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Thyroid nodule segmentation and classification in ultrasound images are two essential but challenging tasks for computer-aided diagnosis of thyroid nodules. Since these two tasks are inherently related to each other and sharing some common features, solving them jointly with multi-task leaning is a promising direction. However, both previous studies and our experimental results confirm the problem of inconsistent predictions among these related tasks. In this paper, we summarize two types of task inconsistency according to the relationship among different tasks: intra-task inconsistency between homogeneous tasks (e.g., both tasks are pixel-wise segmentation tasks); and inter-task inconsistency between heterogeneous tasks (e.g., pixel-wise segmentation task and categorical classification task). To address the task inconsistency problems, we propose intra- and inter-task consistent learning on top of the designed multi-stage and multi-task learning network to enforce the network learn consistent predictions for all the tasks during network training. Our experimental results based on a large clinical thyroid ultrasound image dataset indicate that the proposed intra- and inter-task consistent learning can effectively eliminate both types of task inconsistency and thus improve the performance of all tasks for thyroid nodule segmentation and classification.  相似文献   

Accurate segmentation of breast mass in 3D automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) plays an important role in breast cancer analysis. Deep convolutional networks have become a promising approach in segmenting ABUS images. However, designing an effective network architecture is time-consuming, and highly relies on specialist’s experience and prior knowledge. To address this issue, we introduce a searchable segmentation network (denoted as Auto-DenseUNet) based on the neural architecture search (NAS) to search the optimal architecture automatically for the ABUS mass segmentation task. Concretely, a novel search space is designed based on a densely connected structure to enhance the gradient and information flows throughout the network. Then, to encourage multiscale information fusion, a set of searchable multiscale aggregation nodes between the down-sampling and up-sampling parts of the network are further designed. Thus, all the operators within the dense connection structure or between any two aggregation nodes can be searched to find the optimal structure. Finally, a novel decoupled search training strategy during architecture search is also introduced to alleviate the memory limitation caused by continuous relaxation in NAS. The proposed Auto-DenseUNet method has been evaluated on our ABUS dataset with 170 volumes (from 107 patients), including 120 training volumes and 50 testing volumes split at patient level. Experimental results on testing volumes show that our searched architecture performed better than several human-designed segmentation models on the 3D ABUS mass segmentation task, indicating the effectiveness of our proposed method.  相似文献   

New automated whole breast ultrasound (ABUS) machines have recently been developed and the ultrasound (US) volume dataset of the whole breast can be acquired in a standard manner. The purpose of this study was to develop a novel computer-aided diagnosis system for classification of breast masses in ABUS images. One hundred forty-seven cases (76 benign and 71 malignant breast masses) were obtained by a commercially available ABUS system. Because the distance of neighboring slices in ABUS images is fixed and small, these continuous slices were used for reconstruction as three-dimensional (3-D) US images. The 3-D tumor contour was segmented using the level-set segmentation method. Then, the 3-D features, including the texture, shape and ellipsoid fitting were extracted based on the segmented 3-D tumor contour to classify benign and malignant tumors based on the logistic regression model. The Student’s t test, Mann-Whitney U test and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis were used for statistical analysis. From the Az values of ROC curves, the shape features (0.9138) are better than the texture features (0.8603) and the ellipsoid fitting features (0.8496) for classification. The difference was significant between shape and ellipsoid fitting features (p = 0.0382). However, combination of ellipsoid fitting features and shape features can achieve a best performance with accuracy of 85.0% (125/147), sensitivity of 84.5% (60/71), specificity of 85.5% (65/76) and the area under the ROC curve Az of 0.9466. The results showed that ABUS images could be used for computer-aided feature extraction and classification of breast tumors. (E-mail: rfchang@csie.ntu.edu.tw)  相似文献   

