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Age estimation of unidentified bodies is of marked importance in forensic medicine. In previous studies, the analysis of DNA methylation in body fluids led to the identification of several age-related CpG sites in genes such as EDARADD and FHL2. However, limited information is available on whether interethnic differences may affect the age prediction results. In the present study, we examined the effect of ethnicity on the age prediction method based on methylation scores, which were determined via methylation-sensitive high-resolution melting. We found that there was a significant difference in methylation scores between Japanese and Indonesian participants of early 20 s group, and that the nationality coefficient was significant for age estimation when applying the existing method for the analysis of the methylation status of EDARADD and FHL2. This suggests that when using certain biochemical indicators as a predictor of age, the effects of ethnicity on DNA methylation should be considered to improve the accuracy of the estimation.  相似文献   

Establishing the age of unknown persons, or persons with unknown age, can provide important leads in police investigations, disaster victim identification, fraud cases, and in other legal affairs. Previous methods mostly relied on morphological features available from teeth or skeletal parts. The development of molecular methods for age estimation allowing to use human specimens that possess no morphological age information, such as bloodstains, is extremely valuable as this type of samples is commonly found at crime scenes. Recently, we introduced a DNA-based approach for human age estimation from blood based on the quantification of T-cell specific DNA rearrangements (sjTRECs), which achieves accurate assignment of blood DNA samples to one of four 20-year-interval age categories. Aiming at improving the accuracy of molecular age estimation from blood, we investigated different types of biomarkers. We started out by systematic genome-wide surveys for new age-informative mRNA and DNA methylation markers in blood from the same young and old individuals using microarray technologies. The obtained candidate markers were validated in independent samples covering a wide age range using alternative technologies together with previously proposed DNA methylation, sjTREC, and telomere length markers. Cross-validated multiple regression analysis was applied for estimating and validating the age predictive power of various sets of biomarkers within and across different marker types. We found that DNA methylation markers outperformed mRNA, sjTREC, and telomere length in age predictive power. The best performing model included 8 DNA methylation markers derived from 3 CpG islands reaching a high level of accuracy (cross-validated R2 = 0.88, SE ± 6.97 years, mean absolute deviation 5.07 years). However, our data also suggest that mRNA markers can provide independent age information: a model using a combined set of 5 DNA methylation markers and one mRNA marker could provide similarly high accuracy (cross-validated R2 = 0.86, SE ± 7.62 years, mean absolute deviation 4.60 years). Overall, our study provides new and confirms previously suggested molecular biomarkers for age estimation from blood. Moreover, our comparative study design revealed that DNA methylation markers are superior for this purpose over other types of molecular biomarkers tested. While the new and some previous findings are highly promising, before molecular age estimation can eventually meet forensic practice, the proposed biomarkers should be tested further in larger sets of blood samples from both healthy and unhealthy individuals, and markers and genotyping methods shall be validated to meet forensic standards.  相似文献   

