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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of uniform indicator measurement and group benchmarking followed by hospital-specific activities on clinical performance measures and patients' experiences with emergency care in Switzerland. DESIGN: Data were collected in a pre-post design in two measurement cycles, before and after implementation of improvement activities. Trained hospital staff recorded patient characteristics and clinical performance data. Patients completed a questionnaire after discharge/transfer from the emergency unit. SETTING: Emergency departments of 12 community hospitals in Switzerland, participating in the 'Emerge' project. SUBJECTS: Eligible patients were entered into the study (18 544 in total: 9174 and 9370 in the first and second cycles, respectively), and 2916 and 3370 patients returned the questionnaire in the first and second measurement cycles, respectively (response rates 32% and 36%, respectively). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical performance measures (concordance of prospective and retrospective assessment of urgency of care needs, and time intervals between sequences of events) and patients' reports about care provision in emergency departments (EDs), measured by a 22-item, self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: Concordance of prospective and retrospective assignments to one of three urgency categories improved significantly by 1%, and both under- and over-prioritization, were reduced. The median duration between ED admission and documentation of post-ED disposition fell from 137 minutes in 2001 to 130 minutes in 2002 (P < 0.001). Significant improvements in the reports provided by patients were achieved in 10 items, and were mainly demonstrated in structures of care provision and perceived humanity. CONCLUSION: Undertaken in a real-world setting, small but significant improvements in performance measures and patients' perceptions of emergency care could be achieved. Hospitals accomplished these improvements mainly by averting strong outliers, and were most successful in preventing series of negative events. Uniform outcomes measurement, group benchmarking, and data-driven hospital-specific strategies for change are suggested as valuable tools for continuous improvement. Several hospitals have already implemented the developed measures in their internal quality systems and subsequent measurements are projected.  相似文献   


Service quality and patient satisfaction are essential to health care organization success. Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry introduced SERVQUAL, a prominent service quality measure not yet applied to urgent care. We develop an instrument to measure perceived service quality and identify the determinants of patient satisfaction/ behavioral intentions. We examine the relationships among perceived service quality, patient satisfaction and behavioral intentions, and demonstrate that urgent care service quality is not equivalent using measures of perceptions only, differences of expectations minus perceptions, ratio of perceptions to expectations, and the log of the ratio. Perceptions provide the best measure of urgent care service quality.  相似文献   

Objective  To determine if patients vary in perceptions of safety if interpersonal continuity were to be disrupted. If so, which characteristics are associated with feeling unsafe? Background  The extent to which patients’ preference for continuity with a personal physician is due to perceptions of safety is unclear. Design  Observational study (Wisconsin Longitudinal Study Graduate and Sibling Survey). Setting and participants  A total of 6827 respondents (most aged 63–66 years) who completed the 2003–06 survey round. Main variables studied  Age, gender, marital status, education, health insurance type, illnesses, medications, length of relationship with provider and place, personality type, decision‐making preference and trust in physician deliberation. Main outcome measures  Safety perception when visiting another doctor or clinic if own doctor were not available. Results  Twelve percent of respondents felt unsafe. After adjustment, as compared to those who felt safe, those who felt unsafe were more likely to be women (Odds ratio = 1.65, 95% confidence interval = 1.35–2.01), have more chronic conditions (1.27, 1.08–1.50) and have a longer relationship with a usual provider: 5–9 years (1.53, 1.11–2.10) 10–14 years (1.41, 1.02–1.95) and 15 or more years (1.62, 1.20–2.17) compared to 0–4 years. Those who preferred active participation in decision making and had trust in their physician were less likely to feel safe (1.63, 1.10–2.41). Conclusions  Certain older adults perceive being unsafe if not seeing their usual physician. Further research should investigate reasons for perceptions of safety if continuity were disrupted and any implications for care.  相似文献   

