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[目的]探讨部分脾动脉栓塞术(PSE)治疗肝硬化门静脉高压症的临床疗效及安全性。[方法]对48例不同原因肝硬化门静脉高压患者行PSE治疗,观察术前及术后1周、1、3、6个月血常规、肝功能、脾脏厚度、脾静脉和门静脉内径、Child-Pugh分级变化及并发症情况。[结果]PSE后患者白细胞和血小板计数均明显升高(P0.01);术后1个月患者脾静脉和门静脉内径明显缩小(P0.05,P0.01),术后6个月脾脏厚度明显缩小(P0.05);术后患者凝血酶原时间缩短(P0.01),总胆红素升高(P0.01),但谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶及ChildPugh分级变化PSE前、后差异无统计学意义(P0.05);PSE后并发症较多,但未发现严重的并发症。[结论]PSE治疗肝炎肝硬化门静脉高压症合并脾功能亢进安全有效。  相似文献   

Aim: Partial splenic embolization (PSE) is a non‐surgical procedure developed to treat hypersplenism. The purpose of this study is to evaluate therapeutic benefits of PSE with follow‐up radiofrequency ablation (RFA) treatment in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients with thrombocytopenia. Methods: Between September 1999 and January 2007, a total of 20 patients with HCC who had a few lesions, each 3 cm or less in diameter, and liver function of Child‐Pugh class A or B were enrolled into our study. The patients were diagnosed with marked thrombocytopenia (<50 × 103/mm3), or mild thrombocytopenia (<80 × 103/mm3) with decreased prothrombin activity. They were treated once or twice with PSE. RFA was given as a follow‐up treatment 2 weeks after final PSE. The primary endpoint was a platelet‐count increase and improvement of prothrombin activity, and the secondary endpoint was the initiation of RFA. Results: PSE was performed successfully in 19 patients (95%). Two weeks after final PSE, platelet counts increased significantly (38 ± 14 × 103/mm3 vs. 97 ± 43 × 103/mm3; P < 0.0001), and prothrombin activity improved significantly (59.3 ± 19.8% vs. 65.2 ± 17.9%; P < 0.0001). No patients had major complications during the PSE procedure. The secondary endpoint was achieved in 18 of 19 patients (94.7%). The mean overall survival was 2257 days (95% confidence interval; range, 1659?2855 days). The Kaplan‐Meier cumulative survival rate was estimated to be 61.9% at 5 years. Conclusions: PSE is a safe and effective treatment for thrombocytopenia and has adjuvant therapeutic benefits for the therapy of HCC.  相似文献   

探讨内镜套扎-部分脾栓塞联合术治疗门脉高压症的临床应用价值。对2 5例合并食道静脉曲张和脾功能亢进的门脉高压患者进行内镜套扎-部分脾栓塞联合术,对其术前术后外周血象、脾脏大小、门静脉、脾静脉内径的变化进行对比研究。联合术后患者食道静脉曲张得到根治,脾功能亢进明显缓解,脾脏缩小(P <0 .0 1)、门静脉、脾静脉内径缩小(P <0 . 0 1)。内镜套扎-部分脾栓塞联合术治疗门脉高压症具有简便、安全、效果显著、创伤小、并发症少等优点,是治疗肝硬化门脉高压症的一种新的途径。  相似文献   

Objectives:  Although total splenectomy is able to reduce clinical symptoms in patients with hereditary spherocytosis (HS), splenectomized patients are at risk to develop overwhelming bacterial infections and, to a lesser extent, thromboembolic complications. In contrast, partial splenectomy or partial splenic embolization (PSE) may also decrease the rate of hemolytic complications while maintaining residual splenic function. The aim of this study was to investigate the benefit of PSE in children with moderate to severe HS.
Patients and methods:  We performed PSE via retrograde transfemoral access in eight children (four female, four male) with moderate to severe HS at a median age of 8 yr. HS-related complications before PSE included gallstones in six and aplastic crises in four children. One patient was transfusion-dependent.
Results:  No acute side effects were seen during or after PSE. Median hemoglobin increased significantly from levels between 7.5 g/dL and 11.65 g/dL before PSE to levels between 8.4 g/dL and 13.35 g/dL after PSE ( P  = 0.012). Median splenic sizes before PSE ranged from 9.7 cm/m2 to 19.0 cm/m2 and significantly decreased to values between 4.4 cm/m2 and 15.65 cm/m2 during follow-up ( P  = 0.012).
Conclusions:  PSE appears to be a safe, effective and feasible treatment option for the management of children with moderate to severe HS.  相似文献   

