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Men's Sheds are named within the Australian and Irish National Male Health Policies as an exemplar of male health and well‐being and offer a range of formal and informal mentoring to counter the known consequences of social exclusion. The study aimed to report on whether Men's Sheds undertake mentoring programmes, and if so, who is being mentored; are mentors being trained, and if so by whom; and the perceived effectiveness of the mentoring programme. Furthermore, the study aimed to explore associations between sheds with a mentoring programme and factors that reflect an inclusive and a health‐focused environment. All known Men's Sheds were invited to participate in the survey; of those, 324 (42.8%) Men's Sheds in Australia and 59 (48.0%) International sheds participated in the study between April and August 2012. Overall, 39.2% (n = 127) of Australian sheds and 23.7% (n = 14) of International sheds undertook formal mentoring. Youth was the most common group being mentored in both Australia (60.6%; n = 77) and Internationally (71.4%; n = 10). Over half of Australian shed co‐ordinators rated their mentoring programme as moderately effective (52.8%; n = 67) and over a third as highly effective (36.2%; n = 46), while half of International shed co‐ordinators rated theirs as highly effective (50.0%; n = 7). The findings from this paper support the notion that a large number of Men's Sheds offer formal mentoring programmes targeting a range of disadvantaged sub‐populations, thus supporting social inclusion. Inter‐generational mentoring is the most frequently occurring type of mentoring programme. While training mentors occurs at some sheds, the efficacy of this training and programme outcomes are unknown. A typology of shed types appears to be emerging based on a divergence of sheds with a more utilitarian focus and sheds that appear to embrace a health and well‐being focus.  相似文献   

In Europe and the US, childhood obesity is found to be higher in migrant children from black African communities and other visible minority ethnic groups. However, very little is known about the factors that contribute to the significant rates of obesity in these groups. The material for this study is drawn from a community‐based qualitative study that examined the sociocultural, familial and environmental factors that either facilitate or hinder healthy weight in black African children during early childhood. The participants for the study were black African parents (n = 30) and health visitors (n = 32), residing and working in the East Midlands, UK. The participants were purposively selected according to an inclusion/exclusion criterion and invited to participate in seven focus groups (FG‐7) conducted for parents (FG‐4) and health visitors (FG‐3) at a time and place convenient to the participants, between March and June 2018. The focus groups examined a number of issues, including the participants’ views on the barriers and facilitators to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Thematic analysis was used to identify themes within the data. Although participants were knowledgeable about the need for a healthy weight in early childhood, the parents discussed how immigration status and experiences of discrimination had an impact on their children's diet and well‐being, also discussing how structural factors influenced the decisions they made regarding healthy weight in early childhood. While the health visitors in general felt they did not have the skills to advise black African parents about the cultural influences on diet during early childhood, findings highlighted a need for a system‐based approach in meeting the nutritional needs of black African children. This study concludes by suggesting the need for broad social‐environment and economic changes that address factors such as migration status, deprivation and discrimination, coupled with culturally specific healthy diet messages.  相似文献   

Recent UK policy drivers such as the National Collaboration for Integrated Care and Support and Making Every Contact Count prioritise integrated care, an approach that seeks to provide more coordinated and seamless health and social care. In children's services, despite many partners, there are challenges around integrating care. A deprived borough of London ran short training and networking sessions for services supporting children and young people. This study examined whether intersectoral training would improve participants' knowledge of local services and joint working (including communication, navigation and confidence in collaboration). As part of a service evaluation, the study utilised a pre–post Likert scale survey design for each training session, a 1‐month follow‐up survey, and telephone interviews with a subsample of participants. The educational intervention was three sets of 1.5 hr educational workshops from December 2016 to February 2017. There were 302 attendances from 202 individuals from the health (n = 99), education (n = 145), social care (n = 39) and voluntary (n = 19) sectors. The pre and post surveys found significant increases in self‐assessed knowledge of health/education/social care/voluntary services and in some elements of joint working. However, these increases were not sustained in any domain after 1 month of follow‐up. There was also no difference in self‐assessments amongst those who attended three sessions compared to those who attended one or two. Telephone interviewees highlighted networking as being helpful and suggested that informative tasks and diverse attendance would be beneficial in future. To conclude, this study suggests that although short‐learning sessions may seem to improve immediate knowledge and some elements of joint working in the short term, any gains are not sustained in the long term. The cost effectiveness of such schemes is in doubt but may be improved by a more targeted delivery of content.  相似文献   