PURPOSE Major primary care reforms have been introduced in recent years in the United Kingdom, including financial incentives to improve clinical quality and provide more rapid access to care. Little is known about the impact of these changes on patient experience. We examine patient reports of quality of care between 2003 and 2007, including random samples of patients on practice lists and patients with long-term conditions.METHODS We conducted a cross-sectional design study of family practices in which questionnaires were sent to serial samples of patients in 42 representative general practices in England. Questionnaires sent to samples of patients with chronic disease (asthma, angina, and diabetes) and random samples of adult patients (excluding patients who reported any long-term condition) in 2003, 2005, and 2007 addressed issues of access, communication, continuity of care, coordination, nursing care, and overall satisfaction.RESULTS There were no significant changes in quality of care reported by either group of patients between 2003 and 2007 for communication, nursing care, coordination, and overall satisfaction. Some aspects of access improved significantly for patients with chronic disease, but not for the random samples of patients. Patients in both samples reported seeing their usual physician less often and gave lower satisfaction ratings for continuity of care. Most scores were significantly higher for the chronic illness samples than for the random samples of patients in 2003, even after adjusting for age.CONCLUSIONS There was a modest improvement in access to care for patients with chronic illness, but all patients now find it somewhat harder to obtain continuity of care. This outcome may be related to the incentives to provide rapid appointments or to the increased number of specialized clinics in primary care. The possibility of unintended effects needs to be considered when introducing pay for performance schemes.  相似文献   

Background If research addresses the questions of relevance to patients and clinicians, decision‐makers will be better equipped to design and deliver health services which meet their needs. To this end, a number of initiatives have engaged patients and clinicians in setting research agendas. This paper aimed to scope the research literature addressing such efforts. Methods A systematic search strategy combined electronic searches of bibliographic databases with handsearching and contacting key authors. Two researchers, initially working independently, described the relevant reports. Findings Over 250 studies addressed patients’ or clinicians’ priorities for research and outcomes for assessment. This literature described different routes for patients and clinicians to contribute to research agendas. Two‐thirds of the studies addressing patients’ or clinicians’ research questions were applicable across health care, with the remainder focussed on specific health conditions. The 27 formal studies of patient involvement revealed a literature that has grown in the last decade. Although only nine studies engaged patients and clinicians in identifying research questions together, they show that methods have advanced over time, with all of them engaging participants directly and repeatedly in facilitated debate and most employing formal decision‐making procedures. Conclusion A sizeable literature is available to inform priorities for research and the methods for setting research agendas with patients and clinicians. We recommend that research funders and researchers draw on this literature to provide relevant research for health service decision‐makers.  相似文献   

The number and per-capita emergency transports by public ambulancesand the percentage of transports of patients with non-emergencyconditions has been increasing in Japan, especially in urbanareas. Public ambulance services are, of course, essential fortransporting patients with crucial health problems. However,inappropriate ambulance use by patients who do not need emergencytreatment, but who need primary health care, means that thesepatients cannot get suitable health care, and diminishes theeffectiveness and efficiency of emergency medical-care servicesystems. The purposes of this study were to identify the factorsrelating to usage of public ambulance services in urban areas,to determine how to make these services more effective and moreefficient, and to discuss how to provide primary health-careservices so as to reduce the inappropriate use of public ambulanceservices. We investigated the accessibility of primary health-careservices, the characteristics of public ambulance service utilization,and the potential needs of the elderly for emergency-care servicesin two Tokyo wards: Edogawa andSetagaya. There were less healthresources, such as clinics, hospital beds and physicians, percapita in Edogawa than in Setagaya. Both the percentage of ambulancetransports of patients suffering from mild problems and thepercentage of ambulance transports on Sundays were higher inEdogawa than in Setagaya. Our survey showed that the percentagesof the elderly who would call for ambulances for each of threespecific health problems (fever, chest pain and ankle sprain)were all higher in Edogawa than in Setagaya. In both wards,elderly people living with their children and/or grandchildrenwere more likely to choose different health resources accordingto the specific problem being experienced than were elderlypeople living with other aged persons but without young people.The insufficient development of primary healthcare resourcesand systems increased the inappropriate use of high-cost emergencyambulance services by the elderly living in urban areas, wherefamily support is weakening. Health systems therefore need tobe reoriented so as to enhance accessibility to primary healthcareservices.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: . The aim of this study was to assess clinical staff's opinions on the results of in-patient satisfaction surveys and their use within the quality improvement process. SETTING: The institution is a 2200-bed teaching hospital of tertiary health care employing 8000 professionals. Patient satisfaction surveys are carried out each year using a validated questionnaire mailed to a random sample of patients. The specific results of each department are sent to the medical and paramedical managers. METHODS: We conducted a questionnaire survey on 500 care providers randomly selected in every medical and surgical department. RESULTS: A total of 261 questionnaires were returned and analysed. Overall, 94% of responders had a favourable opinion of the patient satisfaction surveys. They considered that the patient was able to judge hospital service quality, especially in its relational, organizational, and environmental dimensions. The specific results for the department were less well known than the overall hospital results (60 versus 76%). These results were formally discussed in the department according to 40% of responders; 40% declared that these data resulted in improvement actions and considered that they led to modifications in their behaviour with patients. CONCLUSIONS: Despite a declared interest in satisfaction surveys, the results remain underused by hospital staff and insufficiently discussed within teams.  相似文献   

