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Integrative therapies such as massage have gained support as interventions that improve the overall patient experience during hospitalization. Cardiac surgery patients undergo long procedures and commonly have postoperative back and shoulder pain, anxiety, and tension. Given the promising effects of massage therapy for alleviation of pain, tension, and anxiety, we studied the efficacy and feasibility of massage therapy delivered in the postoperative cardiovascular surgery setting. Patients were randomized to receive a massage or to have quiet relaxation time (control). In total, 113 patients completed the study (massage, n = 62; control, n = 51). Patients receiving massage therapy had significantly decreased pain, anxiety, and tension. Patients were highly satisfied with the intervention, and no major barriers to implementing massage therapy were identified. Massage therapy may be an important component of the healing experience for patients after cardiovascular surgery.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nordin AJ, Dixon S, Chinn DJ, Moloney I, Naik R, de Barros Lopes A, Monaghan JM. Attitudes to radical gynecological oncology surgery in the elderly: a pilot study.
Does age-related inequality of cancer care reflect patient preference or physician prejudice? We hypothesize no difference between elderly and younger patients' desire for optimal surgery and disease cure, and psychological adaptation to cancer. A newly developed questionnaire to assess attitudes to radical gynecological surgery in the elderly (ARGOSE) and a battery of established instruments were administered to 54 gynecological cancer patients (32 aged 65 + years; and 22 aged < 65 years) by structured interview. Disease diagnosis differed between cohorts ( P = 0.007), but treatment modalities were similar ( P = 0.46). There was no difference between cohorts in desire for optimal surgery and disease cure. Trends suggest the young consider a patient's age is less important than do the elderly, but the elderly may oppose age-related economic rationing of treatment more than the young. Furthermore, elderly individuals tend to perceive their seniors too elderly for treatment, but not themselves. The elderly believe more strongly that doctors should make management decisions. Perceptions of change in body image after cancer treatment did not differ between cohorts. The influence of age in determining attitudes is complex. A larger study with increased power is indicated to examine trends revealed in this pilot study.  相似文献   



To introduce a model incorporating expected risks for a vaginal procedure based on objective measurements of a patient's characteristics and propose it as a potential tool to assist in the selection of candidates for vaginal surgery.

Study design

A quantitative model consisting of 13 clinical variables identified as risk factors in a prospective vaginal procedure was developed. Medical records of 315 women undergoing a set of routine gynecological surgeries via the vaginal, laparoscopic, and abdominal routes were obtained during January 2010 and November 2011. These surgeries included hysterectomy, myomectomy, bilateral or unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and adnexal cystectomy. After that, each patient was scored according to the model. Sensitivity and specificity of the model were analyzed in one data set (cohort I) by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and independently validated in a second data set (cohort II).


175 patients were included in cohort I while the other 140 patients formed cohort II. The intra- and post-operative complication rates were 0.6% and 0%, respectively. A vaginal procedure was predicted with good accuracy (AUC = 0.852). The sensitivity was 86.0% and specificity was 72.0% at an optimal cut-off point of score = 3. The predication accuracy of this model was further validated in cohort II and reached as high as 85.7%. Furthermore, the score was significantly associated with the volume of estimated blood loss and the duration of operation time (P < 0.05).


Our quantitative risk assessment model predicts safe vaginal surgery with good accuracy. Predictive tools based on such a model could help surgeons to optimize patient selection and thus contribute to reducing costs while enhancing patients’ satisfaction. We invite other researchers to modify and validate the model in other populations.  相似文献   

