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Nusslock R, Almeida JRC, Forbes EE, Versace A, Frank E, LaBarbara EJ, Klein CR, Phillips ML. Waiting to win: elevated striatal and orbitofrontal cortical activity during reward anticipation in euthymic bipolar disorder adults. Bipolar Disord 2012: 14: 249–260. © 2012 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Objective: Bipolar disorder may be characterized by a hypersensitivity to reward‐relevant stimuli, potentially underlying the emotional lability and dysregulation that characterizes the illness. In parallel, research highlights the predominant role of striatal and orbitofrontal cortical (OFC) regions in reward‐processing and approach‐related affect. We aimed to examine whether bipolar disorder, relative to healthy, participants displayed elevated activity in these regions during reward processing. Methods: Twenty‐one euthymic bipolar I disorder and 20 healthy control participants with no lifetime history of psychiatric disorder underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning during a card‐guessing paradigm designed to examine reward‐related brain function to anticipation and receipt of monetary reward and loss. Data were collected using a 3T Siemens Trio scanner. Results: Region‐of‐interest analyses revealed that bipolar disorder participants displayed greater ventral striatal and right‐sided orbitofrontal [Brodmann area (BA) 11] activity during anticipation, but not outcome, of monetary reward relative to healthy controls (p < 0.05, corrected). Whole‐brain analyses indicated that bipolar disorder, relative to healthy, participants also displayed elevated left‐lateral OFC (BA 47) activity during reward anticipation (p < 0.05, corrected). Conclusions: Elevated ventral striatal and OFC activity during reward anticipation may represent a neural mechanism for predisposition to expansive mood and hypo/mania in response to reward‐relevant cues that characterizes bipolar disorder. Our findings contrast with research reporting blunted activity in the ventral striatum during reward processing in unipolar depressed individuals, relative to healthy controls. Examination of reward‐related neural activity in bipolar disorder is a promising research focus to facilitate identification of biological markers of the illness.  相似文献   

To examine the neural circuitry involved in food craving, in making food particularly appetitive and thus in driving wanting and eating, we used fMRI to measure the response to the flavour of chocolate, the sight of chocolate and their combination in cravers vs. non-cravers. Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) analyses showed that the sight of chocolate produced more activation in chocolate cravers than non-cravers in the medial orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum. For cravers vs. non-cravers, a combination of a picture of chocolate with chocolate in the mouth produced a greater effect than the sum of the components (i.e. supralinearity) in the medial orbitofrontal cortex and pregenual cingulate cortex. Furthermore, the pleasantness ratings of the chocolate and chocolate-related stimuli had higher positive correlations with the fMRI blood oxygenation level-dependent signals in the pregenual cingulate cortex and medial orbitofrontal cortex in the cravers than in the non-cravers. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that there are differences between cravers and non-cravers in their responses to the sensory components of a craved food in the orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum and pregenual cingulate cortex, and that in some of these regions the differences are related to the subjective pleasantness of the craved foods. Understanding individual differences in brain responses to very pleasant foods helps in the understanding of the mechanisms that drive the liking for specific foods and thus intake of those foods.  相似文献   

The representation of reward anticipation and reward prediction errors is the basis for reward-associated learning. The representation of whether or not a reward occurred (reward receipt) is important for decision making. Recent studies suggest that, while reward anticipation and reward prediction errors are encoded in the midbrain and the ventral striatum, reward receipts are encoded in the medial orbitofrontal cortex. In order to substantiate this functional specialization we analyzed data from an fMRI study in which 59 subjects completed two simple monetary reward paradigms. Because reward receipts and reward prediction errors were correlated, a statistical model comparison was applied separating the effects of the two. Reward prediction error fitted BOLD responses significantly better than reward receipt in the midbrain and the ventral striatum. Conversely, reward receipt fitted BOLD responses better in the orbitofrontal cortex. Activation related to reward anticipation was found in the orbitofrontal cortex. The results confirm a functional specialization of behaviorally important aspects of reward processing within the mesolimbic dopaminergic system.  相似文献   

