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Theresearchisthelargesteffortonosteoporosisthathasbeenundertaken,andoneofthefewcountry-wideglobalefforts.TheresearchisespeciallyimportantwiththesuggestionthatChinesehavelowbonedensityingeneral,andtherapidagingoftheChinesepopulation犤1-2犦.1Materialsandmethods1.1SubjectsSubjectswereobtainedwithinformedconsentfrom5593HannationalityandregisteredinfiveareasofChinaincludingNorth,South-middle,East,South-westandNorth-eastbythestrati-fied-multi-steps-clustersamplingmethod…  相似文献   

Persistentinsufficientflowofcoronaryarterywillleadtohi-bernationofpartialmyocardiumfollowingmyocardialinfarctionduetocoronaryheartdisease,andthusdecreasingheartfunction,ex-ercisetolerance,andqualityoflifeduringrehabilitationphase.TMZ,theinhibitorof3-KAT,playsthecardinalroleinen-ergymetabolismofmyocardium.Inpresentstudy,weobservedim-pactofTMZonexercisetoleranceofpatientswitholdmyocardialinfarction.1Subjectsandmethod1.1Subjects58patientssufferedfromcoronaryscopyorclini-…  相似文献   

Itisestimatedthat70%patientssufferedfromadvancedtumorsdevelopedpainofdifferentextent.Painaffectsqualityoflifedirect-ly,mind,psychology,socialandpersonalrelationandleadtodis-comfort犤1犦.WiththespreadingofWHOthree-stepmanagement,ad-ministrationwaysaretransformedfromdemanddependanttotimedepend犤1犦.Tramcontin(slowreleasedtramadol),theweakthebaicdrug,cancontrolmoderatepain.1Subjectandmethod1.1Subject116caseswithpathologicallyandradiologicallyprovedadvancedtumors(6…  相似文献   

神经根性疼痛与肿瘤坏死因子相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Itisgenerallythoughtthatnerveroot,whichiscompressedbydiscprotrusionorbonehyerplasia,doesn'tresultinpain.PGE-2,PLA-2,NOandsoonareallinflammationagents.TNFisalsoakindofinflammationagent.TNFhaswidebiologyrole.Itsimpor-tancewasemphasizedandithasbeenreportedthatTNFhasex-pressionindisc犤1犦.ThesubjectofthisarticleaimstostudythecorrelationbetweenTNFandnerverootpain.1Subjectsandmethod1.1SubjectsInthearticle45caseswerereported,male24cases,female21cases;cervicalsy…  相似文献   

FromMay1997toApril2001,wereconstructedoldanteriorcruciateligament(ACL)injuryusingquadrupled-strandedsemi-tendinosustendonandsutureplateand1-yearrehabilitationexer-cise,andtherapeuticeffectwasfavorable.Hereisthereport.1Subjectandmethod1.1Subjects51patients(27malesand24femalesaged13~57years,meanage:24.7)enteredourstudy.Patientswithseverecompoundinjuriesofposteriorinnerandouterligamentswereex-cludedfromourstudy.AccordingtoLysholmkneescorescale犤1犦…  相似文献   

Hypertrophicscar(HS),atypeoffibrosisdiseaseofskinwhichischaracterizedbyhyperproductionanddepositionofcolla-genmatrix.So,inhibitionofcollagensynthesisanddepositionofcollageninfibroblastsareimportantforpreventionofHS犤1犦.Inthecurrentstudy,He-NelaserofvariouspowerdensitywasusedtoirradiateculturedfibroblastsderivedfromHStostudythepre-ventingeffectsofHe-NelaseronHS.1Materialsandmethod1.1Cellcultureandgrouping5casesofHSwereincludedinthisstudyaged12~31yearsold(2males,…  相似文献   