The ability to estimate the age of the donor from recovered biological material at a crime scene can be of substantial value in forensic investigations. Aging can be complex and is associated with various molecular modifications in cells that accumulate over a person’s lifetime including epigenetic patterns. The aim of this study was to use age-specific DNA methylation patterns to generate an accurate model for the prediction of chronological age using data from whole blood. In total, 45 age-associated CpG sites were selected based on their reported age coefficients in a previous extensive study and investigated using publicly available methylation data obtained from 1156 whole blood samples (aged 2–90 years) analysed with Illumina’s genome-wide methylation platforms (27 K/450 K). Applying stepwise regression for variable selection, 23 of these CpG sites were identified that could significantly contribute to age prediction modelling and multiple regression analysis carried out with these markers provided an accurate prediction of age (R2 = 0.92, mean absolute error (MAE) = 4.6 years). However, applying machine learning, and more specifically a generalised regression neural network model, the age prediction significantly improved (R2 = 0.96) with a MAE = 3.3 years for the training set and 4.4 years for a blind test set of 231 cases. The machine learning approach used 16 CpG sites, located in 16 different genomic regions, with the top 3 predictors of age belonged to the genes NHLRC1, SCGN and CSNK1D. The proposed model was further tested using independent cohorts of 53 monozygotic twins (MAE = 7.1 years) and a cohort of 1011 disease state individuals (MAE = 7.2 years). Furthermore, we highlighted the age markers’ potential applicability in samples other than blood by predicting age with similar accuracy in 265 saliva samples (R2 = 0.96) with a MAE = 3.2 years (training set) and 4.0 years (blind test). In an attempt to create a sensitive and accurate age prediction test, a next generation sequencing (NGS)-based method able to quantify the methylation status of the selected 16 CpG sites was developed using the Illumina MiSeq® platform. The method was validated using DNA standards of known methylation levels and the age prediction accuracy has been initially assessed in a set of 46 whole blood samples. Although the resulted prediction accuracy using the NGS data was lower compared to the original model (MAE = 7.5 years), it is expected that future optimization of our strategy to account for technical variation as well as increasing the sample size will improve both the prediction accuracy and reproducibility.  相似文献   

DNA methylation analysis in a variety of genes has brought promising results in age estimation. The main aim of this study was to evaluate DNA methylation levels from four age-correlated genes, ELOVL2, FHL2, EDARADD and PDE4C, in blood samples of healthy Portuguese individuals. Fifty-three samples were analyzed through the bisulfite polymerase chain reaction (PCR) sequencing method for CpG dinucleotide methylation status. Linear regression models were used to analyze relationships between methylation levels and chronological age. The highest age-associated CpG in each locus was chosen to build a multi-locus age prediction model (APM), allowing to obtain a Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) between chronological and predicted ages of 5.35 years, explaining 94.1% of age variation. Validation approaches demonstrated the accuracy and reproducibility of the proposed multi-locus APM. Testing the APM in 51 blood samples from deceased individuals a MAD of 9.72 years was obtained. Potential differences in methylation status between samples from living and deceased individuals could exist since the highest age-correlated CpGs were different in some genes between both groups. In conclusion, our study using the bisulfite PCR sequencing method is in accordance with the high age prediction accuracy of DNA methylation levels in four previously reported age-associated genes. DNA methylation pattern differences between blood samples from living and deceased individuals should be taken into account in forensic contexts.  相似文献   

The analysis of DNA methylation has become an established method for chronological age estimation. This has triggered interest in the forensic community to develop new methods for age estimation from biological crime scene material. Various assays are available for age estimation from somatic tissues, the majority from blood. Age prediction from semen requires different DNA methylation markers and the only assays currently developed for forensic analysis are based on SNaPshot or pyrosequencing. Here, we describe a new assay using massively parallel sequencing to analyse 13 candidate CpG sites targeted in two multiplex PCRs. The assay has been validated by five consortium laboratories of the VISible Attributes through GEnomics (VISAGE) project within a collaborative exercise and was tested for reproducible quantification of DNA methylation levels and sensitivity with DNA methylation controls. Furthermore, DNA extracts and stains on Whatman FTA cards from two semen samples were used to evaluate concordance and mimic casework samples. Overall, the assay yielded high read depths (> 1000 reads) at all 13 marker positions. The methylation values obtained indicated robust quantification with an average standard deviation of 2.8% at the expected methylation level of 50% across the 13 markers and a good performance with 50 ng DNA input into bisulfite conversion. The absolute difference of quantifications from one participating laboratory to the mean quantifications of concordance and semen stains of remaining laboratories was approximately 1%. These results demonstrated the assay to be robust and suitable for age estimation from semen in forensic investigations. In addition to the 13-marker assay, a more streamlined protocol combining only five age markers in one multiplex PCR was developed. Preliminary results showed no substantial differences in DNA methylation quantification between the two assays, indicating its applicability with the VISAGE age model for semen developed with data from the complete 13-marker tool.  相似文献   