First impressions, especially of emotional faces, may critically impact later evaluation of social interactions. Activity in limbic regions, including the amygdala and ventral striatum, has previously been shown to correlate with identification of emotional content in faces; however, little work has been done describing how these signals may influence emotional face memory. We report an event‐related functional magnetic resonance imaging study in 21 healthy adults where subjects attempted to recognize a neutral face that was previously viewed with a threatening (angry or fearful) or nonthreatening (happy or sad) affect. In a hypothesis‐driven region of interest analysis, we found that neutral faces previously presented with a threatening affect recruited the left amygdala. In contrast, faces previously presented with a nonthreatening affect activated the left ventral striatum. A whole‐brain analysis revealed increased response in the right orbitofrontal cortex to faces previously seen with threatening affect. These effects of prior emotion were independent of task performance, with differences being seen in the amygdala and ventral striatum even if only incorrect trials were considered. The results indicate that a network of frontolimbic regions may provide emotional bias signals during facial recognition. Hum Brain Mapp, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although neural signals of reward anticipation have been studied extensively, the functional relationship between reward and attention has remained unclear: Neural signals implicated in reward processing could either reflect attentional biases towards motivationally salient stimuli, or proceed independently of attentional processes. Here, we sought to disentangle reward and attention‐related neural processes by independently modulating reward value and attentional task demands in a functional magnetic resonance imaging study in healthy human participants. During presentation of a visual reward cue that indicated whether monetary reward could be obtained in a subsequent reaction time task, participants either attended to the reward cue or performed an unrelated attention‐demanding task at two different levels of difficulty. In ventral striatum and ventral tegmental area, neural responses were modulated by reward anticipation irrespective of attentional demands, thus indicating attention‐independent processing of reward cues. By contrast, additive effects of reward and attention were observed in visual cortex. Critically, reward‐related activations in right anterior insula strongly depended on attention to the reward cue. Dynamic causal modelling revealed that the attentional modulation of reward processing in insular cortex was mediated by enhanced effective connectivity from ventral striatum to anterior insula. Our results provide evidence for distinct functional roles of the brain regions involved in the processing of reward‐indicating information: While subcortical structures signal the motivational salience of reward cues even when attention is fully engaged elsewhere, reward‐related responses in anterior insula depend on available attentional resources, likely reflecting the conscious evaluation of sensory information with respect to motivational value. Hum Brain Mapp 35:3036–3051, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuronal activity related to brain-stimulation reward and to feeding was analyzed in rhesus monkeys and squirrel monkeys as follows. First, self-stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus, orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala and nucleus accumbens was found. Second, a population of single neurones in the lateral hypothalamus was found to be trans-synaptically activated from one or several self-stimulation sites. It was also found that populations of neurones in the orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala were activated from at least some of the self-stimulation sites. Thus, in the monkey, there is evidence for an interconnected set of self-stimulation sites, stimulation in any one of which may activate neurones in the other regions. These sites include the lateral hypothalamus, amygdala, and orbitofrontal cortex. Third, in one sample of 764 neurones in the lateral hypothalamis and substantia innominata which were activated from brain-stimulation reward sites, 13.6% were also activated during feeding, by the sight and/or taste of food. The responses of the neurones with activity associated with taste occurred only while some substances (e.g. sweet substances such as glucose) were in the mouth, depended on the concentration of the substances being tasted, and were independent of mouth movements made by the monkeys. Fourth, the responses of these neutrones occurre to food when the monkeys were hungry, but not when they were satiated. Fifth, self-stimulation occurred in the region of these neurones in the lateral hypothalamus and substantia innominata, and was attenuated by satiety. These results suggest that self-stimulation of some brain sites occurs because of activation of neurones in the lateral hypothalamus and substantia innominata activated by the sight and/or taste of food in the hungry animal, and that these neurones are involved in responses to food reward.  相似文献   

When we buy a product of a brand, we trust the brand to provide good quality and reliability. Therefore, trust plays a major role in consumer behavior. It is unclear, however, how trust in brands is processed in the brain and whether it is processed differently from interpersonal trust. In this study, we used fMRI to investigate the neural correlates of interpersonal and brand trust by comparing the brain activation patterns during explicit trustworthiness judgments of faces and brands. Our results showed that while there were several brain areas known to be linked to trustworthiness evaluations, such as the amygdalae, more active in trustworthiness judgments when compared to a control task (familiarity judgment) for faces, no such difference was found for brands. Complementary ROI analysis revealed that the activation of both amygdalae was strongest for faces in the trustworthiness judgments. The direct comparison of the brain activation patterns during the trustworthiness evaluations between faces and brands in this analysis showed that trustworthiness judgments of faces activated the orbitofrontal cortex, another region that was previously linked to interpersonal trust, more strongly than trustworthiness judgments of brands. Further, trustworthiness ratings of faces, but not brands, correlated with activation in the orbitofrontal cortex. Our results indicate that the amygdalae, as well as the orbitofrontal cortex, play a prominent role in interpersonal trust (faces), but not in trust for brands. It is possible that this difference is due to brands being processed as cultural objects rather than as having human‐like personality characteristics.  相似文献   



Alcohol dependence is characterized by persistent alcohol-seeking despite negative consequences. Previous studies suggest that maladaptive persistent behaviors reflect alcohol-induced brain changes that cause alterations in the cortico-striatal-limbic circuit.


