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Work in home help services is typically conducted by an assistant nurse or nursing aide in the home of an elderly person, and working conditions have been described as solitary with a high workload, little influence and lack of peer and leader support. Relations between leadership styles, psychosocial work environment and a number of positive and negative employee outcomes have been established in research, but the outcome in terms of quality of care has been addressed to a lesser extent. In the present study, we aimed to focus on working conditions in terms of leadership and the employee psychosocial work environment, and how these conditions are related to the quality of care. The hypothesis was that the relation between a transformational leadership style and quality of care is mediated through organisational and peer support, job control and workload. A cross‐sectional survey design was used and a total of 469 questionnaires were distributed (March–April 2012) to assistant nurses in nine Swedish home help organisations, including six municipalities and one private organisation, representing both rural and urban areas (302 questionnaires were returned, yielding a 65% response rate). The results showed that our hypothesis was supported and, when indirect effects were also taken into consideration, there was no direct effect of leadership style on quality of care. The mediated model explained 51% of the variance in quality of care. These results indicate that leadership style is important not only to employee outcomes in home help services but is also indirectly related to quality of care as assessed by staff members.  相似文献   

From a nursing perspective it is important to have information about the type of care needed, the reasons care is needed and quality of life among the most elderly people living in their own homes, in order to support their independence and maximise their quality of life. Thus a study was performed to investigate people aged 75 years and older dependent on care from professionals and/or a next of kin, their functional health, diseases, and complaints in relation to quality of life as perceived by themselves. The sample (n = 448) comprised those who, in an age-stratified randomised sample of adults living in their own homes, responded that they were dependent on help from others. The questionnaire covered sex, age, living conditions, civil status and number of children and cohabitation, respondents' health, diseases, quality of life, help from another person, and the type and amount of help received. The number of elderly persons dependent on help ranged from 18.5 to 79.1% in the different age groups. The help came mainly from informal carers (84.1%), and, in 53.1% of cases, from the home help service and home nursing care. Help from formal caregivers was given in combination with that from a next of kin in 38.8% of the cases. More next of kin than formal carers helped in all Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) and Personal Activities of Daily Living (PADL) tasks, with the exception of cleaning the house and providing a bath/shower. Although the respondents received help themselves, they also helped another person in 6.5% of cases. The elderly reported a median of three diseases and ten different complaints of which pain and impaired mobility were the most frequent. Between 20 and 40% of the respondents in the different age groups reported restricted ability to be alone and one third of them reported low or very low quality of life. Multiple linear regression analysis showed the number of complaints, restricted ability to be alone, living alone and age to have a significant relationship on low quality of life.  相似文献   

Many developments have taken place in home help services which have made further professionalization necessary. For this reason, a national study has been planned in the Netherlands to obtain a representative picture of the work of home helps and to examine overloading aspects of their workload. Five instruments were developed for this purpose and a pilot study was carried out to establish the reliability and content validity of the main instrument: a registration form to record the activities that home helps perform. Twenty-five home helps participated in the pilot study. An observer monitored them during their home visits for a period of 1 week. Both the observer and the home help recorded the activities that were carried out independently on the registration form. The reliability of the registration form was assessed by inter-rater-reliability. The validity of this instrument was estimated by the content validity. The results show that the registration form is, in general, a reliable instrument. There is a high level of agreement between home helps and observers in the four main categories: 94% for the household and the caring activities, 98% for the psycho-social or supporting activities and 96% for the reporting activities. The content validity of the form is adequate and only a few items will be added to the final version of the form.  相似文献   

