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唇部角化棘皮瘤二例蔡业军张毅颖周小鸽角化棘皮瘤是一种较少见、在临床和组织学上类似鳞癌但可自愈的良性肿瘤。它易与许多皮肤新生物混淆,位于唇部的角化棘皮瘤易误诊为唇癌。我科收治2例下唇角化棘皮瘤,现报告如下。例1男性,39岁。入院前1个月发现下唇右侧有一...  相似文献   

1934年 Smith 报告了第一例多发性角化棘皮瘤,Grzybowski 又描述了一例皮肤、口腔、咽喉部多发性角化棘皮瘤。目前认为有单发和多发性两种,多发性又分为两种亚型:一种为皮  相似文献   

目的:分析面颈部脂溢性角化病的临床、组织病理特征和诊断要点。方法:对169例面颈部脂溢性角化病的临床特点和组织病理学特点进行分析。结果:面颈部脂溢性角化病好发于中老年人,男性多于女性,发病部位以颧颊部最多见;病理分型以棘细胞型及角化过度型最常见;临床诊断易与色素痣、寻常疣/扁平疣、乳头状瘤、角化棘皮瘤、基底细胞癌、黑色素瘤等相混淆,确诊主要依据组织病理学检查。结论:脂溢性角化病是常见的面颈部皮肤良性疾病,临床上常易误诊,认识其临床病理特点有助于减少误诊。  相似文献   

角化棘皮瘤最近被列为良性肿瘤。既往,它的分类变化繁杂。角化棘皮瘤与鳞状细胞癌的发生率之比,通常报告为1∶3左右,也有报告为1∶2及2∶1。病因还不清楚。考虑与化学致癌物质、创伤、日光照射等有关。也曾假定是病毒引起,但是,近年来电子显微镜下没有发现病毒样物体。  相似文献   

目的:结合相关文献探讨角化棘皮瘤的诊断与治疗方法,为临床医生诊疗此病提供参考方法:问顾4例下唇角化棘皮瘤患者的诊断与治疗,结合病理切片进行分析。结果:1例术中冰冻切片检查时被误诊,但术后病理诊断确诊,4例均治愈。结论:了解角化棘皮瘤临床及病理特点,总结治疗体会,掌握边界无瘤原则的外科切除术,在诊断与治疗中较为重要。  相似文献   

<正> 角化棘皮瘤(Kerato-acanthoma)为发生于表皮的良性肿瘤,发生唇部者罕见,现将我院所见两例报道如下。  相似文献   

下唇角化棘皮瘤1例ACASEOFLOWLIPKERATOACANTHOMA杨泓张毅颖角化棘皮瘤是一种在临床上和组织学上类似鳞癌,但可以自愈的假性肿瘤。50~70岁多见,一般发生于暴露部位,如面中、鼻、颊、口唇、眼等部位。本病发病原因不清,可能与病毒感...  相似文献   

角化性棘皮瘤(Keratoacanthoma)主要是发生在皮肤上的疾病。有时也可以在口腔粘膜上发病,但很少见。本病的临床表现和组织病理学上有不少与分化较好的鳞状细胞癌相似之处。在1950年Rook 和Whimster 发表他们关于此病的临床和病理学特征以前,通常被误诊为鳞状细胞癌,而错误地进行了不合理的治疗。  相似文献   

乔阳 《口腔医学》1992,12(1):45-45
<正> 角化棘皮瘤亦称皮脂性或假癌性软疣,良性角化棘皮瘤或特发性皮肤假上皮瘤样增生。是一种比较少见的有自愈倾向的良性肿瘤。其生长之迅速以及组织学所见可使外科医生和病理学家偶而误诊为鳞状上皮癌。我们于1989年10月遇到1例,取得较好的临床治疗效果。现报告如下: 患者男性,40岁,农民。主诉为上唇肿块2月余。现病史:患者在住院前2个月,不小心碰破上唇,局部表皮挫伤,少量出血,以后结痂。几天后患者撕破痂皮。继而局部长出绿豆大小肿块,无触痛,也无自觉疼痛。以后肿块逐渐增大。半月前,肿块表面自行破溃。于1989年10月27日来我院就诊。家族中无相似疾病患者。全身检查无异常。局部检查见上唇略偏右  相似文献   

