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Although workaholism in organizations has received considerable attention in the popular press, our understanding of it remains quite limited. This study, using measures developed by Spence and Robbins (J. Personal Assess. 1992; 58: 160–178), examines the relationship of workaholism type to indicators of psychological and physical well‐being. Data were collected from 530 male and female managers and professionals using anonymous questionnaires. The results showed a relationship between workaholism and poorer emotional and physical well‐being. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nurse well‐being is a crucial factor in the quality of care given to patients and in patient safety. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the psychological effects of relational job characteristics (PERJCs) and indicators of well‐being in hospital nurses. The data for this correlational study were collected from an online survey responded to by a sample of 620 hospital nurses (335 Portuguese and 285 Brazilian). Statistical procedures included structural equation modeling and multigroup analysis. A full mediation model was supported by data analysis, in which work‐related well‐being (i.e., engagement and burnout) explained the relationships between hospital nurses' perceived social worth and their context‐free well‐being. Moreover, in the Portuguese sample, the perceived social impact on client lives and the affective commitment to clients were indirectly related to the context‐free well‐being of nurses, through work engagement. Practical implications are presented in order to foster the PERJCs, thus contributing to nurse well‐being.  相似文献   

There is insufficient research on rating psychological well‐being and distress in clinical populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the differential characteristics of instruments assessing well‐being and distress in 20 remitted patients with affective (mood and anxiety) disorders and 20 healthy control subjects matched for sociodemographic variables. Remitted patients displayed significantly higher levels of psychological distress—as measured by Paykel's Clinical Interview for Depression (CID), Van Praag's Scale for Personality Disturbances and Kellner's Symptom Questionnaire (SQ)—and significantly less well‐being—as measured by Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well‐Being (PWB) and the SQ—than control subjects. The correlations between scales of psychological distress and well‐being were found to be complex in both patients and controls. Psychotherapeutic treatment of residual symptomatology in patients disclosed a differential sensitivity of the scales to changes. The results thus suggest that well‐being cannot be equated to lack of distress (as implicitly endorsed by current psychiatric paradigms), and the need for a multidimensional assessment in stress medicine. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In two studies we examined the interrelations of threats against four basic human needs (i.e. self‐preservation, social integration, personal identity and growth, and personal worldview), as well as their role in the stress process. These threats are proposed to represent the aspects of a common factor referred to as perceived primal threat (PPT). In the first study, 108 hospitalized patients completed questionnaires about PPT, psychological symptoms and illness threat. In the second study, 100 healthy individuals completed questionnaires about PPT, psychological symptoms, life satisfaction, social support, self‐efficacy and the perceived stressfulness of a recent negative condition. According to the results of both studies, the four PPT aspects were strongly intercorrelated; loaded on a higher order common factor; were associated with psychological symptoms, life satisfaction and stress‐related evaluations (i.e. stressfulness of the condition, self‐efficacy, social support) and mediated the relation of stress‐related evaluations to psychological symptoms in an equivalent way. These findings are in line with our hypotheses, and provide support to the role of PPT in the stress process. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined how process factors were related to the development of various indicators of well‐being during the course of an exercise randomized controlled trial aimed at reducing fatigue among university students. We investigated (a) whether actual exposure to the exercise sessions was related to differences in students' trajectories of well‐being, (b) the minimally required exposure to exercise needed before well‐being started to differ between the intervention and control condition, and (c) whether exercise experiences (enjoyment and detachment) were related to differences in well‐being trajectories. University students with high levels of fatigue were randomly allocated to a 6‐week exercise intervention (n = 50) or wait list (n = 49). All participants were measured before, 5 times during, and at the end of the intervention period. Multilevel analyses showed that exercisers with high exposure showed an increase in self‐efficacy whereas those with low exposure did not. Effects of exercise on well‐being became visible after 2 to 4 weeks during the intervention period and (partly) depended on the extent of psychological detachment. We recommend that both outcomes and process factors throughout the intervention period should be measured in order to better understand “when” and “under what conditions” an exercise intervention works.  相似文献   

护士工作环境与离职意愿的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解临床护士的工作环境、离职意愿状况及其相互关系,为护理管理者采取针对性的人力资源管理措施提供依据.方法 采用护士工作环境量表(PPE)和离职意愿量表,对2所三甲医院280名临床护士进行调查.结果 临床护士工作环境的8个维度水平由高至低依次为医护关系、内部工作动机、患者信息交流、冲突处理方式、团队合作、领导和自主...  相似文献   

目的:减轻患者精神痛苦,降低负性情绪反应影响患者创伤的抢救以至康复.方法:对围手术期患者的心理状况进行全面细致的分析与评估,进行及时有效的心理干预.结果:接受心理干预的患者均能积极配合治疗,11例患者均康复.结论:心理治疗使创伤骨折住院患者从不良的心理状态下解脱出来,恢复正常完整的心理状态,从而提高了骨折的治疗效果.  相似文献   