Twenty one alcohol dependent patients and 24 age-matched healthy controls performed a decision-making task during functional MRI. We defined the medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) as a region-of-interest and performed seed-based functional connectivity analysis.


Healthy controls were more flexible in adapting an alternative behavioral strategy, which correlated with stronger mOFC-dorsal striatum functional connectivity. In contrast, alcohol dependent patients persisted to the first established behavioral strategy. The mOFC-dorsal striatum functional connectivity was impaired in the alcohol-dependent patients, but increased in correlation with the duration of abstinence.


Our findings support that the disruption of the mOFC-striatal circuitry contribute to the maldaptive persistent behaviors in alcohol dependent patients.  相似文献   

Townsend JD, Bookheimer SY, Foland‐Ross LC, Moody TD, Eisenberger NI, Fischer JS, Cohen MS, Sugar CA, Altshuler LL. Deficits in inferior frontal cortex activation in euthymic bipolar disorder patients during a response inhibition task.
Bipolar Disord 2012: 14: 442–450. © 2012 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Objectives: The inferior frontal cortical–striatal network plays an integral role in response inhibition in normal populations. While inferior frontal cortex (IFC) impairment has been reported in mania, this study explored whether this dysfunction persists in euthymia. Methods: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation was evaluated in 32 euthymic patients with bipolar I disorder and 30 healthy subjects while performing the Go/NoGo response inhibition task. Behavioral data were collected to evaluate accuracy and response time. Within‐group and between‐group comparisons of activation were conducted using whole‐brain analyses to probe significant group differences in neural function. Results: Both groups activated bilateral IFC. However, between‐group comparisons showed a significantly reduced activation in this brain region in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder compared to healthy subjects. Other frontal and basal ganglia regions involved in response inhibition were additionally significantly reduced in bipolar disorder patients, in both the medicated and the unmedicated subgroups. No areas of greater activation were observed in bipolar disorder patients versus healthy subjects. Conclusions: Bipolar disorder patients, even during euthymia, have a persistent reduction in activation of brain regions involved in response inhibition, suggesting that reduced activation in the orbitofrontal cortex and striatum is not solely related to the state of mania. These findings may represent underlying trait abnormalities in bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

Healthy aging is associated with a progressive decline across a range of cognitive functions. An important factor underlying this decline may be the age‐related impairment in stimulus–reward processing. Several studies have investigated age‐related effects, but compared young versus old subjects. This is the first study to investigate the effect of aging on brain activation during reward processing within a continuous segment of the adult life span. We scanned 49 healthy adults aged 40–70 years, using functional MRI. We adopted a simple reward task, which allowed separate evaluation of neural responses to reward anticipation and receipt. The effect of reward on performance accuracy and speed was not related to age, indicating that all subjects could perform the task correctly. We identified a whole‐brain significant age‐related decline of ventral striatum activation during reward anticipation as compared to neutral anticipation. Importantly, the specificity of this finding was underscored by the observation that there was no general decline in activation during anticipation. Activation in the ventral striatum increased with age during reward receipt as compared to receiving neutral outcome. Finally, activation in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex during outcome was not affected by age. Our data demonstrate that the typical shift in striatal activation from reward receipt to reward anticipation in young adults disappears with healthy aging. These changes are consistent the well‐ocumented age‐related decline of striatal dopamine availability, and may provide a stepping stone for further research of age‐related neurodegenerative diseases. Hum Brain Mapp 36:2305–2317, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The functional architecture of the central taste and olfactory systems in primates provides evidence that the convergence of taste and smell information onto single neurons is realized in the caudal orbitofrontal cortex (and immediately adjacent agranular insula). These higher-order association cortical areas thus support flavour processing. Much less is known, however, about homologous regions in the human cortex, or how taste-odour interactions, and thus flavour perception, are implemented in the human brain. We performed an event-related fMRI study to investigate where in the human brain these interactions between taste and odour stimuli (administered retronasally) may be realized. The brain regions that were activated by both taste and smell included parts of the caudal orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala, insular cortex and adjoining areas, and anterior cingulate cortex. It was shown that a small part of the anterior (putatively agranular) insula responds to unimodal taste and to unimodal olfactory stimuli, and that a part of the anterior frontal operculum is a unimodal taste area (putatively primary taste cortex) not activated by olfactory stimuli. Activations to combined olfactory and taste stimuli where there was little or no activation to either alone (providing positive evidence for interactions between the olfactory and taste inputs) were found in a lateral anterior part of the orbitofrontal cortex. Correlations with consonance ratings for the smell and taste combinations, and for their pleasantness, were found in a medial anterior part of the orbitofrontal cortex. These results provide evidence on the neural substrate for the convergence of taste and olfactory stimuli to produce flavour in humans, and where the pleasantness of flavour is represented in the human brain.  相似文献   