Aboriginal Canadians experience a disproportionate burden of ill‐health and have endured a history of racism in accessing and using health care. Meanwhile, this population is rapidly growing, resulting in an urgent need to facilitate better quality of living and dying in many ways, including through enhancing (cultural) access to palliative care. In this article, we report the findings from a qualitative case study undertaken in rural British Columbia, Canada through exploring the perceptions of Aboriginal palliative care in a region identified as lacking in formal palliative care services and having only a limited Aboriginal population. Using interview data collected from 31 formal and informal palliative care providers (May–September 2008), we thematically explore not only the existing challenges and contradictions associated with the prioritisation and provision of Aboriginal palliative care in the region in terms of (in)visibility but also identify the elements necessary to enhance such care in the future. The implications for service providers in rural regions are such that consideration of the presence of small, and not always ‘visible’, populations is necessary; while rural care providers are known for their resilience and resourcefulness, increased opportunities for meaningful two‐way knowledge exchange with peers and consultation with experts cannot be overlooked. Doing so will serve to enhance culturally accessible palliative care in the region in general and for Aboriginal peoples specifically. This analysis thus contributes to a substantial gap in the palliative care literature concerning service providers’ perceptions surrounding Aboriginal palliative care as well as Aboriginal peoples’ experiences with receiving such care. Given the growing Aboriginal population and continued health inequities, this study serves to not only increase awareness but also create better living and dying conditions in small but incremental ways.  相似文献   

Development and validation of an in-patient satisfaction questionnaire.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To develop a psychometrically sound, hospital patient satisfaction questionnaire to be administered to patients discharged from medical and surgical services. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey in Spanish. SETTING: Four acute care general hospitals of the Basque Health Service. STUDY PARTICIPANTS: Random samples of 650 discharged patients from each hospital during February and March 2002. A total of 1910 patients responded to the questionnaire (73.5%). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Overall perceived quality of health care and perceived health improvement. RESULTS: No sociodemographic differences were found between respondents and non-respondents. Six dimensions were identified from the factor analysis, explaining 50% of the variance. All items, except two, revealed loadings above 0.4. Cronbach's alpha exceeded 0.7 for all dimensions, except privacy. Comfort was the dimension with the lowest level of patient satisfaction, whereas privacy was the most satisfactory. The interscale correlations never exceeded the internal consistency of each scale. The analysis of the dimensions with two items of global assessment showed a positive correlation. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained from the development and validation of the questionnaire provide evidence of its psychometric properties, although it would be useful to carry out further analyses to assess time-based properties of reliability. We found a positive relation between the degree of patient satisfaction and overall evaluation of the quality of health care, providing evidence of the ability of the questionnaire to correlate with other concepts. The in-patient satisfaction questionnaire could become a useful instrument in quality-of-care assessment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyse the relationship between patient satisfaction and background factors such as age, gender, health status and pain. In addition, to use background factors to create less biased ranking in comparisons of patient satisfaction between medical specialities. DESIGN: A questionnaire was sent by post to patients who had recently received inpatient care at a hospital within the County of Osterg?tland, Sweden. The questionnaire contained 33 questions, 21 of which concerned the quality of health care and patient satisfaction. SETTING: Inpatient departments at all four hospitals in the County of Osterg?tland, Sweden. SUBJECTS: All patients discharged from the hospital during a period of 6 weeks. Approximately 3400 patients aged 1-94 years responded to the questionnaire, resulting in a response rate of 69%. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Patient satisfaction index score (PSI). RESULTS: Of the background factors tested, patient age had the greatest explanatory value regarding the PSI, closely followed by experiencing anxiety during admission. With regard to variations in the PSI, about 20% could be explained by the background factors taken as a whole. Gender did not correlate with the PSI, although males were somewhat more satisfied than females. PSI scores differed among medical specialities and, interestingly, when age and other background factors were controlled for, the picture changed regarding the medical speciality that received the best PSI score. CONCLUSION: The change in ranking among medical specialities after adjustment for background factors emphasizes the importance of including background factors in patient satisfaction analyses in order to obtain less biased comparisons.  相似文献   