Partial splenic embolization (PSE) was performed on patients with liver cirrhosis to control hypersplenism and gastroesophageal varices. In this study, we evaluated the effects of PSE on the portal hemodynamics and hepatic function of 17 cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The mean splenic volume and the peak platelet count increased significantly and the splenic vein pressure decreased significantly after PSE. However, the portal blood flow did not change. Changes in the 15-min retention rate of indocyanine green and the arterial ketone body ratio were not significant, but the redox tolerance index increased from 0.24 ± 0.28 × 10?2 to 0.59 ± 0.35 × 10?2. These results suggest that PSE may reduce perioperative risks in cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who are candidates for hepatic resection.  相似文献   

部分脾栓塞缓解门脉高压脾亢及胃底食管静脉曲张   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨部分脾动脉栓塞对缓解门脉高压并脾亢及胃底食管静脉曲张的临床疗效。方法 采用Seldinger技术经股动脉穿刺插管,超选择性脾动脉栓塞治疗肝硬化门脉高压并脾亢及胃底食管静脉曲张46例。观察治疗前后门脉压力,血液白细胞、血小板计数,肝功能及胃底食管静脉曲张的变化情况,判断其治疗效果。结果 栓塞范围为40%~90%,术后患者门脉压力明显降低,肝功能GPT下降,外周血象明显改善,血液白细胞和血小板计数升高,胃底食管静脉曲张得到缓解,上消化道再出血间期延长。无严重的并发症发生。结论 部分脾栓塞治疗肝硬化门脉高压并脾功能亢进是一种安全、有效的方法。既可以降低门脉压力,又可以减轻脾功能亢进,缓解胃底食管静脉曲张。  相似文献   

区域性门静脉高压为门静脉某一分支障碍,导致血流异常及侧枝循环开放的临床较少见的疾病,据报道有多达37种原因可导致该类疾病,其中脾静脉血栓是最常见原因之一[1]。而胰腺炎是导致脾静脉血栓的主要原因之一[2]。早在1920年报道了第1例胰腺炎相关脾静脉血栓形成导致的区域性门静脉高压患者,如不及时诊治,患者会出现难治性胃底静脉曲张及出血。本文将报告因反复胰腺疾病所致脾静脉血栓形成,导致脾静脉部分堵塞,引发难治性胃底静脉曲张经部分脾动脉栓塞治疗患者1例。  相似文献   

脾功能亢进(hypersplenism)是一种发生于各种原因的常见病,临床表现为脾肿大,一种或多种血细胞减少,而骨髓造血细胞相应增生,脾切除后可恢复的一组综合征。在我国主要以肝炎后肝硬化门脉高压、造血系统疾病导致脾功能亢进为主。临床上曾用脾切除术治疗内科治疗无效的脾功能亢进,但是脾切除术往往伴有机体免疫功能下降,易并发感染和出血。  相似文献   

AIM To determine the outcomes of partial splenic em-bolization(PSE) for massive splenomegaly due to idiopathic portal hypertension(IPH).METHODS In this prospective study, we evaluated the charac-teristics and prognosis of consecutive patients with IPH who underwent PSE for all indications at a single medical center between June 2009 and January 2015. The inclusion criteria were: presence of hypersplenism, massive splenomegaly, and resultant pancytopenia. The exclusion criteria were: presence of other diseases causing portal hypertension. During the post-PSE period, the patients were hospitalized. All patients underwent abdominal computed tomography imaging 4 wk post-PSE to determine total splenic and non-infarcted splenic volumes.RESULTS A total of 11 patients, with median age of 33.27 ± 4.8 years, were included in the study. Mean spleen size was 22.9 cm(21-28 cm), and severe hypersplenismwas diagnosed in all patients before PSE. Post-PSE, leukocyte and platelet counts increased significantly, reaching peak levels in the second week with gradual decreases thereafter. Liver function tests did not exhibit significant changes during post-intervention follow-up. All patients developed post-embolization syndrome, and one patient experienced serious complications; all complications were successfully treated with conservative therapy and no death occurred. CONCLUSION Our findings showed that PSE has a lower complication rate than previously-reported surgical complication rates, which supports this intervention as a viable alternative for high-risk operable patients with severe hypersplenism.  相似文献   