ObjectivesPrimary small cell carcinoma of the endometrium is a rare disease that can only be diagnosed at an advanced stage, and thus has a poor prognosis. In this study, the clinicopathologic characteristics of endometrial small cell carcinoma are described and the survival outcomes are discussed.Materials and methodsThe data from six patients from a single medical institution who were diagnosed with endometrial small cell carcinoma in the past 20 years were retrospectively reviewed.ResultsThe median age of the six patients was 60 years. Vaginal bleeding was the most common symptom. All six patients underwent complete staging surgery, including hysterectomy, bilateral salpingoophorectomy, and systematic lymphadenectomy. Three of the patients were diagnosed with early stage disease, [International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage I or II], and the other three were in an advanced stage (FIGO stage III). Pathologically, deep myometrial invasion was observed in five (83.3%) of the patients, and lymphovascular invasion in six. As adjuvant therapy, four (66.7%) patients received platinum-based chemotherapy and one (16.7%) underwent concurrent chemoradiotherapy. During the median follow-up period of 16.2 months, recurrence developed in four patients (66.7%). There were disseminated recurrences on the peritoneum and lymph nodes in two cases, and distant metastasis to the brain in the other two cases. The median time to recurrence was 7.5 months (range, 315 months). One patient died of disease.ConclusionSmall cell carcinoma of the endometrium shows an aggressive clinical behavior, such as a disseminated disease and distant metastasis within a short time to recurrence. Initial active management with complete surgical resection and systemic chemotherapy might improve outcomes, although further large studies should be done to confirm this.  相似文献   



Minimally invasive surgery for recurrent ovarian cancer is generally not performed. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and surgical outcomes of robotic-assisted surgery in the management of recurrent ovarian cancer.


Eligible patients included those with confirmed recurrent ovarian cancer amenable to surgical resection and in which a complete resection was thought to be feasible with the use of the robotic platform. Patients with evidence of carcinomatosis were not considered for a robotic approach. Clinical and pathologic data were abstracted from the medical records. Appropriate statistical tests were performed using SPSS statistical software program (SPSS 20.0 Inc., Chicago, IL).


A total of 48 patients were identified. Thirty-six (75%) patients had a recurrent mass or masses isolated to one anatomic region (pelvis or abdomen). Conversion to laparotomy was necessary in 4 (8.3%) cases. In cases not requiring conversion to laparotomy, the median operative time, EBL, and length of stay were 179.5 min, 50 cc, and 1 day, respectively. An optimal debulking was achieved in 36 (82%) cases. Complications occurred in 6 (13.6%) cases. The median operative time, EBL, length of stay, and complications were all statistically significantly lower in the cases not converted to laparotomy compared to those that were (p < 0.001).


This study suggests that select patients with recurrent ovarian cancer in the absence of carcinomatosis may be candidates for secondary surgical cytoreduction via a robotic approach. Surgical and postoperative outcomes appear to be favorable compared to reports of laparotomy in recurrent ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to determine whether surgery influences the outcome of stage IV ovarian cancer. The study design is as follows: From May 1995 to December 2000, 129 patients with FIGO stage IV ovarian cancer, recruited in 42 centers, were prospectively included in GINECO first-line randomized studies of platinum-based regimens with paclitaxel administered simultaneously or sequentially. In all, 109 were eligible for this study. Standard peritoneal cytoreductive surgery was defined as a procedure including at least total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, omentectomy, and peritoneal debulking. Surgery was considered optimal if residual lesions were smaller than 1 cm. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to compare survival. Initial abdominopelvic cytoreductive surgery was considered standard in 55 (54%) patients. Abdominopelvic surgery was optimal in 29 patients and nonoptimal in 26. Twenty-two (22%) patients had a simple biopsy, and 25 (24%) patients underwent substandard surgery. Twenty-two of these 47 patients without initial standard surgery underwent a second surgical procedure, and 17 of the 22 patients completed standard surgery. The median overall survival time in the entire population was 24.3 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 19.5-29.1 months). Patients treated without a cytoreductive surgical procedure had significantly worse median survival (15.1 months; 95% CI, 5.4-24.9 months) than patients who had optimal primary surgery (22.9 months; 95% CI, 15.6-30.1 months), nonoptimal primary surgery (27.1 months; 95% CI, 21.2-32.9 months), or neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery (45.5 months; 95% CI, 23.5-67.5 months) (P= .001). In conclusion, this study shows a significant benefit of debulking surgery in stage IV ovarian cancer patients who responded to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can help to select patients for surgery.  相似文献   



Quantifying non-routine events (NREs) assists with identify underlying sociotechnical factors that could lead to adverse events. NREs are considered any event that is unusual or atypical during surgical procedures. This study aimed to use prospective observations to characterize the occurrence of non-routine events in gynecological surgeries.


