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Interneurones identified as mediating the disynaptic reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones (referred to as “Ia inhibitory interneurones”) were recorded in the lumbar spinal cord of the cat. Volleys in ipsilateral and contralateral high threshold muscle afferents, cutaneous afferents and high threshold joint afferents evoked a mixture of polysynaptic excitation and inhibition. These effects were ascribed to pathways activated by flexor reflex afferents (FRA) and in addition a specific ipsilateral low threshold cutaneous pathway. Ia inhibitory interneurones excited monosynaptically from flexor nerves received stronger net excitation by volleys in ipsilateral FRA than did extensor coupled interneurones, while the opposite pattern was seen from the contralateral FRA. These patterns are similar to those found in flexor and extensor motoneurones respectively. The FRA inhibition in Ia inhibitory interneurones was partly mediated by “opposite” Ia inhibitory interneurones, i.e. those which are mediating the Ia inhibition of la inhibitory interneurones. The extent to which the FRA inhibition is transmitted by Ia inhibitory interneurones was roughly estimated by its susceptibility to recurrent depression by antidromic ventral root stimulation. The main conclusion is that most segmental pathways seem to evoke their effects in parallel to motoneurones and Ia inhibitory interneurones which are monosynaptically linked to the same muscle. The functional importance of this conclusion is discussed in a following report.  相似文献   

Supraspinal effects were investigated in interneurones identified as mediating the disynaptic reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones (referred to as “Ia inhibitory interneurones”). It was revealed that volleys in the vestibulospinal tract may evoke mono- and disynaptic EPSPs in interneurones monosynaptically excited from extensor muscles, i.e. extensor coupled Ia inhibitory interneurones. Flexor coupled interneurones instead received disynaptic inhibition. Volleys in the rubrospinal tract evoked a dominating polysynaptic excitation, usually mixed with inhibition, in flexor as well as extensor coupled interneurones. Disynaptic rubrospinal EPSPs and IPSPs were also revealed. The pyramidal tract also gives rise to a dominating polysynaptic excitation, usually mixed with inhibition, in flexor as well as extensor coupled Ia inhibitory interneurones. Rubrospinal and pyramidal volleys were shown to facilitate transmission in various segmental reflex pathways to the Ia inhibitory interneurones. A detailed comparison reveals a striking parallelism of segmental and supraspinal effects on α-motoneurones and Ia inhibitory interneurones connected to the same muscles. This considerably strengthens the hypothesis of an “α–γ-linkage in the reciprocal inhibition”.  相似文献   

Interneurones identified as mediating the disynaptic reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones (referred to as "Ia inhibitory interneurones") were recorded in the lumbar spinal cord of the cat. It was revealed that the Ia inhibitory interneurones themselves receive disynaptic Ia inhibition. The muscles from which this inhibition is evoked are strictly antagonistic to those supplying their Ia excitation. Similar to the Ia inhibition in motoneurones the Ia inhibition in the Ia inhibitory interneurones is decreased when preceded by an antidromic stimulation of ventral roots. Furthermore, transmission of Ia inhibition to the Ia inhibitory interneurones is facilitated from ipsilateral and contralateral primary afferents as well as several supraspinal pathways analogous to earlier findings for the Ia inhibition of motoneurones. The pattern and control of the Ia inhibition of motoneurones and of Ia inhibitory interneurones display so striking similarities that it is suggested that identical interneurones are responsible. The conclusion thus emerges that "opposite" Ia inhibitory interneurones (i.e. interneurones monosynaptically connected to antagonistic muscles) are mutually inhibiting each other. The functional significance of this organization is discussed.  相似文献   

With intracellular recording from motoneurones and utilizing the technique of spatial facilitation it has been investigated if those la inhibitory interneurones which receive excitation from supraspinal centres also can be inhibited from recurrent motor axon collaterals. For each motoneurone the stimulation strengths were chosen so that separate stimulation of either the supraspinal system or la afferents did not evoke any 1PSP while a combined stimulation at suitable intervals gave a large IPSP. When preceded by stimulation of ventral roots this test IPSP was abolished or decreased. This was found in about 100 motoneurones belonging to different hindlimb muscles in which an IPSP appeared after facilitation from vestibulo-, rubro-or cortico-spinal tracts. It is thus concluded that a convergence of supraspinal excitation and recurrent inhibition occurs on the same la inhibitory interneurones.  相似文献   

In unanesthetized spinal cats, injected with l-DOPA, intra-axonal recording was used to investigate the primary afferent depolarization (PAD) evoked in different species of afferents by volleys in the flexor reflex afferents (FRA). It was confirmed that a late PAD is evoked in la afferents and usually not in Ib or cutaneous afferents. Some late PAD was observed in a few group II muscle afferents. Intracellular recording from motoneurones revealed a considerable depression of the Ia EPSP during the late PAD evoked from the FRA after DOPA, but it was diffkult to attribute this entirely to the PAD in Ia afferents since there was also a late postsynaptic conductance increase in the motoneurones. A further analysis was made on acute spinal cats not injected with DOPA, in which a late P.4D sometimes is evoked by FR24 volleys, without the late postsynaptic soma effects in motoneurones. The marked depression of the Ia EPSP evoked from the FRA under these conditions has a longer duration than the PAD in la afferent terminals. It is postulated that two mechanisms contribute to the Ia EPSP depression, presynaptic inhibition and “remote inhibition”; the latter action persisting after the repolarization of Ia afferents. The results are discussed in relation to reflex regulation of stepping.  相似文献   