Complications of Partial Splenic Embolization in Cirrhotic Patients   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
In recent years, partial splenic embolization (PSE) has been widely used in patients with cirrhosis and hypersplenism caused by portal hypertension. We investigated the complications associated with PSE cases seen in our hospital. Seventeen cases of liver cirrhosis that had undergone PSE were examined to investigate the complications associated with it. Mean infarcted area of the spleen was 66.2%. Leukocyte and platelet counts in 16 of 17 patients were seen to improve after PSE and persisted for at least one year. The most frequent side effects were abdominal pain (82.4%) and fever (94.1%). Severe side effects were seen in two of those 17 patients. One patient died from acute on chronic liver failure. The other patients contracted bacterial peritonitis and splenic abscess and needed drainage of splenic abscess before recovery. These two cases were in Child-Pugh class B. In conclusions, PSE is a useful treatment for patients with cirrhosis and hypersplenism caused by portal hypertension. However, the possibility of severe complications, especially in patients with noncompensated cirrhosis, should be kept in mind.  相似文献   

部分脾栓塞治疗肝硬化门脉高压及脾亢   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 进一步观察部分脾栓塞治疗肝硬化门静脉高压及脾功能亢进(简称脾亢)的应用价值。方法 经下腔动脉插管对部分脾动脉用明胶海绵颗粒进行栓塞,观察其治疗作用。结果 本文22例术后外周血白细胞和血小板计数均回升,其中19例恢复至正常水平,3例部分缓解,门静脉及脾静脉回缩,食道静脉曲张程度改善,凝血酶原时间(PT)缩短,凝血酶原活动度(PTA)增加,脑病发作次数减少,血氨水平下降,未出现严重并发症。结论  相似文献   

To evaluate the feasibility and potential value of 2D Parametric Parenchymal Blood Flow (2D-PPBF) for the assessment of perfusion changes following partial spleen embolization (PSE) in a retrospective observational study design.Overall, 12 PSE procedures in 12 patients were included in this study. The outcome of the study was the platelet response (PR), calculated as the percentage increase of platelet count (PLT), following PSE. To quantify perfusion changes using 2D-PPBF, the acquired digital subtraction angiography series were post-processed. A reference region-of-interest (ROI) was placed in the afferent splenic artery and a target ROI was positioned on the embolization territory of the spleen on digital subtraction angiography series pre- and post-embolization. The ratios of the target ROIs to the reference ROIs were calculated for the Wash-In-Rate (WIR), the Time-To-Peak (TTP) and the Area-Under-the-Curve (AUC). Comparisons between pre- and post-embolization data were made using Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Spearman''s rank correlation coefficient (r). Afterwards, the study population was divided by the median of the TTP before PSE to analyze its value for the prediction of PR following PSE.Following PSE, PLT increased significantly from 43,000 ± 21,405 platelets/μL to 128,500 ± 66,083 platelets/μL with a PR of 255 ± 243% (P = .003). In the embolized splenic territory, the pre-/post-embolization 2D-PPBF parameter changed significantly: WIRpre-PSE 1.23 ± 2.42/WIRpost-PSE 0.09 ± 0.07; -64 ± 46% (p = 0.04), TTPpre-PSE 4.41 ± 0.99/TTPpost-PSE 5.67 ± 1.52 (P = .041); +34 ± 47% and AUCpost-PSE 0.81 ± 0.85/AUCpost-PSE 0.14 ± 0.08; -71 ± 18% (P = .002). A significant correlation of a 2D-PPBF parameter with the PLT was found for TTPpre-PSE/PLTpre-PSE r = -0.66 (P = .01). Subgroup analysis showed a significantly increased PR for the group with TTPpre-PSE >4.44 compared to the group with TTPpre-PSE ≤4.44 (404 ± 267% versus 107 ± 76%; P = .04).2D-PPBF is an objective approach to analyze the perfusion reduction of embolized splenic tissue. TTP derived from 2D-PPBF has the potential to predict the extent of PR during PSE.  相似文献   

Partial splenic embolization is an alternative procedure to total splenectomy in patients with hypersplenism, and was performed in 10 patients with beta-thalassaemia major who were then followed for 5 to 7 years. The results were compared with those of a 7-yr follow-up of 6 splenectomized thalassaemics. The blood consumption decreased and the leucocyte counts increased in both groups of patients. However, after partial splenic embolization, severe thrombocytosis--which is typical of splenectomized patients--did not develop and there were no severe complications from the operation, such as infections or reappearance of hypersplenism. In addition, the minor surgical injury and avoidance of abdominal scars were further advantages of partial splenic embolization over total splenectomy.  相似文献   

