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Molecular oxygen acts as the terminal electron sink in the respiratory chains of aerobic organisms. Cytochrome c oxidase in the inner membrane of mitochondria and the plasma membrane of bacteria catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water, and couples the free energy of the reaction to proton pumping across the membrane. The proton-pumping activity contributes to the proton electrochemical gradient, which drives the synthesis of ATP. Based on kinetic experiments on the O–O bond splitting transition of the catalytic cycle (A → PR), it has been proposed that the electron transfer to the binuclear iron–copper center of O2 reduction initiates the proton pump mechanism. This key electron transfer event is coupled to an internal proton transfer from a conserved glutamic acid to the proton-loading site of the pump. However, the proton may instead be transferred to the binuclear center to complete the oxygen reduction chemistry, which would constitute a short-circuit. Based on atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of cytochrome c oxidase in an explicit membrane–solvent environment, complemented by related free-energy calculations, we propose that this short-circuit is effectively prevented by a redox-state–dependent organization of water molecules within the protein structure that gates the proton transfer pathway.Life on Earth is supported by a constant supply of energy in the form of ATP. Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) in the respiratory chains of mitochondria and bacteria catalyzes the exergonic reduction of molecular oxygen (O2) to water and uses the free energy of the reaction to pump protons across the membrane (13). The oxygen reduction reaction takes place at a highly conserved active site formed by two metal sites, heme a3 and CuB (Fig. 1 A and B), called the binuclear center (BNC). The electrons donated by the mobile electron carrier cytochrome c reach the BNC via two other conserved metal centers, CuA and heme a (Fig. 1A). The protons required for the chemistry of O2 reduction to water, and for proton pumping, are transported with the assistance of side chains of polar amino acids and conserved water molecules in the protein interior (46) (Fig. 1A). Two such proton transfer pathways have been described in the mitochondrial and bacterial A-type oxidases (to distinguish between different types of oxidases, see ref. 7), namely, the D and K channels (8, 9), the names of which are based on the conserved amino acid residues Asp91 and Lys319, respectively (Fig. 1A, amino acid numbering based on the bovine heart CcO). The D channel is responsible for the translocation of all of the pumped protons, and for the transfer of at least two of the four protons required for oxygen reduction chemistry, whereas the K channel supplies one or two protons to the BNC during the reductive phase of the catalytic cycle (8, 9). The D channel terminates at a highly conserved glutamic acid residue, Glu242, from where the protons are either transferred to the BNC for consumption, or to the proton-loading site (PLS) for pumping across the membrane (Fig. 1A). In 2003, Wikström et al. postulated a molecular mechanism in which water molecules in the nonpolar cavity above Glu242 would form proton-transferring chains, the orientation of which depends upon the redox state of the enzyme (10). They proposed that the reduction of the low-spin heme would result in transfer of a proton via a preorganized water chain from Glu242 to the d-propionate (Dprp) of the high-spin heme, whereas in the case when the electron has moved to the BNC, the water chain would reorientate and conduct protons from Glu242 to the BNC (Fig. 1A, and see below). Even though there is little direct experimental support available for such a water-gated mechanism, a recent FTIR study indeed suggests changes in water organization upon changes in the redox state of the enzyme (11). Many of the elementary steps that were postulated in the water-gated mechanism have gained support from experiments in the recent past (12, 13).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.(A) A three-subunit (SU) CcO. SU I (blue), II (red), and III (orange) are displayed as transparent ribbons. The D and K channels of proton transfer are marked with blue arrows. Crystallographic water molecules present in these proton channels are shown in purple. Electron transfer (red arrow) takes place from CuA (orange) via heme a (yellow) to the binuclear center comprising heme a3 (yellow)–CuB (orange). Protons are transferred from Glu242 (E242) either to the PLS or to the binuclear center (black arrows). Lipid bilayer (silver lines), water (gray dots), and sodium (light yellow) and chloride (cyan) ions are also displayed. (B) The catalytic cycle of CcO. The states of heme a3, CuB, and the cross-linked tyrosine are displayed. Each light orange rectangle corresponds to a state of the BNC, the name of which is displayed in red (Upper Right). Pumped protons are shown in blue, black H+ indicates uptake of a proton for water formation, and e indicates transfer of an electron from the low-spin heme a. Catalysis of O2 reduction occurs clockwise.It is generally thought that the proton pump of CcO operates via the same mechanism in each of the 4 one-electron reduction steps of the catalytic cycle (Fig. 1B). However, kinetic data on two different transitions (A → PR and OH → EH) have suggested dissimilarities in some of the elementary steps (12, 13). Fully reduced enzyme reacts with oxygen and forms an oxygenated adduct A in ca. 10 µs, followed by splitting of the O–O bond leading to formation of the PR intermediate (in ∼25 μs) that is linked to loading of the PLS with a proton (3, 12). O–O bond splitting from state A in the absence of electrons in heme a or CuA yields the stable state PM without proton transfer to the PLS (3, 12). Therefore, it is the electron transfer from heme a into the BNC accompanying O–O bond scission during A → PR that is linked to the proton transfer to the PLS. The structure of the PR intermediate is well characterized with ferryl heme a3, cupric hydroxide, and tyrosinate (3, 14). In PM the tyrosine is almost certainly in the form of a neutral radical (3, 14), so the reaction PM → PR is a proton-coupled electron transfer reaction (PCET) that initiates the reactions of the proton pump (3, 12). Note that in the state PR the proton at the PLS partially neutralizes the electron in the BNC (3) in accordance with the charge-neutralization principle of the BNC (15). However, an important question arises: how can proton transfer from Glu242 to the BNC be prevented, which would short-circuit one step of proton pumping and form the next stable intermediate F? In the OH → EH transition of the catalytic cycle this short-circuit is minimized because reduction of the low-spin heme is thought to raise the pKa of the PLS sufficiently to lead to its protonation before transfer of the electron to the BNC (3, 10, 13, 1618), and uncompensated proton transfer to the BNC is endergonic in nature (refs. 13,16,17; cf. ref. 19). In contrast, the likelihood of a proton leak in the A → PR transition increases manifold because the electron transfer from heme a to the BNC is required for loading of the PLS with a proton (3, 12). This facet is analyzed in the current work, and it is proposed that it is the orientation of the water molecules in the nonpolar cavity above Glu242 that effectively gates the pump and minimizes such a short-circuit.  相似文献   