This study aimed to reveal burnout levels and its potential influencing factors among three‐tiered public health workers in China. A total of 1,328 public health workers from cities, counties and townships in Henan and Hubei provinces participated. Cumulative logistic regressions were used to determine job burnout predictors. Township workers (β = 0.276, p = .046) showed higher levels of emotional exhaustion (EE) than city workers. Municipal workers showed higher levels of depersonalisation (DP) (β = ?0.439, p = .004) and lack of personal accomplishment (LPA) (β = ?0.343, p = .005) than township workers. Compared with those who had better results, township workers with average levels of interpersonal relationships (β = 0.703, p = .014) exhibited higher EE degrees. Municipal (β = 1.050, p < .001) and county (β = 1.359, p < .001) workers with moderate training satisfaction had higher levels of burnout than those with a high degree of training satisfaction. Municipal (β = 3.933, p < .001) and county (β = 1.218, p = .018) workers earning 2,000 RMB and below every month were more likely to have higher burnout levels than those earning 4,001 RMB and above. Township respondents exhibited high EE levels, given the low‐level education of their services’ target audience. Similarly affected by interpersonal relationships, township workers require interpersonal and emotional intervention programmes. City respondents showed a high level of DP and LPA, which was attributed to considerable differences between public health workers and medical workers in cities. Hence, apart from narrowing the reward gap between clinicians and public health workers, improving public health workers' social cognition and status by various channels was found necessary. The burnout of municipal and county respondents were influenced by income and training. Improving the role of income as incentive and reforming trainings programmes would be necessary.  相似文献   

United Kingdom policy and practice endorses family support for child well‐being. Achieving such support requires multi‐agency approaches that consider all aspects of parents' and children's lives and which offer practical, social and emotional help. The potential for services to make a positive impact on parents and their families will depend in part on the level and nature of engagement. In this paper, a case is made for the application of the two‐part surface and depth concept for understanding how practitioners engage with families and how they might improve the chances of supporting sustainable differences for parents and families. To illustrate, qualitative data from a review of family centre support provided by a north of England local authority are presented. The review was commissioned to explore why families often need to re‐engage with intensive support services. Data were drawn from interviews with parents (n = 18, recruited following a survey of all those registered with the service during April–May 2009) and discussions with family centre support workers (n = 4), and following thematic analysis, three dominant themes emerged – resources available, staff approach and real life – which were appraised in the light of the surface and depth concept. Much of the work with parents effectively dealt with pressing needs. This felt gratifying for both parent and worker and supported immediate service engagement. However, each noted that the more complex issues in parents' lives went unchallenged and thus the sustainability of progress in terms of parenting practice was questionable. A strengths focused approach by staff that understood needs in the context of parents' real‐life circumstances was important to parent engagement. Thus, longer term benefits from family support require practitioners to work with parents to problem solve immediate issues while also digging deeper to acknowledge and seek to resolve the more complex challenges parents face in their real lives.  相似文献   

Background We examined whether children cared for by stressed caregivers show lower socio‐emotional well‐being and more stress, compared with children cared for by less stressed caregivers. Methods Perceived stress and cortisol levels of professional caregivers (n= 44), and associations with children's (n= 44) well‐being and cortisol levels in home‐based child care were examined. Results Caregiver perceived stress and cortisol levels were related to children's well‐being but not to children's cortisol levels. Children's social fearfulness acted as a moderator between caregivers' mean ratio of diurnal change in cortisol and children's well‐being. When caregiver cortisol levels decreased, more fearful children were reported higher on well‐being than less fearful peers. In contrast, when caregiver cortisol levels increased, more fearful children were reported lower on well‐being. Conclusions The findings point to differential susceptibility. Child care organizations and parents need to notice that a non‐stressful child care environment is in particular important for children with a difficult temperament.  相似文献   

