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Neocortical circuits share anatomical and physiological similarities among different species and cortical areas. Because of this, a 'canonical' cortical microcircuit could form the functional unit of the neocortex and perform the same basic computation on different types of inputs. However, variations in pyramidal cell structure between different primate cortical areas exist, indicating that different cortical areas could be built out of different neuronal cell types. In the present study, we have investigated the dendritic architecture of 90 layer II/III pyramidal neurons located in different cortical regions along a rostrocaudal axis in the mouse neocortex, using, for the first time, a blind multidimensional analysis of over 150 morphological variables, rather than evaluating along single morphological parameters. These cortical regions included the secondary motor cortex (M2), the secondary somatosensory cortex (S2), and the lateral secondary visual cortex and association temporal cortex (V2L/TeA). Confirming earlier primate studies, we find that basal dendritic morphologies are characteristically different between different cortical regions. In addition, we demonstrate that these differences are not related to the physical location of the neuron and cannot be easily explained assuming rostrocaudal gradients within the cortex. Our data suggest that each cortical region is built with specific neuronal components.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed a marked degree of variation in the pyramidal cell phenotype in visual, somatosensory, motor and prefrontal cortical areas in the brain of different primates, which are believed to subserve specialized cortical function. In the present study we carried out comparisons of dendritic structure of layer III pyramidal cells in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex and compared their structure with those sampled from inferotemporal cortex (IT) and the primary visual area (V1) in macaque monkeys. Cells were injected with Lucifer Yellow in flat-mounted cortical slices, and processed for a light-stable DAB reaction product. Size, branching pattern, and spine density of basal dendritic arbors was determined, and somal areas measured. We found that pyramidal cells in anterior cingulate cortex were more branched and more spinous than those in posterior cingulate cortex, and cells in both anterior and posterior cingulate were considerably larger, more branched, and more spinous than those in area V1. These data show that pyramidal cell structure differs between posterior dysgranular and anterior granular cingulate cortex, and that pyramidal neurons in cingulate cortex have different structure to those in many other cortical areas. These results provide further evidence for a parallel between structural and functional specialization in cortex.  相似文献   

Large sectors of polymodal cortex project to the hippocampal formation via convergent input to the entorhinal cortex. The present study reports an additional access route, whereby several cortical areas project directly to CA1. These are parietal areas 7a and 7b, area TF medial to the occipitotemporal sulcus (OTS), and a restricted area in the lateral bank of the OTS that may be part of ventromedial area TE. These particular cortical areas are implicated in visuospatial processes; and their projection to and convergence within CA1 may be significant for the elaboration of 'view fields', for the postulated role of the hippocampal formation in topographic learning and memory, or for the snapshot identification of objects in the setting of complex visuospatial relationships. Convergence of vestibular and visual inputs (from areas 7b and 7a respectively) would support previous physiological findings that hippocampal neurons respond to combinations of whole-body motion and a view of the environment. The direct corticohippocampal connections are widely divergent, especially those from the temporal areas, which extend over much of the anteroposterior axis of the hippocampal main body. Divergent connections potentially influence large populations of CA1 pyramidal neurons, consistent with the suggestion that these neurons are involved in conjunctive coding. The same region of ventromedial TE, besides the direct connections to CA1, also gives rise to direct projections to area V1, and may correspond to a functionally specialized subdivision, perhaps part of VTF.  相似文献   

