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In these three closely related patent applications, Chiroscience discloses a series of di- and tri-peptidyl compounds containing an α-mercaptoacyl zinc binding group as well as a series of peptidyl compounds lacking the thiol group. The compounds are claimed to be inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and of tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) release and, as such, are claimed to be of therapeutic value in a wide range of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and cancer metastasis or invasion. The current applications contain no in vitro or in vivo data to support any of the above claims.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of at least fifteen secreted and membrane-bound zinc-endopeptidases. Collectively, these enzymes can degrade all of the components of the extracellular matrix, including fibrallar and non-fibrallar collagens, fibronectin, laminin and basement membrane glycoproteins. MMPs are thought to be essential for the diverse invasive processes of angiogenesis and tumor metastasis. Numerous studies have shown that there is a close association between expression of various members of the MMP family by tumors and their proliferative and invasive behavior and metastatic potential. In some of human cancers a positive correlation has also been demonstrated between the intensity of new blood vessel growth (angiogenesis) and the likelihood of developing metastases. Thus, control of MMP activity in these two different contexts has generated considerable interest as a possible therapeutic target.The tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are naturally occurring proteins that specifically inhibit matrix metalloproteinases, thus maintaining balance between matrix destruction and formation. An imbalance between MMPs and the associated TIMPs may play a significant role in the invasive phenotype of malignant tumors. TIMP-1 has been shown to inhibit tumor-induced angiogenesis in experimental systems. These findings raised the possibility of using an agent that affects expression or activity of MMPs as an anti-cancer therapy. TIMPs are probably not suitable for pharmacologic applications due to their short half-life in vivo.Batimastat (BB-94) and marimastat (BB-2516) are synthetic, low-molecular weight MMP inhibitors. They have a collagen-mimicking hydroxamate structure, which facilitates chelation of the zinc ion in the active site of the MMPs. These compounds inhibit MMPs potently and specifically. Batimastat was the first synthetic MMP inhibitor studied in humans with advanced malignancies, but its usefulness has been limited by extremely poor water solubility, which required intraperitoneal administration of the drug as a detergent emulsion. Marimastat belongs to a second generation of MMP inhibitors. In contrast to batimastat, marimastat is orally available. Both of these agents are currently in Phase I/II trials in US, Europe and Canada.Some other new agents, currently in clinical trials, have been shown to inhibit MMP production. Bryostatins, naturally occurring macrocyclic lactones, have both in vitro and in vivo activity in numerous murine and human tumors. In culture, bryostatin-1 has been shown to induce differentiation and halt the growth of several malignant cell lines. While the exact mechanism responsible for anti-tumor activity is unclear, an initial event in the action of bryostatin-1 is activation of protein kinase C (PKC), followed by its down regulation. Bryostatin-1 does not directly affect the activity of MMPs, but it can inhibit the production of MMP-1, 3, 9, 10 and 11 by inhibiting PKC. TIMP-1 levels could also be modulated by bryostatin-1, as it is encoded by a PKC responsive gene.  相似文献   

The Division of Medicinal Chemistry offered a number of sub-sessions including this one on matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors. The overexpression of matrix metalloproteinases has been associated with cancer malignancy, arthritis and several immune system-related infectious diseases such as sepsis. Encouraged by the impressive clinical trials of batimastat and marimastat (Figure 1; British Biotech plc), interest in MMP inhibitors has grown.  相似文献   

The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of more than 20 enzymes that are intimately involved in tissue remodelling. These zinc-containing endopeptidases consist of several subsets of enzymes, including collagenase, stromelysins and gelatinases and are involved in the degradation of the extracellullar matrix (ECM) that forms the connective material between cells and around tissues. Disease processes associated with the MMPs are generally related to imbalance between the inhibition and activation of MMPs resulting in excessive degradation of the ECM. These indications include osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis, tumour metastasis and congestive heart failure. Inhibitors for these enzymes have been developed for the treatment of a starthingly wide array of disease process where matrix remodelling plays a key role. There are three major components to most MMP inhibitors- the zinc binding group ZBG, the peptidic backbone and the pocket occupying side chain. Most MMPs inhibitors are classified according to their ZBG. Inhibitors interactions at active-site zinc plays a critical role in defining the binding mode and relative inhibitor potency. The majority of MMP inhibitors reported in the literature contain an effective zinc binding group (e.g. hydroxamic acid, carboxylic acid, sulfhydryl group) that is either generally substituted with a peptide-like structure that mimics the substrates that they cleave or appended to smaller side chains that may interact with specific subsites (e.g., P1', P2', P3') within the active site. Although carboxylates exhibit weaker zinc binding properties than hydroxamates, they are known to show better oral bioavailability and are less prone to metabolic degradation. The expected loss of binding affinity after replacement of hydroxamates against carboxylates is faced by adequate choice of elongated S1' directed substituents. The need for novel selective MMP inhibitors makes them an attractive target for the QSAR and molecular modelling. 3-D QSAR models were derived using CoMFA, CoMSIA and GRID approaches leading to the identification of binding regions where steric, electronic or hydrophobic effects are important for affinity. Some structural requirements essential for achieving high binding affinity and selectivity are: an acidic unit tightly anchored through four contact points, bidentate chelation of Zn2+, carbonyl groups for hydrogen bonding, more than two extra units for hydrogen bonds, a hydrophobic moiety.  相似文献   

The matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family plays an integral role in both normal and pathological connective tissue remodeling. The accelerated local turnover of the extracellular matrix is often found in tumour cell invasion and metastasis. The development of MMP inhibitors thus offers a promising strategy to modulate metastasis. This review describes developments in MMP inhibitor research and patents related to cancer since 1998.  相似文献   

反义寡核苷酸药物的药代动力学研究要求具备相应的生物定量方法。本文就近年来在临床前和临床药代动力学评价中常用的几种定量方法,包括放射性同位素法、毛细管凝胶电泳法、高效液相色谱法、液质联用和基于杂交技术的酶联免疫法,对其各自的特性、应用前景、操作方法及局限性等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors: Present achievements and future prospects   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a class of structurally related enzymes that function in the degradation of extracellular matrix proteins that constitute the pericellular connective tissue and play an important role in both normal and pathological tissue remodelling. Increased MMP activity is detected in a wide range of cancers and seems correlated to their invasive and metastatic potential. MMPs thus seem an attractive target for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.Several synthetic matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors (MMPIs) are currently being developed. Preclinical studies are promising as they suggest inhibition of several steps in the metastatic process. Marimastat is the first MMPI to enter comparative phase III trials after early clinical trials established the safety profile. Clinical trials will need to be specifically designed to optimally evaluate the therapeutic potential of this novel class of cytostatic drugs. Safety studies should consider the markedly different toxicity profile and determine the range of biologically active dosage, while efficacy studies should be performed in selected clinical settings with appropriate end-points. We review the present achievements in preclinical and clinical studies with MMPIs, discuss specific considerations for appropriate study design and reflect on the future prospects of this novel class of agents.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors as anticancer therapeutics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), also designated as matrixins, play a central role in many biological processes and are involved both in physiologic cellular processes and in pathologic situations such as tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. For more than 30 years MMPs have been considered as promising targets for cancer therapy and a number of different synthetic and natural MMP inhibitors have been identified as cytostatic and anti-angiogenic agents and have begun clinical testing in view of their specific implication in malignant tissues. Although preclinical studies were so compelling to encourage several clinical trials, the past years have seen a consistent number of disappointments and limited success. The critical examination of previous studies shed light on new information about the cellular source, substrates and mode of action of MMPs, focusing the attention of future research on the identification of specific MMP targets in tumors at different stage of tumor progression, both in order to improve efficacy and to reduce the side effect profile. In this review we discuss the current view on the feasibility of MMPs as target for therapeutic intervention in cancer, taking into account that the perspective may be of great value for molecular medicine for the twenty-first century, providing intriguing information about the MMPs as mediators in biology and pathology, and as targets for disease therapies.  相似文献   

Wong P  Hsieh F  Pham R  James CA 《Bioanalysis》2012,4(1):89-93
p38 MAP kinase is a key enzyme in the proinflammatory response and a large number of compounds have been studied as potential therapeutic drugs. This review summarizes the bioanalytical methods used for the analysis of p38 MAP kinase inhibitors, with a special focus on sample preparation and chromatographic analysis. Biological sample extraction techniques utilized included protein precipitation, liquid-liquid extraction and SPE. Applications include determinations of compounds in a variety of biological fluids and tissues. Extracted samples are typically separated by reverse-phase LC and quantitated either by UV or MS/MS detection. The benefits and limitations of each sample preparation strategy are discussed. The importance of chromatographic separation to avoid matrix effect and interference from endogenous compounds or drug-related biotransformation products are also discussed herein.  相似文献   

