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Interdigitating dendritic cell tumor (IDCT) is an extremely rare malignancy. It occurs primarily in lymph nodes, but extranodal involvement has also been reported. A 38-year-old woman with IDCT with breast and cervical lymph-node involvement is reported in this paper. To our knowledge, this is the first case of IDCT originating from the breast. In the breast and lymph node, the tumor displayed diffuse sheets, fascicles and storiform growth pattern. It was composed of oval to spindle cells with pale to eosinophilic cytoplasm, ill-defined cell outlines, oval nuclei with vesicular chromatin and prominent eosinophilic nucleoli. Mitotic activity was three per ten high-power fields. The neoplastic cells were intermingled with small mature lymphocytes and plasma cells. Immunohistochemical studies showed that the tumor cells were strongly and diffusely positive for vimentin, CD68, S-100 protein, CD45/leukocyte common antigen and fascin and focally positive for lysozyme, alpha-1 antitrypsin and CD4. Ki-67 labeling index was 10%. The patient was treated with combined therapeutic approaches, including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. IDCT has the potential for an aggressive clinical course. However, 32 months after the initial diagnosis, the patient is still alive and being followed with a stable tumor burden.  相似文献   

AIMS: To report a series of four paediatric cases of interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma (IDCS) and add to the known extranodal sites of occurrence for this tumour. Neoplasms derived from interdigitating dendritic cells are rare, with only 33 cases being reported in the literature (Medline search). These tumours usually occur in lymph nodes in the adult population. METHODS AND RESULTS: The patients were a 10-year-old girl with a large soft tissue mass bulging into the left chest, a 12-year-old girl with a right paraspinal mass, a 21-month-old boy with generalized lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly and a 6-year-old girl with a large bladder mass. Paraffin blocks and haematoxylin and eosin slides were available in all cases. In addition, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy were performed. A diagnosis of IDCS was made in all cases. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of IDCS can rarely be entertained on clinical information alone. Microscopically, there is a wide spectrum of features. Thus, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy are crucial in making the diagnosis. The differential diagnosis includes inflammatory pseudotumour, follicular dendritic cell sarcoma, true histiocytic lymphoma, malignant Langerhans cell histiocytosis, anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, melanoma, and a range of sarcomas. IDCS displays aggressive behaviour and approximately half of the patients die of the disease.  相似文献   

Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (FDCS) is unusual, and those with an extranodal origin in the head and neck region are extremely rare. To date, no cases of tumors featuring the characteristics of follicular dendritic cells were reported in Korea. We report a new case of FDCS of the tonsils in a 65-year-old man. A diagnostic tonsillectomy was performed. Based on histopathologic and immunohistochemical findings, the patient was diagnosed with FDCS. Adjuvant radiotherapy was performed due to a high mitotic count. The patient survived with a 2-year disease free period. The differential diagnosis of a tonsillar mass must include FDCS. In cases in which FDCS is suspected on histopathologic examination, an immunohistochemical study is essential for the diagnosis  相似文献   

The expression of proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in follicular tumours of the thyroid was examined by immunohistochemistry. Both usual nonoxyphilic cell follicular tumours (non-OCT) and oxyphilic cell tumours (OCT) were subdivided into benign, indeterminate, encapsulated carcinoma, and widely invasive carcinoma types. Among non-OCT the percentages of PCNA-positive cells in benign tumours, encapsulated carcinomas, and widely invasive carcinomas was 2.5%–8.6%, 11.8%–39.1%, and 18.6%–20.0%, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between benign tumours and encapsulated or widely invasive carcinomas, as in previous studies. A value of 10% was appropriate to distinguish benign from malignant lesions. PCNA-positive cells in indeterminate-type non-OCT were not significantly different from those in benign tumours, ranging from 4.3%–19.6%, and occurring at more than 10% in three of six tuours. Among OCT the positivity was less than 10% in benign tumours (4.5%–7.8%) and more than 10% in malignant tumours (14.1%–35.9%) and all the eight indeterminate tumours (12.5%–27.3%), with a statistically significant differences between the benign tumour and each of the latter types. These results indicate that the examination of PCNA is valuable in diagnosis of thyroid follicular tumours and that the use of similar diagnostic criteria may be warranted in both non-OCT and OCT.  相似文献   