The dendritic morphology of pyramidal cells located at the base of layer III in the primary visual area (V1), the second visual area (V2), the middle temporal area (MT), the ventral portion of the lateral intraparietal area (LIPv) and in the portion of cytoarchitectonic area 7a within the anterior bank of the superior temporal sulcus was revealed by injecting neurons with Lucifer Yellow in fixed, flattened slices of macaque monkey visual cortex. These areas correspond to different levels of the occipitoparietal cortical 'stream', which processes information related to motion and spatial relationships in the visual field. The tissue was immunocytochemically processed to obtain a light-stable diaminobenzidine reaction product, revealing the dendritic morphology in fine detail. Retrogradely labelled MT- projecting neurons in supragranular V1 (layer IIIc of Hassler's nomenclature, corresponding to Brodmann's layer IVb) were predominantly pyramidal, although many spiny multipolar (stellate) cells were also found. The average basal dendritic field area of pyramidal neurons in sublamina IIIc of V1 was significantly smaller than that in the homologous layer of V2, within the cytochrome oxidase-rich thick stripes. Furthermore, the average basal dendritic field areas of V1 and V2 pyramidal neurons were significantly smaller than those of neurons in MT, LIPv and area 7a. There was no difference in basal dendritic field area between layer III pyramidal neurons in areas MT, LIPv and 7a. While the shape of most basal dendritic fields was circularly symmetrical in the dimension tangential to the cortical layers, there were significant biases in complexity, with dendritic branches tending to cluster along particular axes. Sholl analysis revealed that the dendritic fields of neurons in areas MT, LIPv and 7a were significantly more complex (i.e. had a larger number of branches) than those of V1 or V2 neurons. Analysis of basal dendritic spine densities revealed regional variations along the dendrites, with peak densities being observed 40-130 microns from the cell body, depending on the visual area. The peak spine density of layer III pyramidal neurons in V1 was lower than that observed in V2, MT or LIPv, which were all similar. Pyramidal neurons in area 7a had the greatest peak spine density, which was on average 1.7 times that found in V1. Calculations based on the average spine density and number of dendritic branches at different distances from the cell body demonstrated a serial increase in the total number of basal dendritic spines per neuron at successive stations of the occipitoparietal pathway. Our observations, comparing dendritic fields of neurons in the homologous cortical layer at different levels of a physiologically defined 'stream', indicate changes in pyramidal cell morphology between functionally related areas. The relatively large, complex, spine-dense dendritic fields of layer III pyramidal cells in rostral areas of the occipitoparietal pathway allow these cells to sample a greater number of more diverse inputs in comparison with cells in 'lower' areas of the proposed hierarchy.   相似文献   

Our aim was to reveal the relationship between layer IV horizontal connections and the functional architecture of the cat primary visual cortex because these connections play important roles in the first cortical stage of visual signals integration. We investigated bouton distribution of spiny neurons over an orientation preference map using in vivo optical imaging, unit recordings, and single neuron reconstructions. The radial extent of reconstructed axons (14 star pyramidal and 9 spiny stellate cells) was ~1.5 mm. In the vicinity of the parent somata (<400 μm), boutons occupied chiefly iso-orientations, however, more distally, 7 cells projected preferentially to non-iso-orientations. Boutons of each cell were partitioned into 1-15 distinct clusters based on the mean-shift algorithm, of which 57 clusters preferred iso-orientations and 43 clusters preferred cross-orientations, each showing sharp orientation preference "tuning." However, unlike layer III/V pyramidal cells preferring chiefly iso-orientations, layer IV cells were engaged with broad orientations because each bouton cluster from the same cell could show different orientation preference. These results indicate that the circuitry of layer IV spiny cells is organized differently from that of iso-orientation dominant layer III/V cells and probably processes visual signals in a different manner from that of the superficial and deeper layers.  相似文献   

We used the (14)C-deoxyglucose method to map the functional activity in the cortex of the lateral and medial parietal convexity, the intraparietal and the parietoccipital sulci of monkeys which either reached and grasped a 3D-object or observed the same reaching-to-grasp movements executed by a human. Execution of reaching-to-grasp induced activations in the superior parietal areas SI-forelimb/convexity, PE, PE caudal (PEc); in the intraparietal areas PE intraparietal (PEip), medial intraparietal (MIP), 5 intraparietal posterior, ventral intraparietal (VIP), anterior intraparietal (AIP), lateral intraparietal dorsal; in the inferior parietal areas PF, PFG, PG; in the parietoccipital areas V6, V6A-dorsal; in the medial cortical areas PGm/7m and retrosplenial cortex. Observation of reaching-to-grasp activated areas SI-forelimb/convexity, PE lateral, PEc, PEip, MIP, VIP, AIP, PF, V6, PGm/7m, 31, and retrosplenial cortex. The common activations were stronger for execution than for observation and the interhemispheric differences were smaller for observation than for execution, contributing to the attribution of action to the correct agent. The extensive overlap of parietal networks activated for action execution and observation supports the "mental simulation theory" which assigns the role of understanding others' actions to the entire distributed neural network responsible for the execution of actions, and not the concept of "mirroring" which reflects the function of a certain class of cells in a couple of cortical areas.  相似文献   