Individual age estimation has the potential to provide key information that could enhance and extend DNA intelligence tools. Following predictive tests for externally visible characteristics developed in recent years, prediction of age could guide police investigations and improve the assessment of age-related phenotype expression patterns such as hair colour changes and early onset of male pattern baldness. DNA methylation at CpG positions has emerged as the most promising DNA tests to ascertain the individual age of the donor of a biological contact trace. Although different methodologies are available to detect DNA methylation, EpiTYPER technology (Agena Bioscience, formerly Sequenom) provides useful characteristics that can be applied as a discovery tool in localized regions of the genome. In our study, a total of twenty-two candidate genomic regions, selected from the assessment of publically available data from the Illumina HumanMethylation 450 BeadChip, had a total of 177 CpG sites with informative methylation patterns that were subsequently investigated in detail. From the methylation analyses made, a novel age prediction model based on a multivariate quantile regression analysis was built using the seven highest age-correlated loci of ELOVL2, ASPA, PDE4C, FHL2, CCDC102B, C1orf132 and chr16:85395429. The detected methylation levels in these loci provide a median absolute age prediction error of ±3.07 years and a percentage of prediction error relative to the age of 6.3%. We report the predictive performance of the developed model using cross validation of a carefully age-graded training set of 725 European individuals and a test set of 52 monozygotic twin pairs. The multivariate quantile regression age predictor, using the CpG sites selected in this study, has been placed in the open-access Snipper forensic classification website.  相似文献   

Recently, a method of identifying body fluids using DNA methylation has been developed (Frumkin et al., 2011). An existing multiplex assay using 9 CpG markers could differentiate 5 body fluids: semen, blood, saliva, menstrual blood, and vaginal fluid. To validate this technique, we evaluated the previously described body fluid identification method by means of single base extension (SBE). DNA methylation was applied to 22 samples in 18 forensic cases; seven of these were semen, three were blood, eight were saliva, three were vaginal fluid, and one was menstrual blood. Total of 18 samples were tested, the DNA methylation profiles were coincident from preliminary tests (acid phosphatase (AP), leucomalachite green (LMG, Sigma Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA) and SALIgAE®) except one sample which displayed an all-negative result. After applying the DNA methylation method to forensic samples, we determined that it could be very useful for differentiating vaginal secretions from menstrual blood, for which there is no conventional preliminary testing method.  相似文献   

Tobacco smoking is a frequent habit sustained by > 1.3 billion people in 2020 and the leading preventable factor for health risk and premature mortality worldwide. In the forensic context, predicting smoking habits from biological samples may allow broadening DNA phenotyping. In this study, we aimed to implement previously published smoking habit classification models based on blood DNA methylation at 13 CpGs. First, we developed a matching lab tool based on bisulfite conversion and multiplex PCR followed by amplification-free library preparation and targeted paired-end massively parallel sequencing (MPS). Analysis of six technical duplicates revealed high reproducibility of methylation measurements (Pearson correlation of 0.983). Artificially methylated standards uncovered marker-specific amplification bias, which we corrected via bi-exponential models. We then applied our MPS tool to 232 blood samples from Europeans of a wide age range, of which 90 were current, 71 former and 71 never smokers. On average, we obtained 189,000 reads/sample and 15,000 reads/CpG, without marker drop-out. Methylation distributions per smoking category roughly corresponded to previous microarray analysis, showcasing large inter-individual variation but with technology-driven bias. Methylation at 11 out of 13 smoking-CpGs correlated with daily cigarettes in current smokers, while solely one was weakly correlated with time since cessation in former smokers. Interestingly, eight smoking-CpGs correlated with age, and one displayed weak but significant sex-associated methylation differences. Using bias-uncorrected MPS data, smoking habits were relatively accurately predicted using both two- (current/non-current) and three- (never/former/current) category model, but bias correction resulted in worse prediction performance for both models. Finally, to account for technology-driven variation, we built new, joint models with inter-technology corrections, which resulted in improved prediction results for both models, with or without PCR bias correction (e.g. MPS cross-validation F1-score > 0.8; 2-categories). Overall, our novel assay takes us one step closer towards the forensic application of viable smoking habit prediction from blood traces. However, future research is needed towards forensically validating the assay, especially in terms of sensitivity. We also need to further shed light on the employed biomarkers, particularly on the mechanistics, tissue specificity and putative confounders of smoking epigenetic signatures.  相似文献   