Aim: A low platelet count leads to dose reduction of interferon (IFN) and is associated with failure to achieve a sustained virological response (SVR) in chronic hepatitis C patients. However, partial splenic embolization (PSE) is effective for treating thrombocytopenia resulting from hypersplenism. Methods: We compared the clinical features of 10 patients receiving PSE prior to the combination therapy of IFN and ribavirin (RBV) (PSE group) with those of 10 non‐receiving PSE patients (non‐PSE group). Results: In all 10 patients, PSE was successfully performed without serious adverse events. After PSE, leukocyte, neutrophil, and platelet counts significantly increased. The period from PSE to the initiation of the combination therapy was 15 (7–21) days. In the PSE group, two of six patients (33%) infected with genotype 1, and all four patients infected with genotype 2, achieved SVR. In the non‐PSE group, only three patients infected with genotype 2 achieved SVR. Two patients in the PSE group and one in the non‐PSE group discontinued the combination therapy. Three patients of the PSE group and five of the non‐PSE group reduced the dose of pegylated IFN‐α‐2b because of thrombocytopenia. In the PSE group, platelet counts during the combination therapy fell to baseline levels; however, they did not fall to lower levels than baseline levels. In the non‐PSE group, platelet counts 1 month after the initiation of the therapy were lower than baseline levels. Conclusion: The increase of platelet counts after PSE may allow the safe use of IFN and RBV and improve the SVR rate in chronic hepatitis C patients with thrombocytopenia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Partial splenic embolization (PSE) is often performed for improving thrombocytopenia in cirrhotic patients. We investigated the largely unclear predictive factors for platelet increase at both 1 month and 1 year after PSE. METHODS: Aimed at increasing the platelet count, PSE was performed in 42 cirrhotic patients with thrombocytopenia (platelets < 80 x 10(4)/mL) caused by hypersplenism. The clinical data were analyzed to clarify the predictive factors for platelet increase at 1 month (n = 42) and 1 year (n = 38) after PSE. RESULTS: The mean splenic infarction ratio was 76.7% +/- 11.2%. The platelet count increased to 259% +/- 112% and 228% +/- 75% of the pretreatment values at 1 month and at 1 year after PSE, respectively. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed that the infarcted splenic volume had a positive independent association with the increase in platelet count at both 1 month (P = 0.00004) and 1 year (P = 0.005) after PSE (increase in platelet count (x10(4)/mL): at 1 month = 0.752 + 0.018 x infarcted splenic volume (mL), R(2) = 0.344; at 1 year = 2.19 + 0.01 x infarcted splenic volume (mL), R(2) = 0.203). Receiver operating characteristic analysis yielded a cut-off value of 388 mL of infarcted splenic volume for achieving an increase of 5.0-8.0 x 10(4)/mL in platelet count at 1 year. CONCLUSIONS: PSE can reduce the platelet pool and induce an increase in platelet count. This increase is greatly dependent on the infarcted splenic volume.  相似文献   

Rationale:Hypersplenism causes thrombocytopenia, which may lead to the reduction or discontinuation of chemotherapy. Partial splenic embolization (PSE) is an effective treatment for thrombocytopenia associated with hypersplenism. However, there have been no reports of patients with gastric cancer who have resumed and continued chemotherapy after PSE for splenic hypersplenism associated with tumor infiltration.Here, we report two cases in which we performed PSE for hypersplenism associated with gastric cancer that had invaded the splenic vein. Chemotherapy was continued in both cases.Patient concerns:Both patients developed thrombocytopenia with splenomegaly due to advanced gastric cancer that required discontinuation of chemotherapy.Diagnosis:Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and computed tomography showed advanced gastric cancer with invasion of the splenic vein and splenomegaly. Both patients developed thrombocytopenia.Interventions:Patients were treated with PSE.Outcomes:PSE produced an increase in thrombocyte count, and chemotherapy could be resumed.Lessons:PSE seems to be a useful treatment for thrombocytopenia with splenomegaly associated with advanced gastric cancer and may allow continuation of chemotherapy.  相似文献   

A 53-year-old man was admitted to our hospital in August 1997 with enlarged gastric varices. Computed tomography (CT) showed splenic vein occlu-sion, gastric varices, and extra-gastric wall collateral veins. Color flow images of gastric varices were clearly visualized, and the velocity in the gastric varices was 19.6 cm/s via endoscopic color Doppler ultrasonography (ECDUS). The patient was diagnosed with gastric varices according to angiographic findings of splenic vein occlusion, and splenic arterial embolization was performed. Two weeks after the splenic arterial embolization, CT showed peripheral areas of low attenuation in the spleen, due to splenic infarction, with 70% of the spleen volume showing low attenuation. Eight months after the splenic arterial embolization, ECDUS revealed a decrease in gastric variceal color flow images, with the velocity in the gastric varices being 10.3 cm/s. Received: April 26, 1999 / Accepted: August 27, 1999  相似文献   