Descending corticofugal projections are thought to play a critical role in shaping the responses of subcortical neurons. Here, we examine the origins and targets of ferret auditory corticocollicular projections. We show that the ectosylvian gyrus (EG), where the auditory cortex is located, can be subdivided into middle, anterior, and posterior regions according to the pattern of cytochrome oxidase staining and immunoreactivity for the neurofilament antibody SMI32. Injection of retrograde tracers in the inferior colliculus (IC) labeled large layer V pyramidal cells throughout the EG and adjacent sulci. Each region of the EG has a different pattern of descending projections. Neurons in the primary auditory fields in the middle EG project to the lateral nucleus (LN) of the ipsilateral IC and bilaterally to the dorsal cortex and dorsal part of the central nucleus (CN). The projection to these dorsomedial regions of the IC is predominantly ipsilateral and topographically organized. The secondary cortical fields in the posterior EG target the same midbrain areas but exclude the CN of the IC. A smaller projection to the ipsilateral LN also arises from the anterior EG, which is the only region of auditory cortex to target tegmental areas surrounding the IC, including the superior colliculus, periaqueductal gray, intercollicular tegmentum, and cuneiform nucleus. This pattern of corticocollicular connectivity is consistent with regional differences in physiological properties and provides another basis for subdividing ferret auditory cortex into functionally distinct areas.  相似文献   

In the human neocortex, catecholaminergic connections modulate the excitatory inputs of pyramidal neurons and are involved in higher cognitive functions. Catecholaminergic fibers form a dense network in which it is difficult to distinguish whether or not target specificity exists. In order to shed some light on this issue, we set out to quantify the catecholaminergic innervation of pyramidal cells in different layers of the human temporal cortex (II, IIIa, IIIb, V and VI). For this purpose, pyramidal cells were labeled in human cortical tissue by injecting them with Lucifer Yellow, and then performed immunocytochemistry for the rate limiting catecholamine synthesizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) to visualize catecholaminergic fibers in the same sections. Injected cells were reconstructed in three dimensions and appositions were quantified (n = 1503) in serial confocal microscopy images of each injected cell (n = 71). We found TH-immunoreactive appositions (TH-ir) in all the pyramidal cells analyzed, in both the apical and basal dendritic regions. In general, the density of TH-ir apposition was greater in layers II, V and VI than in layers IIIa and IIIb. Furthermore, TH-ir appositions showed a regular distribution in almost all dendritic compartments of the apical and basal dendritic arbors across all layers. Hence, it appears that all pyramidal neurons in the human neocortex receive catecholaminergic afferents in a rather regular pattern, independent of the layer in which they are located. Since pyramidal cells located in different layers are involved in different intrinsic and extrinsic circuits, these results suggest that catecholaminergic afferents may modify the function of a larger variety of circuits than previously thought. Thus, this aspect of human cortical organization is likely to have important implications in cortical function.  相似文献   

During development, a cerebral cortex appears in the wall of the telencephalic vesicle in reptiles and mammals. It arises from a cell-dense cortical plate, which develops within a primordial preplate. The neurons of the preplate are essential for cortical development; they regulate the neuronal migration of the cortical plate neurons and form the first axonal connections. In the reptilian cortex and in the hippocampus of the mammalian cerebral cortex, most ingrowing afferent axons run above the cortical plate, in the zone where the receptive tufts of apical dendrites of the cortical pyramidal neurons branch extensively. In the mammalian neocortex, however, axons enter mainly from below the cortical plate where they do not encounter the apical tufts of these pyramidal neurons. In this paper, we discuss the idea that this difference in cortical development has relieved a functional constraint in the expansion of the cortex during evolution. We hypothesize that the entrance of axons below the cell-dense cortical plate, together with the inside-out migration of cortical neurons, ensures that the neocortex remains an "open" system, able to differentiate into new (sub)layers and more cortical areas.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the chemoarchitectural organization and extent of the mouse visual cortex. We used nonphosphorylated neurofilament protein, a neuronal marker that exhibits region-specific cellular and laminar patterns, to delineate cortical subdivisions. A comprehensive analysis demonstrated that pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons expressing neurofilament proteins display striking laminar and regional patterns in the mouse visual cortex permitting the delineation of the primary visual cortex (V1) and its monocular and binocular zones, 2 lateral, and 5 medial extrastriate cortical areas with clear anatomical boundaries and providing evidence that the mouse medial extrastriate cortex is not homogeneous. We also investigated the expression profiles of 2 neuronal activity markers, the immediate early genes c-fos and zif-268, following deprivation paradigms to ascertain the visual nature of all subdivisions caudal, medial, and lateral to V1. The present data indicate that neurochemically identifiable subdivisions of the mouse visual cortex exist laterally and medially to V1 and reveal specific anatomical and functional characteristics at the cellular and regional levels.  相似文献   

