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A case of large granular lymphocyte lymphocytosis with neutropenia was studied as evidenced by peripheral lymphocytosis of cells having typical morphology and profound neutropenia. Surface markers analysis revealed that almost all cells were CD8+ and their subpopulation DR+. The cells had strong spontaneous and inducible suppressor functions in vitro. Moreover, their ADCC activity was strong but NK activity very weak.  相似文献   

Oncocytic tumors of salivary glands are rare. Diffuse oncocytosis is the rarest lesion among 3 principal groups of oncocytic lesions as classified by WHO. Only seven cases have been previously reported in the literature. We report a case of diffuse hyperplastic oncocytosis of the parotid gland in a 63-year-old male with a brief review of literature. To the best of our knowledge this is the first case from Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   

Metaplastic bony tissue along with hyperplastic mucosal epithelium showing no atypism was detected in biopsy materials from a Yamada type I gastric polyp. The tissue was metaplastic woven bone associated with calcification. Histogenesis of the bone formation is as yet unknown. This is the first reported case of the presence of metaplastic bone accompanied by hyperplastic gastric mucosa so far.  相似文献   

A young male aged 28 years presented with a subcutaneous nodule in the left arm. Fine needle aspiration diagnosis was benign granular cell tumor which was confirmed by histopathology. Since it is an uncommon tumor, of controversial histogenesis, it is being reported here.  相似文献   

The case of a 52-year-old Japanese man with bronchial granular cell tumors with osteopontin and osteonectin expression is reported here because there have been few investigations of their expression in benign tumors. He was admitted because of sudden hematemesis. A bronchoscopic examination revealed a lobulated polypoid tumor located in the left and right bronchi. Histologically, most tumor cells had abundant granular eosinophilic cytoplasm and were immunoreactive for S-100, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), CD68 and vimentin. Moreover, osteopontin-positive tumor cells were randomly distributed in the tumor tissue, but few stromal cells were positive. In contrast, osteonectin was mainly expressed in the peripheral tumor cells and was also distributed in the stromal cells. Blood vessels at the tumor border in which osteonectin-positive tumor cells were distributed, proliferated moderately. These results suggest that osteopontin and osteonectin may play a role in the progression of granular cell tumors and in the interaction between the tumor and host or angiogenesis around the tumor, respectively.  相似文献   

A 54-year-old man, found to have a submucosal tumor in the stomach by double contrast roentgenography, endoscopy, and endoscopic ultrasonography, underwent a laparoscopic partial gastrectomy. The pathological examination revealed that the lesion, measuring 45 mm x 35 mm, was an inverted hyperplastic polyp (IHP) located in the submucosal layer and consisting mostly of columnar cells resembling foveolar epithelium and pyloric gland cells. Notably, adenocarcinoma with adjacent dysplasia was observed in the submucosal glands. Transition from hyperplasia to dysplasia and from dysplasia to adenocarcinoma was noted. The adenocarcinoma component was intensely and diffusely positive for p53 overexpression, while the dysplasia component showed only weak and focal positivity, suggesting a role of p53 mutation in the dysplasia-carcinoma sequence. Gastric IHP is very rare, and only 31 cases (in 29 patients) have been reported. Five of these IHPs coexisted with gastric adenocarcinomas, which had all developed separately from the IHP lesions. Therefore, this is the first case of adenocarcinoma arising within gastric IHP itself.  相似文献   

We describe a rare primary mixed granular cell astrocytoma and fibrosarcoma neoplasm, occurring in a 52-year-old female, with morphologic, immunohistochemical and molecular genetic features, whose tumor was entirely composed of granular cells and fibrosarcoma competent. This represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first report of the mixed granular cell astrocytoma and fibrosarcoma neoplasm. Moreover, two parts forming a complex arrangement that excluded it being assessed as a coincidental collision tumor. We discuss the relationship of two parts of this rare tumor by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Sarcomatous components in this tumor had the same aberrations of chromosomes to the gliomatous components of neoplasms, consisting of 1p 19q loss and no evidence of PTEN allele loss and amplification of EGFR. It was suggested that the sarcomatous component may be derived from glioma cells i this case.  相似文献   

Sun XY  Li XG  Gao H  Wang DG  Zhou XQ 《中华病理学杂志》2007,36(11):791-792
患者女,55岁。因无意问扪及下腹包块伴肛门坠胀感3个月,于2007年4月16日入院。体检:心肺检查未见异常,右下腹可触及一实性包块,大小6.0cm×6.0cm×5.0cm,质软,轻压痛,与子宫关系密切。B超示“右附件类实性包块,子宫后壁肌层多发性低回声结节。”临床诊断:子宫肌瘤,卵巢肿瘤,行子宫切除术。术中见子宫后壁偏左侧多发结节,直径0.1~4.0cm,右卵巢有一鹅蛋大小肿物。[第一段]  相似文献   