Breast tumor segmentation is an important step in the diagnostic procedure of physicians and computer-aided diagnosis systems. We propose a two-step deep learning framework for breast tumor segmentation in breast ultrasound (BUS) images which requires only a few manual labels. The first step is breast anatomy decomposition handled by a semi-supervised semantic segmentation technique. The input BUS image is decomposed into four breast anatomical structures, namely fat, mammary gland, muscle and thorax layers. Fat and mammary gland layers are used as constrained region to reduce the search space for breast tumor segmentation. The second step is breast tumor segmentation performed in a weakly-supervised learning scenario where only image-level labels are available. Breast tumors are first recognized by a classification network and then segmented by the proposed class activation mapping and deep level set (CAM-DLS) method. For breast anatomy decomposition, the proposed framework achieves Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 83.0 ± 11.8%, 84.3 ± 10.0%, 80.7 ± 15.4% and 91.0 ± 11.4% for fat, mammary gland, muscle and thorax layers, respectively. For breast tumor recognition, the proposed framework achieves sensitivity of 95.8%, precision of 92.4%, specificity of 93.9%, accuracy of 94.8% and F1-score of 0.941. For breast tumor segmentation, the proposed framework achieves DSC of 77.3% and intersection-over-union (IoU) of 66.0%. In conclusion, the proposed framework could efficiently perform breast tumor recognition and segmentation simultaneously in a weakly-supervised setting with anatomical constraints.  相似文献   

Fully convolutional networks (FCNs), including UNet and VNet, are widely-used network architectures for semantic segmentation in recent studies. However, conventional FCN is typically trained by the cross-entropy or Dice loss, which only calculates the error between predictions and ground-truth labels for pixels individually. This often results in non-smooth neighborhoods in the predicted segmentation. This problem becomes more serious in CT prostate segmentation as CT images are usually of low tissue contrast. To address this problem, we propose a two-stage framework, with the first stage to quickly localize the prostate region, and the second stage to precisely segment the prostate by a multi-task UNet architecture. We introduce a novel online metric learning module through voxel-wise sampling in the multi-task network. Therefore, the proposed network has a dual-branch architecture that tackles two tasks: (1) a segmentation sub-network aiming to generate the prostate segmentation, and (2) a voxel-metric learning sub-network aiming to improve the quality of the learned feature space supervised by a metric loss. Specifically, the voxel-metric learning sub-network samples tuples (including triplets and pairs) in voxel-level through the intermediate feature maps. Unlike conventional deep metric learning methods that generate triplets or pairs in image-level before the training phase, our proposed voxel-wise tuples are sampled in an online manner and operated in an end-to-end fashion via multi-task learning. To evaluate the proposed method, we implement extensive experiments on a real CT image dataset consisting 339 patients. The ablation studies show that our method can effectively learn more representative voxel-level features compared with the conventional learning methods with cross-entropy or Dice loss. And the comparisons show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a reasonable margin.  相似文献   

With the recent development of deep learning, the classification and segmentation tasks of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) using non-contrast head computed tomography (NCCT) for intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) has become popular in emergency medical care. However, a few challenges remain, such as the difficulty of training due to the heterogeneity of ICH, the requirement for high performance in both sensitivity and specificity, patient-level predictions demanding excessive costs, and vulnerability to real-world external data. In this study, we proposed a supervised multi-task aiding representation transfer learning network (SMART-Net) for ICH to overcome these challenges. The proposed framework consists of upstream and downstream components. In the upstream, a weight-shared encoder of the model is trained as a robust feature extractor that captures global features by performing slice-level multi-pretext tasks (classification, segmentation, and reconstruction). Adding a consistency loss to regularize discrepancies between classification and segmentation heads has significantly improved representation and transferability. In the downstream, the transfer learning was conducted with a pre-trained encoder and 3D operator (classifier or segmenter) for volume-level tasks. Excessive ablation studies were conducted and the SMART-Net was developed with optimal multi-pretext task combinations and a 3D operator. Experimental results based on four test sets (one internal and two external test sets that reflect a natural incidence of ICH, and one public test set with a relatively small amount of ICH cases) indicate that SMART-Net has better robustness and performance in terms of volume-level ICH classification and segmentation over previous methods. All code is available at https://github.com/babbu3682/SMART-Net.  相似文献   

