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Immunohistochemistry can be useful in the diagnosis of ovarian germ cell tumours and sex cord–stromal tumours. A wide variety of markers are available, including many that are novel. The aim of this review is to provide a practical approach to the selection and interpretation of these markers, emphasizing an understanding of their sensitivity and specificity in the particular differential diagnosis in question. The main markers discussed include those for malignant germ cell differentiation (SALL4 and placental alkaline phosphatase), dysgerminoma (OCT4, CD117, and D2‐40), yolk sac tumour (α‐fetoprotein and glypican‐3), embryonal carcinoma (OCT4, CD30, and SOX2), sex cord–stromal differentiation (calretinin, inhibin, SF‐1, FOXL2) and steroid cell tumours (melan‐A). In addition, the limited role of immunohistochemistry in determining the primary site of origin of an ovarian carcinoid tumour is discussed.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma using small biopsy samples is occasionally difficult. Various markers have been employed for improving the diagnostic accuracy, but there remains room for improvement. A total of 129 endoscopically biopsied samples were studied, consisting of 104 intramucosal tubular adenocarcinomas, 24 non‐cancerous lesions and one cancer sample originally suspected of non‐cancer but revised as cancer after immunostaining. We evaluated the association between histopathology and immunohistochemical expression of MUC1, HER2, p53, CEA, E‐cadherin, β‐catenin and claudin‐18. Regarding β‐catenin and claudin‐18, not only membranous expression (β‐catenin(M) and claudin‐18(M)) but also nuclear expression (β‐catenin(N) and claudin‐18(N)) were analyzed. When subtyped with mucin core protein expression, the gastric‐type cancers dominantly expressed claudin‐18(M), while claudin‐18(N) was significantly encountered in intestinal‐ and mixed‐types. Expression of MUC1 (P = 0.0010), HER2 (P = 0.0173), p53 (P = 0.0002), CEA (P = 0.0019) and claudin‐18(N) (P < 0.0001) revealed significant correlation with gastric cancers. Negative correlation of claudin‐18(M) (P = 0.0125) was also noted. MUC1 and p53 were negative in non‐cancer lesions. The non‐cancer group exceptionally expressed HER2 and β‐catenin(N). Membranous expression of E‐cadherin was consistent in both groups. Logistic regression analysis showed that MUC1 (P = 0.0086), p53 (P = 0.0031), claudin‐18(M) (P = 0.0158) and claudin‐18(N) (P = 0.0190) were independently associated with gastric cancers. Nuclear expression of claudin‐18 should be the novel diagnostic marker for gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Mutations in the von Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor gene (VHL) cause the VHL hereditary cancer syndrome and occur in most sporadic clear cell renal cell cancers (CC-RCCs). The mechanisms by which VHL loss of function promotes tumour development in the kidney are not fully elucidated. Here, we analyse expression of PL6, one of the potential tumour suppressor genes from the critical 3p21.3 region involved in multiple common cancers. We classify PL6 as a Golgi-resident protein based on its perinuclear co-localization with GPP130 in all cells and tissues analysed. We show that PL6 RNA and protein expression is completely or partially lost in all analysed CC-RCCs and other VHL-deficient tumours studied, including the early precancerous lesions in VHL disease. The restoration of VHL function in vitro in the VHL-deficient CC-RCC cell lines was found to reinstate PL6 expression, thus establishing a direct link between VHL and PL6. Insensitivity of PL6 to hypoxia suggested that PL6 is regulated by VHL via a HIF-1-independent pathway. We ruled out mutations and promoter methylation as possible causes of PL6 down-regulation in CC-RCC. We hypothesize that loss of a putative PL6 secretory function due to VHL deficiency is an early and important event that may promote tumour initiation and growth.  相似文献   

Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCTs) are heterogeneous neoplasms with different histological patterns and malignant potential. The aim of this study was to determine whether the main TGCT subtypes (seminoma, embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac tumour, choriocarcinoma, and mature teratoma) are distinguished by their loss of heterozygosity (LOH) patterns and whether LOH typing can help to distinguish between clonal and multifocal development of different components in mixed TGCTs. In 76 tumours analysed for allelic losses at 25 chromosomal loci, different LOH patterns were found in distinct histological subtypes. A region around D18S543 frequently lost in yolk sac tumours could harbour one or more tumour suppressor genes. In 20 microdissected mixed tumours, losses of identical alleles in different histological components in 11 of 20 cases (over 50 per cent) were found, which is in favour of current histogenetic models of clonal TGCT development. Clonal losses were most often found at D13S317 (6 of 20 tumours). Two classes of allelic losses may therefore occur during TGCT development: clonal losses which are involved in early transformational events and others related to TGCT differentiation along different lines. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Since the last World Health Organization (WHO) classification scheme for tumours of the urinary tract and male genital organs, there have been a number of advances in the understanding, classification, immunohistochemistry and genetics of testicular germ cell tumours. The updated 2016 draft classification was discussed at an International Society of Urological Pathology Consultation on Testicular and Penile Cancer. This review addresses the main updates to germ cell tumour classification. Major changes include a pathogenetically derived classification using germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS) as a new name for the precursor lesion, and the distinction of prepubertal tumours (non‐GCNIS‐derived) from postpubertal‐type tumours (GCNIS‐derived), acknowledging the existence of rare benign prepubertal‐type teratomas in the postpubertal testis. Spermatocytic tumour is adopted as a replacement for spermatocytic seminoma, to avoid potential confusion with the unrelated usual seminoma. The spectrum of trophoblastic tumours arising in the setting of testicular germ cell tumour continues to expand, to include epithelioid and placental site trophoblastic tumours analogous to those of the gynaecological tract. Currently, reporting of anaplasia (seminoma or spermatocytic tumour) or immaturity (teratoma) is not required, as these do not have demonstrable prognostic importance. In contrast, overgrowth of a teratomatous component (somatic‐type malignancy) and sarcomatous change in spermatocytic tumour indicate more aggressive behaviour, and should be reported.  相似文献   

