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A serological examination was carried out for L. monocytogenes antibodies on 9,318 domestic animal--7,809 bovine, 838 horses and 671 swine--in S?o Paulo, Brazil. Serum agglutination in tubes was the method used. Only somatic antigens from serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4a and 4b were employed. It was considered reagent all sera reacting in a titer 1/20 while as positive only sera with 1/320 or above. According this criteria the results showed showed that in cattle 17.8% were reagent but only 8 sera were positive for types 1, 2 and 4b. Only type 1 was found in horses in a rate of 22.7% reagent, and 11 positive samples. For swine the percentage of reagent was 13.3% but none serum was positive, since the highest titer was 1/160.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis in humans in the United States, 1974-1978   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Blood samples were taken from 400 stray dogs. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test were implemented using Leptospira interrogans serogroups canicola, hardjo, pyrogenes, panama, pomona, tarassovi, icterohaemorrhagiae, gryppotyphosa, wolffi and brastislava. For the ELISA test, sonicated antigen from above mentioned cultures was used. A conjugate AP-labeled anti-dog IgG antibody was used, the optimal cut-off point of ELISA was set at 1.34. Concordance between ELISA and MAT titers was measured by kappa (kappa). Overall prevalence was 35%. The most prevalent serogroups were canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae. Positive samples showed titers between 1:100 and 1:25,600, with higher titers found in serogroups canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae. Positive serum samples fell within a range of 1.36-1.65. A correlation index of 96% was found between MAT and ELISA. The sensitivity of ELISA was 98.6% and specificity 95.8%. Seroprevalence of canine leptospirosis and titers were high as a direct consequence of environmental conditions in the studied area. The ELISA test showed a good sensitivity, resulting in a good alternative test for the detection of leptospiral antibodies in dog serum.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii, the etiologic agent of Q fever, is a worldwide zoonotic pathogen. Although Q fever is present in the United States, little is known about its current incidence or geographic distribution in either humans or animals. Published reports of national disease surveillance, individual cases, outbreak investigations, and serologic surveys were reviewed to better characterize Q fever epidemiology in the United States. In national disease surveillance reports for 1948-1986, 1,396 human cases were reported from almost every state. Among published individual case reports and outbreak investigations, occupational exposures (research facilities, farm environments, slaughterhouses) were commonly reported, and sheep were most frequently implicated as a possible source of infection. In studies conducted on specific groups, livestock handlers had a significantly higher prevalence of antibodies to C. burnetii than did persons with no known risk. Animal studies showed wide variation in seroprevalence, with goats having a significantly higher average seroprevalence (41.6%) than sheep (16.5%) or cattle (3.4%). Evidence of antibody to C. burnetii was reported among various wild-animal species, including coyotes, foxes, rodents, skunks, raccoons, rabbits, deer, and birds. This literature review suggests that C. burnetii is enzootic among ruminants and wild animals throughout much of the United States and that there is widespread human exposure to this pathogen. Sheep and goats appear to be a more important risk for human infection in the United States than cattle or wild animals, and research studies examining the natural history and transmission risk of Q fever in sheep and goats in this country should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Ehrlichiosis--a disease of animals and humans   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Ehrlichiae are one of several kinds of obligate intracellular bacteria. Taxonomically, they are grouped with rickettsiae, but they can be distinguished by their unique tropism for circulating leukocytes. Ehrlichia canis causes a pancytopenia in dogs that becomes chronic if untreated. Certain breeds develop severe infections, characterized by fever, anorexia, dramatic weight loss, marked pancytopenia, anemia, peripheral edema, and hemorrhage. Ehrlichia risticii, a recently discovered species, is the cause of a serious diarrheal disease of horses. Other species of ehrlichiae have been documented as being veterinary pathogens. Recent data indicate that E. canis or a closely related species causes an acute febrile illness in humans. Clinically, the disease is similar to Rocky Mountain spotted fever, except that most patients do not have a rash. Human ehrlichiosis appears to be tickborne and is prevalent primarily in the southern Atlantic and south-central states. A mild from of ehrlichiosis has also been documented.  相似文献   