Gaining detailed understanding of the energetics of the proton-pumping process in cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is one of the challenges of modern biophysics. Despite promising mechanistic proposals, most works have not related the activation barriers of the different assumed steps to the protein structure, and there has not been a physically consistent model that reproduced the barriers needed to create a working pump. This work reevaluates the activation barriers for the primary proton transfer (PT) steps by calculations that reflect all relevant free energy contributions, including the electrostatic energies of the generated charges, the energies of water insertion, and large structural rearrangements of the donor and acceptor. The calculations have reproduced barriers that account for the directionality and sequence of events in the primary PT in CcO. It has also been found that the PT from Glu-286 (E) to the propionate of heme a(3) (Prd) provides a gate for an initial back leakage from the high pH side of the membrane. Interestingly, the rotation of E that brings it closer to Prd appears to provide a way for blocking competing pathways in the primary PT. Our study elucidates and quantifies the nature of the control of the directionality in the primary PT in CcO and provides instructive insight into the role of the water molecules in biological PT, showing that "bridges" of several water molecules in hydrophobic regions present a problem (rather than a solution) that is minimized in the primary PT.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase is the terminal enzyme of the respiratory chain that is responsible for biological energy conversion in mitochondria and aerobic bacteria. The membrane-bound enzyme converts free energy from oxygen reduction to an electrochemical proton gradient by functioning as a redox-coupled proton pump. Although the 3D structure and functional studies have revealed proton conducting pathways in the enzyme interior, the location of proton donor and acceptor groups are not fully identified. We show here by time-resolved optical and FTIR spectroscopy combined with time-resolved electrometry that some mutant enzymes incapable of proton pumping nevertheless initiate catalysis by proton transfer to a proton-loading site. A conserved tyrosine in the so-called D-channel is identified as a potential proton donor that determines the efficiency of this reaction.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), the terminal enzyme of the respiratory chain, reduces oxygen to water and uses the released energy to pump protons across a membrane. Here, we use kinetic master equations to explore the energetic and kinetic control of proton pumping in CcO. We construct models consistent with thermodynamic principles, the structure of CcO, experimentally known proton affinities, and equilibrium constants of intermediate reactions. The resulting models are found to capture key properties of CcO, including the midpoint redox potentials of the metal centers and the electron transfer rates. We find that coarse-grained models with two proton sites and one electron site can pump one proton per electron against membrane potentials exceeding 100 mV. The high pumping efficiency of these models requires strong electrostatic couplings between the proton loading (pump) site and the electron site (heme a), and kinetic gating of the internal proton transfer. Gating is achieved by enhancing the rate of proton transfer from the conserved Glu-242 to the pump site on reduction of heme a, consistent with the predictions of the water-gated model of proton pumping. The model also accounts for the phenotype of D-channel mutations associated with loss of pumping but retained turnover. The fundamental mechanism identified here for the efficient conversion of chemical energy into an electrochemical potential should prove relevant also for other molecular machines and novel fuel-cell designs.  相似文献   