Trait impulsivity is characterized by behavioral disinhibition and rash decision-making that contribute to many maladaptive behaviors. Previous research demonstrates that trait impulsivity is related to the activity of brain regions underlying reward sensitivity and emotion regulation, but little is known about this relationship in the context of immediately available primary reward. This is unfortunate, as impulsivity in these contexts can lead to unhealthy behaviors, including poor food choices, dangerous drug use and risky sexual practices. In addition, little is known about the relationship between integration of reward and affective neurocircuitry, as measured by resting-state functional connectivity, and trait impulsivity in everyday life, as measured with a commonly used personality inventory. We therefore asked healthy adults to undergo a functional magnetic resonance imaging task in which they saw cues indicating the imminent oral administration of rewarding taste, as well as a resting-state scan. Trait impulsivity was associated with increased activation during anticipation of primary reward in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and amygdala. Additionally, resting-state functional connectivity between the ACC and the right amygdala was negatively correlated with trait impulsivity. These findings demonstrate that trait impulsivity is related not only to ACC-amygdala activation but also to how tightly coupled these regions are to one another.  相似文献   

Food is an innate reward stimulus related to energy homeostasis and survival, whereas money is considered a more general reward stimulus that gains a rewarding value through learning experiences. Although the underlying neural processing for both modalities of reward has been investigated independently from one another, a more detailed investigation of neural similarities and/or differences between food and monetary reward is still missing. Here, we investigated the neural processing of food compared with monetary-related rewards in 27 healthy, normal-weight women using functional magnetic resonance imaging. We developed a task distinguishing between the anticipation and the receipt of either abstract food or monetary reward. Both tasks activated the ventral striatum during the expectation of a reward. Compared with money, greater food-related activations were observed in prefrontal, parietal and central midline structures during the anticipation and lateral orbitofrontal cortex (lOFC) during the receipt of food reward. Furthermore, during the receipt of food reward, brain activation in the secondary taste cortex was positively related to the body mass index. These results indicate that food-dependent activations encompass to a greater extent brain regions involved in self-control and self-reflection during the anticipation and phylogenetically older parts of the lOFC during the receipt of reward.  相似文献   

Reward sensitivity, or the tendency to engage in motivated approach behavior in the presence of rewarding stimuli, may be a contributory factor for vulnerability to disinhibitory behaviors. Although evidence exists for a reward sensitivity‐related increased response in reward brain areas (i.e. nucleus accumbens or midbrain) during the processing of reward cues, it is unknown how this trait modulates brain connectivity, specifically the crucial coupling between the nucleus accumbens, the midbrain, and other reward‐related brain areas, including the medial orbitofrontal cortex and the amygdala. Here, we analysed the relationship between effective connectivity and personality in response to anticipatory reward cues. Forty‐four males performed an adaptation of the Monetary Incentive Delay Task and completed the Sensitivity to Reward scale. The results showed the modulation of reward sensitivity on both activity and functional connectivity (psychophysiological interaction) during the processing of incentive cues. Sensitivity to reward scores related to stronger activation in the nucleus accumbens and midbrain during the processing of reward cues. Psychophysiological interaction analyses revealed that midbrain–medial orbitofrontal cortex connectivity was negatively correlated with sensitivity to reward scores for high as compared with low incentive cues. Also, nucleus accumbens–amygdala connectivity correlated negatively with sensitivity to reward scores during reward anticipation. Our results suggest that high reward sensitivity‐related activation in reward brain areas may result from associated modulatory effects of other brain regions within the reward circuitry.  相似文献   

Predicting rewards and avoiding aversive conditions is essential for survival. Recent studies using computational models of reward prediction implicate the ventral striatum in appetitive rewards. Whether the same system mediates an organism's response to aversive conditions is unclear. We examined the question using fMRI blood oxygen level-dependent measurements while healthy volunteers were conditioned using appetitive and aversive stimuli. The temporal difference learning algorithm was used to estimate reward prediction error. Activations in the ventral striatum were robustly correlated with prediction error, regardless of the valence of the stimuli, suggesting that the ventral striatum processes salience prediction error. In contrast, the orbitofrontal cortex and anterior insula coded for the differential valence of appetitive/aversive stimuli. Given its location at the interface of limbic and motor regions, the ventral striatum may be critical in learning about motivationally salient stimuli, regardless of valence, and using that information to bias selection of actions.  相似文献   