The Karasek Job Demand–Control model has as its central tenet the so‐called ‘strain hypothesis’, stating that the most adverse health outcomes are to be expected in ‘high strain’ jobs characterized by high job demands and low job control. Later, this model was elaborated, stating that ‘isolated’ high strain workers experiencing low worksite social support are even more worse off. This is labelled the ‘iso‐strain hypothesis’. However, in the literature, the question was raised whether a high level of job control may (1) mitigate or buffer the effects of high job demands on psychological well‐being, or alternatively whether (2) a high level of social support may buffer the negative impact of high strain on psychological well‐being. In this study among 16 335 male workers and 5084 female workers in Belgium, four indicators of psychological well‐being are considered: feelings of depression, feelings of fatigue, sleep problems and use of psychoactive drugs. Both in men and in women, the general strain hypothesis and the iso‐strain hypothesis alike are corroborated regarding the cross‐sectional associations adjusted for age, level of education and living situation. This is most clear with respect to feelings of depression, less so with respect to the use of psychotropic drugs. The buffer hypotheses however are definitely not supported by our data. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Past research on vulnerability/resistance to occupational stress and strain has focused predominantly on personality defined at the trait or dispositional level (e.g. Type A Behaviour Pattern, Locus of Control, Dispositional Optimism and Negative Affectivity). This is problematic for two reasons. First, within the current, prevailing integrative view of personality there are three main elements: motivation, cognitions, and traits (Winter, 1996; McAdams, 2000). The second problem is that there are two branches that together define personality psychology as a discipline: (a) the nomothetic or ‘individual difference’ approach; and (b) the ‘ideographic’ approach, that is the structure and organization of personality at the individual level (Epstein, 1994), yet trait theory—and especially the ‘Big Five’ model—have paid little attention to the latter, a trend that is also evident in the occupational stress literature. The central thesis of the current paper is that motivation, cognitions and traits should contribute more variance to the stress–strain relationship than trait personality alone. A preliminary model is presented and recommendations for future research provided. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this longitudinal study was to recognize the work and personal factors that predict well‐being in the long run. The empirical analyses are based on sample data from a larger survey in 1986 and from the 10‐year follow‐up. Well‐being was determined in terms of psychological and physiological symptoms of strain. Discriminant analysis was used to identify the predictor variables which best characterize the differences between the extreme strain groups. Differences were observed in the strength of work and personal resources between workers with low and high strain, and in the role of these resources in the process of staying well at work. Strong personal resources, especially strong sense of coherence, seem to protect workers from strain and thus maintain well‐being. At work, factors related to social processes, i.e. social support and appreciation from colleagues and superiors, act as primary work‐related resources. In general, the personal resources were better discriminating factors than the work characteristics. Well‐being was found to be relatively stable. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined ‘workaholism’ components (work involvement, drive, enjoyment of work) and potential outcomes in terms of psychological well‐being and health. A sample of 661 Norwegian cross‐occupational employees from six different organizations completed an online questionnaire measuring ‘workaholism’, job satisfaction, life satisfaction, insomnia and subjective health complaints. A short version of the Norwegian‐translated Workaholism Battery showed significant relationships with reports of psychological well‐being and subjective health. Enjoyment of work was positively associated with job and life satisfaction and negatively associated with symptoms of poor health. Work involvement and drive were the strongest predictors of job dissatisfaction. Both were positively related to symptoms of poor health. Drive was, in addition, negatively associated with life satisfaction. The results showed that it is important to discriminate between different ‘workaholic’ features when investigating associations between ‘workaholism’ and potential outcomes, which were related in predictable ways to outcomes in terms of psychological well‐being and health. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigated work status congruence, work outcomes and psychological well‐being among nursing staff. Data were collected from 1362 hospital‐based nurses using anonymous questionnaires. Nurses indicated whether they were currently working full‐time or part‐time and whether they preferred to work full‐time or part‐time. Four work status groups were then compared. There were considerable demographic differences between the four work status groups. Nursing staff having congruent work status were generally more satisfied and reported higher levels of psychological well‐being. The two work status incongruent groups of nurses were found to have different correlates and consequences. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that regular breakfast cereal consumption is associated with better well‐being (subjective reports of health and functioning). Digestive problems are also associated with reduced well‐being, and given that consumption of breakfast cereals often improves digestive function, it is possible that the effect of breakfast cereal on well‐being reflects better digestion in regular breakfast consumers. The present study examined this issue by conducting secondary analyses of a large community sample (N = 14,952). Breakfast cereal consumption was measured using a five‐point frequency scale (from never to everyday), and digestive disorders were measured by self‐reports of problems such as constipation, indigestion and diarrhoea over the last year. Well‐being measures included reports of general mental health, depression, anxiety and stress. The results showed that well‐being scores (lower stress, anxiety, depression and mental health problems in general) were greater in those who consumed breakfast cereal on most days or every day. Digestive problems were also associated with higher stress levels, greater psychopathology in general and higher anxiety and depression scores. The effects of breakfast cereal consumption and digestive problems were independent, and further research is required to identify the mechanisms underlying these effects. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An understanding of the extent and aetiology of occupational stress within medical specialities is lacking, despite the extensive research into stress in health care organizations. This study examines the nature of stress experienced by anaesthetists and its effect on job satisfaction and individual well‐being. The Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI) and additional anaesthetist‐specific stress questions were distributed to 1000 members of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, yielding 564 useable responses. Compared to other workers, anaesthetists reported high levels of stress comparable to other health care professionals. Four themes emerged: daily demands, communication within the hospital, maintaining standards of patient care, accountability. Multiple regression analyses found that organizational issues, especially communication within the hospital and perceived lack of control, were most important in determining job satisfaction and individual well‐being. The implications and limitations of the study are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between job stress and employee well‐being among teachers in Canada and Pakistan. Job stress was operationalized in terms of perceived experiences at the job which were chronic in nature. Employee well‐being was operationalized in terms of burnout and its three dimensions (emotional exhaustion, lack of accomplishment and depersonalization), intrinsic motivation, job involvement and turnover intention. Data were collected by means of a structured questionnaire from teachers in metropolitan cities in Canada (N=420) and Pakistan (N=335). Pearson correlation and moderated multiple regression were used to analyze the data. In both countries, job stress was significantly related to a number of well‐being variables. Moderated multiple regression did not support the role of gender as a moderator of the stress–well‐being relationship. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aim The study investigated the diagnostic outcome of colonoscopy referrals from the emergency department (ED) via an open‐access system. Method  A retrospective cohort study over two years was performed on all patients under 65 years referred for open‐access colonoscopy by the ED in a hospital with an annual ED attendance of 140 000. Patient characteristics and presenting symptoms were retrieved. Waiting times from presentation to colonoscopy were recorded. Results  Over a 2‐year period, 266 patients were referred, of whom 37 defaulted, leaving 229 patients who had a colonoscopy. The mean age was 48.3 ± 11.3 (SD) and the female/male ratio was 229/125. The most frequent presenting symptoms included: rectal bleeding (n = 142, 62%), change of bowel habit (n = 47, 20.5%) and abdominal pain (n = 40, 17.5%). The median waiting time from presentation to colonoscopy was 17 (range 1–69) days. A positive colonoscopic finding was recorded in 45.4%, including colorectal cancer in 12 (5.2%). Conclusion  The rate of a positive diagnoses from the ED‐based colonoscopy referral service was comparable to that of the general Hong Kong population. This approach may help to reduce the waiting time for colonoscopy in a specialist colorectal clinic.  相似文献   