角化棘皮瘤常见于皮肤,原发于唇粘膜者非常少见。我们曾收治一例此类患者,今报告于后并结合文献进行简要讨论。患者 姬某,男性,74岁,江苏藉,农民。住院号:65517。右下唇肿物一年,增大半年。一年前偶感右侧下唇痒,见有一绿豆样大小之肿块,硬,脱屑,近  相似文献   

Effects of CO2 laser energy on dentin permeability.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The effect of a CO2 laser on the structure and permeability of smear layer-covered human dentin was evaluated in vitro. Three different energy levels were used (11, 113, and 566 J/cm2). The lowest exposure to the laser energy increased dentin permeability, measured as a hydraulic conductance, due to partial measured as a hydraulic conductance, due to partial loss of the superficial smear layer and smear plugs. The intermediate energy level also increased dentin permeability by crater formation, making the dentin thinner. The lack of uniform glazing of the surface of the crater, leaving its surface porous and in communication with the underlying dentinal tubules also contributed to the increase in dentin permeability seen with the intermediate laser energy. The highest laser energy produced complete glazing of the crater surfaces and sealed the dentinal tubules beneath the crater. However, it also completely removed the smear layer in a halo zone about 100-microns wide around each crater which increased the permeability of the pericrater dentin at the same time it decreased the permeability of the dentin within the crater. The combined use of scanning electron microscopy and permeability measurements provides important complementary information that is essential in evaluating the effects of lasers on dentin.  相似文献   

The changes in the mineral contents of lased dentine were studied by microradiography and electron probe microanalysis. Irradiation with a CO2-laser caused the formation of a crater in the wall of which were two radiopaque layers. The calcium and phosphorus contents of these layers were clearly higher than those of normal dentine. The contents were higher in the layer closer to the crater. The changes in mineral contents were considerably greater at the mouth of the crater, close to the surface of the tooth, than in the lower depths in the dentine.  相似文献   

Keratoacanthoma (KA) is a self-limited benign epithelial proliferative lesion that eventually presents with very similar clinical features to squamous cell carcinoma. Many KA appear in the vermilion border of the lips and therefore dental professionals must be familiar of the disease. This article reports the case of a 40-year-old female patient presenting with an exophytic ulcerative tumor in her lower lip that resolved after incisional biopsy. Photographic documentation of the case is presented and topics that are relevant to the clinical management of the disease are addressed.  相似文献   

Mercer CE  Anderson P  Davis GR 《British dental journal》2003,194(2):99-104; discussion 89
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the progression of crater growth during repeated sequential application of an Er:YAG laser to enamel and dentine, monitored using X-ray microtomography (XMT). DESIGN: A single centre study in which laser craters were created in blocks cut from human enamel and/or dentine under standardised and known conditions and then studied using XMT to obtain visualisation and quantification of the effects. SETTING: University setting, UK, 2001. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Success was judged by an ability to obtain useful 3D XMT reconstructions of the blocks during crater development, and to make measurements from these data. These measurements were compared with data obtained from similar studies using different measurement techniques. RESULTS: Time sequences of 2D and 3D images were obtained which demonstrated the progression of laser craters in enamel and dentine. Quantitative measurements from these data enabled values to be derived for the rate of progression of crater depth per unit energy, and the volume of hard tissue removed per unit energy. These values were compared with data derived from other studies and shown to be broadly comparable. However, the present study is unique in that these values were obtained from a series of measurements of the same craters over time. CONCLUSIONS: 3D X-ray microtomography is shown to be a useful tool for quantitative measurements in dental research. For the Er:YAG laser, the relationship of laser crater depth and volume of mineral removed to applied energy was found to be linear.  相似文献   

Immunostaining with monoclonal antibodies was used to study and compare the cytokeratin content of odontogenic cysts and normal gingival epithelium. Two monoclonal antibodies, PKK2 and KA1, stained the whole epithelium in all cyst samples. In gingiva, PKK2 gave a suprabasal staining and KA1 reacted with all epithelial cell layers. Antibodies PKK1, KM 4.62 and KS 8.12 gave a heterogeneous staining in follicular and radicular cysts. In keratocysts and in gingiva PKK1 and KM 4.62 reacted mainly with basal cells and KS 8.12 gave a suprabasal staining. Antibodies reacting with the simple epithelial cytokeratin polypeptide No. 18 (PKK3, KS 18.18) recognized in gingiva only solitary cells compatible with Merkel cells. In a case of follicular ameloblastoma a distinct staining of tumor epithelium was revealed with these antibodies. In 2 follicular cysts, but not in other cyst types, a layer of cytokeratin 18-positive cells was revealed. KA5 and KK 8.60 antibodies, reacting exclusively with keratinizing epithelia, including normal gingiva, gave no reaction in radicular cysts, keratocysts and ameloblastoma. Two of the follicular cysts, were negative for PKK3 and KS 18.18, but reacted strongly with KA5 and KK 8.60. The present results show that odontogenic jaw cysts have distinct differences in their cytokeratin content. With the exception of some follicular cysts, they lack signs of keratinizing epithelial differentiation. Only follicular cysts appear to share with some types of ameloblastoma the expression of cytokeratin polypeptide No. 18.  相似文献   

