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目的探讨男性饮酒与吸烟行为及戒烟意愿之间的关系。方法按多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,在江苏省14个慢病监测点,抽取≥18岁男性常住居民进行问卷调查,采用非条件logistic回归方法,分析饮酒与吸烟、戒烟意愿之间的关系。结果男性成人现在吸烟率和饮酒率分别为56.90%、60.16%。饮酒者现在吸烟率为66.54%,饮酒者现在吸烟的比例高于不饮酒者(OR=2.77,95%CI:2.40~3.19),且随饮酒频率和饮酒量的增加而显著增加。现在吸烟者中,打算戒烟比例为26.56%,饮酒频率越高者打算戒烟的比例越低(P=0.023)。结论饮酒会促进吸烟行为的发生,并降低吸烟者的戒烟意愿。 相似文献
A cross-sectional study was designed to examine the effect of smoking habit on hearing loss at 1000 and 4000 Hz in the workplace. Among 1,875 male workers, including 287 subjects with occupational noise exposure, the ratio of the number with hearing loss at 1000 or 4000 Hz increased with smoking habits and that relation at 4000 Hz was statistically significant. These hearing losses showed a significant relation with age but not with working- duration under occupational noise exposure by multiple regression analysis. The amount of smoking showed a weak but significant association with hearing loss at 4000 Hz. However, among the 287 male subjects with occupational noise exposure, there was no significant relation between smoking habits and hearing loss. Therefore, both hearing loss induced by occupational noise exposure and that related with smoking habit were well controlled in this workplace. These results indicate that hearing check-ups and education to prevent noise-induced hearing impairment in the workplace might be useful to prevent the hearing loss associated with smoking habit among male workers. 相似文献
In Tunisia, in spite of the high prevalence of the cigarette smoking among males, there consequences in term of mortality were not until evaluated. These last can be estimated from tobacco consumption data, mortality statistics and estimates of risks observed among populations of smokers in cohort studies. Numbers of deaths by causes have been estimated from WHO for 1998 year. Smoking prevalence have been estimated from a national survey conducted in 1996 by l'Institut National de Santé Publique and the National League against the Tuberculosis and the Respiratory Illness. Mortality attributable to tobacco in Tunisia has been estimated 6430 deaths. The effect of smoking are a lot more important at the man (5580 deaths), contributing to 22% of male deaths, that at the woman (850 deaths) contributing at 4% of the female deaths. The present mortality to tobacco is similar to certain developed countries as France or Canada. The consumption of cigarettes even though it recorded a light decrease during these last years, remain even elevated notably at the young. Then it is waited to see an increase of tobacco related deaths during the future decades. It is urgent to conduct an efficient politics against this tobacco epidemic by helping the smoker to stop smoking and preventing teenagers to begin to smoke. 相似文献
Davies, C. T. M. (1973).British Journal of Industrial Medicine,30, 146-154. Relationship of maximum aerobic power output to productivity and absenteeism of East African sugar cane workers. The relationship of the physiological responses to laboratory exercise on an upright bicycle ergometer and predicted maximum aerobic power output (O 2max) to daily and season output has been investigated in 78 cane cutters aged 18 to 50 years working on the Kilombero sugar estate, Tanzania. The results showed that the (O2max) was independent of absolute productivity in terms of kilotons of cane cut per season