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目的 对初诊肺结核病患者4783例和随访肺结核病患者5709例痰标本结果进行评价.方法 采用萋尼式染色法,按照<中国结核病防治规划痰涂片镜检质量保证手册>的要求进行.结果 对2007~2010年初诊的4783例肺结核病人进行的痰抗酸杆菌的检测,共检测涂阳806例,4年中平均痰涂片阳性检出率为16.85%,随访病人查痰总人数为5709,检出痰涂片阳性人数99,4年中平均涂片阳性检出率为1.83%.结论 肺结核病人痰结核杆菌涂片阳性检出率对结核病的监测和控制有重要意义.  相似文献   

结核病仍为危害人类健康的呼吸道传染病 ,排菌患者即痰涂片阳性患者为主要传染源[1] 。在抗结核治疗的早期 ,加强消灭高传染性的活跃期抗酸杆菌 ,能缩短菌阳阴转时间 ,起到消灭传染源作用。我们通过异烟肼雾化辅助治疗 ,以期为解决这一临床问题提供理论和试验依据。对象与方法  1998年 7月~ 2 0 0 0年 3月在长沙市结核病院住院的初治痰涂片阳性的 110例肺结核患者 ,年龄 18~73岁 ,平均年龄 (4 4± 15 )岁。诊断符合 1990年卫生部颁发的肺结核诊断标准。将患者随机分为试验组 (5 5例 )和对照组 (5 5例 ) ,失访率为 6 4%。 5 0例试验组患…  相似文献   

目的 评价第四次全国结核病流行病学抽样调查采纳的2项提高涂阳病人发现措施的效果。方法 对流调实验对象的检查结果进行分析。结果 第四次流调检查方法中由于增加了2项措施,与传统流调方法相比,多检出11.8%的涂阳病人,其中44.7%归因于有肺结核可疑症状者查痰这一措施,55.3%归因于多查的第三个痰标本。多检出的涂阳病人中,83.0%为肺结核可疑症状者,17.0%为非肺结核可疑症状者。结论 肺结核可疑症状者是病人发现工作的重点对象。  相似文献   

痰涂片检查是国家控制结核病规划中确诊结核病患者的主要手段[1]。但在实践中,基层的痰检工作常存在问题,痰检质量不能保证。因此建立一套较完善的痰检监控系统势在必行。1993年浙江省的肺结核排菌患者比例非常低,仅为160%,为此我们建立了痰检质控网络制...  相似文献   

加强痰涂片镜检质量控制,提高各级实验室痰检质量和肺结核病人涂阳检出率已成为当前国家结核病控制规划实施中的重要内容[1]。白银市自2002年7月以来,实施“市级-县级”督导模式,建立了自上而下的质控体系,痰检工作逐步规范,病人发现取得明显成效。现就白银市2002-2008年结核病痰检质量控制结果进行总结分析。  相似文献   

结核病细菌学实验室快速诊断一直是国内外研究的课题[1]。按照我国结核病防治规划的要求,对可疑肺结核患者进行3份系列痰标本镜检抗酸杆菌阳性是肺结核诊断的重要依据。现将1999年1月-2008年12月期间,在我中心确诊的1 286例涂阳肺结核患者的系列痰涂片的结果进行分析,并评价讨论第3份痰标本对可疑肺结核患者提高诊断率的价值。1资料和方法1·1资料1 286例涂阳肺结核均为1999年-2008年期间来我中心就诊并经实验室镜检3份系列痰标本中至少有1份为阳性的病例。1·2方法1·2·1系列痰涂片镜检的方法均采取直接痰涂片镜检方法,严格按照《痰涂片镜检质量保证手册》中的方法,直接涂片、固定、染色、脱 更多还原  相似文献   