We present a case of pulmonary granular cell tumor (GCT). A 35-year-old man underwent pulmonary resection for metastatic testicular mixed germ cell tumor when two interlobar lymph nodes were found to be enlarged and abnormal. Intraoperative frozen section examination showed their involvement by GCT. Histologic examination of the lobectomy specimen showed a benign, predominantly hilar GCT as well as metastatic germ cell tumor. This location, with no endobronchial component and with extension into regional hilar lymph nodes, is unusual. The differential diagnosis and the association with the metastatic testicular cancer are discussed and the literature on pulmonary GCT is reviewed.  相似文献   

Malignant granular cell tumors (MGCTs) are rare neoplasms of uncertain histogenesis. We report a case of MGCT involving a peripheral nerve with peritoneal and omental dissemination in which cytogenetic findings are available. Our results show that MGCTs share some cytogenetic abnormalities with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs), supporting the hypothesis that they may represent histogenetically related lesions.  相似文献   

The etiology and histogenesis of granular cell tumor are still debated. Granular cell tumor of the newborn is considered to be a different entity than the adult form of this lesion with different immunohistochemical features. We present a case of a rare gingival granular cell tumor in a newborn and review the literature. Gingival granular cell tumor must be clinically differentiated from teratoma, congenital dermoid cyst, congenital fibrosarcoma, hemangioma, lymphangioma, leiomyoma, rhabdomyoma, heterotopic gastrointestinal cyst, congenital cystic choristoma and congenital lipoma. Surface ulceration or pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia may lead to confusion with malignancy.  相似文献   

Nati S  Monico S  Gentili A 《Pathologica》1998,90(6):798-800
We describe a case of multiple granular cell tumour (GCT) in 41 years old man. It manifested as subcutaneous synchronous multiple lesions. GCT is, usually, a benign lesion that is histologically diagnosed after biopsy or surgical excision. It raises doubts about his benignity in relation to multiple and distant localizations as in the present case.  相似文献   

Ependymoma is a rare central nervous system neoplasm with an even rarer morphologic variant called giant-cell ependymoma (GCE). GCE has a characteristic discrepant, malignant-like morphology but indolent behavior. We present the case of a 21-year-old female with an extra-axial GCE located in the sacral region. To date, 16 cases of sacral GCE have been reported in the literature, with 4 cases in the sacral region; however, all those cases were intra-axial. We present the first case of an extra-axial sacral GCE.  相似文献   

Mantle cell lymphoma is one of the B-cell lymphomas. The concurrent presentation of mantle cell lymphoma with large granular lymphocytic leukemia simultaneously has never been reported. In this case we present an old man with concomitant mantle cell lymphoma and large granular lymphocytic leukemia diagnosed by the morphology of the bone marrow aspiration, immunophenotyping of the peripheral blood by flow cytometry detecting the increased CD3+CD4-CD8+ cells, immunohistochemical studies of lymph node showed cyclinD1+, chromosome analysis by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed t(11,14), positive results of IGH and TCR rearrangement studies. The patient discharged from the hospital voluntarily and lost the follow-up. A brief discussion is also presented.  相似文献   

The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a global public health crisis, causing social and economic disasters in many countries. In China, two-consecutive negative results of nucleic acid tests for SARS-CoV-2 from the respiratory samples are required to end the quarantine of COVID-19 patients. However, clinicians face a dilemma in case of patients with long-term viral shedding. This report described an unusual COVID-19 case who had persistent viral RNA positivity for more than 4 months after initial illness in the presence of low neutralizing antibodies, but without prolonged clinical symptoms. Multiple anti-viral drug treatments had no impact and there was no evidence of re-infection. When the patient was self-quarantined at home, no infection occurred to the three family members living with her for 15 to 19 days. Sputum viral culture in BSL-3 laboratory on the 102nd day after symptom onset was negative. From the 129th day on, 8 continuous nucleic acid tests of sputum samples showed negative results. The patient was discharged on 137th days since symptom onset. In conclusion, viral RNA shedding in the sputum of the COVID-19 patient may last over 4 months. As no evidence shows the existence of infectious virus, two-consecutive negative nucleic acid tests may not be the prerequisite for ending quarantine of COVID-19 patients with prolonged viral shedding.  相似文献   

PROBLEM CONSIDERED: Giant cell fibroblastoma (GCF) is a rare mesenchymal neoplasm, which is classified as a fibrohistiocytic tumor of intermediate malignancy owing to its propensity for local recurrence, although metastasis has not been documented. Prior reports have linked GCF to dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP), given overlapping clinical and histologic features. METHODS: This report documents three additional cases of GCF that further support the contention that this lesion is histogenetically related to DFSP. RESULTS: All three lesions occurred on the trunk of patients whose ages were 4, 28, and 38 years. One case that histologically resembled a GCF on initial excision recurred with areas of both GCF and DFSP. A second recurrence was composed entirely of DFSP. Another case contained areas of both GCF and DFSP, as well as a focus that was felt to be undergoing fibrosarcomatous change. The third case consisted entirely of GCF. Immunohistochemically, all three lesions showed intense immunoreactivity for CD34 in the GCF component. CD34 also strongly marked the cells in those cases with a DFSP component. CONCLUSIONS: Although GCF may not represent the "juvenile form" of DFSP, as previously suggested, the evidence strongly supports a histogenetic relationship between these two lesions, even though the cell of origin remains obscure.  相似文献   

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