The action of volleys in contralateral primary afferents on transmission in the la inhibitory pathways to motoneurones was investigated with intracellular recording from motoneurones. Ia IPSPs in flexor as well as most extensor motoneurones were regularly facilitated by volleys in contralateral high threshold muscle, cutaneous and joint afferents in spinal cats under chloralose anaesthesia. In decerebrate cats with a low pontine lesion transmission in la inhibitory pathways was not facilitated but rather depressed by volleys in these afferents. The recurrent effects from motor axon collaterals were investigated on inhibitory transmission from different contralateral afferents to motoneurones. Previous investigations have shown that the interneurones mediating the reciprocal la inhibition receive recurrent inhibition via motor axon collaterals and Renshaw cells. Now a strong positive correlation was revealed between recurrent depression of IPSPs evoked from different contralateral afferents and facilitation of la IPSPs by the same afferent volleys. These results suggest that the recurrent depression of IPSPs from different contralateral primary afferents depends on their excitatory convergence onto the la inhibitory interneurones, which then partly mediate the IPSP evoked in the motoneurone from these afferents.  相似文献   

Supraspinal effects were investigated in interneurones identified as mediating the disynaptic reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones (referred to as Ia inhibitory interneurones). It was revealed that volleys in the vestibulospinal tract may evoke mono- and disynaptic EPSPs in interneurones monosynaptically excited from extensor muscles, i.e. extensor coupled Ia inhibitory interneurones. Flexor coupled interneurones instead received disynaptic inhibition. Volleys in the rubrospinal tract evoked a dominating polysynaptic excitation, usually mixed with inhibition, in flexor as well as extensor coupled interneurones. Disynaptic rubrospinal EPSPs and IPSPs were also revealed. The pyramidal tract also gives rise to a dominating polysynaptic excitation, usually mixed with inhibition, in flexor as well as extensor coupled Ia inhibitory interneurones. Rubrospinal and pyramidal volleys were shown to facilitate transmission in various segmental reflex pathways to the Ia inhibitory interneurones. A detailed comparison reveals a striking parallelism of segmental and supraspinal effects on alpha-motoneurones and Ia inhibitory interneurones connected to the same muscles. This considerably strengthens the hypothesis of an "alpha-gamma-linkage in the reciprocal inhibition".  相似文献   

In order to document the effects of recurrent inhibition on the firing times of human α-motoneurones during natural motor behaviour, a case study was performed on a deafferented patient. The fact that this subject had completely lost the large-diameter sensory afferents provided us with a unique opportunity of selectively stimulating the motor axons in the nerves. The tonic activity of single motor units (   n = 21  ) was recorded in the extensor carpi radialis muscles while applying randomly timed antidromic electrical stimuli to the radial nerve. The peristimulus time histogram analysis showed the presence of biphasic inhibitory effects, including an early, short-lasting component followed by a longer-lasting component occurring 20–40 ms later. The interspike interval (ISI) during which the stimulation occurred was generally lengthened as compared to the previous ISIs. The stimulation was most effective when delivered early (20–30 ms) after a spike. It was also effective, although less so, when delivered at the end of the ISI (70–100 ms after a spike). The lengthening effect sometimes extended over one or two of the subsequent ISIs. The lengthening effect of the motor axon stimulation was followed by an excitatory-like effect, which took the form of a shortening that affected up to five ISIs after the stimulation. The biphasic inhibitory effects and the subsequent facilitatory effects are discussed in terms of the dual nature of the synaptic processes involved in the recurrent inhibitory network, the postactivation facilitation/depression processes and the mutual inhibition occurring between Renshaw cells.  相似文献   

Interneurones identified as mediating the disynaptic reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones (referred to as "Ia inhibitory interneurones") were recorded in the lumbar spinal cord of the cat. Volleys in ipsilateral and contralateral high threshold muscle afferents, cutaneous and high threshold joint afferents evoked a mixture of polysynaptic excitation and inhibition. These effects were ascribed to pathways activated by flexor reflex afferents (FRA) and in addition a specific ipsilateral low threshold cutaneous pathway. Ia inhibitory interneurones excited monosynaptically from flexor nerves received stronger net excitation by volleys in ipsilateral FRA than did extensor coupled interneurones, while the opposite pattern was seen from the contralateral FRA. These patterns are similar to those found in flexor and extensor motoneurones respectivey. The FRA inhibition in Ia inhibitory interneurones was partly mediated by "opposite" Ia inhibitory interneurones, i.e. those which are mediating the Ia inhibition of Ia inhibitory interneurones. The extent to which the FRA inhibition is transmitted by Ia inhibitory interneurones was roughly estimated by its susceptibility to recurrent depression by antidromic ventral root stimulation. The main conclusion is that most segmental pathways seem to evoke their effects in parallel to motoneurones and Ia inhibitory interneurones which are monosynaptically linked to the same muscle. The functional importance of this conclusion is discussed in a following report.  相似文献   