Automatic segmentation of organs at risk is crucial to aid diagnoses and remains a challenging task in medical image analysis domain. To perform the segmentation, we use multi-task learning (MTL) to accurately determine the contour of organs at risk in CT images. We train an encoder-decoder network for two tasks in parallel. The main task is the segmentation of organs, entailing a pixel-level classification in the CT images, and the auxiliary task is the multi-label classification of organs, entailing an image-level multi-label classification of the CT images. To boost the performance of the multi-label classification, we propose a weighted mean cross entropy loss function for the network training, where the weights are the global conditional probability between two organs. Based on MTL, we optimize the false positive filtering (FPF) algorithm to decrease the number of falsely segmented organ pixels in the CT images. Specifically, we propose a dynamic threshold selection (DTS) strategy to prevent true positive rates from decreasing when using the FPF algorithm. We validate these methods on the public ISBI 2019 segmentation of thoracic organs at risk (SegTHOR) challenge dataset and a private medical organ dataset. The experimental results show that networks using our proposed methods outperform basic encoder-decoder networks without increasing the training time complexity.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is one of the most common causes of death among women worldwide. Early signs of breast cancer can be an abnormality depicted on breast images (e.g., mammography or breast ultrasonography). However, reliable interpretation of breast images requires intensive labor and physicians with extensive experience. Deep learning is evolving breast imaging diagnosis by introducing a second opinion to physicians. However, most deep learning-based breast cancer analysis algorithms lack interpretability because of their black box nature, which means that domain experts cannot understand why the algorithms predict a label. In addition, most deep learning algorithms are formulated as a single-task-based model that ignores correlations between different tasks (e.g., tumor classification and segmentation). In this paper, we propose an interpretable multitask information bottleneck network (MIB-Net) to accomplish simultaneous breast tumor classification and segmentation. MIB-Net maximizes the mutual information between the latent representations and class labels while minimizing information shared by the latent representations and inputs. In contrast from existing models, our MIB-Net generates a contribution score map that offers an interpretable aid for physicians to understand the model’s decision-making process. In addition, MIB-Net implements multitask learning and further proposes a dual prior knowledge guidance strategy to enhance deep task correlation. Our evaluations are carried out on three breast image datasets in different modalities. Our results show that the proposed framework is not only able to help physicians better understand the model’s decisions but also improve breast tumor classification and segmentation accuracy over representative state-of-the-art models. Our code is available at https://github.com/jxw0810/MIB-Net.  相似文献   

Medical image segmentation can provide a reliable basis for further clinical analysis and disease diagnosis. With the development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), medical image segmentation performance has advanced significantly. However, most existing CNN-based methods often produce unsatisfactory segmentation masks without accurate object boundaries. This problem is caused by the limited context information and inadequate discriminative feature maps after consecutive pooling and convolution operations. Additionally, medical images are characterized by high intra-class variation, inter-class indistinction and noise, extracting powerful context and aggregating discriminative features for fine-grained segmentation remain challenging. In this study, we formulate a boundary-aware context neural network (BA-Net) for 2D medical image segmentation to capture richer context and preserve fine spatial information, which incorporates encoder-decoder architecture. In each stage of the encoder sub-network, a proposed pyramid edge extraction module first obtains multi-granularity edge information. Then a newly designed mini multi-task learning module for jointly learning segments the object masks and detects lesion boundaries, in which a new interactive attention layer is introduced to bridge the two tasks. In this way, information complementarity between different tasks is achieved, which effectively leverages the boundary information to offer strong cues for better segmentation prediction. Finally, a cross feature fusion module acts to selectively aggregate multi-level features from the entire encoder sub-network. By cascading these three modules, richer context and fine-grain features of each stage are encoded and then delivered to the decoder. The results of extensive experiments on five datasets show that the proposed BA-Net outperforms state-of-the-art techniques.  相似文献   