刘晓亮 《肝脏》2016,(7):532-535
目的探讨经皮经肝食管胃底曲张静脉栓塞术(PTVE)联合部分性脾动脉栓塞术(PSE)治疗门静脉高压症导致的急性消化道大出血的临床效果。方法回顾性分析门静脉高压症所致急性消化道大出血患者124例,其中行急诊PTVE术59例作为对照组,接受急诊PTVE术后进一步行PSE术的65例患者作为观察组。比较两组患者的术后门静脉压力变化情况、住院天数以及并发症发生情况。术后6、12、18个月定期随访了解两组患者的再出血发生情况以及1年病死率。结果两组患者手术前门静脉压无明显差异(t=0.195,P=0.846),对照组患者术后较术前门静脉压升高(t=-3.195,P=0.002),观察组患者术后较术前门静脉压明显下降(t=5.182,P0.01)。观察组术后住院天数明显多于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=2.909,P=0.004);对照组患者术后并发症发生率明显高于观察组,特别是门静脉高压性胃肠道病(对照组13例,观察组4例)以及腹水(观察组23例,对照组6例)的发生例数,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=32.887,P0.01);观察组患者术后6、12、18个月的再出血发生率均明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=5.740,7.986,19.569;均P0.05);观察组患者随访1年病死率明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=5.673,P=0.017)。结论 PTVE术序贯PSE术操作相对简单,术中创伤小,同时还能降低门静脉压力并使其保持在较低水平,降低患者术后再出血率,对门静脉高压导致的急性消化道大出血患者具有良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

[目的]评价部分脾动脉栓塞术(PSE)联合普萘洛尔预防食管胃底静脉曲张再出血的临床疗效。[方法]35例近期食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血患者,被随机分为普萘洛尔组(对照组,17例)、PSE+普萘洛尔组(联合组,18例),比较2组治疗后1、3个月外周血象变化,脾脏厚度、门静脉内径、脾静脉内径变化,治疗后3、6及12个月不同时间段的再出血率,观察并发症和预后情况。[结果]与治疗前比较,联合组治疗后1、3个月外周血WBC和PLT明显升高(P0.01),治疗后3个月脾脏厚度、门静脉内径及脾静脉内径明显缩小(P0.05);治疗后3个月外周血WBC和PLT较治疗后1个月明显下降(P0.01)。与对照组比较,联合组治疗后1、3个月外周血WBC和PLT明显升高(P0.01),治疗后3个月脾脏厚度、门静脉内径及脾静脉内径明显缩小(P0.05),治疗后12个月内再出血率明显降低(P0.05)。2组均出现了相关并发症,但未发现严重的并发症,观察期间2组病死率比较差异无统计学意义。[结论]PSE联合普萘洛尔预防食管胃底静脉曲张再出血疗效较单独使用普萘洛尔更佳。  相似文献   

微导管和聚乙烯醇在部分脾栓塞中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价超选择插管和聚乙烯醇颗粒技术在部分脾栓塞临床应用中的价值.方法:肝硬化合并门静脉高压伴脾功能亢进患者80例,采用超选择插管至脾动脉分支,行部分脾栓塞.每例患者共接受1-3次栓塞.栓塞材料是聚乙烯醇(polyvinylalcohol,PVA)微粒,直径300-500μm.收集每次栓塞前、后资料,包括症状、体征、外周血象、CT、上消化道内镜所见等,经统计学处理后进行分析.结果:共进行105次部分脾栓塞,其中15例作了第二次栓塞,5例作第三次栓塞.栓塞范围40%-70%,并且有83次栓塞后出现发热,持续3-30d.83次出现腹痛,其中26次需用强效止痛药.5例少量胸腔积液,经保守治疗后吸收.未出现脾脓肿等并发症.术后24h外周血白细胞、血小板计数开始升高(P<0.05).栓塞后3mo内,78例白细胞维持在正常水平,79例BPC维持在正常范围.栓塞后食欲、体能改善,胃底食管静脉曲张程度减轻,随访期间未发现上消化道大出血者.结论:部分脾栓塞治疗脾功能亢进,能减轻门静脉高压,降低上消化道大出血发生率,有效改善血象,提高机体免疫力和生活质量.  相似文献   

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