We report three cases of follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (FDCS) showing a hitherto undescribed histological pattern consisting of nodular tumor growth associated with small B lymphocytes. FDCS tumor cells consistently showed large epithelioid features and were intermingled with small lymphocytes in the nodules in two cases, whereas they formed cohesive aggregates surrounded by lymphocyte mantle in the other. These features were easily confused with lymphomatous proliferations and, in particular, subtypes of Hodgkin lymphoma, high-grade follicular lymphoma, and germinotropic large B-cell lymphomas. The diagnosis was established by the use of a broad panel of antibodies that showed a variable expression of the FDC markers CD21, CD23, CD35, clusterin, podoplanin, claudin 4, epidermal growth factor receptor, and CXCL13. The associated B lymphocytes revealed a mantle zone B phenotype, with expression of CD20 and PAX5, together with TCL1 and IgD. Of notice, in all cases, morphological features suggesting hyaline-vascular Castleman disease were recognized in the interfollicular areas, containing scattered epithelioid cells similar to those found in the nodules, thus providing a useful clue for FDCS diagnosis. Of the 3 cases, 1 presented multiple recurrences unresponsive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy and finally died of disease 14 years after diagnosis. This study further emphasizes the extreme variability of morphological presentation of FDCS and expands the spectrum of lesions showing a nodular growth pattern occurring in human lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Summary Eight cases of benign granular cell tumour of the breast are reported. Seven patients were women and one was male. The age at the time of the excision ranged from 17 to 73 (average 40.1) years. All tumours were positive for S-100 protein and negative for keratin, myoglobin and gross cystic disease fluid protein. In two cases ultrastructural studies revealed findings identical to those in the previously reported cases of granular cell tumours. None of these cases were diagnosed preoperatively. In six cases the clinical and mammographic findings, and in one case the frozen section, led to an erroneous diagnosis of malignancy. The clinico-pathological features of the cases are delineated in order to draw attention to a benign condition which closely simulates malignancy.  相似文献   

We describe two elderly patients with follicular lymphoma (FL) involving the skin and superficial soft tissues, with a striking proliferation of follicular dendritic cells (FDC). In addition, one patient had bone marrow involvement by FL. Histopathologically, the most remarkable feature in both cases seen at low magnification was a striking pallor of the constituent cells, which were arranged in fascicles, whorls, and round islands. The majority of the cells had the typical cytologic features of FDCs. They were intimately intermingled with centroblasts and centrocytes. A large amount of the clear cytoplasm and the pale nuclei of FDCs, which predominated in the tumors, caused the striking overall pallor of the lesions. Small reactive lymphocytes were scattered between the fascicles. A vague follicular growth pattern was seen only focally. The mantle zones were markedly reduced or absent so that the follicles were seen lying unseparated. The close intermixture of the FDCs and the germinal center cells was responsible for the FDCs appearing to be decorated with B-associated marker, and the germinal center cells seemed to be stained to some degree with FDC-markers. The tumor bulk demonstrated a diffuse and strong reaction with CD10, CD20, CD21, CD35, and stained weakly with CD79a. Fascin and CD23 showed only a weak and focal staining pattern. Bcl-2 decorated large centroblasts and small reactive T-cells. The tumor bulk was negative for actin, EMA, cytokeratins, vimentin, desmin, and factor XIIIa. The proliferative index was rather low; MIB-1 mainly decorated large centroblasts. No monoclonal rearrangement of IgH genes was detected. Epstein-Barr virus was not identified. Electron microscopy revealed typical features of FDCs intermingled with germinal center cells. Such cases may represent a diagnostic pitfall, as FDC overgrowth can mask FL and give the neoplasm the appearance of FDC sarcoma/tumor. We believe that, in both cases, the FDC proliferation had a reactive character.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of mediastinal follicular dendritic cell (FDC) sarcoma involving the bone marrow. The patient, a 46-year-old woman, had a clinically aggressive tumor in the anterior mediastinum that was initially diagnosed as a diffuse B-cell lymphoma. She received chemotherapy but showed no significant improvement. One year later, the patient presented at our institution with pelvic bone metastases. Biopsy specimens of the sacrum lesion and bone marrow were obtained. The diagnosis of FDC sarcoma was made based on histological examination and immunohistochemical findings, including strong positive staining of tumor cells for CD21, CD23, clusterin, and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and negative staining for CD20, CD30, CD45, CD1a, S-100, vimentin, and keratin cocktail. Histological examination and immunohistochemical studies of a previous biopsy of the mediastinal mass confirmed the diagnosis of mediastinal FDC sarcoma. The patient was treated with an appropriate chemotherapy regimen; 1 month later, follow-up bone marrow biopsy revealed no tumor cells. Although FDC sarcoma is considered a low-grade tumor, the tumor in the present case not only developed at an unusual location with bone metastasis but also involved bone marrow. To our knowledge, this is the first such case ever reported. This case also highlights the utility of EGFR as an immunohistochemical marker of dendritic cell tumors that could be used as a diagnostic tool and guide for choosing appropriate chemotherapy regimens.  相似文献   