This paper presents updated recommendations of the Study Group on Forensic Age Diagnostics for age estimations in living individuals in criminal proceedings. In order to increase the diagnostic accuracy and to improve the identification of age-relevant developmental disorders, a physical examination, an X-ray examination of the left hand, as well as a dental examination including the determination of the dental status and an X-ray of the dentition should be performed in each case. If the skeletal development of the hand is completed, an additional radiological examination of the clavicles should be carried out. Minimum requirements for reference studies are defined and recommendable studies are listed. Instructions for the examination and the preparation of expert reports are presented. The committee of the study group organizes annual proficiency tests for quality assurance.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA phenotyping needs to be supplemented with age prediction to become a relevant source of information on human appearance. Recent progress in analysis of the human methylome has enabled selection of multiple candidate loci showing linear correlation with chronological age. Practical application in forensic science depends on successful validation of these potential age predictors. In this study, eight DNA methylation candidate loci were analysed using convenient and reliable pyrosequencing technology. A total number of 41 CpG sites was investigated in 420 samples collected from men and women aged from 2 to 75 years. The study confirmed correlation of all the investigated markers with human age. The five most significantly correlated CpG sites in ELOVL2 on 6p24.2, C1orf132 on 1q32.2, TRIM59 on 3q25.33, KLF14 on 7q32.3 and FHL2 on 2q12.2 were chosen to build a prediction model. This restriction allowed the technical analysis to be simplified without lowering the prediction accuracy significantly. Model parameters for a discovery set of 300 samples were R2 = 0.94 and the standard error of the estimate = 4.5 years. An independent set of 120 samples was used to test the model performance. Mean absolute deviation for this testing set was 3.9 years. The number of correct predictions ±5 years achieved a very high level of 86.7% in the age category 2–19 and gradually decreased to 50% in the age category 60–75. The prediction model was deterministic for individuals belonging to these two extreme age categories. The developed method was implemented in a freely available online age prediction calculator.  相似文献   


DNA methylation displays promise in a variety of forensic applications, including chronological age estimation and identical twin differentiation. Knowledge of the age of a body fluid donor would offer intelligence information, as well as provide context to physical characteristic markers. Differentiation of identical twins would also be of considerable benefit as the DNA profile of identical twins cannot be distinguished when a correspondence between DNA profiles recovered from crime scene samples and a person is identified. Our research investigates and develops a methodology for DNA methylation analysis that could be implemented into forensic casework. Our results show that the differentiation of identical twins and chronological age prediction are both possible, with similar accuracies to other international research. Targeted multiplexing of bisulphite converted DNA in combination with massively parallel sequencing is demonstrated as a viable alternative to traditional methylation analysis techniques.  相似文献   