To assist radiologists in breast cancer classification in automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) imaging, we propose a computer-aided diagnosis based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) that classifies breast lesions as benign and malignant. The proposed CNN adopts a modified Inception-v3 architecture to provide efficient feature extraction in ABUS imaging. Because the ABUS images can be visualized in transverse and coronal views, the proposed CNN provides an efficient way to extract multiview features from both views. The proposed CNN was trained and evaluated on 316 breast lesions (135 malignant and 181 benign). An observer performance test was conducted to compare five human reviewers' diagnostic performance before and after referring to the predicting outcomes of the proposed CNN. Our method achieved an area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.9468 with five-folder cross-validation, for which the sensitivity and specificity were 0.886 and 0.876, respectively. Compared with conventional machine learning-based feature extraction schemes, particularly principal component analysis (PCA) and histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), our method achieved a significant improvement in classification performance. The proposed CNN achieved a >10% increased AUC value compared with PCA and HOG. During the observer performance test, the diagnostic results of all human reviewers had increased AUC values and sensitivities after referring to the classification results of the proposed CNN, and four of the five human reviewers’ AUCs were significantly improved. The proposed CNN employing a multiview strategy showed promise for the diagnosis of breast cancer, and could be used as a second reviewer for increasing diagnostic reliability.  相似文献   

Incorporating human domain knowledge for breast tumor diagnosis is challenging because shape, boundary, curvature, intensity or other common medical priors vary significantly across patients and cannot be employed. This work proposes a new approach to integrating visual saliency into a deep learning model for breast tumor segmentation in ultrasound images. Visual saliency refers to image maps containing regions that are more likely to attract radiologists’ visual attention. The proposed approach introduces attention blocks into a U-Net architecture and learns feature representations that prioritize spatial regions with high saliency levels. The validation results indicate increased accuracy for tumor segmentation relative to models without salient attention layers. The approach achieved a Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 90.5% on a data set of 510 images. The salient attention model has the potential to enhance accuracy and robustness in processing medical images of other organs, by providing a means to incorporate task-specific knowledge into deep learning architectures.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new deep regression model, which we call DeepDistance, for cell detection in images acquired with inverted microscopy. This model considers cell detection as a task of finding most probable locations that suggest cell centers in an image. It represents this main task with a regression task of learning an inner distance metric. However, different than the previously reported regression based methods, the DeepDistance model proposes to approach its learning as a multi-task regression problem where multiple tasks are learned by using shared feature representations. To this end, it defines a secondary metric, normalized outer distance, to represent a different aspect of the problem and proposes to define its learning as complementary to the main cell detection task. In order to learn these two complementary tasks more effectively, the DeepDistance model designs a fully convolutional network (FCN) with a shared encoder path and end-to-end trains this FCN to concurrently learn the tasks in parallel. For further performance improvement on the main task, this paper also presents an extended version of the DeepDistance model that includes an auxiliary classification task and learns it in parallel to the two regression tasks by also sharing feature representations with them. DeepDistance uses the inner distances estimated by these FCNs in a detection algorithm to locate individual cells in a given image. In addition to this detection algorithm, this paper also suggests a cell segmentation algorithm that employs the estimated maps to find cell boundaries. Our experiments on three different human cell lines reveal that the proposed multi-task learning models, the DeepDistance model and its extended version, successfully identify the locations of cell as well as delineate their boundaries, even for the cell line that was not used in training, and improve the results of its counterparts.  相似文献   

Watershed segmentation for breast tumor in 2-D sonography   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Automatic contouring for breast tumors using medical ultrasound (US) imaging may assist physicians without relevant experience, in making correct diagnoses. This study integrates the advantages of neural network (NN) classification and morphological watershed segmentation to extract precise contours of breast tumors from US images. Textural analysis is employed to yield inputs to the NN to classify ultrasonic images. Autocovariance coefficients specify texture features to classify breasts imaged by US using a self-organizing map (SOM). After the texture features in sonography have been classified, an adaptive preprocessing procedure is selected by SOM output. Finally, watershed transformation automatically determines the contours of the tumor. In this study, the proposed method was trained and tested using images from 60 patients. The results of computer simulations reveal that the proposed method always identified similar contours and regions-of-interest (ROIs) to those obtained by manual contouring (by an experienced physician) of the breast tumor in ultrasonic images. As US imaging becomes more widespread, a functional automatic contouring method is essential and its clinical application is becoming urgent. Such a method provides robust and fast automatic contouring of US images. This study is not to emphasize that the automatic contouring technique is superior to the one undertaken manually. Both automatic and manual contours did not, after all, necessarily result in the same factual pathologic border. In computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) applications, automatic segmentation can save much of the time required to sketch a precise contour, with very high stability.  相似文献   