Observational data were collected prospectively within one surgical gynecology department over a five month period. Researchers captured NREs in real time using a validated tablet PC-based tool according to the NRE type, impact, whom was affected, and duration. Researchers also noted what surgical approach (i.e. open, laparoscopic, robotic) was used.


Across 45 surgical cases, 554 non-routine events (M?=?12.31 NREs per case, SD?=?9.81) were identified. The majority of non-routine events were external interruptions (40.3%), teamwork (26.7%), or equipment (21.3%). The circulating nurse was most frequently affected by NREs (43.2%) followed by the entire surgical team (13.7%). There was no statistically significant difference in non-routine events based on surgical approach.


Non-routine events are prevalent in the gynecological surgical setting. Identifying the sociotechnical factors that influence non-routine events are important in determining interventions that will combat the associated risks. Interventions focusing on teamwork, managing external interruptions, and coordinating equipment may have the greatest impact to reduce or eliminate NREs in gynecological surgeries.  相似文献   



To assess the clinicopathological characteristics and clinical management of patients diagnosed with mullerian adenosarcoma of the uterine cervix.

Materials and methods

Records of six patients surgically treated for cervical mullerian adenosarcoma were reviewed.


The median age of the patients was 50 years (range, 17–74). Four patients presented with vaginal bleeding and two of them had watery discharge as the primary symptoms. Three nulliparous patients who hoped to preserve their uterus were included in this study and only one of the three patients received fertility-preservation surgery. Five patients underwent hysterectomy (simple in 3, modified radical in 2) with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy or bilateral salpingectomy. One patient underwent conization of the cervix to preserve her fertility as there was no sarcomatous overgrowth, heterologous elements, or deep cervical stromal invasion. A recurrence of cervical mullerian adenosarcoma with sarcomatous overgrowth was observed in one patient who underwent simple hysterectomy.


The presence of sarcomatous overgrowth and deep cervical stromal invasion are associated with poor prognosis. Along with adequate counseling, fertility-preservation surgery may be an acceptable option for exophytic cervical mullerian adenosarcoma in the cases that do not show sarcomatous overgrowth and deep cervical stromal invasion.  相似文献   



To review the clinical features, diagnosis, management, and outcomes for the 50 cases of Paget's disease (PD) of the vulva referred to Queensland Centre for Gynaecological Cancer between 1986 and 2009.


Vulvar PD cases from QCGC were reviewed and analyzed using the computer software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 11.0.


Paget's disease (PD) of the vulva is uncommon. Of the 50 patients, 2 have died of their PD, 1 patient that had coexisting PD died of squamous cell vulva cancer, and 11 died of unrelated causes. The mean age at diagnosis was 67.6 years (range, 31 to 91). All cases were Caucasian.Time from onset of symptoms to diagnosis averaged 21 months. Not until a biopsy was performed was the diagnosis made. The most common presenting complaint was pruritis (27 cases, 54%). There was no identifiable “favored” site on the vulva for PD. Positive groin lymph nodes were found in 4 of the 10 cases who underwent node biopsy. Two who had poorly differentiated carcinoma in the nodes and PD died of disease within a year of diagnosis, one is alive three years later. The fourth case had coincidental PD and vulvar squamous cell carcinoma with squamous carcinoma groin nodes.Initial treatment was surgical.