Multiple barriers exist to providing home health care in rural areas. This study examined relationships between service provision and quality outcomes among rural, fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries who received home health care between 2011 and 2013 for conditions associated with high-risk for unplanned care. More skilled nursing visits, visits by more types of providers, more timely care, and shorter lengths of stay were associated with significantly higher odds of hospital readmission and emergency department use and significantly lower odds of community discharge. Results may indicate unmeasured clinical severity and care needs among this population. Additional research regarding the accuracy of current severity measures and adequacy of case-mix adjustment for quality metrics is warranted, especially given the continued focus on value-based payment policies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the components of primary health care that cause most concern to service users and to identify socio-demographic and other factors associated with satisfaction among the users of primary health care centres. DESIGN: Interviews conducted by well-trained interviewers with a random sample of heads of households. The questionnaires were composed of questions that measure the extent of satisfaction with settings and services in the primary health care centres using a 5-point rating scale from very satisfied to very dissatisfied. SETTING: The community of Qateef, eastern Saudi Arabia. Study PARTICIPANTS: A sample of 802 households representing 838 families was chosen randomly from the housing lists of the primary health care centres in Qateef. There were 40 vacant houses and nine refusals. Thus the number of heads of households actually interviewed was 789. RESULTS: Waiting area structure, confidentiality measures and environmental structure were the areas that caused most concern to service users. The factors that showed the greatest association with satisfaction were the type of the primary health care centre building (purpose-built or rented), literacy status of the household head (literate or illiterate), the extent of the primary health care centre utilization (regular or infrequent). Surprisingly, age showed no association when other characteristics of the respondents were adjusted for, and sex was less important than in other studies. CONCLUSION: How regular the respondent was in using his or her primary health care centre was more predictive in deciding the extent of satisfaction with the various components in the study than the other variables. Socio-demographic factors played minor roles in deciding the extent of satisfaction, although each had a deciding role with one or more, but not all, components.  相似文献   

Growing healthcare costs have caused home‐care providers to look for more efficient use of healthcare resources. Task shifting is suggested as a strategy to reduce the costs of delivering home‐care services. Task shifting refers to the delegation or transfer of tasks from regulated healthcare professionals to home‐care workers (HCWs). The purpose of this paper is to explore the impacts of task shifting on the quality of care provided to older adults from the perspectives of home healthcare workers. This qualitative study was completed in collaboration with a large home and community care organisation in Ontario, Canada, in 2010–2011. Using a purposive sampling strategy, semi‐structured telephone interviews were conducted with 46 home healthcare workers including HCWs, home‐care worker supervisors, nurses and therapists. Study participants reported that the most common skills transferred or delegated to HCWs were transfers, simple wound care, exercises, catheterisation, colostomies, compression stockings, G‐tube feeding and continence care. A thematic analysis of the data revealed mixed opinions on the impacts of task shifting on the quality of care. HCWs and their supervisors, more often than nurses and therapists, felt that task shifting improved the quality of care through the provision of more consistent care; the development of trust‐based relationships with clients; and because task shifting reduced the number of care providers entering the client's home. Nurses followed by therapists, as well as some supervisors and HCWs, expressed concerns that task shifting might compromise the quality of care because HCWs lacked the knowledge, training and education necessary for more complex tasks, and that scheduling problems might leave clients with inconsistent care once tasks are delegated or transferred. Policy implications for regulating bodies, employers, unions and educators are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a community-engaged approach to develop and pilot a home care aide (HCA) administered health interview with Medicaid Home and Community-based Services clients. Stakeholders identified five priority health topics and selected a card sorting methodology for interviews. A barrier to interviewing clients was decreased communication skills among HCAs, and we modified health interview training to include communication training. Stakeholders reported the interview methodology was feasible within usual care, acceptable to clients, and contributed to increased knowledge on providing person-centered care. Stakeholder engagement resulted in valuable insights regarding the health interview methodology and relevant training needs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine patients' satisfaction with continuity of care while on a waiting list for residential care or nursing home care. Two hundred and seventy-eight patients participated in the study, all living in the community setting of two cities in the Netherlands. These patients were positively assessed and on a waiting list for admission in a nursing home or a residential home. The respondents were interviewed by telephone, using a structured questionnaire. From the results, it appeared that people waiting for residential care are in general over 80 years of age and dependent on help for their daily activities. They used several types of home care facility, such as home help services, home nursing and meals on wheels. Patient satisfaction was moderately high as regards the supply of substitute care and the length of time it took to receive a home care package. There was dissatisfaction, however, with the coordination of care and the amount of information on procedures regarding the waiting list. Patients on the waiting list also reported a lack of guidance in case of problems and would not know where to turn to if their situation became more severe. The establishment of a service desk to provide information or real help in these circumstances is recommended.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify target services and determine national priorities among those services identified for a national quality assessment program of the Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA) in Korea. DESIGN: Target services were identified from published sources addressing quality problems, various quality-monitoring programs in other countries, suggestions from 26 medical specialty associations in Korea, and frequently reported consumer claims. Three steps were involved in the prioritization decision: (i) development of a set of priority criteria; (ii) expert panel survey to evaluate the extent to which individual services satisfy each of the priority criteria and to calculate mean priority ratings for individual services; and (iii) formation of four levels of priority groups-top, high-middle, middle, and low-according to the allocated priority ratings. RESULTS: Five priority criteria were selected: "burden of the condition", "seriousness of the quality problem", "interest and demand of society", "acceptability", and "the feasibility of quality assessment". Among the 57 services identified as targets for the national quality assessment program, 10 were selected as having a top priority for quality assessment because of their high feasibility rating. These are: cardiac surgery; cataract surgery; tonsillectomy; appendectomy; tooth extraction; usage of albumin/globulin products; treatments for hypertension, pneumonia, and acute upper respiratory infection; and services provided by clinical laboratory centers. CONCLUSION: The priority services identified from the studies will assist the HIRA in selecting target services and implementing the national assessment program.  相似文献   