Possible proton relay pathways in cytochrome c oxidase.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
As the final electron acceptor in the respiratory chain of eukaryotic and many prokaryotic organisms, cytochrome c oxidase (EC catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water and generates a proton gradient. To test for proton pathways through the oxidase, site-directed mutagenesis was applied to subunit I of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides enzyme. Mutants were characterized in three highly conserved regions of the peptide, comprising possible proton loading, unloading, and transfer sites: an interior loop between helices II and III (Asp132Asn/Ala), an exterior loop between helices IX and X (His411Ala, Asp412Asn, Thr413Asn, Tyr414Phe), and the predicted transmembrane helix VIII (Thr352Ala, Pro358Ala, Thr359Ala, Lys362Met). Most of the mutants had lower activity than wild type, but only mutants at residue 132 lost proton pumping while retaining electron transfer activity. Although electron transfer was substantially inhibited, no major structural alteration appears to have occurred in D132 mutants, since resonance Raman and visible absorbance spectra were normal. However, lower CO binding (70-85% of wild type) suggests some minor change to the binuclear center. In addition, the activity of the reconstituted Asp132 mutants was inhibited rather than stimulated by ionophores or uncoupler. The inhibition was not observed with the purified enzyme and a direct pH effect was ruled out, suggesting an altered response to the electrical or pH gradient. The results support an important role for the conserved II-III loop in the proton pumping process and are consistent with the possibility of involvement of residues in helix VIII and the IX-X loop.  相似文献   

The mechanism of proton pumping by cytochrome c oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cytochrome c oxidase catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water that is accompanied by pumping of four protons across the mitochondrial or bacterial membrane. Triggered by the results of recent x-ray crystallographic analyses, published data concerning the coupling of individual electron transfer steps to proton pumping are reanalyzed: Conversion of the conventional oxoferryl intermediate F to the fully oxidized form O is connected to pumping of only one proton. Most likely one proton is already pumped during the double reduction of O, and only three protons during conversion of the “peroxy” forms P to O via the oxoferryl form F. Based on the available structural, spectroscopic, and mutagenesis data, a detailed mechanistic model, carefully considering electrostatic interactions, is presented. In this model, each of the four reductions of heme a during the catalytic cycle is coupled to the uptake of one proton via the D-pathway. These protons, but never more than two, are temporarily stored in the regions of the heme a and a3 propionates and are driven to the outside (“pumped”) by electrostatic repulsion from protons entering the active site during turnover. The first proton is pumped by uptake of one proton via the K-pathway during reduction, the second and third proton during the P → F transition when the D-pathway and the active site become directly connected, and the fourth one upon conversion of F to O. Atomic structures are assigned to each intermediate including F′ with an alternative route to O.  相似文献   