Although empathy is crucial for successful social interactions, excessive sharing of others’ negative emotions may be maladaptive and constitute a source of burnout. To investigate functional neural plasticity underlying the augmentation of empathy and to test the counteracting potential of compassion, one group of participants was first trained in empathic resonance and subsequently in compassion. In response to videos depicting human suffering, empathy training, but not memory training (control group), increased negative affect and brain activations in anterior insula and anterior midcingulate cortex—brain regions previously associated with empathy for pain. In contrast, subsequent compassion training could reverse the increase in negative effect and, in contrast, augment self-reports of positive affect. In addition, compassion training increased activations in a non-overlapping brain network spanning ventral striatum, pregenual anterior cingulate cortex and medial orbitofrontal cortex. We conclude that training compassion may reflect a new coping strategy to overcome empathic distress and strengthen resilience.  相似文献   

Perceived emotional valence of sensory stimuli influences their processing in various cortical and subcortical structures. Recent evidence suggests that negative and positive valences are processed separately, not along a single linear continuum. Here, we examined how brain is activated when subjects are listening to auditory stimuli varying parametrically in perceived valence (very unpleasant-neutral-very pleasant). Seventeen healthy volunteers were scanned in 3 Tesla while listening to International Affective Digital Sounds (IADS-2) in a block design paradigm. We found a strong quadratic U-shaped relationship between valence and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal strength in the medial prefrontal cortex, auditory cortex, and amygdala. Signals were the weakest for neutral stimuli and increased progressively for more unpleasant or pleasant stimuli. The results strengthen the view that valence is a crucial factor in neural processing of emotions. An alternative explanation is salience, which increases with both negative and positive valences.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dual frontolimbic brain pathology has been suggested as a possible correlate of impulsivity and aggressive behavior. One previous study reported volume loss of the hippocampus and the amygdala in patients with borderline personality disorder. We measured limbic and prefrontal brain volumes to test the hypothesis that frontolimbic brain pathology might be associated with borderline personality disorder. METHODS: Eight unmedicated female patients with borderline personality disorder and eight matched healthy controls were studied. The volumes of the hippocampus, amygdala, and orbitofrontal, dorsolateral prefrontal, and anterior cingulate cortex were measured in the patients using magnetic resonance imaging volumetry and compared to those obtained in the controls. RESULTS: We found a significant reduction of hippocampal and amygdala volumes in borderline personality disorder. There was a significant 24% reduction of the left orbitofrontal and a 26% reduction of the right anterior cingulate cortex in borderline personality disorder. Only left orbitofrontal volumes correlated significantly with amygdala volumes. CONCLUSIONS: While volume loss of a single brain structure like the hippocampus is quite an unspecific finding in neuropsychiatry, the patterns of volume loss of the amygdala, hippocampus, and left orbitofrontal and right anterior cingulate cortex might differentiate borderline personality disorder from other neuropsychiatric conditions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Converging evidence from animal and human lesion studies implicates the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) in emotional regulation and aggressive behavior. However, it remains unknown if functional deficits exist in these specific brain regions in clinical populations in which the cardinal symptom is impulsive aggression. We have previously shown that subjects diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder (IED), a psychiatric disorder characterized by reactive aggressive behavior, perform poorly on facial emotion recognition tasks. In this study we employed a social-emotional probe of amygdala-OFC function in individuals with impulsive aggression. METHODS: Ten unmedicated subjects with IED and 10 healthy, matched comparison subjects (HC) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while viewing blocks of emotionally salient faces. We compared amygdala and OFC reactivity to faces between IED and HC subjects, and examined the relationship between the extent of activation in these regions and extent of prior history of aggressive behavior. RESULTS: Relative to controls, individuals with IED exhibited exaggerated amygdala reactivity and diminished OFC activation to faces expressing anger. Extent of amygdala and OFC activation to angry faces were differentially related to prior aggressive behavior across subjects. Unlike controls, aggressive subjects failed to demonstrate amygdala-OFC coupling during responses to angry faces. CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide evidence of amygdala-OFC dysfunction in response to an ecologically-valid social threat signal (processing angry faces) in individuals with a history of impulsive aggressive behavior, and further substantiate a link between a dysfunctional cortico-limbic network and aggression.  相似文献   

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