Nowadays,interventionaltherapyacquiredmoresignificanceinthetreatmentofmalignanttumors.Weappliedintra-tumorinjectionofanti-carcinomadrugs,inducedbyB-ultrasound,totreatpost-peritoneummetastatictumor.Hereisthereport.1Materialsandmethods1.1Materials11caseswithpost-peritoneummetastatictumorswerechosenduringJanuary1998andJanuary2001.Theoriginaltumors:2casesoflungcancer,2casesofgastriccarcinomaand6casesofcoliccarcinoma.7malesand4femaleswithaverageageof49years.1…  相似文献   

FromJanuary1993toJanuary1999,wehaveobserved79casesaftertheoperationformonosegmentallumberintervertebraldischer-niationcontinuously,andthepatientsweredividedintoearlyactivetraininggroupandroutinecontrolgrouprandomly,aswellasacceptedtrainingandfollow-upof1~6yearsrespectively.Theresultsshowedthattheearlyactivetraininggrouphadbetterrecentanddistantob-jectiveeffectandmorepatientsweresatisfiedwiththeoperationalef-fects.Sowewillreportitasfollowing.1ObjectsandMethod1.1Obje…  相似文献   

1Materialsandmethods1.1CelllinesandvectorHumanlaryngealcarcinomacelllineHep-2weregrowninDulbeccomodifiedEaglemedium.Thep27eu-karyoticexpressionvectorpCMV-p27wasagiftfromDrLijinge.1.2DNAtransfectionDNAtransfectionbyLipofectamineac-cordingtothemanufacturer`sinstructions(Gibco).1.3AnalysisofcellcyclebyflowcytometryCellstransfectedwithpCMV-p27werecollectedbytrypsinization,fixedwith70%ethanol.After48hours,cellswerecollected,resuspendedin1mloflysisbuffe…  相似文献   

1Subjectandmethod1.1Subject1456fracturingworkersofoilfieldwererandomlyselectedassubjects.Workerssufferingfromhearinglossduetononindustrialdamagewereexcludedfromthestudy.351workerswhodidnotworkedinfracturingplantwereselectedascontrolgroup.1.2MethodUsingfinesound-levelmeterND-2correctedbyChinaAcademic,weassessfieldnoiseofenvironmentwherefrac-turingworkersworkedaccordingtoEvaluationStandardsfornoiseofIndustryandEnterprise.Self-madequestionnairewasusedforas-sessmentofp…  相似文献   