Plasticity of representational maps in adult cerebral cortex has been documented in both sensory and motor cortex, but the anatomical basis for cortical plasticity remains poorly understood. To investigate horizontal connectivity in primary motor cortex (M1) as a putative anatomical substrate for short-term, functional plasticity of adult motor cortical representations, a combination of electrical stimulation and biocytin labeling was used to examine pre-existing patterns of intrinsic connections in adult rat M1 in relationship to the pattern of reorganization of the motor movement may induced by transection of the contralateral facial nerve. Two hours after nerve cut, small, circumscribed regions of the forelimb representation expanded medially into territory previously devoted to the vibrissae representation. Outside of this novel, expanded forelimb region, no forelimb movement could be evoked from the former vibrissae representation at any time over the period of hours tested, thus representing silent cortex. Injections placed into vibrissae cortex representing the newly expanded forelimb representation gave rise to labeled axons and dense terminal fiber labeling which crossed the forelimb/vibrissae border and extended up to 1.2 mm within the low-threshold forelimb representation. In contrast, injections placed into silent vibrissae cortex gave rise to labeled axons and terminal boutons which remained mostly restricted to the original vibrissae representation, with only sparse projections that crossed into the low-threshold forelimb representation. Thus, these results suggest that the extent of short-term, functional reorganization of M1 induced within the first several hours following peripheral nerve cut is mediated, and constrained, by an anatomical framework of pre-existing, horizontal projections which traverse representation borders.   相似文献   

Gonadal hormones are known to broadly influence cortical information processing. Findings from this study in rats suggest that for androgens, this influence may include stimulation of underlying corticocortical connections. First, immunoreactivity for intracellular androgen receptors, while present in all regions and layers examined, was found to be particularly abundant in sensory and motor regions, and within these, within their major pyramidal cell layers, i.e. layers II/III and V/VI. Double labeling immunocytochemical studies for androgen receptors and for neuron-specific markers then confirmed that the majority of receptor-bearing cortical cells were pyramidal neurons. Finally, combined analyses of cortical receptor immunoreactivity and retrograde labeling produced by tracer injections made in specific subcortical (caudate, nucleus accumbens, superior colliculus, thalamus) areas yielded only isolated examples of receptor/tracer overlap. However, injections made within the cortex itself (sensory, motor, associational areas) retrogradely labeled cortical cells some 50% or more - especially within injected hemispheres, were receptor-immunoreactive. Thus, the regional, laminar, and cellular distributions of immunoreactivity in the rat cerebrum largely identify pyramidal neurons with connectional signatures aligning intracellular androgen receptors with the local, associational, and to a lesser degree, callosal circuits that interlink territories of the cortical mantle and play key roles in cortical information processing.  相似文献   

In visual area V2 of monkeys, cytochrome oxidase (CD) histochemistryreveals a system of stripe-like subregions where densely labeledthick and thin stripes and pale interstripes can be recognized.Several lines of evidence suggest that CO stripe-like subregionsare associated with functional streams in the visual cortex.In the present study, the distribution of retrogradely labeledcallosal cells in V2 and the pattern of CO staining were correlatedusing tangential sections through the flattened cortex. Spectraland coherency analyses of the callosal and CO patterns wereperformed to assess quantitatively the degree of spatial correlationbetween these two patterns. The results showed that labeledcallosal cells accumulated along the V1/V2 border and in finger-likebands that protruded up to 7–8 mm into V2. These callosalbands were in register with thick and thin CO stripes, withrelatively few labeled callosal cells found in interstripe regions.This finding supports the notion that the distribution of callosalconnections in the visual cortex is dictated not only by thetopography of visual areas, but also by the arrangement of corticalfunctional streams. Further, these results extend to interhemisphericpathways the notion of functional specificity currently associatedmainly with some visual intrahemispheric pathways.  相似文献   