眉山市乡镇卫生院结核病痰涂片检查点工作质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国结核病控制策略(DOTS)是以痰涂片镜检发现传染性肺结核病人为主要方法之一[1],痰涂片检查符合我国结核病控制的成本—效益原则。在乡镇卫生院设置结核病痰涂片检查点(以下简称查痰点),既方便肺结核可疑症状者就诊,又缩短传染性肺结核病人的就诊延误和治疗延误时间,是我国农村地区控制结核病疫情新的模式。我市2006年1月在全市6个县设置61个查痰点,目前已运作近3年。本文将全市2006—2007年间查痰点与县结核病实验室的痰涂片制作质量和镜检质量进行对比分析,旨在找出差距,总结经验,提高查痰点工作质量,使其在结核病控制方面发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

目的探索影响石家庄市区结核病人治疗管理的因素。方法检验当前的实施方法和管理办法的效果。结果2007年登记的市内五区的活动性肺结核病人的初治涂阳治愈率69.1%、复治涂阳病人治愈率42.9%、初治涂阴病人完成治疗率72.7%、活动性肺结核病人系统管理率71.2%。各项指标均未达到卫Ⅹ(世行货款、英国赠款中国结核病)项目要求的指标。结论单一的医务人员督导服药已不能适应当前大中城市结核病人管理的需要,对旧的管理模式应重新进行探讨。  相似文献   

A country-wide survey was carried out to assess the management of new smear-positive pulmonary TB (PTB) patients whose sputum smears were recorded as positive 5 months or later during treatment. During 2000 and 2001, there were 250 patients, of whom 161 (64%) had positive smears at 5 months and 89 at 7 months. Several inconsistencies and inadequacies in management were identified which need to be remedied: 7% of patients were assessed on one sputum specimen instead of two, and 17% on the basis of one positive smear result; 47% of patients with 5-month positive smears and 52% with 7-month positive smears had sputum smears examined too early or too late; 14% of patients with 5-month positive smears continued treatment, and over 60% of these were recorded as 'cured'.  相似文献   

初治涂阳肺结核患者生活质量调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解肺结核患者在不同的治疗阶段的生活质量状况,提高其的生活质量。方法采用问卷调查方式对2004年9月至2005年2月全市6个区结核病防治机构登记、管治的全部初冶涂阳肺结核患者在确诊后、完成强化期、疗程结束时各一次进行生活质量状况调查。结果初治涂阳肺结核患者诊断为结核病并接受治疗后,健康状况逐步改善,躯体功能、社会功能和心理功能逐步提高。结论随着医学模式由“生物医学”向“生物一心理一社会”模式的转变,更应关注患者的生活质量,加强相关的干预措施。  相似文献   

目的 分析2011-2012年复治涂阳肺结核患者强化期2个月末痰涂片检查的阴转情况,探讨当前影响复治涂阳肺结核阴转的相关因素及对转归的影响。 方法 对广州市胸科医院第二门诊辖区内登记的复治涂阳肺结核患者131例化疗后2个月末的痰进行2次抗酸染色和镜检,痰培养阳性的标本采用绝对浓度间接法进行耐药性测定。同时分析可能对痰阴转产生影响的各种因素。 结果 131例患者中化疗后2个月末未查痰涂片者13例,查后发现阴转者91例,未阴转者27例;后者3个月末阴转者15例,4个月末阴转者6例,5个月末阴转者6例。通过研究5个大变量因素,发现造成复治涂阳肺结核患者2个月末痰未能阴转的主要原因在于是否多耐药[阴转患者5.3%(3/57),未阴转患者10.0%(2/20);χ2=4.457,P<0.05]或者耐多药[阴转患者28.1%(16/57),未阴转患者70.0%(14/20);χ2=5.456,P<0.05]、是否合并糖尿病[阴转患者12.1%(11/91),未阴转患者25.9%(7/27);χ2=3.973,P<0.05]。 结论 耐药或合并糖尿病是影响复治涂阳肺结核患者2个月末痰涂片阴转的关键因素。  相似文献   