Since publishing the editorial note on antimicrobial resistance ( Eurosurveillance 1997; 2(3): 21-2) we have received replies from Austria, Belgium, Greece, and Italy. Austria does not monitor antimicrobial resistance. The National Institute for Veterinar  相似文献   

Cannabis: pharmacology and toxicology in animals and humans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cannabis is one of the most widely used drugs throughout the world. The psychoactive constituent of cannabis, δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (δ9-THC), produces a myriad of pharmacological effects in animals and humans. For many decades, the mechanism of action of cannabinoids, compounds which are structurally similar to δ9-THC, was unknown. Tremendous progress has been made recently in characterizing cannabinoid receptors both centrally and peripherally and in studying the role of second messenger systems at the cellular level. Furthermore, an endogenous ligand, anandamide, for the cannabinoid receptor has been identified. Anandamide is a fatty-acid derived compound that possesses pharmacological properties similar to δ9-THC. The production of complex behavioral events by cannabinoids is probably mediated by specific cannabinoid receptors and interactions with other neurochemical systems. Cannabis also has great therapeutic potential and has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. However, cannabinoid-derived drugs on the market today lack specificity and produce many unpleasant side effects, thus limiting therapeutic usefulness. The advent of highly potent analogs and a specific antagonist may make possible the development of compounds that lack undesirable side effects. The advancements in the field of cannabinoid pharmacology should facilitate our understanding of the physiological role of endogenous cannabinoids.  相似文献   

Concern about possible transfer of bacterial resistance to antibiotics from animals to humans is growing at an international level. This is illustrated by the ban of avoparcin use as a growth promoter in livestock which will take effect in the European Un  相似文献   

四川省夹江县钩端螺旋体病流行病学调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夹江县位于四川盆地的西南 ,青衣江下游 ,岷江中游流域的丘陵地带 ,境内沟渠纵横 ,气候温和 ,雨量充沛 ,湿度较大 ,5~ 10月降雨量约为 12 0 0mm ,7~ 9月降雨量占全年的76 %以上。境内总面积约 74 6km2 ,2 2个乡镇 ,人口 348835。境内适宜于各种农作物的生长 ,以中稻为主。植被丰富 ,有利于啮齿动物 (鼠类 )的繁殖。鼠带钩体率达 2 0 %~ 30 %。早在 195 7年已证明夹江县有钩体病的病原体〔1〕。 1971年夹江县发生一次罕见的稻田型钩体病暴发流行 ,患者死亡原因均为肺大出血引起的窒息 (后来命名为肺弥漫性出血 ,简称PDH)。 1971年首次在…  相似文献   

Various inherited disorders of copper metabolism in man and animals are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on the use of cultured cells from mutants to determine the primary molecular defects and to acquire basic knowledge of normal copper metabolism. This allows better diagnostic tests and possible treatment of the disorders. Menkes' disease in humans and mottled mouse mutants are discussed in detail, as they illustrate these approaches.  相似文献   

The 2008 Reston ebolavirus infection event in domestic pigs has triggered continuing epidemiologic investigations among Philippine health and veterinary agencies in collaboration with international filovirus experts. Prior to this, there were only 3 known and documented Reston ebolavirus outbreaks in nonhuman primates in the world, all traced back to a single geographic source in the Philippines in a monkey breeding/export facility. The first one in 1989 was the first-ever Ebola virus that emerged outside of Africa and was also the first known natural infection of Ebola virus in nonhuman primates. When it was first discovered among laboratory monkeys in the United States, the source was immediately traced back to the farm located in the Philippines. The second outbreak was in 1992-93. The third episode in 1996 was the last known outbreak before Reston ebolavirus reemerged in pigs in 2008. The isolated outbreaks involving 2 animal species bring forth issues requiring further investigations, and highlight the significance of intersectoral collaboration to effectively address zoonoses prevention and control/response in the interest of minimizing public health risk.  相似文献   

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