In mitochondria and aerobic bacteria energy conservation involves electron transfer through a number of membrane-bound protein complexes to O2. The reduction of O2, accompanied by the uptake of substrate protons to form H2O, is catalyzed by cytochrome c oxidase (CcO). This reaction is coupled to proton translocation (pumping) across the membrane such that each electron transfer to the catalytic site is linked to the uptake of two protons from one side and the release of one proton to the other side of the membrane. To address the mechanism of vectorial proton translocation, in this study we have investigated the solvent deuterium isotope effect of proton-transfer rates in CcO oriented in small unilamellar vesicles. Although in H2O the uptake and release reactions occur with the same rates, in D2O the substrate and pumped protons are taken up first (tau(D) congruent with 200 micros, "peroxy" to "ferryl" transition) followed by a significantly slower proton release to the other side of the membrane (tau(D) congruent with 1 ms). Thus, the results define the order and timing of the proton transfers during a pumping cycle. Furthermore, the results indicate that during CcO turnover internal electron transfer to the catalytic site is controlled by the release of the pumped proton, which suggests a mechanism by which CcO orchestrates a tight coupling between electron transfer and proton translocation.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is the terminal enzyme of the respiratory chain and couples energetically the reduction of oxygen to water to proton pumping across the membrane. The results from previous studies showed that proton pumping can be uncoupled from the O2-reduction reaction by replacement of one single residue, Asn-139 by Asp (N139D), located approximately 30 A from the catalytic site, in the D-proton pathway. The uncoupling was correlated with an increase in the pK(a) of an internal proton donor, Glu-286, from approximately 9.4 to >11. Here, we show that replacement of the acidic residue, Asp-132 by Asn in the N139D CcO (D132N/N139D double-mutant CcO) results in restoration of the Glu-286 pK(a) to the original value and recoupling of the proton pump during steady-state turnover. Furthermore, a kinetic investigation of the specific reaction steps in the D132N/N139D double-mutant CcO showed that proton pumping is sustained even if proton uptake from solution, through the D-pathway, is slowed. However, during single-turnover oxidation of the fully reduced CcO the P --> F transition, which does not involve electron transfer to the catalytic site, was not coupled to proton pumping. The results provide insights into the mechanism of proton pumping by CcO and the structural elements involved in this process.  相似文献   

In the respiratory chain free energy is conserved by linking the chemical reduction of dioxygen to the electrogenic translocation of protons across a membrane. Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is one of the sites where this linkage occurs. Although intensively studied, the molecular mechanism of proton pumping by this enzyme remains unknown. Here, we present data from an investigation of a mutant CcO from Rhodobacter sphaeroides [Asn-139 --> Asp, ND(I-139)] in which proton pumping is completely uncoupled from the catalytic turnover (i.e., reduction of O2). However, in this mutant CcO, the rate by which O2 is reduced to H2O is even slightly higher than that of the wild-type CcO. The data indicate that the disabling of the proton pump is a result of a perturbation of E(I-286), which is located 20 A from N(I-139) and is an internal proton donor to the catalytic site, located in the membrane-spanning part of CcO. The mutation results in raising the effective pKa of E(I-286) by 1.6 pH units. An explanation of how the mutation uncouples catalytic turnover from proton pumping is offered, which suggests a mechanism by which CcO pumps protons.  相似文献   