Aim: To assess the degree of satisfaction of diabetic patients with health care services and to determine the factors that influence it. Methods: It was a cross sectional study conducted in 2018 among diabetic outpatients of the department of endocrinology of the university hospital La Rabta. Patients general characteristics were noted. Each patient responded to a questionnaire, asked orally, in Tunisian dialect, by two physicians, about health care services including 20 questions grouped into three items. Each question was scored from 1 to 4 according to the degree of satisfaction. The global score as well as the scores of the items were calculated by adding the scores of the corresponding questions. Results: 150 diabetic patients responded to the questionnaire; mean age: 58.9±12.2 years [18-88], sex-ratio: 0.51.Cronbach coefficient was 0.78. The overall score was 62.2±6.5 [46-80]. Ninety-seven patients (64.7%) had a score ≥60. The item concerning ‘human contact and communication’ was considered good in 98% of cases. The item concerning ‘premises, cleanliness, comfort and safety’ was considered intermediate in 64% of cases. Patients were very satisfied with the accessibility of the department inside the hospital (76.7%), the attitude of the agents during the administrative formalities (74%) and particularly the behaviour of the doctor (96%). However, they were dissatisfied with the noise (72%) and overcrowding (67.4%) of the waiting room. There were no statistically significant associations between the overall score and the studied data. Conclusion: The diabetic patients were overall satisfied with the provided services. Actions must be taken to reduce overcrowding and long waiting times..  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the components of primary health care that cause most concern to service users and to identify socio-demographic and other factors associated with satisfaction among the users of primary health care centres. DESIGN: Interviews conducted by well-trained interviewers with a random sample of heads of households. The questionnaires were composed of questions that measure the extent of satisfaction with settings and services in the primary health care centres using a 5-point rating scale from very satisfied to very dissatisfied. SETTING: The community of Qateef, eastern Saudi Arabia. Study PARTICIPANTS: A sample of 802 households representing 838 families was chosen randomly from the housing lists of the primary health care centres in Qateef. There were 40 vacant houses and nine refusals. Thus the number of heads of households actually interviewed was 789. RESULTS: Waiting area structure, confidentiality measures and environmental structure were the areas that caused most concern to service users. The factors that showed the greatest association with satisfaction were the type of the primary health care centre building (purpose-built or rented), literacy status of the household head (literate or illiterate), the extent of the primary health care centre utilization (regular or infrequent). Surprisingly, age showed no association when other characteristics of the respondents were adjusted for, and sex was less important than in other studies. CONCLUSION: How regular the respondent was in using his or her primary health care centre was more predictive in deciding the extent of satisfaction with the various components in the study than the other variables. Socio-demographic factors played minor roles in deciding the extent of satisfaction, although each had a deciding role with one or more, but not all, components.  相似文献   

