状况较差的OR值最大,OR值(95%CI)为6.53(3.53~12.09)。结论 晚睡晚起型及睡眠不足均与医学生自评健康状况较差的OR值增加有关联,且两者具有联合效应。建议医学生应尽量早睡早起,并保持充足睡眠,促进健康。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of our article is to characterise and compare current standards of health care provision for asylum seekers in the 25 European Union (EU) countries in order to identify the needs and potential for improving access to health care for asylum seekers. METHODS: The study is based on an e-mail survey performed between April and June 2004. The questionnaire was concerned with asylum seekers' access to medical screening upon arrival, and their general access to health care services on April 1, 2004. The questionnaire was sent to ministries and NGOs responsible for asylum seekers' health care in the 25 EU countries. A total of 60% of the ministries and 20% of the NGOs responded. We received answers from 24 out of the 25 countries. RESULTS: Medical screening was provided to asylum seekers upon arrival in all EU countries but Greece. The content of screening programs, however, varied as well as whether they were voluntary or not. We found legal restrictions in access to health care in 10 countries. Asylum seekers were only entitled to emergency care in these countries. A number of practical barriers were also identified. Legal access to health care changed during the asylum procedure in some countries. Access to specialised treatment for traumatised asylum seekers existed in most countries. CONCLUSION: Health policies towards asylum seekers differ significantly between the EU countries and may result in the fact that the health needs of asylum seekers are not always adequately met.  相似文献   

In this paper, we briefly review theories and findings on migration and health from the health equity perspective, and then analyse migration-related health inequalities taking into account gender, social class and migration characteristics in the adult population aged 25–64 living in Catalonia, Spain. On the basis of the characterisation of migration types derived from the review, we distinguished between immigrants from other regions of Spain and those from other countries, and within each group, those from richer or poorer areas; foreign immigrants from low-income countries were also distinguished according to duration of residence. Further stratification by sex and social class was applied. Groups were compared in relation to self-assessed health in two cross-sectional population-based surveys, and in relation to indicators of socio-economic conditions (individual income, an index of material and financial assets, and an index of employment precariousness) in one survey. Social class and gender inequalities were evident in both health and socio-economic conditions, and within both the native and immigrant subgroups. Migration-related health inequalities affected both internal and international immigrants, but were mainly limited to those from poor areas, were generally consistent with their socio-economic deprivation, and apparently more pronounced in manual social classes and especially for women. Foreign immigrants from poor countries had the poorest socio-economic situation but relatively better health (especially men with shorter length of residence). Our findings on immigrants from Spain highlight the transitory nature of the ‘healthy immigrant effect’, and that action on inequality in socio-economic determinants affecting migrant groups should not be deferred.  相似文献   

Asylum seekers arriving in the United States are often imprisoned for months or years while their asylum claims are processed. Recently, Physicians for Human Rights and the Bellevue/New York University Program for Survivors of Torture released the findings of the first systematic study examining the health of detained asylum seekers. The study found that the mental health of asylum seekers interviewed was extremely poor, including high levels of symptoms for anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder, which worsened the longer individuals were in detention. The study also raises concerns about the manner in which asylum seekers are treated upon arrival in the United States and then while in detention. These findings support assertions that detention has a harmful effect on the health and well-being of asylum seekers. Policies regarding the long-term detention of asylum seekers should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

BackgroundIt has been widely acknowledged that refugees are at risk of poorer health outcomes, spanning mental health and general well‐being. A common point of access to health care for the migrant population is via the primary health care network in the country of resettlement. This review aims to synthesize the evidence of primary health care interventions to improve the quality of health care provided to refugees and asylum seekers.MethodsA systematic review was undertaken, and 55 articles were included in the final review. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews was used to guide the reporting of the review, and articles were managed using a reference‐management software (Covidence). The findings were analysed using a narrative empirical synthesis. A quality assessment was conducted for all the studies included.ResultsThe interventions within the broad primary care setting could be organized into four categories, that is, those that focused on developing the skills of individual refugees/asylum seekers and their families; skills of primary health care workers; system and/or service integration models and structures; and lastly, interventions enhancing communication services. Promoting effective health care delivery for refugees, asylum seekers and their families is a complex challenge faced by primary care professionals, the patients themselves and the communication between them.ConclusionThis review highlights the innovative interventions in primary care promoting refugee health. Primary care interventions mostly focused on upskilling doctors, with a paucity of research exploring the involvement of other health care members. Further research can explore the involvement of interprofessional team members in providing effective refugee/migrant health.Patient or Public ContributionPatient and public involvement was explored in terms of interventions designed to improve health care delivery for the humanitarian migrant population, that is, specifically refugees and asylum seekers.  相似文献   

For decades, North Korea has been one of the world's most secluded societies. Due to a lack of reliable statistics, little analytical research has been done on the well-being of those who suffer most under totalitarianism: the North Korean people. By considering height data as a sensitive indicator of the North Korean standard of living, we explain what has historically influenced the welfare of children in different regions. Using cross-sectional data from 1997 when the peak of the infamous famine coincided with extreme environmental influences, we primarily test a number of socioeconomic hypotheses that have been proposed in the literature. Of these, the public distribution system and local harvest conditions-which may reflect black and gray market activity-were found as having a positive and statistically significant effect on height outcomes. Furthermore, from a biological point of view, males and older birth cohorts seem to have suffered more during the famine of the 1990s.  相似文献   



This study aimed to investigate North Korean refugees’ knowledge of mental illnesses and treatments and analyze the factors affecting this knowledge.


Subjects were selected via a snowball sampling method, and the survey outcomes of 152 North Korean refugee participants were analyzed. The factors affecting knowledge of mental illnesses were analyzed via a regression analysis by constructing a multivariate model with mental illness knowledge score as the dependent variable.


The North Korean refugees’ mental illness scores ranged from 3 to 24 points, with an average score of 13.0. Regarding the factors that influence mental illness knowledge, the subjects with South Korean spouses and those who had spent more time in South Korea had higher knowledge scores. Furthermore, the subjects who considered the mental health of North Korean refugees to be a serious issue revealed lower knowledge scores than those who did not believe it was a serious issue. The subjects who visit psychiatric clinics showed higher knowledge scores than those who do not. The South Korean subjects who had at least a college education exhibited higher scores than did those without advanced education. The subjects who are satisfied with life in South Korea manifested a higher mental illness knowledge score than those who are not.


This study is significant as being the first study to ever measure and evaluate the level of North Korean refugees’ knowledge of mental illnesses. In addition, the evaluations of North Korean refugees’ mental illness knowledge and influencing factors while residing in South Korea created basic data that formed the foundation of an effort to enhance mental health literacy and provide proper mental health services. The results of this study can be utilized to solve mental health problems that might frequently occur during the unification process of North and South Korea in the future.  相似文献   

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