The final interprotein electron transfer (ET) in the mammalian respiratory chain, from cytochrome c (Cyt c) to cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is investigated by (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectral analysis. The chemical shift perturbation in isotope-labeled Cyt c induced by addition of unlabeled CcO indicates that the hydrophobic heme periphery and adjacent hydrophobic amino acid residues of Cyt c dominantly contribute to the complex formation, whereas charged residues near the hydrophobic core refine the orientation of Cyt c to provide well controlled ET. Upon oxidation of Cyt c, the specific line broadening of N-H signals disappeared and high field (1)H chemical shifts of the N-terminal helix were observed, suggesting that the interactions of the N-terminal helix with CcO are reduced by steric constraint in oxidized Cyt c, while the chemical shift perturbations in the C-terminal helix indicate notable interactions of oxidized Cyt c with CcO. These results suggest that the overall affinity of oxidized Cyt c for CcO is significantly, but not very much weaker than that of reduced Cyt c. Thus, electron transfer is gated by dissociation of oxidized Cyt c from CcO, the rate of which is controlled by the affinity of oxidized Cyt c to CcO for providing an appropriate electron transfer rate for the most effective energy coupling. The conformational changes in Lys13 upon CcO binding to oxidized Cyt c, shown by (1)H- and (1)H, (15)N-chemical shifts, are also expected to gate intraprotein ET by a polarity control of heme c environment.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase catalyzes most of the biological oxygen consumption on Earth, a process responsible for energy supply in aerobic organisms. This remarkable membrane-bound enzyme also converts free energy from O(2) reduction to an electrochemical proton gradient by functioning as a redox-linked proton pump. Although the structures of several oxidases are known, the molecular mechanism of redox-linked proton translocation has remained elusive. Here, correlated internal electron and proton transfer reactions were tracked in real time by spectroscopic and electrometric techniques after laser-activated electron injection into the oxidized enzyme. The observed kinetics establish the long-sought reaction sequence of the proton pump mechanism and describe some of its thermodynamic properties. The 10-micros electron transfer to heme a raises the pK(a) of a "pump site," which is loaded by a proton from the inside of the membrane in 150 micros. This loading increases the redox potentials of both hemes a and a(3), which allows electron equilibration between them at the same rate. Then, in 0.8 ms, another proton is transferred from the inside to the heme a(3)/Cu(B) center, and the electron is transferred to Cu(B). Finally, in 2.6 ms, the preloaded proton is released from the pump site to the opposite side of the membrane.  相似文献   

X-ray structures of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase have suggested that the enzyme, which reduces O(2) in a process coupled with a proton pumping process, contains a proton pumping pathway (H-pathway) composed of a hydrogen bond network and a water channel located in tandem across the enzyme. The hydrogen bond network includes the peptide bond between Tyr-440 and Ser-441, which could facilitate unidirectional proton transfer. Replacement of a possible proton-ejecting aspartate (Asp-51) at one end of the H-pathway with asparagine, using a stable bovine gene expression system, abolishes the proton pumping activity without influencing the O(2) reduction function. Blockage of either the water channel by a double mutation (Val386Leu and Met390Trp) or proton transfer through the peptide by a Ser441Pro mutation was found to abolish the proton pumping activity without impairment of the O(2) reduction activity. These results significantly strengthen the proposal that H-pathway is involved in proton pumping.  相似文献   

Fast intraprotein electron transfer reactions associated with enzymatic catalysis are often difficult to synchronize and therefore to monitor directly in non-light-driven systems. However, in the mitochondrial respiratory enzyme cytochrome oxidase aa(3), the kinetics of the final electron transfer step into the active site can be determined: reverse electron flow between the close-lying and chemically identical hemes a(3) and a can be initiated by flash photolysis of CO from reduced heme a(3) under conditions where heme a is initially oxidized. To follow this reaction, we used transient absorption spectroscopy, with femtosecond time resolution and a time window extending to 4 ns. Comparison of the picosecond heme a(3)-CO photodissociation spectra under different redox states of heme a shows significant spectral interaction between both hemes, a phenomenon complicating the interpretation of spectral studies with low time resolution. Most importantly, we show that the intrinsic electron equilibration, corresponding to a DeltaG(0) of 45-55 meV, occurs in 1.2 +/- 0.1 ns. This is 3 orders of magnitude faster than the previously established equilibration phase of approximately 3 mus, which we suggest to reflect a change in redox equilibrium closely following CO migration out of the active site. Our results allow testing a number of conflicting predictions regarding this reaction between both experimental and theoretical studies. We discuss the potential physiological relevance of fast equilibration associated with this low-driving-force redox reaction.  相似文献   