Maternal cortisol plays an important role in foetal development and is often used to measure stress. In addition to stress, prenatal and post‐partum women experience a mix of positive and negative emotions. However, few studies have examined the relationship between cortisol and maternal psychological health or how these relationships change from the prenatal to the post‐partum periods. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between maternal cortisol and stress, happiness, and depression components of psychological well‐being, in late pregnancy and early post‐partum. The study used a repeated measure design with 41 women; 21 women completed all data collections. As expected, maternal salivary cortisol increased from awakening to 30 minutes after awakening during pregnancy. Levels of salivary cortisol were lower at post‐partum. Stress, happiness and depression were significantly correlated at both prenatal and post‐partum measurements. Prenatal cortisol awakening response was correlated with happiness. Maternal psychological well‐being and cortisol did not differ by parity, race or employment. Maternal cortisol could potentially serve as a biochemical marker of maternal psychological well‐being. Interventions to decrease maternal stress may promote maternal psychological well‐being. Longitudinal studies with larger sample and diverse ethnicities may increase our understanding of the role of cortisol in foetal and maternal health. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop and test a sequential mediational model explaining the negative relationship of passive leadership to employee well‐being. Based on role stress theory, we posit that passive leadership will predict higher levels of role ambiguity, role conflict and role overload. Invoking Conservation of Resources theory, we further hypothesize that these role stressors will indirectly and negatively influence two aspects of employee well‐being, namely overall mental health and overall work attitude, through psychological work fatigue. Using a probability sample of 2467 US workers, structural equation modelling supported the model by showing that role stressors and psychological work fatigue partially mediated the negative relationship between passive leadership and both aspects of employee well‐being. The hypothesized, sequential indirect relationships explained 47.9% of the overall relationship between passive leadership and mental health and 26.6% of the overall relationship between passive leadership and overall work attitude. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The passage of time is a subjective experience and can be easily distorted by concurrent emotions. Specifically, time seems to move particularly slowly when people are in a negative emotional state. The aim of the current studies was to evaluate the bidirectional relationship between subjective time perception and distress during stressful waiting periods, during which the slow passage of time may be particularly distressing. Across studies of undergraduate students awaiting a midterm exam grade (Study 1) and law graduates awaiting bar exam results (Studies 2 and 3), results revealed consistent links between distress and time perception across the waiting periods, with tentative evidence for bidirectional relationships between these experiences. That is, people who perceived time as moving slowly while they waited tended to report greater distress across the waiting period (particularly worry, anxiety, negative emotion, and poor coping), and people who reported greater distress tended to perceive time as moving more slowly. The links between distress and time perception suggest the possibility of downward spirals during stressful waiting periods, such that distress makes time seem to slow down, which then exacerbates distress. We discuss avenues for future research and potential remedies to derail the spiral of distress and time perception.  相似文献   

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