Background: Prevention of postoperative pain provides better and more rapid convalescence for patients.Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the preventive analgesic effect of tramadol and lornoxicam in the early postoperative period in patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL).Methods: Patients who were scheduled for elective PCNL at the Cumhuriyet University Hospital, Sivas, Turkey, were enrolled in this prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. The patients were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: tramadol, lornoxicam, and normal saline (NS). Ten minutes before induction of anesthesia, the tramadol group received tramadol 100 mg IV, the lornoxicam group received lornoxicam 8 mg IV, and the NS group received NS 2 mL IV. Anesthesia was induced using fentanyl 1 μg/kg and thiopental sodium 4 to 7 mg/kg. Vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg was used for muscle relaxation. Desflurane 4% to 6% and 50%:50% oxygen/nitrous oxide were used for maintenance. Oxygen saturation, heart rate, and mean blood pressure were recorded before induction and during the postoperative period. During the postoperative period, visual analogue scale O/AS) scores, time to first analgesic (TFA), total analgesic consumption (TAC), and patient satisfaction scores were determined. Data about postoperative nausea and vomiting and other adverse events and complications were also collected.Results: Seventy-three patients were assessed for enrollment and 60 (33 women, 27 men; mean [SD] age, 44.69 [11.27] years; age range, 20-62 years) were included in the study. The baseline demographic characteristics and duration of surgery were similar in all 3 groups. The mean (SD) VAS scores in the tramadol group were significantly lower than in the NS group at 15 and 30 minutes and 1, 2, 4, and 12 hours after surgery (all, P < 0.05). The VAS scores in the lornoxicam group were significantly lower than in the NS group at 15 and 30 minutes and 1 hour (all, P < 0.05). The VAS score at 1 hour after surgery was significantly lower in the tramadol group than in the lornoxicam group (18 [8] vs 32 [16]; P < 0.05); however, there were no other significant differences in VAS scores between the active groups. A significantly shorter TFA was associated with the NS group when compared with the tramadol and lornoxicam groups (46 [27] vs 354 [187] and 180 [118], respectively; both, P < 0.05). TFA was significantly shorter in the lornoxicam group when compared with the tramadol roup (180 [118] vs 354 [187]; P < 0.05). TAC was significantly higher in the NS group than in the tramadol and lornoxicam groups (270 [47] vs 115 [74] and 145 [72], respectively; both, P < 0.05). Patient satisfaction score (range) was significantly lower in the NS group when compared with the tramadol and lornoxicam groups (0 [0-1] vs 3 [0-3] and 2 [0-3], respectively; both, P < 0.05). There were no other significant between-group differences observed.Conclusions: Tramadol and lornoxicam were more effective than NS in preventing early postoperative pain. The preventive analgesic effect of tramadol was comparable with that of lornoxicam, except at 1 hour when tramadol was more effective among these patients undergoing PCNL. Both drugs were well tolerated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tramadol, an atypical opioid, is a narcotic analgesic used for pain management. A search of the current literature found no studies examining the efficacy of intravenous tramadol on migraine pain. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and tolerability of a single dose of intravenous tramadol hydrogen chloride 100 mg in comparison with placebo in patients presenting with migraine. METHODS: Adult migraineurs admitted consecutively to the emergency department of the Kocaeli University Hospital were enrolled in this single-blind (patients), prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Patients were randomized to receive a 30-minute infusion of either intravenous tramadol (n = 17; 100 mg in 100-mL saline) or placebo (n = 17; 100-mL saline). Pain response was defined as a decrease of visual analogue scale (VAS) (0-100 mm) score to <50% of the pretreatment (baseline) value and a decrease of 4-point verbal scale (FPVS) score (0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe) to mild or none. Pain-free response was defined as a decrease of both VAS and FPVS scores to 0. Pain was assessed at baseline and at 30 minutes and 1 hour after treatment completion. Migraine symptoms (eg, photophobia, phonophobia, nausea, vomiting) and adverse events (AEs) were assessed at the same time. A follow-up was also conducted by phone 24 hours after treatment. RESULTS: Forty-four migraineurs were screened and 34 (28 women and 6 men; mean [SD] age, 39.5 [10.4] years; all were white) were enrolled in the study. Each group contained 11 patients with severe pain and 6 patients with moderate pain at baseline FPVS. At the end of 1 hour, pain response was reported by significantly more patients in the tramadol group than in the placebo group (12 [70.6%] vs 6 [35.3%]; P = 0.040). Pain-free response was reported by 5 (29.4%) patients in the tramadol group and 2 (11.8%) patients in the placebo group, although the difference was not statistically significant. Symptoms associated with migraine were also relieved in all patients reporting pain response. No AEs were observed. However, at the 24-hour follow-up, 1 patient in the tramadol group reported transient blurred vision and dizziness within the day of infusion. Headache recurrence was reported by 2 (16.7%) of the 12 patients with pain response in the tramadol group and 1 (16.7%) of 6 patients with pain response in the placebo group. CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous tramadol appeared to be more effective than placebo in pain response rate at the end of the first hour. The slow infusion of tramadol 100 mg in 100-mL saline solution was well tolerated in this group of adult migraineurs.  相似文献   