A neural model suggests how horizontal and interlaminar connections in visual cortical areas V1 and V2 develop within a laminar cortical architecture and give rise to adult visual percepts. The model suggests how mechanisms that control cortical development in the infant lead to properties of adult cortical anatomy, neurophysiology and visual perception. The model clarifies how excitatory and inhibitory connections can develop stably by maintaining a balance between excitation and inhibition. The growth of long-range excitatory horizontal connections between layer 2/3 pyramidal cells is balanced against that of short-range disynaptic interneuronal connections. The growth of excitatory on-center connections from layer 6-to-4 is balanced against that of inhibitory interneuronal off-surround connections. These balanced connections interact via intracortical and intercortical feedback to realize properties of perceptual grouping, attention and perceptual learning in the adult, and help to explain the observed variability in the number and temporal distribution of spikes emitted by cortical neurons. The model replicates cortical point spread functions and psychophysical data on the strength of real and illusory contours. The on-center, off-surround layer 6-to-4 circuit enables top-down attentional signals from area V2 to modulate, or attentionally prime, layer 4 cells in area V1 without fully activating them. This modulatory circuit also enables adult perceptual learning within cortical area V1 and V2 to proceed in a stable way.  相似文献   

Nine pyramidal neurons in layers II and III of cat primary auditory cortex (AI) were fully reconstructed after intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase or biocytin. Each neuron was functionally characterized according to its position relative to an anteroposterior sequence of best frequency responses. All labeled somata were in layers II or III and gave rise to typical apical and basal dendritic arbors as well as to extensive systems of axon collaterals. The primary axon of all except 1 cell entered the white matter and was probably directed toward other cortical areas ipsi- or contralaterally. Two major intracortical collateral systems emerged from the main axon in AI, one ending in the vicinity of the cell and the second at a distance. (1) Many local and recurrent collaterals, given off in layers III and V, contributed terminal branches to the formation of a columnar pattern of terminations extending superficially and deeply into the soma. The column extended through layers I-V, with some constriction in the middle portion corresponding to layer IV. (2) The axon of each cell also gave rise to 2-5 thick, long-range collaterals in layers III and/or V. These ran parallel to the pial surface for several millimeters. At several points along these long horizontal collaterals, vertically directed branches emerged to form columnar terminations, again extending through layers I-V. These columns did not overlap with that formed in the vicinity of the cell, and were situated at distances 500-1200 microns from the cell body. When viewed in the tangential plane, horizontal collaterals were oriented, on the whole, dorsoventrally with respect to the surface of the cortex. This may correspond to the organization of isofrequency bands previously described in cats. The results suggest that the major spread of excitation in AI is mediated by horizontal collaterals of pyramidal cells and that it occurs along the lines of isofrequency domains. Within the latter the collaterals may link columns of cells with like properties and/or serve to coordinate activity patterns in spatially separated portions of AI.  相似文献   

The primary visual cortex (V1) of primates receives signals from parallel lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) channels. These signals are utilized by the laminar and compartmental [i.e. cytochrome oxidase (CO) blob and interblob] circuitry of V1 to synthesize new output pathways appropriate for the next steps of analysis. Within this framework, this study had two objectives: (i) to analyze the con- nections between primary input and output layers and compartments of V1; and (ii) to determine differences in connection patterns that might be related to species differences in physiological properties in an effort to link specific pathways to visual functions. In this study we examined the intrinsic interlaminar connections of V1 in the owl monkey, a nocturnal New World monkey, with a special emphasis on the projections from layer 4 to layer 3. Interlaminar connections were labeled via small iontophoretic or pressure injections of tracers [horseradish peroxidase, biocytin, biotinylated dextrine amine (BDA) or cholera toxin subunit B conjugated to colloidal gold particles]. Our most significant finding was that layer 4 (4C of Brodmann) can be divided into three tiers based upon projections to the superficial layers. Specifically, we find that 4alpha (4Calpha), 4beta (4Cbeta) and 4ctr send primary projections to layers 3C (4B), 3Bbeta (4A) and 3Balpha (3B), respectively. Examination of laminar structure with Nissl staining supports a tripartite organization of layer 4. The cortical output layer above layer 3Balpha (3B) (e.g. layer 3A) does not appear to receive any direct connections from layer 4 but receives heavy input from layers 3Balpha (3B) and 3C (4B). Some connectional differences also were observed between the subdivisions of layer 3 and the infragranular layers. No consistent differences in connections were observed that distinguished CO blobs from interblobs or that could be correlated with differences in visual lifestyle (nocturnal versus diurnal) when compared with connectional data in other primates. Re-examination of data from previous studies in squirrel and macaque monkeys suggests that the tripartite organization of layer 4 and the unique projection pattern of layer 4ctr are not restricted to owl monkeys, but are common to a number of primate species.  相似文献   