Ezetimibe is the first lipid-lowering drug that inhibits intestinal uptake of dietary and biliary cholesterol without affecting the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. Following oral administration, ezetimibe is rapidly absorbed and extensively metabolised (>80%) to the pharmacologically active ezetimibe-glucuronide. Total ezetimibe (sum of 'parent' ezetimibe plus ezetimibe-glucuronide) concentrations reach a maximum 1-2 hours post-administration, followed by enterohepatic recycling and slow elimination. The estimated terminal half-life of ezetimibe and ezetimibe-glucuronide is approximately 22 hours. Consistent with the elimination half-life of ezetimibe, an approximate 2-fold accumulation is observed upon repeated once-daily administration. The recommended dose of ezetimibe 10 mg/day can be administered in the morning or evening without regard to food. There are no clinically significant effects of age, sex or race on ezetimibe pharmacokinetics and no dosage adjustment is necessary in patients with mild hepatic impairment or mild-to-severe renal insufficiency. The major metabolic pathway for ezetimibe consists of glucuronidation of the 4-hydroxyphenyl group by uridine 5'-diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase isoenzymes to form ezetimibe-glucuronide in the intestine and liver. Approximately 78% of the dose is excreted in the faeces predominantly as ezetimibe, with the balance found in the urine mainly as ezetimibe-glucuronide. Overall, ezetimibe has a favourable drug-drug interaction profile, as evidenced by the lack of clinically relevant interactions between ezetimibe and a variety of drugs commonly used in patients with hypercholesterolaemia. Ezetimibe does not have significant effects on plasma levels of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors commonly known as statins (atorvastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin, pitavastatin, pravastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin), fibric acid derivatives (gemfibrozil, fenofibrate), digoxin, glipizide, warfarin and triphasic oral contraceptives (ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel). Concomitant administration of food, antacids, cimetidine or statins had no significant effect on ezetimibe bioavailability. Although coadministration with gemfibrozil and fenofibrate increased the bioavailability of ezetimibe, the clinical significance is thought to be minor considering the relatively flat dose-response curve of ezetimibe and the lack of dose-related increase in adverse events. In contrast, coadministration with the bile acid binding agent colestyramine significantly decreased ezetimibe oral bioavailability (based on area under the plasma concentration-time curve of total ezetimibe). Hence, ezetimibe and colestyramine should be administered several hours apart to avoid attenuating the efficacy of ezetimibe. Finally, higher ezetimibe exposures were observed in patients receiving concomitant ciclosporin, and ezetimibe caused a small but statistically significant effect on plasma levels of ciclosporin. Because treatment experience in patients receiving ciclosporin is limited, physicians are advised to exercise caution when initiating ezetimibe in the setting of ciclosporin coadministration, and to carefully monitor ciclosporin levels.  相似文献   

More than two decades have been spent to develop many families of synthetic matrix metalloproteinases inhibitors (MMPI) as therapeutical agents for serious pathologies. Unfortunately, clinical trials conducted on broad-spectrum inhibitors have yielded disappointing results, especially in the cancer pathology area. Despite these outcomes, some small synthetic MMPI are in advanced trials or launched in clinical ones for cancer, arthritis, periodontal diseases. Today many groups are developing intensive efforts to find new classes of inhibitors characterized by improved potency and, above all, high selectivity against the specific MMP involved in each targeted pathology. The new challenges include the development of new MMPI bearing more effective ZBGs and the development of new allosteric non-zinc binding inhibitors, devoid of ZBGs. An analysis of more recent results in this field reported on journals and patents will be developed, to consider some of the more interesting new highly selective synthetic MMPI, their SARs, the new theoretical approaches used for modelling and the results of their biological evaluations.  相似文献   

Lin ZJ  Li W  Weng N 《Bioanalysis》2011,3(1):57-66
With the globalization of drug development activities, transferring a validated bioanalytical procedure to a different site within a pharmaceutical company, or to one or multiple contract research organizations has been dramatically increased in recent years. Undeniably, bioanalytical method transfer is the needed step prior to routine sample analysis at the receiving laboratory. It is clearly stated in the 2001 US FDA Guidance on Bioanalytical Method Validation that a partial validation is needed for method transfer between laboratories. In the current EMA draft guidelines on method validation, the necessity of a method transfer is also emphasized. However, the above guidelines do not give many details on how and when a method transfer validation should be conducted. There is a need for a step-by-step deliberation on the overall strategies, procedures and even technical details for a successful bioanalytical method transfer. In this article, we review the contemporary information available in the scientific literature on method transfer and illustrate various bioanalytical method transfer scenarios using case studies. A 'flexible and fit-for-purpose' bioanalytical method transfer strategy is proposed.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a large family of calcium-dependent zinc- containing endopeptidases, which are responsible for the tissue remodeling and degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM), including collagens, elastins, gelatin, matrix glycoproteins, and proteoglycan. The inappropriate expression of these MMPs constitutes part of the pathogenic mechanism in several diseases, therefore they are subject to inhibition. They can be inhibited by endogenous proteinase inhibitors such as 2-macroglobulin or by the family of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), which are glycoproteins of molecular weight 21-30 kDa, consisting of 184-194 amino acid residues. Recently, many different classes of synthetic inhibitors have been developed in which the hydroxamic acidbased class of compounds (hydroxamates) have been most widely studied, as their hydroxamic acid group (CONHOH) enables them to act as a bidentate ligand with the zinc ion present in MMPs, leading to much stronger interaction with the receptor as compared to any other class of inhibitors. The present review describes in detail the recent development on this class of MMP inihibitors. Compounds like 12,17e, f, g and h, 45j, 45k, 50f, 62a, 63a, and 63b have been reported to be highly promising for further development.  相似文献   