The addition of 10 mg of ovalbumin (HEA), bovine γ-globulin (BGG) or rat γ-globulin (RGG) to a mycobacterial wax D adjuvant emulsion inoculated intracutaneously reduced the induction of adjuvant arthritis from a 95 per cent incidence in control rats to 18.5, 26.6 and 33 per cent, respectively. There was notably less protection from bovine plasma albumin, rat serum albumin or heat denatured rat serum albumin. With a 5-mg dose of HEA arthritis was reduced to 37.5 per cent. Lower dosages were not protective. Little or no protection resulted from pre-treatments with HEA or BGG intramuscularly, with BGG in incomplete adjuvant intracutaneously or from the latter given separately but concurrently with wax D adjuvant.

The inhibitory effects of the various proteins may be attributed to their adsorption by wax D in vitro before inoculation. Alternatively the protein may compete as an immunogen with an immunogenic moiety of the wax D.


1. The neuronal mechanism of disynaptic inhibition of spinal motoneurones by the corticospinal tract was investigated in Macaca irus. Surface stimulation or weak intracortical stimulation was used in order to evoke the inhibition. Intracellular records were taken from motoneurones in lumbar segments. 2. Both the disynaptic i.p.s.p.s evoked from group Ia afferents and the disynaptic i.p.s.p.s evoked from corticospinal fibres were found to be depressed by conditioning stimulation of motor axons to antagonistic muscles. Mutual facilitation of the actions from these two fibre systems occurred when nerve impulses set up in them reached the explored spinal segment synchronously. These observations led to the conclusion that disynaptic i.p.s.p.s from group Ia afferents and from the motor cortex are mediated by common interneurones. 3. No evidence either for or against projections of the same pyramidal tract cells to motoneurones of one motor nucleus and to interneurones interposed between group Ia afferents and motoneurones of an antagonistic muscle could be obtained by comparing cortical areas from which monosynaptic e.p.s.p.s and disynaptic i.p.s.p.s were evoked in the different motor nuclei. 4. The areas from which the disynaptic i.p.s.p.s were evoked in individual motoneurones appeared to be similar in size to the areas of cortical monosynaptic projections to motoneurones and showed similar degrees of overlap, indicating that the projections of pyramidal tract cells to Ia inhibitory interneurones are as extensive as to motoneurones and that they are similarly organized.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of the study was to examine the supraspinal control during voluntary movements of the foot in man, of the Ia inhibitory interneurones activated from the anterior tibial muscle and projecting to the soleus -motoneurones. Previous studies have reported an increased inhibition of the soleus -motoneurones by a constant conditioning stimulus to the common peroneal nerve during dorsiflexion of the foot. This was interpreted as a sign of supraspinal facilitation of the Ia inhibitory interneurones. However, these results could not be reproduced in the present study. The contradictory results can probably be explained by some important methodological differences in the use of the H-reflex technique.  相似文献   

Proliferation of smooth muscle cells is an important component of pulmonary arterial morphogenesis, both during normal development and pathologic remodeling. However, little is known of the factors that regulate smooth muscle proliferation in these vessels. To investigate the hypothesis that factors produced by endothelial cells may regulate smooth muscle cell growth, we studied the effects of culture medium conditioned by fetal bovine pulmonary arterial endothelium on proliferation of smooth muscle cells in culture. This conditioned medium contains an inhibitor of smooth muscle proliferation that is degraded by nitrous acid, heparinase, and heparitinase, but resists degradation by protease, boiling, and chondroitin ABC lyase, indicating that the inhibitor is structurally similar to heparin. Inhibitor release occurs in both growing and confluent endothelial cell cultures and in the presence and absence of serum. A growth-inhibiting proteoglycan purified to homogeneity from endothelial cell-conditioned medium has physicochemical characteristics similar to those of the prototypic basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan of the Englebreth-Holm-Swarm tumor: an overall size of approximately 10(6) D, heparan sulfate chains of 60,000 D, and a buoyant density of 1.33 g/ml. Antibody raised against the tumor basement proteoglycan recognizes this endothelial heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and Western blotting after SDS-PAGE demonstrates that the core proteins of both proteoglycans migrate as a doublet at apparent molecular weights of 450,000 and 360,000 D. Heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan prepared from purified medium proteoglycan is a potent inhibitor of smooth muscle cell growth, exhibiting activity approximately 1,000 times greater than that of heparin. These results indicate that endothelial cells cultured from fetal bovine pulmonary arteries produce a basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is a potent inhibitor of smooth muscle proliferation. This proteoglycan may mediate endothelial regulation of smooth muscle growth during development or pathologic pulmonary arterial remodeling.  相似文献   

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