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Fine-needle aspiration of chondrosarcoma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is a reliable, safe and cost-effective procedure with an established role in the diagnosis of various solid tissue neoplasms. However, the role of FNA in the diagnosis of primary bone tumors, including chondrosarcoma (CS) is controversial. To determine the accuracy of FNA as a diagnostic procedure, the author reviewed the institutional experience of a series of patients with CS who underwent FNA for diagnosis. The author's objectives were to determine the accuracy of the technique as well as possible limitations to sensitivity and specificity, and perhaps to suggest the most appropriate use for this procedure. Computer records and then subsequently archives of the department were searched for patients diagnosed and treated for CS between 1993 and 2003. Patients without adequate clinical follow-up, missing materials or records otherwise unavailable for review were eliminated from study. All patients who underwent FNA for a diagnosis had to have a subsequent histological confirmation to be included in the study. FNAs were largely performed with image-guided assistance. In those that were palpable, the aspiration was performed by the aspiration cytologist using standard methods. Histologic materials were processed according to standard methods. All cytological and histologic materials were reviewed for accuracy and appropriateness of diagnosis by the author. There were 34 aspirates from 32 patients with CS (2 patients with 2 aspirates each). Attempts at diagnoses were made from 27 primary lesions, 6 recurrent lesions, and one metastatic lesion. There were an additional two patients who were assigned a diagnosis of CS on FNA who ultimately were proven to have chondroblastic osteosarcoma. Of the primary CS, 18 were definitively diagnosed as CS or "malignant chondroid neoplasm," 8 of the aspirates were considered equivocal in that an additional diagnostic procedure was required to clarify or confirm the diagnosis. Two aspirates were diagnosed as negative. Both of the false negatives were due to inadequate sampling of the lesion on FNA. Diagnostic accuracy of FNA for primary CS in this series was 67% (18/27). Accuracy for recurrent or metastatic lesions was higher at 86% (6/7). FNA appears to be a reliable means of diagnosis of recurrent and/or metastatic CS in patients with a documented history. In primary lesions, however, the accuracy of the technique is lower. In addition, there are problems of sampling chondroid components of non-CS lesions such as this study's experience with chondroblastic osteosarcoma.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe a case of disseminated sporotrichosis that was diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). The cytologic smears exhibited a large number of macrophages, few polymorphonuclear neutrophils and numerous round or oval, sometimes elongated, isolated and scattered yeast-like structures localized extracellularly or inside macrophages. These structures were clearly visualized by Giemsa and Papanicolaou methods. Cultures from skin biopsy material revealed fungal colonies which were subsequently identified as Sporothrix schenckii. The cytologic aspects, the correlation with histologic findings and the differential cytologic diagnosis were reviewed.  相似文献   

Giant cell tumour (GCT) of bone is a distinctive neoplasm, which has only recently been included within the diagnostic purview of the cytopathologist. Four cases of GCT of bone diagnosed primarily and exclusively by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), presenting at unusual sites, are presented with a view to highlight the cytomorphologic features of this tumour and its differential diagnosis on FNAC. Each of these cases were distinctive by virtue of their localisation, but presented as classical expansile osteolytic lesions roentgenologically. Despite the paucity of literature regarding the cytodiagnosis of these lesions, the authors nevertheless recommend FNAC as a primary tool in the diagnosis of these lesions.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is an established, highly accurate method for diagnosing breast lesions. However, in recent years there has been increased use of core biopsy (CB) in this setting. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of FNAC and compare the quality assessment parameters of FNAC and CB in palpable and nonpalpable breast lesions. Data regarding FNAC, CB, and excision biopsy (EB) diagnoses were retrieved from the archives of our department. A total of 4,367 FNAC samples from the years 1999-2001 was reviewed. Of these, corresponding histology results were available for 1,275 lesions, of which 1,248 were primary breast epithelial lesions (788 EB, 199 CB, 261 EB+CB). All cases were analyzed for sensitivity and specificity of FNAC. Cases with both FNAC and CB were compared and quality assessment parameters were calculated using the methodology detailed in the National Health Service Breast Screening Program guidelines. High specificity and sensitivity, as calculated for satisfactory specimens, were achieved with the use of both FNAC and CB. False-positive and false-negative diagnoses were seen in 7/404 (1.7%) and 45/635 (7.1%) of biopsy-proven specimens sampled by FNAC. The corresponding values for CB were 0% and 5.7%, respectively. Inadequate sampling (15.1%) with use of FNAC was particularly seen in collagenous lesions and in submitted specimens sampled by physicians lacking experience with the FNAC procedure. FNAC is a valuable method, although moderately less sensitive than CB. CB is the preferred method for preoperative diagnosis when sampling FNAC provides scarce material and suspicion of a fibrotic and collagenous lesion such as lobular carcinoma and radial scar arises. FNAC is most accurate when experienced cytologists are available and when immediate assessment by professionals is performed for evaluation of material adequacy, so that additional aspirations can be done when needed.  相似文献   