High throughput nuclear segmentation and classification of whole slide images (WSIs) is crucial to biological analysis, clinical diagnosis and precision medicine. With the advances of CNN algorithms and the continuously growing datasets, considerable progress has been made in nuclear segmentation and classification. However, few works consider how to reasonably deal with nuclear heterogeneity in the following two aspects: imbalanced data distribution and diversified morphology characteristics. The minority classes might be dominated by the majority classes due to the imbalanced data distribution and the diversified morphology characteristics may lead to fragile segmentation results. In this study, a cost-Sensitive MultI-task LEarning (SMILE) framework is conducted to tackle the data heterogeneity problem. Based on the most popular multi-task learning backbone in nuclei segmentation and classification, we propose a multi-task correlation attention (MTCA) to perform feature interaction of multiple high relevant tasks to learn better feature representation. A cost-sensitive learning strategy is proposed to solve the imbalanced data distribution by increasing the penalization for the error classification of the minority classes. Furthermore, we propose a novel post-processing step based on the coarse-to-fine marker-controlled watershed scheme to alleviate fragile segmentation when nuclei are with large size and unclear contour. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performances on CoNSeP and MoNuSAC 2020 datasets. The code is available at: https://github.com/panxipeng/nuclear_segandcls.  相似文献   

In recent years, deep learning technology has shown superior performance in different fields of medical image analysis. Some deep learning architectures have been proposed and used for computational pathology classification, segmentation, and detection tasks. Due to their simple, modular structure, most downstream applications still use ResNet and its variants as the backbone network. This paper proposes a modular group attention block that can capture feature dependencies in medical images in two independent dimensions: channel and space. By stacking these group attention blocks in ResNet-style, we obtain a new ResNet variant called ResGANet. The stacked ResGANet architecture has 1.51–3.47 times fewer parameters than the original ResNet and can be directly used for downstream medical image segmentation tasks. Many experiments show that the proposed ResGANet is superior to state-of-the-art backbone models in medical image classification tasks. Applying it to different segmentation networks can improve the baseline model in medical image segmentation tasks without changing the network architecture. We hope that this work provides a promising method for enhancing the feature representation of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in the future.  相似文献   

Tissue elasticity of a lesion is a useful criterion for the diagnosis of breast ultrasound (US). Elastograms are created by comparing ultrasonic radio-frequency waveforms before and after a light-tissue compression. In this study, we evaluate the accuracy of continuous US strain image in the classification of benign from malignant breast tumors. A series of B-mode US images is applied and each case involves 60 continuous images obtained by using the steady artificial pressure of the US probe. In general, after compression by the US probe, a soft benign tumor will become flatter than a stiffened malignant tumor. We proposed a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system by utilizing the nonrigid image registration modality on the analysis of tumor deformation. Furthermore, we used some image preprocessing methods, which included the level set segmentation, to improve the performance. One-hundred pathology-proven cases, including 60 benign breast tumors and 40 malignant tumors, were used in the experiments to test the classification accuracy of the proposed method. Four characteristic values--normalized slope of metric value (NSM), normalized area difference (NAD), normalized standard deviation (NSD) and normalized center translation (NCT)--were computed for all cases. By using the support vector machine, the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values of the classification of continuous US strain images were satisfactory. The A(z) value of the support vector machine based on the four characteristic values used for the classification of solid breast tumors was 0.9358.  相似文献   