In this patent, Chiroscience disclose a series of ′-mercaptoamides and protected ′-mercaptoamides which are said to be potent inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and of tumour necrosis factor-′ (TNF-′) production. As with other agents of this type, the compounds of the invention may have potential for the treatment of a wide range of diseases involving connective tissue breakdown and/or inflammation. Although a number of in vitro enzyme assays and in vivo disease models are described, no biological data are given to support any of the above claims.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have outgrown the field of extracellular-matrix biology and have progressed towards being important regulatory molecules in cancer and inflammation. This rise in status was accompanied by the development of various classes of inhibitors. Although clinical trials with synthetic inhibitors for the treatment of cancer were disappointing, recent data indicate that the use of selective inhibitors might lead to new therapies for acute and chronic inflammatory and vascular diseases. In this Review, we compare the major classes of MMP inhibitors and advocate that future drug discovery should be based on crucial insights into the differential roles of specific MMPs in pathophysiology obtained with animal models, including knockout studies.  相似文献   

Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a family of proteolytic enzymes linked to many aspects of cancer progression, has been explored as a therapeutic goal for almost two decades. Thus far, all tested MMP inhibitors (MMPIs) have failed to reach primary end points in Phase III clinical trials, although secondary analyses suggest benefits in particular patient groups. The clinical development of these agents has been hampered by problems related to determination of effective dosages and side effects that necessitate dose lowering or drug holidays. Imaging technologies offer hope as a means to measure enzyme activity and hence effective enzyme inhibition in vivo. Meanwhile, recent results from genetic studies of both mice and man have given some clues to possible causes of musculoskeletal side effects. Future progress in the therapeutic use of MMPIs is dependent on the ability to selectively target cancer-associated MMPs at the correct stage in tumour progression and the development of surrogate markers of in vivo efficacy.  相似文献   

Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a family of proteolytic enzymes linked to many aspects of cancer progression, has been explored as a therapeutic goal for almost two decades. Thus far, all tested MMP inhibitors (MMPIs) have failed to reach primary end points in Phase III clinical trials, although secondary analyses suggest benefits in particular patient groups. The clinical development of these agents has been hampered by problems related to determination of effective dosages and side effects that necessitate dose lowering or drug holidays. Imaging technologies offer hope as a means to measure enzyme activity and hence effective enzyme inhibition in vivo. Meanwhile, recent results from genetic studies of both mice and man have given some clues to possible causes of musculoskeletal side effects. Future progress in the therapeutic use of MMPIs is dependent on the ability to selectively target cancer-associated MMPs at the correct stage in tumour progression and the development of surrogate markers of in vivo efficacy.  相似文献   

Musteata ML  Musteata FM 《Bioanalysis》2009,1(6):1081-1102
Integration of sampling and sample preparation with various analytical instruments is a highly desirable feature for any analytical method. This is most conveniently achieved by using microextraction techniques or various microdevices. Among these techniques, solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is particularly remarkable due to its simplicity and effectiveness. This review discusses the most recent applications of SPME in bioanalysis, grouped according to the analytical instrument that SPME is coupled to. It is shown that one of the most important aspects of such analytical methods is the ability of SPME to perform direct and selective extraction of analytes from complex biological samples. By far, the most popular method continues to be SPME coupled to GC. Nevertheless, the last 2 years have witnessed significant advances in other areas, such as successful automation of SPME coupled to liquid chromatography and the development of new coatings suitable for direct extraction from biological samples. Furthermore, a few bioanalytical applications based on direct coupling of SPME to MS, ion mobility spectrometry, CE and analytical chemiluminescence have been reported.  相似文献   

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