but positively correlated (r = + 0·46) with daily output. There was a small but significant (r = - 0·32, P < 0·001) negative association of O2max with the number of days that an individual voluntarily absented himself from the cane fields. The importance of these findings to the selection and training of personnel for the cane-cutting industry are discussed. It was suggested that the industry might consider the introduction of a simple exercise (step) test together with a medical examination and simple anthropometric measurements at the time of recruitment of workers at the beginning of the season. 相似文献
Household environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure accounts for substantial morbidity among young children, but the ETS-associated morbidity burden among school-age children is less well defined. Illness-related school absenteeism is a measure of a broad spectrum of adverse effects of ETS exposure in school-age children. The authors investigated the relations between ETS exposure, asthma status, and illness-related school absenteeism in a cohort of 1,932 fourth-grade schoolchildren from 12 southern California communities during January-June 1996. Incidence rates and adjusted relative risks of illness-related absences were determined by using an active surveillance system. The effects of ETS exposure on absenteeism were assessed by using stratified incidence rates and Poisson regression to adjust for sociodemographic factors. ETS exposure was associated with an increased risk of respiratory-illness-related school absences (relative risk (RR) = 1.27, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.04, 1.56). Children living in a household with two or more smokers were at increased risk of such absences (RR = 1.75, 95% CI: 1.33, 2.30). Children's asthma status affected their response to ETS. Compared with unexposed children without asthma, children with asthma were at increased risk of respiratory-illness-related school absences when exposed to one (RR = 2.35, 95% CI: 1.49, 3.71) or two or more (RR = 4.45, 95% CI: 2.80, 7.07) household smokers. Children without asthma also had an increased risk if exposed to two or more smokers (RR = 1.44, 95% CI: 1.04, 2.00). Therefore, ETS exposure is associated with increased respiratory-related school absenteeism among children, especially those with asthma. 相似文献
目的了解昆明市男性吸烟工人的吸烟现状,探讨吸烟的诱惑情境及其对戒烟意愿的影响。方法采用立意抽样方法,抽取昆明市4家工厂共549名男性吸烟者,对其进行吸烟情况和诱惑情境等问卷调查。结果调查对象平均年龄为44.88±12.06岁,汉族占89.6%,已婚者占81.8%。吸烟者平均年龄为21.62±5.46岁,每日吸烟20支及以上者占55.3%,有戒烟意愿的占17.7%。正性影响情境下调查对象受诱惑程度平均得分的范围为0.59~3.57,负性影响情境下受诱惑程度平均得分的范围为2.57~3.42,习惯/渴望情境下受诱惑程度平均得分的范围为1.92~3.32。调查对象的戒烟意愿与"和吸烟的好友在一起时"和"和朋友一起聚会时"两种情境呈正相关,与"情绪低落时"和"想起有一段时间没吸烟时"两种情境呈负相关。结论男性吸烟工人中重度吸烟者比例高,有戒烟意愿的比例低。除对烟草依赖外,特定社交场合、有负性情绪对该群体的吸烟行为影响最大。 相似文献
目的 了解新冠肺炎流行期间上海市学生因病缺课情况,为完善监测系统在学校传染病防控中的应用提供借鉴和科学依据。方法 用描述性流行病学方法,收集2020—2021学年上海市幼托机构及所有中小学校的因病缺课监测数据并对其进行统计分析。结果 2020—2021学年,上海市幼托机构学生人均因病缺课天数为2.10d,因病缺课率为16.50‰;中小学生人均因病缺课天数为1.98 d,因病缺课率为4.15‰,幼托机构的因病缺课率明显高于中小学生(χ 2=80.784,P<0.001)。在各地区的因病缺课率中,郊区居首位,为75.00‰;中心城区最低,为40.21‰,两地差异有统计学意义(χ 2=33.690,P<0.001)。学生因病缺课呈现秋冬及春季两个高峰。因病缺课症状构成显示,因病缺课排名前三的症状分别是咳嗽(47.92%)、发热(17.67%)、咽痛(6.18%)。因病缺课疾病构成显示,耳鼻喉疾病(25.23%)是因病缺课的主要原因,传染性疾病占17.12%,传染性疾病顺位前三位是水痘、手足口病、腮腺炎,构成比依次为6.25%、5.31%、2... 相似文献