Intercellular contacts, mediated by E-cadherin, are essential for germ cell migration and maturation. Furthermore, it has been suggested that decrease or loss of E-cadherin correlates with tumour progression and invasive behaviour. beta-catenin is involved in a number of different processes, including cell--cell interaction when bound to cadherins, and determination of cell fate in pluripotent cells when activated via the Wnt signal-transduction pathway. To shed more light on the role of these factors in normal fetal germ cell development and the pathogenesis of germ cell tumours (GCTs), the present study investigated the presence and localization of E-cadherin and beta-catenin by immunohistochemistry. E-cadherin was only weakly expressed in or absent from fetal germ cells of the second and third trimesters, and was not expressed in carcinoma in situ/intratubular germ cell neoplasia unclassified (CIS/ITGCNU) and gonadoblastoma, the precursor of an invasive GCT in dysgenetic gonads. In GCTs, it was generally not expressed in seminoma and dysgerminoma, but was found in the vast majority of non-seminoma cells. beta-catenin was found in the cytoplasm of fetal germ cells at all gestational ages and in spermatogenesis in post-pubertal testes. It was also present in CIS/ITGCNU and gonadoblastoma. Whereas seminomas and dysgerminoma were negative, non-seminoma cells were frequently found to express beta-catenin. Expression of both factors therefore reflects the degree of differentiation of these tumours. No differences for either E-cadherin or beta-catenin were observed between samples of tumours resistant or sensitive to chemotherapy, and E-cadherin expression did not correlate with vascular invasion. E-cadherin and beta-catenin therefore play a role in both normal and malignant germ cell development and differentiation that warrants further investigation, but they seem to be of limited value as predictive or prognostic factors in GCTs.  相似文献   

The origin of testicular germ cell tumours occurring during childhood is poorly understood. In adults, the classical seminomas and non-seminomas originate from carcinoma in situ of the testis, which can usually also be detected in seminiferous tubules adjacent to the tumours. In order to contribute with information regarding a possible association between carcinoma in situ and the childhood group of germ cell tumours, we investigated seminiferous tubules adjacent to 13 infantile yolk sac tumours, five infantile teratomas, and six adolescent germ cell tumours of various types, using morphological evaluation, immunohistochemical staining with markers for carcinoma in situ cells, and densitometric DNA measurement of the germ cells. We detected clear differences between the germ cell populations adjacent to adolescent and infantile germ cell tumours. The former were associated with both normal germ cells and carcinoma in situ cells. The presence of carcinoma in situ cells strongly suggested that the adolescent tumours arose from carcinoma in situ cells, like germ cell tumours occurring in adult men. Although we were in doubt in two cases, the infantile germ cell tumours were in general not associated with carcinoma in situ cells. The aetiology of infantile yolk sac tumours and teratomas may therefore be fundamentally different from that of adolescent and adult germ cell tumours. The origin of yolk sac tumours and teratomas remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Non-seminomatous germ cell tumours of the testis (NSGCT) form a heterogeneous group of neoplasms. Cell lines derived from NSGCT may provide useful data concerning the biology of neoplasic precursor germ cells, differentiation of tumour stem cells and the relationship between various tissue components of these tumours. Four NSGCT were studied, two mixed tumours composed of teratocarcinoma, yolk sac and trophoblastic elements, and two malignant teratomas with a massive neuroectodermal component, equivalent to primary neuroectodermal tumours (PNET) of the testis. The explanted tumours gave rise to various cell populations, including epitheloid cells, flattened large cells, spindle cells and tear drop cells of neuroblastic type. Ultrastructurally, cultured cells expressed various degrees of neural and muscular differentiation: neurosecretory granules, intermediate filaments of glial nature, and filaments resembling Z-bands. Cultured cells showed the expression of several neural and muscular markers, including neurofilaments, cytokeratin, actin, desmin, neuron-specific enolase, glial fibrillary acidic protein and HNK-1. In addition, three cases expressed HBA-71 antigen and two expressed MyoDI protein. All cases were aneuploid, and an isochromosome 12p, i(12p), was detected in three cases. Myoblastic and neural cells are the predominant tumour cells that grow in vitro, independent of the nature and composition of the primary germ cell tumour. A histogenetic relationship between germ cell tumours and small round cell tumours of childhood is suggested.  相似文献   

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