One of the major policy trends in recent decades has been the privatization of social services. This trend has also reached Sweden, a welfare state with health care and social service sectors that previously had almost no private providers. One of the most affected areas is elderly care, i.e. home-help services and residential care provided to citizens older than 65 years, where the proportion of private providers increased from 1% in 1990 to 16% in 2010. The ongoing privatization in Sweden and many other countries has raised important questions regarding the consequences of this policy transformation. In this paper, we present a cross-sectional study comparing the quality of services in private and public elderly care. Using statistics from 2007 displaying a variety of quality dimensions covering over 99% of all elderly care residents in Sweden, we were able to show that privatization is indeed associated with significant quality differences. Structural quality factors such as the number of employees per resident was significantly smaller (-9%) in private elderly care. On the other hand, the proportion of residents participating in the formulation of their care plan (+7%), the proportion of elderly with a reasonable duration between evening meal and breakfast (+15%), and the proportion of elderly offered different food alternatives (+26%) were significantly in favour of private contractors. Our conclusion is that private care providers seem to emphasize service aspects rather than structural prerequisites for good care.  相似文献   

This mainly qualitative study compared 40 families' experience of hospital and home care. This is one aspect of a randomised, controlled trial, which aimed to evaluate the clinical and cost effectiveness of a paediatric hospital at home service (HAH) for acute illness in children. This paper builds upon previous work that has aimed to examine parents' and children's views as service users. Forty families from a larger sample population took part in structured interviews. Eleven children aged 5 to 12 years took part in semistructured interviews. A drawing technique was the chosen method of augmentation in the children's interviews. Research findings showed that HAH is an acceptable alternative to hospital care where there are essentially nursing needs. Thirty-six (90%) parents and seven children stated a clear preference for HAH. The parents' preference was based on a perception that their child's illness wasn't serious or life threatening and therefore could be managed at home with appropriate support from health professionals. The social and financial costs of hospital care compared with HAH were the other main drivers, rather than a comparison of the quality of nursing care of their child.  相似文献   