Children exposed to problematic parental substance use (PPSU) often face a number of deleterious developmental outcomes, yet these children are less likely to become known to child protection and welfare services. Although there is a growing evidence base for equine‐assisted therapy (EAT) as an effective treatment modality for atypically developing children and adolescents, scant research has explored the benefit of EAT for children exposed to PPSU. The current study is the first to explore the benefit of EAT for children exposed to PPSU in Victoria, Australia. Five 12‐week EAT programmes were delivered from 2012 to 2015 with a total of 41 children (mean age of 10.26 years) taking part. Children's parents (n = 41) and schoolteachers (n = 31) completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire pre‐ and post‐intervention. Parents reported that children's total difficult behaviour and emotional problems decreased following the 12‐week EAT programme. In addition, parents and teachers observed a significant decrease in children's hyperactivity. The findings obtained highlight the benefit of EAT for children exposed to PPSU and thus, extends the existing evidence base for this treatment modality.  相似文献   

Objective: To establish a baseline of levels of Indigenous professional engagement in the health and community services sector in remote Northern Territory. Design: Analysis of data from 2001 and 2006 Census. Setting: Northern Territory – Balance Statistical Division. Participants: Persons employed in health and community services sector in 2006. Main outcome measures: Indigenous status, level of education, current education status, occupation type and residential mobility. Results: Indigenous employment grew by 137% between 2001 and 2006. In 2006, 42% of Indigenous employees were labourers and 9% professionals, in contrast to non‐Indigenous workers of whom 41% were professionals and 5% labourers. Over 50% of workers who moved into the region between 2001 and 2006 were professionals, compared with 20% of those who had remained in the region. Indigenous in‐migrants were twice as likely as Indigenous people who had stayed in the region to be professionals. Indigenous workers were much less likely to have post‐school educational qualifications than non‐Indigenous workers. Indigenous workers were also less likely to be studying for a post‐school qualification. Indigenous in‐migrants were three times as likely to have post‐school qualifications than Indigenous people who had remained in the region and were also more likely to be enrolled in post‐school education. Conclusions: The baseline is low Indigenous engagement as professional labour, and low Indigenous engagement in formal education. Mobile Indigenous people have higher levels of engagement. The situation might be addressed by increased formal education in remote areas and increased mobility of Indigenous health labour.  相似文献   

Indigenous First Nations people in Canada have high chronic disease morbidity resulting in part from enduring social inequities and colonialism. Obesity prevention strategies developed by and for First Nations people are crucial to improving the health status of this group. The research objective was to develop community‐relevant strategies to address childhood obesity in a First Nations community. Strategies were derived from an action‐based workshop based on the Analysis Grid for Environments Linked to Obesity (ANGELO) framework. Thirteen community members with wide‐ranging community representation took part in the workshop. They combined personal knowledge and experience with community‐specific and national research to dissect the broad array of environmental factors that influenced childhood obesity in their community. They then developed community‐specific action plans focusing on healthy eating and physical activity for children and their families. Actions included increasing awareness of children's health issues among the local population and community leadership, promoting nutrition and physical activity at school, and improving recreation opportunities. Strengthening children's connection to their culture was considered paramount to improving their well‐being; thus, workshop participants developed programmes that included elders as teachers and reinforced families' acquaintance with First Nations foods and activities. The research demonstrated that the ANGELO framework is a participatory way to develop community‐driven health programmes. It also demonstrated that First Nations people involved in the creation of solutions to health issues in their communities may focus on decolonising approaches such as strengthening their connection to indigenous culture and traditions. External funds were not available to implement programmes and there was no formal follow‐up to determine if community members implemented programmes. Future research needs to examine the extent to which community members can implement programmes on their own and whether community action plans, when implemented, lead to short‐ and long‐term benefits in health outcomes.  相似文献   