Low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma (LGCCC) is a rare tumor, defined in the 2005 WHO classification as a primary salivary duct tumor. Previously, the neoplasm had been recognized as a variant of salivary duct carcinomas. A 56-year-old Japanese woman noticed a mass in the left subaural region. On radiological examinations, a multicystic tumor was seen in the left parotid gland. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy was performed. The smears revealed several characteristic cytologic features. The tumor cells were arranged in irregular overlapping and showed inconspicuous nuclear atypia with variable-sized and irregularly shaped cytoplasmic vacuoles. Based on these findings, a cystic tumor with uncertain malignancy was diagnosed. A parotidectomy was performed, because the tumor was slowly growing and contained solid components on the radiological images. Based on the histologic findings, along with immunohistochemistry, LGCCC was diagnosed based on resemblance to breast low-grade ductal carcinoma in situ and intraductal proliferation of tumor cells. This is the first report of the cytomorphological findings of LGCCC.  相似文献   

There is a limited number of correlative cytopathological studies of fibrous histiocytoma (FHC). To better define cytopathological criteria of diagnosis, we have reviewed fine-needle aspirates (FNA) from 36 FHCs (32 classical, 1 myxoid, and 3 aneurysmal variants on corresponding histological sections). Original cytological diagnoses were benign in 33 (91.7%) cases (22 accurate) and false positive in 3 (8.3%) cases. All smears were surprisingly homogenous and composed of histiocytic cells with finely vacuolated cytoplasm in 27 (75%) cases, small regular spindle cells in 25 (69%) cases, and giant cells in 17 (47%) cases. Histiocytic cells were attached to vascular structures in 9 (25%) cases. Slight cytonuclear atypia was seen in five (14%) cases. Three (8.3%) cases showed numerous siderophages. In two (5.6%) cases, there were abundant inflammatory backgrounds and in one (3%) case there was a scant myxoid background. Storiform patterns, round cells, prominent atypia, necroses, or mitotic figures were not seen. FHC should be differentiated from other benign, low- and intermediate-grade spindle-cell neoplasms such as low-grade fibrosarcoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, nodular fasciitis, spindle-cell malignant melanoma, and monophasic synovial sarcoma. Some cases may be misinterpreted as malignant, especially in cases of recurrence or in patients with a cancer history.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe a case of ectopic cervical thymoma (medullary or type A thymoma, according to the WHO classification) located in the anterior cervical region (thyroid topography) that was submitted to ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy. The cytologic smears were moderately cellular to very cellular and were composed of numerous spindle-shaped cells placed predominantly in tissue fragments, with no specific arrangement. Isolated spindle-shaped cells were also present in a hemorrhagic background. The nuclei were elongated with finely granular chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitosis, nuclear atypia, and necrosis were not detected. There was a scarce lymphoid population of small lymphocytes. The cytologic aspects, the correlation with histologic findings, and the differential cytologic diagnosis are reviewed.  相似文献   