The prognosis for primary extra-mammary PD of the vulva confined to the epidermis (IEP) is excellent. Early diagnosis and long term follow-up are the keys to successful management. The status of disease at the margins of surgical specimens does not reliably equate to patient long term outcomes.  相似文献   

The aim of this single-center, prospective, randomized, parallel-group study was to compare Dienogest and Danazol as endometrial preparation in patients who have to undergo hysteroscopic surgery for submucous myomas. We enrolled 80 consecutive eligible patients, in reproductive age, affected by submucous myomas. Pre- and posttreatment characterization of endometrium was performed by hysteroscopic visual observation and histologic confirmation. The enrolled patients were randomly assigned to two groups: 40 were treated with 2?mg of Dienogest/die, 40 with 100?mg of Danazol/die, both orally for 5 weeks, starting on day 1 of menstruation. Posttreatment comparison of endometrial patterns showed a significant more marked effect of Dienogest, respect to Danazol, in atrophying endometrium (“normotrophic non-responders” versus “hypotrophic”–“atrophic”, p?=?0.028). Intraoperative data showed no significant difference between the two groups for cervical dilatation time (p?=?0.326), while in the Dienogest group, we found a significant reduction of operative time (p?=?0.001), infusion volume (p?=?0.001), and severity of bleeding (p?=?0.042). Moreover, Dienogest caused less side effects (p?=?0.008). According to our data analysis, Dienogest, respect to Danazol, is more effective for the preparation of the endometrium in patients who have to undergo hysteroscopic surgery for submucous myomas, and causes less side effects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether laparoscopy can be considered as adequate and reliable as standard laparotomy in predicting optimal cytoreduction (RT < or = 1 cm) in patients with advanced ovarian cancer. METHODS: From March to November 2003, 95 patients with suspected advanced ovarian or peritoneal cancer have been evaluated. Thirty-one cases were excluded due to an anesthesiological class of risk ASA III-IV (51.6%) and for the presence of a large size mass reaching the xiphoid (48.4%). Sixty-four patients completed the study. All patients were submitted to preoperative clinico-radiological evaluation and then to both laparoscopy and standard longitudinal laparotomy, sequentially. Some specific preoperatively defined parameters were analyzed during each procedure in order to obtain the most accurate evaluation on the possibility to get an optimal cytoreduction. RESULTS: The overall accuracy rate of laparoscopy in assessing optimal cytoreduction was 90%. The negative predictive value (NPV) of the clinical-radiologic evaluation corresponded to 73%, whereas in no case was the judgment of unresectable disease obtained by laparoscopy changed by the laparotomic approach (NPV 100%). On the contrary, an optimal debulking was achievable in 34 of 39 cases (87%) selected as completely resectable by explorative laparoscopy. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopy can be considered super imposable to standard longitudinal laparotomy in identifying not optimally resectable advanced ovarian cancer patients.  相似文献   



To assess the self-perceived quality of life in women with advanced pelvic organ prolapse before and after mesh surgery.

Study design

Women with symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse (stage III–IV according to pelvic organ prolapse quantification (POP-Q)) were invited to participate in the study. All enrolled patients underwent prolapse surgery using the transvaginal mesh technique. Success was defined as ICS POP-Q stage 0 and I. The SF36v2 questionnaire was used as a subjective outcome measure.


113 patients were available for follow-up at 6–8 weeks and 16–18 months. Overall anatomic success rates were 87.6%. Statistically significant improvements in the self-perceived quality-of-life were found in 3 individual domains (general health (GH), vitality (V) and mental health (MH)) and in one summary domain (MCS) at 6–8 weeks post-op. In one individual and one summary domain (role – physical (RP) and physical component summary (PCS)) the scores were significantly lower. At the end of the study statistically significant improvement was observed in four out of eight individual domains (vitality (V), menthal health (MH), physical functioning (PF), social functioning (SF)) as well as in both summary scores (PCS and MCS).


Reconstructive mesh surgery improved significantly various self-perceived quality of life dimensions. Therefore, women should expect significant improvement in their general quality of life after this type of operation. The assessment of urogenital well-being should be a routine attitude when counseling menopausal women.  相似文献   

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