Objective : To evaluate trends in macrosomia by severity in Indigenous vs. non‐Indigenous populations of Québec, Canada. Methods: We used a retrospective cohort of 2,298,332 singleton live births in the province of Québec, 1981–2008. Indigenous births were identified by community of residence (First Nations, Inuit, non‐Indigenous) and language spoken (First Nations, Inuit, French/English). High birth weight (HBW) and large‐for‐gestational‐age (LGA) births were categorised by severity (moderate, very, extreme). Time trends in HBW and LGA, by severity, were estimated using odds ratios (OR) and rate differences for Indigenous vs. non‐Indigenous births, adjusting for maternal characteristics. Results: Relative to non‐Indigenous, First Nations (but not Inuit) had higher rates of extreme HBW (1.3% vs. 0.1%) and extreme LGA birth (12.6% vs. 2.2%), and rates increased over time. First Nations had progressively elevated ORs with greater severity of macrosomia, and associations were strongest for extreme HBW >5,000 g (OR=12.4) and LGA >97th percentile (OR=7.2). Conclusion: Inequalities in extreme macrosomia between First Nations and non‐Indigenous Quebecers are pronounced and widened between 1981 and 2008. Implications: Studies are needed to determine why macrosomia rates are increasing in Québec's First Nations, and how they compare with Indigenous sub‐groups of demographically similar countries, including Australia and New Zealand.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine sheltered housing tenants' views of health and well‐being, the strategies they adopted to support their well‐being, and their use of health and social care services through a Health Needs Assessment. Sheltered housing in the UK is a form of service‐integrated housing for people, predominantly over 60. The study used a parallel, three‐strand mixed method approach to encompass the tenants' perceptions of health and well‐being (n = 96 participants), analysis of the service's health and well‐being database, and analysis of emergency and elective hospital admissions (n = 978 tenant data sets for the period January to December 2012). Tenants' perceptions of well‐being were seen to reinforce much of the previous work on the subject with strategies required to sustain social, community, physical, economic, environmental, leisure, emotional and spiritual dimensions. Of the tenants' self‐reported chronic conditions, arthritis, heart conditions and breathing problems were identified as their most common health concerns. Hospital admission data indicated that 43% of the tenant population was admitted to hospital (886 admissions) with 53% emergency and 47% elective admissions. The potential cost of emergency as opposed to elective admissions was substantial. The mean length of stay for emergency admissions was 8.2 days (median 3.0 days). While elective hospital admission had a mean length of stay of 1.0 day (median 0.0 days). These results suggest the need for multi‐professional health, social care and housing services interventions to facilitate sheltered housing tenants' aspirations and support their strategies to live well and independently in their own homes. Equally there is a need to increase tenants' awareness of health conditions and their management, the importance of services which offer facilitation, resources and support, and the key role played by prevention and reablement.  相似文献   

Mental health peer specialists develop peer‐to‐peer relationships of trust with clients to improve their health and well‐being, functioning in ways similar to community health workers. Although the number of peer specialists in use has been increasing, their role in care teams is less defined than that of the community health worker. This qualitative study explored how the peer specialist role is defined across different stakeholder groups, the expectations for this role and how the peer specialist is utilised and integrated across different types of mental health services. Data were collected through interviews and focus groups conducted in Massachusetts with peer specialists (N = 44), their supervisors (N = 14) and clients (N = 10) between September 2009 and January 2011. A consensus coding approach was used and all data outputs were reviewed by the entire team to identify themes. Peer specialists reported that their most important role is to develop relationships with clients and that having lived mental health experience is a key element in creating that bond. They also indicated that educating staff about the recovery model and peer role is another important function. However, they often felt a lack of clarity about their role within their organisation and care team. Supervisors valued the unique experience that peer specialists bring to an organisation. However, without a defined set of expectations for this role, they struggled with training, guiding and evaluating their peer specialist staff. Clients reported that the shared lived experience is important for the relationship and that working with a peer specialist has improved their mental health. With increasing support for person‐centred integrated healthcare delivery models, the demand for mental health peer specialist services will probably increase. Therefore, clearer role definition, as well as workforce development focused on team orientation, is necessary for peer specialists to be fully integrated and supported in care teams.  相似文献   