Adverse demonstrable health effects linked to the individual's smoking were shown to 2,689 American workers to motivate cessation during routine examinations to detect asbestosis. This intervention was evaluated six to 25 months later by a mailed questionnaire and by telephone to non-responders. Results were compared to yearly quit rates of 2.5 percent to 5 percent for 736 workers who were ex-smokers at the initial examination. Of the 504 men who responded by mail, 29.8 percent had quit smoking, 35.9 percent had cut down from a mean of 28 to 13 cigarettes per day, and 34.3 percent were smoking as before. Subsequent follow-up at one year showed that 25.6 percent remained quit, and that 23 percent of those who cut down had quit, for an overall quit rate of 34 percent. Of 101 non-responders contacted by telephone, 17 percent had quit and 53 percent had reduced smoking. In both samples, those who quit were more likely to have had lower alveolar carbon monoxide (COa) levels, to be older, and to have had asbestosis. Responders by mail were the same age as non-responders but had smoked longer, had higher prevalences of asbestosis, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and higher COa. Demonstration of the adverse personal effects of smoking appear to have contributed to the quit rates or reduced smoking rates in 65 percent of the responding workers. 相似文献
目的 了解重庆市南岸区中小学生晨午检异常症状及因病缺勤情况的分布特征,建立预警模型,降低学校传染病疫情发生风险。 方法 对“重庆市南岸区学校传染病症状监测系统”中2020年4月27日—2021年4月30日学生因病缺勤及症状监测资料进行描述性分析,并利用R软件对因病缺勤日报监测数据进行SARIMA模型拟合。 结果 2020年4月27日—2021年4月30日共监测学生141 190人,因病缺勤总上报数88 374人次,总因病缺勤率为0.305%;小学、初中、高中、职高学生因病缺勤率分别为0.405%、0.191%、0.127%、0.283%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=12 370.737,P<0.001);以发热、咳嗽、咽痛为主的呼吸道相关症状(30.700%)是引起学生因病缺勤的主要症状,其次是消化道相关症状(8.846%);统合考虑AIC值、RMES以及MAPE值,得出ARIMA(2,1,1)×(1,1,1)7为最佳预测模型。 结论 学校传染病症状监测系统在一定程度上可以通过监测数据反映传染病相关症状在学校的流行状况,SARIMA预测模型可用于监测预警,为学校传染病的防控提供科学依据。 相似文献
目的 调查工人的吸烟行为和烟瘾及戒烟意向,为开展控烟工作提供科学依据.方法 通过问卷调查,应用横断面调查方法对江苏省2家工厂的336名工人进行调查;烟瘾调查与评价采用国际问卷(Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence,FIND);吸烟、烟瘾与某些影响因素的相关性分析采用logistic回归分析.结果 男性260人,吸烟率为69.2%,目前吸烟率为64.6%(168人),戒烟者占总吸烟者的6.7%;女性均为从不吸烟.年龄较大、文化程度较低或一线生产工人的吸烟率较高,与朋友或吸烟者在一起、在家或休闲时吸烟较常见,63.0%的吸烟者觉得戒烟不难(自评戒烟难度30分以下),目前想过戒烟的占44.4%.吸烟者认为吸烟可引致肺癌和冠心病的比例分别为92.9%和86.1%,认为吸二手烟能引致肺癌和冠心病的比例分别占89.9%和83.3%.自我评价戒烟的难度与尼古丁依赖性明显相关,与自评<30分比,自评30~60分和>60分的吸烟者尼古丁依赖性的OR值(95%CI)分别为2.03(0.47~8.68)和9.90(3.09~31.75).结论 男性工人的吸烟率仍然很高,但轻度烟瘾的占大部分,且自评戒烟难度不大,现时是开展并推动工人戒烟的良好时机. 相似文献
目的 调查工人的吸烟行为和烟瘾及戒烟意向,为开展控烟工作提供科学依据.方法 通过问卷调查,应用横断面调查方法对江苏省2家工厂的336名工人进行调查;烟瘾调查与评价采用国际问卷(Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence,FIND);吸烟、烟瘾与某些影响因素的相关性分析采用logistic回归分析.结果 男性260人,吸烟率为69.2%,目前吸烟率为64.6%(168人),戒烟者占总吸烟者的6.7%;女性均为从不吸烟.年龄较大、文化程度较低或一线生产工人的吸烟率较高,与朋友或吸烟者在一起、在家或休闲时吸烟较常见,63.0%的吸烟者觉得戒烟不难(自评戒烟难度30分以下),目前想过戒烟的占44.4%.吸烟者认为吸烟可引致肺癌和冠心病的比例分别为92.9%和86.1%,认为吸二手烟能引致肺癌和冠心病的比例分别占89.9%和83.3%.自我评价戒烟的难度与尼古丁依赖性明显相关,与自评<30分比,自评30~60分和>60分的吸烟者尼古丁依赖性的OR值(95%CI)分别为2.03(0.47~8.68)和9.90(3.09~31.75).结论 男性工人的吸烟率仍然很高,但轻度烟瘾的占大部分,且自评戒烟难度不大,现时是开展并推动工人戒烟的良好时机. 相似文献
目的 调查工人的吸烟行为和烟瘾及戒烟意向,为开展控烟工作提供科学依据.方法 通过问卷调查,应用横断面调查方法对江苏省2家工厂的336名工人进行调查;烟瘾调查与评价采用国际问卷(Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence,FIND);吸烟、烟瘾与某些影响因素的相关性分析采用logistic回归分析.结果 男性260人,吸烟率为69.2%,目前吸烟率为64.6%(168人),戒烟者占总吸烟者的6.7%;女性均为从不吸烟.年龄较大、文化程度较低或一线生产工人的吸烟率较高,与朋友或吸烟者在一起、在家或休闲时吸烟较常见,63.0%的吸烟者觉得戒烟不难(自评戒烟难度30分以下),目前想过戒烟的占44.4%.吸烟者认为吸烟可引致肺癌和冠心病的比例分别为92.9%和86.1%,认为吸二手烟能引致肺癌和冠心病的比例分别占89.9%和83.3%.自我评价戒烟的难度与尼古丁依赖性明显相关,与自评<30分比,自评30~60分和>60分的吸烟者尼古丁依赖性的OR值(95%CI)分别为2.03(0.47~8.68)和9.90(3.09~31.75).结论 男性工人的吸烟率仍然很高,但轻度烟瘾的占大部分,且自评戒烟难度不大,现时是开展并推动工人戒烟的良好时机. 相似文献