目的评价氯诺昔康及曲马多用于患者术后自控镇痛(PCA)的安全性及有效性,寻找较好的术后自控镇痛方法从而减轻术后护理的工作量和提高患者术后护理质量。方法50例在全麻下行胆囊切除术和单侧乳癌根治术的患者,随机分为氯诺昔康组(L组)和曲马多组(T组),每组各25例。将所配制药液注入PCA泵,PCA泵给药速率为2ml/h,术毕时启动PCA泵进行镇痛,术毕前予首量。镇痛结束时,由患者完成疼痛的评分,记录PCA期间出现的副作用。结果L组患者的镇痛效果优于T组,差异有统计学意义。T组恶心与呕吐的发生率为36.0%,L组为8.0%,T组明显高于L组(P<0.05)。结论氯诺昔康术后自控镇痛的效果优于曲马多,恶心、呕吐少,能减少术后护理工作量,更适用于治疗术后急性疼痛。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of tramadol 37.5-mg/acetaminophen 325-mg combination tablets (tramadoUAPAP) as add-on therapy in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pain that was inadequately controlled by NSAIDs and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs alone. METHODS: Subjects in this multicenter, double-blind trial were randomized in a 3:1 ratio to receive 1 tramadol/ APAP tablet TID or a matching placebo for 1 week. Stable doses of previous medications were continued during the study. The primary efficacy variable was the mean daily pain relief score over 1 week, measured on a 6-point scale (4 = complete; ' = a lot; 2 = some; 1 = a little; 0 = none; -1 = worse). Secondary outcomes included the mean daily pain intensity score, measured on a 100-mm visual analog scale (VAS) (from 0 mm = no pain to 100 mm = extreme pain); pain intensity and pain relief at day 7; subjects' and investigators' mean overall assessments of study drug, measured on a Likert scale (from 2 = very good to -2 = very poor); and subjects' assessments of 8 aspects of physical function (measured on the Health Assessment Questionnaire). RESULTS: Of 277 subjects randomized to treatment, 267 (201 tramadol/APAP, 66 placebo) were included in the intent-to-treat population. Mean (SD) daily pain relief scores at the end of 1 week were significantly greater in the tramadol/APAP group compared with the placebo group (1.04 [0.89] vs 0.78 [0.80], respectively; P = 0.037), and mean daily pain intensity scores at the end of 1 week were significantly lower (47.23 [19.96] vs 53.81 [16.59]; P = 0.018). Physical function at the end of 1 week did not differ significantly between tramadol/APAP and placebo. Two hundred seventy-two subjects (205 tramadol/APAP, 67 placebo) were evaluable for tolerability. One hundred thirty-three of these subjects had at least 1 adverse event. The incidence of adverse events was significantly higher in the tramadol/APAP group than in the placebo group (57.6% vs 22.4%; P < 0.001). Discontinuations due to adverse events occurred in 19.0% of the tramadol/APAP group and 3.0% of the placebo group (P = 0.001). Of 213 treatment-related adverse events in tramadol/APAP subjects, nausea (34.1%) was the most frequent, followed by dizziness (20.0%) and vomiting (15.6%). One serious adverse event--chest discomfort, nausea, and vomiting after taking study medication-occurred in a subject receiving tramadol/APAP The symptoms resolved 1 day after discontinuing tramadol/APAP. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, tramadol/APAP used as add-on therapy in subjects with symptomatic RA was associated with a significant improvement in pain relief and a significant reduction in pain intensity compared with placebo, with no improvement in physical function. Use of tramadol/APAP may be considered when analgesics are needed in addition to conventional NSAIDs and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in subjects with RA.  相似文献   

目的评价氯诺昔康用于小儿术后自控镇痛的安全性及有效性。方法60例拟行臀筋膜松解术的患儿,随机均分为L组(氯诺昔康组)和T组(曲马多组)。均采用硬膜外加氯胺酮分离麻醉。术毕,L组静注氯诺昔康0.15mg/kg为负荷量,继用0.3mg/kg氯诺昔康加生理盐水稀释至100ml后置于PCA泵药池内。T组静注曲马多1mg/kg为负荷量,继用10mg/kg曲马多加生理盐水稀释至100ml后置于PCA泵药池内。PCA泵背景剂量为5ml/h,PCA量为2ml/次,锁定时间为15分钟。记录使用PCA后1h,4h,8h,12h,20h患儿的疼痛评分、对疼痛治疗总体印象评分及所出现的副作用。结果两组患儿镇痛治疗评分及对镇痛治疗总体印象评分,组间对比均无显著性差异(P>0.05);曲马多组出现恶心,呕吐的病例数目明显高于氯诺昔康组(P<0.01);两组患者PCA治疗前后肝肾功能及出凝血时间比较无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论氯诺昔康用于小儿术后镇痛是安全有效的,可作为小儿术后镇痛治疗的一种选择药物。  相似文献   