Follicular dendritic cell sarcomas are rare neoplasms arising from the accessory cells of the lymph nodes, the follicular dendritic cells. They commonly occur in the lymph nodes, but have also been reported at extranodal sites (especially the tonsil). At both sites, there is usually a proliferation of spindled to ovoid cells, mimicking a mesenchymal tumor. Herein, we report a tonsillar tumor in a 50-year-old man, which was composed exclusively of large polygonal cells and numerous osteoclastic giant cells that resembled a giant cell carcinoma. The true nature of the tumor was revealed after an array of immunohistochemical stains. The patient is well 4 years after tonsillectomy.  相似文献   

Extranodal follicular dendritic cell tumour of the nasopharynx   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 We report the first case of an extranodal follicular dendritic cell (FDC) tumour localized in the nasopharynx of a 44-year-old male patient. The tumour cells were characterized immunohistochemically by strong expression of CD21, HLA-DR and vimentin and focal expression of CD68 and cytokeratin. Electron microscopic examination revealed desmosomal cell junctions between adjacent cell processes. Molecular genetic analysis using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed germline configuration of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor genes. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genomes were detectable by PCR. After complete surgical tumour removal and radiotherapy the patient is disease-free 20 months after the initial diagnosis. Received: 21 July 1997 / Accepted: 12 September 1997  相似文献   

Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma (IDCS) is an extremely rare neoplasm arising from the antigen-presenting cells of the immune system. This disease usually involves the lymph nodes, and rarely, extranodal sites may be affected. The authors report a case of extranodal IDCS presenting in the pleura. A 32-yr-old man presented with progressive chest pain. Imaging studies showed diffuse pleural thickening with pleural effusion. Morphological and immunohistochemical analysis of an incisional biopsy of the pleura were consistent with a diagnosis of IDCS; tumor cells were positive for S100 and CD45, but negative for CD1a, CD21, CD35, B cell and T cell markers. The patient was administered chemotherapy, but died of progressive disease. Although its incidence is extremely rare, this case suggests that extranodal IDCS should be considered in the differential diagnosis of undifferentiated neoplasms and that immunohistochemical staining be performed using appropriate markers.  相似文献   

Spindle cell tumours of the breast: practical approach to diagnosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spindle cell tumours of the breast are uncommon and often present diagnostic challenges. The most important is the sarcomatoid/metaplastic carcinoma, which has monophasic and biphasic variants. Each of these groups presents special diagnostic difficulties. In the monophasic variant the mesenchymal component predominates and the epithelial element forms a minor component often detected only after immunohistochemical study. The spindle cell areas may be bland and therefore under-diagnosed as nodular fasciitis or fibromatosis. Alternatively they may be highly malignant with a pattern that is misinterpreted as primary sarcoma of the breast. In the biphasic variant, the difficulty is in distinguishing between sarcomatoid carcinoma, myoepithelial carcinoma or malignant phyllodes tumour. Other spindle cell lesions of the breast include the various myofibroblastic tumours, the spindle cell variant of adenomyoepithelioma, the varied primary breast sarcomas, metastatic tumours with spindle cell morphology and, finally, the very rare follicular dendritic cell tumour. A simple practical approach to the diagnosis of spindle cell lesions is presented to help the general surgical pathologist to compile a differential diagnosis and to arrive at the correct conclusion  相似文献   