Objectives: To explore factors associated with postpartum glucose screening among women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). Methods: A retrospective study using linked records from women with GDM who gave birth at Cairns Hospital in Far North Queensland, Australia, from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2010. Results: The rates of postpartum Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) screening, while having increased significantly among both Indigenous* and non‐Indigenous women from 2004 to 2010 (HR 1.15 per year, 95%CI 1.08–1.22, p<0.0001), remain low, particularly among Indigenous women (10% versus 27%, respectively at six months postpartum). Indigenous women in Cairns had a longer time to postpartum OGTT than Indigenous women in remote areas (HR 0.58, 0.38–0.71, p=0.01). Non‐Indigenous women had a longer time to postpartum OGTT if they: were born in Australia (HR 0.76, 0.59–1.00, 0.05); were aged <25 years (HR 0.45, 0.23–0.89, p=0.02); had parity >5 (HR 0.33, 0.12–0.90, p=0.03); smoked (HR 0.48, 0.31–0.76, p=0.001); and did not breastfeed (HR 0.09, 0.01–0.64, p=0.02). Conclusions: Postpartum diabetes screening rates following GDM in Far North Queensland are low, particularly among Indigenous women, with lower rates seen in the regional centre; and among non‐Indigenous women with indicators of low socioeconomic status. Implications: Strategies are urgently needed to improve postpartum diabetes screening after GDM that reach women most at risk.  相似文献   

BackgroundEvaluations of health interventions for Indigenous peoples rarely report outcomes that reflect participant and community perspectives of their experiences. Inclusion of such data may provide a fuller picture of the impact of health programmes and improve the usefulness of evaluation assessments.AimTo describe stakeholder perspectives and experiences of the implementation and impact of Indigenous health programmes.MethodsWe conducted a systematic review of qualitative studies evaluating complex health interventions designed for Indigenous communities in high‐income countries. We searched 6 electronic databases (through to January 2020): MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, EconLit and CINAHL and hand‐searched reference lists of relevant articles.ResultsFrom 28 studies involving 677 stakeholders (mostly clinical staff and participants), six main themes were identified: enabling engagement, regaining control of health, improving social health and belonging, preserving community and culture, cultivating hope for a better life, and threats to long‐term programme viability.ConclusionThe prominence of social, emotional and spiritual well‐being as important aspects of the health journey for participants in this review highlights the need to reframe evaluations of health programmes implemented in Indigenous communities away from assessments that focus on commonly used biomedical measures. Evaluators, in consultation with the community, should consistently assess the capacity of health professionals to meet community needs and expectations throughout the life of the programme. Evaluations that include qualitative data on participant and community‐level outcomes can improve decision‐makers'' understanding of the impact that health programmes have on communities.Patient or public contributionThis paper is a review of evaluation studies and did not involve patients or the public.  相似文献   