The aim of this prospective, randomised, double–blind study was to evaluate the efficacy of intramuscular (IM) tramadol 100 mg in emergency department treatment of acute migraine attack and to compare it with that of IM diclofenac sodium 75 mg. Forty patients who were admitted to our emergency department with acute migraine attack according to the International Headache Society criteria were included in the study. Patients were randomised to receive either tramadol 100 mg (n=20) or diclofenac sodium 75 mg (n=20) intramuscularly. Patients rated their pain on a four–point verbal scale (0=none, 1=mild, 2=moderate, 3=severe) at the beginning of the trial and at 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. At each time interval, severity of associated symptoms were also questioned and recorded. Global evaluation of the drugs by patients and doctors were also recorded. Patients were also asked if they would prefer the same injection in future visits. Any adverse events, whether related to the drug or not, were also recorded. Patients were followed up by telephone 48 h later to check for any headache recurrence. Two–hour pain response rate, which was the primary endpoint, was 80% for both tramadol and diclofenac groups. There were no statistically significant differences among groups in terms of 48–h pain response, rescue treatment, associated symptoms’ response, headache recurrence and adverse event rates. Fifteen (75%) patients in the tramadol group and 16 (80%) patients in the diclofenac group stated that they may prefer the same agent for future admissions. In selected patients, tramadol 100 mg IM may be an effective and reliable alternative treatment choice in acute migraine attacks.  相似文献   

Obectives: To assess the effectiveness of transdermal buprenorphine in patients suffering from moderate to severe pain. Secondary objectives included gathering information about the causes of pain, management of episodic pain, and the safety profile. Methods: Retrospective data were collected from 1,465 patients with moderate to severe pain, ie, ≥50 mm on a 0 to 100 mm visual analog scale (VAS), that were switched to transdermal buprenorphine, and received a dose ≥52.5 μg/hour for at least 14 days during the previous 12 months. Pain could have any etiology. Most patients (72.1%) were on tramadol and/or paracetamol (40.7%) before switching to buprenorphine. Using case report forms, efficacy was determined from changes in VAS score compared with 24 hours prior to the first patch application. Safety was evaluated by retrieving information about the nature and incidence of adverse events (AE), whether they were related to the study compound, and the percentage considered being serious. Results: An absolute reduction of 25.1 points in VAS score was seen over a median period of 3.7 months treatment. In addition, the VAS score was reduced by at least 10% in 88.4% of patients and the incidence of episodic pain fell significantly. Treatment was rated as “Good” or “Very Good” by 82.5% of patients. Out of 1,465 patients, 50.2% experienced an AE; this was related to the drug in 48.8%, and considered serious in 4.0%. Conclusions: Transdermal buprenorphine was an effective and considerably safe drug for relieving chronic moderate to severe pain. ?  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tramadol and acetaminophen (APAP) have both shown efficacy in the treatment of lower back pain. The combination of these 2 agents has demonstrated synergistic analgesic action in animal models at specific ratios. OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the long-term (3-month) efficacy and safety of tramadol 37.5 mg/APAP 325 mg combination tablets in the treatment of chronic lower back pain. METHODS: Patients with at least moderate lower back pain (pain visual analog [PVA] score >/=40 mm on a 100-mm scale) were randomized to receive up to 8 tablets of tramadol/APAP per day or placebo for 91 days. Medication was titrated from 1 to 4 tablets/d by day 10. The primary efficacy measure was PVA score at the final visit. Secondary measures included scores on the Pain Relief Rating Scale (PRRS), Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ), Roland Disability Questionnaire (RDQ), and 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36); the incidence of discontinuation due to insufficient pain relief (Kaplan-Meier analysis); and overall assessments of medication by the patients and investigators. RESULTS: Three hundred eighteen patients (161 tramadol/APAP, 157 placebo) were included in the intent-to-treat population, defined as all patients who took >/=1 dose of study medication and had >/=1 postrandomization efficacy measurement. The mean age of the study population was 53.9 years, 63.2% were female, 90.3% were white, and the mean baseline PVA score was 70.0 mm. There were no significant differences between groups at baseline. Tramadol/APAP significantly improved final PVA scores (P = 0.015) and final PRRS scores (P < 0.001) compared with placebo. Tramadol/APAP also significantly improved RDQ scores (P 相似文献   