The estimation of chronological age from biological fluids has been an important quest for forensic scientists worldwide, with recent approaches exploiting the variability of DNA methylation patterns with age in order to develop the next generation of forensic ‘DNA intelligence’ tools for this application. Drawing from the conclusions of previous work utilising massively parallel sequencing (MPS) for this analysis, this work introduces a DNA methylation-based age estimation method for blood that exhibits the best combination of prediction accuracy and sensitivity reported to date. Statistical evaluation of markers from 51 studies using microarray data from over 4000 individuals, followed by validation using in-house generated MPS data, revealed a final set of 11 markers with the greatest potential for accurate age estimation from minimal DNA material. Utilising an algorithm based on support vector machines, the proposed model achieved an average error (MAE) of 3.3 years, with this level of accuracy retained down to 5 ng of starting DNA input (~ 1 ng PCR input). The accuracy of the model was retained (MAE = 3.8 years) in a separate test set of 88 samples of Spanish origin, while predictions for donors of greater forensic interest (< 55 years of age) displayed even higher accuracy (MAE = 2.6 years). Finally, no sex-related bias was observed for this model, while there were also no signs of variation observed between control and disease-associated populations for schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, frontal temporal dementia and progressive supranuclear palsy in microarray data relating to the 11 markers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between stature and cranial measurements in a contemporary Japanese population, using three-dimensional (3D) computed tomographic (CT) images. A total of 228 cadavers (123 males, 105 females) underwent postmortem CT scanning and subsequent forensic autopsy between May 2011 and April 2015. Five cranial measurements were taken from 3D CT reconstructed images that extracted only cranial data. The correlations between stature and each of the cranial measurements were assessed with Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. Simple and multiple regression analyses showed significant correlations between stature and cranial measurements. In conclusion, cranial measurements obtained from 3D CT images may be useful for forensic estimation of the stature of Japanese individuals, particularly in cases where better predictors, such as long bones, are not available.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of the wound age is critical in investigating intentional injury cases. Establishing objective and reliable biological indicators to estimate wound age is still a significant challenge in forensic medicine. Therefore, exploring an objective, flexible, and reliable index system selection method for wound age estimation based on next-generation sequencing gene expression profiles is necessary. We randomly divided 63 Sprague-Dawley rats into a control group, seven experimental groups (n = 7 per group), and an external validation group. After rats in the experimental and external validation groups suffered contusions, we sacrificed them at 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 48 h after contusion, respectively. We selected 54 genes with the most significant changes between adjacent time points after contusion and defined set A. The Hub genes with time-related expression patterns were set B, C, and D through next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. Four different machine learning classification algorithms, including logistic regression, support vector machine, multi-layer perceptron, and random forest were used to compare and verify the efficiency of four index systems to estimate the wound age. The best combination for wound age estimation is the Genes ascribed to set A combined with the random forest classification algorithm. The accuracy of external verification was 85.71%. Only one rat was incorrectly classified (4 h post-injury incorrectly classified as 8 h). This study demonstrated the potential advantage of the index system selection based on next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics analysis for wound age estimation.  相似文献   