SETTING: Studies have shown that adverse outcomes are more likely in patients showing persistent sputum positivity at the end of 2 months of anti-tuberculosis treatment. OBJECTIVE: To identify simple clinical, microbiological or radiological factors associated with persistent sputum positivity under national programme conditions. DESIGN: Sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients admitted in 2 consecutive years to a referral hospital, and who received standard short-course chemotherapy under direct observation, were reviewed retrospectively. Factors associated with persistent sputum smear positivity were analysed. RESULTS: A total of 514 patients were available for review. Logistic regression analysis showed that age groups 41-60 years and more than 60 years, numerous bacilli on initial sputum smear examination, and presence of multiple cavitary diseases were significant factors associated with persistent sputum positivity at the end of 2 months of treatment (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Identification of high risk factors associated with persistent sputum positivity, such as specific age groups, numerous bacilli on initial sputum smear examination, and presence of multiple cavitary diseases, may be helpful in stratifying the patients according to the risk of adverse outcome, thus allowing greater efficiency in resource utilisation.  相似文献   

SETTING: All 44 non-private hospitals (four central, 22 district and 18 mission) in Malawi that registered and treated tuberculosis (TB) cases, October-December 2001. OBJECTIVES: To determine, in new smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) patients, for the 2-, 5- and 7-month smear examinations, 1) the proportion with smears examined and 2) the actual timing of smear examination. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective data collection using TB registers, TB treatment cards and laboratory sputum registers. Timing of smear examinations was judged acceptable if 2-month smears were examined at 2 or 3 months, 5-month smears at 4, 5 or 6 months and 7-month smears at 6, 7, 8 or 9 months. RESULTS: Of 1994 patients, for those alive and on treatment, 78% had smears definitely examined at 2 months, 75% at 5 months and 74% at 7 months. Of these, 82% had smears examined at an acceptable time for the 2-month smear, 71% for the 5-month smear and 78% for the 7-month smear. Smears were examined after the 8-month treatment regimen for the 2- and 5-month smear in respectively 2% and 9% of patients. Smears were done more frequently in female than male patients, and in district/mission hospitals than central hospitals. Smears were done at acceptable times more frequently in younger than older patients and in mission/central hospitals than district hospitals. CONCLUSION: During supervision, the actual time of follow-up sputum smear examinations needs to be monitored more closely.  相似文献   

目的 探讨痰结核菌培养检出时间 (DTP)和肺结核病人抗结核疗效之间的关系。方法 对 56例住院肺结核病人,于疗程 0、7、14、30及 60d留痰行快速痰结核菌培养,记录培养阳性检出时间并追踪临床疗效以评价两者关系。结果 抗结核治疗后 40例病人对治疗显现良好反应同时其结核杆菌在培养管中的DTP逐渐延长。 16例痰菌仍阳性病人,其结核杆菌在培养管中的DTP没有变化或增长很少。结论 在预测治疗效果上DTP与肺结核治疗反应关系密切,可能是临床预测病人疗效的一种方法。  相似文献   

SETTING: Out-patient dispensary in Conakry, Guinea, West Africa. OBJECTIVE: To differentiate between pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and non-PTB diseases among 204 acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear-negative adult TB suspects. DESIGN: We derived scores from clinical, serological and radiological findings among PTB suspects aged > or = 15 years who, after having had three AFB-negative smears, were treated for 10 days with amoxicillin (AMX, 1.5 g/day). RESULTS: At the selected cut-off score from model 1 (clinical), sensitivity for PTB was 95%, specificity 40%, negative predictive value (NPV) 84%, and positive predictive value (PPV) 69%. Comparable values from model 2 (clinical + serological + radiological) were: sensitivity 99%, specificity 45%, NPV 97%, and PPV 71%. Results from AMX were better: sensitivity 92%, specificity 93%, NPV 94%, and PPV 91%. Of the 117 suspects who failed to respond clinically and radiographically to AMX and remained AFB smear-negative, 110 (94%) had PTB, confirmed either by positive culture (73 patients) or response to anti-tuberculosis treatment (37 patients). CONCLUSION: The clinical and radiographic response to AMX is better than derived scores at differentiating between PTB and non-PTB in TB suspects presenting to a dispensary in Guinea, a low HIV-seroprevalence country.  相似文献   

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