Immunostaining with monoclonal antibodies was used to study and compare the cytokeratin content of odontogenic cysts and normal gingival epithelium. Two monoclonal antibodies, PKK2 and KA1, stained the whole epithelium in all cyst samples. In gingivu, PKK2 gave a suprabasal staining and KA1 reacted with all epithelial cell layers. Antibodies PKK1, KM 4.62 and Ks 8.12 gave a heterogeneous staining in follicular and radicular cysts. In keratocysts and in gingiva PKK1 and KM 4.62 reacted mainly with basal cells and Ks 8.12 gave a suprabasal staining. Antibodies reacting with the simple epithelial cytokeratin polypeptide No. 18 (PKK3, Ks 18.18) recognized in gingiva only solitary cells compatible with Merkel cells. In a case of follicular ameloblastoma a distinct staining of tumor epithelium was revealed with these antibodies. In 2 follicular cysts, but not in other cyst types, a layer of cytokeratin 18-positive cells was revealed. KA5 and Kk 8.60 antibodies, reacting exclusively with keratinizing epithelia, including normal gingiva, gave no reaction in radicular cysts, keratocysts and ameloblastoma. Two of the follicular cysts, were negative for PKK3 and Ks 18.18, but reacted strongly with KA5 and Kk 8.60. The present results show that odontogenic jaw cysts have distinct differences in their cytokeratin content. With the exception of some follicular cysts, they lack signs of keratinizing epithelial differentiation. Only follicular cysts appear to share with some types of ameloblastoma the expression of cytokeratin polypeptide No. 18.  相似文献   

Abstract. A preliminary investigation into the effects of ruby laser radiation from 4 to 40 joule dosages on the incisor teeth, the dorsal surface of the tongue and the auricular skin was carried out on 20 rats. A unique articulating arm was utilized to direct the energy conveniently to the exposed target. A crater was produced in the labial surface of the incisor, and adjacent to the crater the normal appearing enamel was replaced by a glass-like substance. Severe changes also occupied in the dental pulps, the tongues and the auricular skin. Although the possibility of the clinical application of laser in dentistry is considered to be premature for the time being, data both relevant and interesting enough to encourage further study were obtained.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The effect of alteration of laser parameters on laser-dentine interaction, in particular the effect of pulse duration, has not been well documented. The aim of this in vitro study was to determine the effect on dentine crater depth of Nd:YAG laser pulse duration, and total delivered energy, dentine site and the presence or absence of dye. METHODS: Ninety-six sound third molars were extracted and sectioned transversely to provide 192 upper and lower cut surfaces. The upper surfaces were painted with a layer of dye (IR5) suitable for absorption at 1064 nm. The specimens were divided into 16 sub-groups and exposed to two Nd:YAG lasers; one of pulse duration 7 ms and the second of pulse duration 35 ps. Both lasers operated in a non-contact mode (spot diameter 165 microm) with repetition rates of 10.5 and 10 Hz, respectively. Four total energies (2.28, 2.64, 3.6, 4.2 J) were delivered to eight dyed and eight undyed sub-groups. Eight outer and five inner sites were irradiated on each specimen. Dentine crater depth was measured five times using a Reflex Microscope and a three-dimensional centre of gravity derived. An upper and lower specimen were taken from each sub-group and viewed under a SEM. RESULTS: ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were applied and the following factors were found to have a statistically significant effect on crater depth (p<0.0001): total delivered energy, pulse duration and inner/outer location. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing energy and pulse duration produced deeper craters. Similarly inner dentine sites produced deeper crater depths. Only craters produced at the ms pulse duration were carbonised. It would appear that laser-dentine interaction has a non-thermal component at picosecond pulse duration.  相似文献   

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