Inappropriate use of emergency care services can increase hospital readmissions and related costs. This pilot, cross-sectional survey project determined whether home health care patients who receive emergency care services during a Medicare-approved home care episode sought consultation from health care professionals before they made the emergency care visit. The two research questions were: (a) What actions were taken by the patient before making an emergency care visit?; (b) If prior consultation was obtained, what were the suggestions? Preliminary data were obtained from a Michigan-based, Medicare-certified, not-for-profit home health agency affiliated with a university health system. A two-page questionnaire recorded up to three emergency care visits. Volunteer participants were Medicare patients who had no cognitive deficits and were able to communicate with home health care providers (HHCPs) by themselves. Thirty-five emergency care visits were reported; 31 (88.6%) Medicare patients participated and 4 (11.4%) of them had two emergency care visits. Before the patients made an emergency care visit, they most often called their primary care physicians (PCPs; N = 20, 57.1%), followed by the HHCPs (N = 10, 28.6%). All 20 patients who contacted their PCPs and 7 patients who contacted their HHCPs were advised to seek emergency care services. In 20 emergency care visits the patient was admitted for an acute hospital stay; the other 15 patients went home. Most patients contacted their PCPs or HHCPs before they went to an emergency department or urgent care facility. These results implied that PCPs and HHCPs seemed to perceive that the need for emergency care should be determined at an emergency room or urgent care facility. This study was unable to differentiate the need for emergency care services or the appropriateness of the advice given by PCPs or HHCPs when the home care patients were under the care of a medical team.  相似文献   

Background Although patient safety has been studied extensively, little research has directly examined patient and family (consumer) perceptions. Evidence suggests that clinicians define safety differently from consumers, e.g. clinicians focus more on outcomes, whereas consumers may focus more on processes. Consumer perceptions of patient safety are important for several reasons. First, health‐care policy leaders have been encouraging patients and families to take a proactive role in ensuring patient safety; therefore, an understanding of how patients define safety is needed. Second, consumer perceptions of safety could influence outcomes such as trust and satisfaction or compliance with treatment protocols. Finally, consumer perspectives could be an additional lens for viewing complex systems and processes for quality improvement efforts. Objectives To qualitatively explore acute care consumer perceptions of patient safety. Design and methods Thirty‐nine individuals with a recent overnight hospital visit participated in one of four group interviews. Analysis followed an interpretive analytical approach. Results Three basic themes were identified: Communication, staffing issues and medication administration. Consumers associated care process problems, such as delays or lack of information, with safety rather than as service quality problems. Participants agreed that patients need family caregivers as advocates. Conclusions Consumers seem acutely aware of care processes they believe pose risks to safety. Perceptual measures of patient safety and quality may help to identify areas where there are higher risks of preventable adverse events.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Patient satisfaction with health care services is considered an important factor of health care. Although research on patient satisfaction has become standard in Western Europe, in countries such as Lithuania the concept of patient satisfaction is still a relatively new one. This study aimed to investigate how the meeting of patients' expectations is related to increased satisfaction with medical consultation. STUDY DESIGN: The methodology used by Williams et al. in the UK was applied to the Lithuanian health care setting. Forty physicians from 22 primary health care centres attending courses on general practice at Vilnius University were recruited for the study. Every third adult patient coming to a practice during a 5-day period was invited to participate in the study. In all, 609 patients coming to meet their physician regarding health problems were included in the study sample. The patients were asked to complete three standardized questionnaires: the Patient Intentions Questionnaire prior to the consultation, and the Expectations Met Questionnaire and Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale after the consultation. Cronbach's alpha statistic was used for the validation of the questionnaires and principal components analysis was used to determine the factors of patient expectations. RESULTS: The response rate was 78%. ANALYSIS: of 460 sets of questionnaires revealed that satisfaction with medical consultation is higher among patients who have a greater number of expectations met. Physicians' success in meeting different types of patient expectations also had different influences on patient satisfaction. The most important expectations to be met were "understanding and explanation", followed by expectations of "emotional support", while "getting information" was less important. CONCLUSIONS: The most frequently reported expectations on the Patient Intentions Questionnaire were for "getting information" and "understanding and explanation" of the patients' health problem items, and the least mentioned were for emotional support items. Patients with more expectations met were found to have significantly higher scores on the satisfaction index. Satisfaction with the consultation is best predicted by meeting the patient's expectations for understanding and explanation, and for emotional support. Providing desired information to the patient as well as meeting the patient's expectations for diagnostic procedures and treatment is less associated with patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

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