Proton translocation in the D-pathway of cytochrome c oxidase has been studied by a combination of classical molecular dynamics and the multistate empirical valence bond methodology. This approach allows for explicit Grotthuss proton hopping between water molecules. According to mutagenesis experiments, the role of proton donor/acceptor along the D-pathway is carried by the highly conserved residue Glu-242. The present multistate empirical valence bond simulations indicate that the protonation/deprotonation state of Glu-242 is strongly coupled to the distance of proton propagation in the D-pathway. The proton was seen to travel the full length of the D-pathway when Glu-242 was deprotonated; however, it was trapped halfway along the path when Glu-242 was protonated. Further investigation in terms of both proton dynamical properties and free energy calculations for the pathway of proton transport provides evidence for a two-step proton transport mechanism in the D-pathway.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase is a membrane-bound enzyme that catalyzes the four-electron reduction of oxygen to water. This highly exergonic reaction drives proton pumping across the membrane. One of the key questions associated with the function of cytochrome c oxidase is how the transfer of electrons and protons is coupled and how proton transfer is controlled by the enzyme. In this study we focus on the function of one of the proton transfer pathways of the R. sphaeroides enzyme, the so-called K-proton transfer pathway (containing a highly conserved Lys(I-362) residue), leading from the protein surface to the catalytic site. We have investigated the kinetics of the reaction of the reduced enzyme with oxygen in mutants of the enzyme in which a residue [Ser(I-299)] near the entry point of the pathway was modified with the use of site-directed mutagenesis. The results show that during the initial steps of oxygen reduction, electron transfer to the catalytic site (to form the "peroxy" state, P(r)) requires charge compensation through the proton pathway, but no proton uptake from the bulk solution. The charge compensation is proposed to involve a movement of the K(I-362) side chain toward the binuclear center. Thus, in contrast to what has been assumed previously, the results indicate that the K-pathway is used during oxygen reduction and that K(I-362) is charged at pH approximately 7.5. The movement of the Lys is proposed to regulate proton transfer by "shutting off" the protonic connectivity through the K-pathway after initiation of the O(2) reduction chemistry. This "shutoff" prevents a short-circuit of the proton-pumping machinery of the enzyme during the subsequent reaction steps.  相似文献   

