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Passive smoking: Irritating effects of the total smoke and the gas phase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In a ventilated climatic chamber 32 subjects (in groups of two or three) were exposed in one experiment to the total sidestream smoke of cigarettes and in another experiment to the gas phase of cigarette smoke, which was obtained by filtering out the particulate matter. The degree of air pollution corresponded to 10 ppm CO in both experiments. The concentrations of the particulate matter, CO, NO, NO2 and HCHO were recorded. With a questionnaire, we determined the degree of annoyance and of subjective irritations of the eyes, nose and throat; eye blink rate was measured, as an objective indicator of eye irritation.Both exposures of air pollution produced nearly the same degree of annoyance, which indicates that the gas phase is to a large extent responsible for the annoyance due to cigarette smoke. On the other hand the objective and subjective eye irritation was very much lower with the gas phase than with the total smoke. This indicates that the particulate phase is to a very large extent responsible for the irritating effects.  相似文献   

Summary In four restaurants we studied the degree of air pollution due to tobacco smoke and its annoying effects on 360 guests. The concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (N02), sulfur dioxide (S02) and acrolein (CH2CHCHO) were determined. It appeared, that the differences = indoor concentration — outdoor concentration for CO and NO can be used as indicators to estimate the degree of air pollution due to tobacco smoke.In three of the analysed restaurants we measured very low tobacco induced values of CO and NO (mean values: 0 to 1.1 ppm CO and 0 to 69 ppb NO). These concentrations are harmless to the health of the guests. Higher values were measured in a badly ventilated tavern (mean values: 3.3 ppm CO and 156 ppb NO). These values, too, may be considered harmless. With these exposures, however, other substances caused irritations and annoyance (12 % of the 360 guests indicated moderate to strong eye irritations).  相似文献   

Passive smoking at work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Air pollution due to tobacco smoke and its effects on employees were investigated in 44 workrooms. For this purpose, the concentrations of CO, NO, NO2, nicotine, and particulate matter were determined, and 472 employees were interviewed about annoyance and irritations.The mean values of the concentrations of the components due to tobacco smoke are: CO = 1.1 ppm, NO = 32 ppb, NO2 = 24 ppb, nicotine = 0.9 g/m3, particulate matter = 133 g/m3. One third of the measured CO values exceeds a critical threshold of 2 ppm CO due to tobacco smoke.One quarter of the persons reports eye irritations at work. One third of the employees qualifies the air with regard to smoke at the workplace as bad. Forty percent of the interviewed persons are disturbed by smoke. The majority of the employees is in favor of a separation into smoking and nonsmoking rooms. This seems to be the most appropriate preventive measure for the protection of nonsmokers at work.Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, grant no. 3.912-0.78  相似文献   

非吸烟女性被动吸烟与肺癌发生的Meta分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨非吸烟女性中 ,被动吸烟与肺癌的关系。方法 通过计算机检索CBM、Medline、中国期刊网、英国国家医学图书馆等 ,并结合文献追溯的方法 ,收集国内外于 1990~ 2 0 0 2年间公开发表的关于非吸烟女性被动吸烟与肺癌的研究文献 ,采用随机效应模型 ,对各研究结果进行Meta分析 ,计算其合并比值比。结果 纳入合并分析的文章共有 14篇 ,合并结果表明 :被动吸烟年限与肺癌的关系无显著意义 ;不同年龄段的被动吸烟与肺癌发病的关系均不显著 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,未成年期和成年期 (婚后 )被动吸烟与肺癌合并OR值分别为 0 .814 1(95 %CI :0 .60 68~ 1.0 92 2 )和 0 .9988(95 %CI :0 .82 0 1~ 1.2 164 ) ;而成年期暴露于丈夫 (配偶 )的合并OR 1.2 784(95 %CI 1.0 3 2 0~ 1.5 83 8) ,关联具有显著意义 ,成年期暴露于工作场所的环境烟草烟雾与肺癌发生的 OR 为 1.0 2 44 (95 % CI:0 .83 2 5~ 1.2 60 6) ,但关联无显著意义。结论 在非吸烟女性中 ,被动吸烟与肺癌的关系仍不明确 ,需要进一步研究和探讨。  相似文献   

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