Neoplasms derived from interdigitating dendritic cell are extremely rare. Here we describe a case of a 47-year-old man with interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma (IDCS) in the ileum. He was admitted to a hospital due to ileus. The ileal tumor, measuring 2 cm, was detected and resected with regional lymphadenectomy. At that time, a pathologic diagnosis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor was made. The patient, who was not treated with chemotherapy, showed no signs of recurrence. After three years, we detected cervical lymphadenopathy and multiple duodenal masses in the patient in our hospital. Oval to spindle-shaped atypical cells, which resembled ileal tumor cells, infiltrated into the lymph node and duodenum. Immunohistochemical staining of these three lesions revealed positivity of S100 protein and several macrophage-related antigens. Based on the histologic and immunohistochemical analysis, the histopathologic diagnosis of IDCS was confirmed. To our knowledge, five cases of IDCS arising in the intestinal tract have been reported to date, and only one case, treated with both surgery and chemotherapy, led to remission. This is the first case that has a comparatively favorable prognosis without chemotherapy after surgery.  相似文献   

Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma (IDCS) is an extremely rare neoplasm derived from antigen-presenting cells. IDCS displays aggressive behavior in a third of all cases, and the most common involvement is a solitary lymph node. We report the case of an 87-year-old woman with a right nasal mass. She underwent a wide local excision and right functional lymphadenectomy. Histopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular studies were consistent with the diagnosis of IDCS. Although it is extremely rare, this case suggests that extranodal IDCS should be considered in the differential diagnosis of undifferentiated fusiform neoplasms.  相似文献   

Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma of the spleen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diagnosis of primary spindle cell tumors of the spleen is challenging because of the limited immunologic and cytogenetic characterization of this rare entity. We report a case of primary follicular dendritic cell (FDC) sarcoma of the spleen in a 44-year-old woman. Indications for FDC included positive staining for CD21, Ki-M4P, CD14, and fascin. Expression of both standard FDC markers CD23 and CD35 was detected immunohistochemically using tyramide signal amplification. Cytogenetic analysis revealed multiple clonal chromosomal aberrations involving unbalanced translocations of chromosomes X, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10, leading to net gains at 3q, 7p, 8q, and 9q and net losses at Xp, 8p, 9p, and 10p. Loss at Xp has been described previously in another tumor with FDC features, suggesting that this aberration might play a common role in this malignancy.  相似文献   

This paper describes the histological picture of four tumours of the follicular compartment of the lymph node, in which the proliferating cell appeared to be the dendritic reticulum cell (DRC). This assumption was based on the results of light microscopical, ultrastructural, immunological, and enzymehistochemical investigations. The tumour cells resembled DRC's closely in (1) the striking pattern of interdigitations and occasional tight junction-like contacts between the neoplastic cells on electron microscopical analysis; (2) presence of receptors for the activated third component of complement on the membrane of the cells; (3) absence of monoclonal immunoglobulins and T-cell antigen on the surface and of lysozyme, alpha 1-antitrypsin or alpha 1-antichymotrypsin in the cytoplasm of the neoplastic cells. Moreover, (4) the tumour cells showed moderate alpha-naphtyl acetate esterase, weak to absent acid phosphatase and (with one exception) strong 5-nucleotidase activity. Furthermore, (5) the neoplastic cells expressed Ia-like antigens on the surface in all four cases. The relation with follicle centre cell lymphomas, the differential diagnosis and clinical data are discussed.  相似文献   