In this retrospective cohort study in Argentina, risk factors for hospital readmission of older adults, within 72 hours after hospital discharge with home care services, were analyzed. Fifty-three percent of unplanned emergency room visits within 72 hours after hospital discharge resulted in hospital readmissions, 65% of which were potentially avoidable. By multivariate logistic regression, low functionality, pressure ulcers, and age over 83 years predicted hospital readmission among emergency room attendees. It is important to identify and analyze barriers in current home care services and the high-risk population of hospital readmission to improve the strategies to avoid adverse outcomes.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo identify the impact of changes surrounding certification as a patient‐centered medical home (PCMH) on outcomes for patients with diabetes.Study SettingMinnesota legislation established mandatory quality reporting for patients with diabetes and statewide standards for certification as a PCMH. Patient‐level quality reporting data (2008‐2018) were used to study the impact of transition to a PCMH.Study DesignAchievement of Minnesota''s optimal diabetes care standard—in aggregate and by component—was modeled for adult patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes as a function of time relative to the year the patient''s primary care practice achieved PCMH certification. Patients from uncertified practices were used to control for general trend. Practice‐level random effects captured time‐invariant characteristics of practices and the practices’ average patient.Data CollectionElectronic health record data were submitted by 695 Minnesota practices capturing components of the quality standard: blood sugar control, cholesterol control, blood pressure control, nonsmoking status, and use of aspirin.Principal FindingsThe first cohort of practices achieving PCMH certification (July 2010‐June 2014) showed statistically insignificant changes in optimal care. The next cohort of practices (July 2014‐June 2018) achieved larger, clinically meaningful increases in quality of care during the time prior to and following certification. Specifically, this second cohort of practices was estimated to achieve a 12.8 percentage‐point improvement (P < .001) in the predicted probability of providing optimal diabetes care over the period spanning 3 years before to 3 years after certification.ConclusionsOur results suggest that the initial cohort of certified practices was already performing at a high level before certification, perhaps requiring little change in their operations to achieve PCMH certification. The second cohort, on the other hand, made meaningful, quality‐improving changes in the years surrounding certification. Differences by cohort may partially explain the inconsistent PCMH impacts found in the literature.  相似文献   

Publicly reporting information stimulates providers' efforts to improve the quality of health care. The availability of mandated, uniform clinical data in all nursing homes and home health agencies has facilitated the public reporting of comparative quality data. This article reviews the conceptual and technical challenges of applying information about the quality of long-term care providers and the evidence for the impact of information-based quality improvement. Quality "tools" have been used despite questions about the validity of the measures and their use in selecting providers or offering them bonus payments. Although the industry now realizes the importance of quality, research still is needed on how consumers use this information to select providers and monitor their performance and whether these efforts actually improve the outcomes of care.  相似文献   



The Australian 2021 Royal Commission identified that the dietetic workforce needs to grow in size and capacity to support nutrition care in older adults. However, little is known about dietitians' knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) regarding working with older adults in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) or their homes. This review describes dietitians' KSA regarding older adults in RACFs and home care services.


A systematic literature search was conducted in August 2021 to identify studies examining any aspect of dietitians or student dietitians' KSA working in RACFs and home care services. No restrictions were applied to methodological design, language, location or publication year. Studies were assessed for quality using the Johanna Briggs Institute Quality Appraisal Tools. Study findings were analysed thematically using meta-synthesis.


All 17 studies that met the inclusion criteria explored dietitians' attitudes towards their role, three studies examined perceived knowledge, although no studies objectively explored dietitians' skill levels. Five themes were developed inductively: (1) recognising their contribution as dietitians; (2) lacking clarity about the boundaries of their role; (3) all team members have a role to play in nutrition care; (4) assumptions and biases about working with older people; and (5) needing to build capacity in the workforce.


Dietitians have mixed attitudes about working in RACFs and home care services. Future directions include evaluating dietitians' role in RACFs, reviewing education and training and practical opportunities for student dietitians, and assessing the impact of more dietitian support on an older person's dietary intake and nutrition.  相似文献   

Limited time away from the child is cited as the main factor that increases the burden for the primary caregiver of severely disabled children. The aim of this study was to quantitatively elucidate the factors related to the desire to use social services and the actual use of respite care services by the primary caregivers of severely disabled children in Japan. In this study, we investigated the use of respite care services in accordance with the primary caregivers’ wishes by examining inhibiting or promoting factors associated with respite care service use only among those who wished to use social services. A total of 169 Japanese mothers participated and answered the questionnaires. We conducted a logistic regression analysis and a multiple regression analysis to investigate the factors related to respite care service use. The most important factors affecting a primary caregiver's desire to use social services were the belief that the child would enjoy using social services and the family's approval of the social service use. The most important factors affecting respite care service use were the family's approval of the use and a large care burden on the primary caregiver. Respite care services should be sought out before the care burden becomes too great to enable the primary caregiver to more easily contribute to the continuation of home care. A background of mother–child separation anxiety disrupted the use of respite care. However, believing that the child enjoys using social services may reduce primary caregivers’ psychological resistance to being separated from their child, which is supported by tradition. Thus, it is also important for respite care service providers to provide information about the children to their primary caregivers and families while they are using respite care services.  相似文献   

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