Clinical diagnosis of the pediatric musculoskeletal system relies on the analysis of medical imaging examinations. In the medical image processing pipeline, semantic segmentation using deep learning algorithms enables an automatic generation of patient-specific three-dimensional anatomical models which are crucial for morphological evaluation. However, the scarcity of pediatric imaging resources may result in reduced accuracy and generalization performance of individual deep segmentation models. In this study, we propose to design a novel multi-task, multi-domain learning framework in which a single segmentation network is optimized over the union of multiple datasets arising from distinct parts of the anatomy. Unlike previous approaches, we simultaneously consider multiple intensity domains and segmentation tasks to overcome the inherent scarcity of pediatric data while leveraging shared features between imaging datasets. To further improve generalization capabilities, we employ a transfer learning scheme from natural image classification, along with a multi-scale contrastive regularization aimed at promoting domain-specific clusters in the shared representations, and multi-joint anatomical priors to enforce anatomically consistent predictions. We evaluate our contributions for performing bone segmentation using three scarce and pediatric imaging datasets of the ankle, knee, and shoulder joints. Our results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms individual, transfer, and shared segmentation schemes in Dice metric with statistically sufficient margins. The proposed model brings new perspectives towards intelligent use of imaging resources and better management of pediatric musculoskeletal disorders.  相似文献   

In histopathological image analysis, the morphology of histological structures, such as glands and nuclei, has been routinely adopted by pathologists to assess the malignancy degree of adenocarcinomas. Accurate detection and segmentation of these objects of interest from histology images is an essential prerequisite to obtain reliable morphological statistics for quantitative diagnosis. While manual annotation is error-prone, time-consuming and operator-dependant, automated detection and segmentation of objects of interest from histology images can be very challenging due to the large appearance variation, existence of strong mimics, and serious degeneration of histological structures. In order to meet these challenges, we propose a novel deep contour-aware network (DCAN) under a unified multi-task learning framework for more accurate detection and segmentation. In the proposed network, multi-level contextual features are explored based on an end-to-end fully convolutional network (FCN) to deal with the large appearance variation. We further propose to employ an auxiliary supervision mechanism to overcome the problem of vanishing gradients when training such a deep network. More importantly, our network can not only output accurate probability maps of histological objects, but also depict clear contours simultaneously for separating clustered object instances, which further boosts the segmentation performance. Our method ranked the first in two histological object segmentation challenges, including 2015 MICCAI Gland Segmentation Challenge and 2015 MICCAI Nuclei Segmentation Challenge. Extensive experiments on these two challenging datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our method, surpassing all the other methods by a significant margin.  相似文献   

Simultaneous and automatic segmentation of the blood pool and myocardium is an important precondition for early diagnosis and pre-operative planning in patients with complex congenital heart disease. However, due to the high diversity of cardiovascular structures and changes in mechanical properties caused by cardiac defects, the segmentation task still faces great challenges. To overcome these challenges, in this study we propose an integrated multi-task deep learning framework based on the dilated residual and hybrid pyramid pooling network (DRHPPN) for joint segmentation of the blood pool and myocardium. The framework consists of three closely connected progressive sub-networks. An inception module is used to realize the initial multi-level feature representation of cardiovascular images. A dilated residual network (DRN), as the main body of feature extraction and pixel classification, preliminary predicts segmentation regions. A hybrid pyramid pooling network (HPPN) is designed for facilitating the aggregation of local information to global information, which complements DRN. Extensive experiments on three-dimensional cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) images (the available dataset of the MICCAI 2016 HVSMR challenge) demonstrate that our approach can accurately segment the blood pool and myocardium and achieve competitive performance compared with state-of-the-art segmentation methods.  相似文献   

To increase the ability of ultrasonographic technology for the differential diagnosis of solid breast tumors, we describe a novel computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) system using neural networks for classification of breast tumors. Tumor regions and surrounding tissues are segmented from the physician-located region-of-interest (ROI) images by applying our proposed segmentation algorithm. Cooperating with the segmentation algorithm, three feasible features, including variance contrast, autocorrelation contrast and distribution distortion of wavelet coefficients, were extracted from the ROI images for further classification. A multilayered perceptron (MLP) neural network trained using error back-propagation algorithm with momentum was then used for the differential diagnosis of breast tumors on sonograms. In the experiment, 242 cases (including benign breast tumors from 161 patients and carcinomas from 82 patients) were sampled with k-fold cross-validation (k = 10) to evaluate the performance. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area index for the proposed CADx system is 0.9396 +/- 0.0183, the sensitivity is 98.77%, the specificity is 81.37%, the positive predictive value is 72.73% and the negative predictive value is 99.24%. Experimental results showed that our diagnosis model performed very well for breast tumor diagnosis.  相似文献   

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