Neoplasms of histiocytes and dendritic cells are rare, and their phenotypic and biological definition is incomplete. Seeking to identify antigens detectable in paraffin-embedded sections that might allow a more complete, rational immunophenotypic classification of histiocytic/dendritic cell neoplasms, the International Lymphoma Study Group (ILSG) stained 61 tumours of suspected histiocytic/dendritic cell type with a panel of 15 antibodies including those reactive with histiocytes (CD68, lysozyme (LYS)), Langerhans cells (CD1a), follicular dendritic cells (FDC: CD21, CD35) and S100 protein. This analysis revealed that 57 cases (93%) fit into four major immunophenotypic groups (one histiocytic and three dendritic cell types) utilizing six markers: CD68, LYS, CD1a, S100, CD21, and CD35. The four (7%) unclassified cases were further classifiable into the above four groups using additional morphological and ultrastructural features. The four groups then included: (i) histiocytic sarcoma (n=18) with the following phenotype: CD68 (100%), LYS (94%), CD1a (0%), S100 (33%), CD21/35 (0%). The median age was 46 years. Presentation was predominantly extranodal (72%) with high mortality (58% dead of disease (DOD)). Three had systemic involvement consistent with 'malignant histiocytosis'; (ii) Langerhans cell tumour (LCT) (n=26) which expressed: CD68 (96%), LYS (42%), CD1a (100%), S100 (100%), CD21/35 (0%). There were two morphological variants: cytologically typical (n=17) designated LCT; and cytologically malignant (n=9) designated Langerhans cell sarcoma (LCS). The LCS were often not easily recognized morphologically as LC-derived, but were diagnosed based on CD1a staining. LCT and LCS differed in median age (33 versus 41 years), male:female ratio (3.7:1 versus 1:2), and death rate (31% versus 50% DOD). Four LCT patients had systemic involvement typical of Letterer-Siwe disease; (iii) follicular dendritic cell tumour/sarcoma (FDCT) (n=13) which expressed: CD68 (54%), LYS (8%), CD1a (0%), S100 (16%), FDC markers CD21/35 (100%), EMA (40%). These patients were adults (median age 65 years) with predominantly localized nodal disease (75%) and low mortality (9% DOD); (iv) interdigitating dendritic cell tumour/sarcoma (IDCT) (n=4) which expressed: CD68 (50%), LYS (25%), CD1a (0%), S100 (100%), CD21/35 (0%). The patients were adults (median 71 years) with localized nodal disease (75%) without mortality (0% DOD). In conclusion, definitive immunophenotypic classification of histiocytic and accessory cell neoplasms into four categories was possible in 93% of the cases using six antigens detected in paraffin-embedded sections. Exceptional cases (7%) were resolvable when added morphological and ultrastructural features were considered. We propose a classification combining immunophenotype and morphology with five categories, including Langerhans cell sarcoma. This simplified scheme is practical for everyday diagnostic use and should provide a framework for additional investigation of these unusual neoplasms.  相似文献   

We examined 14 spindle cell tumours of the pleura that were sent to a Mesothelioma Panel for re-evaluation after a primary suspicion of mesothelioma. The clinical, histological, immunohistochemical and CGH findings were investigated. Final diagnoses were eight sarcomatoid mesotheliomas (SM) and six non-mesotheliomas: two pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinomas, an epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, a malignant solitary fibrous tumour, a malignant pleural smooth muscle tumour and an extraskeletal osteosarcoma. Seven of the eight SM and two of the other six tumours presented with unilateral pleural effusion, dyspnoea, and chest pain, which are characteristic clinical findings in malignant mesothelioma. No single antibody used in the immunohistochemistry separated SM from other tumour types. The most frequently observed chromosomal losses in SM were 4q, 4p11-p13/p15, 6q and 13. Losses of 4p11-p13/p15 and 4q occurred in combination in four out of five SM with detectable chromosomal changes, but neither was found in any of the other tumours. Gain or high-level amplification of 5p was also common in SM. According to our results and literature, losses at 4p, 4q and 9p and gain at 5p are the chromosomal changes that best differentiate SM from pleural sarcomas and lung carcinomas. CGH analysis may help distinguish a cytokeratin-positive SM from a sarcomatoid carcinoma. Similarly, in the case of a cytokeratin-negative tumour, CGH analysis may disclose chromosomal changes characteristic of sarcomas or mesotheliomas.  相似文献   

Background: Immunohistochemical studies with anti-vimentin and anti-desmin monoclonal antibodies were designed to determine the origin of bursal secretory dendritic cells (SDC) and follicular dendritic cells. Methods: The binding sites of anti-vimentin, anti-desmin, and antichicken-IgG specific monoclonal antibodies were visualized with a biotinylated anti-mouse-IgG, ABC Elite kit, and 4-chloronaphthol. Cells were double stained (anti-vimentin and rabbit anti-chicken-IgG Fc) to determine if the vimentin positive cells possessed surface IgG. Results: Vimentin positive cells were observed in the cortex and medulla of the bursa and germinal center and lymphoepithelial compartment of the caecal tonsil. The mesenchymal reticular cell, the basic supporting cell of the germinal center, was stained prominently by anti-vimentin and anti-desmin. Both antibodies stained the bursal cortex but only anti-vimentin bound the bursal secretory dendritic cell of the medulla. In addition to being vimentin positive and desmin negative, the bursal secretory dendritic cell possessed and the follicular dendritic cell appeared to possess IgG on their surfaces. In all the observations, B-cells were vimentin negative. Conclusion: These studies suggest that follicular dendritic cells and mesenchymal reticular cells in the caecal tonsil's germinal centers may be functionally different cell populations while the bursal secretory dendritic cell and follicular dendritic cell of the caecal tonsil may have a common origin. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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