The topography of lateral excitatory and lateral inhibitory connections was studied in relation to orientation maps obtained in areas 17 and 18. Small iontophoretic injections of biocytin were delivered to the superficial layers in regions where orientation selectivity had been mapped using electrode recordings of single- and multi-unit activity from various cortical depths. Biocytin revealed extensive patchy axonal projections of up to 3.5 mm in both areas while labelled somata occurred chiefly at the injection site, indicating that the labelling was primarily anterograde. Two types of boutons could be clearly distinguished: (i) putative excitatory boutons either en passant or having a short stalk and (ii) inhibitory boutons which were invariably of the basket-type. Three-dimensional reconstructions of all labelled boutons showed that the excitatory and the inhibitory networks had a distinctively different relationship to orientation maps. The overall distribution of connections showed that 53-59% of excitatory and 46-48% of inhibitory connections were at iso-orientation, +/-30 degrees; oblique-orientation, +/-(30-60) degrees, was shown by 30% of excitatory and 28-39% of inhibitory connections; cross-orientation was shown by 11- 17% of excitatory and 15-24% of inhibitory connections. Although excitatory patches occupied mainly iso-orientation locations, interpatch regions representing chiefly non-iso-orientations (oblique + cross orientation) were also innervated. There was considerable overlap between the excitatory and inhibitory network. Nonetheless, inhibitory connections were more common than excitatory connections with non-iso- orientation locations. There was no significant difference between the orientation topography of area 17 and area 18 projections. The results suggest that in general the lateral connectivity system is not orientation specific, but shows a moderate iso-orientation preference for excitation and an even weaker iso-orientation preference for inhibition. The broad orientation spectrum of lateral connections could provide the basis for mechanisms that requiring different orientations, as for example in detecting orientation discontinuities.   相似文献   

Adult neocortical areas are characterized by marked differences in cytoarchitecture and connectivity that underlie their functional roles. The molecular determinants of these differences are largely unknown. We performed a microarray analysis to identify molecules that define the somatosensory and visual areas during the time when afferent and efferent projections are forming. We identified 122 molecules that are differentially expressed between the regions and confirmed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction 95% of the 20 genes tested. Two genes were chosen for further investigation: Bcl6 and Ten_m3. Bcl6 was highly expressed in the superficial cortical plate corresponding to developing layer IV of somatosensory cortex at postnatal day (P) 0. This had diminished by P3, but strong expression was found in layer V pyramidal cells by P7 and was maintained until adulthood. Retrograde tracing showed that Bcl6 is expressed in corticospinal neurons. Ten_m3 was expressed in a graded pattern within layer V of caudal cortex that corresponds well with visual cortex. Retrograde tracing and immunostaining showed that Ten_m3 is highly expressed along axonal tracts of projection neurons of the developing visual pathway. Overexpression demonstrated that Ten_m3 promotes homophilic adhesion and neurite outgrowth in vivo. This suggests an important role for Ten_m3 in the development of the visual pathway.  相似文献   

To study the type of presynaptic calcium channels controlling transmitter release at synaptic connections displaying depression or facilitation, dual whole cell recordings combined with biocytin labelling were performed in acute slices from motor cortex of 17- to 22-day-old rats. Layer V postsynaptic interneurons displayed either fast spiking (FS) (n = 12) or burst firing (BF) (n = 12) behaviour. The axons of FS cells ramified preferentially around pyramidal cell somata, while BF cell axons ramified predominately around pyramidal cell dendrites. Synapses between pyramidal cells and FS cells displayed brief train depression (n = 12). Bath application of omega-Agatoxin IVA (0.5 microM), blocking P/Q-type calcium channels, decreased mean peak amplitudes of the EPSPs to 40% of control EPSPs (n = 8). Failure rate of the EPSPs after the first presynaptic action potential increased from 9 +/- 11 to 28 +/- 15%. This was associated with an increase in paired pulse ratio of 152 +/- 44%. Omega-conotoxin GVIA (1-10 microM), selectively blocking N-type calcium channels, had no effect on peak amplitudes or frequency dependent properties of these connections (n = 5). Synapses from pyramidal cells to BF cells displayed brief train facilitation (n = 8). Application of omega-Conotoxin in these connections decreased peak amplitudes of the EPSPs to 15% of control EPSPs (n = 6) and decreased the paired pulse ratio by 41 +/- 30%. Omega-agatoxin did not have any significant effect on the EPSPs elicited in BF cells. This study indicates that P/Q-type calcium channels are associated with transmitter release at connections displaying synaptic depression, whereas N-type channels are predominantly associated with connections displaying facilitation.  相似文献   

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