Cytological features of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) were reviewed in an attempt to select cytological criteria that permit a specific recognition of metastases. For this purpose, 54 fine-needle aspiration (FNA) procedures from 43 patients with NPC were analyzed. Thirty-two (59.3%) procedures were performed before the histological diagnosis. In 25 (46.3%) procedures, smears showed many neoplastic single cells, clusters, and abundant lymphoid cells (mixed pattern). A dissociated (single cell) pattern consisting of individual neoplastic and lymphoid cells was seen in 18 (33.3%) cases. Finally, 11 (20.4%) cases showed cohesive epithelial clusters (cohesive pattern) without relevant cellular dissociation or lymphoid cells. Squamous-cell differentiation was seen in three of these cases. Most single neoplastic cells presented as large, pleomorphic naked nuclei. Other interesting findings were granulomas (n = 3), prominent eosinophilic infiltrates (n = 4), and suppurative changes (n = 5). In most smears with mixed and dissociated patterns, a nasopharyngeal origin could be suggested. On the contrary, those smears with a cohesive pattern were indistinguishable from other head and neck carcinomas.The presence (on cervical lymph nodes) of a dissociated or mixed (single cells and groups) architectural pattern of large, anaplastic cells and naked nuclei accompanied by an abundant lymphoid component is highly suggestive of undifferentiated NPC. Cytology offers a rapid diagnosis, establishes the necessity of a complete cavum examination, and helps in avoiding unnecessary and harmful biopsies.  相似文献   

A series of 85 fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsies from orbital space occupying lesions of 82 patients are reviewed. A total of 32 benign lesions and 49 malignant lesions were conclusively diagnosed. In two cases the aspirates were insufficient for diagnosis. Of two cases, which were cytologically suspicious for lymphoma, a repeat FNA resulted in a conclusive diagnosis of lymphoma in one case, while the second case proved to be a pseudotumor on an open biopsy material. Of the 32 benign lesions seven were fibrosis, six pseudotumors, four epidermal cysts, four meningiomas, and three pleomorphic adenomas. The remaining cases included two hematomas, one granuloma, three inflammations, and one malformation. In 43 of 49 malignant tumors cytomorphology was corroborated with immunocytochemistry. Thirty five of these were low- or high-grade lymphomas, nine metastases, two sarcomas, two plasmacytomas, and one chloroma. All lymphomas were of B phenotype with monoclonal light chain expression. The rate of cell proliferation as measured by Ki-67 immunostaining varied between 4-25% and 30-80% for low- and high-grade lymphomas, respectively. These results confirm previous reports on the usefulness of FNA biopsy in diagnosing orbital masses and emphasize the value of immunocytochemistry in tumor characterization.  相似文献   

Breast fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) by palpation is on the decline, due to its limitations in diagnostic accuracy, decreased sensitivity, and its replacement with core needle biopsy (CNB). Despite its decreasing utility, superficial fine-needle aspiration (FNA) in breast is still the main modality for evaluating metastatic lesions, recurrence, and axillary lymph node metastasis. New modalities including proteomic pattern expression and methylation profiling of breast lesions are other promising techniques that can be used as ancillary tests for refining the diagnosis of breast lesions using FNAB. Image-guided breast FNA proves to be a successful alternative with high sensitivity and specificity. In this review, the advantages, disadvantages, and inherent limitations of breast FNA and CNB, and new advanced techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), according to the new WHO classification, is a diagnosis limited to T/NK cell lymphomas. We present a case that demonstrates a new morphologic variant of ALCL with significant possible pitfalls for the cytopathologist. A fine-needle aspiration biopsy of a cervical lymph node showed a cellular aspiration comprised of medium-sized plasmacytoid cells in a discohesive and focally loosely cohesive pattern. The cytologic diagnosis confirmed the presence of malignancy and noted the prominent plasmacytoid features. An accompanying comment favored melanoma and included a broad differential. No cell block was available for immunohistochemical stains. Immunophenotyping of the subsequent excisional node biopsy showed an anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive ALCL. This case illustrates a new variant of ALCL. Although ALCL variants, such as small cell and lymphohistiocytic, are well recognized, the plasmacytoid features are an additional potential source for misdiagnosis. This case report shows that a cytopathologist should include ALK-positive ALCL in the differential diagnosis of plasmacytoid proliferations cell because of the clinical importance of the ALK-positive ALCL.  相似文献   

Extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) is a rare cause of an intrathoracic mass. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) has been only occasionally documented as a useful tool in diagnosing EMH tumor. We report a case of posterior mediastinal extramedullary hematopoietic mass in an 80-yr-old man with sickle-cell anemia. The mass was revealed incidentally on chest X-ray. The definitive diagnosis of this mass lesion was achieved by FNAB. The cytologic smears showed hematopoietic elements with erythroid hyperplasia. A correct cytologic diagnosis can thus help to avoid unnecessary surgical intervention, particularly in an asymptomatic patient.  相似文献   

Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath (GCTTS) is a unique soft tissue lesion of the hands and feet. As the cytomorphological features of this lesion are rarely documented, the spectrum of cytomorphological features in 20 cases of GCTTS seen in fine-needle aspiration (FNA) smears are presented. Patients were in the 12-64-yr age group with an equal sex ratio. Fingers or thumb were the commonest site (16 cases), followed by foot (3 cases) and palm (1 case). FNA smears were cellular and composed of varying proportions of stromal and giant cells. Stromal cells showed a dispersed arrangement and were polygonal to spindle shaped. Nuclear grooves and convolutions were found in some of the stromal cells in all cases. Intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions were occasionally seen. Polygonal cells with round nuclei and nucleoli having abundant cytoplasm, along with binucleate forms, were also found in all cases. Histological sections were available in 10 cases and corroborated the cytological features. Hemosiderin-laden macrophages (11 of 20 cases) and abundant foamy vacuolation of stromal cells (3 of 20 cases) were also observed in FNA smears. In tissue sections, both features were seen in all cases, but with a patchy distribution. The cytological features of GCTTS are uniform, and FNA cytodiagnosis is possible.  相似文献   

Pancreatoblastoma is a rare pancreatic neoplasm seen most commonly in the pediatric age group. We report on the aspiration cytology and immunohistochemical findings of a pancreatoblastoma in a 16-yr-old male.  相似文献   

Small-cell carcinomas arise uncommonly in extrapulmonary sites and are rare primary neoplasms in the salivary glands. We report on the aspiration cytology and immunohistochemical findings of a small-cell carcinoma of the parotid gland in an 81-yr-old man.  相似文献   

Rarely, spindle-cell lesions in liver fine-needle aspiration biopsies (FNABs) are encountered. A retrospective review of our experience with lesions that are mesenchymal in origin or appearance was undertaken to elucidate the frequency and spectrum of these lesions. Image-guided liver FNABs performed over a 3-year period (n = 585) at our institution (1996-1998) were retrospectively evaluated. Cytologic smears, cell block preparations, and clinical follow-up of lesions with spindle-cell morphology were reviewed. Twenty-nine of 585 cases were of spindle-cell morphology (5%). Hemangiomas (n = 12, 41%) and metastatic sarcomas (n = 6, 21%) comprised the largest categories, followed by granulomatous inflammation (n = 3, 10%). Other cases included primary angiosarcoma and fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma. The most frequent spindle-cell liver lesion encountered is hemangioma, followed by metastatic leiomyosarcoma and granulomatous hepatitis. Awareness of diagnostic possibilities, special attention to specimen adequacy, and use of ancillary procedures can maximize diagnostic yield.  相似文献   

Fine‐needle aspiration (FNA) is commonly used in the evaluation of both primary and metastatic bone lesions. Giant cell tumor (GCT) of bone is one of the primary bone neoplasms that can be diagnosed with good success on FNA as its cytologic features are relatively reproducible. However, this entity classically involves the ends (or epiphyses) of the longs bones making an FNA diagnosis of a GCT of bone in other anatomic locations is challenging and requires the consideration of a differential diagnosis. By invoking clinico‐radiographical correlation and maximizing our specimen, we were able to diagnose a GCT of bone involving the L1 vertebral body in a 35‐year‐old female. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2014;42:624–627. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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