Electron transfer (ET) within proteins occurs by means of chains of redox intermediates that favor directional and efficient electron delivery to an acceptor. Individual ET steps are energetically characterized by the electronic coupling V, driving force DeltaG, and reorganization energy lambda. lambda reflects the nuclear rearrangement of the redox partners and their environment associated with the reactions; lambda approximately 700-1,100 meV (1 eV = 1.602 x 10(-19) J) has been considered as a typical value for intraprotein ET. In nonphotosynthetic systems, functional ET is difficult to assess directly. However, using femtosecond flash photolysis of the CO-poised membrane protein cytochrome c oxidase, the intrinsic rate constant of the low-DeltaG electron injection from heme a into the heme a(3)-Cu(B) active site was recently established at (1.4 ns)(-1). Here, we determine the temperature dependence of both the rate constant and DeltaG of this reaction and establish that this reaction is activationless. Using a quantum mechanical form of nonadiabatic ET theory and common assumptions for the coupled vibrational modes, we deduce that lambda is <200 meV. It is demonstrated that the previously accepted value of 760 meV actually originates from the temperature dependence of Cu(B)-CO bond breaking. We discuss that low-DeltaG, low-lambda reactions are common for efficiently channeling electrons through chains that are buried inside membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase is an electron-current driven proton pump. To investigate the mechanism by which this pump operates it is important to study individual electron- and proton-transfer reactions in the enzyme, and key reactions in which they are kinetically and thermodynamically coupled. In this work, we have simultaneously measured absorbance changes associated with electron-transfer reactions and conductance changes associated with protonation reactions following pulsed illumination of the photolabile complex of partly reduced bovine cytochrome c oxidase and carbon monoxide. Following CO dissociation, several kinetic phases in the absorbance changes were observed with time constants ranging from approximately 3 microseconds to several milliseconds, reflecting internal electron-transfer reactions within the enzyme. The data show that the rate of one of these electron-transfer reactions, from cytochrome a3 to a on a millisecond time scale, is controlled by a proton-transfer reaction. These results are discussed in terms of a model in which cytochrome a3 interacts electrostatically with a protonatable group, L, in the vicinity of the binuclear center, in equilibrium with the bulk through a proton-conducting pathway, which determines the rate of proton transfer (and indirectly also of electron transfer). The interaction energy of cytochrome a3 with L was determined independently from the pH dependence of the extent of the millisecond-electron transfer and the number of protons released, as determined from the conductance measurements. The magnitude of the interaction energy, 70 meV (1 eV = 1.602 x 10(-19) J), is consistent with a distance of 5-10 A between cytochrome a3 and L. Based on the recently determined high-resolution x-ray structures of bovine and a bacterial cytochrome c oxidase, possible candidates for L and a physiological role for L are discussed.  相似文献   

The proton donor for O-O bond scission by cytochrome c oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytochrome c oxidase is the main catalyst of oxygen consumption in mitochondria and many aerobic bacteria. The key step in oxygen reduction is scission of the O-O bond and formation of an intermediate P(R) of the binuclear active site composed of heme a(3) and Cu(B). The donor of the proton required for this reaction has been suggested to be a unique tyrosine residue (Tyr-280) covalently cross-linked to one of the histidine ligands of Cu(B). To test this idea we used the Glu-278-Gln mutant enzyme from Paracoccus denitrificans, in which the reaction with oxygen stops at the P(R) intermediate. Three different time-resolved techniques were used. Optical spectroscopy showed fast (approximately 60 micros) appearance of the P(R) species along with full oxidation of heme a, and FTIR spectroscopy revealed a band at 1,308 cm(-1), which is characteristic for the deprotonated form of the cross-linked Tyr-280. The development of electric potential during formation of the P(R) species suggests transfer of a proton over a distance of approximately 4 A perpendicular to the membrane plane, which is close to the distance between the oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group of Tyr-280 and the bound oxygen. These results strongly support the hypothesis that the cross-linked tyrosine is the proton donor for O-O bond cleavage by cytochrome c oxidase and strengthens the view that this tyrosine also provides the fourth electron in O(2) reduction in conditions where heme a is oxidized.  相似文献   

Redox-driven proton pumps such as cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) are fundamental elements of the energy transduction machinery in biological systems. CcO is an integral membrane protein that acts as the terminal electron acceptor in respiratory chains of aerobic organisms, catalyzing the four-electron reduction of O2 to H2O. This reduction also requires four protons taken from the cytosolic or negative side of the membrane, with an additional uptake of four protons that are pumped across the membrane. Therefore, the proton pump must embody a "gate," which provides alternating access of protons to one or the other side of the membrane but never both sides simultaneously. However, the exact mechanism of proton translocation through CcO remains unknown at the molecular level. Understanding pump function requires knowledge of the nature and location of these structural changes that is often difficult to access with crystallography or NMR spectroscopy. In this paper, we demonstrate, with amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange MS, that transitions between catalytic intermediates in CcO are orchestrated with opening and closing of specific proton pathways, providing an alternating access for protons to the two sides of the membrane. An analysis of these results in the framework of the 3D structure of CcO indicate the spatial location of a gate, which controls the unidirectional proton flux through the enzyme and points to a mechanism by which CcO energetically couples electron transfer to proton translocation.  相似文献   

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