目的:评价连续股神经阻滞复合氯诺昔康用于膝关节置换术后镇痛效果及氯诺昔康围术期用于中老年患者的安全性。方法:单侧全膝关节置换的病人84例,随机分为氯诺昔康组和对照组。两组患者均在全身麻醉前行连续股神经阻滞,并单次给予0.5%罗哌卡因30 ml,术毕持续输注0.2%罗哌卡因,设置背景剂量5 ml/h,单次追加剂量5 ml,锁定时间30 min,持续至术后48 h。氯诺昔康组术毕及术后每间隔12 h经静脉给予氯诺昔康8 mg(2 ml),对照组对应时间给予生理盐水2 ml,持续至术后72 h。观察并记录术后静息视觉模拟疼痛评分rest(visual analogue scale,RVAS),术后第3、4天功能锻炼时疼痛评分和术后第5天下地活动情况,术后24 h、48 h的罗哌卡因用量及病人自控按压次数,患者镇痛满意度,补充镇痛情况,不良反应和凝血功能等。结果:除术后4 h外,氯诺昔康组所有时间点静息疼痛评分均明显低于对照组(P<0.05);但术后第3、4天功能锻炼时VAS评分及术后第五天下地活动情况无统计学差异(P>0.05);氯诺昔康组患者镇痛满意度明显高于对照组(P=0.012);氯诺昔康组患者住院期间胃肠道不良反应发生率有增高趋势(发生率为22.8%vs 8.3%),但组间比较总体不良反应无显著性差异。结论:氯诺昔康能够改善股神经阻滞的静息镇痛效果,且病人满意度高。  相似文献   

Early treatment of migraine with rizatriptan: a placebo-controlled study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mathew NT  Kailasam J  Meadors L 《Headache》2004,44(7):669-673
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of rizatriptan when administered early during a migraine attack. BACKGROUND: Several studies indicate that triptans are more efficacious when administered early during a migraine attack, when the pain is still mild. METHODS: One hundred and twelve rizatriptan-na?ve patients aged 20 to 64 years with a history of migraine with or without aura that progressively worsened when left untreated were instructed to treat a total of three migraine attacks with either rizatriptan 10 mg or placebo as early as possible during each attack. Seventy-four patients (68 women and 6 men) were assigned to use the active drug and 38 (35 women and 3 men) to placebo. The primary efficacy endpoint was pain-free response at 2 hours after administration of the study drug. Secondary efficacy measures were pain-free response at 1 hour and sustained pain-free response lasting between 2 and 24 hours. RESULTS: A total of 216 attacks were treated in the rizatriptan group and 109 in the placebo group. Pain-free response at 2 hours after early treatment was noted in 151 (70%) of attacks in the rizatriptan group and in 24 (22%) in the placebo group (P < .01). Pain-free response at 1 hour occurred in 97 (45%) and 9 (8%) attacks, respectively (P < .01). When the attacks were categorized by headache severity at the time of treatment, the pain-free response at 2 hours was higher for mild attacks than for moderate or severe attacks (P < .01). Sustained pain-free response after treatment was significantly higher for attacks treated with rizatriptan (60%) than for those treated with placebo (17%) (P < .001). Adverse events were observed in 62 patients in the rizatriptan group and 15 in the placebo group. Only 1 patient taking rizatriptan discontinued the study because of adverse events, and no serious adverse events were reported. CONCLUSIONS: Rizatriptan is significantly more likely than placebo to produce a pain-free response within 2 hours when the drug is administered early in the migraine attack, when pain is mild rather than moderate or severe.  相似文献   

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