Age prediction of an individual based on biological traces remained in a crime scene is of ultimate importance for criminal investigation. Growing evidence indicates that some CpG sites may have age-related methylation changes and thus may be a promising tool for age prediction. In this study, we utilized the pyrosequencing approach to screen age-related CpG (AR-CpG) sites for age prediction. Five AR-CpGs were identified as age-related markers from thirty-eight candidates, among which three CpG sites, ITGA2B_1, NPTX2_3, and NPTX2_4 were never reported in previous studies. We fit a linear regression model for age prediction based on methylation assay for 89 blood samples from donors aged 9–75 years old. The model included four AR-CpG markers in three gene fragments ASPA, ITGA2B and NPTX2 and enabled the age prediction with R2 = 0.819. The mean absolute deviation (MAD) from chronological age of the model was 7.870. We validated the linear regression model with a validation set of 40 blood samples, and the prediction MAD was 7.986. There was no statistically significant difference in age prediction between 20 pairs of blood samples and bloodstains. Six pairs of fresh and old bloodstains were analyzed using our assay. The obtained results showed the assay still performed an effective prediction on bloodstains after four-month storage in room conditions. This study indicates that our DNA methylation assay is a reliable and effective method for age prediction for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA analysis of casework samples using massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technology requires a system of nomenclature for uniquely labeling sequence-based alleles and artifacts. The DNA Commission of the ISFG has published considerations concerning a nomenclature format that addresses the requirement for unique labeling of sequences. Nomenclatures based on this format can be used in databasing, or communicating sequence types, but the format is lengthy for software interfaces. The sequence identifier (SID) nomenclature addresses this gap by generating short labels able to uniquely identify all sequences (allelic and artifactual) in single-source or casework profiles. Sequences in casework profiles can be uniquely labeled with only two or three SID characters, making the format compact. SID labels can be used in algorithms for identifying and filtering artifacts, and for expressing associations between artifacts and their likely parent alleles. The nomenclature is suitable for use in downstream mixture analysis by any software able to accept character values rather than numeral values. The SID nomenclature is described, and its ability to discriminate sequence-based alleles and artifacts is demonstrated, and its applicability to forensic mixture analysis is demonstrated.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we have provided the first proof that chronological age can be estimated through DNA methylation (DNAm) patterns in fingernails and toenails. DNAm data of 15 CpGs located in 4 genetic markers (ASPA, EDARADD, ELOVL2 and PDE4C) were evaluated, of which variable selection yielded age prediction models with a mean absolute deviation (MAD) ranging from 7.68 to 9.36 years, depending on the sampling location. Three additional age-associated markers (KLF14, MIR29B2CHG and TRIM59) were assessed in the current study with the goal of increasing the prediction accuracy of the model initially constructed for toenails. This new and improved age estimation assay yielded an MAD of 4.82 and 5.61 years for the training and test set, respectively. The feasibility of the application for post-mortem cases was also demonstrated through testing a limited set of samples collected from deceased individuals.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification often present a challenge in forensic investigations of e.g., terrorism, missing persons, sexual assaults and other criminal cases. Such inhibitors may be counteracted by dilution of the DNA extract, using different additives, and selecting an inhibitory resistant DNA polymerase. Additionally, DNA in forensic samples is often present in limited amounts and degraded, requiring special analyses of short nuclear targets or mitochondrial DNA. The present study evaluated the enzymes AmpliTaq Gold, HotStarTaq Plus, KAPA3G Plant, and KAPA2G Robust, with regard to their ability to overcome inhibitory effects. Our data showed that diluting the extracts and adding bovine serum albumin may increase the yield of the PCR product. However, the largest impact was observed when alternative enzymes were utilized, instead of the commonly used AmpliTaq Gold. KAPA2G Robust presented the highest amplification efficiency in the presence of the inhibitor ammonium nitrate. Moreover, the KAPA3G Plant enzyme had the highest efficiency in amplifying degraded DNA from old buried bone material. KAPA3G Plant and KAPA2G Robust may thus be useful for counteracting inhibitors and improving the analysis of challenging samples.  相似文献   

Monozygotic (MZ) twins share the same STR profile, demonstrating a practical problem in forensic casework. DNA methylation has provided a suitable resource for MZ twin differentiation; however, studies addressing the forensic feasibility are lacking. Here, we investigated epigenetic MZ twin differentiation from blood under the forensic scenario comprising i) the discovery of candidate markers in reference-type blood DNA via genome-wide analysis, ii) the technical validation of candidate markers in reference-type blood DNA using a suitable targeted method, and iii) the analysis of the validated markers in trace-type DNA. Genome-wide methylation analysis in blood DNA from 10 MZ twin pairs resulted in 19–111 twin-differentially methylated sites (tDMSs) per pair with >0.3 twin-to-twin differences. Considering all top three candidate tDMSs across all pairs in the technical validation based on methylation-specific qPCR, 67.85% generated >0.1 twin-to-twin differences. Of the validated tDMSs, 68.4% showed >0.1 twin-to-twin differences with qPCR in trace-type DNA across 8 pairs. Using an updated marker selection strategy, 8 additional candidate tDMSs were obtained for an example MZ pair, of which 7 showed >0.1 twin-to-twin differences in both reference- and trace-type DNA. Lastly, we introduce a high-resolution melting curve analysis of the entire fragment that can complement the proposed approach. Overall, our study demonstrates the general feasibility of epigenetic twin differentiation in the forensic context and highlights that the number of informative tDMSs in the final trace DNA analysis is crucial, as some candidate markers identified in reference DNA were shown not informative in the trace DNA due to various, including technical, reasons. Future studies will need to address the optimal number of epigenetic markers required for reliable identification of MZ twin individuals including statistical considerations.  相似文献   

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