This study examined the healthcare experiences of Korean immigrants aged 40–64 living in the North Carolina Triangle area of the Southeastern United States. Using a mixed methods design, we collected quantitative data via a questionnaire from 125 participants and conducted a focus group with 10 interviewees from December 2010 to February 2011. The quantitative data were analysed using t‐tests and chi‐square tests, and a thematic analysis was used for the focus group study. Questionnaire findings showed that only 27.2% had sufficient English skills to communicate adequately. Participants with insurance were significantly more likely to be employed (P < 0.001), had higher incomes (P = 0.011) and higher education (P < 0.001), and had greater English‐speaking ability (P = 0.011) than those without insurance. Participants who did not use healthcare services showed significantly less knowledge (P < 0.001) of and less satisfaction (P = 0.034) with the healthcare system than those using healthcare services. Sixty‐two participants (49.6%) reported having no health insurance for one or more of the following reasons: high costs (75.8%), medical tourism (22.6%) and lack of information or knowledge (6.5%). The following themes emerged from the data collected during the focus group: (i) barriers to utilisation of healthcare services; (ii) facilitators of utilisation of healthcare services; and (iii) social support seeking for health management. Our mixed methods study findings indicate that healthcare disparities exist among Korean immigrants and that a number of factors, including health literacy, may contribute to their poor health outcomes. Continued collaboration among community members, healthcare professionals and academicians is needed to discuss the community's health concerns and to develop sustainable programmes that will ensure meaningful access to care for those with limited English proficiency and medically underserved populations.  相似文献   

Objective : This study describes and compares prevalence trends of markers for hepatitis B (HBV) from 2004 to 2013 and HBV risk factors between Indigenous and non‐Indigenous prison entrants. Methods : A cross‐sectional survey carried out over two weeks in 2004, 2007, 2010 and 2013 in reception prisons in New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmania. Results : The study included 2,223 prison entrants; 544 were Indigenous. Indigenous prison entrants had significantly higher hepatitis B core antibody (anti‐HBc) prevalence than non‐Indigenous prisoners in 2004 (29% vs. 18%, P=0.026), 2007 (40% vs. 15%, P<0.001) and 2010 (21% vs. 16% 2010, P=0.002), and similar anti‐HBc prevalence to non‐Indigenous entrants in 2013 (14% vs. 14%, P=0.888), with a significant decline from 2007 for Indigenous entrants (P=0.717)?. Being more than 30 years old and coming from an area classified as ‘non‐highly accessible’ were associated with anti‐HBc positivity in both populations. For Indigenous prison entrants, first time in prison and survey year was associated with anti‐HBc positivity. For non‐Indigenous participants, a history of injecting drug use and body piercings was associated with anti‐HBc positivity. Conclusion : There are unique risk factors associated with HBV prevalence for both Indigenous and non‐Indigenous prison entrants. Implications for public health : In developing public health programs and policies for HBV, consideration of similarities and differences of associated HBV risk factors between Indigenous and non‐Indigenous offenders is required.  相似文献   

Therapists and counsellors who provide trauma‐focussed therapy and support to refugees and asylum seekers are often exposed to distressing and confronting stories of war, violence, torture, loss and grief, and other atrocities. In addition to this, working within an immigration and detention context has been reported to further contribute to experiences of burnout, vicarious trauma, and other adverse consequences of working with traumatised populations. There is a scarcity of research seeking to understand how therapists address these difficulties and maintain well‐being to help them continue in this field of work. This mixed‐methods research aimed to identify and explore factors associated with mental health and well‐being among workers, with a particular focus on the role of clinical supervision. Participants were staff (n = 50) who identified as providing therapeutic support to refugees and asylum seekers either in Australia or in Australian‐run detention facilities. Participants took part in an anonymous online survey which focussed on the psychological impact of their work, professional quality of life, and clinical supervision and incorporated free‐text items. Thematic analysis of free‐text data revealed four themes related to maintaining well‐being at work including relationships and support seeking; physical and contemplative practices; professional growth; and balance and boundaries. Results from the quantitative analyses revealed several variables related to supervision that were important for well‐being. In particular, the findings suggest that rapport and overall alliance with one's clinical supervisor are protective of secondary traumatic stress and depression, respectively. Important aspects of supervision were also explored in greater depth through qualitative and quantitative inquiry, increasing our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the relationship between clinical supervision and mental health and well‐being for this group.  相似文献   

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